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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 12 |
159Return To Mecca
...The form of this world is passing away (1 Cor 7:31). Command To Go To Saudi Arabia22nd October 2017. 15:02. From Rhoda: "THE EVANGELISM VAN SHOULD LEAVE FOR SAUDI ARABIA ON WEDNESDAY BEFORE THURSDAY WHEN KENYA WILL EXPERIENCE THE MOST DIFFICULT TIME CAUSED BY POLITICAL DIFFERENCES. GOD HAS AN ASSIGNMENT WITH MM IN SAUDI ARABIA, AND JOHN AND VUGA MUST GO. THEY REQUIRE AT LEAST £1700 FOR GOING. GOD WILL PROVIDE THEM WITH MONEY.." 7 Angels have said. 17:28. From Rhoda: "GOD WILL PROVIDE MONEY FOR RETURN TRIP. WHEN THEY COME BACK PEACE WILL BE FELT IN KENYA AFTER A WEEK OF POLITICAL INSTABILITY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 24th Oct 2017. 9:27. From John: Kenya is hellbent to a civil war. Warlike words from the political class are all over. 24th October 2017. 13:13. From Rhoda: "...JOHN AND VUGA SHOULD BE LEAVING FOR SAUDI ARABIA TOMORROW, WEDNESDAY NIGHT, TO ACCOMPLISH GOD'S MESSAGE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 14:31. To John: I don't know where that £1700 can come from. I don't think anyone here has that sort of money. 25th Oct 2017. 22:22. To John: Two other large wealthy ministries I contacted refused to help with the money needed for the Saudi Arabia trip. God used the request to get me to write to them, ask for a loan, see them refuse it, and then for me to write to them again, showing them how they have refused God, after which God will bring them under His judgement. 26th October 2017. 14:51. From John: The Kenyan situation is getting out of hand. All main roads are blocked by those opposing the elections... 26th October 2017. 17:51. From John: ...people are being shot dead. Tonight as I write we are doing evangelism in Rodi where two people have lost their lives. The £100 is for fuel for evangelism work in turbulent Kenya. Dream of Kenya Being Evangelised26th Oct 2017. 18:53. From John: "All Kenya must bow to God through MM lits evangelism and accept the truth from God via His prophet servant MALCOLM." In a dream last night I saw those words written on the Kenyan map. Let’s pray over it the way we did for Gambia. Peace, Peace, Peace. God bless. Reply: That’s amazing. I wonder if it means peace will come to Kenya in our time, or whether it refers to peace finally coming in the Millennium. Last night I had a dream about being involved in a big road building / civil engineering project, and saw a pallet of ‘bricks’ come to us which were not bricks but shaped like gold bullion bars [God’s truths in MM publications]. We used them all. ...the road / way is predicted in Isaiah 40:3. Comment at the time to our supporters: Wilfred kindly gave £200 for support, so Nigel was able to send £300 to John today. 30th October 2017. 17:19. From John: Glory be to God. We are in Awasi border between the Luos and Kalenjins. Tension is high but our God is in control. To John: I don't see God's promise to bring a lasting peace. I see Him promising to bring some measure of peace for a while, but I very much doubt if it will be lasting because of human nature that must change for that to occur. Go NOW To Saudi Arabia!Tuesday 31st October 2017. 19:00. From Rhoda: JOHN AND VUGA MUST MOVE TO SAUDI ARABIA BY TOMORROW NIGHT. GOD HAS GOT A VERY IMPORTANT TASK FOR MM AND THE VAN EVANGELISM MUST BE IN SAUDI BEFORE SUNDAY NIGHT THIS WEEK. AT LEAST £400 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW, ANOTHER £400 ON THURSDAY, ANOTHER £350 ON FRIDAY AND LASTLY £550 ON SATURDAY TO HELP THEM MEET GOD'S PLAN IN WHICH MM OPPOSERS NUMBERING 6, WHO ARE CURRENTLY PERSECUTING MM CHILDREN IN SAUDI, WILL DIE. 7 Angels have said that to me now. SOME PEACE IS FELT IN KENYA THROUGH MM EVANGELISM. Tuesday 31st October 2017. 19:10. From John: Thanks to God, Will. It is true Kenya is a bit peaceful today. Wednesday 1st November 2017. 18:09. From John: Thanks Will. I have received £400 and we are off to Saudi Arabia now. 19:27. Reply: Jolly good. Wilfred has been able to put forward £300, and I will add £100 to it tomorrow when my pension comes in, so that raises the next £400 for Thursday that the angels mentioned. I'm very curious to see where the other £900 comes from! Thursday 2nd Nov 2017. 