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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 16 |
209Mission To The Iraqi People
A fire goes before Him and burns up His enemies (Psalm 97:3).
17th February 2019. 13:17. From Rhoda: "MM IS GOD'S TOOL OF CORRECTING ALL MESSES MADE BY MEGACHURCHES, FALSE PREACHERS, GROUPS AND AUTHORITIES. GOD WILL BRING DOWN ALL RULERS AND LEADERS WHO OPPOSE MM IN IRAQ AS FROM TODAY MIDNIGHT. JOHN AND THE TEAM TO GO ON WITH DISTRIBUTION OF MM LITS. MALCOLM TO WRITE A LETTER ADDRESSED TO THE IRAQI PEOPLE. JOHN TO PRODUCE MANY COPIES AND THEY WILL HAVE TO VISIT MOSQUES AND CHURCHES IN IRAQI CITIES STARTING WITH BAGHDAD TONIGHT. THERE WILL BE MASSIVE OPPOSITION BUT ALL SHALL BOW AT THE END. AT LEAST £950 TO REACH JOHN BY RIA TONIGHT. VERY URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 17th February 2019. Letter To All the People of Iraq Midnight Ministries has come to IRAQ by direct command of God Almighty. We bring to you this good news and announcement of the plan of God for you, as well as for all peoples of the earth. What God is doing in Iraq is amazing and UNPRECEDENTED. It is the end-time witness of God’s Spirit which is going to ALL NATIONS (Matthew 24:14), and has entered part of the ‘forbidden zone’ of Islam. It is a Move of God in preparing the Way (Isaiah 40:3-10) before the Second Coming of Jesus, the Christ, the Saviour of all who call upon Him (Revelation 19; Matthew 24:30; Romans 10:12-13). The Eternal God of the Bible is God over ALL nations, but at this time He has not exercised His complete sovereignty over all the earth. He will do that fully when He sends Jesus to take complete control and rule over the whole earth in a few years’ time (Isaiah 9:6-7; Revelation 20). For now He is calling individuals in each nation and working in those individual lives through His Spirit. God’s Spirit imparts His qualities, chief among which is love: God’s love (1 Corinthians 13), a love divine which gives inner strength and peace. It inspires obedience to His Ten Commandments (Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5; Matthew 19:17), and imbues each believer in Jesus with spiritual abilities (Romans 12) which include spiritual gifts such as the manifestation of speaking in tongues (1 Corinthians 12) or prophecy (1 Cor 12 and 14). These are given according to God’s purposes, not man’s choosing. His Spirit enhances the spirit of man with spiritual qualities of love and goodness that give rise to fruits which Paul listed in Galatians 5:22-26. These good fruits are a result of the outworking of the Spirit of God in each believer’s life. They are the good fruits of obedience to God that bring harmony in society when practised by all. That harmony will be established throughout the whole world during the Millennium to come shortly, when Jesus rules over all earth for 1,000 years, bringing universal peace, prosperity, happiness, an end to all war, an end to suffering and death, when He offers eternal life to ALL who are alive. May God speed that day, and may we all remain faithful to Him to the end (Matthew 24:13), while we live in this spiritually dark world (2 Corinthians 4:4; Galatians 1:4), which is governed by Satan the devil (Ephesians 2:2). It is Satan who has deceived the whole world (Revelation 12:9), which is why so few know the Truth about Jesus and have access to God at this time. You are among those privileged few whom He has called to know Him. God has offered you access to Him through Jesus Christ our Lord. Because of what Jesus has done in paying the price of sin for all humanity (John 3:16), you can accept Him and have your sins forgiven and can come boldly in prayer before His Throne of Grace (Hebrews 4:16) to meet your every need. The answers to life’s problems and issues are all contained in the Bible and expounded in MM literature. God is the answer, through Jesus your Saviour (Acts 4:12), and He is found by all who seek Him and love His ways. “Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord” (Acts 3:19). All who resist and oppose Him, God will judge and bring down. But those who accept Him, He will bless. To them we say: “May God bless you and keep you. “May God make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you. “May God smile upon you and give you peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26.) God WANTS to do that, IF you will submit to Him. Comment: Our faithful supporters could only manage to find £640 towards the needed £950 which the angels requested for the outreach in Iraq. In Baghdad18th February 2019. 9:33. To John: Did you get to Baghdad last night OK? Is everything OK? 9:35. From John: Yes we are in Baghdad. There is very tight police [security] check. I'll send a report shortly. God bless. 18th Feb 2019. 17:28. From John: There is no room for Christians here. Last time when we visited here there were a few members of Church of Maryos but now the few MM brothers hide when they study their MM lits because Muslim brothers and the authority are oppressing Christians mightily. I believe that is why God sent us here. We will follow God's guidance and all must bow to His voice. Even right now our van is being monitored closely by armed police officers both in uniform and in civilian clothes. We have been distributing MM lits and the letter Malcolm sent. We believe the people are reading it. We give it to shopkeepers, open air market women and men, drivers. Tomorrow we will visit mosques and any church we come across, being guided by the thick white mists. 18th February 2019. 17:37. From Rhoda: "IAM, I NEVER GIVE FALSE PROMISES. I PROMISED ABRAHAM A SON IN OLD AGE AND I DID GIVE HIM. THIS DAY I ONCE MORE REPEAT MY PROMISE THAT MM IS MY TOOL TO WIPE OUT SIN THROUGH MM LITS EVANGELISM. THAT'S WHY MY SERVANT MALCOLM SHOULD NOT LOSE HOPE. SUPPORT IS COMING VERY SOON. THE FEW REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS MUST NOT GET WEARY TO SUPPORT MM LITS EVANGELISM BY THE MM VAN TEAM. BY NOW AT LEAST £3500 SHOULD BE IN THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT FOR THE WORK AHEAD IS MASSIVE. MM LITS MUST REACH ALL CORNERS OF THE GLOBE. TONIGHT ALONE GOD WILL BRING DOWN THE PROUD IRAQIS FIGHTING CHRISTIANS. GOD IS GOD. AT LEAST £550 TO REACH JOHN BY RIA NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW, NO REST DAY AND NIGHT. THIS IS THE TIME FOR DELIVERANCE OF MY PEOPLE IN IRAQ." 7 Angels have said that to me now Monday 19th February 2019. 19:30. To John: It looks like God intends to kill quite a few opponents tonight, by the sounds of that angel message. 19th February 2019. 12:52. From John: We are engaged by imams who want to know Malcolm in person. It is a tough exchange. I'll give a report.... 14:32. Reply: You can tell the imams that a greater than Malcolm is there in Iraq. His name is Jesus and He accompanies your van. Thanks. But He only reveals Himself to those who obey Him. [Vivian tried to send £550 to John but was blocked.] 14:59. To John: Success! Fiona Denman has sent the money to you. £550 by Ria 12946346279. 20th Feb 2019. 13:52. From John: They have been demanding us to produce Malcolm. They took me to be Malcolm and I had to produce my ID... God Blinds And Kills 146 OpponentsWed 20th Feb 2019. 