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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 12 |
157To Saudi Arabia
Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes it is a tree of life (Proverbs 13:12). The angels gave further directions about the next assignment, and informed us of the expenses which we were really struggling with: 24th August 2017. 20:05. From Rhoda: "MUSTAFA NEEDS THE £350 TO ENABLE HIM TO GET TO SAUDI ARABIA BY TOMORROW NOON. GOD WILL GET MONEY TO CLEAR THE HOSTEL ISSUE THROUGH MUSTAFA. IT IS URGENT, URGENT, URGENT. AT LEAST £350 TO REACH JOHN SO THAT MUSTAFA GETS IT BY TOMORROW MORNING. IT IS URGENT, URGENT, URGENT. ANOTHER £300 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW FOR THE DRILLERS SO THAT BY SATURDAY THERE IS NO PENDING BILL. JOHN WILL MOVE OUT ON MONDAY TO FOLLOW UP MUSTAFA WHERE GOD THROUGH MUSTAFA WILL GET HIM THE MONEY TO COMPLETE THE HOSTEL AT RONGO UNIVERSITY. IT IS URGENT, URGENT, URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Sadly, Some Fall Away24th August 2017. 18:11. To John: I haven't heard anything from Ann or Emily since Fatumah defected... 24th August 2017. 20:57. From Rhoda: About Emily and Ann: "THEY FOLLOWED THE STRONG LOVE FOR MONEY TOGETHER WITH NYASIRWA, NIMROD, NANDI, LUKAS OGADA AND MANY MM BETRAYERS, HENCE GOD TOO REBELLED AGAINST THEM. GOD REMOVED THEM OUT OF MM FLOCK." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 26th August 2017. 20:28. From Rhoda: ...THE ONLY MONEY THAT JOHN SHOULD SEND TO TUNISIA BROTHERS IS £1200 FOR FOT. THE TUNISIA BROTHERS SHOULD HOLD THEIR FOT AT THE WATER POINT, GOD WILL HEAL THE SICK THROUGH THE WATER. FOT AT NDHIWA REQUIRES ONLY £2800 FOR BUDGET. ALREADY MUSTAFA IS IN SAUDI AND JOHN SHOULD MOVE OUT ON MONDAY TO SAUDI ARABIA. AT LEAST £1000 TO REACH HIM TOMORROW. HE WILL COME BACK WITH MONEY FOR THE HOSTEL." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 27th August 2017. 8:55. To John: I have passed on to Khalifa the information about their water. ...all of us here are empty... 27th August 2017. 9:07. From John: Thanks to God Will. I don’t expect any support from anywhere if regular MM supporters are financially down. I’ll just move back home since I have no money for fuel to Saudi Arabia. Africans here can’t support me to go, but all in all OUR GOD IS ABLE. The Tunisia brothers now have water. God bless. 27th August 2017. 9:16. From Rhoda: "THE SAUDI MISSION IS VERY VITAL. JOHN MUST NOT LOSE HOPE, GOD WILL PROVIDE THROUGH THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS. FROM SAUDI, THE HOSTEL WORK WILL END [be completed] AND MM OPPOSERS’ SUPPORT BASE WILL BE NO MORE. JOHN SHOULD GO GO GOOOOO." 7 Angels have said to me now. Sunday 27th August 2017. 11:49. To Rhoda, cc John: Well, I'm sorry, we need more help on this one to know HOW it can be done, because I am tearing my hair out. I can't see how it is possible. We are all empty and have borrowed, and borrowed, and borrowed. I can't borrow any more, and I don't think any others can. Comment: The angels gave no further input, which meant that somehow we would be able to work it out. But it was extremely difficult. 27th August 2017. 17:18. From Rhoda: "MORE FAKE LETTERS FROM UGANDA ARE BEING PREPARED AND SENT TO MALCOLM. THEY ARE FROM THE SAME SAME SAME MM BETRAYERS. WHEN SUCH LETTERS REACH YOU, IGNORE, IGNORE, IGNORE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 27th August 2017. 17:21. From Rhoda: "GOD WILL TOUCH THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO STAND WITH THE SAUDI ARABIA MISSION. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 27th August 2017. 