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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 15 |
206Syria: God Births New Things
Behold, the former things have come to pass, and new things I declare; before they spring forth I tell you of them. (Is 42:9) Because we didn’t have the £2000 needed, God changed His plan. God said He would raise Vuga from the dead again (the fourth time!); that Lukas would testify how he opposed MM, killed MM workers, and caused havoc; and that God would convert 100 people in Aleppo, fulfilling His will there in that war-torn town. God gave a significant dream to Anna, an MM supporter, about this vital mission in Aleppo. The angels then commented: 19th January 2019. 18:40. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £4777 BE DEPOSITED IN TO [John’s] BANK ACCOUNT NOW NOW NOW. THIS DREAM SHOWS THAT A LOT OF EVANGELISM WORK SHOULD GO ON IN ALEPPO. MORE MM LITS SHOULD BE DISTRIBUTED IN ALEPPO AND 100 MUSLIMS BAPTISED NEXT WEEK. GOD IS PINPOINTING ALEPPO BECAUSE IT IS THE EPICENTER WHERE CHRISTIANS ARE BEING PERSECUTED. THIS IS A VERY VERY VERY URGENT MESSAGE. YES GOD SENT IT VIA A DREAM TO STRESS ITS URGENCY. ALEPPO, ALEPPO, ALEPPO, GOD IS CLEANSING THIS CITY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. We didn’t have the money, of course, to fulfil that ideal. Isn’t it a shame that God states what He would like to do but is hindered by human limitations? He has been hindered like that since the dawn of time. And, as for our dreadful financial situation, with such lack of funds, whose fault is that? Some would say it is ours; but those people lack understanding and need to appreciate what it says in Revelation 2:9. It certainly isn’t God’s fault. It is man’s fault. Remember when Paul went short of funds? It was the failure of the Church back then to appreciate his frontline function. It’s the same today. The vanguard of God’s Work is left short because of opposition, just as it was for Elijah in his time. On 20th January 14 new people met John and he shared with them south of Tell Arn city, 17 km from Aleppo. The angels then advised: 20th January 2019. 13:25. From Rhoda: "THAT DREAM IS A POINTER THAT ALEPPO IS DOMINATED BY THE UNGODLY AND IT SHOULD BE RECLAIMED BY MM EVANGELISM. A FURTHER £600 BE SENT IN JOHN'S NAME BY RIA TONIGHT SO THAT HE RECEIVES IT TOMORROW MORNING." The Unprecedented Witness Given In Aleppo21st Jan 2019. 17:17. From John: We are in Aleppo. Lukas is still giving his testimony now five hours since he started. Many people are gathered at the entrance of a big mosque, listening. 21st January 2019. 12:02. From Rhoda: "ALEPPO IS UNDER GOD'S POWER NOW. AFTER LUKAS'S TESTIMONY MANY MUSLIMS WILL GIVE THEIR LIVES TO JESUS AND REQUEST JOHN FOR BAPTISM. THIS WILL ANNOY THEIR LEADERSHIP WHO WILL WORK WAYS TO ATTACK THE VAN TOMORROW BUT GOD WILL DESTROY THEM ALL. AT LEAST £1600 TO REACH JOHN BY RIA NOW NOW NOW TO HELP THEM MOVE ON IN ALL MOSQUES IN ALEPPO TO BAPTISE ALL WHO WILL ACCEPT THE MM TRUTH. THEY MUST NOT FEAR MUSLIM THREATS FOR GOD IS SURROUNDING THEM WITH HIS ANGELS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Our faithful few supporters managed to scrape together the £1600 requested. It was all we had. Unfortunately, it got used up the next day by the van’s journeys to spread the Gospel in other mosques. Traders tend to take dishonest advantage and hike up their prices astonomically when they see a Christian van arrive! It crippled us! 22nd January 2019. 