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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 9 |
116The Angels Say
Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers... (Matthew 10:8).
After Yasmin didn’t get the money he wanted for himself, he went like all the other unfaithfuls. He then developed a strong headache, and went to Arabia to seek medical help. We heard nothing further after that. Meanwhile the angels had given instructions via Rhoda for John and the team to visit hospitals in Uganda while they awaited more money. God also spoke about the importance of the Feast of Tabernacles: Healings In Uganda Hospitals6th Sept 2016. 13:35. From Rhoda: MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, THE FOT THIS YEAR IN MARK'S PLACE IS VERY IMPORTANT. THE EVANGELISM TEAM SHOULD MOVE ON WITH VISITING THE SICK IN HOSPITALS TO GIVE THEM HOPE. TODAY THEY HAVE DONE A GOOD WORK VISITING TWO HOSPITALS IN BUSIA UGANDA. FOT IS THE KEY WORRY IN THEM. GOD IS WATCHING. 7 angels have said that to me now. 7th Sept 2016. 18:50. From John: Thanks Will. We pray for all the sick in the wards, touch their bodies with MM Faith lit then leave. God through the Angels directed us to do that. Those who get healed will start to share their testimonies after 7 days, from 13th September which is the Day of Atonement through to the Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day. In a dream yesternight, myself, Eunice and my mother while walking back home from a nearby town, came across a big river flowing very fast and infested with hippopotamuses. We all successfully crossed it to safer ground with no one hurt by the hippopotamuses. What a dream! God bless. 7th Sept 2016. 19:25. From Rhoda: ALREADY 6 SICK PEOPLE ARE HEALED FROM CHOLERA AND MALARIA IN THE HOSPITALS THAT THE EVANGELISM TEAM HAVE VISITED. MANY WILL MEET THEIR HEALING TOMORROW. THE FOT DATE IS NEARING, MORE ANXIETY IS IN THE EVANGELISM TEAM ABOUT THE GREAT DAY OF THE FOT. GOD IS WATCHING OVER THEM THOUGH THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT IS TOTALLY DRY. 7 angels have said that to me now. 7th Sept 2016. 20:02. From John: Are you OK? We are in Malaba general hospital doing God's work. [Fiona was able to send £50 to John.] God Kills Another Hostile Pastor In S Sudan8th Sept 2016. 19:33. From John: We pray that, God willing, tomorrow night finds us in South Sudan. If we can get at least £195 then tomorrow night we shall be in Juba meeting Oloo and Riek’s children then visiting the sick in hospitals there. God is doing great things here through MM lit evangelism. Oloo has just called to inform us that a pastor who planned to kill him is dead, we wait to get full details from him. God bless. We are traveling to South Sudan now though our fuel may only take us up to the Uganda South Sudan border. The kitty has got only £50. 8th Sept 2016. 23:14. To John: We are hoping to get £100 to you tomorrow morning. That's all we can find... 9th Sept 2016. 9:12. From John: Thanks Will. We are at the border. We can't move on because our fuel is over. Comment: Bob was able to get £300 on its way to them. 20:03. From John: By midnight we shall be in Juba... 10th Sept 2016. 18:38. From John: Thanks to God. We arrived here last night and joined Oloo and Rieks children today morning. We had a good Sabbath rest with them, shared water and milk with them [and God’s Word, too]... 10th Sept 2016. 19:03. From Rhoda: 'THE MM VAN IS IN SOUTHERN SUDAN SINCE MIDNIGHT YESTERNIGHT. GOD IS GREAT...' 7 angels have said to me now. 11th Sept 2016. 16:06. From John: We are off to Kenya for the FOT. 11th Sept 2016. 