17:23. From John: God has ways of doing miracles. I fully trust that He will help us out... 18:11. Reply: We are trying to work something out. Comment: The next day, 28th August, Nigel was able to forward £100 to John. This was borrowed money again, obtained from two people’s overdrafts. Then the following day, Tuesday, a further £100 was obtained. £50 from Wilfred whose pension had just come in, and £50 again borrowed on overdraft taking it close to its limit. Bob K also managed to borrow cash on credit and send £526. So, at great personal cost, with all of us borrowing up to our limits, John was able to move on towards Saudi Arabia. Mark’s Home Is Vandalised28th Aug 2017. 10:24. From Mark: ...Last night gangs attacked my place, destroyed all the window glass and disconnected the power line then ran away. 10:59. Reply: Oh ghastly! Did you wield a Faith booklet against them? 11:28. Mark: Yes, I did 12:02. Reply: Well done. That's our weapon in the physical, with the angels in the spiritual who honour our faith in God. Lukas and Abdullah would have hired that gang. I wonder if there will be some dead bodies in the vicinity? 28th August 2017. 16:44. From Mark: Thanks. Unknown body has been found dead 3 kms from here. The cost of electric reconnection is £100 and the pump is £500 but can be paid in two installments. 29th August 2017. 18:02. From Mark: God will strike dead one of those who opposed MM at midnight. The message was delivered by seven angels. 19:23. Reply: I guess the angels mean that one of those who attacked you the other night will be struck dead. John And Vuga Set Off To Saudi Arabia28th August 2017. 11:04. From John: I am still stuck in Turkana, I have no money for fuel back home. God bless. 12:04. Reply: Yes, understood. We are trying all avenues to see how to raise some money for further movement. However, I don't think you need to return (unless the angels say so). 14:39. To John: Nigel has sent you £100 by WU. Hope this helps a little. 28th Aug 2017. 14:46. John: Thanks, I am starting off to Saudi Arabia... 29th Aug 2017. 17:04. John: Already at Busia, the Uganda Kenya border. 29th August 2017. 20:48. To John: More money has been accessed and should be coming tomorrow. 30th August 2017. 10:22. From John: Thanks Will. I am crossing in to S Sudan. My fuel level is greatly reduced. Comment: Bob K borrowed cash on credit to raise £530 which was sent. Abdullah Riyadh Is Dead31st August 2017. 9:01. From Mark: Greetings. The news going around here is that Abdullah Riyadh was found dead in the mosque. Good day, M 9:05. Reply: Good! Wonderful news. At last God's judgement has finally wiped him out! Praise God! 9:11. Where did this happen, do you know? What town, what mosque? I presume it was at midnight last night, as the angels told you beforehand. 12:54. From Mark: It happened in Homabay town, Jamia mosque. John In Saudi Arabia3rd Sept 2017. 11:59. From John in Saudi Arabia: Thanks to God Will. Two powerful people who have been supporting the MM opposers have surrendered to us. One intends to finance the hostel as from 2nd October. 12:55. Reply: Excellent. You'll have to tell us how this came about; what miracle God did before their eyes so that they were convicted by the Spirit, etc. 3rd Sept 2017. 14:28. From Rhoda: "THE HOSTEL ISSUE IS SEALED. GOD IS WONDERFUL. NOW MUSTAFA WILL REMAIN AND DO EVANGELISM WORK IN SAUDI AS JOHN, VUGA MOVE BACK. JOHN TO GIVE MUSTAFA SOME MM LITS. AT LEAST £300 TO REACH JOHN NOW TO GET THEM 19:47. Reply: Did the two new fellas in Saudi give you any finance towards your journey back home? ...Someone should be able to send you £100 tomorrow, but it won't come till afternoon. Monday 4th Sept 2017. 13:43. From John: Thanks Will, I have just received the money and we plan to leave any time now. There is a lot to pass to you which I must do as Vuga drives. They only promised to clear the hostel work. They gave no money. 14:02. From John: They fell in to the trap of Lukas though they are Muslims. Lukas promised to link them with wealthy oil traders in Qatar but failed. 