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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 11 |
140South Sudan Rescue Mission
Rescue me and deliver me from the hand of foreigners, whose mouth speaks lying words, and whose right hand is a right hand of falsehood (Psalm 144:11).
With £200 from Nigel, a supporter, John and the team set off in the van to South Sudan. Besides Vuga and Juma, John’s wife Eunice went on this trip. It was no pleasure jaunt! Their experiences were harrowing! 21st March 2017. 15:12. From John: With this I'm sure we shall make it to Juba God willing. We are on the move. 21st March 2017. 17:42. From John: We are blocked by armed men. The number is big. It is the only road to Riek’s home in Juba rural. Prayers. 21st March 2017. 17:54. From Rhoda: THE TEAM IS LEFT WITH ONLY 37KM TO REACH RIEK’S HOME BUT TWENTY TWO ARMED REBELS HAVE BLOCKED THEIR WAY. GOD WILL ACT. THEY MUST NOT FEAR THOUGH THE SITUATION IS HORRIFIC. IT IS TRUE WHAT THEY HAVE IN THE KITTY IS VERY LITTLE TO TAKE THEM THROUGH TOMORROW. THIS MISSION IS A GREAT LANDMARK. THEY MUST NOT FEAR. GOD WILL SURELY BLESS THEM FOR STANDING IN FAITH. GOD WILL OPEN A FINANCIAL SUPPORT. LET THE TEAM MOVE AHEAD. GOD WILL PUT THE REBELS INTO CONFUSION AT MIDNIGHT AND TOMORROW MORNING THEY WILL BE IN RIEK’S PLACE. THEY MUST NOT FEAR. GOD IS WORKING OUT WAYS TO MAKE A PERMANENT FINANCIAL SUPPORT TO MM. LET THE TEAM NOT FEAR, THIS BATTLE IS GOD'S. 7 Angels have said now. 22nd March 2017. 7:35. From John: Thanks to God Will, the big armed multitude that blocked our way attacked each other in our watch at midnight. It started with rumbling of Thunder that sent the group in to confusion, then a gun shooting spree followed [the gunmen shot and killed each other] till the road became clear and we passed. We are 1km away from Riek’s place. Will, our kitty is dry but we can't fear. We will inform you when we reach. God bless. 9:52. Nigel will be able to find something to send to you shortly from him and Fiona. Did the gunmen have balaclavas on, or face masks, or hoods? 10:07. From John: Thanks Will. Some had their faces covered while others had open faces. Thanks. God bless. 11:06. Reply: How are Riek's children? 22nd March 2017. 7:41. From Abdullah Riyadh: We have spotted these idiots in S. Sudan and for your info their life will come to an end soon. I have to destroy that your evil ministry by all means. 9:54. Reply: You are very mistaken. I don't know how you can destroy this ministry because it's not mine, it's God's. So you will have to destroy Him first. Ha! Scheme To Discredit MM By Falsifying The LitWednesday 22nd March 2017. 16:48. From John: Thanks Will. We have arrived at Riek’s and to our utmost surprise, Riek’s house is turned into a publishing unit where MM lits are being rewritten to portray MM as a devil worshipping sect. We are all ready to die here to defend the MM truth. Riek’s children Jane and Deng are nowhere... Already a group has come here chanting 'devil worshippers' to us. Just like Daniel in the lions’ den we are surrounded, but our God, the one who dictates the rising and setting of the sun, owns this battle. Stand with us in prayers for He is the great I AM who has sent us here. God bless. 17:17. Reply: Yes indeed, God will deal with them like you say! God has sent you there to put an end to this fraudulent activity that is out to denigrate God and destroy MM's credibility. The devil's design is to do just that – destroy MM's credibility and undermine God's influence. God won't let it. There has been lots of intercession today and there will be more tonight as there is EVERY DAY! Intercession opens the door for the angels to destroy the works of the devil. 17:22. From John: Amen. The number is increasing every minute. We have stood our ground even if it is death. 17:26. Reply: God will obliterate the wicked. Well, this is going to be a big one by the looks of things... I guess the SDAs have organised this mob. Vuga and Eunice Arrested and ImprisonedThursday 23rd March 2017. 8:14. From John: Many died at midnight by firebolts. Eunice and Vuga have been arrested. We are in the police station trying to get them out. 23rd March 2017. 11:59. From Abdullah Riyadh: I am the Sultan and by the power of Allah and Mohammed your ministry will be destroyed completely. 12:19. Reply: The sultan of what? 23rd March 2017. 12:24. From John: They will be taken to court tomorrow and be charged with spreading a devil worship sect. And if found guilty may face jail. We have moved back to Riek’s home to collect the MM lits which we will present at the court tomorrow as a proof that it is the opposers of MM who are interfering with MM Evangelism. We trust God to do His will. We are left with only £77. Eunice and Vuga are still put in the dock. God bless. 23rd March 2017. 12:45. To John: Why have they arrested Vuga and Eunice, but not you and Juma as well? What's happened to the opponents who worked or lived in Riek's home? 13:02. From John: Some died when God descended on them at midnight in fire bolts but the few that remained disappeared. Thanks. God bless. 23rd March 2017. 12:40. From Rhoda: THE BATTLE IS GOD'S. VUGA AND EUNICE ARE KEPT BEHIND BARS. GOD CAN'T BE DEFEATED. THE JUDGE KIMAJUNG RIROMUM HAS BEEN BRIBED AND WILL DEMAND £15,000 BEFORE RELEASING THEM. LET JOHN WRAP £3700 IN MM FAITH LIT AND PRESENT TO THE JUDGE WHO WILL DIE INSTANTLY. JOHN IS TO TAKE THE MONEY AND SEND £2000 TO MARK FOR THE WATER PROJECT, £1000 TO THE TUNISIA BROTHERS FOR THE FEAST AHEAD AND USE £700 FOR FUEL BACK HOME... AT LEAST £3700 TO REACH JOHN NOW OR TOMORROW MORNING FOR THE COURT SITTING IS TOMORROW AT 2 P.M. 7 Angels have said that to me now. 23rd March 2017. 13:07. From John: It is the massive death that the judge used to condemn Eunice and Vuga, who were found with the copies of counterfeit MM Faith lits, as a devil worship sect. Over 27 people died, no gun wounds. Firebolts descended on them at midnight. The judge stressed on death at midnight in his judgment. The judge was extremely rude, harsh and temperamental. God bless. The judge used the fake lits as a proof of the case put to him by the accusers. 