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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 12 |
155Ukerewe Island Magic Powers
I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you (Luke 10:19).
God was drawing Mustafa, to give him another sight of His power: 19th July 2017. 17:42. From Mustafa: I am from South Sudan. I’ll not answer those questions now for I fear our chief trainer who lives in Ukerewe Island in Tanzania and uses the great magic power that he uses to know MM plans can kill me. If you can’t help me then let me commit suicide and die. Even now Juma Madu Mwawenge a great magician who lives at the water shores in Ukerewe has known that I am engaging you. 19:21. Reply: How do you know that he knows you are in contact with me? If we had £560 we could travel there tomorrow and God will finish him off. 19:43. From Mustafa: He has warned me. He uses a big snake to inform him of all the secrets. He really hates a person called Malcolm and John Ongoro and has been planning to kill the duo. 19:54. To Mustafa: 7 minutes after your e-mail to me tonight, I received this message from one of our faithful people in Kenya: 19th July 2017. 17:49. From Rhoda: GOD HAS REVEALED TO ME NOW THROUGH THE 7 ANGELS THAT THE MM ATTACKERS HAVE BEEN USING AFRICAN MAGIC POWERS TO DETECT MM ACTIVITIES AND PLANS. THEIR GREAT MAGICIAN LIVES NEAR A WATER SOURCE. THAT IS THE MESSAGE PROPHET MARK RECEIVED ABOUT THE EVANGELISM WORK TO UKEREWE ISLAND. GOD MUST FINISH THAT BAD MAGICIAN. LET JOHN AND VUGA MOVE OUT TOMORROW. JOHN TO PICK UP VUGA AT MAKUTANO NEAR MUSOMA. AT LEAST £560 IS REQUIRED FOR UKEREWE MISSION. 7 Angels have said that to me. If we had that £560 we could go, but we don't have that money at present. However, don't worry about your life. The magician's powers are not greater than God's powers with us. So, just ask God in the name of Jesus Christ to protect you from that man's evil power, and God will protect you. I will do it now for you: “Father in heaven, Great God Almighty, you own all things; You created the earth and all life upon it; all power in heaven and earth is yours. Please protect us from any curse from Juma Madu Mwawenge, and look after Mustafa that he may learn your wonderful ways upon earth. Thank you, in Jesus' name." Don't commit suicide. That's a sin. It won't help you. 19:58. To Mustafa: The snake is a physical manifestation of Satan, the arch-enemy of God. Satan is behind all the evil in the world. That's why he hates us, because we oppose his evils and represent God in the region, bringing the truth of God to people so they can come to know Him as the loving God that He really is. 19th July 2017. 19:48. From Mustafa: I really long to see him dead. But to kill him, his big snake that lives in the lake must be killed first. I have no money to offer to you for the trip but by moving there and killing him, many Christians will be freed from fear of being beheaded. 20:06. Reply: Killing him is no problem for God. The snake would have no powers over us because of the 7 powerful angels who travel with us. All we need is the physical means to get there. That's in the human domain. God fixes what is in the spiritual domain, but He expects humans to fix what is in the physical domain. So we will have to wait for the money to come before we can go to deal with that evil guy. Meanwhile, don't worry about your safety. You'll be OK as you put your trust in God through Jesus' name. 19th July 2017. 