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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 12 |
158Diverting War
Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God (Matt 4:4).
Through a number of messages from the 7 angels, God stressed the importance of the FoT in Kenya for 2017. They stipulated the specific amounts needed to fund it in Kenya and in Tunisia and Saudi Arabia. Mustafa organised a festival in Saudi Arabia, the first to be held there in that hostile Islamic country where ‘our’ two new converts were killed for holding a Bible and MM booklets. Many attended that FoT. By 29th September fifty seven people had already come, a week before the feast started, including orphans, streetchildren and parents. Through MM publications they learned of God’s eternal truths. The Importance Of The FOT18th Sept 2017. 16:24. From Rhoda: Feast of Tabernacles, 6th-13th Oct. "BUDGET FOR FOT AND DIRE NEEDS ARE.... FOT KENYA - £2800. FOT TUNISIA - £1200. MOTORBIKES FOR TUNISIA EVANGELISM - £1800. MARK'S FIXING - £350. THIS TOTALS - £6150. -228THE MONEY SHOULD REACH [should be sent] TO JOHN BY [from] WEDNESDAY THIS WEEK, SO THAT BY FRIDAY THIS WEEK FINDS WHEN ALL THE BUDGET IS DONE [is covered]. GOD THROUGH THE SEVEN ANGELS IS SENDING A WARNING OF TURBULENT POLITICAL CONFRONTATION IN KENYA AS FROM SATURDAY THIS WEEK, BUT IT’S THROUGH MM PRAYERS THAT A LASTING PEACE SHOULD BE REALISED. GOD MAY SEND JOHN TO THE OPPOSITION LEADER AND THE PRESIDENT TO TAKE TO THEM MM PEACE MESSAGE, HENCE AT LEAST £300 SHOULD REACH JOHN NOW FOR THAT GREAT MISSION." 7 Angels have said that to me now. MM Evangelism In Nairobi19th Sept 2017. 20:28. From John: Today we had demonstrations in Kenya following the disputed elections. I am on the way to Nairobi now to deliver God’s MM message to the opposition and government. Í trust God to guide us. 20:42. Reply: There has been quite a bit of intercession. Some of that must have been for this trip. 20th Sept 2017. 12:43. From John: We are in Nairobi. The place is tense but we must deliver God's message. 20th Sept 2017. 12:47. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA ARE IN NAIROBI. AT LEAST £200 TO REACH THEM NOW, THEY ARE DOWN FINANCIALLY." 7 angels have said that to me now. 21st Sept 2017. 18:54. From Mustafa in S Arabia: Thanks, John sent me £100. Thanks and God bless. [For the FoT preparations in Saudi Arabia.] 22nd Sept 2017. 16:05. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £220 TO REACH JOHN NOW TO HELP THEM REACH HOME ON SUNDAY. THEY ARE STILL IN NAIROBI EVANGELISING." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 24th Sept 2017. 15:57. To Rhoda: We haven’t heard back from John yet in reply to this below. If you get anything on this situation, do let us know. Thanks. We wonder if his phone has been blocked, or his e-mails, or whether the money reached him OK. 24th Sept 2017. 16:17. From John: Thanks Will. We received it. I am sorry I couldnt get to you since my phone blew up when I took it for charging. We have safely reached home and I have used Eunice's phone. We had a wonderful evangelism though Kenya is still tense, but God is with us. 17:29. Reply: Thanks for letting us know. The phone blew up!!!? Sounds like a demonic attack on it... 25th Sept 2017. 8:56. From Rhoda: "THE FOT BUDGET SHOULD BE READY BY THURSDAY THIS WEEK BUT ONLY £2000 IS IN. AT LEAST THE BALANCE SHOULD REACH JOHN BY WEDNESDAY THIS WEEK. THE FOT WILL BE A GREAT MEET FOR THE TROUBLED KENYAN PEOPLE." 7 Angels have said that to me now 25th Sept 2017. 10:39. From John: Thanks Will. The £2000 from Bob is in. God bless. God Speeds Up The Bank Transfers25th Sept 2017. 12:16. From Rhoda: "JOHN IS WORRIED ABOUT THE FOT BUDGET, FOR UP TO NOW ONLY £2000 IS IN AND THE TUNISIA BROTHERS ARE ALSO WORRIED. GOD WILL SPEED UP THE TRANSFERS SO THAT THE BUDGET IS READY BY THURSDAY. JOHN MUST NOT TOUCH THE £2000 TILL THE WHOLE £6150 IS IN HAND. THAT'S WHEN £1200 FOR TUNISIA FOT, £1800 FOR TUNISIA MOTORBIKES, £350 FOR MARK'S WINDOW FITTING AND £2800 FOR KENYAN FOT IS TO BE PUT TO USE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 25th Sept 2017. 