4th Sept 2017. 14:22. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA TO LEAVE FOR KENYA TODAY, HAVING TAUGHT THE MM BROTHERS IN SAUDI THE MM TRUTH AND HOW TO STUDY THE MM LITS. GOD IS PLEASED WITH THAT GREAT WORK. MALCOLM TO IGNORE ALL NEW LETTERS ORIGINATING FROM UGANDA OR KENYA FIGHTING MM BY WRITING FALSEHOOD ABOUT JOHN. MALCOLM TO ENCOURAGE JOHN TO GO ON WITH EVANGELISM. GOD OWNS MONEY, HE WILL SUSTAIN MM. CONCERNING TUNISIA EVANGELISM, £1800 CAN BUY 3 MOTORBIKES, AND £200 FOR THE AUTHORITIES’ LICENCE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 4th Sept 2017. 14:39. From John: Thanks Will. Our brothers here have pledged to organise a meeting here and requested for your email contact for they would want to be sending their offerings after FOT. 4th Sept 2017. 15:11. From John: Thanks Will. We are leaving now... 4th Sept 2017. 16:09. From Rhoda: "GOD IS SOUNDING WARNINGS THAT ANTONY OTETE HAS FORMED A GROUP IN UGANDA TO CHEAT MALCOLM THROUGH LETTERS REQUESTING FOR LITS AND WRITING FALSEHOOD ABOUT JOHN ONGORO. GOD IS SAYING THAT MALCOLM MUST AVOID AND IGNORE ANY LETTER FROM THEM." 7 Angels have said to me now. A Faithful One Gets In Touch4th Sept 2017. 16:01. From Riek’s e-mail: I am Kachapim Dido, I am from Uganda South Sudan border. I joined MM teachings through the late Riek. He is the one who gave me your email address. He also gave me his email address plus the pin, that’s why I am writting to you using his address. Recently I have seen people try to destroy MM through falsehood. They attack the anointed MM servants like John Ongoro through false letters. 7 Angels in glittering white robes visited me last midnight and told me to tell MALCOLM to ignore all the recent attacks and falsehood being sent to him by the greedy schemers bent to destroy MM by creating mistrust between Malcolm and John Ongoro. Thank you. 4th Sept 2017. 17:17. From John: About Kachapim Dido. Mustafa has told us that he used to stay in the neighbourhood of Riek. His father sent him away for associating with Riek and other MM folk. He ran away from home and lived in a no-man’s-land between South Sudan and Uganda. He is not a con man according to Mustafa. God bless. 4th Sept 2017. 20:10. From Rhoda: Kachapim Dido. "GOD WILL USE HIM MIGHTILY. GOD KEPT HIM FROM ATTACK BY THE MM OPPOSERS IN SUDAN. AT LEAST £450 TO REACH JOHN AND VUGA TOMORROW MORNING TO KEEP THEM MOVING FROM EGYPT TO SOUTH SUDAN, THEN THE LAST ADDITIONAL £250 ON WEDNESDAY MORNING TO GET THEM HOME BY FRIDAY EVENING. ON REACHING HOME, JOHN AND VUGA TO MOVE UP TO SIRARE TO MEET A PERSON BY THE NAME NYAMWANDA WHOM GOD WILL MOVE TO CONTRIBUTE A SACK OF RICE FOR THE FOT MEET AT MARK'S." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 5th Sept 2017. 8:07. From John: About the 2 Saudis. They buy and sell gold and also do business in oil. They were advised to fight MM by supporting MM opposers Lukas and co. Mustafa touched their heads with the MM Faith lits and they fell to the ground unconscious for seven hours. When they regained consciousness they surrendered and promised to share more about their other plans to harm John and Mark and distort their relationship with Malcolm. They promised to send me a long story on how and when they planned to bomb Mark’s home before the FOT. We are taking a rest in Cairo for we have very little fuel to move on... How To Fund The Return From Saudi?8:43. Reply: Thanks for the info... No one has got in touch to say they can contribute anything, which is what I thought. So, despite the angels notifying us about this need like previously, it's simply not possible for us. We are all empty and have borrowed up to our limits. What I suggest is that you notify Mustafa and ask him to ask the two Saudis whether they could loan (notice, LOAN, not give) you the two amounts the angels specify so that you can get back home. Thanks. (Unless the angels speak to you NOT to do that.) £450 this morning, and £250 tomorrow. 