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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 13 |
171Immersed In Oil
My enemies without cause hunted me down like a bird. They silenced my life in the pit and threw stones at me... I said I am cut off. I called on Your name, O Lord, from the lowest pit. You drew near on the day I called on you, and said, “Do not fear!” (Lam 3:52-55, 57).
22nd January 2018. 13:25. From Mano Sood: The fire that I breathe will not spare anyone. 14:08. Reply: We know that. But the thing you don't know is about our God who is Supreme. You are fighting Him by fighting us, and you can't win. So give up now or you're dead. 23rd Jan 2018. 7:51. From John: we’re evangelising day and night nonstop. Comment: While we had no money to send the van on its way to Somalia to rescue the believers immersed in crude oil, John and Vuga evangelised nonstop. They don’t sleep or eat while on God’s assignment; just rest for 10-15 minutes each day, and survive on milk and water only. God sustains them supernaturally. 23rd January 2018. 16:50. From Rhoda: "AT MIDNIGHT TOMORROW MM BROTHERS IN SOMALIA WILL BE HANGED. GOD CAN'T ALLOW THIS NO NO NO. AT LEAST £250 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. GOD CAN'T ALLOW. ON REACHING GOD WILL HAND OVER THE ATTACKERS TO JOHN AND VUGA. THEY WILL TELL ALL THE ILL PLANS THEY HAVE WITH MM. AT LEAST £250 TO REACH JOHN NOW. THIS WILL GET THEM TO SOMALIA BY TOMORROW MIDDAY. GOD TO TOUCH THE CHOSEN ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO GIVE NOW NOW NOW TOWARDS THIS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 23rd January 2018. 16:58. From John: Thanks Will. We are currently meeting two Sheiks in Mombasa discussing the MM lits. We baptized six people in the morning. The Sheiks want to know the source of power in the MM lits... 23rd Jan 2018. 18:14. To John: The source of power in the MM literature is God Almighty who inspired them to be written by human hand. God bless. 18:27. From John: They are insisting that the writer of MM lits is not a human being but a spirit, and if not a spirit then a magic possessed person. They are worried by the power in the lits that even armed people don't attack in the presence of the MM lits. 23rd January 2018. 20:39. To John: This is the night the angels said your place would be attacked by some rogues coming to try and steal MM lit. I guess it won’t be long now. Eunice at the ready with Faith booklets!! 24th Jan 2018. 12:22. From Mano Sood: Re Give Up Now. Give up? I'll come for your head and the so called Ibrahim whom you have bewitched. 12:30. Reply: Ha! Ha! Ha! Ibrahim is an angel. You can't kill him. And you can't kill me either, as I am a servant of God with a job to do. 24th January 2018. 10:48. From Mark: We are ok. They vandalized the gate and knocked down the wall approximately 100 meters [at Mark’s place]. 12:35. Reply: What's happened to the four tractors that were destroyed by the fire of God? Are their remains still there, or have they been taken away? John has been sent to Somalia to rescue the brothers immersed in crude oil, who are due to be hanged tonight at midnight, but God has spoken to Rhoda about it and John and Vuga are on their way. 12:40. To Mark: There was an attack two nights ago on John's place. The electricity got cut off, so Eunice is without power now. She was forewarned and was waiting for them at midnight. When they got near the library she wielded Faith booklets at them, and the three were struck dead by firebolts. I think there was another attack last night, by others to try and break into the library and steal MM lit. But I haven't heard anything. I wonder if you have... 25th Jan 2018. 9:29. From Mark: All the tractors were destroyed by fire including the one they brought a couple of weeks ago. Their remains are still here. The Wipe-out In Mogadishu24th January 2018. 17:17. From John: Thanks to God Will. We have just arrived in Mogadishu. We have no money to send to our Tunisia brothers. We have no water nor milk. We are waiting for God's directives through the Angels... 24th January 2018. 17:26. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA ARE ALREADY IN MOGADISHU. THEY SHOULD MOVE TO RAHDI MOSQUE LOCATED 1KM SOUTH OF MOGADISHU AT THE SHORE OF INDIAN OCEAN. IT IS GOING TO BE A BIG BATTLE BUT GOD HAS SENT HIS ANGELS AHEAD. AT MIDNIGHT GOD WILL SHOW HIS MIGHT. JOHN AND VUGA MUST BAPTISE THOSE THAT WILL SURRENDER TO THEM. JOHN'S HOME IS ALSO UNDER GOD'S SURVEILLANCE. THE TUNISIA BROTHERS ARE SURELY IN NEED." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 25th Jan 2018. 10:51. From John: Still in a big struggle. Pray for us, the place is very hostile. We managed to save our brothers last night. Report coming. 