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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 12 |
154‘Holy’ Water In Tunisia
I will stand before you there on the rock... you shall strike the rock, and water will come out of it, that the people may drink (Exodus 17:6).
God Creates A New Water Supply5th July 2017. 10:11. From Rhoda: GOD IS PLEASED WITH MM EVANGELISM IN TUNISIA AND HAS PROVIDED A PERMANENT WATER TABLE TO MM BROTHERS. JOHN WILL HAVE TO TRAVEL TO TUNISIA AND SEE THE MODALITIES OF DEVELOPING IT. 7 angels have said that to me now. 5th July 2017. 12:43. From Rhoda: MALCOLM, THERE IS AN ORGANISED GROUP TRYING TO WRITE LETTERS FROM UGANDA AND TANZANIA REQUESTING FOR LITS. THEY ARE MASQUERADING AS EVANGELISTS YET ARE CON PEOPLE WITH THE AIM TO ROCK MM. 7 Angels have said that to me now. John And Vuga Drive To Tunisia9th July 2017. 10:23. From John: I got blocked in Niger, but through God's hands I managed to convince the group and move on. I'm crossing in to Algeria now. God bless. I got held for four hours and all the remaining money in the van, £68, they took claiming that it was illegal to travel at night. I'm left with nothing to take to my brothers in Tunisia. 11:54. Reply: That's tough. God will have to help us. 12:06. I hope they didn't steal all the MM lit either. 9th July 2017. 13:15. From John: They checked, opened the lits but didn't take even one. 13:44. Reply: Thanks. That's good that they didn't take any lit. We're trying to see if something can be found. Was this a gang of gunmen – bandits – who held you up, or were they Niger police? 9th July 2017. 13:52. From John: I just guess that they followed us from South Sudan because one called me “Malcolm, we are with you,” just when they saw the MM lits. They were not police. God bless. 14:19. Reply: That's that blasted brother of Stefano, Nathan Bieng, and his gang of thugs. 9th July 2017. 13:58. From Nathan Bieng: You lied that you don't live in Kenya and how comes we trailed your car from Kenya to Niger? Malcolm stop your tricks. Now you are in Algeria heading towards Tunisia. We have only gotten 68, but we need your head. Okay. 14:22. Reply: If you want my head, you'll have to come to the UK. That is not me in the van. It's someone else. 9th July 2017. 14:30. From Bieng: Stop your tricks. Which UK? stop it, we must get your stupid head. 15:05. Reply: United Kingdom of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, silly! Come and get me! You're chasing the wrong person in the van. That's not me. I'm white, not black. You're not sane, are you? 15:45. His inane reply: We can even see the van at a distance. Stop it Malcolm you are a black. Idiot 9th July 2017. 15:17. To Khalifa in Tunisia: John has been making his way to you but got ambushed in Niger and robbed by the gang that has been chasing him all the way from S Sudan. So the original plan to be with you yesterday was ruined. They held him up at gunpoint for 4 hours and I have only just heard from him. I don’t know when he left. He is presently in Algeria, but with no money, and with our financial state being empty, I don’t know what we are going to do. God has to work something out, because humanly we can’t. 9th July 2017. 15:54. From Rhoda: "HE [Nathan Bieng] WILL MEET HIS DEATH. THEY HAVE BEEN TRAILING JOHN BUT 7 ANGELS ARE SURROUNDING THE MM VAN. JOHN HAS NOTHING CALLED MONEY. AT LEAST £350 TO REACH JOHN, 100 FOR TUNISIA BROTHERS, AND 250 FOR FUEL AND MILK AND WATER." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 9th July 2017. 17:47. To John: When those bandits robbed you, did you have all the money on you? Did you hide some of it in a secret place in the van? Did they try to shoot you and find that their guns jammed? Since they want to kill us, I just wondered why they didn’t try to shoot you last night. Or when was the attack if not last night? 9th July 2017. 18:23. From John: They pretended to be traffic police and when we stopped they ordered us to open the van doors. They checked the lits opened them and dropped back. [The power of the Spirit!] They ransacked the van, and took the money behind the driver’s seat. Two of them held guns to our foreheads. Two men opened the lits, and it is when one of them pointed at me and called me Malcolm. Since it’s a long journey I invited Vuga to accompany me since he is a good driver. God bless. 