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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 13
17017 of Sood’s Men Killed By God
God is a just judge, and God is angry with the wicked every day. If he does not turn back, He will sharpen His sword... He also prepares for Himself instruments of death... fiery shafts (Ps 7:11-13).
11th January 2018. 14:05. From Mano Sood: You can't stop me from doing what I want to do. [Sood plans another invasion of Mark’s land.] 14th January 2018. 9:04. From Mano Sood: I'll come tonight in full force. 14th January 2018. 18:20. From Rhoda: "SOOD MEN HAVE ARRESTED KACHAPIM FROM MARK'S COMPOUND AND WANT TO KILL HIM TONIGHT. MARK IS WORRIED FOR FOUR TRACTORS ARE PARKED NEAR MARK'S GATE IN READINESS TO FORCE THEIR WAY INTO MARK' S LAND." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 14th January 2018. 19:29. From Mano Sood: For your info, we have killed one of your servants so Mark is next. 14th January 2018. 19:02. To Mano Sood: If you have killed Kachapim, God will kill you. Back off NOW! Or you will face the wrath of Almighty God, whose land you are wanting to invade and steal. GET LOST!!! 15th January 2018. 2:12. From Mano Sood: My mission never fails. 15th Jan 2018. 9:03. To John: I haven’t heard from Mark since last night, so his phone may be out of charge. Those rogues have cut off his electricity. Mano Sood is still bragging that he can’t be defeated. I’ve told him to get ready to meet his Maker along with his gunmen unless he backs off (which he won’t). 15th Jan 2018. 7:41. From Rhoda: £250 TO REACH JOHN NOW TO GET US TO MARK'S PLACE TOMORROW MORNING. The 7 Angels said. 15th January 2018. 14:36. From Mano Sood: I have spared Mark's life and he has gone away so I will go ahead with my project on Saturday morning. Idiot! You thought you can defeat me? God Kills 17 Of Sood’s Men And Burns Their Four Tractors15th January 2018. 14:54. To John: [With Sood’s gloating e-mail.] I think you will have to go in there when you get back and force them out with the power of God through the Faith booklets in the hands of the three of you. We want to see that evil man dead and all his gunmen. And we can do it by God's power! 15th January 2018. 17:05. From John: Thanks Will. We will be in Mark's compound by tomorrow. God will put the intruders in to our hands. They cannot defeat God. I have seen Him defeat even more armed men. God bless. 17:22. Reply: Thanks. Yes, I know God wants to get these geezers out of there, but He requires our trust in Him to do so... Anyway, I have replied to the gloating Sood, to ask him where Kachapim is and whether he is dead; “where is he?” [Sood didn’t answer that question.] Let me know (if you can) when you get near Ndhiwa and then I will hit Sood with my ultimatum e-mail before God kills him. Thanks... God bless. 17:39. To John: There may be 50 gunmen or more, plus Sood. But that doesn’t matter. God will wipe them out. He has given us His promise through the angelic message to Rhoda last week, that when the tractor arrives at Mark’s place, God will kill Sood and 50 of his gunmen. So, we can walk in confidently, holding the Faith booklets against them till God’s time to kill them all, preferably outside the compound. I see no reason why the booklets can’t be used to push them outside Mark’s land, and then God will deal with them in the way He wants, usually by getting them to shoot each other. I can’t wait! Ha! We will have the victory. It’s to those who dare and who are not afraid. Remind Mark that faith must be exercised, because if it is not, fear takes over and fear is the opposite, the enemy of faith. 15th January 2018. 17:47. From Mano Sood: Your gods can answer those questions very well. 17:49. Reply: I am asking you, and if you don't give me a straight answer, you will pay for it with your life. I'm on my way. 16th January 2018. 5:41. From John: We are in Ahero junction on our way to Ndhiwa. We need at least £120 to safely reach Ndhiwa. God bless. Reply: OK, we’ll see what we can do. 16th January 2018. 11:36. From Mano Sood: I am told that you have sent another idiot there to stop us, tell him to leave immediately because I'll kill all of you within no minute. Fool! Reply: GET OUT!!! 11:56. You can't kill us. You will have to kill God first, and He is not mocked. Get your men out of that land forthwith. I'm warning you in the name of Jesus Christ, the Almighty One. 11:55. To John: Clearly, they intercept our e-mails to know this. But we will win. These bastards will pay with their lives for their evildoings. 11:58. From John: Thanks Will. They can’t defeat God. God bless. 16th Jan 2018. 