17:05. From John: All the nine Muslim brothers who gave us a hard time by blocking us placing the MM lits where God directed us through the white mists lost their eyesight at midnight on Monday and died yesterday at midnight. The clerics heard them cry in Malcolm's name before their deaths so they held us hostage to produce Malcolm. They declared to have Malcolm dead or alive. And after allowing them to read the letter that Malcolm sent me today, they have vowed to visit all the places we visit and see what we do. They are in five vehicles trailing us. Yesterday they did the same, day and night. In all these we go to mosques, churches and schools delivering God's MM lits and the letter Malcolm wrote about the Iraq mission. We haven't stopped since last night. They tightly follow us to see all we do. They want Malcolm. 20th February 2019. 17:12. From Rhoda: "HE IS GOD WHO HAS GATHERED INHUMANE MUSLIM IMAMS TO FOLLOW AFTER THE VAN LIKE LOST SHEEP LOOKING FOR MALCOLM AFTER THE DEATH OF THEIR YOUTHS WHO WANTED TO BOMB THE VAN ON MONDAY NIGHT. BUT GOD BLOCKED THEIR EYES AND WIPED THEM OUT YESTERDAY MIDNIGHT. JOHN AND THE TEAM MUST NOT FEAR. GOD WILL COLLECT MORE TILL FRIDAY MIDNIGHT AND DESTROY THEM. THE VAN ENGINE HASN'T RESTED BUT GOD IS IN IT. AT LEAST £777 TO REACH JOHN BY RIA TONIGHT. THIS WILL TAKE THEM UP TO FRIDAY MIDNIGHT WHEN GOD WILL DESTROY ALL THOSE IMAMS. SEVEN IS GOD'S NUMBER. SEVEN. SEVEN." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: 6 supporters managed to scrape together the £777 needed. The van then moved on to Mosul, Basra and Ramadi where John reported: “We are in a fierce battle with over 100 Muslim brothers.” Muslim leaders stir up the mob, baying for our blood, like the Pharisees stirred up the mob against Jesus. 22nd February 2019. 17:38. From Rhoda: "TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT GOD WILL WIPE OUT ALL THE MUSLIM LEADERS FIGHTING THE MM EVANGELISM TEAM IN IRAQ. THE TEAM MUST NOT FEAR. AT LEAST £650 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT BY RIA. THEY MUST MOVE ON AFTER THAT BECAUSE IT WILL CAUSE MUCH DISTURBANCE AND OUTCRY. BUT GOD IS IN CONTROL. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that now. 22nd Feb 2019. 17:50. From John: Yes we are waiting for God's hour. These people are too much on us, even blocking us from buying water and milk. 22nd Feb 2019. 22:25. To John: Fiona Denman has sent you £650 by Ria 12933066615. I was really amazed that such money was found! 23rd February 2019. 14:09. From John: Midnight in Najaf. We were in the city of Najaf where we concluded our Friday mission. A totally Islamic city. From seven in the evening 137 Muslim imams put pressure on us to leave their 'holy' city because we are “kaffirs” and must not be in the city on Friday their important day. Thick white mists separated us from the mad imams who were armed. We couldn't even move around nor buy water or milk because they formed a ring around us. They gave us an ultimatum: put on their long robes and throw away all MM lits if we want to stay in their city. At midnight they even became violent but thank God the thick white mists separated us from them. At exactly midnight it started raining with firebolts and strong winds when we prayed to God and pointed at them with MM Faith lits. Abruptly they broke out into different languages and they couldn't understand each other. They started shooting indiscriminately at each other for over two hours. Thick white mists covered the van and none of us got injured. We then moved away as we saw most of them dying of gunshots crying in Malcolm's name. We moved all night up to Tikrit. We arrived this morning... To our surprise, over one hundred youths came and attacked us with blows calling us Satan. Now five have lost their eyesight. Women, children and old men have gathered here abusing us and calling us names. We can't move on. We will move around the city and place MM lits and the copies of the letter Malcolm wrote. Saturday 23rd Feb 2019. 14:18. From Rhoda: "GOD BROUGHT DOWN 137 IMAMS IN NAJAF. TONIGHT MORE IN KIRKUK WILL GO. GOD IS SETTING THE STAGE FOR MASSIVE DELIVERANCE FROM FALSE PREACHERS AND IMAMS. MM IS GOD'S TOOL FOR THAT. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM TO WRITE A LETTER WARNING IMAMS IN KIRKUK CITY TO KEEP OFF AND STOP PLANS TO BURN MM VAN. THE VAN MUST MOVE SEVEN TIMES AROUND THE CITY TONIGHT, SEVEN TIMES TOMORROW, AND SEVEN TIMES ON MONDAY. ON TUESDAY AT MIDNIGHT GOD WILL WIPE MANY OUT. JOHN AND THE TEAM MUST NOT FEAR, GOD IS IN CONTROL. AT LEAST £999 TO REACH JOHN BY RIA TONIGHT. URGENT, URGENT, URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 16:56. To John: For the Imams in Kirkuk city. To the Imams in Kirkuk. I am Malcolm Heap of Midnight Ministries in the UK. I have been informed by God’s holy angels that you intend to try to burn God’s MM van. You are mounting opposition against this Work of God which He has raised up and sent to you. We come to you by holy command. We do not come of and by ourselves. I warn you in the name of Jesus Christ, who holds ALL POWER in this universe, to back off and desist from your opposition of Midnight Ministries or God will destroy you. 0I come in peace, so why do you come against us in war? I urge you to heed my plea to seek peace with us, and not try to kill God’s workers in the MM van, for if you do not desist from your hostilities our God will take your lives. I wish you well, but the choice is with you what you want to reap. Malcolm B Heap, Aylesbury, UK 24th Feb 2019. 5:45. From John: The situation is bad but we are all safe. 24th Feb 2019. 9:41. From John: ...these people want to see Malcolm face to face. Our fuel is over we can't move on. Milk and water are over, kitty dry. 11:26. Reply: The impossible situation. It’s difficult. Our supporters shelled out all they had on Friday, so the request yesterday for a further £999 was utterly impossible. This is way beyond our capabilities. God is trying to get others involved to help out but they refuse. 24th Feb 2019. 12:42. From John: Right now we are before the fiercest imams numbering 13 who have followed us all the way from Iran and are forcing us to produce Malcolm. It is clear more are on their way here. We have no water nor milk nor money for fuel. This is a big challenge. God knows how all will end. They demand to see Malcolm who killed their brothers, a Satan called Malcolm. We fear they want to burn our van. Will, may God energise regular anointed supporters to help us. It is dreadening [frightening] sight. God knows. God bless. 13:16. To John: Some money has been accessed and will be on its way. [£320 was sent from the supporters.] Monday 25th Feb 2019. 17:22. From John: We are moving around the city placing MM Faith lits and the letter Malcolm wrote to every place the thick white mists stop near mosques, churches and all busy streets. We are being followed by imams who want to destroy our van believing that I am Malcolm. The city is too wide. Our fuel may not enable us to go seven times but God knows. We believe God must show these earthen people His might via MM lits. God bless. 18:44. Reply: Well done. God can make the fuel last if it must. [He did!] 25th February 2019. 