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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 16
210Iraqi Mob Baying For Our Blood
Who will rise up for Me against the evildoers? Who will stand up for Me against the workers of iniquity? (Ps 94:16.)
After God killed 22 Muslim youths who attempted to kill the MM team, and prevent the Passover observance taking place, God wiped out an imam in Baghdad for plotting to bomb us. And God had many more workers of evil in His sights that He planned to wipe out. The angels led the way: Friday 22nd March 2019. 5:51. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £540 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. GOD HAS KILLED ONE POWERFUL IMAM IN BAGHDAD WHO PLANNED TO BOMB THE MM VAN TODAY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 22nd March 2019. 18:28. From John: Bin Khalifa Rubadi is the imam who has been sending armed youths to collect MM lits from us. He followed us and threw a hand grenade at the van at midnight. God blocked the bomb from hitting the van and hit him burning him to ashes after a big explosion. The message of his death brought fear to many who came and asked us to baptise them but we advised them to first accept Jesus and the gospel of truth in MM lits. We are now meeting 44 people. 23rd March 2019. 12:50. From John: A big group with sticks. We are engaged in one of the fiercest disturbances. Members of ten mosques in the city are carrying sticks and calling MM a sect organised to destroy Islam in the whole world. They are yelling at the tops of their voices calling Malcolm a chief devil worshipper. We have surrounded the van with opened MM lits. Pray for us. 16:37. Reply: Yes. The Spirit moves with intercession constantly, with hardly a letup. [Helena has to do an 8 hour stint day shift, then another 7 at night.] 23rd March 2019. 21:22. To John: It’s past midnight now. Has God dealt with that mob blaspheming the Holy Spirit by calling us devil worshippers? 24th March 2019. 12:12. From John: 19 people died at midnight and we got arrested. We are engaging the team that arrested us. God bless. Comment: By ‘arrested’ he means held at gunpoint. 24th March 2019. 18:05. From Rhoda: "TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT GOD WILL WIPE THEM ALL OUT. JOHN AND THE TEAM MUST NOT FEAR. THERE IS A GROUP WRITING LETTERS FROM KENYA ABOUT FAMINE IN NORTHERN KENYA AND USING THE STORY TO SOLICIT FOR MONEY. IT IS A BIG SCAM AND MALCOLM SHOULD IGNORE ALL. AT LEAST £540 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THEY NEED ENOUGH MONEY TO KEEP THEM GOING NON STOP." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 19:36. To John: How did God kill those 19 last night? 19:40. From John: Their guns jammed at first when they aimed at us facing them with opened MM Faith lits. They became adamant trying their guns pointed at us with aim to hit us. Then suddenly they started fighting themselves and hitting each other with bullets. All died as we moved away. None escaped. 25th March 2019. 8:44. To John: How many were in the group that were holding you captive yesterday? Did God deal with them at midnight, like the previous mob of 19? 25th March 2019. 9:55. From John: The group is big, approximately 30 people. They are still demanding that we hand over all MM Faith lits. They claim that the MM Faith lit is a charm in the form of a book. At midnight only three people died of firebolts when they used machetes to smash two side windows of the van. God struck them with firebolts and all cried out in Malcolm's name. The over thirty armed men are here trailing us from place to place. 9:56. From Rhoda: "GOD WILL WIPE THEM OUT ONE BY ONE TILL THEY ARE NO MORE. AT LEAST £540 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said. 26th March 2019. 8:33. To John: How did you get on last night? Did more opponents get killed by God? What sort of weapons do they wield? Guns? Muslim Youths Trained To Target Christians26th March 2019. 13:55. From John: We have had non-stop motion visiting Muslim madrassas in Baghdad where youths are being radicalised to persecute Christians. We drop a copy of the MM Faith lit plus a copy of the letter Malcolm sent to us. They carry knives, pangas and short guns. Last night at midnight God blocked their eyes and they couldn't see us move on to do God's work. 14:00. Reply: Thanks for the info. Were you told that these madrassas are where youths are radicalised to kill or persecute Christians? 