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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 16
211Hell In Ukerewe! |
They gather together against the life of the righteous, and condemn innocent blood. But the Lord has been my defence, and my God the rock of my refuge. He has brought on them their own iniquity, and shall destroy them in their own wickedness; the Lord our God shall cut them off (Ps 94:21-23).
The team set off from Iraq as soon as they could, to try and get to Ukerewe in Tanzania in two days. That’s some trip to do in two days! They travel all day and all night, with no sleep, just 10 minutes rest. God sustains them. They don’t eat; they just take milk and water. And when necessary, the angels ‘push’ the van, to make up time. They didn’t quite make it in two days. It took them a bit longer. Ukerewe: Look Out!3rd April 2019. 8:55. From John: We have been moving all night. We are between Amman Abdali terminal (on Jordan-Egypt border) and Cairo. God bless. 4th April 2019. 8:35. From John: Heading to Nairobi. 13:26. Reply: That’s good. £540 has been sent now. That has cleaned us all out. Hope all is well. 13:27. From John: Now we are off to Tanzania. 5th April 2019. 8:58. To John: ...To survive several days in cold water, without sleep, without food, is a miracle. The body can only survive a few hours in cold water before hypothermia sets in. When this happened to believers before, God sustained them. He enabled them to endure, giving them the help they needed to endure to the end. 5th April 2019. 10:08. From John: We arrived here today morning. What we have found here is inhuman and very bad. Already six MM folks have been killed. When they saw the van here they [the opposition] started gathering in groups. We are pleading for more brothers to be released but it is falling on deaf ears. We trust God will intervene. 10:49. Reply: Who are these murderers? Islamic? 10:59. From John: Jealous Muslims and some ‘Christians’ [FALSE Christians!] in megachurches such as Roman Catholic. 5th April 2019. 15:09. From Rhoda: "THE VAN IS IN UKEREWE FOR THE WHOLE OF NEXT WEEK. GOD WILL BRING DOWN THE MAIN MADRASSAS IN THE ISLAND AND SET MM FOLKS FREE FOR MM LITS EVANGELISM TO GO ON SMOOTHLY. THE VAN SHOULD BE FUELLED FOR THE NON STOP MOVEMENT IN THE ISLAND STARTING TONIGHT. GOD WILL SWEEP THROUGHOUT THE ISLAND AT MIDNIGHT. AFTER SABBATH TOMORROW, DOOR TO DOOR COLLECTION OF THE MM LIT COUNTERFEITS MUST BEGIN. AT LEAST £499 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THE KITTY IS ALMOST DRY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: £499 was sent. £300 was sent by Eleanor and Vivian, and I scrounged the other 199. But we were at the end of our ability! I needed £496 for a loan repayment on the 10th and didn’t have any of it. A friend rescued me later. 5th April 2019. 17:56. John in Ukerewe: We are in open battle with these ungodly people. Put us in prayer. 21 Thrown Into The Indian Ocean6th April 2019. 8:59. From John: Seven victims are still in their custody. The opponents ganged up into a large number to oppose us. Already 21 of them got wiped off into the deep lake Victoria by strong winds at midnight when we faced them with MM Faith lits. They were armed with crude weapons and wanted to torch the van. Even now they are throwing stones at us calling us devil worshippers. The war is on. We can't relent. God bless. 6th April 2019. 9:06. From Rhoda: "21 OF THE TORMENTORS ARE DEAD, IN THE INDIAN OCEAN. GOD WIPED THEM OUT. THEY [the opposers] HAVE A PLAN OF BURNING THE MM VAN BUT GOD IS STILL GATHERING THEM TOGETHER. THEY WILL BE NO MORE. THEY HAVE BLOCKED THE TEAM FROM HAVING A SABBATH MEET. THE TEAM HAVE MOVED ON FROM PLACE TO PLACE TO AVOID CONFRONTATION THROUGH GUIDANCE OF ANGELS IN WHITE MISTS. NOW NOW NOW AT LEAST £540 TO REACH JOHN NOW. THE WHOLE AMOUNT SHOULD BE FOR FUEL. LET THEM PLACE AT LEAST ONE MM FAITH LIT AT ALL CORNERS OF THE ISLAND BEFORE MONDAY MIDNIGHT. GOD IS RESTORING TRUE WORSHIP IN UKEREWE" 7 Angels have said that to me now. 10:06. Reply to Rhoda: John said they were swept into Lake Victoria. You mentioned the Indian Ocean. Where did they go? 10:51. From John: We are up with the MM Faith lits. They have not hit the van but are very fierce. God bless. 