23rd March 2017. 17:35. To Abdullah Riyadh: Since you haven't replied to my question, I assume that you got the spelling wrong and that you meant sultana, not Sultan. In which case, you must be a fallen sultana that fell out of a fruit and nut cake. 23rd March 2017. 17:36. From Riek’s brother: I am Douglas Biang Mojong' writing to you Malcom Heap from Juba South Sudan. I am the blood brother of the late Riek Mojong whom you killed through midnight devil ministry. I'm a seventh day adventist. The home belonging to Riek is now a property of my church, the church where you killed a pastor called Bier. Yesternight 30 people were killed in the same place by your people and two have been arrested for the same. I have used this [e-mail] address to get to you well but from tomorrow we as a church will also revenge if the authority fails. Shame on you Satan. 23rd March 2017. 17:44. From Rhoda: MALCOLM TO WARN DOUGLAS THE BROTHER OF RIEK TO KEEP OFF MM AFFAIRS AND LEAVE ALONE THE EVANGELISM TEAM. 7 Angels have said that to me now. 18:50. To Douglas: Look here, Douglas. Keep out of MM affairs and leave the MM evangelism team alone or you will pay dearly for abusing them. These are God's servants and if you have abused them, apologise for mistreating them, and then go away. Otherwise, God will punish you severely. Thanks. I wish you well. 23rd March 2017. 17:44. From John: The group's leader is called Douglas. He is very cruel to us... We are down on our knees trusting God to do a miracle. God bless. 19:24. To Douglas: As you should know, the devil is called the accuser of the brethren in Revelation 12. And you have accused us falsely of being Satan's agents, when it is YOU who are an agent of Satan. Look at the hostility you exhibit. You claim to be a Christian, but how can a Christian HATE another brother? Only if the Spirit of God does not live in him. You should know that from what John wrote in his letters in the NT. Look at the vile deceit and cunning slander you have thrown at us. You accuse us of killing 30 last night. We didn't kill them. God did. Don't you understand God's anger against your sins? This outreach of MM is part of His Work, taking the restored truths of God to people who will listen. It is God who is behind this ministry, so when you come against it as you have done with evil motives, with murderous threats and vile abuse, you are hurling them at God by association. If you try and take revenge for what God did last night and for taking the pastor Bier's life because of his evil sins of blaspheming God and attacking God's Work, then God will take your life. I urge you to be circumspect and retract your false accusations against us. Be like your brother Riek, who was kind, who loved God and who obeyed Him by loving the Truth and being at peace with us. Comment at the time: None of us can do anything to raise the sort of money asked for [£3700]. So we wait upon God to rescue us by bringing another [new] donor into the situation. I do know from previous similar situations that if the amount is not found, then God holds that against the one who has the money but doesn’t give it or lend it. God urges, but He doesn’t violate a person’s free will, so disobedience does enter the equation. If the one being asked is willing [to give or loan the money], then God will rescue the situation as He has promised at 11 am (2 pm their time) tomorrow... But if the one being asked is not willing, then his life review will contain the upsetting episode, and Eunice and Vuga will suffer in prison, and may even be killed. And John and Juma may also be killed, as Douglas is threatening. God lets things happen. They are the price of disobedience. The one with the money can prevent this occurring, but it is up to him to be willing. If he is not willing then we all pay the price of suffering at the hands of these monsters and the devil gloats over the situation. God Takes The Life Of Douglas24th March 2017. 6:35 From Riek’s brother, Douglas: You boast to me how your devilish acts have killed many of our people. Just go ahead and kill me but this time around you must surrender you Satan. 9:06. Reply: I don't kill anyone. Don't you know that it is forbidden to kill another person? Read Exodus 20, the Ten Commandments. But God will take your life if you persist in harming God's servants who are there with the MM van, because it is GOD'S outreach, taking His Truth to the ones who will accept it and receive salvation. Repent of your wrongdoing, stop opposing God's servants, ask God's forgiveness for attacking us so that God may forgive you. 24th March 2017. 9:11 From John: Last night we went through a very hard time here – stones and mud thrown at us. Eunice and Vuga are still in [prison]. We will go to the court hearing at two. God bless. 24th March 2017. 10:26. To John: Angel from the Arctic. In a dream last night God said that He has had to send another angel from the Arctic region to help in your area because the opposition is so intense. 10:43. To John: Since the judge is corrupt and has been bribed, all he wants is money not justice. I suggest you ask for a postponement of the court hearing while you wait for the money to come through. Some is being found, but it takes time... 24th March 2017. 11:21. From John: Thanks Will. I'll send a report after the court session. God bless. 24th March 2017. 12:10. From Abdullah Riyadh: Re Sultan of what? The sovereign of an Islamic country. A king or a ruler of a Muslim country or state. 12:35. Reply: I know what Sultan means, but you are a sultana, part of a fruit and nut case. 25th March 2017. 8:13 From Douglas: Do this let's meet in our court to prove how you have used a charm in the name of Faith literature to kill. You are so so sooo stupid. 