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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 15 |
205Four Dead Raised In Syria |
He who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father (John 14:12). Monday 7th January 2019. 14:29. From Rhoda: "TOO SAD BUT GOD IS IN CONTROL. FOUR MM FOLKS KILLED IN SYRIA. GOD WANTS JOHN AND VUGA TO REACH THERE BY WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT TO TOUCH THEIR BODIES WITH MM FAITH LITS. MONEY IN THE BANK ACCOUNT IS ENOUGH TO GET THEM THERE. A FURTHER £1300 TO REACH JOHN BY Ria TOMORROW MORNING. RAISING OF THE FOUR BODIES THROUGH TOUCHING WITH MM FAITH LITS WILL BE A GREAT WORK. IT WILL BE AN OPPORTUNITY FOR JOHN AND VUGA TO MEET ALL THE PEOPLE THAT LUKAS MISLED IN SYRIA. IT IS URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT. JOHN AND VUGA TO LEAVE NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Tuesday 8th January 2019. 5:13. From John: Thanks Will. We are crossing in to Sudan right now heading to Syria. God bless. On 9th January they crossed into Syria from Jordan. The angels then gave further instructions: 9th January 2019. 19:55. From Rhoda: "TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT GOD WILL ONCE AGAIN HONOUR MM FAITH LITS. HE WILL RAISE THE DEAD MM FOLKS, AFTER WHICH JOHN AND VUGA WILL BE ARRESTED. URGENTLY NOW NOW NOW AT LEAST £1500 TO REACH JOHN VIA Ria. A BIG BATTLE WILL OCCUR AND THEY MUST FACE IT FOR GOD WILL GIVE THEM VICTORY. THEY MUST HAVE NOT LESS THAN £4500 IN HAND. SO A FURTHER £3500 TO BE SENT THROUGH BANK ACCOUNT BY TOMORROW MORNING. THEY WILL BE IN SYRIA, IRAQ AND IRAN FOR THE WHOLE MONTH OF JANUARY. MALCOLM MUST ONLY SEND THIS MESSAGE TO JOHN AFTER THE £1500 HAVE GONE TO THEM BY Ria." 7 Angels have said that to me now. The angels’ requests are the ideal, what God would like to occur. However, we didn’t have £3,500. Our few loyal supporters could only raise £1500 on their overdrafts. Those debts are still to be repaid. John and Vuga did as God said with the MM Faith booklets. God also did as He had said. He honoured that booklet which He approves. John placed it on the dead bodies, and God began to work. God didn’t raise them up suddenly, as John explains: Sat 12th Jan 2019. 4:12. From John: Aleppo miracle. Thanks to God, Will. When we arrived here [in Hellok] past midnight of Wednesday the white mists led us to the place where our brothers’ bodies were dumped in small holes in an isolated place. We then went back to Aleppo town till night of Thursday. Then we moved back and touched the four bodies with opened MM Faith lits each three times. At that time each body sweated but none resurrected. We left the place till afternoon of Friday, yesterday, when we went back and found them [their four names are protected] sitting, praying and thanking God. We joined them, praised God, gave them water and milk, and since they were naked we went to Aleppo and bought them clothes. We then asked them who was responsible for their torments. They said Muslim Imams hate to hear of MM and have been following them all along. All their homes were burnt and everything destroyed for their faith in God through MM. The Imams are unhappy because more Islam folks have been turning to accept MM truth... God bless. Comment: It would cost about £1600 to replace their houses with very basic homes for them, but unfortunately we don’t have the funds. It has left their families sleeping out in the open, vulnerable and destitute. Arrested For Raising The Dead12th January 2019. 20:15. From John: We have been blocked from moving on since noon by a big group of police they want to arrest us. We hope God must wipe them off. God bless. 13th January 2019. 18:59. From John: They want us to explain how the dead resurrected. They said they must know the source of power we use. They have promised us death if we can't pay a sum of money in the tune of £100,000. Sunday 13th January 2019. 19:12. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA PLUS LUKAS HAVE BEEN ARRESTED BY MAD TORMENTORS IN ALEPPO. THEY THINK JOHN AND VUGA USED A CHARM TO RAISE THE DEAD. THEY DEMAND £100,000. JOHN AND VUGA MUST STAY THERE TILL THURSDAY. EVERY MIDNIGHT THEY MUST PLACE AN MM FAITH LIT AT THE DOOR AND LEAVE IT TILL MORNING. GOD WILL KILL OVER 13 TORMENTORS ON THURSDAY. AT LEAST £8000 TO REACH JOHN BY Ria IN BITS LIKE THIS. ON MONDAY £2000. ON TUESDAY £2000. ON WEDNESDAY £2000 AND LASTLY ON THURSDAY £2000. ON THURSDAY AFTERNOON JOHN WILL WRAP THE £8000 WITH MM FAITH LIT AND HAND OVER TO THE TORMENTORS. THEY WILL TOUCH IT AND ALL WILL LOSE THEIR EYESIGHTS. JOHN WILL PICK UP THE MONEY AND ALL WILL MOVE AWAY LEAVING THE TORMENTORS TO BURN TO ASHES. THE NEWS WILL SPREAD ALL OVER AND NONE WILL TOUCH THE MM VAN AS THEY USE THE MONEY TO VISIT MORE CITIES IN SYRIA BEFORE MOVING OUT TO IRAQ AND IRAN. URGENT, URGENT, URGENT." 7 Angels have said that now. Our supporters just managed to scrape together £2,000, but couldn’t do more, so God could not resolve the problem as stated. He worked it out another way. But not having money makes things very hard. When Bob sent the £2,000 by Ria, it was blocked. We have been blocked by banks and money movers ‘all over’. They all dismiss our claim that this is Christian ministry work, and ignore our pleas. We are left in great difficulties sending money, on top of having insufficient funds. It took us four days to finally get some money to John through another sender. The Torturers Kill Vuga14th January 2019. 17:04. To John: What are they doing to you? 14th January 2019. 17:27. From John: They are sprinkling itching water on us. They want to know the source of the power in MM lits. We have pointed to them at God the Great IAM but they don't get it. God bless. 14th January 2019. 17:33. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £2000 TO REACH JOHN VIA Ria NOW NOW NOW. A FURTHER £2000 TOMORROW, ANOTHER £2000 ON WEDNESDAY AND LASTLY £2000 ON THURSDAY MORNING. ITCHING SOLUTION OF PEPPERS IS BEING SPRINKLED ON JOHN AND VUGA NOW. THEY NEED £100,000 TO FREE THEM. GOD HAS PROMISED TO WIPE OUT ALL THE TORMENTORS." 7 Angels have said that to me now Each day, the angels came and reiterated that God would wipe out all the tormentors. But each day brought more desperation to our guys. 16th Jan 2019. 8:47. From John: Vuga is unconscious after he was badly beaten. Vuga wanted to escape following the harsh treatment here. God bless. 9:43. Reply: ...Poor Vuga! I wish we could do more. We are stuck because of the intransigence of the people in the system who control the money movements. God will have His way, but it takes time. 10:08. From John: It is terrible here, we are being persecuted. We’re sure God will act. I want to face them even if they kill all of us. It is worse... 16th January 2019. 10:29. From Rhoda: "THE TORMENTORS WANT TO KILL VUGA THEN FORCE JOHN AND LUKAS TO FEED ON HIS BODY. LET JOHN NOT FIGHT THEM. GOD IS OPENING MONEY WAYS AND ALL THE TORMENTORS WILL BE NO MORE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 16th January 2019. 10:49. From Rhoda: "ANYONE TRYING TO FIGHT MM EVANGELISTS WILL FACE GOD'S WRATH. MORE AND MORE OPPOSERS ARE BUSY FIGHTING MM EVANGELISTS BY REPORTING FALSEHOOD ABOUT JOHN, VUGA AND OTHERS. GOD WILL DESTROY ALL OF THEM. JOHN MUST NOT FIGHT THE TORMENTORS, GOD IS OPENING UP MONEY. GOD IS IN CONTROL." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Wednesday 16th January 2019. 16:58. From Rhoda: "JOHN IS CURRENTLY FACING THREE TORMENTORS WITH OPENED MM FAITH LITS TRYING TO MAKE THEM FEAR AND STOP BEATING THEM UP. GOD HAS HARDENED THEIR HEARTS SO THAT TOMORROW THURSDAY WHEN THEY WILL TRY TO TOUCH GOD'S MONEY ALL PLUS THEIR FAMILIES WILL DIE. LET JOHN RELAX AND WAIT FOR GOD TO OPEN MONEY WAY TO REACH THEM THEN FACE THE MAD TORMENTORS. GOD IS GOD, THE GREAT IAM. HE WILL DESTROY ALL THOSE TORMENTORS... GOD IS WORKING OUT WAYS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 17th January 2019. 6:30. From John: Will, Vuga is no more. God bless. 17th January 2019. 6:33. From Rhoda: "JOHN MUST NOT ALLOW THEM TO BURN VUGA'S BODY. HE SHOULD GUARD IT WITH MM FAITH LIT. THEY WANT TO BURN THE MM VAN PLUS LITS IN IT. GOD TO TOUCH REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO SEND MONEY TO JOHN SO THAT ALL THE TORMENTORS CAN FACE GOD'S WRATH." 7 Angels have said that now. Thursday 17th January 2019. 8:46. From Rhoda: "JOHN SHOULD BE HELPED TO GET OUT OF SYRIA WITH VUGA'S BODY. REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP OUT. JOHN IS WORRIED. SHOULD THOSE TORMENTORS BURN MM VAN, IT WILL BE A BIG DAMAGE. OPPOSERS ARE BUSY WRITING FALSEHOOD ABOUT MM AND JOHN PORTRAYING MM AS FAILING. GOD IS IN CHARGE. JOHN TO REMAIN STEADFAST. HELP IS COMING. GOD IS MOVING MOUNTAINS..." 