5th Sept 2017. 9:00. From Rhoda: "GOD HAD SAID THAT HE WILL STAND WITH THE CHOSEN ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS TO STAND WITH THE VAN EVANGELISM. FOR NOW GOD HAS NOT YET SANCTIFIED THE SAUDI BROTHERS HENCE JOHN MUST NOT, MUST NOT, MUST NOT ACCEPT ANY MONEY OR SUPPORT FROM THEM. THEY MUST FIRST WRITE A LETTER OF REPENTANCE, THEN GET BAPTISED THREE DAYS TO THE FOT THEN BURN ALL THEIR MUSLIM CLOTHES AND BOOKS. THEN GIVE OUT THE NAMES OF TWO OTHER MEMBERS IN QATAR. LET JOHN NOT REQUEST FOR MONEY FROM THEM YET, IT WILL BE A BIG MESS NOW. GOD WOULD WANT TO PERMANENTLY DESTROY THAT BAD TEAM. GOD WILL BLESS THE FEW CHOSEN AND ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP OUT WITH £450 TODAY AND £250 TOMORROW." 7 Angels have said that to me now 9:28. To John: OK, I have forwarded that angel message to our six regulars, so we’ll wait to see how it can be worked out. It flummoxes me how it can be done, but God sees everything, and makes possible the impossible. This operation could never be done without the angels’ input from God to guide us! One question I have is: what made the Saudi brothers decide to pay for the completion of the hostel building work? ... 5th Sept 2017. 9:39. From John: When I gave them my testimony how God called me into fulltime MM lit evangelism and the mighty miracles God has done including the lasting peace in Gambia following a contested election, they openly cried and asked me if there is any project such as church building. That’s how the hostel issue came up and they promised to get some money from friends in Qatar and support the hostel issue in October. 5th Sept 2017. 10:38. To John: How does Mustafa survive in Saudi? He must surely stand out amongst the ‘white’ Arabs there. Does he have somewhere to live, and I wonder how he can have any income or work? 12:03. From John: Humanly it is a big challenge but God and the anointed MM Faith lit give him courage to survive in faith. 5th Sept 2017. 16:05. From John: We are stuck in Egypt, we have no fuel to move on. We believe God will act. 16:57. Reply: Yes, I know. It's very frustrating not having the money available. We just have to wait until someone can do something here. 6th Sept 2017. 10:58. From Kachapim Dido: Schemers have opened email addresses in Uganda and Kenya, writing false allegations and sending to Malcolm. The team is big, some former MM people who left MM because of lack of money. I have a long dossier to pass to you detailing... how I have benefitted in MM after leaving Islam. John Ongoro is truly called and anointed by God to do MM evangelism. Most evil men hate him but God's love for him is unmeasurable. Halleluya. 8th Sept 2017. 12:27. To John: Bob K has managed to find £100. Coming this afternoon. Hope you are doing OK. 12:38. From John: Thanks to God. If we can get that now then I am sure we shall reach Juba. 9th Sept 2017. To John: I wonder if you managed to reach Juba last night. Hope you can meet Kachapim OK. 9th Sept 2017. 11:22. From Kachapim: God through His Angels has told me to go to Kenya up to a place called Ndhiwa and stay there and wait for the FOT. I am in Ahero. 9th Sept 2017. 19:57. To John: Right. I’ve managed to work out a strategy by which we can find some money. So here is the result... this will provide the 150 needed for Mark, and 150 to see you on your way home. 10th Sept 2017. 6:59. From John: Thanks Will. We need additional £280 to reach home from Juba. We will also buy some Milk and water. If we can get the money tomorrow Monday then Wednesday will find us in Ndhiwa. 