11:05. Reply: That’s good. The angels are protecting you. 11:03. From Rhoda "THE STRONG WINDS CARRIED THEM AWAY FROM LAKE VICTORIA TO THE INDIAN OCEAN. THEY HAVE BEEN EATEN AWAY BY WATER CREATURES." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 7th April 2019. 17:56. From John: Our God is moving mountains. Already 17 more people are dead. God wiped them out with firebolts. Reports coming. 8th April 2019. 12:56. From John: We moved on nonstop preaching the Gospel of truth through MM lits to all the people we met. The bad group kept on throwing stones at us. It went on till midnight [Saturday night] when God first appeared in the form of thick white mists that formed a wall between us and the attackers, then descended on them in firebolts as we watched. All 17 thugs died crying aloud for Malcolm to forgive them. We kept on pointing at them with the MM Faith lits till they were no more. We then went straight to where our MM brothers are kept in ice cold water. For the better part of yesterday Sunday we stayed put demanding for their release but our pleas did not yield fruit till midnight when over 50 armed men attacked us demanding that we leave the island immediately but we stood our ground with opened MM Faith lits. From last night to now, Monday, 13 of them have lost their eyesights but the battle is still on. We are demanding for the release of our MM brothers but they want us to leave so that they kill them. War is on now. Stone throwing and yelling. We can't leave till God’s mission is done. Monday 8th April 2019. 13:00. From Rhoda: May the sun stand still. "THE TEAM IS SURROUNDED BY ARMED YOUTHS. THE WAR IS ON. GOD IS IN CONTROL. THEY WILL NOT BURN THE VAN NOR KILL ANY MM FOLK. AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT GOD WILL WIPE THEM ALL OUT. MORE FUEL TO BE PUT IN THE VAN. AT LEAST £540 TO REACH JOHN FOR MORE FUEL, WATER AND MILK." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 8th April 2019. 18:46. From Rhoda: "IT IS GOD COLLECTING TOGETHER THOSE ROGUE OPPOSERS. LET THE TEAM NOT FEAR FOR GOD WILL WIPE THEM OUT. MORE AND MORE WILL RISE UP AGAINST MM BUT GOD WILL DEFEAT THEM ALL." 7 Angels have said that toe me now. 8th April 2019. 18:43. From John: Their number is growing bigger and bigger. But I thank God we are set with our MM Faith lits. Put us in prayers. God Kills The Opponents & Helps The Captives9th April 2019. 8:48. To John: That gang of 50 who attacked you on Sunday night, of whom 13 got blinded, were they all killed last night by God at midnight? It’s His time of judgement for all who stand against His end-time Work. 9th April 2019. 8:51. From John: 39 are gone. God wiped them out through strong winds and firebolts at midnight. We are still engaging the rest. 9:59. Reply: Have they released the prisoners yet? Did you get money OK last night? 10:01. From John: Thanks Will. Yes I received the money. Four prisoners are still in their custody. God bless. 11:02. Reply: How long have those brothers been in that awful water prison? In the natural they would have died by now. Hypothermia soon sets in and a person dies within a day or so under those conditions. God is performing another miracle of sustaining their lives. 9th April 2019. 17:11. From John: ...2 and a half weeks. It is very bad, Will. Tonight it seems we are going to have the worst opposition because since morning we have had running battles with them trying to block us from accessing where our brothers are held captive. We trust God for a massive deliverance tonight. God bless. Tuesday 9th April 2019. 