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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 10
137The 3rd Mission To Eritrea
God will bring every work into judgment... (Eccl 12:14).
While Mark was badly suffering in prison, awaiting the money that could get him released, the 7 angels gave instructions to Rhoda for John and the team to drive to Eritrea. But we had insufficient money to deal with either situation. The angels told Rhoda what was happening: Monday 23rd January 2017. 10:33. From Rhoda: "THE JUDGE HAS BEEN BRIBED [by Abdullah Riyadh]. HE WANTS THE £4000 IN FULL. THEY ARE BEATING MARK UP NOW. GOD WILL KILL HIM [the judge] ONCE THE CASE IS OVER. AT LEAST £2000 TO REACH JOHN NOW TO HELP MARK BE RELEASED." 7 Angels have said that to me now. The angels had said how much was needed for the trip to Eritrea: Saturday 21st January 2017. 19:53. From Rhoda: GOD IS SENDING THE EVANGELISM TEAM TO MOVE OUT OF GAMBIA ON MONDAY MORNING FOR ERITREA WHERE MANY CHRISTIANS ARE SUFFERING BADLY. IT IS URGENT. GAMBIA IS ENJOYING PEACE AFTER GOD'S ANGELS BLOCKED ANY BLOODY CONFLICT. AT LEAST £2250 IS ENOUGH FOR THE TEAM TO SAFELY REACH ERITREA. 7 Angels have said that to me now. The problem was we simply hadn’t got anywhere near that much money! But since God had spoken, we trusted that He would provide it. On This Next Mission To Eritrea24th January 2017. 15:20. From John: In Guinea Bissau. [I had asked him whereabouts he was.] 24th January 2017. 16:57. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM IS IN GUINEA AND BY NOON TOMORROW THEY SHOULD BE IN GHANA IF THEY MOVE NONSTOP. AT LEAST £490 SHOULD REACH JOHN TO KEEP THEM GOING. GOD IS WORKING OUT WAYS TO SEE MARK OUT." 7 angels have said that to me now. Borrowing Money To Get On The Road25th January 2017. 9:04. From John: Thanks to God Will. Are you doing okay? [We are] Almost getting into Ghana. 9:32. Reply: I suppose you have nearly run out of money. Is that right? Only £200 has been accessed. That's all we can find, which is on its way to you today shortly. 12:10. To John: I don't suppose you can get far on £200. How far do you think you can get on that? (Whilst not depriving yourselves of the essential water and milk.) 12:46. From John: Thanks Will. It can take us up to tomorrow morning. 26th January 2017. 13:38. To John: Malcolm Heap has sent you £155 on Moneygram 46709719. Fiona sent £50 and I managed to scrape the rest together by borrowing on my credit card up to its limit of £3,000. Comment at the time: About funds. Eleanor hopes to add 250 tomorrow to Bob’s 100, so the van can keep going. Vivian is pretty confident he will be able to reimburse her outlay by Feb 7th. Thanks to all of you!! This is miraculous how we struggle on!!! The poor widow was the only support for Elijah in the time of dearth. The parallel today is evident. Comment on the Gambia mission’s success: 27th January 2017. On Channel 4 news last night the presenter expressed how extraordinary and amazing it was that a peaceful transition of power took place without one person being killed. Massive bloodshed was expected! Many observers were astonished at how things worked out so peacefully. Usually in Africa, when a dictator or president is voted out of office, he doesn’t go without a fight, and many lives are lost. 28th January 2017. 22:00. To John: ...The cost of the trip to Eritrea was stated by the angels to be £2,250, but less than half of that was raised from folks here, completely emptying all they have, and nothing more can be raised for over a week. So, if you go ahead to Eritrea, which I do not want to hold up, the money to get you back home may not be there when you need it. So, you would have to wait there for days or weeks until pensions here can cover those costs. Also, you may not even have enough money at present in your kitty to get to Eritrea. So, the situation looks impossible... We need some guidance to know what to do. Let’s wait on God now for that input.... 30th January 2017. 9:58. From John: ...We are on the move and hopefully will be in Chad by tomorrow morning. God Supernaturally Fixes The Engine!30th January 2017. 