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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 13 |
172God Kills Warlord Sood
The boastful shall not stand in Your sight. You hate all workers of iniquity. You shall destroy those who speak falsehood. The Lord abhors the bloodthirsty and deceitful man. (Psalm 5:5-6)
7th February 2018. 10:55. From John: Thanks to God, Will. At midnight holding opened MM Faith lits, we advanced towards the hospital gate. The five armed men ordered us to step back, but we moved forward and when we touched the gate with the lits at that point they started shooting aimlessly in all directions. We moved into the hospital very fast, and met Mark's wife who led us to the bed where Mark was lying. We touched his head with the Faith lits and carried him out and back to his home. At the hospital gate lay the bodies of the five. They had killed each other. God bless. 11:16. Reply: Thanks for the explanation. Did anyone in the hospital see the gunmen at the gate? Did anyone witness them shooting each other? I don’t suppose you talked to anyone in the hospital, other than Yvette, Mark’s wife. Tell Mark not to worry, not to be anxious, about his land. God is watching over it and He won’t let it be taken, but he needs to stand up against the enemy... 7th February 2018. 11:21. From John: Thanks yes they were seen. Patients who could run ran but the weak ones couldn't move. Mark received forehead, hands and back injuries. God bless. 12:06. Reply: << Patients who could run ran >> Why did they run? Did the gunmen enter the hospital? Or was it fear that the gunmen would come into the hospital that made them run? << Mark received forehead, hands and back injuries. >> What sort of injuries? Slashes from a machete? Broken bones? 7th February 2018. 12:13. From John: I think they saw a very bright white light from the MM Faith lits. [Why they ran in fear.] Mark has cuts and the head is also swollen. 7th February 2018. 13:29. From John: Since we couldn't take chances we went into the hospital with the lits opened. We thought that some more attackers might be in the hospital where Mark was. God bless. 7th February 2018. 13:34. From John: I am at Mark's place but I move back home after midnight daily to guard the library at my home. I make it to Mark's home daily very early in the morning. We have no fuel in the van now and I must move back home to guard the MM lit library. So £200 is for fuel. 7th February 2018. 15:05. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £200 TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR FUEL. HE MUST MOVE HOME AND BACK TO NDHIWA DAILY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 7th February 2018. 19:09. From Rhoda: "SOOD HAS SENT HIS MEN TO JOHN'S HOME TO STEAL MM LITS. JOHN AND VUGA MUST MOVE OUT THERE FOR GOD THE GREAT IAM WILL PUT THE THIEVES IN JOHN AND VUGA'S HANDS. AT LEAST £200 TO REACH THEM FOR FUEL. THE TUNISIA BROTHERS HAVE NO ROOM TO STORE THE PRINTER. AT LEAST £485 TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR BUILDING A STORE FOR KEEPING THE PRINTER AND LITS. AT LEAST £2000 FOR A TRACTOR DEPOSIT TO REACH JOHN. MARK MAY DIE DUE TO BRAIN HAEMORRHAGE. MARK MAY DIE ON SATURDAY MIDNIGHT AND SHOULD FIND THE TRACTOR ON HIS LAND. A BROTHER FROM UKEREWE ISLAND WILL COME AND STAY ON THAT LAND AND USE THE TRACTOR TO TILL THE LAND. SOOD IS AWARE [believes] THAT MARK IS ALREADY DEAD AND HE IS ASSEMBLING HIS TEAM TO TAKE THE LAND. IAM, IAM, THE GREAT IAM HAS SAID NOW THAT AT LEAST £2000 TRACTOR DEPOSIT TO REACH JOHN FOR FAST TRACKING THE TRACTOR PURCHASE TOMORROW THURSDAY. IAM, IAM SAYS MARK WILL BE NO MORE ON SATURDAY MIDNIGHT. IAM, IAM, THE GREAT IAM HAS MENTIONED THE THREE VERY, VERY, VERY URGENT NEEDS NOW, NOW, NOW." 7 Angels have said to me now. Comment: The only money we could find to meet these pressing needs was £200. The £500 for the housing of the printer in Tunisia, and the £2,000 for the tractor deposit were not found. Our supporters were completely empty! 8th February 2018. 6:45. From John: Four Sood men were caught in the Library at midnight. They are still locked up in my home to give full information on what they want to do with MM lits. God bless. 8th February 2018. 7:18. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £1000 TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR TRACTOR DEPOSIT. AT LEAST £1000 TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR TRACTOR DEPOSIT. AT LEAST £1000 TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR TRACTOR DEPOSIT." 7 Angels have said now to me. Comment: The donor whom God was targeting with these requests for money was not one of our regular supporters. He refused to release any funds although he has plenty! Rich people tend to find it hard to part with their money. 