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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 12 |
162Rescue: Nairobi |
The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry (Psalm 34:15).
MM Rescue Mission To Nairobi21st November 2017. 16:36. From Rhoda: "UPON REACHING KENYA TOMORROW THE VAN MUST MUST MUST REACH NAIROBI TO SAVE MM BROTHERS LOCKED IN SLUMS. GOD HAS SPOKEN. GOD WILL PROPEL THE VAN." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 22nd November 2017. 7:13. From John: Thanks Will. We are in Eldoret on our way to Nairobi. From John: 10:48. We are approaching Nairobi. 11:00. Reply: That's good. God certainly propelled the van for you to get through Uganda and all the way to Nairobi from yesterday evening. I presume you got no rest all night, except for perhaps 10 mins, or did you have to forgo that, relying upon God to sustain you? 22nd Nov 2017. 11:17. From John: We moved nonstop with no rest... 14:03. Reply: Where have the angels led you to and what have you found? What is going on there in Nairobi that has jeopardised the lives of the MM believers there? 22nd November 2017. 14:51. From John: In slums like Kibra, Mathare, Huruma, Kawangware, Shauri Moyo, Gorogocho and Dandora, over 15 people have been killed. It is politically instigated. People are left with no shelter, clothing and food. The situation is tense. Gunshots and teargass fumes fill the air. 14:53. Reply: OK. Thanks. And, have you found the believers the angels were sending you to reach? 22nd November 2017. 16:06. From John: Yes Will. 22nd November 2017. 14:57. From Rhoda: "THE VAN MUST VISIT ALL THE SIX WORST HIT SLUMS IN NAIROBI WHERE PEOPLE ARE DISPLACED, SOME KILLED. JOHN TO BUY ENOUGH WATER, PLACE MM FAITH LIT IN THE WATER AND ALLOW THE STRANDED MM BROTHERS NUMBERING 27 TO DRINK. THEY WILL GET WELL. THE SLUMS ARE KIBRA, HURUMA, MATHARE, GOROGOCHO, DANDORA, KAWANGWARE. AT LEAST £370 TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR THAT NOBLE UNDERTAKING." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 16:45. To John: This has come in from Rhoda. The only problem is we have no money at present. I’ll ask our few supporters if they can help, but I think they emptied themselves to raise the £300 to get you to Nairobi. Intercession is strong here. The Spirit kept Helena busy for eight hours, interceding for this one. 23rd Nov 2017. 5:11. From John: ...We have no money to move on... Comment: Some money came in that day, 23rd Nov, hence this followed: 23rd November 2017. 8:42. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £300 TO REACH JOHN NOW, THEY ARE COMPLETELY WITH NO MONEY TO MOVE ON." 7 Angels have said to me now. 24th November 2017. 15:06. From John: Glory be to God Will. We have managed to visit 4 slums. Kibra, Mathare, Huruma and Dandora. The damage is inhuman. 11 people killed by bullets. Thank God no MM believer is dead but three lost everything, in fact all household items got burnt or stolen. God bless. Comment: Supporters were able to find and send more money to John. 26th November 2017. 15:53. From John: I managed to send £150 to the Tunisia brothers, (total of £200 has gone to them). God has done wonderful things over here today. We are in Huruma now where 4 people got killed. Mungiki Killed17:18. From Rhoda: Those 4 people are believed to be from a sect known as Mungiki because of their long unkempt hair style. They blocked our way last night. All had crude weapons – pangas, machetes and swords. Mungiki Manase is a big issue in Kenya for they target people from a given community where they rape and kill. They met with God who confused them at midnight when we faced them with Faith lits. They died crying of hot coal that burnt them. God has been faithful to us here in Nairobi. I joined John and Vuga yesterday and witnessed the four dreaded people die. God is great. God bless. Sunday 26th November 2017. 16:11. From Rhoda: "KENYAN POLITICS IS GETTING WORSE. ON TUESDAY THE PRESIDENT ELECT WILL BE SWORN IN AND THE OPPOSITION LEADER TOO. IT MAY TURN CHAOTIC BUT JOHN AND VUGA MUST GO ON WITH VISITING MM BELIEVERS HARD HIT BY THESE WARS. JOHN AND VUGA MAY GET MORE ATTACKS FROM MM OPPOSERS BUT GOD IS WITH THEM. THEY NEED AT LEAST £455. £55 FOR TUNISIA BROTHERS AND £400 TO KEEP THEM GOING." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 26th November 2017. 17:31. From John: The four people armed with crude weapons blocked our way, I, Vuga and Rhoda. It was night around ten. Their hair was long. They ordered us to give out our IDs so that they could know our tribes. We declined and faced them with opened MM Faith lits. They all cried in pain complaining of being burnt by hot coal. We left immediately. God bless. 26th November 2017. 17:45. From Rhoda: I am with John and Vuga in Nairobi. I joined them because the work ahead is big especially on Tuesday. God visited me through 7 Angels and sent me from my home to join our brothers... 27th November 2017. 8:23. From John: There is a big crisis over here. People are arming themselves for a showdown tomorrow [Tuesday]. We haven’t taken rest since yesterday crisscrossing slums meeting MM believers most of whom are greatly affected. We hope to visit more today and trust God for a peaceful day tomorrow. God bless. 27th November 2017. 9:00. From Rhoda: AT LEAST £455 TO REACH JOHN NOW. £400 FOR MOVING ON AND £55 FOR TUNISIA BROTHERS. THERE IS A GREAT WORK AHEAD." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [We only managed to raise £205 on the 27th; the rest of it the next day.] 28th November 2017. 5:40. From John: We have had a rough night with all major roads in Nairobi blocked. All places have armed police... 28th Nov 2017. 18:07. From John: Today Nairobi Kenya was half peaceful and half chaotic. The president elect Uhuru Kenyatta got sworn in for his second term while opposition members got teargassed and over six people shot dead. Even now as I write this letter, Kibra slum is still a no go zone. Thanks to God none of our brothers got hurt. We are heading to Kayole slum where ethnic war is on there. God’s Spirit Temporarily Calms The Situation29th November 2017. 16:53. From John: Tension is going down in Nairobi slums... God surely has shown His love to all of us. In a dream yesternight I saw the whole earth covered with water after a long rain that took many days, and only one white man did a great work of sailing people from deep water valleys to higher ground. The man then chose a few people from the group to help him do the sailing work for many people were drowning. It was a big work but at the end they took a good number of people to safety. Will we are on our way to Machakos slum where three brothers’ houses got burnt down and a young boy killed. Our kitty is dry and fuel is over, God has given us strength to move nonstop all day without water and milk. Rhoda left us to go back home this evening. A neighbour called here that a rogue lion broke into her home. God bless. [We later learned that God protected Rhoda’s home.] 29th November 2017. 17:05. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA ARE ON THEIR WAY TO MACHAKOS TO DO GOD'S WORK. MM BELIEVERS THERE WERE ATTACKED AND THEIR HOUSE TORCHED. THE VAN HAS NO FUEL AND THE EVANGELISM KITTY IS DRY. AT LEAST £690 TO REACH JOHN NOW OF WHICH £290 IS TO GO TO TUNISIA BROTHERS FOR STARTING THE LAYING OF AN ELECTRIC FENCE AROUND THE WATER POINT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 29th November 2017. 23:46. To John: We managed to find a little money. But tonight Bob was unable to send. There was a demonic blockage on the system that Helena had to clear. She couldn’t get to it earlier, as she was tied up with other intercession... My computer for publications has been immobilised by demons. Nigel’s phone was likewise broken by them too. I have been hit by them tonight in several places bodily. The attacks are many. And look what the devil has mounted on Rhoda. A lion! The opposition is colossal. 30th November 2017. 16:42. From John: Thanks to God, Will. We received the money Bob sent in the morning ad we are in Machakos meeting our brothers here sharing the MM truth. We will also visit Kayole tonight where some conflict is going on now. God bless. 1st December 2017. 7:43. From John: We are in Kayole now visiting our brothers here. They are in a big problem three houses burnt with everything in it. Reply: I’m glad Bob was able to send you 500, gathered from two people. That cleans us out again. God Warns Of Serious Trouble Coming2nd December 2017. 16:46. From Rhoda: "MM BROTHERS IN NAIROBI NUMBERING 23 MUST MOVE OUT TO SAFE PLACES PROBABLY MOVE TO JOHN'S PLACE, FOR A DEADLY INTERTRIBAL WAR IS ONGOING IN NAIROBI AND ITS ENVIRONS. THEY SHOULD MOVE BACK ON 13TH DECEMBER WHEN IT COOLS DOWN. BUT JOHN AND VUGA ARE TO GO ON WITH VISITING THE SLUMS WITHIN NAIROBI WITH MM LITS AS IT IS NOW. AT LEAST £1450 TO REACH JOHN BY WEDNESDAY TO HELP IN THIS GREAT MISSION. NO ATTACK WILL STOP GOD'S HANDS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Wilfred took out a loan to pay a chunk of this. Thanks Wilfred! 3rd Dec 2017. 14:37. From John: John 9:4. Linking John 9:4 and Isaiah 55:6 speaks volumes about the time we are in. 17:07. Reply: Yes, and of course it applies to the present distress in Nairobi right now. 3rd December 2017. 17:40. From Rhoda: "THE NAIROBI MM LITS EVANGELISM WILL BRING MORE LOST SOULS TO GOD. THEY MUST MOVE TO SAFE GROUNDS BY WEDNESDAY FOR DAYS AHEAD WILL BE WORSE, WHILE JOHN AND VUGA REMAIN IN NAIROBI TO FINISH GOD'S WORK TILL 13TH DECEMBER. AT LEAST £1450 TO REACH JOHN BY WEDNESDAY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [The money was sorted and the brothers were despatched to John’s home by Wednesday for safety.] The back-up with the Spirit behind these exploits: Helena’s intercession lasts for 8 hours, from about 8 in the morning till 4 pm. Then she gets a break for chores and has to carry on in the evening for a further 8 hours, long into the night. She doesn’t finish till about 3 am. It is very tiring on her. 6th December 2017. 17:56. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA TO MOVE OUT TO LIBYA TOMORROW THURSDAY TO TAKE GOD'S MM LITS MESSAGE AND STOP HUMAN SLAVE TRADE GOING ON THERE. IT MUST END THROUGH MM LITS EVANGELISM. THE NAIROBI BROTHERS ARE NOW SAFE IN JOHN'S HOME TILL 13 12 2017. JOHN AND VUGA SHOULD BE BACK TO KENYA ON MONDAY FOR THE BIG DAY ON 12 12 2017 WHEN GOD WILL SHOW HIS MIGHT BY BRINGING A LASTING PEACE. THE TUNISIA BROTHERS TOO REQUIRE £510 TO PAY OFF FOR THE ELECTRIC FENCING. AT LEAST £860 TO REACH JOHN. £510 FOR TUNISIA BROTHERS AND £350 TO HELP JOHN AND VUGA ON THEIR MOVE TO LIBYA." 7 Angels have said to me now.
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