16:35. From Rhoda: MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, AT LEAST SOME MONEY TO REACH JOHN BY WU TOMORROW TO KEEP THEM MOVING NON-STOP TO KENYA. IF AT LEAST £400 CAN REACH THEM, THEN WEDNESDAY MORNING WILL FIND THEM AT HOME. MANY PEOPLE WILL ATTEND THE FOT. AT LEAST SOME MONEY SHOULD BE IN THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT TO SUPPORT THE FOT. 7 angels have said that to me now. Comment: Well, I have no idea where that can come from! We are all sinking in debts beyond our ability to cope! 11th Sept 2016. 19:41. From John: ...We have got only £105 in the kitty, enough to take us to Kampala Uganda. 12th Sept 2016. 6:57. From Rhoda: THE EVANGELISM TEAM IS IN KAMPALA UGANDA, AND CAN'T MOVE ON, THEIR FUEL IS OVER. GOD TO TOUCH A SUPPORTER TO CHIP IN SOME MONEY TO HELP THEM MOVE ON TO KENYA AND SET THE STAGE FOR THE FOT. 7 angels have said now. [Thankfully some money came in, just enough!] 13th Sept 2016. 18:57. From John: Day of Atonement. Glory to God. We are still on with our meet here. Many people from the neighborhood have joined us for the observance. Psalm 127 has just been read by the congregation. 13th Sept 2016. 19:35. From Rhoda: MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, THE LORD SHOULD OPEN UP A SUPPORT FOR THE FOT MEETS. SO FAR THE GROUND IS SET FOR THE FOT. DAY OF ATONEMENT MEET IS ON IN JOHN'S HOME. AFTER WHICH THE FOT FOLLOWS. 7 angels have said that to me now. The angels kept emphasising the need for funds to come to support the FoT, and for other outreach activities. God was urging a new individual to come on board and support this venture for the first time, but he was dilatory and didn’t respond. It left us and the team in difficulties. The Feast went ahead, but they soon ran out of funds, and by 19th Sept there was nothing to purchase needed ugali (bread made from maize flour) and water. People went without for a while. As the intended donor didn’t respond to God’s prompts, God had to provide another way. The angels gave continual input, and a short while later Bob K was amazed to find a refund of tax in his bank account from the Inland Revenue over here, which he sent. It exactly filled the need! 14th Sept 2016. 10:05. From Rhoda: MALCOLM, AT LEAST £430 TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW FOR THE ROOF REPAIRS. THEY ARE SET FOR THE FOT THOUGH THERE IS NO MONEY TO DRIVE THE PROGRAMME. GOD WILL OPEN UP FINANCES. 7 angels have said that to me. 17th September 2016. 17:24. From Rhoda: ALREADY A GROUP NUMBERING 70 ARE IN MARK'S PLACE FOT MEET. THE VILLAGERS ARE ALSO HAPPY TO ATTEND. FROM NAIROBI RHODA HAS MOVED WITH 8 PEOPLE TO NDHIWA FOR THE FOT. THOUGH THE EVANGELISM BANK ACCOUNT IS COMPLETELY DRY, GOD IS PLEASED TO SUPPORT MM SUPPORTERS TO FINANCIALLY STAND WITH THE FOT MEET IN MARK'S PLACE. 7 angels have said that to me now. 18th Sept 2016. 18:05. From Rhoda: MALCOLM, MALCOLM, THE GROUP MEETING IN NDHIWA FOR THE FOT ARE MOVING ON WELL THOUGH THE EVANGELISM BANK ACCOUNT IS COMPLETELY DRY. MALCOLM TO ENCOURAGE JOHN AND MARK TO CONTINUE WITH STRONG FAITH FOR GOD'S SUPPORT WILL COME AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. 7 angels have said that to me now. 19th Sept 2016. 18:32. From Rhoda: AT LEAST £400 TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW TO HELP IN FOT. DRINKING WATER AND FLOUR FOR UGALI ARE OVER. JOHN LOOKS DISTURBED. THEY HAVE TRIED TO MEET THE NEEDS OF MANY ATTENDEES HERE. IT VERY URGENT. 7 angels have said. 19th Sept 2016. 16:33. From Rhoda: MOST OF THE ATTENDEES ARE NEW MM CONVERTS FROM ISLAM... MALCOLM TO ADVISE JOHN AND MARK TO ACCOMMODATE THEM THOUGH IT IS EXPENSIVE. ABOUT £702 ON TOP OF THE MONEY SENT TO JOHN TODAY WILL BE ENOUGH UP TO THE END. 7 angels have said that to me now. [Bob K had a tax rebate which just came in on the 19th, so he was able to send £740, meeting their need. Miraculous! God knows everything ahead of time!]
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