11:00. Reply: Yes, there is constant intercession all day. God will give you the victory. So glad to hear that the brothers were rescued. I wonder how it all worked out last night. We will be interested to hear how God did it. And I wonder how those poor guys will get cleaned up from that filthy sticky oil?! 25th January 2018. 12:29. From Mano Sood: You don't know whom you are joking with. 12:44. Reply: I do. You are Satan. 26th January 2018. 8:45. From Rhoda: "THE SOMALI MISSION IS STILL ON. JOHN AND VUGA MUST BAPTISE THOSE WHO ACCEPTED THE MM TRUTH THEN TEACH THEM HOW TO STUDY AND USE MM LITS TOGETHER WITH THE BIBLE. AT LEAST THE MONEY FOR PRINTER TO REACH TUNISIA BROTHERS TO HELP THEM PRODUCE MM LITS COPIES." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 26th January 2018. 8:45. From John: We are in a discussion with four people who surrendered and accepted the MM truth. We are planning to baptise them. The place is extremely hostile but we cannot fear for God is ahead of us... [A short while later] We are through with baptism. God bless. 26th January 2018. 17:55. To John: Were those four, some of the ones who were holding ‘our guys’ hostage in crude oil? We are itching to know how God worked things out... Thanks. There is some money coming to you this evening towards the printer they need in Tunisia. How are you doing for money? 27th January 2018. 18:34. From John: Thanks Will. £400 has gone to Tunisia brothers. We are baptising two more people now. God bless. MM Believers Rescued From Their Ordeal28th Jan 2018. 8:05. From John: We arrived at the port of Mogadishu some minutes to midday and got blocked by fierce men dressed in police uniforms who questioned why the MM van frequently visits Somalia. We gave them reasons why we loved visiting Somalia preaching the gospel of the King of kings Jesus through MM lits distribution and baptising those who accept the Gospel of truth. To our big surprise the group became bigger and bigger. While still engaging them in explaining the reason for our visit, a woman called N, the wife to one of our brothers arrested for reading MM lits near a mosque on Friday, came crying and begging us to move with her at speed and save her husbund and other brothers who were to be hanged for preaching the MM lits Gospel to Muslims. We moved with her south of the port where she showed us the house where the brothers had been dipped in crude oil. Before hanging them, the oppressors wanted them to surrender all the MM lits which were to be burnt. They refused to surrender for one whole week immersed in oil. Then we moved a further 2km away on the sea shore. We found our brothers with no clothes and their tormentors preparing ropes to hang them with. On seeing the MM van, our brothers fell on their knees and prayed aloud thanking God. Many oppressors [13 of them] ran away and only four surrendered to us. We then moved with our brothers, plus the 4 who had surrendered, away from there to a secluded place 1km away. God bless. 10:18. Reply: Very good... Clearly God kept them alive, without sleep, without rest, without water, without food, for those 7 days. The attackers tried to kill them with that cruel slow method, but God sustained them because they did not waver in their faith. What night at midnight was it that the rescue took place? 10:21. From John: Wednesday 24th Jan at midnight. 11:09. To John: These incidents which God allows, then sends you in the van to deal with, besides countering the enemies, actually are springboards for publicising the truth that MM brings. Many people get to hear through word of mouth that spreads via gossip, about the MM van, about what happened to the captives who were kidnapped and sentenced to death for departing from Islam and teaching about Christ. And it spreads the news about Jesus without you having to say much. And then the literature being more widely spread as a result, does the rest. The disaster (from our point of view) is the very means God uses to create a platform for the Gospel in these Muslim dominated areas. What about the four captors, whom God converted? Who was behind them? Was it Mano Sood, or other Muslim warlords? ... Thanks. 28th Jan 2018. 11:34. From John: They are Sood's men. They are giving us more information. Sood is a dangerous person but he cannot defeat our God. 12:11. Reply: I thought as much. God will kill him in due course. 13:17. Sood’s connections. Did the four who surrendered say anything about Mano Sood’s connections? He’s got multiple millions in money, a helicopter, gunmen by the ton, and all the rest. Mark says he’s Egyptian. ...By the way the Islamic agenda is DOMINATION by any means. 14:30. Further: Manifestations? Did the four Muslim gunmen who surrendered to you say what they saw when your van approached? 15:10. From John: They said that a thick white snow very white covered the van and when we came out, a bright light shone out from the MM Faith lits in our hands. The light was so bright that they could not look at it again. God bless. 17:35. Reply: I guess that was what scared off the rest of the gang. 29th January 2018. 