9th July 2017. 19:47. From Rhoda: "THE GANG WILL TRY TO BLOCK THE VAN ON THEIR WAY BACK TO KENYA FROM TUNISIA. THAT’S WHEN GOD WILL KILL THREE OF THEM.” 7 Angels have said to me that now. 9th July 2017. 19:51. From Nathan Bieng: Okay you are omnipresent. We shall wait for the same van you used on your way back to kenya and bomb it. You cant joke with us. You dog. 20:42. Reply: Ha! You won't succeed, because you are fighting God, who IS omnipresent. 10th July 2017. 13:56. From John in Tunisia: We have arrived safely. God is great. We have linked with our brothers here. God Gives Instructions About The Rock11th July 2017. 10:10. From Rhoda: "LET JOHN PLUS THE TUNISIA TEAM PLACE THE SAND AND MM FAITH LIT ON THE BIG ROCK 50M FROM KHALIFA’S HOUSE. IT SHOULD BE LEFT TILL MIDNIGHT TODAY. A LOT OF WATER IS UNDERNEATH THE ROCK. ONLY £2950 IS REQUIRED TO DRILL IT AND USE IT. KHALIFA IS TO CALL THE WATER DRILLERS TODAY SO THAT JOHN CAN BARGAIN WITH THEM, FOR THE WORK SHOULD BE OVER AND WATER BE AVAILABLE BY SATURDAY THIS WEEK. THE WATER WILL HELP A GREAT DEAL." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 10:44. Comment: This sand the angels mention is sand that John and the team were told to collect when they were in Qatar the year before. They were told to bring it back and bury it in a jar just outside Mark's place. God does some mysterious things sometimes. The sand is a reminder that the Qatari funded terrorists cannot invade Mark's land because it is God's land, and it is a physical reminder, a sign from God, that He watches over His possessions on earth. The angels protect and guard where the sand has been placed. Perhaps it is there as a reminder to demons that it is under God's protection and they are not to meddle there, and that they cannot have sovereignty in that area. 11th July 2017. 12:36. From John: Thanks to God. We have done as per the Angelic message. We are now engaging the drillers, negotiating the bill for this great work. 13:17. From John: We have negotiated and they have accepted to do it at £2550. God bless. 14:28. Reply: That's good. However, we just don't have any money, so it would be stupid of me to say 'go ahead’ when we haven't got the funds. Obviously, if we had the funds, they could proceed and the job would be finished by Saturday. But, since we have nothing, we will have to wait till either funds come in or we get a promise from someone that they can fund it, or God shows us another option. God bless. 11th July 2017. 14:38. From John: Thanks Will... I’ll now inform the drillers to leave... But sincerely water need is a big issue here. God bless. The Well Water Will Have Influences11th July 2017. 17:02. From Rhoda: "THE WATER FROM THE WELL IN TUNISIA WILL BE OF GREAT IMPORTANCE. IT IS MEDICINAL AS THE SINNERS WHO DRINK IT WILL TURN TO GOD. IT WILL BE FOR BAPTISM ALSO. AT LEAST £550 TO REACH JOHN FOR THE WORK TO START BEFORE JOHN LEAVES FOR KENYA. JOHN IS PLANNING TO START MOVING BACK HOME BUT THE VOICE OF GOD ALMIGHTY SAYS, HE MUST WAIT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: I explained to John that we had no money available yet, so he would have to wait before returning till money comes in, maybe several days. 11th July 2017. 17:59. From Nathan Bieng: You are in Tunisia meeting our Muslim brothers, giving them books but dont do any project there for example building a church, building water plant. For we will bomb them. 19:19. Reply: If you try to bomb them, our God will 'bomb' you, and you will die, so GET LOST, for the last time! 12th July 2017. 9:29. From John: The conditions here are hostile for Christians and surely our brothers here are greatly tried. God bless. 12th July 2017. 15:07. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £550 TO REACH JOHN SO THAT THE DRILLING TO START TOMORROW AND SABBATH TO FIND WHEN SOME WATER IS IN THE WELL. A TEAM WILL ATTACK THEM IN THE SABBATH MEET, AND WATER FROM THE WELL, WHEN SPRINKLED ON THE ATTACKERS, ALL WILL LOSE THEIR EYESIGHT AND WILL GIVE OUT ALL IMPORTANT INFORMATION CONCERNING THE ATTACKERS’ PLANS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: The above proposed scenario was what the angels said would happen IF the money was found. But it was not found, so the timetable and events altered. Holdup With Money12th July 2017. 