8th February 2018. 9:20. From John: Thanks Will. The money arrived very late and we fuelled the van today early in the morning since all fuel shops were closed by the time we received the money. We still have no power at home requiring £420 to fix it. The thieves entered the lib through the window which they broke. Eunice detected some noise in the Lib and went with MM Faith lit. The thieves wanted to attack her but God's power in the Faith lit blinded them. They are still unconscious. We are going back to Mark's place. Mark is crying aloud asking God for a tractor. Mark believes that he will only be well the day a tractor lands on his farm and that day Sood will be no more following previous Angelic messages. God bless. 9:54. Reply: There was an angel message to Rhoda this morning, urging in the strongest terms for the money for the tractor deposit. As you know, we are all ‘out’ completely and can’t find such sums of money that are needed for the outreach, both in Kenya and Tunisia. God is engaging other donors, but they are slow to get done what God asks for. This tardiness is very costly. Mark is going to die because of the lateness of the money. But God will allow it to test others. It will be particularly harrowing for his family. People must learn to put their complete trust in God. Trials and suffering are part of the journey to learn the lessons we have to learn. About donors, Kassahun had a dream about someone being taken up into the spirit realm and into a dark (demonic) cloud. That is probably an out of body experience, where they can see and ‘feel’ the results of their wrong approach. God urges people’s change, for their spiritual good, but they resist the hand of God. Hence the results we suffer, like the lack of funds for the tractor, facilities in Tunisia, and the death of those ones in Zanzibar and other places, etc. 8th February 2018. 19:31. From John: Thanks Will. We are here at Mark's place encouraging him not to fear for God is a God of victory. Will, there is a technician who has accepted to fix the power at my home for £395. It is lack of power giving the thieves sent by Sood ample time to sneak in to my compound. Those who entered the library died after we released them to go. 20:55. Reply: Where did they die? Outside your compound, I hope... 9th Feb 2018. 4:13. From John: Yes outside my compound 3 km away. 8th Feb 2018. 19:39. From Rhoda: "THE POWER AT JOHN'S HOME MUST BE FIXED TOMORROW NOON. AT LEAST £350 TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR A GOOD ELECTRICIAN WILL CHARGE HIM £395 BUT WHEN JOHN GIVES HIM £350 HE WILL TAKE IT. JOHN AND VUGA WILL MOVE OUT TOMORROW NOON TO UKEREWE ISLAND TO BRING GOD'S SERVANT WHO WILL STAY ON MARK'S LAND FOR MARK WILL BE NO MORE ON SATURDAY MIDNIGHT. AT LEAST £490 TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR FUEL TO UKEREWE. THIS IS A MUST DO MISSION. GOD WANTS TO CLOSE THE SOOD CHAPTER BEFORE MONDAY NEXT WEEK." 7 Angels have said now. 9th February 2018. 11:43. From John: The technician is here ready for the work immediately the money comes. 11:54. From John: Thanks Will. It is just in and the work is on. I and Vuga we are set to move on to Ukerewe Island. 12:01. Reply: Bob has just now sent you £500 for the trip. Amazing! (Borrowed from credit cards!) 13:37. From John: Thanks Will. [We are] already off to Ukerewe. 14:03. Reply: Good. Better late than never! There were demonic blockages in the system. I had to ask Helena to whizz them away through her intercession when I learned that you hadn’t received the first amount for hours. Comment at the time about Mark’s situation: The angels said that Mark will die tomorrow (Sat) midnight... The angels’ wording was “Mark will be no more.”... This morning I had a very vivid dream of someone with blood on their hands. It was really red, blood red, and both hands were COVERED in bright red blood! They had just murdered someone. This is what God holds against Sood. He had Kachapim murdered [actually he was kidnapped]. Now he has murdered Mark. (Mark is dying from haemorrhage in the brain.) God wants to eradicate Sood... Isaiah 57:1 mentions why God takes the lives of some of His people. Ps 116:15 says that the death of God’s saints is precious. Mark has endured much. He was arrested and imprisoned on more than one occasion, tortured in prison for weeks, beaten up and left for dead on other occasions, has faced constant opposition and slander in the local community, and more. It has been traumatic. I believe God says of the suffering he has endured: “It is enough, enough!” And He is taking him out of the way of worse that is yet to come. John had a dream years ago about Mark becoming a wealthy cattle farmer. I believe that dream has been fulfilled. It