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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 12 |
160Regime Change
...The Most High rules in the kingdom of men... (Daniel 4:17).
12th November 2017. 16:37. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA MUST HAVE ABOUT 100 COPIES OF THE MM LIT... When God's Judgement Falls... THIS LIT IS TO BE GIVEN OUT TO MM BELIEVERS IN DRC [Democratic Republic of Congo]. THEY WILL READ IT FOR ONLY SEVEN MONTHS WITH PRAYER AND GOD WILL HEAR THEM FROM HEAVEN AND BRING TO AN END THE DICTATORSHIP THEY ARE FACING NOW. LET JOHN AND VUGA PRODUCE MORE COPIES. AT LEAST £570 TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR THE DRC EVANGELISM." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 17:09. Reply to John: Well, we don’t have £570. We have NOTHING! So I don’t know how God is going to work this out. 13th November 2017. 16:30. To John: ...We still have no sight of any money for you to move on. 13th November 2017. 16:11. From John: Now we are in good network and can write and receive from you. We are in Kanaga town on our way to Kinshasa city. We will share with a small group of six here tonight, then move on tomorrow. Though our tank is almost dry, we pray for God to open a way so that we accomplish the great task ahead. God bless. 13th November 2017. 17:00. From John: Our kitty is dry... Back at home in Kenya Eunice has briefed us that there is peace. Will, God honors MM message through MM evangelism in a mighty way... God will continue to show His power. 13th November 2017. 18:07. From John: "The faith you have is a product of various factors working in your life. The more you develop the spiritual side of your life, the more your faith in God will grow. Humility... willingness to submit to the Spirit of God, a life dedicated to seeking God, to doing His will above all else, personal sacrifice and self-denial in crucifying the flesh, determination to fight negativism from the devil and a life dedicated to active service of God." (Faith: Raising Our Level Of Expectation, p 20.) We are discussing with six people: Y, K, B, M, D, and M. We are discussing these significant qualities that contribute to strong faith. We shared our testimonies on the great things God has done with us. Our key Bible verse is from Mark 16:16-17. God bless. Comment: Some money became available, and was sent to John. He got it very quickly. 13th November 2017. 18:36. From Rhoda: "THE VAN IS ALREADY IN DRC AND EVANGELISM IS ON. GOD WILL PROVIDE FOR THIS NOBLE WORK TO GO ON AND ON. THEY HAVE NOTHING IN THE KITTY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 14th Nov 2017. 14:34. From John: We are entering Kinshasa city now. God Promises To Rout All African Dictators14th November 2017. 14:39. From Rhoda: "GOD THROUGH MM LITS EVANGELISM WILL WIPE OUT ALL DICTATORS IN AFRICA. ROBERT MUGABE OF ZIMBABWE IS NEXT IN LINE. LIKE NEBUCHADNEZZAR OF ANCIENT BIBLE TIMES, HIS DAYS ARE NUMBERED." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 14:54. Reply: Praise God!! Multitudes of people have wanted to see the end of that evil despot!! Now his time is fast approaching! Great! Comment: This angel message was received some hours before the Zimbabwe military started positioning themselves for a military takeover. Later in the day, armoured personnel carriers were seen on the roads, and soldiers stationed at various places. Over the next 24 hours it became clearer that the army was asking Mugabe to step down. Like Gambia, it was another instance of transfer of power in Africa without any bloodshed – most unusual! – because it was of God, in answer to many humble prayers. 15th November 2017. 3:46. From John in DRC: Thanks to God Will. People here are praying for God to remove the despot and heal this divided country. We managed to produce twenty three copies of the lit. We are left with only £25 in the kitty. We trust God to guide us on the assignment. 15th November 2017. 6:30. From John in Kinshasa: We are in Kinshasa meeting a small group of nine sharing the MM truth and giving out the copies of the lits. We can't move around since we have no fuel and no money to fuel the van, the kitty is dry. We believe God will work out a way. 15th November 2017. 6:42. From Rhoda: "MORE FAKE LETTERS ARE BEING WRITTEN BY MM OPPOSERS TO SAY ALL SORTS OF FALSEHOOD ABOUT MM LIT EVANGELISM AND FOR CHARACTER ASSASINATION ON JOHN ONGORO, MARK AND OTHER MM EVANGELISTS. MALCOLM TO IGNORE ALL." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 15th November 2017. 6:44. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £350 TO REACH JOHN, £100 TO FUEL THE VAN, £250 TO GO TO TUNISIA BROTHERS." 7 Angels have said to me. 15th November 2017. 10:51. From John: People are demonstrating to force out the dictator Kabila. We are not safe for we have no fuel and can't move to safer cities. God is weeding out dictators in Africa. Next will be Kenya after Zimbabwe, Uganda, Burundi and Cameroon. God is great. I got a disturbing dream last night. God bless. 15th November 2017. 12:13. John’s Dream of God’s judgement upon African dictators: I saw very thick clouds in seven bunches covering Africa as if it wanted to rain. Later the white clouds changed into big fires that burnt African leaders starting with Gaddafi of Libya. Then I saw celebrations in almost all countries. When today came there were demonstrations all over DRC, plus the Zimbabwe case. 13:18. Reply: About your dream. Of course, Gaddafi was killed a few years ago when the "Arab spring" began across north Africa. The fire is God's fire of judgement upon these evil despots. 