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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 16
212Ibrahim’s Sufferings |
All the workers of iniquity boast in themselves. They break in pieces Your people, O Lord, and afflict Your heritage (Ps 94:4,5).
While all the above was taking place in Ukerewe, Ibrahim was facing a terrible ordeal, too: 5th April 2019. 7:21. From Ibrahim in Kenya: Greetings. Hoping you are doing well. It is very shocking, we found a dead body by our gate side this morning and we don’t know who brought it here and the intention of doing so but I have informed the police to come and pick it up... 5th April 2019. 9:39. From Rhoda: "A VERY DANGEROUS GANGSTER WAS SENT ALL THE WAY FROM SOMALIA TO GO AND KILL IBRAHIM AND STEAL THE TITLE DEED FOR THE LAND. THE LAND BEING VERY FERTILE IS WANTED BY THE MM OPPOSERS. GOD THROUGH HIS ANGELS HAS INTERVENED. GOD KILLED THAT MAN AT THE GATE AT MIDNIGHT. THIS MORNING IBRAHIM GOT ARRESTED AND IS BEING CHARGED WITH MURDER NOW. THEY WANT A BOND OF KSHS. 500,000 FOR IBRAHIM TO BE OUT. AT LEAST £540 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW TO GET IBRAHIM OUT. URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT. UKEREWE IS UNDER GOD'S HANDS AND AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT GOD WILL WIPE OUT ALL THE SATANIC TORMENTORS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: No money was sent for this emergency because we didn’t have it. All we had was used up in John’s situation. As a result, Ibrahim was held in jail and tortured till we could find the money. They stuck needles in his face. 6th April 2019. 20:02. From Idrissa Umar [umaridrissa4@gmail.com]: This is just the beginning, we warned you to stop your dubious teachings but you ignored. You went a head and killed one of us. Now your servant [Ibrahim] is being detained let’s see if you will manage to get him out of custody. Beggar man! 7th April 2019. 8:55. 11:43. To Ibrahim: Some money has come in to get you released. It will be sent to John this evening. We can’t send it earlier. I hope your mistreatment is not too severe. God helps you in this awful ordeal. Comment: Vivian and Joy sacrificed £550 to provide what the angels asked for on 5th April to get Ibrahim out. Persecution costs us dearly, but it’s God’s way of dealing with enemies. We have to pay a price in some way before God can bring punishment upon the enemies. Vivian and Joy probably needed that money, but forfeited it after God spoke to them both with the word “sacrifice”. Vivian had a dream with the words “prepare a sacrifice” in it. 8th April 2019. 15:19. From Rhoda: "JOHN HAS SENT TO IBRAHIM £500." 7 Angels have said that now. 15th April 2019. 14:18. From Ibrahim: Many thanks. May God bless and give you more strength to continue serving Him. I am now feeling a bit better. Those rogue policemen tortured me the whole night. I sustained a deep cut on my head when one of them hit me with a blunt object and my body is still swollen due to the beatings. 15:36. Reply: ...We have been so concerned for you, not knowing what has happened. John sent you £500 a week or more ago by Mpesa, and I wondered whether those rogues had stolen it from you. I’m so sad to hear of the evil treatment they meted out to you. Are you still imprisoned? 15th April 2019. 18:51. From Ibrahim: Thanks for your concern. J sent £500 on 8th April 2019. The moment they realized that I received some money from J, the officer in charge of the station took away my phone, money and released me to go home, but immediately I reached home they rearrested me. I asked them why and they said it is an order from their boss. I pleaded with them to take me to the hospital or let me go home but they refused claiming the investigation is still on or John should bring more money to secure my release or else I will rot in custody. Currently I don’t have a phone. I borrowed from one of the police to call John. I couldn’t reach him so I decided to let you know the situation here. I believe God is watching all this and I don’t regret being here whether I die tonight or not, God is Supreme. You have done much and be blessed. 19:30. Reply: That is so evil! Those thieves just stole that money. It’s kidnap, taking an innocent man, imprisoning him and then using him as a pawn to extract money as a ransom. May God wipe them out for their injustice! Can they access your e-mails, or are your incoming e-mails protected and only obtainable by a password? Don’t worry unduly. God will get you out of their clutches. He is Supreme, like you say, and He has a time for His judgement. 15th April 2019. 20:27. From Idrissa Umar: You will not be able to get your servant Ibrahim out of police custody unless you pay £2000 which you don’t have so he will just have to rot in there or he surrender the land title deed to us. 16th April 2019. 7:40. From Rhoda: "GOD IS IN CHARGE. ALL THOSE TORMENTING IBRAHIM WILL BE NO MORE. IBRAHIM TO REMAIN FIRM. WHOEVER WILL TRY TO HARM HIM WILL SURELY DIE. GOD IS IN CHARGE." 7 Angels have said now. [Forwarded to Ibrahim.] 9:19. From Ibrahim: Thanks for your encouraging mail. The account is protected, they can’t access my e-mails. 17th April 2019. 