12:30. From John: The Nairobi Mission. It was a big challenge to meet the two political divides [parties] and pass to them God’s message of peace via MM lits. God guided us to visit Uhuru Park on Thursday where the Government planned a rally on Friday. We gave out the Peace message for Kenya MM lits and prayed with about twenty people we found there, then headed to the opposition offices in Kibra where we did the same. We pleaded with the opposition supporters in Kibra, Mathare and Kawangware estates to give peace a chance, though the opposition plans to start demonstrations tomorrow Tuesday. But we trust God that through the peace message to Kenya, A Message To Kenya, peace will prevail. We met many people in the streets and passed to them the peace message. Now the work is left to God. Thanks. God bless. Comment: Yesterday, as I was writing a letter to an MP, my computer went off. I thought for a moment that it was a power cut, but the power hadn’t gone off. It was a demonic attack. Similarly, when John was in Nairobi, his phone blew up when being recharged. And last night, Helena’s late night intercession didn’t end between 2 and 3 am as usual. She had to keep going till the Spirit let her end at 6:45 am!! She asked the Lord to wake her at 8. So she only got an hour’s sleep. She said there was a very strong attack on me and it took her 2 hours to clear them off. Our chickens are also under severe attack every day, and it takes quite some time for them to be cleared every day. It’s arduous! These demonic onslaughts indicate the intensity of the spiritual opposition against MM, and that realignments are happening in the spirit realm that will create some changes with people on earth. Perhaps some of this is to alter the political situation in Kenya; some to do with people’s minds being opened to the truth in Kenya; and some concerning other people whom we have contacted from here, releasing them from demons so their minds can be opened. Preparing For The FOT27th Sept 2017. 10:37. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £500 TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR MUSTAFA. HE IS IN BIG PROBLEM AND HE IS WORKING OUT WAYS FOR THE FOT IN SAUDI ARABIA. ALSO £300 FOR JOHN'S PHONE TO REACH HIM NOW SO THAT HE CAN TAKE A GOOD RECORD OF THE FOT." 7 Angels have said that to me now 27th Sept 2017. 13:23. From Rhoda: "THE 2017 FOT IN KENYA WILL BE ATTENDED BY A VERY BIG NUMBER OF PEOPLE. THE KENYANS ARE OVERWHELMED BY POLITICAL TEMPERATURES AND NEED GOD. JOHN MUST PRODUCE EXTRA COPIES OF THE LIT ON PEACE FOR KENYA WHICH MUST BE GIVEN TO ALL ATTENDING THE FOT. THIS MEANS EXTRA £1700 SHOULD BE SENT TO THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT BY THURSDAY NIGHT. GOD IS DIVERTING THE LOOMING WAR IN KENYA THROUGH MM LITS EVANGELISM IN THE FOT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 27th Sept 2017. 16:36. From Rhoda: "MUSTAFA HAS A GREAT WORK IN SAUDI ARABIA AND MUST MEET MANY SOULS IN THE FOT IN SAUDI ARABIA. HE MUST PRODUCE COPIES OF MM LITS AND GIVE OUT DURING THE FOT AFTER WHICH BAPTISM WILL FOLLOW." 7 Angels have said now. 27th Sept 2017. 20:31. To Mustafa: The angels gave some messages to Rhoda today. I am curious to know whether they appeared to you and told you to organise a Feast of Tabernacles there where you are. I'm sure John will be in touch with you when he has the money you require. 28th Sept 2017. 11:02. From John: The FOT money is in. Thanks to God. I am sending to Mustafa his today. I believe he is doing God’s duty. 28th Sept 2017. 12:52. From Mustafa: Glory glory glory be to God. Yes I have prayed for God to help me organise the FOT here but lack of funds couldn’t allow me. My budget was £777, that is the number the Angels gave me... Amen. 16:08. From Mustafa: Thanks, John has sent me the £500... 