17:50. The clouds, wanting to rain, symbolise the Truths of God going out over Africa (and yet to go out much more), after which God will judge the dictators who hold God's people in bondage and servitude to them. Comment at the time to our supporters: Eleanor, Fiona and Nigel sent John £250. So only a further £100 is needed to meet the angels’ request. 16th November 2017. 2:20. From John: Thanks Will. We continued to meet people even in the night. God is pushing a wave of change here. 16th November 2017. 8:52. From Rhoda: "JOHN SENT £150 TO TUNISIA FOR THE GATE FIXING WORK TO START. THEY STILL NEED £350 FOR THE GATE WORK TO BE COMPLETED. JOHN SHOULD PRODUCE MORE COPIES OF THE LIT AND GIVE OUT TOMORROW. THE MM LIT EVANGELISM SHOULD GO ON WITH NO BREAK FOR THAT IS THE REASON JOHN AND VUGA WERE CALLED. THEY SHOULD CLEAR THE DRC WORK TONIGHT AND MOVE BACK TO KENYA TOMORROW. AT LEAST £470 TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR THEIR JOURNEY BACK HOME. PEACE IS COMING TO DRC VIA MM LIT EVANGELISM." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 16th November 2017. 14:46. From John: Thanks Will. We are under arrest in Kinshasa. God bless. MM Literature Is Like Valuable Gold16th November 2017. 15:13. From John: Thanks to God. We are out. Three mad police officers cornered us while we were sharing out the MM lit When God's Judgement Falls and ordered us to surrender at gunpoint. We followed their orders but I swiftly took out the Faith lit which I pointed at them in Jesus’ name and they begged us to pray for them to get saved instead of leaving them to die in sin. We did so, gave them more MM lits and left. We are still evangelising. Comment: In the Welsh Revival of 1906, God brought upon many people a consciousness of sin, a sense of intense sinful unworthiness, leading to penitence. Repentance is always the foundation of any revival as it was here. 16th November 2017. 16:50. From Rhoda: "GOD OF GODS THROUGH HIS HOLY 7 ANGELS IS VERY PLEASED WITH THE GREAT SUPPORT THE REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HAVE DONE TO DATE FINANCIALLY SUPPORTING GOD'S WORK. THE FOLLOWING PROJECTS WHICH GOD HAS PROVIDED WILL GENERATE MONEY FOR CONSTANT MM LITS EVANGELISM IN AFRICA AND MIDDLE EAST. JOHN ONGORO WILL OVERSEE THE ENTIRE WORK. ALL THE MONEY FROM: 1. MARK'S FARMS, 2. SALE OF WATER IN TUNISIA, 3. HOSTEL PROCEEDS. 4. EUNICE'S FARM, WILL HELP IN EVANGELISM AND IN MEETING COSTS FOR FOT AND OTHER MEETINGS. THE REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS SHOULD SUPPORT: 1. MARK TO BUY A TRACTOR FOR PLOUGHING HIS FARM AND EUNICE'S FARM. THE TRACTOR SHOULD COST £15000. 2. COMPLETION OF A HOSTEL, £17000. THIS SHOULD START IMMEDIATELY. FROM MARCH NEXT YEAR THE EVANGELSM WORK IN AFRICA SHOULD BE SUPPORTED BY MONEY FROM THOSE PROJECTS INSTEAD OF RELYING ON REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS. JOHN AND VUGA MEANWHILE MUST MUST MUST GO ON WITH VAN EVANGELISM. "THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT ORDER FROM GOD WHICH SHOULD START JUST IMMEDIATELY, FOR A TIME IS COMING IN AFRICA AND BEYOND WHEN PEOPLE, ESPECIALLY FROM MEGA CHURCHES, WILL START LOOKING FOR MM LITS LIKE VALUABLE GOLD AND IT SHOULD FIND WHEN THE TEAM OF JOHN, MARK, VUGA ARE FINANCIALLY STABLE TO PRODUCE COPIES OF MM LITS FROM AFRICA WITHOUT HAVING TO RELY ON SUPPORT FROM OUTSIDE. ALL MONEY WILL BE DIRECTED TO THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT AND JOHN WILL BE TAKING ACCOUNT OF ALL EXPENDITURE. THIS MARKS THE BEGINNING OF GREATER THINGS TO COME THROUGH MM LITS EVANGELISM." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Our regular supporters cannot fund the huge costs mentioned of £32,000. Perhaps that’s why the wording was stated as “SHOULD start immediately.” It can’t because of lack. There are not enough faithful supporters yet... 17th Nov 2017. 11:20. To John: I guess you are now moving out of DRC. The angels asked for £470 for your travel but we could only find £100. 18th November 2017. 18:34. From John: Thanks Will. We had a peaceful Sabbath meet attended by 14 people in the outskirts of Kinshasa DRC today. God Promises MM More Support19th November 2017. 12:14. From John: We started our movement back to Kenya yesterday night but our fuel is over and we have no money in hand. We have moved closer to the Uganda - DRC border. 20th November 2017. 13:35. From Tanzania: Greetings... The project at Mark's place must be funded to propel the gospel. It will provide money for the outreach, printing of MM lits as well as covering the FOT cost in future and whoever who will oppose it will face the full wrath of God. The message was delivered by seven angels in long white robes at midnight. May God bless you... Janes 21st Nov 2017. 8:27. From Rhoda: "...JOHN AND VUGA ARE STILL STUCK ON THE WAY... £300 TO REACH THEM NOW." 7 Angels have said. 21st November 2017. 8:35. From John: We are patiently waiting for God's appointed time, it will be Okay. We have crossed in to Uganda and will move on up to where this fuel will get us. All in all, our God is faithful. |
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