9:19. Reply: It's not a charm. It's a booklet on Faith in the True God, the God of the Bible whom you claim you follow in the SDA church. God in the Bible says you shall not bear false witness against your neighbour (Exodus 20). Yet you have fabricated false booklets, purporting to be written by Midnight Ministries, espousing devil worship, so that you can accuse me and MM workers falsely. And on that basis you want to take me to your kangaroo court in your corruption-infested country to 'prove' me guilty of the crime you have fabricated. What will you answer God when He asks you why you hated His servants? What will you answer God when He reminds you that you violated all His commandments that you claim you keep in the SDA church? Huh? Stop trying to find fault with us and accept that those 30 wicked people whom God killed a couple of nights ago at midnight got what God decreed they deserved. And, repent of your wickedness against us and against the true God, instead of desiring the evil works of Satan, the accuser of the brethren, chum. Also you have stolen Riek's phone that belonged to his children after his death. Give it back to Deng and Jane, and stop using his e-mail address to write to me. Get your own. 25th March 2017. 12:15 From John: Thanks Will. We had a Sabbath meet with seven people who joined us. We still trust God to get Eunice and Vuga out. The judge yesterday demanded that they will be charged £15,000 for spreading devilish sect activities in South Sudan and manslaughter. 12:32. Reply: What a corrupt judge! These judges make up the rules and punishments according to the size of their greed! He'll get what he deserves in due course. 25th March 2017. 17:30. From Abdullah Riyadh: You are wrong! I told you inform these idiots to stop interfering with our religion but you refused. BTW do you know Eunice and Vuga? They will be charged by the court of law heavily or else they will rot in jail for the rest of their lives. For your info I'll send Lukas Ogada $80000 on Monday for his upkeep. 19:37. Reply: Exactly! Just like I said, you are a nutcase. 25th March 2017. 21:49. To John: We wonder if something dramatic has happened tonight, because Helena felt some really sharp (powerful) demons in her head this evening after 9 pm (our time), which is midnight your time. Usually that coincides with demons being released from an evil person, which happens after death. So we wonder if that evil brother of Riek’s has been killed by God tonight. Are you able to get water and milk to Eunice and Vuga held in jail? Or don’t they allow you access? We pray for them. These are horrible situations, as you well know! 26th March 2017. 8:44. From John: Thanks Will. It is confirmed that Riek’s mad brother fell sick at midnight and was rushed to Juba general hospital. I took to Eunice some milk and water on Friday and will be visiting them on Monday tomorrow at 12 noon during court hearing. God bless. 9:35. Reply: Thanks for that. I'm glad that that evil man has now fallen. God is faithful to deliver us, for His Truth's sake. He will bring Riek and Rebecca back from the dead in due course, according to His plan for a wider witness when these vicious opponents are taken out of the way. I hope Eunice and Vuga are not discouraged in their situation while we wait for someone to come up with the £3,700 to get them out. Have they got some lit to read? 10:50. From John: ...The police wouldn't allow them the MM lits to study. God Reveals The Situation To Another Prophet26th March 2017. 2:28. From Janes in Tanzania: Hello M, Thanks for the readings. I had vision at midnight, in my vision I saw a man and woman detained in a pool of water half naked in a closed room and it was surrounded by heavy security guards armed with guns. God bless you all. Janes 26th March 2017. 13:01. From Abdullah Riyadh: Are you insulting me? I'll send additional of $200000 to Lukas by next month to help him purchase car and a tractor to help him in ploughing the farm and soon we will drill for him a borehole to help on irrigation. I assure you these fools will pay dearly to get out of prison or else their manhood will be cut off. They will face the real torcher [torture] for disobeying Islamic religion. 16:42. Reply: Your arrogant comments say it all about Islamic religion. It has been spread at the edge of the sword. If you can only spread it through coercion by force, torture and killing, it shows that its precepts are not true, because God is love, not hate and cruelty. Let the power of God speak for itself. What's happened to Douglas, eh? Has he been taken out by God now, as the other 30 previously at midnight a few days ago? Our God has power to heal, to raise the dead, to deliver and save. Your god can't do anything like that. And perhaps your time of punishment is soon to come. If you continue your abrasive rubbish threats, and continue to oppose the MM outreach, God will catch up with you and punish you also in His torture cell, to the degree you punished others who are innocent of your blinkered accusations. 26th March 2017. 18:38. From John: We are grateful to God for this far He has remained faithful to us. We shall be in the court tomorrow trusting God to work on the judge’s mind to set our brothers free. God bless. 18:45. Reply: The judge won't set them free tomorrow. He's been bribed, and he only wants money. So when money comes, then God's plan can be worked out as He has already explained. I am hopeful that money can be found some time this week. The sooner the better, because the pain and frustration of delay is crippling. That evil geezer Riyadh is threatening worse things, and God is letting them think they are winning this war. They won't, but it IS painful for us all. Riyadh is Lukas's financier. He's loaded. So much so that he thinks he's a sultan. John Evangelises All Night27th March 2017. 