18:50. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £300 TO REACH JOHN BY RIA TOMORROW MORNING. URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT. I AM HAS SAID." 7 Angels have said that now. God Destroys Five Large Mosques In Kirkuk26th February 2019. 8:50. From John: Five big mosques fell down, eleven imams died and four of their vehicles burnt to ashes. Just at midnight, after completing the seventh round [circuit] and placing the last MM Faith lits and the letter Malcolm sent to me, strong winds started blowing which brought down the mosques. Their vehicles started crashing into one another all of a sudden. Eleven imams fell to the ground crying out Malcolm's name while being burnt with hot coal. We then moved away and left people running in different directions fearing the falling of the tall mosque buildings. We are moving on. God bless. 26th February 2019. 9:19. From Rhoda: "URGENT, URGENT, URGENT, URGENT, URGENT, URGENT, URGENT. MM BROTHERS IN UR ARE BEING KILLED BECAUSE OF WHAT HAPPENED IN KIRKUK. IMAMS THERE ARE CLAIMING THAT MALCOLM IS OUT TO DESTROY ALL MOSQUES IN IRAQ. LET JOHN AND THE TEAM HEAD THERE IMMEDIATELY. IT IS VERY FAR BUT THEY MUST GET THERE BY TONIGHT. AT LEAST £500 TO REACH JOHN BY RIA NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: With massive debts and up to our limits on credit cards, this request was almost impossible. So I asked another minister who was based in Baghdad, but who had moved out due to the violence, if he could help us. We were desperate. I thought he was a brother. He didn’t even reply! What an insult! 26th February 2019. 17:44. From John: We are stranded in Tikrit city on our way to Ur. Our fuel is over and the kitty dry. 17:55. Reply: Oh dear. God Is Shaking The Country Through His Acts27th Feb 2019. 8:31. To John: Has anything transpired there in Tikrit? 10:18. From John: We are being monitored by Muslim youths. They are surrounding us.They claim that we are demons killing their people. 11:20. Reply: Well, the miracles of God destroying some of their large mosques and killing various wicked imams has created a witness that has spread far and wide, perhaps even across the whole country through the Islamic leaders. It says in Mark 16:20 that God confirmed the Word by the accompanying signs. Who has ever witnessed signs like these? Signs of God’s judgement upon those who defy Him?! The most notable precedent is what God did to back up Elijah. (1 Kings 18; 2 Kings 1.) [After money was scraped together from supporters and sent to John:] Imams Kill Two Believers; The Van Reaches Ur28th Feb 2019. 8:50. From John: We are in Ur. We reached at midnight. Seventeen MM brothers were arrested and MM lits consficated from them. We have gone to demand for those lits back from the imams who arrested them. They killed two MM brothers. God bless. 28th February 2019. 8:57. From Rhoda: "THEY HAVE KILLED TWO MM BROTHERS OUT OF SEVENTEEN CAPTURED. THEY TOOK ALL MM LITS FROM THEM AND DEMAND TO MEET MALCOLM FACE TO FACE. GOD WILL WIPE THEM OFF AFTER JOHN HAS TAKEN ALL MM LITS FROM THEM AT MIDNIGHT TODAY. AT LEAST £400 TO REACH JOHN BY RIA NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: John described the situation. 15 brothers were tied up and blindfolded with red cloths, and kept imprisoned in a tent next to a big mosque. The bodies of the two murdered brothers, Hosman Taib and Muamar Lifti, were lying outside. The Imams taunted us by displaying some stolen MM publications. The dead brothers were married with children. It is very sad. Life will be very hard now for their wives. We didn’t have any money to help them, for the cost of these missions drains us of all available funds from all our supporters. All the believers’ homes were burned down. They lost everything. They had to sleep out in the open, with no shelter, no protection, no food. It grieves me that we simply couldn’t help them one bit! I know God helps folks in such situations, but it is Christian duty to physically help brothers in need, and we simply couldn’t do it because of our desperate financial situation. Where is the Church?!!! 1st March 2019. 13:08. From John: Yesterday evening we got attacked by irate youths who had all sorts of crude weapons. Shouting at the tops of their voices calling us kaffir, Satan, madmen, killers, they kept yelling at us till night when we got some chance and moved about ten kilometres away from the city. There seven well armed men with hand grenades surrounded us ordering Malcolm to come out of the van and meet them. At midnight I faced them with a copy of the letter that Malcolm sent us plus MM Faith lit. God descended immediately with strong winds and firebolts and killed the seven right there. We then moved back to where our brothers were held and faced the three armed guards who ran away after their guns jammed up completely, leaving our weak brothers there. We untied the red cloths from their faces and gave them water and milk. Right now we are visiting their families and sharing with them MM lits and baptising more people. God bless. Friday 1st March 2019. 13:17. From Rhoda: "GOD SAVED HIS SONS IN UR THROUGH MM LITS EVANGELISM. NOW NOW NOW THE VAN TO MOVE TO ERBIL CITY WHERE THE TEAM WILL HAVE THE SABBATH REST. AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT GOD WILL OPEN THE EYES OF AN IMAM IN ERBIL WHO WILL ACCEPT THE MM GOSPEL OF TRUTH, THEN HIS PEOPLE WILL KILL HIM BUT GOD WILL RAISE HIM JUST IMMEDIATELY AND THAT WILL MAKE THE TEAM IN THE VAN GET ARRESTED BY MUSLIM LEADERS FOR USING UNKNOWN POWERS TO EVANGELISE. GOD WILL KILL THIRTEEN MUSLIM LEADERS ON SUNDAY MIDNIGHT. AT LEAST £600 TO REACH JOHN BY RIA NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW, URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. To Erbil, Capital of Iraqi KurdistanComment about the angels’ message: The team could not move to Erbil that night as the angels suggested. The money sent couldn’t be accessed until morning. The angels were expressing what God WANTED to do ideally (convert the imam), but since he was too far gone to be rescued, God changed His scheme and instead used another way to incite the enemies to violence against us, so that He could then wipe them out: Saturday 2nd March 2019. 17:54. From John: Erbil war. Since last night we have had constant disturbance from these Muslims. Following us in every corner. At midnight two factions started a gun exchange which has gone on all today up to now. They are moving towards us. God bless. Sunday 3rd March 2019. 6:08. From John: Our fuel got over when we were 40 km away and it was here when the two factions started attacking us. 8:36. From John: We faced them with opened MM Faith lits. Then strong wind and firebolts descended on them and killed all at midnight. Over twenty of them died. Now we are moving on to Erbil. We will be placing MM Faith lits and the letter Malcolm wrote to the mosques and busy places as from today. Our God is faithful. God bless. 9:02. Reply: Thanks for the latest. I presume it will now be tonight when God will arrange for you to meet the imam He has in His sights. Obviously, God had more business to deal with before you got to Erbil, so He let your fuel run out to attract the enemies and then bring them under His judgment. 