14:09. From Mano Sood: You are a big fool of the year. 14:31. Reply: Ha! That's what you think. Like I said, I'm on my way. Jesus, the Almighty, has told you to leave His land alone. Since you don't heed that warning, you will pay the price at His great and powerful hands. 16th January 2018. 16:39. From Mano Sood: Why are killing my people and burning tractors? You will pay. 17:43. Reply: I warned you. You cannot fight our God. He is Jesus, the Messiah, the Almighty One. GET ALL YOUR MEN OUT NOW UNLESS YOU WANT THEM ALL TO BE KILLED BY GOD!!! 16th January 2018. 17:45. To John: [Forwarded the above to John, Mark and Ngilcan.] It looks like God has already begun to exact judgement upon Mano Sood's murderous gunmen. 18:02. To John: If you have £10 or £20 spare, could you send to Khalifa. They have no fuel for their bikes for their work tomorrow. Thanks. But only if you can spare it. Yours is priority at the moment, to secure Mark’s place. 16th Jan 2018. 19:07. To John: Have you managed to get to Ndhiwa yet? 20:17. To John: Since I haven’t heard from you, I deduce that you are in Ndhiwa and BUSY! 17th January 2018. 4:26. From John: We are in Ndhiwa and God has put sood's men in our hands. No worry God is honoring MM Faith lits. Most of his men are dead. 6:57. From John: The team was big. They had settled on Mark's farm. Thanks be to God. Their tractors blew up in flames when they tried to demolish the perimeter wall on the farm. God bless. 17th January 2018. 7:03. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £550 TO REACH JOHN TODAY FOR FUELING THE VAN TO MOMBASA TO GO DESTROY SOOD'S BASE THERE. HE LEFT A TEAM BEHIND IN MOMBASA PREPARING TO CAUSE HARM TO MM BELIEVERS LIKE JOHN, VUGA, MARK AND THEIR FAMILIES. THIS IS URGENT. ONCE HIS BASE IS DEMOLISHED HE WILL HAVE TO SURRENDER." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 8:56. Reply: I don’t know how we can do this, but I’ll let you know if any money can be found. 17th January 2018. 8:22. From Mano Sood: You are boasting after instructing this idiot to burn all my tractors.you will pay dearly. 17th January 2018. 9:48. From John: ARRIVAL: We arrived in the evening, some minutes to seven, and went straight to the gate where we found the gate locked from inside. Immediately a group of armed young men came and ordered us to vacate immediately before they bomb us. We also realised that the attackers were tracking us on the phones and therefore we put off all the phones. Rhoda then received Angelic instruction that we retreat to Mirogi centre and park the van there. We then returned when it got dark and did as per the Angels’ directive, threw three MM Faith lits into Mark’s compound and what followed was total confusion, people crying and running out for safety. The confusion started at around eight in the night but the major one at midnight. When the people in Mark's compound realized that they couldn’t match us, they drove out the tractors hitting and destroying the perimeter wall near the gate and that’s how all the four tractors caught fire and burnt killing the drivers. Thank God no one died inside Mark's compound. 17 people died while running for safety. God descended on them with hot coal. We heard them cry of hot fire burning them. God landed hot coal on the four tractors and burnt them all. Yes I have sent £10 to Tunisia brothers. The kitty is dry. Up to now some youths are still baying for our blood but they fear reaching even the gate... 10:29. To John: Thanks for explaining. I was wondering how we would cope if there were any dead bodies inside Mark’s compound... 11:09. To John: What’s going to happen, I wonder, to the dead? Who takes the bodies away? Who pays for burial, etc? 11:12. From John: Sood and his company which include their families. It is evident that Sood uses the poor youths to do all the bad things. God bless. To Mombasa To Destroy Sood’s Base17th January 2018. 13:03. From Mano Sood: I have organized a troop of armed men from Mombasa coming to Ndhiwa to clear all your evil roots. 14:42. Reply: Ha! We're waiting for you. They'll get killed too. Why don't you come and face us as well; join the killing party, eh? 17:25. From Mano Sood: Dog! Wednesday 17th January 2018. 17:19. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA MUST MOVE OUT VERY FAST TO MOMBASA AND TAKE GOD'S FAITH LIT TO SOOD'S BASE AND GOD WILL DESTROY IT. THIS WILL WEAKEN HIM AND MAKE THE FEW REMAINING THUGS UNDER HIM SURRENDER. GOD HAS SPOKEN." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 17:21. Reply: We have no means now. 17:24. To John and Rhoda: Sood says he’s sending his soldiers to Ndhiwa from Mombasa. Bob isn’t back from work yet, so until he gets back we don’t know if any money can be found, but it won’t be £550 as specified earlier. So, I presumed that because we couldn’t find any money for the trip, that God would bring the enemy to us instead of us go to the enemy. [Not so.] Thursday 18th January 2018. 