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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 10
138Rescue Mission To Somalia Again
The Lord watches over the strangers. He relieves the fatherless and widow, but the way of the wicked He turns upside down (Psalm 146:9).
The seven angels spoke frequently about situations we would face in Somalia, because of the extreme dangers. The more vulnerable we are, the more God intervenes or spreads His wings over us. He is ever present to deliver as we lay down our lives to do His will. The angels gave many reassuring messages to Rhoda for the team. Mission To Somalia: Wiping Out The EnemyFriday 24th Feb 2017. 11:44. From John: We are on the move to Somalia. 26th Feb 2017. 8:38. From John: Heavy fighting at the border. We have managed to get in to Somalia. There is heavy fighting going on from last night up to now. UN soldiers battling it out with Alshabaab. We are safe. God is great. 26th Feb 2017. 12:10. From Rhoda: THE TEAM MUST AVOID MOGADISHU TODAY TILL TOMORROW NIGHT FOR THERE IS A GROUP WHICH FOLLOWED THEM FROM ERITREA. THEY HAVE JOINED HANDS TO BRING DOWN THE TEAM AT ALL COSTS BUT GOD'S ANGELS ARE MONITORING THEM. THE TEAM NEEDS MORE MONEY, ABOUT £1700, TO KEEP THEM GOING ACROSS SOMALIA FROM TOMORROW MORNING. 7 Angels have said that to me now. 26th Feb 2017. 17:22. From John: We are in Somalia, very hostile but God is surely with us. God bless. 27th Feb 2017. 16:54. From John in Somalia: This place is more hostile [extreme] than the first time I visited it. An hour cannot pass before you hear gun shots. Militia roam in almost all the places we have visited so far. People in the villages run away when they see strange vehicles, for example the MM van. Women and children are left in the makeshift 'homes' [shacks] doing all the hard work, as men roam in towns to look for food. Today in the home of Halima Yaksid we received a blood chilling testimony of how these people live a hard life. They are purely Islamic... [Gangs of gunmen and lawlessness are rampant.] 18 Alshabaab Gunmen Killed By God28th Feb 2017. 9:57. From Rhoda: THE TEAM IS IN KISMAYU TOWN, WHERE GOD'S ANGELS KILLED 18 ALSHABAAB MILITIA. TONIGHT MORE WILL ATTACK THEM BUT THEY MUST NOT FEAR, GOD'S ANGELS ARE MONITORING OVER THEM. 7 Angels have said that now. 28th Feb 2017. 10:41. From Rhoda: MORE LETTERS SPREADING FALSEHOOD ABOUT THE EVANGELISM TEAM ESPECIALLY JOHN ARE BEING WRITTEN AND SENT TO MALCOLM DAILY. THEIR AIM IS TO DESTROY THE EVANGELISM WORK IN AFRICA. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM IGNORE. THE GROUP HAS EVEN GONE TO WITCHDOCTORS TO KILL JOHN BUT GOD HAS BLOCKED THEIR PLAN. 7 Angels have said that to me now. 28th Feb 2017. 9:46. From John: Face to face with Alshabaab. We got ambushed yesternight by an 18 man gang all armed. We stayed calm and at midnight God sent strong winds and landed on them killing them. First their guns jammed and [they claimed they] wanted to surrender. They cried of hot coal and died. This occurred in Kismayu town. We are assured of God's protection hence ready to face any attack with MM Faith lits. Comment: It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God (Hebrews 10:31). God Reveals To Mark Who Is Behind These Attacks28th Feb 2017. 16:03. From Mark [in Ndhiwa]: Abdullah Riyadh has strong connection with Jihadist Mr. Al-Gizali who is planning to attack the evangelism team. They have planted explosive devices on various roads. The evangelism team should have at least 1000 litres of diesel in jerrycans in the van and some packed food. Al-Gizali has a strong network and they won't be allowed to fuel at any petrol station. This message was delivered by seven angels. Another Attack From Alshabaab14 More Terrorists Killed By GodTuesday 28th Feb 2017. 23:11. To John: Look forward to hearing about how God wiped out the next lot of gunmen that attacked you tonight (Tuesday night). I wonder if it was a bigger number than the 18 last night. From the angelic warning, it sounds like it would be a more fearsome encounter! 1st March 2017. 