7:01. We had no water, no milk, no fuel and money. Comment at the time: Something is going on there, because I got stabbed in the gut [by demons] when working in the garden. When I came in Helena said that I was under strong attack. It took her about an hour to clear them all off... 11th Sept 2017. 8:29. From John: Thanks to God Will. We have received the money and are off to Kenya. 11th Sept 2017. 23:20. To John: £150 sent... I hope that will enable Mark’s electrics to be fixed and provide the little extra for dire needs. That has been borrowed by Tonya. 12th Sept 2017. 11:13. From John: Thanks Will. £150 has gone to Mark. We are in Busia on the way home. The kitty is over. We have no fuel to get home. Comment at the time: The outreach has to stop unless God provides another source of funding. All our supporters are up to their eyeballs in debt! God Gave Him A Free RideTuesday 12th Sept 2017. 20:18. From Kachapim: I am at Mark's place. He has no electricity but electrician is working on it. God sent me here to meet John Ongoro and Mark before the start of this year’s FOT. John is still stranded on the way with no money for fuel. Myself, I reached here through God’s Angels. I paid no money but God allowed me to board a bus from Uganda to Kenya free of charge up to Kisumu and from Kisumu to Ndhiwa too. In a dream now, God has told me to instruct Malcolm to see a way of helping John and Vuga to reach home tomorrow and come straight to Ndhiwa. God has said that £350 to reach them to help them come. God would want to have a meeting with John and Mark before this year’s FOT. Thanks. God bless. 20:27. Reply: Thanks Kachapim. How amazing that God made it possible for you to travel to Kenya for nothing! Tell us more about how God worked that out for you. Thanks. Yes, we are trying to find a way to get some money so that John and Vuga can move on. I know they are stuck, but we have no money to help them at present. All our supporters are completely out of funds. I will send this to two ministries to see which will help us out... [All other ministries refused to help us.] 12th Sept 2017. 20:42. From Kachapim: Seven Angels came to me seven times and told me how important the 2017 FOT in Ndhiwa Kenya is. They sent me to John and Mark in Ndhiwa to go talk to them how God wants the FOT for this year be organized. God also warned of a chain of conmen who would write to Malcolm through his old associates and pretend to want to join MM but if allowed will steal from Malcolm. An example given to me was a name called Samo Erick, God said that Malcolm must not reply to such letters. The Angels enabled me to come without paying even a single cent. 12th Sept 2017. 20:33. From Rhoda: "GOD IS USING MM LITS TO SHOW THE WHOLE WORLD HIS MIGHTY DEEDS. YES GOD HAS SENT HIM [Kachapim] TO MARK AND JOHN BEFORE THE FOT. AT LEAST £350 TO REACH JOHN SO THAT THEY REACH NDHIWA AND GET WHAT HE [Kachapim] HAS TO TELL THEM." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 22:38. Reply: We simply don't have any money now, Rhoda. We all have large debts and loans to pay off, so we can do nothing to help John with the needed money. Comment: All other ministries ignored our request. Wednesday 13th Sept 2017. 9:50. To John: We can do nothing at present. The earliest we see any funds coming is Friday, and that's only £100... It's too bad these other ministries which are flush with funds have no heart. It shows their lack of belief. They just don't believe the miracles God does in 'our area'. There is something wrong with them that they can't practice 1 Jn 3:17 towards us! 13th Sept 2017. 10:43. I have sent this [message from Rhoda] to our 'regulars'. I guess that, because God has now spoken, some money must be coming in to someone today. So, we'll see how this can be worked out. 13th Sept 2017. 10:28. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA RISK BEING ATTACKED AND THE MM VAN BURNT DOWN. A GROUP OF ANTI MM MINISTRIES IN BUSIA HAVE ORGANISED A BAD TEAM TO ATTACK JOHN AND VUGA. THEY REFER TO THEM AS DEVIL WORSHIPPERS. JOHN AND VUGA ARE WORN OUT. JOHN WANTS EUNICE TO SELL THEIR OWN LAND AND SEND THEM MONEY, WHICH GOD IS SAYING NO NO NO. GOD WILL TOUCH ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP JOHN AND VUGA REACH HOME. GOD CANNOT BE DEFEATED." 7 Angels have said now. Comment: Nigel was able to send £55.10 contributed by himself and Vivian. That’s all we could muster. [I forwarded him a sample of a deceitful e-mail. The angels then told him:] 13th Sept 2017. 11:06. From Kachapim: The letter is from a bad group. Many big churches hate MM because it is a God ordained ministry. Many people call MM evangelists John, Mark, Vuga and others devil worshippers because they are anointed brothers. God is with and in MM, and Satan has no room. God will provide money in excess for MM evangelism. And the enemies’ target is to break up the cordial friendship between Malcolm and John Ongoro so as to portray MM as a sect. Malcolm, ignore any new letter from them. Amen. 15:11. From Kachapim: ...The Angels visit me everytime and talk to me frequently. I have been receiving a lot of information from the Angels as from June this year. There is more information including about a person called Antony Otete, that I’ll share with you in my long report. Mustafa’s Difficult Life In Saudi Arabia13th Sept 2017. 15:22. From Mustafa: I hope you are doing well. This is my e-mail address. I am in the hostel Saudi Arabia doing the MM evangelism holy work. There are a lot of challenges but God is with me. Thanks a lot. 15:29. Reply: That's good to hear. 15:31. How do you manage to earn a living (earn any money) so you can have food to eat? 13th Sept 2017. 19:54. From Mustafa: I survive on Milk and water only. I am still waiting for my two friends who went to Qatar to collect some money. I do evangelism work and get milk and water from well wishers, it is horrible here. Muslims here hate anything to do with Christianity. 20:55. Reply: Well, you are doing something that is more worthwhile than all the people who hold ordinary jobs but who don't care for God and for the things of God. And God honours most those who have to bear a 'cross' of difficulty such as you have to do in that hostile environment. I presume God takes away your hunger pains so that milk and water are sufficient for you. That is a miracle. Some Money Finally Comes To Get Home14th Sept 2017. 9:47. From John: Thanks to God. It is a good morning and we are moving on, we fueled the van. 14th Sept 2017. 17:34. From John: God is great Will. We are in Maseno 12 km from Kisumu. God bless. 18:00. Reply: That's good. When do you expect to get home? Can you make it back on the fuel you have? Another £100 should be coming tomorrow. 14th Sept 2017. 18:08. From John: No we can’t make it with the fuel we have now but if we can get £145 then we are sure of getting to Ndhiwa tomorrow. 14th Sept 2017. 18:12. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £140 TO REACH HAROON IN TUNISIA TO FACILITATE THEM IN A VERY IMPORTANT EVANGELISM WORK. JOHN TOO REQUIRES £143 TO REACH HOME AND PROCEED TO NDHIWA." 7 angels have said to me now. Comment: Finally, enough money was found! And the van was able to reach base. 16th Sept 2017. 11:01. From Rhoda: "IT IS A BLESSED SABBATH, AND GOD THROUGH THE SEVEN ANGELS SAYS THAT THE WATER POINT IN TUNISIA SHOULD HAVE A WALL CONSTRUCTED AROUND IT TO PREVENT INTRUDERS FROM PUTTING POISON IN IT. AT LEAST £450 CAN DO THE WORK. IT IS VERY URGENT AND THE CONSTRUCTION SHOULD START TOMORROW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 18th Sept 2017. Comment: £450 was sent to the Tunisia brothers, gathered from our faithful supporters. How Kachapim Survived In Exile30th Sept 2017. 