14:01. From John: There are five youths who ran away from them and gave us the information. God bless. 26th March 2019. 16:18. From Rhoda: "JOHN IS TAKING PHOTOS OF THE MM VAN TO SEND TO MALCOLM. LET HIM DO THIS ONCE THE MIDDLE EAST MISSION IS OVER. IN JUNE THIS YEAR. TONIGHT fireboltS WILL KILL MORE PEOPLE IN TWO MAIN MADRASSAS IN BAGHDAD THEN TOMORROW THE TEAM WILL FACE THE BIGGEST OPPOSITION EVER SEEN IN THE MIDDLE EAST. THEY MUST NOT FEAR. IT IS GOOD ALL THE VAN WINDOWS WERE FIXED. THE MM FAITH LITS MUST REMAIN OPENED IN THE VAN ALL THE TIME. AT LEAST £500 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that now. [The two madrassas God destroyed were Jamaa Masjids mosques. The roofs got blown off by strong winds and parts of the walls collapsed. John later said they were in Nissan district six in Baghdad.] 26th March 2019. 17:48. From John: Already we are under attack. Bomb Thrown At The MM Van27th March 2019. 9:00. To John: What happened last night? Did all the gang of opponents get killed by God? What sort of weapons did they have? 9:14. The angels predicted yesterday that this destruction of the evil jihadist plotters will cause a big backlash of opposition. It’s reminiscent of the time when God wiped out the 700 gunmen who came to Ndhiwa to destroy everyone there and try to seize the land. I wonder how many will rise up in violent revenge to try to kill us because of what God does. 27th March 2019. 12:48. From John: Thanks Will. Over 46 died. We are under intense pressure from over 1000 people demonstrating for us to leave... 13:21. Reply: Over 1000?!!! No wonder God said that we would meet the biggest opposition yet in the Middle East!! 28th March 2019. 8:04. From Rhoda: "OVER FIFTY PEOPLE GOT KILLED BY GOD WHEN THEY ATTEMPTED TO BOMB THE MM VAN IN BAGHDAD AT MIDNIGHT. THE TEAM IS DOING A GREAT WORK AND GOD WILL DESTROY THREE MORE MADRASSAS. AT LEAST £540 TO REACH TO JOHN NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 28th March 2019. 11:08. From John: Yestermidnight God saved our lives from a bomb thrown at our van by the over 1000 people who came out demanding for the MM van to leave Baghdad. We had MM Faith lits opened in the van. God repulsed the bomb that went back and killed over fifty people. It was accompanied by strong winds and firebolts. We then moved on throughout the night counting the bodies because the big team was scattered in many directions. Bodies were burnt beyond recognition. The bomb was thrown at us from within the group. We have now mounted seven opened MM Faith lits outside the van. We are still moving on. Now no group is following us. God bless. 29th March 2019. 10:00. From Rhoda: "MANY YOUTHS IN BAGHDAD TODAY REFUSED TO GO TO MOST MOSQUES FEARING THAT THUNDER WILL HIT THEM. GOD WANTS MORE AND MORE MUSLIMS TO SURRENDER TO HIM. YOUTHS WILL NO LONGER ACCEPT TO BE RADICALISED BUT WILL DO GOD’S WORK. THIS IS ANNOYING MOST MUSLIM IMAMS WHO NOW FEEL THAT MM SHOULD BE ABOLISHED. AT LEAST £540 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW TO KEEP THEM GOING UP TO MONDAY NEXT WEEK AS THEY VISIT MORE MADRASSAS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 30th March 2019. 8:35. From John: We got surrounded by many people last night as we settled to take rest in preparation for the Sabbath. They forcefully removed one rear wheel to prevent us from moving on. The group is still here listening to us as we share the word of God through the MM lits. We trust God to make them return the wheel they took or face death. God bless. Another Bomb Plot Foiled By The Angels30th March 2019. 8:40. From Rhoda: "LET JOHN NOT TAKE BACK THE TYRE THE HOOLIGANS TOOK FROM THE VAN. THEY HAVE FIXED BOMBS IN IT THEN WILL RETURN IT BACK TO THE TEAM SO THAT WHEN FIXED THE CAR BLOWS UP. AFTER THE SABBATH MEET THEY MUST MOVE NORTH OF BAGHDAD CITY. GOD WILL LEAD THEM IN WHITE MISTS. GOD WILL USE THE WHEEL TO WIPE OUT 67 HOOLIGANS. AT LEAST £495 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW SO THAT THEY BUY THREE NEW WHEELS FOR THEY HAVE A BIG WORK FROM TOMORROW." 7 Angels have said now. 30th March 2019. 16:10. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM IS THROUGH WITH THE SABBATH MEET ATTENDED BY MANY PEOPLE. TONIGHT GOD WILL LEAD THEM NORTHWARDS. AT LEAST £495 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. URGENT URGENT URGENT. THREE WHEELS MUST BE BOUGHT FOR THERE IS A BIG MISSION AHEAD." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 16:54. Reply: I’m sorry, but we don’t have any money now, so we are trusting God to work this out because we can’t. God is in charge. Sat 30th March 2019. 18:09. From John: We have had a good Sabbath meet with many people attending. We shared from the MM lits and the Holy Bible. The group that took off our wheels kept moving round us monitoring how we shared the gospel of truth. Because we can't move on we will tonight share the gospel of truth in one point till morning. Thank God the rain is over. We still have 23 people here who we will have to baptise tomorrow morning. God bless. Sun 31st March 2019. 9:40. To John: You will undoubtedly be very busy today, baptising 23 people or more. That’s good. What God has been doing there in Iraq is quite remarkable and unprecedented. I don’t suppose the wheels have been returned yet. It will be interesting to see how God sorts that problem out. 1st April 2019. 8:58. To John: Vivian was somehow able to send £200... 1st April 2019. 11:29. From John: Thanks Will. We received the money, bought one tyre wheel, water and enough milk. The place is hostile to us but we hope God will bring down our enemies. We are still here. All roads out are blocked by rogue people chanting anti MM slogans. God bless. 1st April 2019. 11:31. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £390 TO REACH JOHN NOW. THEY WILL MOVE OUT AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT." 7 Angels have said. Comment: A few hours later Bob said he was able to borrow more cash. And Wilfred also sent more, so the £390 was finally sent... late, but sent. 2nd April 2019. 8:36. To John: Good. What happened to the roadblocks and the people manning them, who were trying to prevent you moving? 8:48. From John: firebolts killed all the 39 all at once at midnight. 11:17. From John: Souq-al-Ghazil is where our way out was blocked completely by irate youths armed with crude weapons shouting at the tops of their voices calling for the MM van to leave their city. At midnight they started fighting among themselves because they had a difference. Some wanted to go back but were forced to block our way out; that started a fight amongst themselves. They then stopped fighting and came straight to the van carrying a wheel and ordered us to remove one van wheel and fix in its place the one that they brought but we knew their plan since the Angels had said that they had fixed a bomb in it. Very fast they started trying to force off one wheel but suddenly God hit them by blocking their eyesight and they couldn't see. We counted 39 people. We left by a way made through the guidance of the white mists. Then immediately firebolts hit behind us killing all of them. God bless. 11:28. Reply: Thanks. Is that place a suburb of Baghdad? Iraq & Iran Missions Please GodTuesday 2nd April 2019. 11:23. From Rhoda: "THE VAN MUST MOVE OUT OF IRAQ TONIGHT TO UKEREWE ISLAND. 45 MM FOLKS ARE PUT IN ICE COLD WATER. ALL MM LITS TAKEN FROM THEIR HOMES. COUNTERFEIT MM LIT COPIES ARE BEING PUBLISHED. THE VAN MUST BE THERE BEFORE THURSDAY MIDNIGHT. GOD WILL SPEED IT UP. GOD IS PLEASED WITH THE MIDDLE EAST MISSION IN IRAN AND IRAQ. AT LEAST £540 TO REACH JOHN TODAY AND A FURTHER £540 TOMORROW. ANOTHER £540 ON THURSDAY MORNING. VERY URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 2nd April 2019. 11:43. To John: [With the above from Rhoda.] Well?!!! I have no idea where that sort of money is! We shelled out everything yesterday. MM Folks Being Butchered In Ukerewe2nd April 2019. 15:57. From John: This is a very big mission. Our brothers are being butchered in Ukerewe and God's MM lits being changed by the evil ones. God knows. 2nd April 2019. 16:08. From Rhoda: "ALREADY TWO MM FOLK HAVE BEEN KILLED FOR REFUSING TO HAND OVER MM LITS IN UKEREWE ISLAND. THE VAN MUST MOVE TO UKEREWE. ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP OUT." 7 Angels have said that now. 2nd April 2019. 19:36. To John, cc Rhoda: Money has been gathered, amazingly! Should be on its way shortly.
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