20:02. From Mustafa: I’ll only accept not to be afraid when I hear that he is dead, but now no no no. 20:03. From Mustafa: Thanks very much. Yes Satan is bad. 20:16. Reply: I know how you feel, but it is essential to counter your fear. It is an act of the will. One makes oneself resist the fear by exercising one's will against the inner fear. This is important to do because Satan in that snake has power over people to subdue them through fears. Satan injects fear into people. That's why he creates situations that cause people to fear, and as people open up to those fears (like fear of man, fear of being harmed, fear of what other people think of us, etc), then he has power to influence them and subjugate them. Through such means Satan dominates people. So, exercise resistance to that fear, and the guy won't be able to harm you. OK? You can do it. You were a gunman, a fighter, so you know fearful situations, but you learned to exercise your will in those situations. You saw how God obliterated your comrades in arms. John did not fear. That's why God used him and he was not harmed in the skirmish. You raked our van with gunfire, but John was not harmed, nor was the van. The hail of bullets bounced off by God's protective power, unseen but very real because of the invisible angels. 20:17. From Mustafa: You don't know the way he is powerful. If it is God leading you then He should not have denied you money to move and destroy that bad man's kingdom. Meaning that God can not provide only only only £560? It is sad. That person has a lot of money. 20:35. Reply: I DO know of his power, but what you have not seen is the power of God to deal with these witchdoctors. John can tell you all about the IMMENSE power of God that manifested to wipe out many witchdoctors and many evil people who supported them in Sukuma land some months ago when the MM van went there. No witchdoctor can stand in the way of God. As I said, £560 is not God's responsibility to provide. It's man's. And man has let us down by not doing as God asked. Where there is disobedience to God, there is a curse or lack. Is it God's fault there is famine in the world? No. It's man's fault. Why? Because man has been living in disobedience to God's laws ever since mankind was created upon earth. And that disobedience has led to all the curses and suffering we see in the world. It is not God's fault there is poverty. Poverty is also a result of disobeying God's ways. We are poor, not because of disobedience to God, but because others are disobedient to God who should be supporting us in this outreach. The few supporters we have have shelled out all their money and lifetime's savings to fund these missions and so now we are effectively penniless. But that is no reflection upon God. It's not His failure. It's man's failure. God has to wait for man to respond to Him. When man does not respond in the time allotted, God then wipes man out. That's why civilisations have died out in the past, and why this present civilisation is doomed also, without Christ. Jesus Christ is the only hope for the world. That's why Satan hates us and attacks us, because Jesus comes with us on our trips. So, don't worry about that witchdoctor. He's small fry compared with the power of Jesus. You've not seen a madrassa blown up by Him, but about a year ago several terrorist training camps in various countries were supernaturally destroyed by God's firebolts, lightning, thunder and earthquake when MM vans visited them and placed a Faith booklet outside. It's far, far greater power than Satan can muster! So, don't fear that snake. Just have reverence for God, and He will be on your side. 20:24. From Mustafa: I am the one who shot at the driver but another man jumped on to the steering wheel like a commando and drove off. The van threw back hot balls of fire. The van had powerful bullet proof coating. The balls of fire from the van burnt my colleagues as I ran away for help. If it was God who did that, then I trust now that reaching to Ukerewe is no problem and getting £560 is no big deal. 20:39. Reply: That's who it was. It was God Almighty. He goes with us. His name is Jesus, the Christ. (He is a mystery to the world!) 20th July 2017. 6:51. From Mustafa: Great, I am watching. I’ll give you full testimony. 10:12. I sent him the text of Why Is Jesus Lord? 10:14. His reply: Thank you. I am reading it. The needed money was raised.] 20th July 2017. 