12:16. From John: Yesterday we realized that the engine was overheating so we didn't cover a big distance. We are in Cameroon. 30th January 2017. 16:21. From John: Thanks to God. The van engine is now OK, it has stopped overheating and we are almost reaching the Chad border. 30th January 2017. 17:23. From Rhoda: THE TEAM SHOULD HEAD STRAIGHT TO ERITREA. GOD WILL GET MARK OUT SAFELY. THE VAN ENGINE DEVELOPED SOME TECHNICAL ISSUES BUT GOD CORRECTED THE ISSUE. THE TEAM WILL NEED AN EXTRA £907 TO SAFELY LAND IN ERITREA AND DO A GREAT WORK THERE. GOD WILL TOUCH A SUPPORTER TO HELP GET MARK OUT. GOD IS ABLE. 7 Angels have said that now. Comment: Overheating is often due to leakage from cylinders into the coolant water. After such high mileage it’s not surprising if the problem was due to the cylinder head ‘gone’. To rectify the problem requires the head to be removed, skimmed (to get absolutely flat and true), and then replaced (so long as it’s not cracked). All rather time consuming (and costly in labour). Because of our lack of funds and time, God has miraculously fixed the problem! Thank you, Father! And God also miraculously replenished the tyres and obviated the need for servicing over these massive mileages! 31st January 2017. 9:59. From John: [We are now] crossing into S Sudan. 31st January 2017. 16:52. From John: We hope to cross into Eritrea any time after midnight tonight. God bless. 1st February 2017. 10:37. From John: In Eritrea. Very very very hostile! 1st February 2017. 10:33. To John: Where have the angels guided you to go to in Eritrea? The little news over here about things in Eritrea have mentioned that it is highly militarised, with compulsory conscription into the army for young men, and that many Christians are locked up in metal containers (the shipping containers that are transported by lorries to the docks). They hardly see daylight and have to endure cold and extreme heat, crammed inside these prisons. I wonder if God has taken you there to get some released from these hell holes? 1st February 2017. 16:55. From John: Thanks to God Will. We have managed to get in to Asmara city. These people are antichristianity, our van has been trailed nonstop by numberless cars. God is gracious. We believe that He has a reason for sending us here. God bless. Eritrea: 8 Attackers Try To Bomb The MM Van1st February 2017. 19:01. From Rhoda: THE EVANGELISM TEAM IS IN ERITREA. THE ATTACKERS ARE TRAILING THEM AND PLAN TO THROW A BOMB AT THE VAN BUT GOD'S ANGELS ARE ON THE WATCH. THE KITTY IS LEFT WITH ONLY £60. AT LEAST £590 TO REACH THE TEAM TOMORROW. 7 Angels have said now. 3rd February 2017. 5:40. From John: Near Asmara, Eritrea: Yesternight a group surrounded our van and ordered us out, a group numbering eight all with short guns. We remained calm in the van all with MM Faith lits opened. In a unique way, Will, at midnight the group started quarreling among themselves and immediately war broke out, they shot and killed each other. This morning policemen want us to go and record a statement over the midnight incident. We want to go in there to use MM Faith lits to set free the Christians held up in there. Poor network coverage especially at night is the big challenge here. God bless. 8:39. Reply: Thanks. Intercession is ongoing. 3rd February 2017. 15:16. From Abdullah Riyadh: You are jealousy because you are bankrupt to an extent that, you can't release your servant who is rotting in police cell. We are not beggers like you, we make big money thru the sale of petroleum. 16:26. Reply: Let your money save you, then. 3rd February 2017. 15:22. From Abdullah Riyadh: You are a false prophet who doesn't have future who is only good in deceiving the whole world with false teachings. Be ready to face the full wrath of Allah and Mohammed. 5th February 2017. 