17:46. From John: I have delivered the message, MM lits to our Tunisia brothers, now their work is to go on with the great mission of spreading the good news through MM evangelism. I feel that God will help in this water issue at his appointed time. Today we have been visited by several Muslim people who got attracted by the presence of the van here, they were concerned that maybe we want to build a church here. They left but looked bitter. Will, I feel that with the £100 that I gave these our brothers they should go on with Evangelism work as we too move back to face the attackers who promised to block us on our way back. God bless. 12th July 2017. 18:12. From Rhoda: "JOHN SHOULDN'T BE WORRIED, GOD WILL PROVIDE MONEY FOR THE WELL IN TUNISIA. GOD WILL HONOUR MM FAITH LITS WHEN THE ATTACKERS WHO BLOCKED THE WAY FOR THE VANS IN NIGER WILL MEET THEIR DEATH WHEN THEY TRY TO ATTACK THE VAN. BECAUSE THE WATER PROJECT CANNOT START IMMEDIATELY, JOHN AND VUGA SHOULD MOVE BACK TO ACCOMPLISH THAT GREAT MISSION IN NIGER. AT LEAST £350 TO REACH JOHN TO ALLOW THEM TO MOVE OUT TOMORROW MORNING. JOHN IS WORRIED BUT LET EUNICE NOT SELL THEIR ONLY LAND. GOD IS SENDING MONEY NOW, NOW, NOW." 7 Angels have said to me now. 12th July 2017. 18:25. From John: Thanks to God Will. I am surely feeling what the regular MM financiers are feeling now. It is true they have given all. We still don’t have source of financial support hence it is truly a big challenge. I have only my piece of land Will, this great calling is very important to me but lack of money at times stands in the way. I surely pray for God to work a miracle through our regular MM financial supporters to aid us finish God's work... 12th July 2017. 18:33. From Nathan Bieng: We sent a team to survey the place where you Malcolm is meeting our muslim brothers and they have reported to us that no project is going on there, that is good meaning that you respected our warning of yesterday. Malcolm dont do any project in Tunisia, okay? Dont ever step in Niger. If you obey those conditions then it will be well with you. Allahu Wakbar. Comment: I ignored him this time. 13th July 2017. 5:18. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MORE LETTERS BY MM OPPOSERS SOILING THE NAMES OF MM EVANGELISTS ESPECIALLY JOHN WILL REACH YOU BUT IGNORE, IGNORE, IGNORE. THEIR MAIN AGENDA OF BRINGING DOWN MM WORK IN AFRICA AND BEYOND IS STILL ON. IGNORE. SOME WILL PRETEND TO BE REQUESTING FOR THE LITS. IGNORE, IGNORE, IGNORE." 7 Angels have said to me now. Comment: We were restricted on sending money and couldn’t get money to John because of interference. 13th July 2017. 5:11. From John: Thanks. With those tough restrictions now Will, then I see ourselves stuck here. I’ll instruct Eunice to sell our land and send us money for fuel. I have no means apart from faith in our God who called us to this great mission. God will deliver us and bring down all those negative restrictions... This great work must go on whether the devil like it or not. It is God to get us out of here. God bless. 8:58. Reply: NO, DON'T SELL YOUR LAND! God said that to you yesterday, and earlier several times. I know you are willing to give up everything you own to do this Work, because of the commitment that is in you and the Commission on your life, but there is no need. God is far greater than every problem. God has promised through the angels to Rhoda time and time again that He WILL supply. There are reasons why He lets temporary setbacks hold us back. You may be held up, but not for long. There is a possibility money can come through this afternoon, so hang in there. God is working a way around these restrictions, but He will let them stay in place because it's man's system that He allows. Bob S will be in touch when he has some success, or God works out another option. God is all powerful and He can move mountains. It's more difficult to move people than mountains. 13th July 2017. 