12:26. From Rhoda: "THE MAGICIAN IN UKEREWE IS PLANNING TO USE HIS MAGIC POWERS TO BLOCK JOHN AND VUGA REACHING THERE BUT HIS DAYS ARE NUMBERED. LET JOHN AND VUGA MOVE, MOVE, MOVE OUT TONIGHT." 7 Angels have said that to me. 20th July 2017. 12:30. From Mustafa: It is a great book. I want to share with you a secret, if you want to get the great powerful Ukerewe magic man then tomorrow noon must get you there. He is planning to get under the lake to prepare even more dangerous charms, and he planned to move out on Friday evening. 13:43. Reply: How does he get under the lake? 14:18. Mustafa: He drinks some charm then changes into a crocodile and swims in to the lake. He is truly powerful. Comment: That’s what the magician claims. Huh! 21st July 2017. 14:34. From John: A big group is trying to block us from entering the target home. God bless. 14:40. Reply: cc Rhoda: Looks like it's a job for the angels again to clear the way with the Faith booklets. 15:10. Further reply: You did extremely well to get there in the time, by driving overnight. So, where does this magician live? What is the village called? 21st July 2017. 19:51. From John: Nansio beach is where he lives. We have managed to get to a few MM supporters here. We are set to visit his palace at midnight. 21st July 2017. 20:26. To Mustafa: The money came in, and John and Vuga are there now. They drove all night. They are going to visit the wizard's palace in Nansio Beach at midnight. God will deal with that man and destroy him. Just wait. Are you OK? ...God bless, Malcolm The Magician Sent His Wild Animals To Attack23rd July 2017. 9:30. From John: The struggle that started on Friday has proceeded till now. God is great! The mad magician had more than one snake, crocodile and several wild birds in his compound. We managed to get in to his compound. He sent his snakes to attack us. We used Faith lits as human shields and five snakes died. He tried to strike us with thunder and instead his wife is the one that got stricken. He then plunged in to the lake and disappeared. Then crocodiles and wild birds tried to attack us but all died. This was on Friday midnight. The whole of yesterday till today morning his sons engaged us in a battle claiming that we killed their father whose body was collected from the lake and buried. God killed him. We can't move out of the island since we have no fuel and no money in the kitty. God bless. 12:32. Reply: Bob K is hopefully going to send something soon. ...The wizard, what did he do to try and strike you with a firebolt? Did he perform some demonic incantation? It must have been awfully scary being in there in the dark about midnight and having crocodiles lurching at you from out of the dark! It's amazing how the demons use these wild animals and wild birds to attack and try to harm us. Most ordinary people in the West have no idea of the satanic powers of evil that can manifest in such ways. How much do you need to get off the island and get moving? At the moment I think only £100 has been accessed and I hope will be coming shortly. [Bob sent £100 to help John get away.] 23rd July 2017. 15:11. From John: I’ll brief you once we are out. There is poor network here. Thanks. [I notified Mustafa of how God took the wizard’s life.] 23rd July 2017. 16:23. From Mustafa: I have been in hiding for he sent his foot soldiers to kill me. He is no more. Your God is great. But his elder son Mnyakaja Kajulu is still alive. Thanks. God Wipes Out The Wizard’s Son and His Wife23rd July 2017. 18:22. From John: We are still in the island. His bad bad son too uses magic to harass people, his father trained him. He has taken head on blocking our way out. We trust God to wipe him off tonight God willing. 23rd July 2017. 18:36. From Rhoda: "LET JOHN AND VUGA NOT LEAVE THE ISLAND TILL THE DEAD MAGICIAN'S SON AND THE SON'S WIFE ARE KILLED BY GOD. GOD IS DELIVERING HIS PEOPLE IN UKEREWE. AN ADDITIONAL £430 TO REACH THEM BY TOMORROW NOON TO HELP THEM MOVE OUT AFTER THE GREAT GOD'S MISSION." 