9:42. From John: The two factions are Muslims who came from different mosques and all wanted to grab our van so they started war over the same. All came to kill us and take our van. 3rd March 2019. 9:46. From Rhoda: "GOD MADE THE TEAM RUN OUT OF FUEL SO THAT HE COULD GATHER ALL ENEMIES AND DESTROY THEM BEFORE THEY COULD REACH ERBIL CITY TO MEET THE IMAM. TONIGHT GOD WILL DO MUCH. AT LEAST £400 TO REACH JOHN BY RIA TOMORROW MORNING. ERBIL WILL BE IN GOD'S HANDS VIA MM LITS." 7 angels have said that now. [We didn’t have £400. The angels asked again:] 4th March 2019. 7:30. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £400 TO REACH JOHN NOW BY RIA. THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO MOVE AROUND THE IMAM’S MOSQUE SEVEN TIMES AND AT MIDNIGHT THE WHOLE MOSQUE WILL BE DOWN AND THE CITY DELIVERED." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 4th March 2019. 7:39. From John: We arrived here past midnight. We haven't been allowed in to meet the imam. He has Christian slaves working in his home. He is a pretender, a big one luring Christians with food then enslaving them. He has a big mosque in his compound. He thought MM is like these other churches. We are around his compound, tightly fenced with hard stones and metal bars. This is a bad example, Will. Christians are cleaning, washing, and doing all sorts of work like arranging the mosque for their worship. He is not married but has women concubines. Bin Kharim Yalif Tualib is bad news. We trust God to intervene and destroy this atrocious kingdom. God bless. Our fuel may take us up to midday. We are moving around his home meeting local people giving them copies of MM lits and the letter Malcolm wrote to us. We also collect more and more information about the imam. Monday 4th March 2019. 7:43. From Rhoda: "ON WEDNESDAY THE VAN MUST MOVE BACK TO UR FOR THE EVANGELISM TEAM TO TAKE THIS LIT ON MOURNING. AT LEAST £550 TO REACH JOHN BY RIA TOMORROW FOR FUEL BACK AND £250 TO HELP THOSE LESS FORTUNATE MM BROTHERS. GOD IS WITH THEM." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [Comment: I had sent the article from IBS9 entitled Blessed Are Those Who Mournbecause of the sufferings of these poor people.] God Decrees Death On Bin Kharim Yalif Tualib4th March 2019. 8:35. From Rhoda: Imam Bin Kharim Yalif Tualib. "GOD WILL REDUCE HIM TO NOTHING. AT LEAST £400 TO REACH JOHN BY RIA NOW NOW NOW. IT IS A BIG MISSION." 7 Angels have said now. 5th March 2019. 6:44. From John: Imam Bin Kharim Yalif Tualib. At midnight, when we had completed our seventh lap around his place, strong winds started blowing non stop, and firebolts and rumbling sounds that brought down the stone wall plus the sophisticated mosque. All Christian slaves came out thanking God, but the imam plus his women concubines remained locked up in the ruined buildings. We heard him make pleas for Malcolm and his team to forgive him. He died crying out Malcolm's name. To our surprise just immediately vehicles carrying armed Islamic youths and men arrived shouting at the tops of their voices cursing MM, Malcolm, and promising to kill all MM folks in Iraq. Then after that they attacked and killed two sisters who had accepted the MM gospel of truth. Salisa and Judy are dead. Will, we are heading back to Ur. [John later added about the two ladies: They were caught with the lits and strangled to death by rogue Muslim youths.] 5th March 2019. 6:55. From Rhoda: Imam Bin Kharim Yalif Tualib. "HE IS NO MORE PLUS HIS WOMEN CONCUBINES. NOW HIS MEN ARE HUNTING FOR MM FOLKS. ALREADY THEY HAVE KILLED TWO LADIES WHOM GOD WILL RAISE UP AT MIDNIGHT TODAY. THE TEAM IS ON THE WAY BACK TO UR, WHERE THERE ARE MORE MM FOLKS, [and the van needs to get there tonight] TO BLOCK MUSLIM BROTHERS FROM KILLING THEM. NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW AT LEAST £550 FOR FUEL AND ANOTHER £250 FOR THE LESS FORTUNATE MM BROTHERS IN UR TO REACH JOHN BY RIA. URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 10:33. To John: What happened to those armed, murderous Muslim radicals? How did God protect you from them? 10:52. From John: They aimed at us with their guns which all jammed then they retreated and we moved on. God bless. 5th March 2019. 16:56. From Rhoda: "MORE AND MORE MUSLIM RADICALS ARE HEADING TO UR TO KILL MM FOLKS THERE SO THE VAN MUST REACH THERE AHEAD OF THEM BEFORE MIDNIGHT. ALSO THE EVANGELISM BANK ACCOUNT MUST NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT BE DRY. AT LEAST £3500 BE DEPOSITED IN THE ACCOUNT BEFORE FRIDAY THIS WEEK SUCH THAT WHEN THEY BLOCK RIA, EVANGELISM WORK DOESN'T STOP. URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT. AT LEAST £500 TO REACH JOHN BY RIA OR XPRESS MONEY TRANSFER TONIGHT. THEY ARE GOING TO MEET THE BIGGEST OPPOSITION EVER TONIGHT AND TOMORROW IN UR. THEY MUST HAVE ENOUGH FUEL, WATER, MILK AND EXTRA MONEY IN HAND. GOD WILL GIVE THEM VICTORY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: The only problem with this request is that we simply didn’t have £3,500 immediately available. God was stating the need, but people who should be helping just obstruct us, oppose us, ignore us, and some even vilify us; I mean churches do that, church folks do that; ministers do that. Our regular supporters couldn’t raise this sort of money, because they are all massively in debt, having sacrificed their all to get the missions this far. Exploited and extorted: The cost of these missions is astronomical. One reason is because Muslim traders see a Christian van and then inflate their prices for whatever we need to buy. We are fleeced. God lets it happen, just as He lets most evils take place, allowing humanity free moral agency. In their life review, each person sees the evil or the good they have committed in life. 5th March 2019. 23:13. To John: Just to fill you in on our situation. The angels asked for £500 tonight but we have nothing to send. We emptied everything to find that £800 sent earlier today. I trust that you received that OK. So, while we are empty, God is not. So we look to God, which is all you can do in this situation. I don’t know how He will resolve it, but He can, and He must for the sake of His Work. God bless. Wednesday 6th March 2019. 6:21. From John: Thanks for the letter, the only problem is that we were badly attacked. One more MM brother got killed. We must move far from here since God killed all the 45 youths who attacked us. We need more fuel to get us to Baghdad. Our kitty is completely dry. We have water and milk to take us up to Friday. We did give £250 to our MM brothers. 6th March 2019. 6:35. From Rhoda: "THE GREAT IAM SAYS THAT AT LEAST £500 TO REACH JOHN BY RIA NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW. THEY MUST MOVE OUT OF UR UP TO WHERE GOD WILL DIRECT THEM. THE DEAD MM BROTHERS WILL BE RAISED. AT LEAST £500 TO REACH JOHN NOW. GOD KILLED ALL THE ARMED YOUTHS AND NOW UR IS IN TURMOIL, THEIR KINS ARE MOURNING." 7 Angels have said that now. 8:26. To John: While we are trying to find something (which will take some hours), can you relate what happened? I presume you managed to get to Ur before midnight last night [to help the believers made homeless]. Do you have any contact with the folks in Erbil? I am curious to know whether God raised up last night the two ladies who got strangled, or whether that will be tonight. 