10:00. From John: We are set to go to the court now. We did Evangelism work the whole night with the aim to destroy all the false allegations our opponents have spread about MM. The kitty is almost dry and we will go on with constant Evangelism here even after the court session today. 27th March 2017. 10:07. From Rhoda: AT LEAST £270 TO REACH JOHN NOW TO HELP THEM EVANGELISE THROUGHOUT SOUTH SUDAN TO KEEP THE RECORD CLEAN THAT MM IS A GOD-SENT MINISTRY TO SET THE SINNERS FREE. THE COURT SESSION TODAY IS JUST A MENTION, WHEN THE JUDGE WILL ONLY DEMAND FOR THE £15000 TO RELEASE EUNICE AND VUGA. 7 Angels have said that to me now. 11:33. To John: I guess the time is nearly now for this court farce to take place again. The judge is only using it to emphasise his outrageous demand for £15k and to impose greater pressure on us. It's painful for you, mentally, to bear this as it is for us. But God is letting things work out this way to teach us all valuable spiritual lessons, and to shape our character. God can strengthen them in prison, and comfort them, giving them internal peace. We look to Him for deliverance, which He will effect in due course. Meanwhile, we have to endure this hardship. You did well to get round all night doing evangelism. I'm surprised people were awake to receive you. 27th March 2017. 13:28. From John: Here we meet people in bus terminus, hotels, churches, schools which operate throughout the night. That's why we meet them at night. The judge has given us up to tomorrow evening to present the £15,000, failure to which they will be taken to another prison and the case will be heard on 3rd May this year. God bless. We tried to give them the MM lits and a bible but the judge denied us. We want to move around now. Tuesday 28th March 2017. 11:31. From John: Thanks Will. Eunice and Vuga are finding it hard to survive in there but we trust God to rescue them. The judge rudely gave us up to Thursday afternoon, for Thursday afternoon the judge will be giving his last verdict. God bless. 12:06. Reply: I can't say the words that describe that evil man! His punishment is coming. Hell awaits him. Meanwhile we all suffer. 28th March 2017. 18:45. From John: Thanks Will. We have managed to cover a great part of South Sudan and explained to the people the great mission of MM to the whole world. We are short of fuel now and have only £77 in the kitty but the Evangelism work here must go on till the mad false Christians in the name of SDA group know the truth. 28th March 2017. 18:49. From Rhoda: THE EVANGELISM TEAM SHOULD NOT STOP, THEY MUST MOVE ON INTO CHURCHES TO SPREAD THE TRUTH AND ASHAME THE DEVIL. VUGA AND EUNICE ARE GREATLY IN PAIN. AT LEAST £245 TO REACH JOHN NOW TO KEEP THEM GOING. 7 Angels have said that now. The Corrupt Judge Is Warned28th March 2017. 19:59. To John: This is a letter for the judge when you next see him on Thursday. Dear Sir, About Vuga and Eunice whom you have imprisoned. God has revealed to us about you. You are not merely “the judge”, your name is KIMAJUNG RIROMUM. You have arrested these innocent people under false pretences. You have imprisoned them without a proper and fair trial. You have kidnapped them and imprisoned them, using them as hostages to then charge us £15,000 for their release, when they are not guilty of any crime you accuse them of. Not only are you falsely accusing and falsely imprisoning Eunice and Vuga, you are falsely extracting money from us. All this is a gross ABUSE of your position. You are meant to uphold JUSTICE and goodness. But you are upholding INJUSTICE AND WICKEDNESS. God holds these sins against you and you will reap His punishment upon you in His fierce anger if you do not retract your false charges. And you must STOP your ill treatment of the two captives. I informed John that we will meet your demand for money by the end of this week. Saturday is the last day of this week, not Thursday. But since you have now changed the terms, and have not heeded what you have been told that money would be forthcoming by the end of this week, I have now changed my terms. If you want money, then you had better wait until next week for it now. I can’t get it to you by Thursday, and because you behave so unreasonably, you will pay the price of your unreasonableness. You can’t extract money from a stone. You should know that it takes time to arrange finance of this size. Money doesn’t appear on trees. So if you want the money you have demanded, you will have to wait until next week for it because I can’t speed things up any more. If you don’t stop abusing the two captives you won’t get any money, and I will ask God to kill you. But if you are reasonable with us, and stop harming and ill treating Vuga and Eunice, then I will get the money to you as I have said. Sincerely, Malcolm B Heap Midnight Ministries, PO Box 29, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK
29th March 2017. 12:12. To John: ... Our prayers are with you. Intercession has gone up for Eunice and Vuga. Eunice Starts Vomiting In Prison29th March 2017. 19:55. From John: We have been forced to move back to the prison to see Eunice who started vomiting at 4 pm up to now. The conditions in the prison are pathetic. We don’t know what to do. We lack money but trust God's time which is always the best. Receive greetings from Vuga and Eunice. Eunice cried to me to arrange for a piece of our land to be sold to get her out but I encouraged her to trust the faithful God who called us in to MM Evangelism. 21:49. Reply: Yes, it is agonising, while we wait for the money to get them released according to God's promise. If only people were more willing and God-centred instead of self-centred, there would be less suffering... 30th March 2017. 