7 Angels have said that to me now. God Kills The Torturers17th January 2019. 9:23. From Rhoda: "THEY WANT TO RELEASE JOHN WITH VUGA'S BODY NOW. THEY NEED FUEL, AND MONEY FOR WATER AND MILK. VUGA WILL COME BACK TO LIFE IMMEDIATELY THEY LEAVE ALEPPO. AT LEAST £2000 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 17th Jan 2019. 10:09. From John: They want to order us out of here... 10:28. From John: They are releasing us with the body, am wondering how we will make it out with our kitty dry, no water, no milk, no fuel. Will, this place is unbearable but I will not give in to their demand. We should leave here with all these tormentors dead. Please advise me. Am feeling that we must not surrender to the devil. Please write to me now, am weak but not surrendering. 17th January 2019. 10:32. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM TO WRITE TO JOHN NOW NOW NOW AND ENCOURAGE HIM TO RELAX, FOR GOD MUST DESTROY THE TORMENTORS. MONEY IS COMING, GOD IS TOUCHING REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 17th January 2019. 13:55. From Rhoda: "JOHN JOHN JOHN DON'T WORRY. GOD HAS OPENED UP WAYS. MONEY IS COMING. THE TORMENTORS PLANTED A BOMB IN THE VAN BUT GOD DETONATED IT..." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 15:38. From John: ...The van moved [rolled over] and rested on one side. Only the right side window glasses broke but it is okay. God bless. 16:55. To John: I’m glad your ordeal is nearly over... We had no end of problems with the systems trying to get money and then send it to you. We’re still having some problems there... About the bomb. How did you know a bomb had been planted in your van? 17:04. From John: ...We only knew after it blew up with us inside the van. We came out okay. Will, that's why I call upon God to destroy these people... About the money sent to Felix, I request that you change the recipient... Felix was blocked by WU and cannot receive money. [T then sent them £1140 by Ria.] 17:08. From Rhoda: "GOD DETONATED THE BOMB SAFELY AND NONE GOT INJURED. GOD MUST DESTROY THEM. A FURTHER £2000 TO REACH JOHN BY RIA. ANOTHER CASE IS THAT WU BLOCKED FELIX FROM RECEIVING MONEY... GOD MUST REVENGE." 7 Angels have said that now. 18th January 2019. 10:56. From John: Over here God killed three tormentors by firebolt at midnight. We will leave here after midnight tonight. We trust God to kill more. God bless. 11:37. From John: At midnight three men started caning us and forcing us to leave the place and go away with Vuga's body. We refused and I dared them to shoot at me. I pointed at them with three opened MM Faith lits all at once. It took only ten minutes and strong winds started blowing. With their guns pointed at me they remained motionless with all guns jammed. Strong firebolts started hitting them as we watched. All died crying of being burnt with hot coal. All happened in Aleppo. We then moved 2km away but will be going back at midnight. We are still surrounded by thick white mists. We can't move away because of the thickness of the White Mists. We believe God is holding us here to finish this mission then clear our way out. God bless. 11:59. Thanks. Where were they holding you captive? Was it a prison, or a normal house guarded by gunmen? Any idea where in Aleppo this was? 12:03. From John: Thanks Will. In Hellok. In a stone walled tightly guarded compound with only two iron roofed and walled houses.. All guards are armed and each carry a Quran. God bless. 18th January 2019. 12:28. From Rhoda: "AFTER GOD HAD KILLED THREE TORMENTORS JOHN TRIED TO DRIVE AWAY BUT GOD BLOCKED THEM WITH THICK WHITE MIST. GOD WANTS ALL THE TORMENTORS DEAD AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT THEN TOMORROW MORNING LUKAS WILL GIVE HIS TESTIMONY IN FRONT OF THE BIGGEST MOSQUE IN ALEPPO, THEN THEY MOVE OUT. AT LEAST £2000 TO REACH JOHN TO HELP THEM MOVE NON-STOP AFTER TOMORROW MORNING TESTIMONY BY LUKAS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [ 19th January 2019. 4:01. From John: ....God brought down the whole place with firebolts and strong winds. All people in it didn't escape. We then moved very fast out of Syria. We are stuck now with no fuel, no water, no milk. Our kitty is dry. Vuga's still motionless. We are completely stranded. God bless.
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