19:57. To Nathan Bieng: I don't respect your violence and evildoings. Get your bombs ready. You'll be needing them since you don't want God. 14th July 2017. 10:32. From Tunisia: One early morning I dreamt I was kneeling and I could see Israel of old. I knelt watching daily life there. Then a window frame appeared and in the window was our Lord Jesus’ face. John Ongoro sat to my right. I knew he could see the other events but I also knew only I could see Jesus’ face. Jesus spoke to me and told me he loved John. As He was focusing on his love for John a light grew brighter and brighter in my mind. Please help me to understand this powerful dream. Timothy Njoya 11:07. Reply: God is confirming again His great love for John Ongoro, because John is faithful and true. John is dedicated to God’s calling on his life, to share God's truth with all who will accept it. The light growing brighter and brighter in your mind is God’s truth which enlightens us for living. 14th July 2017. 14:49. From John: We have left Tunisia for home. I have instructed our brothers to go on with Evangelism. God will meet the water need. Comment at the time: John and Vuga were not able to leave Tunisia and begin their journey back to Kenya till this afternoon because of the monetary lack. The angels asked TWO DAYS AGO (Wed) for £350 so the van could move out the next morning, but we all have nothing except our pensions... Vuga Is Shot Dead In Chad15th July 2017. 15:51. From John: Thanks Will. We got badly attacked. They shot at Vuga. Vuga is dead. 17:39. Reply: They will not win. Place a Faith booklet on him and we will keep trusting God to raise him back to life. 17:41. When did this happen?... 15th July 2017. 18:12. From John: Today at 11.00 am after passing Kebir in Chad. Vuga became afraid and tried to drive past the attackers at a high speed but they shot at him at close range hitting the head badly. I then drove up to Fada town where Vuga passed on. I have crossed in to Sudan just now. All the £250 sent to us is over, the kitty is dry. I have placed 7 MM Faith lits on Vuga and I believe God will raise him but if not tonight we shall keep on trusting our unfailing God. God bless. 15th July 2017. 18:23. From Rhoda: "LET JOHN DO THIS AT MIDNIGHT, PLACE 7 FAITH LITS ON VUGA'S HEAD AND SPRINKLE WATER ON HIM. HE IS JUST IN A DEEP SHOCK FOLLOWING THE DEADLY ATTACK. HE IS WELL. AT LEAST £445 TO REACH JOHN TO GET THEM HOME AND VUGA BACK TO TANZANIA. THE ATTACKERS WHO TRIED TO KILL THEM ARE DEAD EXCEPT ONE WHO WILL TURN TO GOD AND ASK FOR FORGIVENESS BEFORE TUESDAY NEXT WEEK." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 16th July 2017. 10:50. To John: How are things? Is Vuga OK now? Just wondered how you are progressing. 16th July 2017. 17:30. From John: Thanks to God Will. Yes, Vuga can take water. I followed the Angels’ instruction at midnight. Vuga then started coughing. He woke up and asked for drinking water, then he slept till morning. He is still tired but out of danger. Glory be to our God. Now we are in Rumbek South Sudan moving down to Juba. God bless. 16th July 2017. 22:06. To John: Thanks for the news. Do you know how many gunmen were surrounding you at the time Vuga got shot and killed? I presume Nathan Bieng was one who died. Glad to see the end of his wickedness! 17th July 2017. 17:50. From John: Glory be to God. They were about eight or so. I don’t know whether any was spared by God. We are safely home... 18th July 2017. 19:54. From Vuga: If God is for us who can be against us? God honoured the MM Faith lits and courage that John Ongoro showed to bring me back to life. Will, we got blocked on a sharp bend, live bullets were sprayed on to the van like hailstorm. John jumped on to the steering wheel and drove away before stopping to see how our enemies cried in great pain of hot coal. In my deep sleep I saw a group of people in white shining clothes holding my head, legs and arms and shielding me from another group in red clothes. Those in white clothes overpowered those in red clothes and I found myself coughing and woke up from the deep sleep though weak. God brought me to preach the truth through MM lits evangelism. In a dream last night I saw 7 Angels commanding that I and brother John are to go to Ukerewe Island to meet the MM brethrens there and share with them more MM lits from Sunday this week and the van be serviced for that great work. God loves all MM family. Amen. God bless Work On The Well In Tunisia Begins[Some money was found and sent to John.] 17th July 2017. 