18:31. From John: We have visited 10 mosques up to now, we will move throughout the night. Already 17 people, Muslims, have accepted the MM lits truth. On Friday we shall have a mega baptism. We have been moving non stop with ten minutes break at every mosque we visited. Up to now we have not been attacked. God bless. 22nd January 2019. 16:37. From Rhoda: "GOD IS PENETRATING DEEP DEEP INSIDE ALEPPO. ALREADY TEN MOSQUES ARE UNDER GOD'S POWER. TONIGHT MORE WILL BE VISITED. AT LEAST £1777 TO REACH JOHN BY RIA NOW FOR THEY WILL MOVE NON STOP AND ORGANISE BAPTISM FOR OVER THIRTY PEOPLE ON FRIDAY IN ALEPPO THEN HAVE A BIG MEET IN ALEPPO ON SATURDAY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: We could only raise £550, so God’s plan again got changed. At the same time the angels also asked for £1950 for the farm project to continue (it is in its early stages so needs investment). Nothing was available for that. And £600 was needed for lit duplication in Tunisia, but we had zilch! All I could say was: We trust in His mercy (Ps 147:11). 23rd January 2019. 11:01. To John: Was there an attack against you late last night? Or was it averted somehow? 11:31. From John: We got blocked from accessing the main mosque in the town. Gunmen from inside the mosque drew out their guns and aimed at us. God jammed their guns, and we got in. This was at midnight. All died and were carried away. God bless. 14:22. Reply: People must have been fearful to see that happen, and taking dead bodies away! And what did you do after that? Preach there? 15:33. From John: Lukas talked for two hours, then I presented MM truth through MM Faith lit and other lits for four hours. God bless. 16:21. Reply: Amazing. How many (roughly) were listening to you both? And that inside a mosque!!! Have you visited other mosques today also?... 23rd January 2019. 16:23. From John: Over 25 people listened. Today we have visited 7 and still going on. We will stop when our fuel is over. We have only £25 in the kitty, meaning we are not sure of moving on tomorrow and Friday. Vuga Brought Back To Life For The 4th TimeThe next day John gave me more information. He had been too busy to do so earlier, with the urgent pressure of visiting all mosques: 24th Jan 2019. 6:25. From John: We all carried opened MM Faith lits. God covered us in white mists, and at midnight Vuga was raised from the dead. 24th January 2019. 17:23. From Vuga: God is marvelous. When God took me into a deep sleep He showed me three main things. 1. MM betrayers will soon start writing letters to Malcolm pretending to be in need of MM lits. God warned Malcolm to ignore ALL those letters. 2. I saw seven Angels surrounding MM lits and pointing at all corners of the Middle East. I then saw MM van traverse all the Middle East sharing MM in big mosques and churches. At the end Imams bowed before Malcolm and Malcolm baptised them and gave each MM lit. 3. I saw waters of the earth gather into one big lake and Malcolm and Helena were given a motorboat labelled MM and they were sailing [ferrying] people from one side to the other. God brought me back to accompany my brother John to visit Iran and Iraq once again and go straight to the big mosques there and proclaim the MM truth. [Vuga was dead for a week, and his body did not decay or stink during that time.] 24th January 2019. 