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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 17 |
218Sentenced To Die In A Water Prison
Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though something strange happened to you (1 Peter 4:12).
The angels announced to Rhoda that the successful evangelistic outreach in Somalia had angered Muslim radicals. Those Muslim gunmen took revenge against God by capturing 7 new Christian converts and imprisoning them in a water prison. The angels urged us to speed to Kismayo to rescue them. £450 was needed for the trip, they said. The trouble was, we were skint! We couldn’t put even £100 together. We asked other Christians who don’t support MM if they would help us by loaning us funds to mount the rescue mission. Whenever we have asked previously, our requests fell on deaf ears, even though we were only asking for a loan, not an outright donation. Those who turned us down claim to be Christ’s, but you do wonder. Why can’t they discern? Why can’t they follow Matthew 5:42 and 1 John 3:17-19? I know conmen are about, but that’s why we are given spiritual gifts to test the spirits. (Obviously, they don’t have those needed gifts, so can’t discern.) Again they declined to help. However, Fiona contacted a friend she knew who also ministers in other countries. Her ministry is small: that of her and her husband. She knew the difficulties encountered in Islamic countries and in her own experience has suffered equal lacks at times. She gave her last £500 to fund the trip! We were so grateful. What a wonderful example! Tragically however, seven new believers were executed. But, God is ultimately in charge, and He allows tragedies for greater purposes. Perhaps he will soon resurrect those who died?! Here is what happened: 1st July 2019.7:04. From John: Thanks Will. We are waiting for the money to arrive so that we can move very fast to that place. God bless. 1st July 2019.10:37. From Rhoda: "THE MM FOLKS ARE BEING BEATEN UP, MONEY TO REACH JOHN URGENTLY NOW NOW NOW TO HELP THEM REACH THERE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 1st July 2019.11:21. From John: We have received news that our brothers are being beaten up. We will move very fast there once we receive the money. [John got the money half an hour later.] 1st July 2019.19:43. From John: We are almost reaching Kismayo city. 1st July 2019.19:46. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM WILL STAY IN KISMAYO TILL THURSDAY MORNING. THEY NEED £400 TO KEEP THEM GOING TILL THURSDAY. URGENT, URGENT, URGENT." 7 Angels said now. 1st July 2019.21:29. From John: We have just arrived in Kismayo, the thick white mists led us to the ocean. Our fuel can't sustain us till tomorrow. We need more fuel. This place is hostile, we can hear gunshots in almost all corners. Monday 1st July 2019.21:33. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £400 TO REACH JOHN BY M-PESA TO KEEP THEM GOING IN KISMAYO. IT IS WORSE IN KISMAYO. GUN SHOTS ALL OVER TO DISTRACT THE MM EVANGELISTS, BUT GOD IS ABLE." 7 Angels said that to me now. [We had no money then!] Comment: Next day Bob sent £300; it had just arrived and was all we had. 2nd July 2019.20:18. From John: We arrived here at midnight. The white mists led us to where our brothers are held. And to our surprise those who arrested them are also facing us with opened MM Faith lits. We can't understand their move. They are demanding we pay £500,000 ransom by tomorrow noon or they kill all seven MM folks. We even pleaded with them to have dialogue with us but they are very firm. One of the brothers arrested used the MM Faith lit as a human shield when he was attacked and nine people died. So the MM folks got arrested and accused of using MM Faith lits as weapons to kill Muslims. Up to now we have tried over ten times pleading but they won't give in. We trust God for a breakthrough. Fuel prices too have been hiked up of course to harm us financially and block our movements. We are heading back there... 