17:23. From Rhoda: "TONIGHT GOD WILL WIPE OUT THREE TORMENTORS AND INSTANTLY A GROUP WILL START THROWING STONES AND ALL SORTS OF CRUDE WEAPONS AT THE VAN CALLING IT A DEVIL WORSHIP VEHICLE. THE CONFUSION WILL GO ON NON STOP TILL TUESDAY NEXT WEEK. ALL PETROL STATIONS SHALL BE BLOCKED FROM THURSDAY MIDNIGHT TO TUESDAY MORNING FOR MM VAN NOT TO GET FUELLED SO THAT IT CAN GET STUCK AND BE BURNT. GOD SAYS AT LEAST £540 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT, ANOTHER EXTRA £540 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW NIGHT AND THE LAST BATCH OF £540 ON THURSDAY NIGHT. THIS WILL BE ENOUGH FOR FUEL TILL TUESDAY NIGHT. GOD WILL KILL ALL THE TORMENTORS TILL ALL WILL BE GONE. THE ISLAND IS IN GOD'S HANDS. LET THE WHOLE MONEY GO TO FUEL. GOD IS CLEARING OUT ALL MAD PEOPLE FIGHTING MM WORK." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: The huge daily expense was due to the hostile locals overcharging us for supplies and fuel. We had no option but to pay their extortionate rates. God let them. 10th April 2019. 14:34. From John: It has been raining since midnight when God killed two more by firebolts. 10th April 2019. 15:43. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND THE TEAM ARE WORRIED BECAUSE THE SITUATION IS GETTING WORSE. FUEL PRICES ARE THREE OR FOUR TIMES THE REGULAR PRICE. THE KITTY IS ALMOST DRY. THE BATTLE IS AT ITS PEAK. LET THEM NOT FEAR FOR GOD IS COLLECTING ALL THE OPPOSERS AND BY TUESDAY NIGHT THEY WILL BE NO MORE. AT LEAST MORE MONEY TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: We were seriously strapped for cash. It galls me, because it’s due to the failure of the Church to acknowledge and support the Work God is doing with MM. It makes one angry, because it’s selfish sectarianism at its worst – hostile selfishness or apathetic indifference. Do they think Jesus will ignore their indifference? He didn’t ignore similarly evil traits in the 7 churches outlined in Rev! 10th April 2019. 19:08. From John: The situation is worse with a big number of people following us everywhere we go. Stone throwing is continuous with abuses. God bless. 19:47. Reply: Hang in there. God will deliver, though we have to endure. Are those captives still held in that water prison? God is enabling them to endure this long! Normally they would be dead after only a couple of days. 10th April 2019. 20:00. From John: They are still in the cold water. God is with them. God bless. Confronting Islamic Brutality11th April 2019. 9:18. From John: The Angels in white mists take us to madrassas and we leave behind the anointed MM Faith lits. Two more died at midnight through firebolts when they tried to hit the MM van using stones. God descended in strong winds and firebolts killing them instantly. I received the money sent and we bought fuel with the whole of it. Now we can move on. 11th April 2019. 20:08. From Rhoda: "THE PLACE IS MORE MORE MORE HOSTILE FOR THE VAN EVANGELISM BUT GOD IS IN CONTROL. THEY NEED A FURTHER £540 TONIGHT TO KEEP THEM GOING SAFELY TILL TUESDAY. AT LEAST £540 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW. IT IS URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said now. Comment: We could only manage to send £385. 11th April 2019. 20:10. From John: Put us in prayers for the number of opposers keeps on increasing. We trust God to enable us to rescue our remaining brothers before the end of tomorrow Friday. God bless. 12th April 2019. 13:40. From John: Last night only one petrol station remained open. The owner defended MM and refused to close but sadly Moses Vuria has been killed for refusing to close his petrol station. We pray for God to raise him back to life. We managed to fuel the van and we are moving on even now. We pray for God to provide money for more fuel because we must finish this big mission. 12th April 2019. 13:44. From Rhoda: "THEY NEED MORE FUEL TO MOVE ON NONSTOP TILL TUESDAY. THE BATTLE IS WORSE. ONE PETROL ATTENDANT WHO ACCEPTED THE MM GOSPEL OF TRUTH AND REFUSED TO CLOSE DOWN HIS PETROL STATION WAS KILLED THIS MORNING. GOD WILL RAISE HIM UP TOMORROW AFTER SABBATH AT MIDNIGHT. JOHN HAS ALREADY PLACED AN MM FAITH LIT ON HIS BODY. AT LEAST A FURTHER £550 SHOULD REACH JOHN BEFORE TOMORROW NOON." 7 Angels have said now. 14:00. From John: These are mad Muslims. Comment at the time: ...only £172 has been raised... 13th April 2019. 