7 Angels have said to me now. 024th July 2017. 8:48. To John: 25239808. Moneygram. £197 sent by Bob. We don’t have any more at present, but Bob gets his wages tomorrow, so some of that should be coming to you tomorrow to make up the figure of £430 the angels stipulated. I presume God killed the wizard’s son and the son’s wife last night. They would be the ones sending soldiers after Mustafa to kill him. 24th July 2017. 10:21. From John: Yes his wife died. He is still alive but we trust God will put him in our hands through MM Faith lits... 24th July 2017. 17:06. From John: We will be visiting the magician's son's home at midnight. Pray for us. 18:36. Reply: Yes. Will do... 25th July 2017. 6:42. From John: Thanks Will... God honoured the MM Faith lits and the son is no more. At midnight he came with four black cats and cursed us with death spells. We came out of the van and faced him with opened Faith lits. He screamed as loud as possible crying of his eyes being burnt. The black cats died instantly. He too laid down dead. We can’t move out due to less money in hand, God bless. The Tunisia brothers can’t fetch water from the well due to lack of pump to push it up. I trust that our God is working out ways. 25th July 2017. 9:47. From John: ...Thanks to God Will. I have collected it [the money sent]. Now we have to move on as fast as we can for the village is in mourning. We shall move up to where God will get us. God bless. 25th July 2017. 16:44. From John: Thanks Will, we have just arived in Mwanza using MV Clarias ferry. We shall fuel the van here then move on. 25th July 2017. 16:51. From Rhoda: "THE VAN IS IN MWANZA. YOUTHS CHANTING ANTI-MM SONGS ARE TARGETING THE MM CHRISTIANS IN UKEREWE ISLAND BUT GOD'S ANGELS ARE ALL OVER PROTECTING HIS PEOPLE." 7 Angels have said to me now. 25th July 2017. 16:54. From Mustafa: Today I am free with no fear for he [the magician Juma Madu Mwawenge] is dead. You serve God truly. Thanks. The Angels Provide Vital Information26th July 2017. 18:15. From Rhoda: [I asked John about some bank statements I need.] "JOHN SHOULD SEND THEM AFTER ELECTIONS IN KENYA THROUGH THE POST OFFICE. MM OPPOSERS ARE PLANNING TO USE THE KENYAN ELECTION TO BADLY ATTACK JOHN AND MARK. GOD THROUGH THE 7 ANGELS PLEADS WITH THE REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO SEND AT LEAST £500 TO JOHN FOR THE WATER BILL IN TUNISIA NOW, TO SEND ANOTHER £450 FOR PURCHASE OF A SIMPLE SOLAR DRIVEN PUMP TO HELP TUNISIA BROTHERS COLLECT WATER. GOD WILL MIGHTILY PROTECT JOHN AND MARK. AT LEAST £300 TO REACH JOHN FOR A GOOD PHONE THAT CAN SEND AND READ PDF. THIS HE WILL USE TO SEND VITAL INFORMATION DURING KENYA ELECTIONS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 26th July 2017. 18:32. From Rhoda: About Mustafa Rajab Kaki. JOHN AND VUGA ARE URGENTLY REQUIRED TO MOVE TO SOUTH SUDAN TOMORROW THURSDAY NIGHT TO MEET MUSTAFA AND RECORD HIS TESTIMONY AND FINER SECRETS AND SEND TO MALCOLM BEFORE KENYAN ELECTION. MUSTAFA IS NOT EDUCATED HENCE HE USES A MUSLIM WHO IS AN MM OPPOSER TO WRITE FOR HIM MESSAGES WHICH HE SENDS TO MALCOLM. THIS IS EXPOSING MM TO ITS ENEMIES. THAT’S WHY HE TAKES LONG TO ANSWER QUESTIONS FROM MALCOLM. JOHN AND VUGA MUST MOVE FAST THEN HELP MUSTAFA CHANGE HIS E-MAIL ADDRESS. THIS IS VERY VERY VERY URGENT. ONLY £400 IS ENOUGH FOR TO AND FRO. JOHN TO COME WITH HIM TO KENYA, HE HAS A LOT OF INFORMATION. IF THE VAN HAS EVEN A LITTLE FUEL IN IT, THEN LET THEM START MOVING OUT NOW, NOW, NOW TO SOUTH SUDAN, FOR MUSTAFA IS PLANNING TO TAKE THE QUESTIONS WHICH MALCOLM ASKED HIM TO HIS MUSLIM NEIGHBOUR TO HELP READ OUT TO HIM BEFORE HE ANSWERS. LET MALCOLM INFORM MUSTAFA NOT TO WRITE TO HIM AND WAIT FOR THE MM VAN TO COLLECT HIM TO A BETTER PLACE. URGENT, URGENT, URGENT. 7 Angels have said that to me now. 28th July 2017. 16:08. To John: Does Vuga have a scar or scars on his head from where the bullet or bullets hit him? Just curious. 28th July 2017. 18:31. From John: Thanks Will. We have safely arrived. Yes Vuga has a scar on the left cheek below the ear. God bless. 