14:19. From John: Thanks to God Will for the mighty miracle that we witnessed here last midnight. We were arrested and put in the cell for being in the country illegally and for preaching the gospel of truth through MM lits Evangelism. At midnight three officers who were guarding the cell started complaining of stomach ache till the whole place was filled with cries. We then felt in ourselves to demonstrate God's power. We touched them with the MM Faith lits and all became well and that's how we got released and ordered to leave but we have to set free most Christians still held up in cells. Praise God. God is gracious. 14:28. Reply: Excellent! May God open a way for you to get those Christian prisoners released. Eritrea: Another 11 Attackers Killed6th February 2017. 19:33. From John at Keren: Thanks to God we are safe. God has destroyed 11 armed gang who were out to kill us. I am writing the report now... 20:21. Reply: I wondered what was going on. Helena has had a MASSIVE intercession session today. It lasted non-stop for 10½ hours! Comment: Last night Helena didn’t finish her Spirit-led intercession until 4 am! It just shows you the amount of stuff there is to clear out of the way. She had a dream many years ago about clearing the way through thick undergrowth, like in a tropical rain forest. She was hacking her way through it with a machete or something similar. We were pushing on through this impenetrable jungle, making a pathway for others to walk. The dream must have been about 15 years ago. It is symbolic of making God’s way open for people so they can travel the same road of righteousness. Her intercession clears demons out of the way, and the literature lays out the way for people’s comprehension. 7th February 2017. 10:15. From John at Keren, Eritrea: We got surrounded by 11 armed gang who demanded money and all the belongings we had. We remained locked inside the van for over five hours as we watched the gang try to shoot at us but their guns jammed. Then they resorted to physically pushing the van down a steep slope. The van got turned upside down till the rear window glass broke. We received some cuts on the arms and head. But as we kept trusting God by pointing the MM Faith lits at the attackers, the group suddenly turned against each other and all fell down dead after a fierce gun exchange. We came out and thanked God we were all okay. We took the van to a garage and fixed the glass. We are now in a home where all the five members who witnessed the case have accepted the MM truth and have received threats to vacate the area. We trust God to perform more miracles through MM lits Evangelism. God bless. 7th February 2017. 10:21. From Rhoda: THE TEAM IS NOW RESCUING A THREATENED GROUP IN KEREN ERITREA. TONIGHT MORE WILL TURN TO MM TRUTH. AT LEAST £890 TO REACH THE TEAM TO KEEP THEM GOING. ONLY £58 IS IN THE KITTY. GOD KILLED 11 ATTACKERS. THE TEAM MUST MOVE ON. 7 Angels have said that to me now. 8th February 2017. 9:47. From John in Eritrea: Thanks to God. We are okay. We have found a Christian who has been hiding and praying in the caves from the year 1999 to date. Sxxxx is here with us studying the MM lits. He has promised to take us around to meet others. Eritrea: God Killed 7 Police Officers12th February 2017. 10:12. From John: Our God is great. We too are out of prison now, having been arrested yesterday as we settled for the Sabbath. We got caned like schoolboys but God rescued us by killing the seven police officers. 10:53. Reply: ...Glad to hear that you are released! I hope you are all not too badly injured from the mistreatment. When you have time, please relate in more detail how God killed the 7 evil officers. Where did this happen, at what time? Monday 13th February 2017. 18:38. From John, in Teseney: We only had fifteen minutes in our Sabbath meet in Teseney town when suddenly seven armed men in black leather jackets came in and to our surprise those who joined us men, women and children numbering nine ran away shouting “police, police!” They pushed us by force into the van and ordered the driver to move the van to the prison at gunpoint. We got locked up in a cell. With no food we kept vigil. Thanks to God our MM lits were not taken. At some minutes past midnight on Sunday night we got taken out of the cell and led to an open field to be shot by the seven killer squad. God of heavens covered us in a thick white mist which repulsed the bullets back to the assailants killing all dead. We then drove deep down to the village where we took a rest. Now we are heading back to the city to go rescue five police Christians whom we shared the MM truth with while inside there. They got put in jail today morning when they were found with copies of MM lits. God bless. 