10:02. To John: What is the situation with the brothers incarcerated in that awful water prison? They have been there three weeks. 13th April 2019. 15:07. From John: One more MM brother was killed by these tormentors, and four tormentors were killed by firebolts at midnight. They blocked us from having a Sabbath rest. Our fuel is almost over. 13th April 2019. 19:45. From John: A total of eleven brothers were captured. So far four have died. God bless. 13th April 2019. 19:47. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £300 TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR THEIR FUEL. GOD WILL RAISE UP THE DEAD PETROL STATION ATTENDANT. GOD IS IN CONTROL. LET THEM NOT FEAR." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: £100 was found. That’s all. Sunday 14th April 2019. 9:00. To John: Hope you are coping! £100 was sent last night. It was all we could find. Another £130 should be coming later today. Again, that’s all we have. Keep us informed of what God does. Thanks. Moses Resurrects14th April 2019. 12:46. From John: News reaching us now is that our brother, the petrol station attendant, has resurrected. We are heading there, 20 km away, to see. [His name is Moses Vuria.] 14th April 2019. 18:37. From John: We are at the petrol station and the annoyed gang has surrounded us but we can't fear them... His coming back to life has annoyed these people and they are calling us devil worshippers. 18:52. Reply: Where did this miracle take place? 18:57. From John: Near Chifule beach. These people are comprised of albino witchdoctors. I believe God is in control. 19:04. From John: We were heading to Monarch beach to place the MM Faith lits when we met two women narrating the story to fishermen. They then started calling us devil worshippers. After placing the MM Faith lits we moved back to witness. We found an angry mob wanting to lynch our brother. They called him names and claimed that we are members of a devil worship sect sent onto Ukerewe Island to kill albinos and make riches. It was chaos. When we reached we touched him with MM Faith lits but to our surprise our brother had a copy of the MM Faith lit his pocket. He removed it and we all prayed together thanking God. The gang group kept on growing in number. Our brother's family members have disowned him. God bless. 106 Opponents Killed By God14th April 2019. 19:11. From Rhoda: "GOD IS COLLECTING THE TORMENTORS IN UKEREWE AROUND WHERE THE MM BROTHER GOT RAISED BACK TO LIFE. GOD IS GIVING A DIRECTIVE THAT THE VAN PLUS THE RISEN BROTHER ARE TO MOVE AWAY TO SOUTH OF MONARCH BEACH. GOD WILL TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT MOVE AROUND AND WIPE OUT OVER 35 IN THE GANG. THIS WILL SEND FEAR TILL THE MM BROTHERS IN THEIR CUSTODY WILL BE RELEASED. AT LEAST £540 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT FOR NON STOP MOVEMENT IN THE ENTIRE ISLAND TONIGHT TILL TUESDAY. THIS IS A VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT MISSION. URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT. NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 14th April 2019. 23:31. To John: We have no money at present, but tomorrow Eleanor can find £200. 15th April 2019. Comment: John briefly mentioned at 8:49 that over 30 people died the previous night. 15th April 2019. 17:30. From Rhoda: "MOSES WILL BE A STRONG MM PERSON IN UKEREWE. LET HIM BE BAPTISED TOMORROW MORNING. GOD IS PLEASED WITH THE BRAVERY OF JOHN AND THE TEAM. THE CONDITION IN UKEREWE IS HOSTILE AND UNHEALTHY. THEY NEED MORE FUEL. AT LEAST £340 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT. THEY MUST NOT REST FOR TOMORROW TUESDAY GOD WILL KILL EVEN MORE ROGUES. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 16th April 2019. 5:57. From John: About the 35 dead: These people demanded that we release Moses to them. They claimed that Moses is owing them money for refusing to obey the order of closing down the petrol station. They kept on pressing us hard till midnight when strong winds and firebolts started hitting them one by one as we watched them being blown into the lake. They died crying out MM's name. A few that remained ran away. 9:34. To John: The angels asked for 340. We could only send 240. We are really hampered at present by lack of funds. Bills are mounting up unpaid. 