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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 9 |
117Satan's Stooges
Beware of men... (Matthew 10:17). The few supporters who have valiantly supported the MM outreach by bearing all the costs, were targeted by the State apparatus. Civil laws are meant to protect the innocent, but in the hands of evil men, they are misused to oppress them on the basis of suspicion and allegation alone. Powers granted to police, which were meant to protect us from terrorism, were misappropriated to try and crush us. Over the years Helena and I were given many dreams forewarning us of this abuse (in four articles: Is Britain Now A Police State? Police State Britain; When Prosecution Is Persecution; Facing The British Police.). The police intent was to “break my legs” (prevent me operating this ministry) and to “break my back” (finish Midnight Ministries off). In January 2016, a friend had this revelation about it: Damaging Forefinger I was with a man who had a blade at the end of his forefinger. He said he could use it to cause very serious injury. He said to one man that he could cut him in half and he then demonstrated on that man. He did not even need to touch the man with the blade. He just moved his forefinger in a sweeping movement across the man's body without actual contact, but still caused the man serious injury. I hated to see this and wanted to get well away from him. This describes the power of the pointed finger of accusation. It need not touch the body (have substance), but it does the damage anyway. Comment at the time: This is being fulfilled by the police, with their false accusations against Malcolm, John Ongoro and MM. Six months later, our friend had this further revelation from God: 24th June 2016. Scotland Yard’s case on MM. A man was preparing a legal document. It was a statutory declaration. This means that to have any legal effect it had to be formalised in front of a solicitor. The man did not want to take the time to do that. He was in a hurry. Instead of that he asked someone who had no legal qualification to sign in the hope that this would not be noticed. Meaning: This is to do with the police in Scotland Yard who want to stop me operating and are looking for a legal means to do their dastardly work. Further: In addition to the main document there was a second smaller completed document on the table. It was not the focus of attention. I only knew in relation to that document that all was well regarding it. So the whole picture was a table with two documents, the smaller one I have described and the second larger document being the one put together in a hurry. ...The smaller document... The content of that document was fine. The content of the larger document needed further consideration/checking. Meaning: The smaller document is my case against Scotland Yard, contained in the letters and materials I have sent to them, to which they have not responded properly, and which is recounted here. The larger document (the police case) contains errors and needs correcting. They have got the wrong idea. Police Controls Exerted Covertly And DeviouslyI wrote to Western Union about this abuse, but they ignored me: 13th Sept 2016. 23:44. To ger@westernunion.com: Please would you answer these questions: Why is John Ouma Ongoro in Kenya – a kind and beneficent Christian minister – on the International Government Sanction Watch List? Why? He is not a criminal. He has never had a criminal record. NO EVIDENCE HAS BEEN PRESENTED TO PROVE ANY GUILT OF WHICH HE IS BEING FALSELY ACCUSED! So, why are the police targeting him, and why are you complicit in their crime against him? How can you comply with the police over this, when they have blacklisted him WITHOUT A COURT INJUNCTION and WITHOUT PROPER LEGAL AUTHORITY? (I have it on good authority from a solicitor that the police have acted illicitly in this situation.) The UK police have overstepped their powers in exercising legal restraints on John Ongoro, on Midnight Ministries, and on supporters of Midnight Ministries (MM) in the UK by restricting and preventing money transfers to John Ongoro or to Midnight Ministries in the UK from supporters of this Christian ministry on the slanderous ‘grounds’ that John is “a con man” and MM “is a fraudulent setup.” These are entirely false accusations levelled at this Christian ministry by the UK police who are persecuting MM without just cause. The UK police, from whence this slander originates, have not obtained the due legal permission to act in this scurrilous way. They have not complied with proper legal procedure, and have not obtained the appropriate legal authorisation from the appropriate legal authority, but have merely substituted it with their own authority, hoping that no one will notice. Well, God notices, and He is not putting up with it. Hence this complaint that I file to you now. I demand a review and an inquiry into this ABUSE that has made it impossible for me and others with our Christian ministry to send money to John Ongoro in Kenya. Please do not give me the usual devious hedging in reply to these serious complaints above. I also need an answer to these 8 questions: Why have you blocked my transactions through WU to John Ongoro in Kenya? Why have you blocked my daughter’s transactions through WU to John Ongoro in Kenya? Her name is V. [Identities protected.] Why have you blocked W’s transactions through WU to John Ongoro in Kenya? Why have you blocked X’s transactions through WU to John Ongoro in Kenya? Why have you blocked Y’s