29th Sept 2017. 7:06. From Mustafa: It has taken God’s hands... Angels directed me to photocopy the MM lits and give them. 10:44. To John: Bob has sent you a further £1200, according to the angels' instruction, so that you have enough for copying extra copies, and also other expenses that I know nothing about. God bless all that takes place. Comment: Bob had a totally unexpected inheritance come in, which funded all these festival expenses... just! Only just! What a miracle! 29th Sept 2017. 11:03. From John: Kenya is tense due to unfavourable political temperatures. People have realized the importance of MM lits and the truth in them... 29th Sept 2017. 12:41. From Rhoda: "... KENYA MUST MOVE BACK TO GOD THOUGH MM LITS. MORE COPIES OF MM LITS MUST BE PRODUCED." 7 angels have said to me now. 15:18. Reply: Well, I don't know where more money can come from. I can only find about £100, and that leaves me short again... The First Ever FoT In Saudi Arabia30th Sept 2017. 16:48. From Mustafa: Faith Raising Our Level Of Expectation MM lit is our shield here. Christians in other denominations like SDA, Jehovah Witness get killed daily here in Saudi but us with MM the Faith lit has showed that God honors MM message. I still lack £277 to have a complete budget for FOT... 2nd October 2017. 9:15. From Rhoda: "THE HOSTEL SUPPORT FROM QATAR WILL NOT COME. THE TWO BROTHERS WHO WENT TO QATAR ARE NO LONGER ALIVE. THEY GOT KILLED YESTERDAY AND THEIR BODIES BURNT TO ASHES WHEN THEY STEPPED IN TO SAUDI ARABIA FOR ACCEPTING JESUS. MUSTAFA HAS RECEIVED THE NEWS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Smyrna suffered similarly from strong opposition (Rev 2). They were poor, but God called them 'rich' spiritually. It is not uncommon for ones in the frontline to be so attacked and hampered. This is the first FoT in Arabia. God Speeds Up Bank Transfers4th October 2017. 14:05. From Kachapim: God has opened the evangelism account such that money sent in to it by MM supporters only takes one hour to arrive. God has done this to save the situation and to make it faster for money sent from the UK to reach John the same day. The number is growing bigger and a further £620 is required in the evangelism bank account. Mustafa too is in a big problem in Saudi Arabia. (This message was from the 7 Angels). 4th Oct 2017. 8:15. From John: ...the group is growing bigger and bigger. It is a big challenge but God knows why. 4th October 2017. 14:10. From Rhoda: "MUSTAFA LOOKS AFRAID AND WORRIED. HE NEEDS £277. BECAUSE OF THE NUMBER IN MARK’S HOME AT LEAST A FURTHER £620 IS REQUIRED IN THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT. IT TAKES ONLY 2 HOURS 30 MINUTES FOR MONEY SENT THOUGH THE BANK TO APPEAR IN THE ACCOUNT, GOD HAS OPENED JOHN'S BANK ACOUNT NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: The ‘discrepancy’ in time (one hour, or 2 hours 30 mins) is not a contradiction, but concerns two separate amounts sent. 4th October 2017. 15:03. From Mustafa: This place is hostile, I must not be writing always for security reasons. Thanks, John has just sent me £100. 17:15. To Mustafa: John may have already told you this, but I'll say it just to re-emphasise it. If you ever get attacked, hold up a Faith booklet against the attacker(s), opened. A bright light shines out of it, which will blind or injure the attackers. The angels who watch over us do that when we exercise our faith and trust in God through the token of the Faith booklet (or ANY MM booklet). God Is Pleased With The FoT9th October 2017. 17:37. From Rhoda: "GOD HAS MOVED A BIG GROUP TO ATTEND THIS YEAR’S FOT IN KENYA. KENYA NEEDS A LOT OF PRAYERS FOR PEACE TO BE REALIZED. POLITICAL SUPREMACY HAS CAUSED MORE FEAR OF WAR IF THE DIFFERENCES ARE NOT SOLVED. IN TUNISIA TOO MORE PEOPLE ARE IN THE FOT. THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT MUST NOT REMAIN DRY. A FURTHER £150 TO GO TO TUNISIA, £100 TO SAUDI ARABIA AND £577 TO BE IN THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT BY WEDNESDAY NOON. FOR PRODUCTION OF MORE COPIES OF MM LITS, TO BUY MORE WATER AND FOOD. JOHN HAS DONE A GREAT WORK SORTING OUT OVER 200 PEOPLE IN NDHIWA FOT, GOD IS VERY PLEASED." 