8:11. From John: The attack in Kismayu town: God truly honors His written word in the Bible and the anointed MM lits. At nine thirty in the night a group of eleven, all Muslims, came to us all holding Korans and engaged us in a mock Bible discussion, asking us questions like, where do Christians go to after death?, Why do Christians give Jesus honor like God and yet Jesus according to the Koran is not God? Why do most Christian churches believe in trinity? We only came to realize later that this was a team sent to spy on us when at exactly midnight a big group all armed came and ordered us first to surrender all the MM lits to them. They falsely accused us of fighting Islam and that our visit is to convert their people to Christianity. We stayed calm with all the Faith lits opened. They feared to come closer to us but aimed at us with their guns which jammed. Some then ran away into the dark night but the first eleven and three others remained and started slapping us. They soon started fighting each other. It was now past midnight. We then moved into the vehicle, when they started crying of being burnt with hot coal. The fourteen died, three holding guns but the eleven holding their Korans. We then moved to Las Anod town. We have held Evangelism there now, giving a few people MM lits. Now we are heading to Marka town. Fuel prices here are extremely high. We may be forced to do what Angels said to Mark. God bless. 10:57. Are you still presently only living on milk and water? Or have you now started to take solid food? 11:31. From John: Thanks Will. We are on water and milk only. 11:35. ...We have managed to stock fuel but the kitty is dry now. God Strikes Dead 5 More Gunmen2nd March 2017. 10:39. From Mark: [Mark was in Kenya at the time.] The evangelism team should leave to Badhaadhe tonight because Alshabaab militia led by Al-Gizali have surrounded Kismayo. Their aim is to kill all and set the van on fire. This message was delivered by seven angels. God bless you all. 2nd March 2017. 9:57. From Abdullah Riyadh: You are soon collecting dead bodies from Somalia. 11:07. Reply: You are terribly deceived! All you can think of doing is using your riches to maim, to kill, and to destroy. Is that all Islam stands for? Where's truth, love, justice, goodness in such a system? At the end of a gun barrel, or bomb, destroyed at the whims of demonic ideology that places hate and destruction as a high ideal. You are DEMONstrating well what is in your evil heart. Carry on and see where it leads you. We are not afraid of your evil threats. 2nd March 2017. 17:32. To Riyadh: Tell your bloke, Al-Gizali, to back off, or he will suffer for attempting to attack God Almighty. Thursday 2nd March 2017. 17:39. From Mark: John should check the tyres of the van immediately. Message delivered by seven angels right now... 2nd March 2017. 18:59. From Rhoda: THE ATTACKERS ARE TRAILING THE TEAM BUT ANGELS ARE AROUND THE VAN. THE TEAM IS IN MOGADISHU RIGHT NOW. TOMORROW THE VAN TYRES MUST BE SERVICED. GOD WILL KILL FIVE ATTACKERS WHO ARE AFTER BOMBING THE VAN. AT LEAST EXTRA £370 TO REACH JOHN FOR SERVICING THE TYRES. 7 Angels have said to me now. 2nd March 2017. 19:02. From Rhoda: GOD'S ANGELS ARE MONITORING THE MM VAN AND THE EVANGELISM TEAM IN MOGADISHU RIGHT NOW DOING EVANGELISM WORK. NO MAN WILL BE ABLE TO BLOCK MM EVANGELISM. 7 Angels have said that to me now. 2nd March 2017. 19:08. From John: Thanks to God Will. We are evangelising in Mogadishu town now, though hostile, but God is all powerful. God bless. 3rd March 2017. 13:52. To John: Did you see anyone killed by God last night? Hope you are all doing OK, and not too stressed by these situations. It's a nasty environment to be in. But it's comforting to have the angel messages telling us about what we can't see in the natural. To our supporters at the time: Thanks to all of you for sacrificing again. Amazingly, the £370 was achieved between you all, and even over and above that figure, so John has a bit in hand for a change – although with the price of fuel there being horrendously high, that may only last till Monday. We struggle on! It is amazing how God has facilitated this outreach on the little that we have. Jesus became poor that we might become rich, Paul said, meaning it in a spiritual sense. And those who follow in His footsteps show their mettle by being willing to become poor that God’s riches can be taken to the needy elsewhere. In real terms, you only get to keep for eternity what you give away in this life. So, thanks to all of you. And to the angels. It would not be possible to do any of this without the angels’ guidance, directions and protection... How amazing that Matthew 24:14 should be completed in this fashion in these impenetrable nations! Time is closing in on the world... 5th March 2017. 12:01. From John: Thanks Will. Five died last midnight. We are witnessing God's power through MM lits Evangelism in hostile Somalia. God is great. We are strong in the Lord God. God bless. 6th March 2017. 