9:37. To John: It's very hard for them in this awful trial. God has taken you to S Sudan as you well know. He expressly said to go and counter the infidels who have tried to destroy MM's outreach by fabricating falsity in lookalike publications with MM's name on them. And you have been doing a sterling job in going round to all places to put right this lie. But God's people suffer because of lack of proper response here in fulfilling God's request. If God allows Eunice or Vuga (or both) to die, God will hold responsible the dilatory one, and it will be life for life. But God will raise them back from the dead, like He raised Vuga before, after he was killed by that huge satanic snake. We hope for the best, but we prepare for the worst, because human nature never listens to God until it has to. At Midnight Seven Angels Warn of Political Unrest30th March 2017. 14:15. From Janes: Dear M, Thanks. Following the presidential election dated 8th August 2017 in Kenya and political parties primary nominations which kick off on 4th April 2017, the political temperature is so high which could result in violence in western Rift Valley and coastal part of Kenya so Mark's and John's family should stock enough food because shops will be closed due to fear of looting, destruction of properties as happened in the year 2007. Seven angels delivered the message at midnight. May God bless you all. Yours in Christ Jesus, Janes Judge Still Hopes To Extract Money From Us30th March 2017. 17:03. From John: The judge miraculously extended the time to Tuesday next week for the next court session. Today we only attended a mention session. 17:08. Reply: Wow! I AM surprised! I thought he would go ballistic after what I wrote to him! How are Eunice and Vuga? Is Eunice improved any since y'day? That money had better arrive soon, otherwise he's not going to extend this 'grace' any longer. He wants the money. Then God can judge him, finally. Eunice Vomited Non-Stop In Court30th March 2017. 17:13. From John: Before and during the court hearing Eunice was vomiting non-stop, but miraculously after the judge’s mention, the vomiting stopped and Eunice became okay. God works uniquely, Will. Thursday 30th March 2017. 17:09. From Rhoda: GOD FORCED EUNICE TO VOMIT SO AS TO BLOCK TODAY’S THURSDAY COURT HEARING TO PUSH IT TILL EARLY NEXT WEEK AROUND TUESDAY WHEN MONEY SHALL HAVE REACHED JOHN. TODAY THE JUDGE KIMAJUNG RIROMUM ONLY CALLED OUT EUNICE AND VUGA TO INFORM THEM OF THE TUESDAY NEXT WEEK COURT SESSION. THE VOMITING THEN STOPPED AND EUNICE IS OKAY. 7 Angels have said that to me now. 30th March 2017. 19:56. From Rhoda: AT LEAST £500 TO REACH JOHN NOW TO KEEP THEM GOING UP TO WEDNESDAY NEXT WEEK, SPREADING THE TRUE GOSPEL THROUGH MM LITS IN THE REMAINING CITIES AND VILLAGES IN SOUTH SUDAN. 7 Angels have said now. 30th March 2017. 20:55. To John: Bob Kilgour has sent you £200 by Moneygram. A further sum is coming tomorrow from someone else. Comment at the time: Eleanor managed to find £300 which Bob and Nigel sent, both adding a further amount of their own. And I took my overdraft up to the limit by sending £86. So £476 was sent of the £500 requested. 8:52 From John: Thanks to God Will. We are moving around evangelising to the people. In the second village south of Juba city. God bless. What Temerity!29th March 2017. 12:12. From Abdullah Riyadh: We want to build a mosque and a Muslim school at Mark's place [in Kenya] soon. With the help of Lukas Ogada he will be in charge of the multimillion project which is soon to start so you better inform him to evacuate peaceful, failure to which then we will use power. 18:02. Reply: What utter audacity and arrogance you've got!!! You won't be building anything on land that does not belong to you, so GET LOST! 2nd April 2017. 18:35. From Mark: Thanks for your encouraging mail. Our Almighty God will work things out at His appropriate time. Lukas is now boasting. He is being escorted like a president. Right now a drilling company from Kisumu are drilling a borehole at his place and yesterday he bought two new ploughing tractors. It seems he has joined Islam just for the sake of money. 19:27. Reply: Maybe he needs the tractors to plough his grave, coz he's not going to plough your land. God will see to that! 3rd April 2017. 19:07. From Mark: I received a threatening text message from Erick Gabriel Odhiambo a close friend of Lukas Ogada saying that they will eliminate me soon because am blocking them from getting enough funds from you to run their projects. God bless you. 21:00. Reply: Ho, ho, ho!! What a laugh! We shall have the last laugh when we see how God deals with these idiots who want to challenge Him. In S Sudan The Situation Gets More Desperate3rd April 2017. 10:50. From John: Thanks to God Will. We hope God will work a miracle and get Eunice and Vuga out of the prison. We hope that the corrupt judge will meet his death for committing unpardonable sin... God bless. 10:58. Reply: Yes. God will get Eunice and Vuga out of there, and I expect God to kill the judge. The big question is "when?" We don't know God's timing, so we have to hang in there despite how awful the situation is. It's painful. 3rd April 2017. 11:19. From John: In a dream yesternight I saw the judge touch money from the Faith lit and he collapsed and died. We celebrated and thanked God. Now I am wondering if God could get us half the required money and take it to the judge in faith? God knows all. God bless. 12:22. Reply: If we had money, we would have already sent it to you. What God is saying in the dream by inference – by inference – is "Hang in there. I will deliver, but the situation could get worse before it gets better. [I presumed that] The judge will get money from you, given to him in a Faith booklet, and when he touches it he will collapse and die. But it won't happen immediately. You will have to wait and continue trusting Me till I provide." Abraham waited 25 years for the promise to be fulfilled. Others waited patiently for God to fulfil His promises to them. So must we. It's hard. I have torn my hair out over this one, frustrated, and have had to pull myself back and fix myself on enduring, not on seeing what we want WHEN we want it. What if the money doesn't come to you by tomorrow as was the ideal that the angels said? We have to brace ourselves for that probability. If so, you will need to ask the judge for an extension of the time. Last week we said the money should arrive "by next week" (this week) but we didn't say Tuesday. He named Tuesday as the day. But it's not up to him when we are able to get the money. He's not arranging the money. It's outside of his control, and it's outside of our control. It's up to the money supplier(s). And that is what we are waiting for at the moment. We are waiting for their response, but it will come. That's what God is saying to you in the dream. It will help you now, with my input here, to face the judge with the request for an extension, giving him the reasons why as I have just explained. 