16th April 2019. 11:35. From John: I have received it and fueled the van. 11:56. Reply: Did anything happen last night? 12:00. From John: Yes, five more people got killed by firebolts. They tried to hit our van with stones but instead God paid them instantly at midnight. It all occured in Nansio town in Ukerewe Island. God bless. 17th April 2019. 8:44. From John: Another 5 hit the van with stones: Last night seven people died. Five hit the rear part of the van with stones but immediately God wiped them out with strong winds and firebolts, and threw their bodies into the lake. The left rear brake light got smashed. The opposition is still on but God is with us. God bless. 17th April 2019. 9:35. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £400 TO REACH JOHN TODAY. THEY MUST MOVE ON NONSTOP TILL FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. GOD IS WIPING OUT ALL THE THUGS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 17th April 2019. 18:44. From John: We are moving on. Today more opposers came from Dar es Salaam to push us out of the island. Pray for us. 18:53. Reply: Yes, Intercession is on. 17th April 2019. 18:48. From Rhoda: "MANY OF THE OPPOSERS OF MM HAVE MOVED IN TO UKEREWE ISLAND TO PUT PRESSURE SO THAT THE VAN LEAVES BUT GOD IS IN CONTROL. THE TEAM MUST NOT FEAR. THE BATTLE IS IN THE LORD'S HANDS. AT LEAST £400 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT. THEY MUST MOVE ON NONSTOP TONIGHT TILL FRIDAY MIDNIGHT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 18:54. Reply: We are seeing whether we can raise this £400. 21:33. To John: £200 should be coming now. 18th April 2019. 8:49. From John: 14 more gunmen killed. We travelled in Nansio and Ukara. 14 people got swept into the lake water by strong winds and firebolts. They tried to shoot at us but their guns jammed when we pointed at them with MM Faith lits. We are still on the move in Ukara. God bless. 12:25. From John about the captives: So far we have rescued 25 MM captives. Eight died. And 12 are still in their custody. The 12 were moved to Nansio. That's why we have based our movements now around Nansio. 18th April 2019. 12:27. From Rhoda: "12 CAPTIVES ARE STILL BEING HELD IN CUSTODY. GOD WILL GET THEM RELEASED." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 13:35. Reply to John: OK. Thanks. What an ordeal for those poor folks! But God helps us all in our weakness. 14:18. To John: ...These believers were held there for an awfully long time; some for up to two weeks or more! 19th April 2019. 6:05. From Rhoda: "5 CAPTIVES WERE RESCUED AT MIDNIGHT. fireboltS KILLED SIX TORMENTORS INSTANTLY. ALL THE VAN WINDOWS WERE SMASHED. THEY MUST MOVE ON CONSTANTLY. AT LEAST £540 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW TO FIX THE GLASSES BEFORE THEY ARE ARRESTED BY POLICE. THIS IS EXTREMELY VERY URGENT. VUGA ALSO GOT SLIGHT INJURY ON THE RIGHT CHEEK." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 19th April 2019. 6:56. From John: God helped us to rescue 5 captives. In the process six tormentors were killed by firebolt when they hit all windows with stones. God descended on them massively with strong winds and firebolts till they died. Vuga got slight injuries on the right eye. He is well. We have fuel to take us till noon. The only fear is that we may get arrested due to condition of the van but God is in charge. We took the five brothers far to Nansio where they took a bath and are still taking rest. God bless. 19th April 2019. 8:56. To John: I take it that the angel mist led you to do such a bold thing. May God heal Vuga soon and help him. 19th April 2019. 10:53. To John: Were those the last 5 captives, or are there others still held in that water prison? 10:54. From John: Seven are still held. 19th April 2019. 