7:19. From John: More on this episode: On Saturday night (4th March) five people blocked us from moving out of Mogadishu town and demanded that we hand all MM lits to them. They threatened us by shooting in the air six times. They put us under harsh treatment till midnight when strong winds blew up putting them in confusion till they shot at each other in the confusion, killing all. We then moved to Awdinle town where over 100 have died of hunger and a cholera outbreak. We are still Evangelising here to the people. God bless. God’s Intent In Somalia6th March 2017. 8:56. From Rhoda: THE TEAM MUST MOVE TO AT LEAST 4 SOMALI TOWNS TODAY TO DO MM EVANGELISM. NOW THE VAN IS OKAY. AT LEAST £540 TO REACH JOHN NOW TO KEEP THEM GOING. 7 Angels have said that to me now. 16:06. To John: How are you all? Did you sustain any injuries after that last nasty confrontation with those gunmen? 6th March 2017. 16:31. From John: God bless. Yes Vuga sustained a little head injury, Eunice too received bruises in the left hand. I am fine. Comment: Bob and Vivian managed to send a further 50 each, making a total of £151 sent, out of the £540 needed. We were so short of ready cash! 7th March 2017. 10:16. From John: We have visited two towns today and three yesternight. The conditions are quite hostile but God is in charge. 10:45. Reply: I wonder where Fatimah’s mother went to in Somalia. She was brought back from the dead in or near Oyugis [Kenya], and then led by or taken by the angels back to Somalia. I wonder where she lives, and whether you will go anywhere near there. 7th March 2017. 12:26. From Rhoda: THE TEAM MUST NOT LOOK FOR FATMA’S MOTHER AS THIS WILL MAKE THE MM ENEMIES IN KENYA STRATEGISE AN ATTACK ON THE EVANGELISM TEAM IN SOMALIA. 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment at the time: Nigel and Fiona managed to send John £300. But we are still about £100 short of the mark... Later: Nigel managed to send £100 to John, finally achieving the figure that the angels asked for a few days ago... 8th March 2017. 18:10. From John: Thanks Will. We are back to Mogadishu to rescue a brother who accepted the MM truth and now his family members want to lynch him. The situation is tense. Network too very bad. Intercession Against ImprecationComment: At 6:40 pm I came in from outside and within a few minutes there was a fierce attack on me, with waves of intense pressure that felt like someone had got hold of my appendix and was twisting it in their hands. That’s what some of these demons can impose on people. Spasms of pain. Thankfully Helena was there and right at that moment was about to start her evening intercession. It took about an hour for her to dispel the attackers. I’m not the only one being targeted. Besides Helena and Fiona, Vivian mentioned that he has had a painful finger for weeks that hasn’t been getting better. When Helena investigated, there were loads of them on it! She spent an hour and a half on Monday expelling them, then a further 2 hours last night late into the night. These are burdens we have to bear. The demons being released from the outreach situations are allowed to come against us, so they target us. But as they do, Helena intercedes with her gifts, and pushes them away. Fiona has been doing this for some while too, as has Mila, and Bob K, Wilfred and Eleanor. So, you can see how vital this intercession is. They have all learned how to target demons, silently, with mental intercession that is coupled with the Spirit of God in a way we don’t fully understand, except that we know it works! And it is Preparing the Way. It is the spiritual precursor to revival. 9th March 2017. 12:44. From John: God has enabled us to rescue our brother. We had to travel all the night long up to now. The seven armed men who tried to kill us, by aimlessly shooting at us, all died at midnight. Three other armed ones too have been following us all the day long. We added fuel, water and milk to the stock. The kitty is almost dry with only £86. God bless. 13:31. Reply: That’s good news. Where were the 7 armed men? Were they holding the brother hostage, or what? Can you describe what happened a bit better? Thanks. We have no other money at present, so conserve what you have as much as you are able. Thanks. 9th Mar 2017. 