10:27. From John: We are still at Mark's gate watching and waiting for any attack. We have no milk nor water but going strong for God has scattered our enemies. I hope you are doing good over there. 18th January 2018. 10:29. From Rhoda: "THE ENEMY SHOULD NOT BE GIVEN TIME TO REGROUP IN MOMBASA BUT SHOULD BE DISPERSED AND DESTROYED COMPLETELY. JOHN AND VUGA SHOULD GO." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 11:15. Reply to John: OK. I have been able to find £100 this morning, and Wilfred has managed £320, so Nigel should be sending you £420 shortly. That’s all we can find at present. God speed your journey and multiply the fuel! 18th January 2018. 11:29. From Mano Sood: We are already in Ndhiwa with my soldiers to demolish premises on that land. 12:30. Reply: Oh, so you want to get another dose of God's power against you, do you? 18th Jan 2018. 12:29. From John: Those are mere threats let him dare. 18th January 2018. 12:28. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM TO IGNORE SOOD'S THREATS. HIS BASE IN MOMBASA MUST BE BROUGHT DOWN. HE CANNOT MOVE INSIDE MARK'S COMPOUND. THE MM LITS AND ANGELS ARE IN THE COMPOUND." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 18th January 2018. 13:07. From Mano Sood: Another group is still training in Mombasa. They will arrive on Sunday for reinforcement. 13:42. Reply: Ha! Ha! Ha!! 19th Jan 2018. 8:57. From John: In Voi town on our way to Mombasa. 19th January 2018. 12:24. From Mano Sood: The job start this evening. 12:30. Reply: Ha! Ha! Ha!! That's what you think. You won't be able to penetrate our defences. 19th January 2018. 19:20. From Mano Sood: Already we have demolish one side of fence wall so keep on laughing. 19:52. Reply: Oh yeah?! You will pay for it. Want to see your men dead, I presume. 20th January 2018. 00:15. From Mano Sood: Tell Ibrahim to stay out of my way or else I'll kill him. 9:12. Reply: Who is Ibrahim? I don't know to whom you refer. 20th January 2018. 11:18. From Mano Sood: He man the fort in Mark's absence so don't pretend you don't know him. Comment: In chapter 2 of Lessons in Faith, you’ll see a similar instance of a missionary who was protected by 17 angels around his home when tribal warriors wanted to kill him. I think Ibrahim is an angel who manifested as a Muslim, preventing the insurgents from invading Mark’s place. They destroyed the perimeter wall, but weren’t allowed entry to destroy all our buildings. Saturday 20th Jan 2018. 9:52. From Rhoda: "ANGELS NUMBERING 3 PLUS MM FAITH LITS ARE IN MARK'S COMPOUND. THE PLACE IS UNDER GOD'S CARE. SOOD'S COMPOUND IN MOMBASA IS NO MORE, GOD BROUGHT IT DOWN AT MIDNIGHT. JOHN HAD TO PUT OFF HIS PHONE FOR SECURITY REASONS. AT LEAST £600 TO REACH JOHN NOW. £500 FOR TRACTOR DEPOSIT IN MOMBASA, £50 FOR TUNISIA BROTHERS AND £50 FOR TRACTOR LICENCE. JOHN AND VUGA SHOULD COME BACK WITH TRACTOR FROM MOMBASA TO MARK. THE COST OF THE TRACTOR IS £10500. THE BALANCE WHICH IS £10000, TO BE PAID IN A SPAN OF EIGHT MONTHS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 20th January 2018. 9:38. To John: [With Sood’s missive.] Sounds like an angel is manifesting as a Muslim (probably with a Kalashnikov)! Protecting the place. What's happened in Mombasa? 9:56. From John: Thanks Will. Sood's place in Mombasa was demolished at midnight by God's power. I’ll give full details after Sabbath. 20th January 2018. 12:27. To Mano Sood: Have you seen what has happened to your base in Mombasa? Our God destroyed it at midnight. And Ibrahim is one of God's angels. I told you that you wouldn't be able to penetrate our defences at Mark's place. 15:35. From Mano Sood: Am not a subject of mockery. 15:59. Reply: Well, it looks like you are. God mocks all who oppose Him. 21st January 2018. 6:12. From John: We reached Malindi beach in Mombasa in the evening and just immediately four well-built men came and ordered us to get out of that place. One went ahead and told us how they were planning to move to Ndhiwa to fight some sect in the name of a ministry and when they discovered the MM label on the van they ran back to the well fenced home calling for more people to come out and attack us. At that point we retreated back and switched off our phone, organised the seven MM Faith lits. At midnight we returned and found a big contingent of men in soldier regalia. We wasted no time and ordered them to leave for God had sent us to deliver a message to Sood. But they greeted us with guns aimed at us. Then [there was] a sound of a strong wind and confusion landed on them and each started shooting at one another indiscriminately. In that confusion we threw in the seven MM Faith lits. Strong winds destroyed everything in sight, uprooting tall trees, throwing away roofs and blowing all into the Indian Ocean. It went on till early morning hours of Saturday. We then moved back. We had our sabbath rest in Voi town. Now we are still in Voi. We can’t move for our fuel is over and the kitty completely dry. God bless. 