29th July 2017. 17:50. From John: Thanks to God, we are set to move out of South Sudan tonight back to Kenya. 30th July 2017. 19:03. From John: Thanks to God. We have safely arrived home. Now I want to start jotting down all the information our friend wants to tell us. 30th July 2017. 19:10. From Rhoda: "JOHN, VUGA AND MUSTAFA ARE BACK TO KENYA. NOW JOHN SHOULD RECORD ALL THE VITAL INFORMATON MUSTAFA WILL GIVE TO HIM. AT LEAST THE £500 AND MONEY FOR PUMP TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR THE WATER DRILLERS IN TUNISIA ARE UNDER PRESSURE TO ALSO PAY THEIR LABOURERS. IT IS VERY URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 31st July 2017. 9:07. To John: 84307667. Moneygram £450 from Bob, for the solar powered pump in Tunisia. It has emptied us... I recall the words of the angels some months ago about violence surrounding the elections in Kenya, and that you need to stock up on food. I hope some money can be found for this some time this week, but we are all struggling to cope financially. 1st August 2017. 15:50. From John: Thanks a lot Will. [Thanks to Vivian and Joy for the money!] The 500 went to the water drillers yesterday and for pump today. I have recorded a lot of information from our brother here. [Mustafa.] Kenyan politics is taking worst shape, only God can save us. God bless. 1st August 2017. 20:04. From Rhoda: "THE KENYA PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS WILL TURN CHAOTIC. JOHN SHOULD STOCK ENOUGH FOOD, MARK LIKEWISE. FROM TOMORROW JOHN SHOULD START DOING SO. THE WATER DRILLERS IN TUNISIA SHOULD RECEIVE THE NEXT £500 ON THURSDAY MORNING THIS WEEK. AT LEAST £395 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW MORNING FOR STOCKING OF FOOD BEFORE ELECTIONS NEXT WEEK." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 1st August 2017. 22:12. Comment: I'm very annoyed with this money situation. We are struggling. And the reason is not a fault of ours; it's the fault of others who should be helping by doing what God asks but they don't. I don't know what on earth is wrong with them that they can't provide some desperately needed support when they have plenty of dosh for what THEY want to do, but precious little if any for what GOD wants to do. That is idolatry of a most pitiful kind and if such selfishness, fears, unbelief and other wrong traits are not dealt with SOON, they won't be saved. God has waited more than a YEAR for them to get moving, but still they sit like dumplings, ready for the oven. 2nd August 2017. 17:56. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £500 FOR THE WATER DRILLERS TO REACH JOHN BY TOMORROW MORNING, THEN THE NEXT £1000 ON SUNDAY SO THAT BY TUESDAY WHEN KENYA GOES INTO CHAOTIC ELECTIONS IS WHEN THE BILL IS COMPLETED. THERE WILL BE NO MOVEMENT IN KENYA FROM TUESDAY EVENING. KILLINGS HAVE STARTED, PEOPLE RUNNING FROM TOWNS TO SAFER PLACES LIKE RURAL HOMES. AT LEAST ADDITIONAL £300 TO REACH JOHN FOR STOCKING OF MORE FOOD FOR THE DAYS AHEAD WILL BE EVEN WORSE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 4th August 2017. Comment: Nigel was able to send the needed £300... 4th August 2017. 16:04. From Rhoda: "THE TUNISIA BROTHERS NEED TWO BATTERIES TO DRIVE THE PUMP THROUGH SOLAR POWER. AT LEAST £488 IS ENOUGH FOR THE TWO BATTERIES." 7 Angels have said. 5th August 2017. 17:47. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £500 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW MORNING, AND THE REMAINING £500 ON MONDAY MORNING FOR THE WATER DRILLERS IN TUNISIA SO THAT THE BILL IS SETTLED BEFORE TUESDAY VOTING DAY IN KENYA. IT IS VERY VERY VERY URGENT." 7 Angels have said to me now. Mustafa’s Story6th August 2017. 