18:07. From Rhoda: "AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT GOD WILL MOVE MIGHTILY IN UKEREWE ISLAND AND 17 VERY POWERFUL OPPOSERS WILL DIE. GOD IS STILL ANGRY WITH THEM FOLLOWING THE DAMAGE ON THE VAN. MORE PRISONERS WILL BE SET FREE. NO ONE IN THE EVANGELISM TEAM SHOULD SLEEP. FOR THE SEVEN DAYS AHEAD THE VAN MUST MOVE ON NON STOP. THE VAN WINDOW GLASS WAS REPLACED AND THE VAN IS NOW IN GOOD SHAPE. MAY THE CHOSEN AND ANOINTED MM REGULAR SUPPORTERS STAND WITH THE TEAM FINANCIALLY ON THESE GOD CHOSEN SEVEN DAYS AND SEVEN NIGHTS STARTING TONIGHT. AT LEAST £3500 IS NEEDED FOR THE BIG MISSION." 7 Angels have said. Saturday 20th April 2019. 8:52. To John: Did you receive £225 sent last night OK? What happened last night? Are all the remaining 7 captives released now? I hope Vuga is healed now, and that you are all coping. God bless. 20th April 2019. 9:04. To John: On 14th April the angels told you to take Moses Vuria, the petrol station attendant who was killed and raised back, and move south of Monarch Beach. Presumably he travelled with you in the van. Is that right? Is he still with you? 9:08. From John: Thanks, yes I received. Vuga is ok. We rescued 3 captives. God killed over ten tormentors. They tried to block us from rescuing our brothers and we faced them with opened MM Faith lits. God descended in strong winds and firebolts killing them and throwing their bodies in to the lake water. We are moving on. God bless. 20th April 2019. 14:43. From John: Moses is with us. A very strong man of God. He has lost everything because of accepting MM truth... We believe God will provide him with a motorbike to go on with MM lits evangelism even after we have left Ukerewe. 21st April 2019. 15:50. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £490 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT. A VERY BIG BIG BIG DELIVERANCE IS GOING TO TAKE PLACE IN UKEREWE. THE TEAM HAVE GOT VERY LITTLE FUEL TO MOVE ON. GOD IS OUT TO RESTORE ORDER TONIGHT. THEY NEED ENOUGH FUEL." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 21st April 2019. 16:45. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £200 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW FOR SERVICE OF THE WATER WELL IN TUNISIA. IT IS NOT IN A GOOD STATE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 21st April 2019. 23:55. To John: We could only manage to find £250 which has gone to you tonight. Monday 22nd April 2019. 4:48. From John: On the midnight of Saturday we got surrounded by 12 well armed youths who ordered us to hand over Moses to them because he had betrayed their Islamic religion by throwing away the Quran and accepting MM lits which they called satanic books. Moses really feared for his life telling us that those were the fiercest Maasai warriors from Serengeti whose main work is to kill. All removed their bows and arrows. We remained motionless but fully armed with the opened Faith lits. God of gods descended and made all their bows jam. All started trembling and in that instant God destroyed all of them with strong winds and firebolts throwing all their bodies into the lake water. We then moved on peacefully. 22nd April 2019. 4:54. From John: From yesterevening it has been raining nonstop with winds and thunderstorms. We heard people wailing in Nansio. This morning we were informed that megachurch leaders and Islam imams got killed by firebolts at midnight. We are moving around to collect more information on that. Thanks, we received the money sister Eleanor sent us and have fuelled the van... 22nd April 2019. 18:49. From Rhoda: "GOD IS HIGHLY PLEASED WITH THE GREAT WORK GOING ON IN UKEREWE ISLAND. THE TEAM WILL RUN OUT OF FUEL FROM MIDNIGHT ONWARDS. AT LEAST £450 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT. THE VAN MUST NOT STOP TILL SEVEN DAYS AHEAD. IT MUST MOVE ON NONSTOP." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: There was no money available. We were all COMPLETELY EMPTY, and could not fund the outreach. 23rd April 2019. 9:25. From John: Our fuel got over at midnight. Our kitty is completely dry. We can't move on. 23rd April 2019. 