2nd July 2019.20:28. From Rhoda: "THE TORMENTORS ARE BLOCKING JOHN AND THE TEAM FROM RESCUING THE MM FOLKS USING MM FAITH LITS THEY GRABBED FROM THE MM FOLKS THEY ARRESTED. THE TEAM IS IN A BIG PROBLEM, FUEL PRICES ALSO RAISED. THE TORMENTORS ARE DEMANDING £500,000 RANSOM MONEY. GOD THE GREAT IAM SAYS THIS: LET £540 REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT. LET THE MONEY BE PLACED IN THE MM FAITH LIT AND BE PRESENTED TO THE TORMENTORS. THEY WILL PUT DOWN THE FAITH LITS AND START TO COUNT THE MONEY. WHILE STILL COUNTING MONEY LET JOHN AND THE TEAM POINT AT THEM IMMEDIATELY WITH OPENED MM FAITH LITS. GOD WILL KILL ALL OF THEM, THEN THE MM FOLKS WILL GET REMOVED FROM THE WATERS. THEN JOHN AND THE TEAM WILL PICK THE MONEY PLUS ALL THE MM FAITH LITS AND MOVE ON. THE MONEY WILL BE USED TO FUEL THE VAN. THIS IS VERY VERY URGENT URGENT. MM FAITH LITS ARE IN THE WRONG HANDS. LET £540 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels said that to me now. [We had no funds till the next day.] Dreadful Situation: The Money Sent Is Blocked3rd July 2019.8:41. From John: We are still waiting for the money Bob sent [£442] it hasn't reflected yet. 9:21. From John: It is completely worse here, more than worse. If we can get at least £200 now then we will go face them. 9:36. Reply: Since the system has blocked that money going to you, and since Bob is the only one who can send (all others are blocked or unable for other reasons), we are unable to get any money to you except via the bank... [Because of the situation I asked God to rescue them without the stated money.] 9:40. From John: It is horrible here. It is horrible here. We leave it to God. 9:54. These people are testing our God, they are using the anointed MM Faith lits to guard themselves against God's punishment. We trust God will act. 9:48. From Rhoda: "GOD IS OPENING UP OTHER MEANS FOR MONEY TO REACH JOHN. IT IS THROUGH MONEY REACHING JOHN THAT GOD IS GOING TO USE TO SAVE THE MM FOLKS. IF THEY DIE GOD WILL COUNT IT AS AN UNPARDONABLE SIN AND IT WILL BE BAD. JOHN MUST NOT SELL HIS LAND, HE MUST NOT SELL HIS LAND. LET AT LEAST SOME MONEY REACH THEM. IT IS COMPLETELY WORSE THERE. GOD IS OPENING UP MEANS FOR MONEY TO REACH JOHN. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY GOD WOULD WANT TO SAVE THE MM FOLKS. LET JOHN NOT SELL HIS LAND." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 10:06. To John: OK, God has spoken now in answer to my prayer for Him to rescue the captives without money, but obviously He wants to do it with money. We will see what can be done. Comment: The angels explained why God lets the opponents still have power through the Faith booklets they hold in their hands: 10:11. From Rhoda: "THAT SHOWS THAT GOD LOVES ALL PEOPLE BUT IT IS THEIR SIN SEPARATING THEM FROM GOD. AND BECAUSE THEY HAVE FAITH IN THE WRITTEN WORD IN THE MM FAITH LITS GOD IS SHOWING HIS POWER OF PROTECTING THEM WHEN THEY HOLD THE LITS. BUT BECAUSE THEY LOVE MONEY MORE THAN GOD, GOD WANTS TO USE MONEY TO FINISH THEM. AT LEAST £500 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 10:17. To John: We are looking at one other option to find £500. Don’t sell your land. God is working something out. 11:58. From John: Thanks Will. These oppressors are now boasting to us and threatening to kill us any time. It is horrible. God bless. 12:06. Reply: Well, let them try. God is in charge, and He only allows what HE allows, not just what men want to do. We are still trying to find a way. 12:22. From John: Thanks Will. It is a big battle. We leave it to God. 12:15. To Rhoda for the angels: £500 is not available. We have tried the only other person who might be willing to help, but she can’t help with £500. So, the only options I can see are for God to push through the £442 that was sent last night. We don’t know why it is blocked, but God does, and God can deal with it if that’s His choice. Or He can MAKE money to appear in John’s account. Otherwise, if money is needed for this deliverance, then we have dead bodies on our hands and someone will be paying the price for an unpardonable sin. 3rd July 2019.12:19. To John: Tell them that it will take us many days to get hold of half a million pounds that they are demanding. If they want the money, they MUST release the captives first and treat them civilly, otherwise they will get no money. I don’t bargain with murderers. 