17:01. From Rhoda: "...TONIGHT AND TOMORROW WILL FORM THE HARDEST TIME FOR MM EVANGELISTS IN SYRIA. CHIEF IMAMS ARE GATHERING ALL ARMED AND TRAINED JIHADISTS TO BLOCK THE MUCH AWAITED BAPTISM TOMORROW. THEY [John and Vuga] MUST MOVE OUT OF ALEPPO TO A SECLUDED PLACE TONIGHT BEFORE MIDNIGHT. GOD WILL JAM ALL WEAPONS AND KILL OVER 30 JIHADISTS AT MIDNIGHT. MALCOLM SHOULD BRIEF JOHN AND THE TEAM TO MOVE OUT BUT HE MUST NOT DISCLOSE THIS TO THEM. AT LEAST £777 TO REACH JOHN BY Ria TONIGHT. TOMORROW A MEGA BAPTISM WILL BE DONE IN ALEPPO AND VUGA WILL GIVE TESTIMONY AND GOD'S MESSAGE TO ALEPPO PEOPLE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: At least, that was the plan. But the £777 we managed to send was blocked, locked up in the system, so Felix could not receive it, and God’s plan waited longer to be fulfilled. 25th January 2019. 11:34. From John: ...We are down financially and can't move back to Aleppo for baptism. God bless. 25th January 2019. 12:14. To John: ...Don’t worry if you can’t baptise people today. There’s always another day. 25th January 2019. 15:44. From Rhoda: "SATAN IS TRYING TO BLOCK THE BIG BAPTISM OF MUSLIMS IN ALEPPO BY BLOCKING MONEY TO REACH JOHN. GOD IS OPENING UP WAYS AND JOHN MUST NOT BE WEARY, GOD IS GOD HE WILL [get money to John somehow]." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: The next day John wrote to say that 37 people turned up, wanting to hear the Gospel. These are Muslims. They are hungry! And God can satisfy their hunger. 9:28. Reply: ...God has a great harvest there in Syria, apparently. 26th January 2019. 9:32. From John: Many people are tired with false Muslim teachings. Jesus’ coming is around the corner. Even now it seems as if Arab countries are planning an attack on Israel. We had non-ending arguments with two chief Cadi here over the same. They boasted that they have weapons to clear Israel... God bless. 26th January 2019. 17:48. From Rhoda: "GOD BROUGHT MORE PEOPLE TO ACCEPT THE MM TRUTH AND THEY GOT BAPTISED. THIS BAPTISM WORK TODAY HAS ANNOYED MANY MUSLIMS AND THEY PLAN TO BOMB THE MM VAN. JOHN AND THE TEAM MUST MOVE TOWARDS ALEPPO WITH THE LITTLE FUEL IN THE VAN BEFORE MIDNIGHT SO THAT WHEN THOSE BOMBS EXPLODE WILL FIND NO ONE AT THE SITE. IT IS A BAD PLAN TO PORTRAY MM TO BE TERRORISTS. FOR THEY HAVE PLANNED THE BOMBS EXACTLY WHERE BAPTISM IS GOING ON NOW. MALCOLM TO ADVISE JOHN AND THE TEAM TO STOP BAPTISM AND MOVE AWAY A BIT. GOD WILL DIRECT THEM THOUGH THEY HAVE DRY KITTY AND LITTLE FUEL IN THE VAN. GOD IS GOD. HE IS TOUCHING ALL MM REGULAR ANOINTED SUPPORTERS NOW NOW NOW TO GIVE TOWARDS THIS VERY IMPORTANT MISSION IN THE MOST HOSTILE PART OF EARTH. IT IS URGENT URGENT URGENT. AT LEAST £500 TO REACH JOHN BY RIA THROUGH FELIX OR EUNICE TO KEEP THEM GOING. IRAN AND IRAQ MUST BE REACHED..." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 27th January 2019. 9:22. From John: [I had asked him about the jihadists Rhoda mentioned] ...Yes, all died [the 30 jihadists] and the enemy planned to hit back last night but God covered us. Now we are facing another group of women who have been chased away by their Jihadist husbands for accepting MM truth. 27th Jan 2019. 17:00. From John: God is good. The number of people running to us has increased to 14 since morning. People are tired with false teachings and are moving to MM truth. God willing we shall be in Aleppo tomorrow. 27th January 2019. 18:57. From John: Around 32 people turned up for baptism. We baptised 22 and did 10 today morning in a different place. A bomb exploded exactly where we did yesterday's baptism and 6 bodies of jihadists were found about 5m away. This message reached us today when women related to the dead bodies came and told us. God bless. Back In Aleppo, God Kills The Chief Cadi28th January 2019. 15:23. From John: We arrived in Aleppo at noon. Felix sent us money. Will, we are heading to the chief cadi in the biggest mosque now. He sent us a message that we have two hours to leave Aleppo. We don't know why. Let's go and face him with MM Faith lits. God bless. 