8:44. To John and Vuga: There is a further £400 coming shortly. Are you driving all night, like on previous missions, with no sleep other than 15 minutes rest? And on no solid food, merely milk and water? Comment to our supporters at the time: I am very curious to see where the further £900 needed for the trip is going to come from. When I got the e-mail from Rhoda about what the angels told her on Tuesday, about the cost of the trip - £1700 in four instalments - I laughed to myself like Sarah did. But I checked myself again, realising that what the angels were saying is what they can see because God says so, that I can’t see. I didn’t know where any of that money could come from, other than £100 which I could sacrifice from our pension. Then, when you were all informed, you scraped the £400 together from your meagre means. And the next day Wilfred could release £300, pending its return by the 18th Nov. And now we can’t see where the next £350 stipulated is going to come from. But I have learned that when God gives us such specific details through the angels, those are the amounts He can see and ours is to comply with His will. 2nd November 2017. 8:49. From John: Yes, we are travelling day and night with a 10 minute rest. Now we are crossing in to Juba South Sudan. Friday 3rd November 2017. 5:54. From John: We are entering Khartoum. Comment at the time to our supporters: Bob sent the £350 the angels requested for Friday. Now we just need the final instalment of £550. Saturday 4th November 2017. 00:26. To John: ...There's a further £100 coming in the morning, but we just don't have the £550 specified by the angels, so a question mark is over this at present... We desperately need an injection of funds from somewhere else to be able to carry on. The last time the angels mentioned the amount that would be needed for the trip, I wrote to [two other rich ministries] to invite their help. I wasn't asking for them to give, merely to loan us the funds till next year. But they ignored the request, and are now under God's judgement for failing. People don't know the judgement of the Lord (Jer 8 mentions that failing). It's everywhere in the Church, because of somnolence, and failure to heed the prompt of God's Spirit because of selfishness and sectarianism (not recognising the wide Body of Christ). I thought previously when we were in this type of fix on an earlier occasion that God would carry the vans and propel you supernaturally. But I was reminded that the finance is in the human sphere, not the divine sphere, so it is generally man's responsibility to find it. And God expects people to foot the bill for His Work to advance. So I wait to see how this situation will be resolved. God never lets us down. It is people who do that. 4th Nov 2017. 11:04. From John: We are in Cairo. 4th November 2017. 21:22. To John: We can’t see where the next funds are coming from. But don’t be alarmed. God will provide. He always does for His missions. He never lets us down. One way or another GOD WILL PROVIDE! Sunday 5th November 2017. 18:33. From John: Our fuel is over and the kitty completely dry. We are in Jordan now. Madaba town. 19:45. Reply: OK. Thanks. We have nothing to send at present. Have been waiting on others [not our regular supporters] to show their willingness, but they haven't been willing, so we can do nothing I'm sorry to say. 5th Nov. 14:32. To John: [£270 sent by Nigel.] This money was from several pensions just come in today. It leaves me completely without and unable to pay a loan repayment of £500 on Friday. So, we are still £80 short of the mark. Tuesday 7th November 2017. 15:22. From John: Thanks Will. We are crossing in to Saudi. I’ll give the report, here is hostile. God bless. 16:42. Reply: Yes indeed, one of the most hostile countries on earth to Christians! Proselyting is forbidden and Christians are completely marginalised and persecuted. I look forward to hearing how God deals with and kills the evil ones who are persecuting / torturing the new believers there. 7th November 2017. 