3rd April 2017. 13:55. From Rhoda: THE JUDGE KIMAJUNG RIROMUM HAS A BAD PLAN. EVEN £1200 COULD HAVE REACHED JOHN TODAY TO BE PRESENTED TO THE JUDGE TOMORROW. FAILURE TO WHICH THE TWO WILL BE KILLED BADLY AND THEIR BODIES EXPOSED TO PEOPLE. [This was a possible, even probable scenario, but it didn’t happen because God worked it out another way.] THEN THE FALSEHOOD ABOUT MM BEING A DEVIL WORSHIP SECT WILL SPREAD TO ALL CORNERS OF THE WORLD AND THE REPUTATION OF MM, JOHN AND OTHER EVANGELISTS WILL BE BAD. OTHER MM OPPOSERS WILL SPREAD THIS AND USE IT TO JAIL JOHN, THAT HE HAS SACRIFICED HIS WIFE AND VUGA TO MM. MAY GOD TOUCH A SUPPORTER TO GIVE TOWARDS THIS. 7 Angels have said that to me now. [Nigel sent John £120, hence John thinks of using this amount to face the judge with:] 3rd April 2017. 15:42. From John: Thanks Will. I'll take a step of faith and face the judge with even this one, we smell something bad. We are in the prison to see Eunice and Vuga, they are all weeping, and we are told that three people were killed in the prison last night. We trust God to move in for the battle is His. 3rd April 2017. 15:57. From Rhoda: JOHN IS IN THE PRISON NOW. THE MOOD IS SAD. LET JOHN ENCOURAGE THE TWO TO REMAIN STEADFAST, FOR GOD HAS OPENED THE HEAVENS AND MONEY IS STREAMING IN. GOD OWNS ALL. LET JOHN DROP ONE MM FAITH LIT AT THE PRISON GATE WHILE LEAVING. ANGELS ARE MONITORING OVER THEM. NO FEAR, NO FEAR, NO FEAR, FOR THE BATTLE IS GOD'S. 7 Angels have said that to me now. 17:18. [After the above sent to John] From John: The battle is God's... Comment at the time: I wonder whether the statement that the money is streaming in is literal, or whether God is “speaking of those things that be not as though they were” as Paul stated in Romans 4:17. Clearly God is telling us not to be concerned about the money, because it is coming and will arrive in due course. However, maybe it won’t be there by tomorrow, so it’s possible God is working out another solution to the problem. Perhaps He allowed the other three people to die as a sacrifice to release Eunice and Vuga, and if the judge was responsible for their deaths, maybe that is enough for him to face God’s judgement for abuse of power. Why leave a Faith booklet at the gate tonight? Does that presage the angels letting them out tonight without any more ado with the judge? Or will the money John has in his hand, when placed in a Faith booklet, and given to the judge, be enough for God to kill him tomorrow? We shall have to wait and see. God’s mind is hard to fathom. He gives an option according to the situation, but when the situation changes then another option is proffered. 3rd April 2017. 19:15. From John: Thanks Will. This evening about 100 people carrying twigs and hooting vehicles mourned the body of Douglas. His eldest son called Stefano, a police officer, mourned in full police regalia. All pointing fingers at us the MM to have killed him using charm. 3rd April 2017. 19:23. From Rhoda: LET JOHN MOVE THE VAN AWAY FROM JUBA TO THE BORDER TILL MORNING FOR A POLICE OFFICER, THE SON OF THE LATE DOUGLAS, IS PLANNING A DEADLY ATTACK ON THE VAN TONIGHT. 7 Angels have said that to me now. 3rd April 2017. 21:03. To John: ...bearing burdens. Intercession is heavy. 3rd April 2017. 19:07. From Riek’s phone (Stefano): I know you, The King of Devil worship, a killer. You killed Riek, pastor Bier and killed my father Douglas by using your demonic powers. You too get ready to receive a bad news your two in our prison will meet their deaths. I didn't know that you are very very poor with no money. If you can't even raise only £15,000, your profession is killing through devil worship acts. We will ensure that the midnight ministries are deregistered in the whole world after tomorrow. With me I am not your age mate, you killed my father you you Malcom. Take your position. Stefano Bia Bieng Douglas. 21:09. Reply: You are twisted. I did not kill any of those you mention. I have never killed anyone and I would not because it is an immutable command of God not to kill. Read it for yourself in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5. So if you are planning to kill two of God's servants, then He will hold you accountable for their deaths and God will require your death in lieu of theirs. So, back off, if you don't want to experience the awesomely frightening POWER of Almighty God and His fury against you!!! 4th April 2017. 5:48. From Riek’s e-mail (Stefano): How dare you address me like your equals? What hell are you? You kill my father then boastfully talk like that. You are not escaping this time round. 9:39. Reply: Why should I not address you as an equal? Do you think you are so important that I am scum by comparison?! Your father Douglas claimed to be a Christian, an SDA, yet he was breathing out murder and mayhem. And you are following in his footsteps. How on earth do you think a functioning and reasonable society can operate while you breathe out vicious hatred and arrogance? It can't. It's people like you who have brought on the famine and disaster in S Sudan through perpetual wickedness and corrupt practice. Did your little plan to attack our van last night get foiled, eh? Is that why you are so angry. Look, Stefano, I warned you to back off or you will pay with your life. This is not merely 'any old' Christian ministry you are fighting; you are fighting God by fighting MM. 4th April 2017. 