28th January 2019. 15:25. From Rhoda: "GOD WILL TAKE AWAY A CHIEF CADI [Islamic judge] IN ALEPPO. HE WANTS TO KILL JOHN BUT GOD IS IN CHARGE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 17:34. To John: So God will take out that evil man. God’s will be done. 28th January 2019. 17:39. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £650 TO REACH JOHN BY RIA TONIGHT. TOMORROW THEY WILL HAVE TO MOVE THROUGHOUT THE CITY OF ALEPPO AFTER THE DEATH OF THAT EVIL MAN." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 28th January 2019. 18:05. From John: We don't fear his threats. We are entering. Put us in prayers. God bless. 29th January 2019. 18:41. From John: Thanks to God Will. God gave us victory over their hell bent chief cadi. He is no more. God bless. 29th January 2019. 12:27. From Rhoda: "THE GREAT IAM SAYS THIS.... 1. JOHN AND THE TEAM TO ATTEND THE BURIAL OF THE CHIEF CADI TODAY EVENING AND PREACH THE MM GOSPEL OF TRUTH AND TELL THE GATHERING THAT GOD IS REMOVING ALL BAD PEOPLE BLOCKING HIS WORK. THIS WILL ANNOY THEM AND AT NIGHT TWO MORE BAD IMAMS WILL DIE. THEY WILL KEEP ON DYING TILL IT WILL DAWN ON THEM TO STOP FIGHTING MM. 2. AT LEAST £1750 BE DEPOSITED IN THE BANK ACCOUNT TONIGHT. IT WILL HELP THE TEAM MOVE ON FROM SUNDAY TO FRIDAY NEXT WEEK. THE TEAM WILL CROSS TO IRAN AND IRAQ. 3. LET A BIG BANNER SIGNWRITTEN MM BE TIED IN FRONT OF THE VAN AS FROM TOMORROW. THE VAN SHOULD TRAVERSE ALL AVENUES OF ALEPPO. 4. JOHN AND VUGA TO VISIT A CHILDRENS HOME IN ALEPPO TOMORROW, WHERE WRONG ISLAMIC DOCTRINES ARE BEING TAUGHT TO THE YOUNG ONES, AND DROP SEVEN MM FAITH LITS. THOSE YOUNG BOYS WILL START STUDYING THE MM LITS AND THAT WILL BE THE END OF ISLAMIC TEACHINGS THERE. EVEN THEIR TEACHERS WILL ACCEPT THE MM TRUTH. THEN NEXT WEEK ALL OF THEM WILL GET BAPTISED." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 29th January 2019. 18:10. From John: Burial of the cadi. Thanks to God of gods, Will. We attended the burial and went ahead to declare before a mammoth crowd that God will wipe out more people in their midst for fighting MM. We then gave out only seven MM Faith lits then left. Now some youths are blocking our way to enter Aleppo. We are ready with MM Faith lits. God bless. Ambushed In Aleppo Before Baptisms30th January 2019. 7:21. From Rhoda: "THE VAN WAS BLOCKED AND JOHN AND THE TEAM FROGMARCHED OUT OF THE VAN. GUNS TO KILL THEM WERE JAMMED AND GOD CLOSED THE EYES OF THE ATTACKERS. THE VAN IS MOVING IN ALL AVENUES IN ALEPPO TODAY. AT LEAST £650 TO REACH JOHN BY RIA NOW NOW NOW. THIS IS FOR ENOUGH FUEL TO TAKE THEM UP TO FRIDAY" 7 Angels have said that to me now. 30th January 2019. 7:24. From John: ...last night we were ambushed and forced out of the van. Thank God all the guns jammed at midnight. We got back into the van and moved into Aleppo. Since then we have been moving in avenues of Aleppo. Our fuel is over and the kitty is dry. God bless. 9:19. To John: What happened to the gunmen? 9:24. From John: All lost their eyesight and we have just received news now that all the 12 died with their guns held in their arms. 10:19. From John: The chief cadi wanted us to be charged for the deaths of the jihadists. He lured us to his place and ordered six armed men to shoot at us. Exactly at midnight is when he did that. The bullets hit him instead of us. Then the six men too killed each other. We left thanking God. God bless. 10:30. Reply: How amazing the way God worked that out! 30th January 2019. 