13th February 2017. 18:46. From Rhoda: THE ANGELS COVERED THE TEAM AND SAVED THEM FROM THE KILLERS ALL WHO SHOT AT EACH OTHER [all of whom shot each other]. NOW THE ANGELS ARE SURROUNDING THE PRISON TO SAVE THE POLICEMEN WHO ACCEPTED THE MM TRUTH AND WHO ARE FACING THE DEATH PENALTY. THE TEAM IS ALMOST REACHING THE GATES. THE TEAM WILL NEED EXTRA MONEY: £725 FROM WEDNESDAY NIGHT TO KEEP THEM GOING. FROM ERITREA THE TEAM MUST CROSS INTO SOMALIA FROM EARLY MARCH. 7 Angels have said. 13th February 2017. 20:18. To John: Thanks for the news. I wondered whether you would be helping to release any of the Christians locked up in shipping containers whom we heard about on the news. But I suppose they have More Evil People Wiped Out By God14th February 2017. 18:13. From John: Thanks Will. Two people who accepted the MM truth have been executed. We managed to rescue three, the battle line is drawn out and it is God's. Right now we are engaged in a fierce attack by our opponents over here. Prayers. 19:40. Reply: I wonder whether God will raise them from the dead. 14th February 2017. 18:35. From Rhoda: THE TEAM IS IN A VERY RISKY RESCUE MISSION. GOD IS OPENING UP EVEN HOSTILE PLACES THROUGH MM LITS EVANGELISM. TONIGHT THEBET MUSA SADAT WILL DIE. HE HAS BEEN IN THE FRONT LINE FIGHTING THE EVANGELISM TEAM IN ERITREA ALL THE WAY FROM THE DAY THEY STEPPED IN ERITREA. MORE SUPPORT FOR MOVEMENTS TO REACH THE TEAM. 7 Angels have said that to me now. 15th February 2017. 9:53. From Rhoda: THE TEAM HAS MANAGED TO GET IN TO THE HOME OF ONE OF THE ABDUCTORS OF CHRISTIANS NOW. IF HE CAN'T SURRENDER TO GOD THEN HE WILL DIE. SOMEONE CALLED ERIC FROM NDHIWA HAS BEEN CONTACTING MALCOLM WITH FALSEHOOD WITH THE AIM TO ROB MM. 7 Angels have said that to me now. 10:28. From Rhoda: IGNORE, IGNORE, IGNORE, THIS IS A MEMBER OF THE BIG GANG OUT TO FIGHT MM. 7 Angels have said now. 15th February 2017. 10:04. From John: [We are] now in the home of the leader of Christian oppressors, a Muslim. More information soon. God bless. 11:28. To John: What's happened to Thebet Musa Sadat, do you know? 15th February 2017. 12:09. From John: Thanks to God. He surrendered to us but God killed him in hot coal. Full report will reach you shortly. God bless. Eritrea: Christians Butchered!16th February 2017. 10:17. From John: ...We have managed to trace a group of Christians in a home-made prison, in slavery, working day and night for Muslim captors. We are planning to visit the home at midnight today... God bless. 16th February 2017. 12:34. From John: Thebet Musa Sadat. He followed us on a Honda motorcycle from the day we arrived in Eritrea. At times he pretended to be listening to the gospel of truth we shared with people we met. We came to realize that he was a spy the day we got arrested in the Sabbath meet. He led the police who arrested us to where we were. God brought him to us when he demanded to know by force the power in the MM Faith lits. We pretended to be heeding his orders till midnight when he fell to the ground and started groaning with pain of being burnt in hot coal. Then the six men he came with to attack us surrendered. The following day his wife Uphina Sadat confessed the sins they have done to Christians before a multitude who turned up for his burial. After his burial many came to us to leak to us the places that were home-made cells where Christians are butchered. God bless. Arrested Again17th February 2017. 9:56. From John: We are taken to a court today for rescuing the Christians. It is on now. We got arrested at night. 10:39. Reply: God will work it out to rescue you. These situations are opportunities as a witness for the Truth. (As you know.) 17th February 2017. 