17:53. From John: Thanks Will. I sent the money direct to the drillers who promised to start the work tomorrow. £16 too has gone to our Tunisia brothers. You are right I am left with no money. God bless. 18th July 2017. 16:27. From John: ...The drillers have confirmed to me that they have reached the water table. 17:32. Reply: Boy, that was quick! God must have miraculously created a new supply not far down. Do you know how much it will cost to finish the job, provide a pump and a solar panel to power the pump? Was that all agreed in the price of £2550? Or is it more now? 18th July 2017. 17:49. From John: Thanks to God. Fixing solar panel and the pump would need an extra £1450... £2550 was the drilling cost only... The Ukerewe Island Wizardry18th July 2017. 20:06. From Rhoda: "GOD WOULD WANT YOU TO KNOW HOW THE MM BROTHERS IN UKEREWE ISLAND ARE DOING. JOHN AND VUGA MUST TAKE MM LITS THERE ON SATURDAY NIGHT THIS WEEK. TWO VAN TYRES TO BE REPLACED FOR THE NOBLE MISSION. £400 FOR TYRES AND £560 FOR FUEL TO UKEREWE ISLAND IS URGENTLY NEEDED FOR THE GREAT REVIVAL. THE WATER DRILLERS IN TUNISIA ARE DOING A GOOD JOB, THEY HAVE REACHED THE WATER TABLE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 20th July 2017. 14:05. From Tunisia: The drillers are through and now arranging to leave. I told them to be in touch with John for payments. Khalifa God Spared This Gunman’s Life18th July 2017. 20:12. From Riek’s e-mail: Malcolm promise not to kill me or arrest me, then I’ll tell you a lot how we have been fighting MM progress. I am Mustafa Rajab Kaki from South Sudan. I was the only survivor when we attacked your van that travelled from Tunisia. I am only 23yrs old and would want to work for God. Thank you. 18th July 2017. 22:48. Reply: Hello Mustafa. Good to hear from you. Don't worry, we won't kill you. We don't kill anyone. It is God who kills those who fight against His Work of MM. God killed your comrades, burning them to death with hot coal. That is the punishment their evil deeds deserved. Vuga was shot in the head and died in your attack, but God raised him back to life because He has important work for him to do in spreading the Word of God contained in MM literature. Who were the other ones in your gang? What were the missions you were sent on to kill MM workers? Who employed you? Where did the finance come from to mount these attacks? Was it from Qatar or Saudi Arabia? I would appreciate as much information as possible. Thanks. ... I can connect you to John Ongoro who coordinates the MM outreach, and you can meet up with him. He will tell you the secret of 'our' power, and of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world, whom you were fighting against. John can give you some books which explain about the wonderful forgiveness for sin which is available to you, now that you want to serve the true God, not the false one whom Muslims believe in. 19th July 2017. 5:02. From John: Ukerewe is the largest island in Lake Victoria on the Tanzania side. 7:49. Reply: Yes. I remember it well. Last year the brethren were locked up in a water prison in the cold lake, left by the Muslims to slowly die. And God took you there and organised their rescue. All these exploits are deliberately engineered by God to display His ability to do anything in the demonstration of His love for His people. They are witness to the unbelievers that they have no excuse not to believe in God. 19th July 2017. 16:12. From Rhoda: "TUNISIA BROTHERS SHOULD START USING THE WATER BY TUESDAY NEXT WEEK. JOHN TO INSTRUCT THE DRILLERS TO REMAIN PATIENT AND NOT ENGAGE THE TUNISIA BROTHERS BUT WAIT FOR JOHN TO SEND THEM THEIR WAGES WHEN HE RECEIVES MONEY. THE UKEREWE ISLAND MISSION IS VERY VERY IMPORTANT. AT LEAST £650 FOR THE DRILLERS TO REACH JOHN BY TOMORROW MORNING." 7 angels have said that to me now. |
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