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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 12 |
161Tunisia Warning
...Let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall (1 Corinthians 10:12).
There are repeated warnings in the New Testament about apostasy, about the risk of falling away. There are equally serious caveats about the numerous unseen spiritual enemies who want to devour us and undermine our loyalty to Christ. And in His great love and care for us, God also gives revelations to warn us personally as we are on the front line under continual bombardment. It behoves us to take note of such serious warnings! The devil is like a ferocious lion looking for careless victims (1 Peter 5:8). These are a tiny segment of the dreams God gave the evangelists in Tunisia: 24th February 2017. 15:07. Dream of a storm coming [the Tribulation]. Hello Malcolm, in my dream I was walking alone in complete darkness in a secluded forest, the only thing that I could see was the mountain trail [path]. I was hesitant to walk further because I was afraid of the darkness. I didn't know what was ahead in the path. I was compelled to turn around and go back where I came from, but there was a storm coming! I was caught in this situation. I felt so helpless. I decided to kneel down and ask God's help. Suddenly a very bright light came out from the heaven. As I gazed up I saw part of the face of Jesus (because the other half of his image was so bright I couldn’t see all His face). He was looking at me below. I felt a beam of light and a mighty wind come from heaven. It blew on me with such force on my forehead that I felt the pressure would cause my head to explode! I was surprised and asked Him "why can't I see your whole face, Lord? Is it because I'm a sinner?" Jesus didn't say anything. Suddenly I got scared of Him and I realized I'm a sinner, so unworthy. I was ashamed and felt naked in His presence. I bowed down, cried and asked for His mercy and forgiveness, that He may cleanse me, save me and rule my life. Then I woke up. I realized I had tears in my eyes. God bless you, Haroon PS. Thanks so much for the letter yesterday. Malcolm, only prayers and encouragements will help us in this work. Also we know very well that God who called us to this Ministry will not leave us alone [if we continue in His will, Romans 11:22] that is why we have hope in Him. Please pray for us and the work... We proceeded with our gospel [outreach] today and we baptized 8, so please pray for them so that God may open their minds and also that God may open the doors for them to get booklets. [There is always a shortage of funds.] 25th Feb 2017. 17:13. Dream of what it takes to purify us all. Hello Malcolm. I was holding something the size of a baseball in the palm of my hand. [God has each of us in the palm of His hand.] It was some sort of unique carved white rock that had been a large black lump of coal. The coal had turned white from having gone through the fire. There was a carved scene of the OT temple on it. It was very intricate and detailed and a real piece of art that looked like carved ivory. I saw a kiln like a fireplace made out of bricks. The fireplace was not hot nor did I see flames. I could see that the coals were in varying degrees of change inside the fireplace. Some had the remains of white ice from having been frozen and slowly thawing. Some still had portions of the original black coal inside, underneath the ice. It was not time yet for those coals to come out. Asman Reply to Asman: Under great pressure and heat (in the formation of gem stones in rock), carbon is transformed into precious diamond. In these extreme conditions, the black carbon becomes the clear diamond. In your dream God uses imagery that is similar to portray the transformation of spiritually dirty people into precious and pure spiritual gems, purified by the processes of sanctification in life's trials and difficulties as we look to Him to guide and help us. 20th December 2016. 19:12. Dream: Satan wants to destroy believers. I am haunted by a dream I had two days ago. I was taking my wife to a bus stage. It was still drizzling after a heavy downpour. I told my wife to take another route which was less muddy. We had three children with us. My wife said that she feels the way we have followed is not safe. Suddenly she turned and went home with the children. Instead of her a beast came out fatter than a leopard which I thought it was. The beast was escorting me everywhere [angel?]. I was very afraid but kept going without having a real destination in mind. Then on my back came a huge black hairy man, all covered with charcoal dust [Satan]. He was totally naked and eyes very red [anger]. I was in a bad situation between him and the animal. The man said to me "you are no more from now." I was praying in my heart for Jesus to help me. Looking behind I saw a long line of small children all naked with hairy bodies and charcoal dust poured all over up to their faces. This time I was badly trembling and with a faint voice I asked the man to spare my life but he said "No". I felt quite helpless, but with a trembling voice I called out "be cursed in Jesus name!" Asman Reply: The dream is to warn you... Mud can depict the spiritual mess in which people walk in their lives when they ignore God and His truth. The black man, Satan, wants to kill you. His evil progeny are represented by the small naked children (not clothed with righteousness from God). Jesus is far more powerful than Satan. Jesus has ALL power in heaven and earth, so call on Him for His help and He will help you through any trial and difficulty. Try not to fear or be worried about such evil powers coming against you. They come against us all the time, and we have to resist them in the spiritual fortitude which the Spirit of God can give us inside. Faith in Jesus neutralises fear which the devil and demons inject into us. |
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