16:41. From Kachapim: Praise Jesus. I am convinced that MM is the Last Time voice calling all sinners to turn to God. I am from South Sudan. My relatives chased me away when they spotted me with MM lits the late Riek Mojong gave me. My family members, staunch Muslims, wanted to kill me when I accepted Jesus through MM lits. I had to run away and reside in a no- man’s-land between Uganda and South Sudan in 2015 December. God covered me through seven Angels who protected me in the bush where I found a cave to live in. God has been visiting me through the Angels and giving me pictures [visions] how His servants Kassahun in Ethiopia, Rhoda in Kenya, John Ongoro, Mark in Kenya, were determined to do God's calling with zeal and how enemies of the gospel of God were positioned to fight them. God sent me to Kenya FOT to get a clear and detailed picture of how the MM evangelists work then send to Malcolm Heap the findings. That is why I write the report in a secluded place. More report tomorrow. We fasted today to serve God and pray for the FOT. Already 100 people are here. God bless. 1st October 2017. 13:43. To John: I’m curious to know how God provided for Kachapim when he had to hide in the cave in no-man’s-land between S Sudan and Uganda. I must ask him. It’s rather like Elijah’s experience. 1st October 2017. 18:03. From Rhoda: "KACHAPIM ATE FROGS, WILD FRUITS, STAGNANT WATERS, LOCUSTS AND NATURAL HERBS HE COLLECTED FROM THE OPEN FIELDS. GOD PROTECTED HIS LIFE FROM WILD ANIMALS AND DANGEROUS GANGS. THE ANGELS SURROUNDED THE CAVE FULL-TIME. GOD WILL MIGHTILY USE HIM FOR MM EVANGELISM. AFTER THE FOT HE WILL JOIN JOHN, VUGA AND MARK TO SOUTH SUDAN TO MEET HIS MUSLIM PARENTS AND EXTENDED RELATIVES FOR THREE DAYS. THEY WILL SHARE THE LOVE OF CHRIST THROUGH MM LITS. HIS COUSINS, UNCLES AND MOST MEMBERS IN HIS VILLAGE WILL ACCEPT MM TRUTH. THROUGH GOD'S HAND A MEETING HALL WILL BE BUILT THERE SIMILAR TO MARK'S PLACE AND THE MM TRUTH WILL SPREAD AND SPREAD." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Our Hopes For Financial Help Dashed2nd October 2017. 9:19. From Mustafa: Those our two brothers who went to Qatar are dead. They were found with a holy Bible and two MM lits Why Jesus? when they landed in Saudi Arabia and they got burnt [they got killed and their bodies burnt]. Our hope of them bringing money is dashed. Thanks. [See also the angels’ message about this on page 66.] 11:06. Reply: Thanks for letting me know. Where did this atrocity take place? Town? One of God's greatest miracles is to raise the dead... Death is not the end. It's often the beginning. 3rd October 2017. 10:03. From Mustafa: It was near Rafha town. May God's will come to pass. God bless. Reply: Thanks. If God doesn't intend to bring the two Saudis back from the dead this week, He can still do it later, if that is His plan. It is not for us to know His plan, just to keep trusting Him to work things out, which He will. Comment: God didn’t raise them from the dead at that time. But He may have that in His sights for the future, because of what the angels said earlier, which raised our hopes of financial help. 0Later, in November, the angels explained to Rhoda why God would not allow that money to be used for His Work: 21st November 2017. 8:27. From Rhoda: "GOD BLOCKED THE MONEY THAT WAS TO SUPPORT THE HOSTEL PROJECT BECAUSE IT WAS DIRTY MONEY. THE BROTHERS WHO OFFERED TO DONATE IT GOT IT FROM A BAD BUSINESS, TERRORISM. GOD REFUSED IT AND ALL DIED. GOD CANNOT ACCEPT UNTIDY [IMPURE] SACRIFICE. GOD PROMISED TO EMPOWER THE REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS WITH MONEY TO SUPPORT ALL MM ACTIVITIES. ..." 7 Angels have said to me now. God will fund the hostel project some other way. When one plan fails, God has another option. We have to wait for Him to work it out. |
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