9:28. From Rhoda: "IT IS VERY RISKY FOR THE VAN NOT TO MOVE ON. THEIR FUEL IS OVER. GOD TO TOUCH THE REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP OUT. AT LEAST £450 TO REACH JOHN NOW. THEY MUST MOVE ON DISTRIBUTING MM LITS IN UKEREWE TILL THE DAY GOD WILL SAY WORK IS OVER." 7 Angels have said that now. 23rd April 2019. 9:37. To John: At present we are equally stuck, but God is moving Helena to intercede against the demonic blockage which is preventing money coming. 23rd April 2019. 10:25. From Rhoda: "GOD TO TOUCH THE REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP OUT. THE VAN CAN'T MOVE ON. LET THE TEAM NOT FEAR. LET THEM WAIT. GOD IS DOING WONDERS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 10:53. To John, cc Rhoda: WAIT is the operative word. God may be using the situation to draw more opponents like a magnet to the van, to deal with them and wipe them out like the previous ones. ‘Wait’ suggests that, although you want to move on immediately, God knows it won’t be possible. The angels declare what they would like to happen, and what God would like to happen, but progress isn’t always in a straight line; there are twists and turns, and setbacks. 23rd April 2019. 11:07. From Rhoda: "YES LET THEM WAIT FOR GOD. JOHN CRIED THE WHOLE NIGHT FOR GOD TO MEET THE FUEL NEED. HE EVEN THOUGHT OF SELLING HIS LAND. HE FEARS GOD'S TIME OF SEVEN DAYS NON STOP MOVEMENT. GOD TELLS THEM TO WAIT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 50 Gunmen Surround The Van23rd April 2019. 14:31. From John: God is in the case. We are surrounded by over 50 armed men. We are in God's hands with opened MM Faith lits. 15:45. Reply: God will deliver you as always! Stand firm and see the salvation of our GOD!!! 23rd April 2019. 15:42. From Rhoda: "NO ONE SHOULD BURN GOD'S VAN. A GROUP IS SURROUNDING THE MM VAN AND WANTS TO BURN IT. JOHN AND THE TEAM ARE READY WITH MM FAITH LITS BUT SOME MEMBERS ARE AFRAID. LET THEM REMAIN STEADFAST." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 16:42. To John, cc Rhoda: You will all be OK as you continue to STAND FIRM and wait for God’s deliverance. 24th April 2019. 5:43. From John: Last night: [Out of the 50 gunmen] only 12 who hit the van with stones died of firebolts and were thrown into the lake waters. Now the others are throwing stones at us from a distance. 8:39. Reply: Thanks. So, have the rest of the mob of 50+ stayed all night, but been prevented by God from getting close to you? Those 12 whom God killed were a witness to what will happen to others if they don’t desist! ... 8:42. From John: ...We are okay. The van is in good condition apart from the left headlamp, side mirrors and one rear brake lamp. If we could get a little fuel we can move away from Nansio. These rogues may still damage our van. 8:58. Reply: Well we have no funds. We need money here as well, to service our large debts. We wait on God. It’s equally difficult for Ibrahim. How far away is the mob? How many are there? God has obviously jammed their guns. 24th April 2019. 8:55. From Rhoda: "THE VAN SHOULD BE MOVED AWAY FROM THAT SCENE. THEY PLAN TO THROW A HAND GRENADE AT THE VAN. GOD IS PLEASED WITH THE FAITH THE TEAM HAS SHOWN. JOHN MUST NOT THINK OF SELLING HIS ONLY LAND. GOD IS TOUCHING THE REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP." 7 Angels have said. 24th April 2019. 9:01. From John: They are about 100m from us abusing us nonstop... 9:08. Reply: God says He is organising money to come, but like He has already said to WAIT (and I explained yesterday), so we must WAIT. 9:06. From John: These people are very aggressive, abusive and ready to burn our van. 9:11. Reply: Never mind how hostile they are, or what damage they do. God is holding them off, otherwise they would have destroyed the van by now and killed you all. God is in control, and He lets them commit enough evil till He says “ENOUGH!!” and wipes them out. Comment: Thanks to Vivian, he was able to send £150, and it got John out of the trouble zone. But it’s a far cry from the £3,500 God asked for at the beginning of the week. The lack of funds has held things up. Humans hold up God’s plans by not doing what He asks. That’s how demons block the money flow. The anointed supporters are not holding things up; it’s others who ought to be helping! God Plans A Sri Lanka Trip24th April 2019. 