13:29. From Mustafa: "My names are Mustafa Rajab Kaki, from Juba, South Sudan. My father Kaki Ngurawe died in the year 2001 due to the long civil war in South Sudan. My mother I was told died just immediately after giving birth to me in the year 1977. I didn’t go to school. I got enrolled into civilian army at a tender age of 13 yrs old. I first heard about MM through Riek Mojong who tried on several occasions to get me saved but I couldn’t. By the way, Riek is my uncle on my mother's side. I started fighting Riek and called him names including devil worshipper. As I fought Riek, I joined hands with people like Lukas Ogada, Opith Kennedy, Ondigo Nimrod, Dorothy Alex, John Nandi, Nyasirwa, Fatuma. All the above were getting information about MM activities through a magician called Juma Madu Mwawenge who lived in Nansio Beach in Ukerewe Island in Tanzania. He used a big snake to foretell all MM plans and activities. The late powerful doctor feared MM and did not want MM to spread in Afrika. We received finances through wealthy Qatar and Saudi Arabia millionaires who were not happy with Muslim brothers turning to Christianity through MM efforts. We got paid by Lukas. The main aim was to portray MALCOLM and John Ongoro as greatest hypocrites so that MM activities could come to an end in Africa. We had known that John Ongoro was directly anointed by God so we tried to kill him so that MM activities would end. I am ready to lead John to Qatar and Saudi Arabia to destroy the financiers of MM opposers. God bless, Thank you. 14:34. Reply: Questions I have at the moment are: 1. Who are the financiers in Qatar and Saudi Arabia who fund the opponents of MM to try and kill us? 2. Do you know the name of the banker who fabricated false bank statements in John’s name and the name of Antony Otete, to make out that there was a link between John and MM opponents? Those fraudulent bank statements were sent to me by e-mail and have misled others to think that John is a con man. They have caused us a lot of grief and expense in time and money. Thanks. 6th August 2017. 15:03. From Mustafa: 1. ...They use nicknames, the father is called Bin Rashid and his son Bin Khalifan. These are the names they are referred to. 2. The Bank statement deal was the brainchild of all the former members of MM who left MM because of lack of money. A worker of Standard Chartered Bank who died last year was bought [bribed] to fake a bank statement linking John Ongoro and Antony Otete. The statement was sent to all known MM financiers. The aim was to block all support coming to John Ongoro. We planned to make Malcolm mistrust John and all African MM supporters. Get it from me, it was false, God killed the banker who did that. Antony Otete who accepted to be a link to destroy MM through that means is a well known con man who has links with both national and international banks. 15:25. Reply: Thanks Mustafa. 1. Which country are Bin Rashid and Bin Khalifan living in? 2. Do you know the name of the banker who was bribed by the gang to compile fake bank statements to try and bring John Ongoro into disrepute? 3. Do you know any more about him? Where he lived? What bank he worked for? How he died? 4. Do you know where Antony Otete is at the moment? 5. What branch of Standard Chartered Bank did the fraudster banker work in? Do you know the town the country and the bank's address or location? 6. In what way do you mean that Antony Otete had links with national and international banks? Do you mean they accommodated him knowingly as a con man? Or merely that he used their services without knowing he was a con man? Thanks. 6th August 2017. 18:00. From Mustafa: 1. Bin Rashid and Bin Khalifan live in Saudi Arabia but do business in Qatar and other oil producing middle east countries. 2. I only knew that there was a deal with a banker but his names were kept private by the great witchdoctor who gave us African charms that were used to confuse the banker. 3. The Banker complained of strong fever with the whole body burning at a very high temperature, he dies. I didn’t know his home. 5. Branch of the bank was kept secret for most of us, it was only known to the witchdoctor and Otete. 