16:48. From John: God through MM Faith lits helped us pass in to Saudi Arabia at Umari border crossing. It took us seven hours to go through. God truly honors MM Faith lits. The border officials on the Saudi side are harsh, mad and hate to hear the word God. A young man of about eighteen years or so slapped me on the face, threatening to shoot at me before I removed "God's gate pass"... yes the MM Faith Raising Our Level lit, and pointed it at him shouting "In the mighty name of Jesus." He fell down trembling and we passed. I heard him being referred to as Rahim Bin Fattah. We will go in Jesus' name though only with £55 in hand as at now. God bless. 17:00. Reply: I wish we had more money to be able to get you there. This is so difficult. I am up to my overdraft limit with a payment of £500 to pay on Friday for the loan Helena took out a couple of years ago, and the other faithful few are in the same position, having sacrificed all to see these missions fulfilled according to God's commands. The problem with lack of funds resides in ones who SHOULD be helping but who are dithering, and have not done as God has prompted them to do to fund the ministry outreach; instead they put themselves first, and God's Work suffers as a result. They Head Towards Mecca7th November 2017. 18:28. From John: Thanks Will, we trust God will provide so that we reach around Mecca where our brothers are detained. 7th November 2017. 18:36. From Rhoda: "THE VAN IS STILL FAR FROM MECCA WHERE GOD WILL DO A BIG WORK. THEY LACK MONEY FOR FUEL. AT LEAST £180 TO REACH JOHN NOW TO HELP THEM MOVE ON." 7 angels have said that to me now. Comment: Just before Rhoda’s e-mail came, I had three others: one offer- ing £50, another £30, and the third £100. So the figure was achieved! Praise God. 8th November 2017. 8:47. From Rhoda: "MUSTAFA AND FOUR OTHERS GOT KILLED BY HANGING WHEN DOING EVANGELISM WORK AROUND MECCA. JOHN AND VUGA MUST REACH THERE TODAY AT MIDNIGHT THEN FACE THE SIX MEN WHO KILLED THE MEN OF GOD. THEN THEY WILL USE THE MM FAITH LITS AS SHIELDS, AND FUEL THE VAN TO FULL TANK AND FETCH FUEL IN CONTAINERS ENOUGH TO TAKE THEM UP TO JUBA. ON FRIDAY MORNING AT LEAST £600 IS TO REACH JOHN TO HELP THEM REACH KENYA." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 9:02. Reply: Well, this is something else!! We are completely penniless, and God is now promising to fuel the van because of our predicament. I wondered why I hadn’t heard from Mustafa. He was going to give me his FoT report about the wonderful things God did there in Saudi during the FoT, but it never came. I had a dream last night of wasps under our worktop. We were after them to wipe them out. That portrays this present evil situation. Penniless we may be, but God is now promising to fuel the van because of our predicament. You know, this throws it in the face of the sceptics and mockers who accuse us of fabricating stories. They just don’t have the faith of Jesus to believe that all that is taking place is the Work of Elijah as prophesied long ago! Shame on them. It’s just like it was in Jesus’ time. The scoffers didn’t believe Him then, and they don’t believe Him now. But let him who is righteous be righteous still by the blood of Jesus, and him who is wicked be wicked still and held responsible for that blood. Judgement time it is. No one shall escape God’s wrath for dereliction of duty. 11:11. To John: Will God raise those 5 back from the dead?! I recall a word given to (I think it was) Christine in Uganda some years ago. It stated that if some of the MM team are killed, God will raise them back to life again. That happened with Vuga, twice! First it was the huge snake commandeered by Satan that killed him near Zanzibar (if I remember correctly), and secondly when Mustafa shot Vuga in Chad when you were driving through, back from a mission. Now these five murdered by hanging in Saudi Arabia, what a witness that would make to the locals and shake Islam, if God decides to resurrect them in Mecca (or near Mecca?) if that is where they are buried! God Strikes Dead The 6 Miscreants8th Nov 2017. 17:30. From John: We are set to do God's assignment tonight. Though the surroundings of Mecca are a no-go zone to Christians, God has brought us here for His glory. We are in Makkah town, 5 km away from Mecca. It is here where our brothers met their deaths. 