13:38. To John: There’s still no sign of any money available from anywhere. [£650 was sent on 28th.] ...I still don’t see why £650 has been used up in one day! That should last several days. 30th January 2019. 15:20. From Rhoda: "YES ,JOHN AND THE TEAM HAVE NOTHING IN THE KITTY. THEY USED A LOT OF FUEL MOVING IN THE STREETS OF ALEPPO ALL NIGHT. THEY ARE WORRIED. IF THEY DIDN'T MOVE AROUND THEN THE MONEY COULD TAKE THEM UP TO FRIDAY. BUT THE MISSION OF MOVING AROUND THE CITY WAS VERY URGENT. IT IS TRUE THEIR KITTY IS DRY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 30th Jan 2019. 17:36. To John: Who would be out during the night in Aleppo moving around the streets? I think you are being overcharged for fuel. 30th January 2019. 17:50. From John: We too believe they are punishing us by overcharging us. But we must go on to finish God's Work. Will, we still pray for God to destroy all these petrol stations plus these people overcharging and stealing from us. Like today it was evident that they will overcharge us because we placed a big label of MM in front of the van. God knows why He allowed it. 30th January 2019. 17:58. From Rhoda: "THEY ARE OVERCHARGING AND OVERCHARGING THEIR FUELS TO MM VAN. JOHN IS CRYING AND WANTS TO FACE THE PETROL ATTENDANTS WITH MM FAITH LITS. HE MUST NOT DO THAT. GOD WILL HAND OVER FIVE PETROL STATIONS TO THEM IN THEIR LAST TEN DAYS AND THEY WILL TAKE FUEL FREE OF CHARGE. GOD WILL KILL THE EXTORTIONISTS IN THOSE STATIONS. GOD IS AWARE OF THIS WAR. MALCOLM TO ADVISE JOHN NOT TO REVENGE WITH OPENED MM FAITH LITS. GOD IS IN CONTROL. GOD IS IN CONTROL. GOD IS IN CONTROL. AT LEAST £550 TO REACH JOHN BY RIA TO HELP THEM COMPLETE THIS MISSION ON FRIDAY EVENING." 7 Angels said. [Our supporters could only raise £360. That’s all. They are destitute.] 30th January 2019. 18:08. From John: Thanks Will. There are certain streets that people move in till morning. Selling drugs, prostituting, street parents, night watchmen. Yes we met people and I even shared from the Bible. 1 Corinthians 8:6. 1 John 2:1. Luke 15:7. 1 John 1:9. 1 John 3:1. We then read from MM Faith lits. There are people, watchmen, who requested for baptism and we want to do it on Friday the day all mosques are open here. We trust God to cover us because it will be a big challenge. God bless. 18:43. Reply: Amazing! I didn’t think there would be so much activity! 31st Jan 2019. 18:12. From John: Today we dwelled on MM Faith lit and readings from the Bible: 1 Thessalonians 5:21. Jeremiah 17:14. Luke 2:10,11. John 3:16. Acts 1:8. Proverbs 28:13. Acts 4:12. John 3:17. Luke 9:56. Acts 16:30-31. Up to now we are still meeting people in the streets. We believe God will open ways for money to come and help us finish the big mission tomorrow as we conduct the biggest baptism. God is all powerful. We will move on the whole night to fulfil God's assignment. 31st January 2019. 18:26. From Rhoda: "THE VAN IS MOVING IN THE STREETS OF ALEPPO SPREADING THE MM GOSPEL OF TRUTH THROUGH THE MM LITS AND THE HOLY BIBLE, AND TOMORROW WILL MARK THE END OF THE ALEPPO MISSION. MANY PEOPLE WILL GET BAPTISED. THEN THE VAN SHOULD MOVE TO IRAN. JOHN AND VUGA WILL PACK ENOUGH FUEL FOR FREE ON MONDAY FROM THE STATIONS THAT HAVE BEEN STEALING FROM MM BY HIKING PRICES. THAT FUEL WILL GET THEM MOVING ON TILL SUNDAY NEXT WEEK. AT LEAST £480 TO REACH JOHN BY RIA NOW. £200 WILL TAKE THEM UP TO MONDAY. £180 WILL BE FOR WATER AND MILK FOR ONE WEEK WHILE IN IRAN. GOD STILL WANTS MONEY TO BE DEPOSITED IN THE BANK ACCOUNT TO HELP THEM WHILE IN IRAQ FOR ANOTHER TWO WEEKS. AT LEAST £2700." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [We didn’t have £2700. God was waiting for another to help out.] 18:46. Reply: Well, we are going to need some help from Somewhere with this, because yesterday we shelled out all we could. 