12:25. From Rhoda: "JOHN MUST NOT SELL HIS LAND FOR THAT WILL CREATE MORE PROBLEMS. JOHN MUST NOT SELL HIS LAND. GOD WANTS TO USE MONEY TO FINISH ALL THE OPPRESSORS. MAY ALL THE REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS RAISE THIS MONEY TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Because of that I asked our supporters again. They shelled out all they could yesterday but, although hard, they put together £200 and sent. The Thugs Beat Up Our Van Crew12:40. Thanks Will. They are now fighting us and they want to burn the van. 12:39. To John: The only route we can see for sending would be to Collins. I’ll let you know as soon as we can find something more to send... 12:41. Thanks Will. They want to burn down the van. God bless. 12:43. To John: Not surprising! But your Faith booklets will prevent them, as you wield them against those evil so and sos. 12:55. Vuga is badly hit with a metal rod, we are in total conflict... 3rd July 2019.13:18. From Rhoda: "THEY WANT TO BURN THE VAN. DON'T FEAR, THEY ARE BEATING UP THE MM EVANGELISTS. JOHN MUST NOT SELL HIS LAND." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 13:26. From John: It is worse here. They are beating us up but we'll not allow them to touch God's van. 13:41. They are hitting at the van. God to help us. 14:07. Reply: God has to let them do some damage in order to bring His judgment upon them. BUT “no man can stand against you all the days of your life.” 13:53. From Rhoda: "JOHN MUST NOT SELL HIS LAND. GOD TO OPEN UP MEANS FOR MONEY TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 14:08. To John: Obviously God is organising money somehow. 3rd July 2019.20:25. From John: Over here the weather is not calm it is windy and network reception is very poor. We got beaten up here but we shared MM warning lits and the letter Malcolm wrote to a few people we met. Now we are going back to try if we can help our brothers to be freed at midnight. Wednesday 3rd July 2019.20:22. From Rhoda: "THERE HAS BEEN POOR NETWORK COVERAGE SINCE FIVE PM IN MOST PARTS OF AFRICA. ALL THESE ARE THE DEVIL'S WORK BUT GOD IS IN CONTROL. GOD IS HAPPY WITH WHAT THE EVANGELISM TEAM HAS DONE. THOUGH BEATEN UP, THEY WENT ON WITH SHARING THE MM GOSPEL OF TRUTH, SHARING THE MM WARNING LITS AND THE LETTER MALCOLM WROTE. GOD IS HAPPY AND MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS RAISE MONEY TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. AT LEAST £500 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment at the time: £200 was sent to John this morning, thanks to Vivian and Bob. And a further £300 Vivian sent this afternoon thanks to Wilfred and Vivian. Wilfred checked and found he is still blocked on both Moneygram and WU. That is from police interference though they would doubtless deny it. Attempting Again To Release The Captives4th July 2019. 8:33. To John: When you were all beaten up, how was it that they didn’t kill you all. What happened? Did they go away? What damage did they do to the van? Were you able to protect it from being wrecked by using Faith booklets on them? 12:55. From John: Thanks Will. We were beaten badly, but none of us died. We couldn't communicate to you because we had no air time for bundles. Collins has just sent us £200 we have bought fuel of £50, water of £20 and milk of £28 plus airtime of £2. The balance of £100 we are keeping to try to take to those oppressors so that they release our brothers. We have pain all over our bodies. Car front and back lights were all smashed. But the good news is that God must help us win this battle. All these oppressors will be no more. Amen. 13:36. Reply: May God heal you and take away all your pains. What puzzles me is how they left you alone after they beat you up. That’s what I want to know about, but you haven’t yet explained it. Did they just walk away or what? 13:43. From John: We stood firm with the opened MM Faith lits. After beating us up they started running in almost all directions, we heard them calling Malcolm's name and crying aloud. That's how they left us. 15:25. Reply: Since they were screaming in pain, then God most probably killed them. He let you all suffer so that a debt is incurred upon their lives for which God could then exert His punishment over them. Comment at the time to our supporters: The £300 sent yesterday arrived, and Vivian was able to send a further £350 today. Thanks to you all. 5th July 2019. 