9th November 2017. 6:41. From John: God destroyed the six gang at Midnight. They attacked us in Makkah but we used the Faith lits as human shields and they ended up shooting one another to death. We then went to a petrol station and fueled the van just the same midnight. On seeing us the petrol attendants ran away and very fast we filled the tank with fuel. We are in Jordan moving back at a terrific speed. How we prayed God could have saved us with £600 today so that tomorrow night would find us back home... if we moved non-stop. 9:35. Reply: Praise God for that! The garage attendants must have seen a frightening vision of angels that scared them off, allowing you to fuel. God gave you some of the wealth of the wicked as a tiny bit of compensation for the violence and evils they have perpetrated against us. When the gang attacked you, you were in Makkah. Were you stationary or travelling? How did they attack? Did they try and shoot at you...? 9th November 2017. 8:31. From Rhoda: "THE SIX BAD PERSECUTORS WHO KILLED THE MM CONVERTS IN SAUDI ARE DEAD. GOD KILLED THEM AT MIDNIGHT. JOHN AND VUGA ARE ON THE WAY MOVING BACK VERY FAST. AT LEAST £600 TO REACH THEM TO HELP THEM REACH HOME ON SABBATH MORNING." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 9:37. Reply: Thanks Rhoda. I don’t know where this money can come from. We are all skint! 9th November 2017. 9:55. From John: We were stationary in Makkah. Makkah, like Mecca, is a no-go zone for Christians so when our van reached there with MM labels at some minutes to Midnight the gang attacked us. Their guns jammed when they tried to shoot. God has surely shown us mercy. We have reached the Egyptian border. We hope God will provide so that we get home by Sabbath and share this great miracle with others back home. We do not have even a single money for milk and water and since yesterday we haven’t taken milk nor water. But our God is wonderful. 11:01. Reply: I have notified our ‘regulars’ to see if any money can be found. I’m waiting to hear back from them. 9th November 2017. 19:57. From John: Supernaturally propelled! Will, God is pushing us even faster than usual speed. We are in Cairo Egypt. God is surely a miracle worker. All shall be well. Even back in Kenya I hear there is peace. God honors MM teachings through the lits. Jeremiah 29:11 (For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and future.) How I pray for God to provide enough resources to the anointed MM regular supporters to continue standing with MM evangelism so that we move to all parts of Africa and beyond preaching the MM Gospel of truth and true deliverance. Will, I feel a strong inspiration to visit Democratic Republic Of Congo where a dictator President Kabila is pushing God's children too hard... All African dictators must know that there is a living God who has anointed His prophet... 10th November 2017. 15:04. From John: We are approaching Kampala, Uganda now. We still need fuel of about £150 to be safely home tomorrow noon. 15:58. Reply: I have contacted our faithful few, but we just can't do that until next week unless something unforeseen pops out of the bag in the next hour. 11th November 2017. 13:31. From John in Uganda: It is here where our fuel got finished and we had our Sabbath rest here. Mission To Congo (DRC)11th November 2017. 13:48. From Rhoda: "THE VAN IS STILL IN UGANDA DUE TO LACK OF FUEL. GOD WILL ONCE MORE SEND JOHN AND VUGA OUT TO DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO TO TAKE THE MM TRUTH TO KABILA AND HIS CABINET. GOD IS NOT HAPPY WITH DICTATORSHIP. GOD WILL STAND WITH THE REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO CONTINUE WITH THE GREAT CALLING. AT LEAST £250 TO REACH JOHN NOW, £200 FOR THE FUEL AND £50 FOR TUNISIA BROTHERS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 11:21. From John: ...the money is in and I am sending £50 to Tunisia brothers now. It has just reflected... 12th November 2017. 15:41. From John: We are almost reaching the Rwanda border. I’ll keep you updated. |
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