14:08. From John: We have been locked in a heated debate with Muslim leaders here who want us be taken to their kadhi court for making many Muslim faithfuls change to Christianity. They blocked us yesternight... We need at least £200 for fuel, water and milk. God bless. 30th January 2018. 12:42. From Mano Sood: I have network all over the world so keep that in mind. 16:34. Reply: Good. So you can read in our e-mails of how God wipes out your men and foils your plans by His Almighty power, eh? Makes interesting reading, yeah? 31st Jan 2018. 9:10. From John: We are still in Somalia. The border to Kenya is closed following yesterday’s swearing in of Kenya's opposition leader. 1st February 2018. 9:10. From John: We have just finished our meeting with 13 sheiks here and we have another meeting in the evening today. Am typing the report now. We are down financially no water nor milk. God bless. Comment: F and W put together £100, but that is all we could find. 1st February 2018. 12:27. From Rhoda: "EUNICE AND THOSE IN JOHN'S HOME ARE IN BIG PROBLEM, ATTACK AFTER ATTACK AND NO POWER. AT LEAST £300 TO REACH JOHN NOW. THE SOMALIA EVANGELISM IS VERY CHALLENGING." 7 Angels have just said that to me. 1st February 2018. 12:27. To John: Why are the sheiks astonished and unbelieving? What has God done through the lit that they thought not possible? 13:52. From John: They long to see the writer since they claim the words in them are too sharp and must have been written by a God not a mere human. The sharp light they saw when we opened the MM Faith lit made them fear. 15:42. To John: I wonder about the attacks at Eunice’s. Those would have been organised by Sood. Have you heard from her...? 18:21. From John: The attackers are taking advantage of the power issue. The home is in total darkness but Eunice has stood firm with MM Faith lits. The Ordeal, Being Immersed In Crude Oil2nd February 2018. 17:25. From John: Mogadishu, Somalia: The four captives. [The four persecuted ones] accepted MM last year when we visited Somalia. W was a Sheik, X a teacher, Y a staunch Muslim priest and Z a fisherman. They accepted the MM truth when they tried to attack us, and a strong light from the MM Faith lits caused them lose eyesight. God restored them. When they got well they joined us in the FOT at Mark's place last year 2017. They have been visiting schools, hospitals, bus stands, sea beaches and sharing the MM truth with people freely, evangelising to the sick and less fortunate in their society. This annoyed the Muslim leaders and church leaders who were not happy since their members were leaving them and joining the four brothers in their MM lits discussions. Sood at one time organised a gang to kill them but it happened that they had the MM Faith lits on them. They did not die. The attackers lost their eyesight. They got physically arrested when they were found engaging Muslim youths in MM lits study near a mosque. Instead of beng arraigned in court they got dipped into crude oil to die but God protected their lives. After rescuing them the Sheiks wanted to discover the source of power in the MM lits by engaging us in non-ending debates, trailing us day and night, not even giving us time to evangelise. We realized their plans and this evening we have moved to a secluded place to have a Sabbath rest. God bless. 18:03. From John: Sood is against MM evangelism in the whole of Africa not Somalia alone. He planned to grab Mark's land because of its strategic location. Eunice has just called us now they need £420 to fix the power back... They destroyed the whole power line. 3rd February 2018. 12:25. From Rhoda: "BECAUSE OF LACK OF POWER, SOOD HAS A PLAN OF STEALING LITS FROM THE LIBRARY AND REWRITING THEM USING OBSCENE LANGUAGE TO SOIL THE NAME OF MM. AT LEAST £450 TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR FIXING POWER." 7 Angels have said to me now. 3rd February 2018. 17:27. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA TO MOVE OUT OF SOMALIA AND HEAD TO JOHN'S HOME. SOOD AND HIS MEN ARE PLANNING TO STEAL MM LITS FROM THE LIBRARY AND GOD, THE GREAT I AM, WILL PUT THEM IN TO JOHN AND VUGA'S HANDS. AT LEAST £475 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW FOR THE DEAL IS TO TAKE PLACE ON MONDAY NIGHT. URGENT, URGENT, URGENT." 7 Angels have said that now. 4th February 2018. 9:24. To John: Whereabouts are you? Did you manage to leave Somalia last night? We are trying to find some money at present. A little has been found, but we are trying to find the full amount... 10:35. From John: Thanks Will. Yes we are at the border at Kismayu. We cant move on. Our fuel is over and the kitty is dry. God bless. Mark Is Attacked Again And Badly Injured4th February 2018. 16:14. From Janes in Tanzania: Mark is in a critical condition right now. Gangsters attacked him and beat him to death while he was clearing the farm today. He was found lying helplessly in a pool of blood and rushed to the nearest hospital for treatment so we beg for your prayers. 