10:14. To John: Did you have any success last night...? 10:18. From John: We didn't succeed, we are going there tonight. 10:30. To John: Are they all still alive? 10:31. From John: Thanks Will. Yes they are. God bless. 10:33. To John: How many gunmen were there yesterday? 10:34. From John: They were around nine. God bless. 10:42. Reply: And I suspect they are all dead now, because of their attack on you all. Have you heard any news about them since? How many believers are they holding hostage? And how are you all feeling? Any better yet? 10:52. [They captured two more MM believers.] Seven of them are alive. Five gunmen are holding them hostage. Yes we are doing okay. God bless. [They are still suffering somewhat, but don’t complain.] 5th July 2019. 20:38. From Rhoda: "GOD WILL RELEASE THE MM FOLKS AND KILL THEIR TORMENTORS AT MIDNIGHT. ALREADY THE EVANGELISM TEAM IS SET TO DO WHAT GOD SENT THEM THERE TO DO. NOW NOW NOW, AT LEAST £1000 TO BE DEPOSITED IN THE BANK ACCOUNT FOR COMPLETION OF THE MM LIBRARY... CONSTRUCTION OF JOHN'S HOUSE TO START IMMEDIATELY. NOW NOW NOW £1000 TO REACH THE BANK ACCOUNT. NOW NOW NOW £1000 TO REACH THE EVANGELISM BANK ACCOUNT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 5th July 2019. 20:48. From John: We are going to rescue our brothers. A Dreadful Price Was Paid!6th July 2019. 13:51. From John: The deliverance at midnight. Moses is no more. Thanks to God, Will. God helped us rescue only two MM folks. The white mists led us to where they were held captive. We then produced the money which five armed men accepted and when they started counting the money, we pointed at them with opened MM Faith lits and they all fell down [immobile]. We then took the money and the three MM Faith lits they had, then moved into the room where we found seven bodies of our MM brothers with gunshot wounds all over their bodies and only two brothers still living. We untied the two brothers and left. While leaving, we heard those mad Muslims crying for Malcolm to forgive them. We bought milk, water and fuel and moved to Mogadishu city. On the way, over ten armed men ambushed us and we faced them with opened MM Faith lits but Moses tried to run and he got shot dead. They sprayed Moses with bullets. His head and stomach burst open. We have buried him here [in the grounds of a believer in Kismayo]. While those gunmen tried to escape, God made their vehicle roll over seven times. It caught fire and that burnt all of them. God revenged just immediately. We are now in Mogadishu. We will not fear but will move on with God's work. God bless. 15:55. Reply: How dreadful. It’s not easy doing God’s Work. 6th July 2019. 14:09. From Rhoda: "THOSE ROGUE MUSLIMS KILLED MOSES BUT GOD BURNT THEM TO DEATH. GOD IS ASKING THE FOLLOWING: 1. £1000 BE DEPOSITED TO THE EVANGELISM BANK ACCOUNT TONIGHT. THE MM LIBRARY SHOULD BE COMPLETED BY THE END OF NEXT WEEK. 2. AT LEAST £450 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW FOR FUEL. THIS SHOULD HELP THEM MOVE NON STOP SO THAT THEY DON'T THINK ABOUT HOW THEY LOST MOSES. 3. MALCOLM TO WRITE AN ENCOURAGING LETTER TO THE TEAM AS THEY ARE SHOCKED BY THE PAINFUL DEATH MOSES WENT THROUGH. 4. NEXT WEEK ON TUESDAY, £1500 FOR STARTING UP JOHN'S HOUSE SHOULD BE DEPOSITED TO THE EVANGELISM BANK ACCOUNT. THE REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP RAISE ALL THIS MONEY. GOD BLESS. 6th July 2019. 