6th March 2019. 8:59. From John: In Ur: We managed to arrive a few minutes to midnight, met our brothers, gave them the money. About ten minutes after midnight a big team of youths armed with all sorts of weapons ordered us to surrender which we did not, but one brother Khalid Hamisa started to run away. They followed him and killed him. We then faced them with opened MM Faith lits. Suddenly they started quarrelling among themselves and God then struck them with firebolts [lightningbolts and thunder]. We counted 45 bodies this morning and all are burnt. No blood nor wounds. During the fight strong winds blew with sounds of thunder. We haven't heard about what happened in Erbil. 6th March 2019. 9:04. To John: Thanks. How far are these bodies from where the believers are living? Have they managed to find any materials to make shelters for themselves, or have they been living out in the open? 9:11. From John: About 500m away. They are currently buying pvc sheets to make a shelter. They have been living in the open field. God bless. On To Baghdad Again7th March 2019. 15:48. To John: Have you reached Baghdad? 7th March 2019. 15:57. From John: We are in the middle of the fiercest battle. We were surrounded from last night to now with an increasingly big number of armed Islamic youths. We had only moved thirty kilometres when we found them sleeping on the roads leading to Baghdad. Thick white mists separate us from them. Pray for us. There is also poor network coverage here. Thursday 7th March 2019. 16:00. From Rhoda: "NO FEAR. LET JOHN AND THE TEAM NOT CRY. GOD IS COLLECTING ALL THE OPPOSERS BEFORE THEY REACH BAGHDAD. THEY WILL NOT REACH THE VAN. LET THEM [John and Vuga] SURROUND THE VAN WITH MM FAITH LITS ALL OPENED. GOD IS AT WORK." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: When enemies look at an opened Faith booklet, a blinding light shines out of it. It is so intense it blinds their eyes. It is usually the prelude to God killing enemies. He kills them as it says in Scripture, with hot coal (Ps 11:6). 7th Mar 2019. 17:45. From Salah Hamad [salahhamad789@gmail.com]: hello malcolm, this is the first and last warning. we are not interested in your teachings so keep off africa and middle east. we have lost many people due to your dubious teachings. i am more powerful and if you fail to do so then i will eliminate you and your followers in africa whom you have bewitched including the ones in ethiopia and kenya. 8th March 2019. 8:29. From Rhoda: "GOD CANNOT GET INTIMIDATED. THESE ARE THREATS TO KASSAHUN AND JOHN PLUS OTHER EVANGELISTS. SOME MONEY SHOULD GO TO KASSAHUN FOR MORE MM LITS EVANGELISM IN ETHIOPIA. NOW NOW NOW, AT LEAST £550 TO REACH JOHN BY RIA. THEY ARE ALREADY IN BAGHDAD. URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that now. God Kills More Opponents By firebolts8th March 2019. 8:36. From John: We are in Baghdad, our kitty is completely dry. We had to take a long route because God killed over fifty armed youths on the direct route to Baghdad. Will, these people fight MM daily but God is faithful. God descended on them at midnight when they moved closer to the van surrounded with opened MM Faith lits. firebolts killed them. All cried out Malcolm's name [pleading for mercy]. We are not scared by their threats from that letter they sent you. Encourage brother Kassahun to move ahead even stronger with evangelism work. Our God is the victor. Baghdad is hostile to us but we must go on sharing MM lits and a letter that Malcolm sent us. God bless. Comment: The £550 was put together... Just... . 8th March 2019. 20:28. From Salah Hamad: i have located where you stays at so be careful. 20:34. Reply: Good. Look forward to seeing you (go up in smoke!). 9th March 2019. 6:24. From Salah Hamad: Thank you and see you soon! Bastard.16:44. From Salah Hamad: Allah! is great. i will kill you all and i think you don't no whom you are communicating with. 17:40. Reply: I know precisely whom I am communicating with, Satan. 0And you are grossly deceived to think that your “Allah” is all powerful. He is not. He is under the supremacy of our ALMIGHTY GOD JESUS, and Jesus will defeat any attack you mount against us. So, come on then!!!!!!! 9th March 2019. 18:32. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM MUST IGNORE ALL NEW LETTERS FROM ANY NEW PERSON BE IT A THREAT OR REQUEST. MORE AND MORE LETTERS WILL BE SENT TO MALCOLM THREATENING HIM, ABUSING HIM AND SAYING ALL SORTS OF DIRTY WORDS. ALL ARE FROM MM OPPOSERS. MORE MONEY TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW. NOW THEY ARE ENGAGING FORTY MUSLIMS IN A TOUGH EXCHANGE. THEY CLAIM THAT JOHN IS MALCOLM. AT LEAST £750 TO REACH JOHN BY TOMORROW. A BIG WAR IS AHEAD." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 9th March 2019. 19:06. From Salah Hamad: you are the devil who is pretending to a saint. i will deal with you accordingly. you do not know the history of the Islam. Sunday 10th March 2019. 9:03. To John: There was intense intercession again yesterday evening. We suspect it was to do with Iraq, where you are, things taking place there. The angels forewarned of a big war ahead. So we are wondering what has transpired. Are you all OK? 10th March 2019. 9:06. From John: Thanks Will. We had to move to the outskirts of Baghdad city before midnight. We are being sought after by armed Muslims. They want us to produce Malcolm dead or alive. We believe God will bring them to book. Our kitty is dry. God bless. [Bob sent to John’s MP account £510. A posse of Islamic gunmen was following the MM van around Baghdad. I asked John about the gunmen:] 14:02. From John: They are engaged in a gun battle with each other. I believe by midnight they will be no more and we will go on with evangelism. 18:16. From John: They have AK-47 rifles plus short ones. They are hiding in between buildings and at times come into the open. People have fled the area. 10th March 2019. 16:00. To John: While Lukas is there in the van, does he ever cause any trouble or make complaint? Or is he quiet most of the time?... 10th March 2019. 16:03. From John: He is convinced that surely MM is God's vessel of clearing all sin in the world. He is ever asking for forgiveness following all bad things he did to MM. God bless. 11th March 2019. 10:23. To John: Last night there was again a lot of intense intercession, especially about 9pm, which is midnight your time... 11th March 2019. 10:47. From John: They all killed themselves and we are now visiting mosques and delivering MM lits plus the letter Malcolm sent us. We have been able to visit ten since midnight to now. God bless. 11:37. Reply: Do you get any rest each day? 12:04. From John: Thanks Will. Only ten minutes rest. God bless. Hostile Mosques Demolished By God11th March 2019. 16:37. From Rhoda: "TONIGHT GOD WILL BRING DOWN THREE MOSQUES IN BAGHDAD WHERE PLANS HAVE ALWAYS BEEN MADE TO ATTACK MM. THE TEAM MUST GO ON VISITING MOST MOSQUES TONIGHT GIVING MM LITS AND THE LETTER MALCOLM WROTE. AFTER THE COLLAPSE OF THOSE MOSQUES, TOMORROW MORE PEOPLE WILL ACCEPT MM GOSPEL OF TRUTH AND GET BAPTISED. NOW NOW NOW AT LEAST £550 TO REACH JOHN. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 11th March 2019. 18:46. From John: One big mosque has collapsed and killed unknown people ten minutes ago. God bless. 13th March 2019. 8:30. From Rhoda: "A TOTAL OF THREE MOSQUES COLLAPSED IN IRAQ AFTER MM LITS WERE PLACED AROUND THE MOSQUES. THE VAN THEN GOT SURROUNDED YESTERNIGHT BY ARMED MEN AND THE TEAM GOT ARRESTED. ALL THEIR MONEY, WATER, MILK AND THEIR CLOTHES WERE TAKEN FROM THEM. ALL VAN TYRES GOT DEFLATED BUT AT MIDNIGHT ALL THOSE THIEVES GOT KILLED BY fireboltS. THEY [the MM team] WERE BEATEN BUT ALL ARE OKAY. THEY COULDN'T WRITE THE REPORT IMMEDIATELY BECAUSE THEY WERE BEING FOLLOWED BY MUSLIM SPIES. THEY HAVE NO WATER NOR MILK BUT THEY ARE OKAY AND WILL GO ON SPREADING THE MM LITS GOOD NEWS. NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW, AT LEAST £510 TO REACH JOHN NOW. URGENT, URGENT, URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [Comment: A total of £600 was sent, thanks to MM supporters.] The MM Crew Beaten Up Again[Shortly before this incident God gave me this dream:] 9th March 2019. M. Dark satanic figure. A black figure, imposing and menacing stood near me, as if to intimidate and try to instil fear. Meaning: A portrayal of Satan trying again to harm us, intimidating and menacing. He uses evil people. Salah Hamad, a Muslim in Iraq was used by Satan at the time, attacking the team and intimidating me in e-mails. 13th March 2019. 8:35. From John: They almost killed us. We got ambushed after two more mosques collapsed. We were beaten up and clothes, water, milk and £137 robbed from us. All van tyres deflated yesterday night before midnight. At midnight God killed the 17 robbers by firebolts. We are still being spied on now, but thank God one MM brother brought a pump and inflated all the tyres in the morning today. We managed to move ten km away. We are well and will go on evangelising till we have a big baptism on Friday. 8:45. Reply: .. Do these mosques have names? I hope you are all OK... 8:50. From John: Thanks Will. Al-kufa, Al-khuramis and Al-masjid mosques. We are okay and moving on with evangelism work. God bless. 9:00. Reply: Do you have clothes to wear? Glad to hear that you are OK. So God has healed your wounds and bruises! 10:11. From John: Only longtrousers, one each. I have received the money sister Tonya sent by Mpesa [£100, and Bob also sent £500]. God bless. 10:40. You mentioned spies following you. How many? Are they in a car? 10:41. From John: They are in a black car. Every mosque we visit, they follow us and see the MM lits we leave behind. God bless. 12:24. Reply: Can you get their registration number? Thanks. 13:01. From John: Thanks Will. It is covered in black paint. God bless. 13:45. Reply: Would you believe it!!!!? ...they don’t want to be identified... 15:06. When God killed them. Just before God killed them supernaturally by lightning bolts / firebolts at midnight, what were they doing? Were they beating you up for hours until that moment? And when they were struck dead, were they holding onto you or near you? Whereabouts did it take place? The bolts of power make noise, obviously. I guess they are loud cracks like lightning, is that right? 13th March 2019. 16:31. From John: Thanks to God. They first deflated the van tyres, physically undressed us by force beating us up, took our water and milk, called us kaffirs. At midnight they started fighting over the money they grabbed from us. That's when strong winds and firebolts started hitting them. 14th March 2019. 15:19. From John: More spies! ...Their vehicle has rolled several times killing all. Tomorrow we shall have the biggest baptism here. 16:11. Reply: Wow! That’s something else! How did that happen? 16:30. From John: ...we are still in Baghdad. Angels of God may have made their car roll till all died. We were not moving at high speed. God did it. From Eleanor: Dream in 2002: [Eleanor Galvin’s dream about Iraq.] I was standing in a large hall with my mother [she died in 2001, but is returning] standing beside me on my left. There were quite a few men standing to my right, dressed in suits. One of the men said, "What church are you from?" As I turned to answer him, my mother rushed up to the front of the hall and shouted really loudly, "God loves the Iraqi people!" It was some time later as I was watching the news that I saw the exact place in Iraq that was in my dream. The Prime Minister Maliki was talking from the same place in Baghdad. 15th March 2019. 9:09. From John: A total of seven spies died. We are expecting a big number to turn up for baptism today. We will visit ten places to do baptism so it will go up to night God willing. Now we are visiting the last nine mosques to place MM lits and the letter Malcolm wrote. We have been moving around non stop since Tuesday, both day and night... 15th March 2019. 9:14. From Rhoda: "IT [the baptism ceremony] IS MEANT TO ANNOY THE MAD IMAMS SO THAT THEY COME OUT FOR GOD TO WIPE THEM OUT. MANY WILL COME TO ACCEPT THE MM GOSPEL OF TRUTH VIA BAPTISM AND TAKING OF MM LITS. IN ADDITION TO WHAT TONYA SENT THEM AT LEAST £500 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [Rhoda sent that message on John's e-mail because her phone got lost as explained below.] 15th March 2019. 9:22. From John: Rhoda is with us here. She lost her phone yesternight as we stepped out to count the bodies of the spies... 15th March 2019. 9:37. From John: Mwanamwali Halisa Muamud, a young girl, picked up Rhoda's phone while going to the mosque. The back of the phone has a sticker written MM EVANGELIST. So this little girl stopped our van also with a label of MM and handed over the phone to us. We have prayed for her since it is a unique thing to have a Moslem returning a lost item to a Christian especially in this territory. The phone is in good shape. God bless. 10:39. Reply: Wonderful!!! Thanks to God, I bet Rhoda’s trip to join you there in Iraq was miraculous. Let us know how that was made possible... God Miraculously Took Rhoda To Iraq15th March 2019. 10:47. From Rhoda: Praise God. God has sent me here to go with my brothers into one family here tomorrow after Sabbath. This family has been chosen by God to join the MM regular supporters as from next year January. They have a permanent crude oil source that will generate good money to support the MM work in Africa and beyond. God through his Angels gave me words to tell them. They have lived in Baghdad for many years but their real home of origin is Israel. The devil wanted to block my mission by making my phone get lost. Thank God a good Samaritan got it. The good Samaritan, a little girl comes from that family... Life here is horribly bad but God is with MM. I haven't shared to John and the team why I am here. God brought me here with no money for fare. It is a long journey but God did it. Praise God. 10:54. "THE LITTLE GIRL WAS GOD SENT TO GIVE US THE DIRECTION WHERE A NEW FUTURE MM SUPPORT WILL COME FROM. SHE IS OF ISRAELI ORIGIN. GOD BROUGHT THEIR GRANDPARENTS HERE MANY YEARS AGO. THEY LIVE ON PERMANENT CRUDE OIL DEPOSITS. GOD WILL HAND OVER THIS PLACE TO MM AS FROM JANUARY NEXT YEAR. NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW AT LEAST £500 TO REACH JOHN. THERE IS MASSIVE WORK HERE. WE SHALL MOVE ON TO VISIT ALL PARTS OF THE CITY TILL NIGHT. BAPTISM IS ALREADY GOING ON AND WE MUST DO IT IN TEN PLACES." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 11:40. Reply: Thanks for the news. It’s amazing how God is working things out and how He brought you from Kenya to Iraq. Because it is miraculous how He did that, it needs more explanation. So please explain in more detail how God worked that out, how you could travel all that distance without any money. Friday 15th March 2019. 12:43. From Rhoda: It was on Tuesday night when God gave me a dream on how MM will soon get support from an Israeli family based in Iraq. The same dream came to me seven times in one night. On Wednesday God sent me to Nairobi to pray for MM folk [a lady] who lost her husband in the Ethiopian aeroplane that fell down the other day killing all people on board. After prayer she requested me to accompany her to Ethiopia which we did via aeroplane. Yesterday while in Ethiopia the dream about an MM Israeli supporter came to me as if I was watching a video movie. In Addis Ababa airport I met an Iraqi man who lost his nephew in the ill-fated plane. I prayed for him and touched him with MM Faith lit, then he told me about a van doing evangelism in Baghdad labelled MM. He was with his two sisters and a brother. They had a private jet. I requested them to give me a lift to Iraq. That's how I reached here today past midnight. I then miraculously met the MM van in the city center and we just moved on with evangelism work when my phone got lost. Praise God. 13:08. Reply: Wow! I bet John and Vuga were surprised to see you! Those people who died on that plane in Ethiopia seemed to be associated with the UN, some of them officials, I think. So that lady who lost her husband in that crash was a lady of means to be able to pay for your fare and hers to go there. But of course they require to see your passport and visa (or perhaps a visa is not required), so how did God facilitate that at the checking-in desk at the airport? 13:14. From Rhoda: No one even asked for my visa. God's Angels covered me so people couldn't see me. Praise God... [God transported Rhoda to Iraq because of the baptism of women converts. Their culture does not permit a man to touch a woman who is not his wife.] 16th March 2019. 11:11. To John: The words of Hebrews 10:32 onwards are very appropriate to the new believers in these Islamic countries. Paul wrote about “the former days in which, after you were illuminated [received the light of the truth], you endured a great struggle with sufferings: partly while you were made a spectacle both by reproaches and tribulations, and partly while you became companions of those who were so treated...” And he emphasised the need to steadfastly endure, despite the hardships and opposition in a hostile environment where the true God is vilified and ignored. The early Church went through a similar test of endurance and steadfastness. There is a great reward at the end of it all, given by Jesus. Iraq Mass Baptism Angers Muslim Leaders17th March 2019. 11:20. From John: The baptism we carried out here has annoyed the Muslim leaders a great deal. Our van has been followed non stop since yesterday. Rhoda went back this morning through Ethiopia to Kenya. 11:42. Reply: Yes, God said the Muslim leaders would come out so that God can destroy them. That’s amazing how God brought Rhoda to be there for the baptisms. I guess she had to be there to baptise the women, because it’s a no-no in Islamic societies for a man to touch a woman who is not his wife. Do you know how Rhoda travelled? Was she offered a lift again on that private jet? 11:57. From John: ...Rhoda baptised 29 women... 13:31. Members of the family that gave her a lift to Baghdad were travelling back to Ethiopia to get some pay, they gave her a lift. By now I just guess she is back in Nairobi. 13:53. Reply: Thanks. I wonder how she got from Addis to Kenya... 17th March 2019. 15:23. From Rhoda: Thanks. Praise God. We have just arrived in Nairobi from Ethiopia. God has once again brought me back miraculously. Mrs. Ben Wanjau facilitated my travel back to Nairobi. She was paid some money by Ethiopian Airlines. That's what took her there. I have left them planning for the burial which will occur on Wednesday this week. Very many people turned up for baptism. Moslem women are only baptised by women. God used me to baptise 29 women and John and Vuga baptised 53 men. That annoyed their leaders but God led us through it peacefully. Thanks to our God. God bless. Life in that place is too dangerous but God is surely guiding MM work. Everyone, a woman or a man, is armed. God’s Judgement Upon The Wicked Continues17th March 2019. 18:52. From Rhoda: "GOD WILL WIPE OUT ALL 17 ARMED MEN SENT BY MUSLIM LEADERS TO ATTACK THE MM VAN IN BAGHDAD TONIGHT. AT LEAST £540 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW. VERY URGENT URGENT URGENT. THE TEAM MUST NOT FEAR." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 18th March 2019. 8:36. To John: I hope you received money OK this morning, sent last night. Presumably, last night God killed the 17 gunmen who were following you. Is that right? And if so, how did it all happen? Thanks. You must have visited a lot of mosques by now. Are you still in Baghdad? 8:43. From John: At midnight they surrounded us and ordered us to hand over to them all the MM Faith lits. I only gave out one MM Faith lit to their leader who had two short guns. On touching the lit he started crying aloud that he is being burnt with hot coal. In that moment all the guns of the remaining sixteen jammed and they started begging us for forgiveness but it was too late. Strong winds and firebolts started hitting them as we moved away. We continued with visiting mosques and churches placing MM Faith lits and the letter Malcolm sent us. Yes, we received the money in the morning. We are now visiting mosques on the outskirts of Baghdad city. They are many but we must accomplish God's work. God bless. 18th March 2019. 8:47. From Rhoda: "ALL 17 MEN GOT KILLED BY fireboltS. TONIGHT TEN TOPMOST LEADERS WILL DIE. THEY WANT TO GRAB ALL MM LITS IN THE VAN SO THAT THE EVANGELISM WORK CAN END. TODAY THE VAN IS VISITING ALL MOSQUES IN THE PERIPHERY OF BAGHDAD CITY. IT IS A LONG DISTANCE. AT LEAST A FURTHER £540 TO REACH JOHN TODAY TODAY TODAY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: With contributions from the regular faithful supporters, this figure was raised. But it’s only achieved through great sacrifice! How Many Mega-Evangelists Denied GodIntercession Information at the time: We approached various evangelists and TV preachers who have oodles of money, asking them if any would be willing to help the Tunisians who are poor and cannot afford to duplicate the Christian lit we have sent them. There are MANY there who are hungry and thirsty for truth. None was willing to help. I asked several if they would LOAN us a meagre amount which we could repay later when our funds arrive. In relation to that I pointed out their DUTY which is outlined in 1 John 3:17-18 and Matthew 5:42. Jesus said do not draw back from helping another brother in need. Yet they did. It just shows how much sectarianism and selfishness