21st January 2018. 8:49. From Rhoda: JOHN AND VUGA HAVE NO WATER OR MILK. THEY CAN’T MOVE ON, NO FUEL AND THEIR KITTY IS DRY. GOD IS SAYING THAT THEY SHOULD COME BACK WITH A TRACTOR." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [That was the ideal, but money was not forthcoming, so God’s ideal was thwarted by human failure.] 21st January 2018. 10:18. To John: Thanks for your account of what happened. Did the angels tell you what to do, and to use 7 Faith booklets? We’re trying to find some money for you. 10:41. From John: Yes we did everything as per the Angels’ directives. Rhoda kept us informed from the Angels on what to do and when. 21st January 2018. 10:54. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA MOVED STEP BY STEP ON ANGELIC ORDERS. GOD WILL REWARD THEM." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 21st January 2018. 11:41. To John: I am curious about this bit: “One went ahead and told us how they were planning to move to Ndhiwa to fight some sect...” What caused him to talk? Did you begin a conversation with him? When he went to call for more gunmen to come, how far away were you? It’s surprising that you could hear what he said.
21st January 2018. 17:03. From John: Thanks Will. We initiated the talk by ordering them to obey God's voice and stop being associated with Sood. We were very close to the gate and could hear very well what they said. We returned back to about 300m away from the gate. We got 7 Faith lits ready from the carton where we carry many lits. We moved back to Sood's gate at midnight. His base was a fenced home with live fence and one long classroom like house. After God had demolished the home we moved back to Mombasa city centre. God bless. 21st January 2018. 17:24. To Mano Sood: Have you gone there to see for yourself the damage? God made your gunmen kill each other, and then He blew your setup into the sea with a tempestuous wind. Still want to fight us, eh? 21st January 2018. 18:20. From Rhoda: "THERE IS A PLAN TO ATTACK JOHN'S FAMILY BECAUSE OF HIS FIRM DEVOTION TO DO ALL THAT GOD REQUIRES HIM TO DO THROUGH MM LITS. JOHN TO CALL EUNICE NOW AND INSTRUCT HER TO GET THREE MM FAITH LITS READY AND ONLY GO TO SLEEP AFTER MIDNIGHT. JOHN AND VUGA TO MOVE ON TO MOGADISHU SOMALIA TO RESCUE MM BROTHERS DIPPED IN CRUDE OIL SO THAT THEY GIVE OUT ALL THE MM LITS THEY HAVE. JOHN AND VUGA MUST MOVE ON BY TOMORROW VERY EARLY IN THE MORNING. THEY MUST MOVE ON. GOD IS GOING TO ANSWER THE TRACTOR ISSUE. AT LEAST £498 TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR TOMORROW'S TRAVEL ." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 22nd January 2018. 6:14. From Mano Sood: I promise I'll cremate all MM believers including you. Idiot! 22nd January 2018. 7:25. From John: My home was attacked. Eunice faced the attackers with MM Faith lits and three people died. Eunice has reported to the Chief's office this morning. Onjonga's nephew is one of those who died... 8:50. The attackers brought down the main gate to the home and cut off our power supply. Thank God all died. Will, no money has come in yet... 9:24. We are still in Voi, we can't move on. Eunice explained that they cut the electricity source, broke the gate and headed to the MM lits library and at that point God struck them with firebolts killing all at once. To connect the power supply and mend the gate requires £585. Will, I understand your money issue. The regular MM supporters have done a great work, may God bless them all. 9:32. To John: Thanks for explaining. I am very concerned for the brothers in Somalia. To be immersed in vile thick crude oil is awful. They can’t eat, sleep or do anything. If money doesn’t come this morning, they’ll be dead before you can get there, like the previous episode in Zanzibar. All I can do is pray for God to sustain them. We are so helpless when the conditions God has set are not met by others. There is nothing I can do, nor you. 22nd January 2018. 10:02. From John: "AT LEAST £190 TO REACH JOHN NOW SO THAT THEY CAN START THE JOURNEY TO SOMALIA. THE BALANCE SHOULD REACH THEM TOMORROW. ALSO £620 FOR ELECTRICITY AND GATE REPAIR TO JOHN'S HOME. A GROUP IS PLANNING TO STEAL MM LITS TOMORROW NIGHT." 7 Angels have said now.
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