16:18. To John: About Moses’ death. This was as much a shock to us as it was to you. And even more of a shock to learn that those terrorists killed seven of the brothers. But I can only think that God hasn’t finished yet. He sent you there to deliver those captives. If their lives are meant to be over so they can enter glory, then their deliverance is a spiritual one. But if they are meant to live more to prepare for God’s kingdom, then He will raise them up, and give them life in this time frame until Jesus comes. Moses too. I feel that God will raise him up, because He said that Moses would be a strong one for upholding the Truth. We are getting nearer and nearer the time when God raises quite a number of dead people. At least 100. And these people will return to witness to the Truth, and proclaim the name of Jesus where Jesus is not allowed entry. So it is probable that there is much more of the story to be written yet, and God has much more He wants to do. These are the days of Elijah!!! 6th July 2019. 17:02. To Rhoda: We are all empty, with no funds to send. Even if we had £450 we can’t send it until Monday because of all the restrictions against us. I haven’t told this to John because it would only discourage him... 7th July 2019. 5:54. From John: About Moses’ death: Thanks Will. It was painful but God is with us. Moses was buried in land of [name protected], a believer. We are stuck, we can't move on. Our fuel is over. 9:24. To John about the 7 martyrs: About the 7 who were shot by the captors, were any married, and did any have children / dependents? 13:14. From John: They all had families. They were all men. They were the sole bread winners. Their families are left in a painful state. God bless. 7th July 2019. 18:44. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £550 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT. £450 TO KEEP THEM GOING AND £100 TO HELP THE FAMILIES WHO LOST THEIR KINS. £1000 TO BE DEPOSITED INTO THE EVANGELISM BANK ACCOUNT FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE MM LIBRARY. IT IS EXTREMELY URGENT. THE REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP IN THIS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: We had no money, so God then gave this dream: 8th July 2019. 9:25. From Khamira in Tunisia: In a dream I saw Malcolm and Helena counting some money, the figure was £2000. The money was provided by God to support the MM work. In the dream I saw Malcolm fighting 5 thugs. Those thugs were fighting against Malcolm because they don't want Malcolm to receive the money. The money was in a white envelope and the envelope was on the table. I saw 7 Angels surround the table and a bright light came from nowhere and it took the envelope. I saw Malcolm with a Faith booklet. Malcolm was reading the book. I saw a tall Man [Jesus] carrying a big box of MM lit. He was calling Malcolm's name. I saw 2 Angels hand over the envelope. I saw Helena rejoicing and clapping, praising God for this great support He provided for MM. I saw 5 thugs crying for that money. Then Malcolm blinded their eyes with the Faith booklet. I saw Helena keeping the envelope safe and when Malcolm arrived they started to open the envelope. When they opened the envelope they found a good figure. I heard a voice from nowhere telling them that this £2000 is for you and Helena to pay all the MM bills you have. I saw Tonya Heap writing [listing] all the MM bills you have. [The debts are far more than £2k!] ... In a dream thugs were throwing stones at me and John. We were working in a street in Kenya. We protected ourselves with the Faith lit. I saw 20 thugs running to the river. When they reached the river, they found it was full of water. All of them tried to jump across the river but they couldn't manage to jump over it and the water swept them all away. I woke up. 10:14. Reply: Wonderfully encouraging dreams. Opposition has cost us dearly, and robbed us of the money to do God’s Work, but your second dream shows that those opponents will be wiped out by God’s outpouring of His Spirit... Comment: Later that day we were able to send the full £550 needed. Helping The Needy Widows8th July 2019. 21:42. From John: Thanks Will. We received money from Collins and bought fuel, water and milk. Also gave £100 to our dead brothers' families but the money was completely less for them. God bless. 22:32. Reply: Yes. Completely insufficient!... 8th July 2019. 