10:18. From Stefano: Are you god? Stupid. Today will be the grand finale. Your MM ministries will be wiped out of the globe today evening, wait and see. 10:32. Reply: That's what you think. Ha! More likely that you will be wiped out off this earth for fighting the true God of the Bible! 4th April 2017. 10:38. To John: Eleanor has managed to borrow some money from a sister, but since she is blocked from sending, she is trying to get it to someone else to send today. I hope it's possible for them to send £1200 in one lump and that there aren't more hitches, but if there are and if the money doesn't reach you in time before the court, I'm trusting that God will work things out nevertheless. [The new donor failed to help, so God moved Eleanor to step in.] We have been under heavy bombardment from demons all yesterday, last night and today, which is indicative that realignments are taking place in the spiritual. And that then allows God's Work to proceed. Comment: Eleanor borrowed £1300 and forwarded to Nigel to send. Nigel sent two transfers of £649 to John. The first arrived (the court hearing was at 2 pm), and the second one was an hour later but was blocked (suspicion!). 4th April 2017. 11:40. From Stefano: I don't know where you kid get courage to talk to me like that. I saw you yesterday come to the prison in a van, that van will be no more this evening and your two people in the prison will be slaughtered like cattle. Young man stop stupidity. No one can dare address me like that, with my rank in the police, you will realize that you have stepped on to a live wire. Idiot. 12:19. Reply: No, it is YOU who have stepped on a live wire, not me. Because you are fighting the LIVING GOD ALMIGHTY who rules the universe. And you are a mere speck of dust, less than a microbe in His estimation while you spit out your demonic venom and abuse. I come to you in the name of the LIVING GOD, and you will die for your insolence towards Him – not towards me, because I am a mere mortal, but towards HIM! I do not walk the earth of S Sudan. I live in the UK. My name is Malcolm Heap. Try and catch me if you can, but you won't be able to, for God will not allow you to stop His Work. You have arrested innocent people; they have been falsely accused; and you perpetuate that abuse by holding them hostage at the behest of KIMAJUNG RIROMUM who is an agent of Satan, as are you. So, back off, unless you want our God to dispense His justice upon you for your violation of human rights. Vuga and Eunice Finally Released!4th April 2017. 19:08. From Rhoda: GOD CONFUSED THE JUDGE KIMAJUNG RIROMUM WHEN HE SAW THE MONEY IN SMALLER DENOMINATIONS. HE COUNTED HASTILY, BELIEVING THAT IT WAS £120,000. HE WRAPPED IT, AND ORDERED FOR THE ARREST OF SALMON THE SON TO THE LATE DOUGLAS. IN THAT CONFUSION POLICE CHASED SALMON WHO TRIED TO RUN. AFTER RELEASING VUGA AND EUNICE THE JUDGE KIMAJUNG RIROMUM RAN AWAY WITH THE MONEY BUT JOHN BECAME ANNOYED AND FOLLOWED HIM USING THE VAN TO GET THE MONEY. 7 Angels have said that to me now. 4th April 2017. 19:20. From John: Vuga and Eunice are out! The judge is trying to escape with our money, we are pursuing him. The judge is very greedy, he wrongly counted the money as £120,000. The case is transferred to the son of the late Douglas the mastermind who has been training MM opposers in South Sudan. The police have moved to arrest him when he tried to get away. 20:33. Reply: That's wonderful news. We have been sweating here, wondering about the outcome of all this! Isn't Stefano the name of the son of Douglas? Perhaps he has another name also, as Salmon? He has already confessed to me that he killed Riek's children and took over their home. I have asked him for more details about all that and where the children are buried. How much did you give the judge? Did the two batches of £649 via Nigel arrive in time before the court case? Look forward to hearing when you have caught up with the judge and rescued the money that is ours (yours). Stefano Confesses To Murdering Riek’s Children4th April 2017. 18:57. From Stefano: You should stop pretending, are you omnipresent? How can you be in South Sudan and at the same time in the UK Malcom? We are aware you gave the judge more money exceedingly above the £15,000 we demanded and now the judge want to put me in jail, Malcom now you want to kill me, please allow me board your van and explain to you how we killed Riek's children and took over his home. Malcom, help me please. 20:26. Reply: I am Malcolm in the UK. I am not in S Sudan. You can tell me what you want to about how you killed Riek's children and where they are buried, and how you took over his home. E-mail is fine. The van is currently chasing the judge, so I can't ask them to come back just yet. 5th April 2017. 8:17. To John: Did you catch up with him and retrieve the money OK? 8:29. From John: ...the second transfer from Nigel did not reflect. I only received the first transfer which the judge wanted to run away with, BUT I CAUGHT UP WITH HIM AND TOOK OUR MONEY. Please check with Nigel. 5th April 2017. 9:40. From Rhoda: JOHN DID NOT GET THE SECOND TRANSFER FROM NIGEL. HE MANAGED TO GET THE MONEY BACK FROM THE JUDGE. 7 Angels have said that to me now. 11:00. To John: It is probable that it has been blocked in the PO system. It might be a permanent block. We have to wait and see. We are being blocked all over the place. It's Satan's system, of course. What has happened to the judge? Did God kill him? How many (roughly) other people were in the court when the judge was counting the money? How are Eunice and Vuga? I hope they are OK now. 5th April 2017. 9:36. From Stefano: I am in prison. Please get me out I'll tell you more. God bless. 