permeates the body of Christ. Paul pointed out that if you don’t recognise another part of the body you are rejecting Him, and for such rejection many were not being healed and some had died (1 Cor 11:29,30). One who turned us down was Joyce Meyer. She’s got more money than she knows what to do with sensibly. Her ministry pays for new water supplies for unbelievers in third world countries, yet she wouldn’t help the Tunisian Christians associated with our ministry in the same way. God had to supply their water SUPERNATURALLY coz she wouldn’t. That was not mere inability; that was unwillingness which contained an element of hostility and resentment against another part of the body. For that, God has allowed her to suffer from demonic oppression (the jailers Jesus mentioned in one analogy). She is on a sickbed and has been for months. Helena is not allowed to intercede for her. In Helena’s intercession she cannot just intercede and push demons off anyone she chooses. The Spirit leads her in what she can do. And oftentimes she is not allowed to pray for various people. She has to wait until God okays it, then she can couple up to the Spirit and push the demons off. To an unbeliever this sounds fanciful if not loony, but it’s the spiritual gift she has. She sits all day long persevering, pushing at demonic powers for the outreach and for people whom God singles out and shows her. The angels are somehow involved, too, administering her instructions in some way so that God’s plan is worked out. We still have a massive backlog of needs that have not been met because of the unwillingness of people whom God wanted to help out but who refused (and who have suffered as a result). Months ago the angels stated a need of £600 for lit duplication costs in Tunisia. The farm programme in Kenya is not operative now because we didn’t have the £1950 God said (via the angels to Rhoda) that they need. And we are at our end now to supply the regular needs of the outreach which is consuming about £500 a day because of the massive things God is doing in Iraq. [God has helped us struggle on.] He is instigating REVIVAL there in a unique way, bringing many Muslims to conversion. We can’t go on supporting the outreach now. I believe this is the last week we can do this, not just because of lack of money. We also have the problem of being blocked by money senders who think the pattern of our sending each day warrants a block; it looks like fraudulent transfer of funds day after day. But the only reason it has to go like this is because of the urgent need and the paucity of funds. If we had the big sums the angels had asked for earlier, such as £3,500 which is needed right away, we wouldn’t have had to send all these regular smaller amounts that arouse suspicion. [Money could be sent more economically by bank transfer than through money movers in lots of smaller amounts that incur quite high fees.] Going back to the Joyce Meyer situation, the demonic attacks on her will be painful. She is probably bed-bound. On TBN [Trinity Broadcasting Network] they are using video messages she has produced in previous years. God may take her life, if He has to, in order to rescue her from her pride and self-reliance. Of course, God doesn’t tell us what He plans for another. It’s none of our business. We are mere mortals and the secret things belong to God. Our duty is to just do what He asks. And that is the key to being released from demonic oppression – just DO what He asks. That is the base line of submission to God. It shows the validity of our surrender to the Spirit. As we are physical beings, God gets each of us to do things in the physical that stem from a willingness in the spiritual, as a part of the outworking of our conversion. And that obedience allows His Spirit to find a home within us and the demons are ousted (which prevent people doing what God asks). God Hits The Opponents With fireboltsTues 19th March 2019. 13:54. From John: Roads blocked. ...St George's Church, Alliance Church and Church of the Virgin are here. We have visited a good number of mosques and am keeping a record. God bless. Leaders of these mosques are very hostile and are armed. 13:59. I received the money in good time. Roads were blocked using big stones so that we don't access three mosques believed to be housing firearms. We trust God to help us access them at midnight. We are moving on non stop since last night. Seven mosques and three churches have been visited so far. 15:19. Reply: Thanks. Good work. 16:23. So, clearly you haven’t heard about any of these top brass dying yet? You say these imams are all armed. When you visit mosques to deposit the lit, do any imams try to shoot you? Tuesday 19th March 2019. 16:59. From John: Seven are dead. We are being shot at now. Full report coming. God bless. 20th March 2019. 7:55. From Rhoda: "8 MUSLIM LEADERS DIED OF fireboltS AT MIDNIGHT. ALL ROADS WERE BLOCKED FOR THE VAN TO MOVE ON TILL GOD DESCENDED IN fireboltS AND KILLED THE LEADERS BEHIND THE ROAD BLOCK. NOW YOUTHS ARMED WITH ALL SORTS OF CRUDE WEAPONS ARE TRAILING THE MM VAN. THE VAN HAS BEEN MOVING NON STOP SINCE YESTERNIGHT. GOD WILL COLLECT MOST MAD YOUTHS WHO ARE OUT TO DESTROY THE MM VAN AND AT MIDNIGHT TODAY THEY WILL BE NO MORE. AT LEAST £540 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW.URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 20th March 2019. 11:23. From John: ...We are meeting big opposition but we are pressing on. Thanks, I have received money sent by sister Tonya. 17:27. To John: Is that mob of young thugs still following you? 20th March 2019. 23:14. To John: The midnight massacre. By now, it should be two hours or more since God took the lives of those miscreants who wanted to kill you. Look forward to hearing the confirmation of that. Tomorrow evening, Thursday evening, (we are still in Wednesday here), is the Passover ceremony. And it will be a first for many there in Baghdad, Iraq. 21st March 2019. 5:51. From John: The big opposition. 22 dead. ...God blocked all their eyes. At midnight they managed to block our way and ordered us all out of the van. They wanted all the MM Faith lits out of the van. They were specific they wanted MM Faith lits. We gave them one opened. Abruptly the first one to touch the lit fell down crying that his hand is burning with hot coal. Each and every group member who touched him too cried of being burnt with hot coal till the entire number of 22 were all crying. At the end all could not see, they lost their eyesights. Their crude weapons comprising of metal bars, pangas, machetes were left there. ...all the 22 died. We went back and saw their burnt bodies. We are still moving on and tomorrow we will carry out the baptism. Yes, the Passover is here. God is doing a great work. God bless. 21st March 2019. 6:08. From Rhoda: "GOD DESTROYED 22 ARMED YOUTHS WHO WANTED TO KILL MM EVANGELISTS IN BAGHDAD TO BLOCK PASSOVER OBSERVANCE THERE. TONIGHT GOD WILL KILL TWO POWERFUL IMAMS IN BAGHDAD. AT LEAST £540 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW, THEN A FURTHER £540 TO REACH JOHN TODAY EVENING, EVENING, EVENING. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now.
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