13:22. From Rhoda: "GOD WANTS MM LITS TO REACH SRI LANKA. MUSLIMS ARE OUT TO WIPE OUT CHRISTIANS. £4700 IS NEEDED FOR THIS GREAT MISSION." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 14:01. Reply: OK. Thanks. We need a lot more support than we have at present. We have too little. Comment: Thanks to Nigel, a further £120 was sent. 24th April 2019. 19:04. From John: The mob ran after us with noise and abuses but God did something that astonished many. To around ten people who threw stones at the van, they lost their eyesight and cried in Malcolm's name just immediately we held up open Faith lits towards them. God gave us courage to prove them wrong. We stopped and touched their heads with opened MM Faith lits and they regained their eyesight and ran away from the group as fast as possible. The group remained tongue-tied as we moved away. Though we have moved far away there is still a group here abusing us saying all sorts of nasty things about MM... Thursday 25th April 2019. 6:22. From Rhoda: "GOD RESCUED THE BROTHERS WHO WERE STILL HELD IN UKEREWE AND KILLED 29 PEOPLE WITH fireboltS AND STRONG WINDS. GOD SAYS THAT MM LITS ARE WEAPONS GIVEN TO STOP ALL FALSE TEACHINGS AND BAD GROUPS. GOD NOW WANTS THE VAN TO MOVE ON TO SRI LANKA WHERE MUSLIMS ARE BUTCHERING GOD'S PEOPLE. THIS WILL BE ONE OF THE BIGGEST MM MISSIONS. THE TEAM WILL GO. AT LEAST £540 TO REACH JOHN NOW, A FURTHER £540 TOMORROW, ANOTHER £540 ON SATURDAY, £540 ON MONDAY, £540 ON TUESDAY AND THE FINAL £540 ON WEDNESDAY NEXT WEEK. IF THE TEAM FAIL TO GO THEN GOD WILL PUT IT ON THEM AS UNPARDONABLE SIN, UNPARDONABLE SIN, UNPARDONABLE SIN. GOD'S CHILDREN ARE BEING BUTCHERED. GOD IS NOT HAPPY. " 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: God is saying that if the team is not enabled to go (because funds are withheld), whoever holds back will be regarded by God has having committed the unpardonable sin. That’s how seriously God considers such dereliction of duty. If you CAN’T provide funds because you are financially unable, He doesn’t hold that against you. And nor does He hold the team in the van responsible. Finally, The Last Captives Are Out!25th April 2019. 7:24. From John: All our brothers who were locked in are out. At midnight we went with opened MM Faith lits and faced nine armed men who opened fire but their guns jammed. God descended in strong winds and firebolts and killed them. As we moved out a group followed us and God killed them and threw their bodies in to the lake water. We are completely stuck we can't move on. Our fuel is over and the kitty is dry. God bless. 8:41. Reply: That’s wonderful! Excellent! Those poor guys, stuck in that water prison for (what was it?) three weeks!? God enabled them to endure it, kept them alive without food and sleep, and helped them endure. My sadness is for the ones whom those criminals murdered, for their families. However, God allows tragedies for a reason, and it may be that He plans to resurrect some of them. They are in paradise now, and would much prefer to stay there than come here to this sin-sick, rotten world, full of evils. There is an angel message asking the van to go to Sri Lanka where there has been a terrorist outrage and Islamic suicide bombers have blown up churches and hotels, killing over 200 people. But a large sum of money is needed... We’ll see what we can do today. 25th April 2019. 9:14. From John: Amen. God is faithful. Our brothers are more than happy. A few family members are here thanking God. Will, we have no water nor milk. From yesterevening to now we have not taken even water but we are happy for what God did. God bless. Comment: For some reason the system did not allow Eleanor to send the full £540 which Vivian was able to provide. It only allowed her to send £120.
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