17:20. Reply: Why rush him to hospital?! Our God heals, delivers, raises the dead!! Where's the application of what people are supposed to have learned? [No condemnation, however, because we all must grow in faith. Exhortation and correction help us in that growth process.] 4th February 2018. 16:18. From Mano Sood: I told you I will revenge but you didn't listen. Mark has already joined his ancestors in heaven. 17:51. Reply: You are a dead man! So you have murdered him have you? Well, our God is not mocked. He exacts judgement upon the wicked for their wickedness. So you will reap as you have sown. Life for life! Your life will be required of you for this evil deed. 4th February 2018. 16:22. From Rhoda: "SOOD HAS ATTACKED MARK BADLY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 4th February 2018. 19:50. From Rhoda: "HE [Mark] WILL BE WELL. SOOD IS EAGERLY LOOKING FOR WAYS TO GRAB THE LAND BUT THE LAND BELONGS TO GOD. IMMEDIATELY JOHN AND VUGA REACH HOME TOMORROW NOON THEY SHOULD MOVE AND GET MARK OUT OF THE HOSPITAL AND TOUCH HIM WITH FAITH LITS. JOHN AND VUGA WILL NEED ADDITIONAL £200 TO SAFELY REACH NDHIWA THEN MOVE BACK TO JOHN'S HOME TO DO WHAT GOD WILL GUIDE THEM TO DO TO SOOD AND HIS MEN. RIGHT NOW AT LEAST £200 TO REACH JOHN." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 5th Feb 2018. 8:53. From John: ...in Narok, by 2pm we will be in Ndhiwa. 5th February 2018. 9:35. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £300 TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR MARK'S FAMILY. THEY HAVE NOTHING CALLED FOOD AND NO MONEY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 10:16. From John: Thanks Will. We are almost reaching Kisii. God bless. 5th February 2018. 10:35. From Mano Sood: I lost a good number of soldiers so he had to pay the price. 10:42. Reply: Your soldiers died for attacking us so they paid the price they deserved. We do not attack you. Mark does not attack you, so you have attacked an innocent man and for that you will pay the price. Like I said, you are a dead man. It's only a matter of time before God takes you to oblivion. God Causes The Gunmen To Shoot Each Other5th February 2018. 14:15. From John: Thanks Will. We are being blocked at the gate not to get in and have brother Mark. God bless. 14:38. What gate do you mean? The gate of Mark’s place, or the gate of a hospital somewhere? You’ve got the power of God with you, stored in the Faith booklets for when God gives the go-ahead. 14:41. From John: At the hospital. God bless. 14:42. Reply: Is that in Ndhiwa? 14:44. Who’s blocking you? Gunmen? 15:10. From John: Yes gunmen at Ndhiwa. 15:37. Reply: Well, the power with us is greater than the power with their guns, so when you want to, I suggest pointing your booklets at them to blind them, and then go in. 15:39. From John: Thanks Will. We are camped here and must get in. We are set with the Faith lits. God bless. 15:40. Reply: God be with you. We can’t fail! 16:37. To John: When William Branham ministered, he had to wait until the angel appeared or he could sense his presence, and then he knew the power of God would come through for him. It may be like that in this instance. When you open the Faith booklets at the gunmen, if there is no effect on them, then we have to wait for God’s timing. That is often midnight. But not always. So, as you stay alert, you’ll see the right time to advance. Vivian has just been in touch to say that he has got £250 to send, and Wilfred £15, so that should be on its way to you this evening, shortly. Comment: Bob was able to send John £300. Thanks! 5th Feb 2018. 17:48. From Rhoda: "SOOD'S FIVE ARMED MEN WILL BE DEAD AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT. MARK WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE HOSPITAL AT MIDNIGHT. THE GUNMEN WILL GET CONFUSED AND KILL ONE ANOTHER WHEN VUGA AND JOHN POINT AT THEM WITH THE MM FAITH LITS. BUT FROM TOMORROW A WAY OF ACQUIRING A TRACTOR SHOULD BE FAST-TRACKED. THERE IS A SECURITY LAPSE IN KENYA, A MEDIA BLACKOUT AND SOOD IS OUT TO USE THIS MESS TO GRAB GOD'S LAND. THE GREAT IAM SHOULD GIVE TO MM REGULAR SUPPORTERS TO SEND £2000 TO JOHN BY THURSDAY THIS WEEK FOR THE TRACTOR TO BE BROUGHT TO MARK'S LAND." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 6th February 2018. 4:23. From John: All the five gunmen died. We have just removed Mark. He is very weak. God bless. 6th February 2018. 13:51. From John: Thanks Will. Sood's gang is piling a lot of pressure on us here warning us of dire consequences following the deaths of the five last midnight... 14:00. Reply: Yes, it will be achieved. A tractor is coming because God has promised. We don’t trust in the arm of flesh, but in the arm of the Spirit...
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