17:45. From John: About the rescue mission: X [name protected] accepted the MM truth when we visited Mogadishu. He and his wife plus their two sons [names protected] all studied the MM lits daily in their two roomed house every night after the day’s work. The other members of the extended family then claimed that X has accepted Illuminati worship. They first killed his two sons and his wife. X decided to run but they got hold of him and put him under house arrest but through God's hands they did not take his phone. He used his phone to call us to go for his rescue. When we reached his place, the seven gunmen who were planning to kill him turned to us and ordered us to surrender all the lits to them. [John and the team refused.] Thank God, at midnight God put them into confusion; when they tried to shoot us their guns jammed for we faced them with opened MM Faith lits. They then started crying of hot coal burning them. That's when we left for Afgooye town and on reaching Afgooye another group of five started trailing us. We are now in Hargeisa town. God is great. God bless. Friday 10th March 2017. 7:20. From John: The new Christians in X’s household were killed last Wednesday. They are buried in Mogadishu cemetery. God Avers His Backing Of MM’s Work9th March 2017. 17:59. From Rhoda: NO WEAPON USED CAN BRING DOWN GOD'S WORK THROUGH MM EVANGELISM TEAM. TONIGHT A DEADLY ATTACK ON THE TEAM IS PLANNED AND FIVE PEOPLE WHO HAVE TRAILED THEM FROM MOGADISHU ARE LAYING AN AMBUSH FOR THE TEAM BUT GOD'S ANGELS ARE MONITORING OVER THE TEAM. THEIR KITTY IS DRY. AT LEAST £450 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW MORNING TO GET THEM GOING. THE BATTLE IS GOD'S. ADDITIONAL £200 TO REACH JOHN FOR BROTHERS IN TUNISIA. THEY NEED SOME FOOD THEY HAVE SURVIVED ON WATER. MARK’S WATER PROJECT SHOULD START NOW. 7 Angels have said that to me now. [I had written to the team, thinking that the outreach would cease temporarily for lack of funds. Then angels responded:] 10th March 2017. 17:00. From Rhoda: THE EVANGELISM TEAM MUST PRESS ON AND EVANGELISE WITHOUT BREAK. JOHN WAS CALLED OUT OF HIS TEACHING JOB TO DO MM LITS EVANGELISM. HE CAN'T REST. IT IS HIS DEATH THAT WILL MAKE HIM TAKE A REST. GOD TO PROVIDE MONEY FOR THE EVANGELISM WORK BY THE VAN TEAM TO GO ON AND ON NONSTOP. JOHN’S TEAM TO MOVE ON FROM SOMALIA TO BARINGO IN KENYA WHERE INNOCENT LIVES ARE LOST DAILY. THE EVANGELISM TEAM SHOULD NOT LOSE FOCUS. 7 Angels have said to me now. 10th March 2017. 17:06. From John: Thanks Will. We have had a very challenging task from yesternight to now... [Constant attacks.] 17:51. Reply: Thanks so much. Did you get the angel message from Rhoda about moving on to Baringo? I don't know where the money can come from for that, but God is promising... Hailstones Knock Seven Unconscious11th March 2017. 17:34. From John: Yes. We can try, God willing, to move on tomorrow. We received six in our Sabbath meet today [in Somalia] though our meeting was interrupted when a group came and made a loud noise as though they were mourning a dead person. They gave no room for [prevented] our lit discussion. God did a unique thing. It started raining with big hailstones that left seven unconscious. We left leaving behind the seven helplessly lying in the mud. God Commands ‘Go To Baringo’Comment: Sunday evening, the 12th, I was viciously attacked by a horde of strong demons. Helena could feel their strength in her head. They were strong! And I felt it in my mouth. They attacked my teeth. It was quite painful for an hour or so as Helena battled away, pushing them away. This must have been clearing the way for some deliverance. 13th March 2017. 9:24. From John: ...we are still stuck in the midst of war now. 13th March 2017. 10:34. From Rhoda: THE EVANGELISM TEAM MUST LEAVE SOMALIA FOR BARINGO KERIO VALLEY TODAY NIGHT. INNOCENT SOULS ARE PERISHING. AT LEAST £650 TO REACH JOHN TODAY TO KEEP THEM GOING. GOD WILL USE MM LITS TO BRING A LASTING PEACE. THE TEAM TO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO. 7 Angels have said that now. 13th March 2017. 17:21. From Rhoda: THE DEVIL IS NOT HAPPY WITH THE BARINGO MISSION, AND OPPOSERS ARE BUSY WRITING FALSEHOOD ABOUT THE EVANGELISM TEAM, USING MAGIC TO BLOCK FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR THE MISSION. FOLKS HAVE PANICKED SINCE UP TO NOW ONLY £370 IS IN THE KITTY. THE TEAM IS OFF TO BARINGO BUT THE KITTY IS LESS AND WILL NOT SUPPORT THEM TO BARINGO. THEY WILL ENCOUNTER FIVE ATTACKS ON THEIR WAY. ANGELS ARE MONITORING THEM. PERMANENT FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR MM EVANGELISM WILL BE REALIZED IF MOST FOLKS START AGRICULTURE. THAT’S WHY THE WATER PROJECT AT MARK’S PLACE IS IMPORTANT. JOHN IS PLANNING TO SELL ALMOST HIS WHOLE LAND. HE SHOULD NOT DO THAT. GOD WILL SURELY PROVIDE MONEY FOR THE EVANGELISM. 7 Angels have said that to me now. |
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