21:47. From Rhoda: "TO HELP THE DEAD HOSTAGES' FAMILIES AT LEAST THE REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS TO RAISE £400 NOW TO REACH JOHN. THIS MONEY WILL HELP THE NOW LESS FORTUNATE FAMILIES TO START A BUSINESS IMMEDIATELY. IT IS URGENT. THEY HAVE NEEDS. THIS WILL EARN MM A VERY GOOD NAME IN SOMALIA. AT LEAST A FURTHER £400 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 9th July. 8:55. From John: These families don't want us to leave. They are literally crying. We have no means to help them. We can't maintain them. Comment: Thanks to Vivian, £400 was sent. John gave it to the families. 9th July 2019. 19:06. From John: ...We are now moving on sharing God's MM warning lits and the letter Malcolm wrote [MM Literature Is Inspired By God]. We are meeting some opposition here in Mogadishu. But it is well that now the less fortunate families are settled. We had a difficult moment moving with the van in the shape it is in. All the front and back lights got damaged. We only restrict our movements to well lit streets. But we believe God is in control. God bless. Tuesday 9th July 2019. 19:14. From Rhoda: "THE VAN FRONT AND REAR LAMPS MUST BE FIXED OR ELSE TOMORROW THE VAN WILL BE BLOCKED AND TREATED AS UNROADWORTHY. MAY THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £540 NOW NOW NOW. £340 FOR FIXING ALL LAMPS AND REPAIRING ALL THE DAMAGES, £200 FOR MORE FUEL. ALL CORNERS OF MOGADISHU TO BE VISITED. TONIGHT THE VAN TO MOVE ONLY IN WELL LIT STREETS. IF THE VAN IS BLOCKED THEN THE POLICE WILL DEMAND £1500 PENALTY. SO LET £540 REACH JOHN VERY URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY..." 7 Angels have said that to me now. God Emphasises The Importance Of The Library9th July 2019. 19:51. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £1500 BE DEPOSITED TO THE EVANGELISM BANK ACCOUNT TO HELP IN COMPLETING THE MM LIBRARY, A VERY IMPORTANT AND NECESSARY EVENT. THE MOST ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP OUT IN THIS." 7 Angels said now. Comment: The next day, Vivian was able to send £500, not quite the £540 the angels asked for, but all we could do. It’s a wonder anything could be found!! He and Joy have sacrificed much to keep the boat afloat! 10th July 2019. 20:23. From Rhoda: "LONG EXPECTED RAINS ARE ON. THE LIBRARY SHOULD BE COMPLETED BY THE END OF NEXT WEEK. THIS IS GOD'S PLEA TO THE REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP RAISE £1000 TO BE DEPOSITED TO THE EVANGELISM BANK ACCOUNT IMMEDIATELY. IT IS EXTREMELY URGENT URGENT URGENT. AT LEAST £1000 TO BE DEPOSITED TO THE EVANGELISM BANK ACCOUNT TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: We had no money. We couldn’t meet that need till Friday. 11th July 2019. 10:29. From John: We have visited three more cities: 1. Jalalaqsi city. God descended in very thick white mists that covered the whole town immediately the van arrived at exactly 7 pm. It brought a lot of fear to the imams who pleaded with us to pray to our God not to destroy their town. We then distributed the MM warning lits and the letter Malcolm wrote starting with those nine imams. We then left at nine in the night. 2. Jamaame city. We arrived here at midnight and it started to rain just as we arrived. We were told that it has been seven months before rain is seen here. It brought a lot of happiness and many people came out to receive our lits after the rains this morning. 3. Jowhar city. We arrived here ten minutes ago. There is a little opposition from some youths calling us terrorists killing Islam in Somalia. We are running short of money to produce more copies of the MM warning lits and the letter Malcolm wrote. Our kitty is dry. We are still engaging the people. 12:21. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £490 TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR THE PRODUCTION OF THE MM WARNING LITS AND THE LETTER MALCOLM WROTE. JOHN IS DETERMINED TO COMPLETE GOD'S CALLING. GOD IS PLEASED WITH THE GREAT WORK GOING ON. MALCOLM TO WRITE A LETTER ENCOURAGING JOHN NOW NOW NOW. GOD WILL WIPE OUT ALL MAD POLICE BLOCKING HIS WORK." 7 Angels said that to me now. Comment: This statement about mad police refers to British officers who want to prosecute me to finish off MM, and who are continually spying on us.
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