4. I don’t know Otete's home or where he lives currently. What I can freely advise you is to destroy all those bank statements from Otete for it was a great plan to create a big separation between you and John. Please Malcolm if I may ask you a simple question, ever since you have sent money to John and instructed him to send it to other MM brethrens, did John ever fail to do that and instead use the money for himself? Throw away all the allegations Antony Otete plus his team have been sending to you. I was in the bad team and our aim was to tear MM apart in Africa. Even if I die now, my God will forgive me because I have shared with both you Malcolm Heap and John Ongoro the big secret. We wanted John Ongoro to send to you a statement from his bank account which our witchdoctor had given us charm to use to change it and make it look like what we had sent to you through Otete, but 7 bright Angels blocked our plans by killing most people in our team plus the witchdoctor. 6. He is Otete who boasts openly that he is connected. I can’t prove that. It is why he was given the task to prepare and send the statement to you. 18:54. Reply: Thanks, Mustafa, for the extra info. It helps to clarify the situation and what has taken place. John has always been faithful in disbursing money to other MM workers who need help. He has never put himself first. He has at times hindered himself by giving to others some of what he should have retained. He is trustworthy, yes, I know. That's why God assigned him the responsibility of handling and disbursing any money for the outreach. About what you wrote below: << Even if I die now, my God will forgive me because, I have shared with both you Malcolm Heap and John Ongoro the big secret. >> Yes, you have done well, and God has already forgiven you for all that took place, and as you remain faithful to Him He will watch over you for good. 7. << We wanted John Ongoro to send to you a statement from his Bank account which our witch doctor had given us charm to use to change it look like what we had sent to you through Otete but 7 bright Angels blocked our plans by killing most people in our team plus the witch doctor.>> That is interesting. Do you know the names of those whom God killed for trying to subvert MM's outreach? And who was the witchdoctor? Where did he live? And when did this take place? Thanks again. God Has Done “Great Work” With MM Lit6th August 2017. 18:12. From Rhoda: MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, IGNORE ALL INFORMATION FROM ANTONY OTETE AND ANY OTHER PERSON WRITING NEGATIVE INFORMATION ABOUT JOHN ONGORO. WHY? BY CREATING A RIFT BETWEEN YOU, MM FINANCIAL SUPPORTERS AND JOHN ONGORO THEY ARE SURE NO ONE ELSE WILL TRUST THE GREAT WORK GOD HAS DONE THROUGH MM LITS EVANGELISM. DESTROY OTETE'S STATEMENTS AND DO NOT GET DISTURBED WITH IT AND ABOUT IT. GOD HAS SURELY DONE WONDERS THROUGH MM LITS. JOHN HAS REMAINED FIRM AND DILIGENT IN MM LITS EVANGELISM. GOD IS HAPPY AND WILL PUNISH ANY ONE OPPOSING MM WORK. 7 Angels have said that to me now. 18:45. Reply: Yes, indeed! That is what I understood. It has confirmed my conclusions too, that the objective was to undermine my confidence in John... Mustafa Provides Information6th August 2017. 19:33. From Mustafa: 7. The list is long. In the last case where we were nine in number, we hit [shot] Vuga in Chad but all the eight died leaving only me... The witchdoctor was called Juma Madu Mwawenge. He lived in Ukerewe Island, Tanzania. God killed him late last month. Monday 7th August 2017. 11:21. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £200 TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR KAKI TO LEAVE NOW TO SAUDI ARABIA WHERE GOD IS GOING TO USE HIM TO GIVE JOHN DETAILS OF THE FINANCIERS OF MM OPPOSERS. AFTER ELECTIONS THE VAN HEADS THERE TO TAKE MM LITS AND DESTROY THAT BASE. VERY URGENT, MALCOLM. AT LEAST £200 TO REACH JOHN NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. |
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