15:29. From John: Glory be to God. We are free and will be having a Sabbath meet with three police officers who are willing to get the MM truth. We met them in the court and they were happy with how we humbly answered the charge questions and hence set free. 16:03. Reply: Well, that makes a change! I wonder what swayed their minds!? Perhaps it was hearing that all who have opposed you have been wiped out by God...? 16:05. Where did this take place? 16:39. From John: Your guess is right because even the judge herself was uneasy in her verdict. God bless. It was in Asmara. God is great. Covering Towns In Eritrea19th February 2017. 7:52. From John: Up to today we have managed to visit 11 cities, namely, Asmara, Keren, Teseney, Mandefera, Agordat, Assab, Massawa, Senafe, Adi Keyh, Barentu and Nakfa. The most outstanding thing here is that Christianity is not tolerated and Christians really persecuted. Both the authorities and civilians hate Christians. In all these cities we received a lukewarm reception which turned hostile when we got arraigned in the courts for being in the country illegally. We are determined to visit more before we cross in to Somalia. 19th February 2017. 7:59. From John: Thanks Will. Three officers Bekela Riamuto, Joash Mata and Damali Riaso joined us in our Sabbath meet where we studied the importance of faith in God by studying the MM Faith lit. Last night also we continued with the study. Today we are moving on to other cities. God bless. 19th February 2017. 8:13. From Rhoda: ...THE EVANGELISM TEAM WILL VISIT FIVE CITIES TODAY. THE POLICE OFFICERS WHO JOINED THEM FOR SABBATH MEET YESTERDAY GOT CHASED FROM THEIR JOB AND NOW THEY HAVE RUN TO SOMALIA TO SAVE THEIR LIVES. AT LEAST MORE MONEY TO REACH JOHN TO KEEP THEM GOING. THE WATER PROJECT FOR MARK SHOULD BE STARTED TO HELP THEM PRODUCE CROPS FOR RELIANCE. IT SHOULD START IMMEDIATELY. 7 Angels have said that to me now. 19th February 2017. 16:52. From John: We first stopped in Beilul town where we stood at the bus stop and to our surprise people in the bus terminus ran away, some leaving behind their parked cars. [The 7 angels go ahead of them, and if they sense that the team will be seriously attacked the angels manifest to ward off the attack.] Then we started sharing the MM truth we had by giving out the lit Why Jesus? to two men who did not run, Kama and Salim. They are hawkers selling drinking water at the bus stop. One by one people started coming back to the bus stop till about fifty people listened. We shared with them a few copies of MM lits. Suddenly armed police officers came and dispersed the group. When we arrived in Edd the reception was a bit calmer, even some white people of French origin. We shared the MM lits and moved on. Now we are left with only £205 in the kitty after the day's work. We are still on the move. 20th February 2017. To John: In the incident in Beilul, you say the people ran away at first. Why? Did they see something frightening to them? Or were you speaking to them, and were they afraid of the message? Thanks. 9:28. From John: I just guess that because they fight Christians and could have fought us outright, God's Angels leading ahead of the MM van made them fear and run. God bless. Eritrea: Over 100 Gunmen Chasing Us19th February 2017. 17:00. From Rhoda: THE TEAM MUST NOT REST TONIGHT. OVER ONE HUNDRED ARMED MEN ARE AFTER THEM WITH THE AIM OF BOMBING THE VAN. GOD'S ANGELS ARE ON THE WATCH. THE TEAM NEEDS AT LEAST £1100 TO KEEP THEM GOING. 7 Angels have said. 20th February 2017. 8:39. From John: Thanks Will. We got chased by a group but their vehicle caught fire and all in it burnt to death. We are proceeding with the Evangelism work. God bless. 9:07. Reply: Where did that occur? What sort of vehicle was it? Could you see any of the gunmen in it? Were you travelling at high speed? I guess the kitty is empty by now. No money was found last night. Bob is forwarding some more today. It's not much. We can't find the high amounts required. We are running on empty... I feel crushed by this burden every day. 9:18. From John: Thanks Will. Yes the kitty is dry. All this happened between Ghinda and Nafasit. They had a Nissan caravan white in colour. We moved at a normal 80km/hr speed. Yes we could see gun heads [gun barrels] protruding through the windows. 