7 Angels have said that now. 9th October 2017. 17:48. From John: Thanks to God for this far, Will. Since Yesterday evening the number has shot up to 237 People. Our budget is greatly stretched but I thank God that He will take us to the end. Today in the afternoon a weak woman who has suffered from demonic torment from the year 2010 met with Jesus. Her husband was killed by his brothers over a plot of land, then pushed the spirit of the dead man back through magic arts to torment the wife of the late man. Elizabeth Kurgat started to wail, calling her late husband’s name when she received the MM Faith lit. She then laid dead for three hours. She woke up and testified to the congregation the problems she had undergone from 2010. God rescued her. God bless. Comment: ‘Slain by the Spirit’ is explained in the booklet MG2. 9th Oct 2017. 18:18. From Kachapim: Praise Jesus. The FOT is OK! Many have attended, around 250. John and Mark have done well. Thanks. 10th October 2017. 11:29. From Saudi Arabia: All is well over here... Comment at the time: Bob was able to send £400 to John today, and Nigel sent £120, from Fiona and others. Can anyone help out with the remaining £307 to find? 12th October 2017. 18:24. From John: Greetings in the mighty name of Jesus. We are in the presence of God here sharing from MM lits and verses from the Bible. God brought four police men to the meeting who ran from their service and gave their lives to God. We baptised them this morning. Again 25 people joined us from Kisii Kericho border. Their houses got burnt down due to political differences going on here. We trust God to guide us till the end. £150 went to Tunisia brothers, £100 to Saudi. The only challenge we have now is that many people running away from unsafe areas like Nairobi, Homa Bay, Kisumu, Siaya are just coming in here. Space is a big issue, food and water. Our initial budget couldn’t meet this pressure but surely it is a confirmation that God honours MM. God bless. 12th October 2017. 18:32. From Rhoda: "GOD WILL USE THE POLITICAL INSTABILITY IN KENYA TO BRING MORE PEOPLE TO MM TRUTH. JOHN IS WORRIED ABOUT THE BUDGET AS MORE AND MORE PEOPLE KEEP ON POURING INTO NDHIWA FOT POINT. GOD IS DOING HIS WORK TO SHOW MEGA CHURCHES AROUND THAT MM IS THE APPROVED VEHICLE TO BRING BACK THE LOST TO GOD'S HOUSE AND MALCOLM HEAP IS AN ANOINTED PROPHET OF GOD ALMIGHTY. AT LEAST ADDITIONAL £550 TO REACH THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT NOW." 7 Angels have said to me. 18th October 2017. 18:09. From John: About the FoT: INTRODUCTION. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen. This year we had the highly attended FOT meeting with brothers coming all the way from Tanzania, Somalia, Mombasa, Nairobi, Kisii, Kisumu and places around Ndhiwa like Homa Bay, Suna, Sori. Throughout the meeting we studied the MM lits and read verses from the Holy Bible. DAY 1 - DAY 3. We studied the MM lit Faith Raising Our Level Of Expectation. The lit was found to be very very very relevant to the political uncertainity in Kenya, we also discussed the following in the Bible. Exodus 33, 34. Zechariah 8, 9, 13, 14. DAY 4 - LAST DAY. We concentrated on Dreams and great miracles God has done since each and every one accepted the MM truth. We studied MM lits and Newsletters. On the Last Day we studied also Ephesians 6, Ecclesiastes 12:13, Jeremiah 29:11. MIRACLES. God brought many sick people and those with various problems. We prayed for them touching them with the MM Faith lit and the sick got healed. BAPTISM. 18 People got baptised after accepting the MM truth... |
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