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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 15 |
207IRANHere We Come! |
God is jealous, and the Lord avenges... (Nahum 1:2).
4th February 2019. 23:22. To John: I hope you are all OK. After 9:05 this morning (Monday) I didn’t hear from you again. I know you are busy, and were probably getting the van serviced, but I wonder if there was some other setback or opposition that prevented you e-mailing. God bless. 5th February 2019. 7:46. From Rhoda: "THE ROGUE POLICE ARRESTED THE EVANGELISM TEAM IN SYRIA WHEN THEY WERE MOVING OUT. THE CASE ON THEM IS BLOWING UP 7 GOVERNMENT PETROL STATIONS AND THE DEATH OF 14 ATTENDANTS. THEIR PHONE WAS TAKEN BUT WHILE INSIDE THERE THEY POINTED AT TWO POLICE WITH MM FAITH LITS AND THEY DIED AT MIDNIGHT. THE REMAINING OFFICERS BECAME AFRAID AND RELEASED THE TEAM. NOW THEY ARE HEADING TO IRAN. AT LEAST £650 TO REACH JOHN BY RIA NOW NOW NOW, BECAUSE ONCE THEY STEP IN IRAN THEY SHOULD MOVE ON TILL WEDNESDAY NEXT WEEK NON-STOP. BIG OPPOSITION AWAITS THEM IN IRAN. THAT IS WHERE LUKAS HAD A BIG FOLLOWING. GOD TO TOUCH REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP OUT NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Well, we couldn’t do this. Only £200 was available. All of us were up to our borrowing limits. The figure of £1950 was requested weeks ago for the farm programme to get moving. We couldn’t do that. We don’t have that sort of money. The figure of £2,700 was requested on 3rd Feb. We couldn’t do that. These funds are to go via the bank to John’s account, but we can’t do any of it. This is frustrating and very discouraging. Why can’t God move someone else to help out? Because people stubbornly refuse! It’s tragic – God’s Work hampered for lack of interest! 5th February 2019. 7:53. From John: They arrested us and confisticated my phone following the deaths of petrol attendants and blowing up of the stations... At midnight we pointed at the two mad police officers who were persecuting us and God killed them instantly. We took our phone and left, for no one tried to re-arrest us. We are on our way to Iran. God bless. 9:10. Reply: OK. Good. Did you see any of the petrol stations actually being blown up at the moment of destruction? 9:14. From John: Yes we witnessed two stations being blown up. 10:10. Must have been quite an awesome sight! Can you describe it? Was it by lightning bolts / firebolts, or blown up like a bomb going off? 10:25. Strong winds and firebolts with no sign of rain brought down the stations. It was a threatening sight. The firebolts killed the fuel attendants. 10:44. Thanks. I have never witnessed firebolts destroying things. Is that phenomenon bolts of lightning accompanied by the sound of thunder? 11:15. From John: Your description is very correct. 5th Feb 2019. 15:41. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £650 TO REACH JOHN BY RIA NOW NOW NOW. THEY HAVE CROSSED INTO IRAQ. THEY WILL TRAVEL ALL THROUGHOUT THE NIGHT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 6th February 2019. 6:05. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £650 TO REACH JOHN BY RIA NOW NOW NOW. IT WILL NOT BE EASY FOR THEM TO RECEIVE MONEY WHILE IN IRAN. THAT'S WHY GOD THROUGH ANGELS REQUESTED FOR SOME MONEY TO BE IN THE BANK ACCOUNT BEFORE THIS MISSION. RECEIVING MONEY FROM OUTSIDE IS NOT EASY IN IRAN. IN IRAQ IT IS AT LEAST, THAT IS WHY THE £650 SHOULD REACH THEM WHILE THEY ARE STILL ON THE WAY BEFORE GETTING INTO IRAN. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 6th February 2019. 6:11. From John: We are in Iraq on our way to Iran. Life in Iran and Iraq are more hostile than in Syria hence the need of some money in hand or bank. Like on the previous visits, it was extremely difficult to receive money in Iran and Iraq by M-pesa. That is why it is safer if we have enough money in hand. God bless. 6th February 2019. 9:35. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £650 TO REACH JOHN VIA RIA NOW NOW NOW. VERY URGENT URGENT URGENT. THEY ARE IN IRAQ AND SHOULD MOVE ON TO IRAN AFTER RECEIVING THE MONEY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: This was very difficult! Half of us were completely empty and up to our borrowing limits. Those who could find money were just able to scrape this figure together and send it. But thankfully, we met God’s request and that brings peace of mind as well as the presence of the Spirit in one’s life for greater spiritual enterprises. People who don’t give, who are selfish, actually shortchange themselves and cut themselves off from God. It is stated in Acts that it’s more blessed to give than receive. However, most make excuses and don’t see that their selfish ways rule them, not God’s Spirit. That’s why it’s extremely hard for rich people to enter the Kingdom. They can only do so when they lay down their ambitions and selfish desire to hold onto their money, and replace those with God’s aims and purposes by using their wealth for God’s ends. THEN they can enter because the Spirit finally finds a home therein. 6th February 2019. 14:53. From John: Thanks Will. We have received it and will be crossing in to Iran at night. God bless. [Comment: Someone queried why the angel messages often come in at roughly the same time as John’s. The reason is that the angels are John’s servants for the purposes of the outreach. (See Hebrews 1:14.) So the angels give needed input, providing him with the service he needs to do the job. They also corroborate or correct whatever he says for this written record.] 6th February 2019. 14:56. From Rhoda: "RECEIVING MONEY IN IRAN IS NOT ALLOWED. THEREFORE IT IS VERY NECESSARY FOR AT LEAST £2700 TO BE DEPOSITED IN THE BANK ACCOUNT BY TOMORROW MORNING. IT IS URGENTLY NEEDED. IT IS URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT. GOD STRESSES THAT IT IS URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: This was do or die. God couldn’t be any stronger with his emphasis! “Urgent!” stated 7 times! 7 is God’s perfect number. 18:41. From John: Put us in prayers, we are crossing in to Iran. The Angels State What Is Required6th Feb 2019. 18:53. From Rhoda: "THE GREAT IAM SAYS, DO NOT FEAR, GO WITH OPENED MM FAITH LITS, ALL THE OPPOSERS WILL BE REDUCED TO ASHES. THE TEAM WILL BE IN IRAN BEFORE MIDNIGHT. THERE IS A LOT OF DANGEROUS OPPOSITION THEY WILL MEET. THEY MUST NOT FEAR. AT LEAST £2700 TO BE DEPOSITED IN THE BANK ACCOUNT BY TOMORROW MORNING TO KEEP THEM FOR THREE WEEKS, TWO IN IRAQ AND ONE IN IRAN. NO ONE WILL BE ABLE TO BLOCK MM EVANGELISM WORK. MALCOLM TO WRITE AN ENCOURAGEMENT LETTER TO JOHN AND THE TEAM NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that now. 19:48. Reply to John: I like the way the angels say NOW NOW NOW! One NOW is not enough it seems. The repetition is for emphasis. Don’t worry about the opposition, like the angels say. When Tomas and the others were in Iran previously, the police couldn’t arrest them. When the police officer got into Tomas’s car it wouldn’t start. But it started no problem for Tomas, because he was with MM. He had a Faith booklet on the seat. Though the opposition caused lots of problems, they couldn’t defeat us with the Faith booklet as our weapon and shield. You are under Helena’s intercession, pushing away the demonic forces. Plenty of them in Iran, but there are some good people there whom God wants to reach. I wonder whether you will be able to keep in touch each day. I hope so. 7th February 2019. 8:28. From John: In Iran now. 7th February 2019. 10:30. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM TO IGNORE ANY INFORMATION FALSIFYING MM ACTIVITIES IN ANY WEBSITE. GOD HAS PROMISED TO DESTROY ALL THOSE OPPOSERS. AT LEAST £2700 TO BE DEPOSITED IN THE BANK ACCOUNT TODAY. THE IRAN-IRAQ MISSION WILL BE THE CLIMAX OF THE MIDDLE EAST MM EVANGELISM." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 7th February 2019. 11:02. From Rhoda: "GOD ORGANISED MM AND PUT IT IN MALCOLM AND HELENA'S HANDS TO SEND THE LAST WARNING TO THE WHOLE WORLD VIA MM LITS. GOD'S EYES ARE STRICTLY ON MM WORK. NO ONE, NO GROUP, NO ORGANISATION, NO MEGA TELEVANGELIST, NO CHURCH CAN BLOCK GOD'S MESSAGE THROUGH MM LITS. AT LEAST £2700 TO BE DEPOSITED IN THE BANK ACCOUNT TODAY. THE IRAN-IRAQ MISSION WILL BE THE CLIMAX OF THE MIDDLE EAST MM EVANGELISM." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [Again there is a plea for that donation to be made. Our regular supporters had very little to offer. The plea was God’s repeated appeal to a bystander who was meant to respond.] 7th Feb 2019. 18:40. From John: Iran is still very hostile to Christians. We are currently in a very dangerous place with gunmen monitoring our movements. But with MM Faith lits we are set to do God's work. 7th Feb 2019. 18:48. From Rhoda: "GOD IS GOD. THERE IS A FOREX SHOP OWNED BY TWO MUSLIMS WHO ARE REALLY IN NEED OF MM LITS DELIVERANCE. GOD WANTS TO REACH THOSE MUSLIM BROTHERS TOMORROW MORNING. SO AT LEAST £480 TO REACH JOHN BY RIA NOW NOW NOW. FELIX WILL RECEIVE AS USUAL AND SEND TO JOHN THEN JOHN WILL GO TO GET MONEY AT THE FOREX SHOP AND USE THE OPPORTUNITY TO GIVE OUT MM LITS. THE MUSLIM BROTHERS WORKING THERE ARE NUMBERING SIX. GOD TO TOUCH REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP OUT WITH THIS NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels said. 7th February 2019. 19:39. From Rhoda: "KARAJ CITY IS WHERE THE FOREX SHOP IS LOCATED. THANK GOD THE VAN IS ALREADY THERE. GOD IS GOING TO BRING DOWN ALL THE ROGUE AND MAD POLICEMEN PLANNING TO ARREST THE TEAM IN IRAN TONIGHT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. God Invites All Sorts Of People In Iran8th February 2019. 6:53. From John: We couldn't take even a slight rest. This place is much worse than Syria. But we must just accomplish God's work by visiting mosques and baptise those who accept the MM truth. God bless. 8th February 2019. 7:36. From Rhoda: "THE PLACE IS HOSTILE BUT GOD IS WORKING OUT A WAY THROUGH. AT LEAST £480 TO REACH JOHN BY RIA NOW NOW NOW. GOD'S ANGELS ARE ALREADY AT THE FOREX SHOP WAITING FOR THE TIME JOHN WILL GET THERE. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 8th Feb 2019. 8:35. To John: Yes. It is such a cruel Islamic regime that the whole system is brutal and intolerant. George Bush labelled Iran as part of the Axis of Evil, along with N Korea. Two utterly antichrist intolerant regimes. Money is being organised this morning, but there’s a storm in Scotland where Nigel is, and it won’t be easy for him to get to the outlet to send what little we have. But God is in charge and makes a way where there seems to be no way. [The lashing rain eased in answer to our prayers and £480 was sent.] 8th Feb 2019. 8:39. From John: We moved all throughout the night locating mosques and placing MM Faith lits at the door. We managed to visit 9. 8th February 2019. 11:21. From John: Since last night a white car has been trailing us all throughout up to now. We can't fear for God is on our side. 12:33. Reply: He will wipe them all out using your Faith booklets. 9th February 2019. 13:22. From John: We have had our Sabbath rest outside the Forex shop. Many people have gathered here. Over 250 people. We will continue to produce more copies of MM lits. God bless. Comment: They must have been surrounded by an angelic mist to make them hidden, or angelic protection of some other sort. There they are meeting in a hardline Islamic country utterly intolerant of Christianity, and openly meeting OUTSIDE! And the secret police, with guns in their pockets, powerless and one being touched by the Spirit! Ha! Unprecedented! These are the days of Elijah! 9th February 2019. 