1st Feb 2019. 00:18. To John: We tried sending £100. It’s all we have. The system blocked it. We’ll try again in the morning but it doesn’t look positive. Kassahun’s dream of January 29th seems to portray this situation. If it doesn’t go in the morning because of the system’s blocking it, we will just have to wait for God to rescue the situation some other way. He will. He is in charge, and we have to wait for him, just like He patiently waits for the precious fruit of the earth (James 5:7). God bless. 2nd February 2019. 18:24. From John: ...here in Aleppo. Then from 2 pm we started baptism of 35 people. We have just cleared now. God bless. 3rd February 2019. 9:05. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £2700 TO BE DEPOSITED IN THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT TO HELP THE TEAM IN IRAN AND IRAQ MM GOSPEL MISSION." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [God was urging a new person to donate who hadn’t done so before. He resisted God!] ‘Free’ Fuel In Aleppo3rd February 2019. 15:01. From John: We are collecting fuel free of charge now and will leave past midnight tonight. God knows why He sends us out to Iran and Iraq at this time when there is a money problem. God bless. [It was not really free, because we had paid for it several times over already!!] 15:08. Reply: Money problems can be overcome. He can overcome anything. You are getting a miracle today, aren’t you, by getting ‘free’ fuel? (Tell us more about that, how that has come about.) You get miracles every day with people responding to the Gospel. The angels are giving constant direction. That is miraculous. Other ministries don’t get that in the same way. God is healing people daily, delivering people daily, with His miraculous power... 3rd February 2019. 15:13. From John: White thick mists cover the petrol station so that no vehicle can come to drink fuel. We are guided by the white mists. On reaching the petrol station we drink fuel and immediately we finish, the white mists clear and we share MM truth with the fuel attendants and advise them to stop stealing from God. Then we move on to the next station following the lead of the thick white mists. God bless. 16:03. I’m still a bit puzzled how they could get away with robbing you of £1600 in one day. And even on the other days, after that, they still robbed you of hundreds of pounds. I’m still puzzled at how they could get away with that. 16:08. Life in Syria is hell especially if you are a foreigner. Every citizen has got a weapon... We still believe all those stations will be no more. God Obliterates 7 Aleppo Petrol Stations3rd February 2019. 16:58. From Rhoda: "THE VAN NEEDS IMMEDIATE SERVICE TOMORROW MORNING. AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT GOD WILL BLOW UP ALL THE 7 PETROL STATIONS THAT ROBBED EVANGELISM TEAM IN SYRIA. JOHN AND THE TEAM TO AVOID WORRIES ABOUT MONEY... GOD'S WORK WILL GO ON TILL JESUS COMES. NO ONE WILL STOP MM WORK, THAT IS WHY GOD WILL BLOW UP ALL THE PETROL STATIONS THAT ROBBED MM EVANGELISTS... THE VAN MUST BE SERVICED AGAIN IN MAY. THIS IS MORE URGENT FOR TOMORROW THE TEAM SETS OUT FOR IRAN-IRAQ MISSION. URGENT URGENT URGENT..." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 4th Feb 2019. 8:48. From John: I complained on four occasions but we could do nothing. Thank God all the 7 notorious petrol stations are no more and all the 14 attendants who robbed us are dead. God bless.
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