transactions through WU to John Ongoro in Kenya? Why have you blocked Z’s transactions through WU to John Ongoro in Kenya? Who (falsely) informed you that John Ouma Ongoro is “a con man” or “a fraudster”? Why are you blocking transactions on the strength of mere SUPPOSITION OR ALLEGATION, when you have not been given PROOF of wrongdoing – REAL PROOF THAT JOHN IS A FRAUDSTER? I don’t have to remind you that it is not legal to block money transactions when no court injunction has been served. You have to have a court injunction, otherwise a corrupt cop can get you to block someone on his own malicious atheistic whim which has not been backed up legally nor properly. Thank you. I await your prompt reply. AND PLEASE REMOVE THE BLOCKS ON THE ABOVE NAMED INDIVIDUALS AND MYSELF BEFORE WE TAKE FURTHER ACTION. Thank you. [There was no reply. They ignored me entirely. Police hold absolute power!] The Miracle Of IntercessionWe tend to be impressed by miracles of dead people being raised, or dramatic healings, or other very physically demonstrable happenings. But the unseen intercession which undergirds all the outreach exploits we have mentioned is itself a remarkable miracle. That a person alone in a room, thousands of miles away from the scene of activity, can actually determine the outcome of what is happening is quite amazing. It is achieved by spiritual gifts harnessed in submission to God. God guides the person to push at demonic powers and the intercessor knows when the objective has been achieved. Sacrifice always precedes blessing, so a price in personal commitment and effort must be paid. But the miracle is God’s, and He grants humans a right to share in these achievements. There was a fierce confrontation in the spirit realm with the demons of New Scotland Yard and their influences upon Western Union: 15th Sept 2016. Comment: Last night Helena began her usual nightly vigil of intercession, plugging away at the demons through the Spirit. There was a lot to deal with. When she sensed that the job was just about done, she thought she could get some needed rest. It was now about 2 am. But, as that wave was dealt with, another wave began and she was not able to finish as she had hoped. Instead it got more intense and she had to keep going. But instead of it getting better and having release she found herself being set upon in a far worse way then she has ever experienced before. It must have been an attack of Satan who brought many more of his evil demons with him to try and kill her. She got weaker and weaker and was then violently sick, vomiting up some brown stuff. She knew this was a demonic attack, and although she felt like giving up because she was so weakened and close to death, she knew she mustn’t give up, or it would be the end of MM. She kept pushing and pushing. It went on for hours and hours. She had to endure another bout of vomiting, making her raw inside. The demons were creating wind inside her that was painful and the only release was through such vomiting. Finally, when she had no more strength, the battle was over. She could end. It was now 6 am. She got a couple of hours sleep, before having to start the regular daily intercession again at 8. Today [15th Sept 2016] she was so weak and couldn’t eat anything for many hours, not until this evening, because she was so sore inside. But it’s over ... for now, at any rate. Were those Scotland Yard demons? We think so. And she was given a word of knowledge that they were the rats which Wilfred saw in a dream several days ago. Saturday 17th September 2016. Comment: About the all-night battle Helena fought against Satan on Wednesday night / Thursday early morning. She struggled on through the day on Thursday (15th), but in the evening God healed her, restoring her health to its usual level, taking away the soreness and weakness that the demons had caused. She needed healing, for the damage caused may not have been able to heal by natural regeneration, or would have taken a long time. God answered our prayer to heal her. Isn’t it good when God does such things? Such occasions are special. Scotland Yard Tries To Thwart MMOn 22nd September 2016, Fiona [81 yrs young] e-mailed to mention that she had received an unsolicited visit from two police officers asking about MM. They were polite, but asked about her transfers via Western Union and her bank. They had been put up to it by Scotland Yard. Western Union wouldn’t do that. The bank wouldn’t do that. This was a deliberate attempt by Scotland Yard to find incriminating evidence against MM, to justify their suspicion that we were exploiting her for scurrilous purposes. This dream of Kassahun’s, 7 years earlier, predicts it: Sept. 21/09. I was helping a woman who was surrounded by venomous snakes. They were ready to bite her from every angle. Her cry for deliverance could be heard far away. I ran to help her and started hitting the snakes’ heads with an iron rod. They couldn’t resist the blows and finally she was delivered. Her cry turned to laughter. Comment: The woman represents MM. The snakes are demons. They use people to attack us. At the moment it is Scotland Yard attacking us with their venom. But God’s rod of correction / judgement will come down hard on them for attacking His Work. Some people there are going to be hit, as Job 34:16-30 prophesies. Major weapons of the devil in people are hatred, prejudice, revenge, malice, etc. Romans 8:7 – for the carnal mind is hostile to God and not subject to the instruction of God, nor can it be.
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