11:06. Reply: First I need some details. What is your full name? How does the name Salmon figure in this? How were Deng and Jane Riek killed? When? Where? And where were they buried? Who buried them? Who are the others presently alive who were involved with you in countering the Midnight Ministries' outreach in S Sudan? When I have a full answer from you to these questions, then we can proceed further. Thanks 5th April 2017. 11:26. From John: The judge did not die, I guess God pardoned him for he changed his mind and gave the right verdict. He wanted to escape with the money but after following him up to his house, his wife Susie convinced him and he handed over the money to me. The court had few people numbering six since it was late in the evening. Eunice and Vuga are okay though thin and weak. 5th April 2017. 11:44. From Rhoda: LET THE EVANGELISM TEAM MOVE BACK TO KENYA, UP TO WHERE THE £600 IN THE KITTY WILL GET THEM. MOST SDA PEOPLE IN SOUTH SUDAN ARE REGROUPING TO ATTACK THEM. LET JOHN DROP ONE MM FAITH LIT IN RIEK’S COMPOUND. IT IS THE MM FAITH LIT THAT HE DROPPED AT THE COURT GATE WHICH MADE THE JUDGE CHANGE HIS MIND TO GIVE A TRUE VERDICT. 7 Angels have said that to me now. The Rogue Stefano Salmon Douglas5th April 2017. 11:58. From Stefano: I am Stefano Salmon Bia Bieng Douglas. Malcom the group is big that includes even some who were initially MM members but ran away due to lack of money. The only true and genuine MM servants in Africa according to my late pastor are John Ongoro, Mark and Kassahun. I don't know them yet. First get me out here and you will know my goodness, I swear I want to serve your God. [The devil is a good liar.] 12:25. Reply: Thanks for that. 1. How were Deng and Jane Riek killed? 2. When? 3. Where? 4. Where were they buried? 5. Who buried them? 6. Please name the others presently alive who were involved with you in countering the Midnight Ministries' outreach in S Sudan. Thanks. Then I'll do what I can to help you. Malcolm 5th April 2017. 12:30. From Abdullah Riyadh: Inform Mark to keep off holding church meetings on that land because construction will soon kick off probably next week. If you want peace then release Stefano Salmon Bie Bieng Douglas from prison because he is our treasurer so act with speed so that even Janes could be released from police custody as soon as possible. 13:35. Reply: No, you back off from planning and wanting to steal Mark's land, and get Janes released, then I will consider your request to get Stefano released. We hold ultimate power along with Jesus Christ, not you along with Satan. So do as I say, or else you will face the judgement of God. 5th April 2017. 12:44. From Stefano: Abdullah Riyadh who has been the mastermind, Lukas Ogada, are some of the leaders. Riek's children were poisoned and buried behind their house. Position of their graves was hidden for Riyadh said that John Ongoro could have come with MM Faith lit and raised them up. Even now building work should be starting in Ndhiwa Kenya at a land that we grabbed from Mark. We heard that Mark wanted to sink a well which will supply him with water for irrigation, that can make him self sufficient but we had vowed to make all MM followers very poor and desperate the way John Ongoro, Mark and Kassahun are poor. Also we made Ngilcan be arrested in Tanzania. A big mosque will be constructed in Mark’s land and Lukas Ogada is the one to lead that work. Please help me come out of the prison. I beg. 13:45. Reply: OK I will help you come out of prison IF you persuade Abdullah Riyadh to back off from his plan of building that mosque on Mark's land... Get them to recant from their evil plan and get them to get Janes out of prison, and then I will help get you out. The fine they will have to pay to get Janes out is only One Million Tz shillings. So, who actually poisoned Deng and Jane Riek? When did that happen? (A rough date if you don't know exactly.) Who is financing you and Riyadh? I need answers to these questions so I can help you get out of prison. Thanks. I wish you well. Malcolm 5th April 2017. 13:52. From Stefano: My father Douglas poisoned them last month on 2nd March. Riyadh coordinates the finances from rich men in the middle east. Myself I can't convince them to back off please just get me out. 14:00. Reply: Well, do you have any money to help get you out of prison? How much do you have? Can you get more from Riyadh to get you out? Do you know any of the Middle Eastern names who are financing Riyadh? Please detail. Thanks, Malcolm 14:53. Further: Riyadh tells me that you are the treasurer, so you must have money. If I am to get you out of prison, I need to know the answers to the previous queries. Thanks. 17:45. His reply: They wanted to make me one but I couldn't double up being a police officer. 18:44. Reply: One million Tz sh needed. Well, I can't get you out of prison without money, can I? You and the judge tried to screw £15,000 out of me to get our folks out of false imprisonment, and now you are justly imprisoned for the crime you perpetrated against us. So unless you can get 1 million Tz sh to release Janes Ngilcan from prison in Tanzania who has been stitched up by Riyadh, I can't help you. Sorry. 5th April 2017. 18:56. From Stefano: Just help me out, I have a lot of information about MM opposers that may help you. Just forgive love and help me. I am no longer your persecutor. [The devil is an inveterate liar!] 19:39. Reply: Sorry, bud. Can't help you out unless you can help get Janes Ngilcan out whom Riyadh stitched up. It's only one million Tz sh needed to pay that fine. Get Riyadh to pay that, or you pay that, and then we can talk... 5th April 2017. 12:49. From John: I have dropped the MM Faith lit in Riek's home and now we are off to Kenya. During all the time they were on mission, they did not eat. They only took milk and water. God sustained them because funds were so short. |
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