18:13. To Ibrahim: I hope you are not being tortured while you await God’s deliverance in that hellhole. Intercession is constant here, which includes you... They Tried To Kill Ibrahim20th April 2019. 14:40. From Rhoda: "BROTHER IBRAHIM IS VERY SICK AND CAN'T EAT. THEY WANTED TO KILL HIM. THEY POISONED HIS FOOD BUT GOD IS WITH HIM. NOW HE IS BEING BEATEN UP. AT LEAST £500 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TO HELP IN RELEASING IBRAHIM. GOD WILL KILL THREE POLICE MEN THERE AND THEIR DEATH WILL PUT AN END TO ANY FURTHER ATTEMPT TO INJURE IBRAHIM." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 19th April 2019. 22:13. From Idrissa Umar [umaridrissa4@gmail.com]: Why don't you come for the rescue of your servant who is suffering in police custody. 23rd April 2019. 11:51. From Ibrahim: I was taken to court at noon and the judge resolved that I must be released on a bond of £850 as they do investigation. The rogue officers who arrested me must be fired from the police service within 24 hours because of gross misconduct and return my phone back. God bless. 12:39. Reply: That’s good to hear that something more positive has been decided. But we have no money. Their demand of £850 is just as corrupt as the police actions that the judge is condemning. Can you appeal that decision? You are innocent and should not have to pay any forfeit or bond. Only when evidence of wrongdoing has been presented, that DEFINITELY demonstrates a person’s guilt, should such punitive measures be required. But you were falsely accused, imprisoned on false allegations, beaten up in prison, nearly poisoned to death, and the judge has the temerity to demand £850 for your release while they “investigate”!? This isn’t JUSTICE! It’s INJUSTICE! If there is nothing you can do about it, we have to sit it out again and wait for God’s further punishment to fall... 15:52. From Ibrahim: Thanks. I pleaded with the magistrate but she say I cannot be released free of charge so I will have to pay £450 or be transferred to Homabay after two days so don’t worry about me. Thank you once again for what you have done to me and may God bless you for that. 16:39. Reply: You’ll be OK. God is in charge, even though we have no money. If we had money we would have helped you months ago with funds to get the farm programme up and running, but we didn’t have a bean. And we are still in the same state. .. 26th April 2019. 12:05. From Ibrahim: It’s a prison. The magistrate ordered my detention at Homabay prison if I fail to raise the cash as police continue with investigation. 13:52. You paid them £500 already for your release, and the police stole it and rearrested you for nothing, so why isn’t the magistrate releasing you? She knows about that money... of the fact that you have already paid that illicit fine. 28th April 2019. 19:15. From Ibrahim: I am already at Homabay prison. 19:26. Reply: What’s the situation like? Grim? 20:14. From Ibrahim: Very bad. It is better I die today. Comment: Finally in May, we were able to send £450 for Ibrahim’s release. Eleanor took out a loan to get him out! 8th May 2019. 18:40. From Ibrahim: I am very much thankful for what you did. I was released after paying the money you sent. May God bless you. 19:20. Reply: So relieved! We couldn’t do it any earlier. We are just so short of funds! But praise God, a lady here borrowed a large sum which made possible your release. They Tortured Him With Needles But They Paid Dearly For Their Wickedness9th May 2019. 8:32. From Ibrahim: As I told you earlier, I was arrested and accused of manslaughter. There was no one to examine my physical condition after the interrogation. Two days after the arrest, I was beaten by the police at the station until I lost consciousness. When I regained consciousness, I felt pins had been pushed into my face. Looking down at my shirt, I saw blood. I was kicked and beaten with cables. The beatings caused me temporarily to lose hearing in one ear. I was placed in a dark cell with no lights, my health deteriorated because of the food I was given to eat. I could see cockroaches in the food. But I thank God today I am a free man. God be with you all. 11:51. From Ibrahim: It happened during my first arrest at Raina Police station, Ndhiwa Division. There were other prisoners. I knew only one police officer called Benard Sugoi. The magistrate is called Agnes Thuol. I haven’t heard any news about her. Those rogue police officers I heard they were dismissed from the service. The wounds are not fully healed but I feel better... 12th May 2019. 19:01. From Ibrahim: I was sent to Homabay prison not a police cell. I haven’t heard any news about those rogue police. Only one person was receptive to spiritual things after I explained to him why I was jailed. 21st May 2019. 17:30. From Ibrahim: I received news this evening that those two rogue policemen who arrested me committed suicide. Their bodies were found hanging from ropes in their homes. 17:44. Reply: How dreadful! They paid an awful price for their evil deeds, and their suffering isn’t ending. They have 1,000 years of it to endure yet until their spirits are blotted out in the lake of fire at the end of the Millennium!
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