21st February 2017. 12:30. To John: Is there anything to report about what went on during your visit to Areza? I'm still waiting to know. 21st February 2017. 13:30. From John: In Areza town we received totally different people with signs of some Christianity because they accepted the MM lits and also came closer to the MM van and listened as we shared the MM truth in the LITS. At far distance stood Muslims in long robes and capes. They did not come closer to us. By the time we left the city, not even one person attacked us. 13:40. Reply: That's good. I wonder if they had heard some of what happened to those who opposed you in other towns? 21st Feb 2017. 15:24. From John: Thanks Will. We too thought of that. 22nd February 2017. 15:47. From John: Today we have visited three cities. In one we met very bad opposition, till we had to leave immediately. But truly God is our fighter. Five armed men who tried to deflate the van tyres are all unconscious now. [God took their lives also.] God Killed An Angry Mob22nd February 2017. 18:04. From Rhoda: Angelic message: THE TEAM MUST START MOVING OUT OF ERITREA TO SOMALIA FROM TOMORROW MIDDAY. TONIGHT A MOP UP OF AN ANGRY MOB WHO WANT TO KILL THE TEAM MEMBERS BY SWORDS WILL BE DONE. THE TEAM MUST NOT REST BUT MOVE BACK TO AREZA CITY WHERE GOD HAS PLACED A WAY OF RESCUE AND WILL WIPE OUT ALL [the attackers]. AT LEAST £800 TO REACH THE TEAM TOMORROW TO KEEP THEM MOVING TO SOMALIA. 22nd February 2017. 18:17. From John: We can hear a group making some sort of noise approaching us. We have to move back to Areza. God bless. 23rd February 2017. 5:12. From John: We got chased till we reached Areza. Their aim was to grab us physically. The battle went till midnight when a strong wind and rain started falling. It was in the strong winds that we heard several loud firebolts striking. They died and we were forced to move on towards the border in preparation to cross to Somalia. 8:59. Reply: ...who came against you? Could you number them, roughly? 9:26. From John: They were about twenty or so. Will, it is midday here and we planned to move out as per the Angels message but we have only £97... Comment: Three faithful supporters were able to stump up £190, £400 and £100. The next day I ‘stole’ £100 from our personal account [on the overdraft] to make up the £800 request from the angels, for their travel costs to Somalia. I do believe that they get exploited in these Islamic countries. When traders see the signwriting of MM on the van and realise it’s an outreach vehicle connected to the West, the prices suddenly inflate. Strangers get overcharged, especially Christians travelling through. However, God lets them cheat us. He lets people do wrong, even though they are working against the will and plan of God. For everything is weighed up in the Judgement, and no one gets away with anything. If they want money, God lets them have it. But they have rejected the greater riches, the heavenly wealth that entitles God’s chosen ones to an eternal glory far greater than anything money can buy! 26th Feb 2017. 12:01. From John in Eritrea: On 19th Feb at around 10 pm in Asmara city, armed men who covered their faces surrounded the MM van and ordered us to give out all the Faith Lits to them. We were all astonished because they were specific that they only wanted the MM Faith lits. We carried the Faith Lits in our hands by then and the van windows were open. They pointed their guns at us and ordered us to come out which we did, then suddenly they tried to grab the lits from us by force. It was midnight by then. A strong wind then blew up and we heard thunder sounds, [lightning] spikes and a loud noise. To our surprise they all fell to the ground crying of hot coal. [God killed them. Psalm 11:6.] We moved back to the van and drove off. The next day, while in our evangelism work, we met two women whose husbands were among those who attacked us. Sali Hanna and Rubi Sawe confirmed the occurrence. We encouraged them to give their lives to God. |
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