is metaphoric. Cattle are the most valuable animals in Kenya. Personal wealth is often assessed in terms of the number of heads of cattle one owns. The cattle represent the most valuable people in God’s estimation -- true believers. In 2015 there were more than 1000 people at the FoT at Mark’s home to whom he preached God’s Word. He helped bring those people into the Kingdom of God. God is going to reward Mark for his labours, and take him to paradise, away from the tumult down here... The situation is also summed up in Psalm 12. Mark has faced many disappointments in relation to what God intended for him on that land. He has worked hard, worked selflessly, but was let down several times by the failure of others to provide what God desired him to have to fulfil the purpose of the land in God’s scheme of things. Perhaps those repeated disappointments and frustrations have worn him down. Hope deferred makes the heart sick. It has a debilitating effect. God didn’t want Mark to fail, so perhaps that factor is also part of the equation why God has to take him, besides the issue of sacrifice and consequential judgement to fall on the aggressor. Mark was very humble, meek, kindhearted. After his previous death experience and resurrection when the angel brought him back to life, he was a very reverential person, always careful with his words, and seemed to have a very different disposition than the average human. His respectfulness towards me I always found surprising, and I put it down to the experience he had in the spirit realm where he could understand things more from God’s perspective. He wanted nothing more than to serve God. He was pure in heart. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. That promise is about to be fulfilled in his life in a new way, a very profound way. He will experience what Jesus said in John 5:25. We may be sad, but he certainly won’t be!
10th February 2018. 11:03. From Mano Sood: I know am a dead man but it is not yet over and for your info do you know that Mark had internal bleeding? Hence he won't escape. Mark DiesSunday 11th February 2018. 10:37. From John: "MARK DIED LAST MIDNIGHT. JOHN AND VUGA ARE ON THE WAY COMING BACK TO KENYA FROM UKEREWE ISLAND WITH BROTHER IBRAHIM. IBRAHIM WILL LOOK AFTER MARK'S LAND IN NDHIWA. JOHN, VUGA AND IBRAHIM NEED £240 TO SAFELY REACH NDHIWA BY TOMORROW NIGHT. AT LEAST £240 SHOULD REACH JOHN NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 11th February 2018. 10:43. From John: Thanks Will. We are in Mwanza town on our way back with Ibrahim. God bless. Monday 12th February 2018. 14:16. From John: We are in Rongo town... 12th February 2018. 14:23. From Rhoda: "JOHN ARE VUGA ARE IN RONGO. AT LEAST £550 TO REACH JOHN NOW. £200 FOR MARK'S FAMILY, £350 FOR FUEL FOR TOMORROW. JOHN AND VUGA WILL TRAVEL TO MIURU BAY WHERE SOOD IS ASSEMBLING A TEAM TO COME AND DRIVE OUT MARK'S FAMILY FROM THE LAND. WHEN SOOD SEES THEM HE WILL TRY TO CHASE THE VAN AND GOD WILL STRIKE HIM DEAD. ONCE SOOD IS DEAD EVANGELISM WILL GO ON SMOOTHLY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 12th Feb 2018. 17:53. From John: We are in Mirogi center heading to Mark's place in Ndhiwa. God bless. 12th February 2018. 18:39. From Rhoda: "SOOD WILL BE NO MORE TOMORROW. AT LEAST £550 TO REACH JOHN NOW. JOHN AND VUGA MUST LEAVE AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT TO MIURU BAY." 7 Angels have said to me now. 14th February 2018. 7:12. From John: Sood is dead! Thanks to God!! 14th February 2018. 7:39. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £650 TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR FUEL AND VAN SERVICE. THEY ARE STILL STUCK IN MIURU. ALL THE FOUR TYRES WERE BLOWN OUT BY SOOD WHEN HE SHOT AT THE VAN SEVEN TIMES. JOHN AND VUGA HAVE NO FUEL, MILK NOR WATER." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 14th Feb 2018. 9:02. From John: We can’t move on. We are in Masara 19 km away from Miuru Bay in Lake Victoria, Tanzania border. Sood is dead. His body was taken away very early in the morning by Muslim people. God struck him dead at midnight last night. He had dangerous weapons and he wanted to kill us the way he killed Mark. He was with six armed men. He fell to the ground after hitting the MM van several times with live bullets. God descended on Sood alone in hot coal. He cried aloud begging Malcolm to forgive him. The six men ran away towards the lake. 9:50. Reply: Thanks for that. It must have been some confrontation there at midnight!! There was a lot of intercession here as usual. I felt a few stabs at various times earlier in the evening, which indicated the demons were getting agitated. And Helena had to keep interceding / pushing till 3:15 am.
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