17:33. From Rhoda: "THE GREAT IAM HAS CALLED PEOPLE OF ALL SORTS OF LIFE TO GET COPIES OF MM LITS IN IRAN. GOD IS A GOD OF GREAT PLAN. MORE COPIES MUST BE PRODUCED. MALCOLM TO WRITE A LETTER STRENGTHENING THE IRAN MISSION. THIS LETTER BE REPRODUCED IN THOUSANDS AND GIVEN TO EACH PERSON RECEIVING A COPY OF MM LIT. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT. MALCOLM TO WRITE TO JOHN NOW NOW NOW, THEY ARE WORRIED AND WOULD WANT TO HEAR FROM MALCOLM AND THE TEAM INTERCEDING FOR THEM." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 17:58. To John: Give me half an hour. I’ll write shortly. Written Gospel Is Spread In Iran In Thousands18:34. To John: This is amazing what God is doing in Iran. What God is doing now is UNPRECEDENTED. It is the end-time witness of God’s Spirit which is going to ALL NATIONS (Matthew 24:14), and has entered part of the ‘forbidden zone’ of Islam. It is a Move of God in preparing the Way (Isaiah 40:3-10) before the Second Coming of Jesus (Revelation 19; Matthew 24:30). The Eternal God of the Bible is God over ALL nations, but at this time He has not exercised His complete sovereignty over all the earth. He will do that fully when He sends Jesus to take complete control and rule over the whole earth (Isaiah 9:6-7; Revelation 20). For now He is calling individuals in each nation and working in those individual lives through His Spirit. God’s Spirit imparts His qualities, chief among which is love: God’s love (1 Corinthians 13), a love divine which gives inner strength and peace. It inspires obedience to His Ten Commandments (Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5; Matthew 19:17), and imbues each believer in Jesus with spiritual abilities (Romans 12) which include spiritual gifts such as the manifestation of speaking in tongues (1 Corinthians 12) or prophecy (1 Cor 12 and 14). These are given according to God’s purposes, not man’s choosing. His Spirit enhances the spirit of man with spiritual qualities of love and goodness that give rise to fruits which Paul listed in Galatians 5:22-26. These good fruits are a result of the outworking of the Spirit of God in each believer’s life. They are the good fruits of obedience to God that bring harmony in society when practised by all. That harmony will be established throughout the whole world during the Millennium to come shortly, when Jesus rules over all earth for 1,000 years, bringing universal peace, prosperity, happiness, an end to all war, an end to suffering and death, when He offers eternal life to ALL who are alive. May God speed that day, and may we all remain faithful to Him to the end (Matthew 24:13), while we live on this spiritually dark earth (Galatians 1:4), which is governed by Satan the devil (Ephesians 2:2). It is Satan who has deceived the whole world (Revelation 12:9), which is why so few know the Truth about Jesus and have access to God at this time. You are among those privileged few whom He has called to know Him. God has offered you access to Him through Jesus Christ our Lord. Because of what Jesus has done in paying the price of sin for all humanity (John 3:16), you can accept Him and have your sins forgiven and can come boldly in prayer before His Throne of Grace (Hebrews 4:16) to meet your every need. The answers to life’s problems and issues are all contained in the Bible and expounded in MM literature. God is the answer, through Jesus your Saviour (Acts 4:12), and He is found by all who seek Him and love His ways. “Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord” (Acts 3:19). May God bless you and keep you. May God make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you. May God smile upon you and give you peace. (Numbers 6:24-26.) The Great I AM Is Shaking Iran9th February 2019. 18:45. From Rhoda: "THE GREAT IAM IS SHAKING IRAN. MORE AND MORE PEOPLE ARE COMING OUT TO RECEIVE MM LITS. AT LEAST £1000 TO REACH JOHN BY RIA NOW NOW NOW. THE WORK IS ENORMOUS. URGENT URGENT URGENT. REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP OUT URGENTLY. THIS IS THE CLIMAX OF THE MIDDLE EAST MM MISSION." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Sunday 10th February 2019. 7:07. From John: We are still meeting many people. Our kitty is almost dry, only £55 left. We travelled the whole night placing MM Faith lits at the entrance of mosques. Our fuel can take us up to Tuesday night. We need to produce more and more copies of the MM lits and the letter... 9:00. Reply: What has happened to the secret police who followed you in the white car? Has anyone said anything about seeing the angel mist around the van? I’m just wondering why the authorities in Iran didn’t try and arrest you. Perhaps the angels hid you behind their screen. Sun 10th February 2019. 9:06. From John: The police officers went back to the station and reported that our van was covered with a thick white protective cover that made the van completely invisible and them unable to arrest us. One of them then resigned from police work and Mohammed Yorsi is here with us. 10:20. From John: Four armed police officers have come to arrest the one officer who resigned and joined us. Intercede for us. God bless. 10:31. Reply: May God protect him from their evil hands! Yes, intercession is constant here. 10th February 2019. 10:36. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND THE TEAM MUST NOT FEAR. THOSE POLICE OFFICERS WILL DIE AT MIDNIGHT. EVANGELISM KITTY IS DRY AND THE WORK IS MIGHTY. AT LEAST £1000 TO REACH JOHN BY RIA NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that now. Comment: Well, we couldn’t do that. The only money available was £200 from Vivian and Joy, who are living on practically nothing to keep the ship afloat. The Sick Got Healed, & Evil Police Got KilledMon 11th February 2019. 7:35. From John: We have had a very difficult night with people coming in big numbers bringing the sick, getting MM lits copies. The sick getting healed. We need more and more copies of MM lits... 11th February 2019. 9:46. From John: Four police officers who tried to make some arrests where we shared MM lits died at midnight. We are required to go and testify in court over their deaths. We must take with us as many copies of MM lits and the letter you sent us. You will receive more updates. God bless. 14:05. From John: The police handcuffed me. The other three ransacked the van. This they did for over six hours. We couldn't get the Arabic language they used to address us. Suddenly like lightning God blocked their eyes and they couldn't see us nor themselves. Then they started shooting aimlessly and all killed each other. And we praised God and walked away freely. 10:11. Reply: Have you heard anything about Mohammed Yorsi... 10:15. From John: Mohamed Yorsi is still in. We are heading there. 11th Feb 2019. 11:59. From Rhoda: "GOD IS AHEAD IN THE COURT ROOM. JOHN TO PRODUCE MORE COPIES OF MM LITS AND THE LETTER MALCOLM WROTE. TOMORROW MORNING JOHN SHOULD GO INTO THE COURT AND JUST DROP THE COPIES AT THE ENTRANCE. GOD WILL GIVE HIS JUDGEMENT. VERY URGENT. AT LEAST £800 TO REACH JOHN BY RIA NOW NOW NOW. THE WORK IS MASSIVE." 7 Angels have said that now. 11th Feb 2019. 14:29. From John: All died at midnight. The news brought many people to collect copies of MM lits. God bless. 11th February 2019. 18:03. From Rhoda: "MOHAMMED, FORMER POLICE OFFICER THAT WAS ARRESTED FOR ACCEPTING MM TRUTH, IS BEING BEATEN UP BY POLICE TO ACCEPT THAT MM IS A SATANIC CULT. MALCOLM INSTRUCT JOHN AND VUGA TO GO THERE, TAKE A LETTER THAT MALCOLM SHOULD WRITE WARNING THOSE ROGUE POLICE TO STOP THEIR ACTS NOW NOW NOW OR FACE GOD'S WRATH. THE POLICE IN CHARGE IS SULEIMAN OMAR BIN RUPA. AT MIDNIGHT GOD WILL RESCUE HIM [Mohammed]. GO GO GO, JOHN AND VUGA GO. AT LEAST £800 TO REACH JOHN BY RIA NOW NOW NOW. A BIG BATTLE IS AHEAD BUT GOD IS IN CONTROL." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: The needed money was raised by the faithful few supporters.
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