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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 8 |
99God's Mighty Hand In Egypt And Sudan
“They shall be afraid of the Lord our God, and shall fear because of You” (Micah 7:17). Mosques & Churches In Egypt Shaken 30th March 2016. 18:37. From John: We will be crossing in to Egypt tomorrow morning. All is well. 4th April 2016. 17:48. From John: So far we have managed to visit 18 mosques. 8 in Alexandria yesterday and 10 in Cairo today. In some mosques we meet Imams willing to get the Christian truth in MM lits but we can see they fear [to go against] their mosque doctrines. Tomorrow we are heading to Giza town to do God's commission. In a dream yesterday I saw a group gnashing their teeth in anger when they opened a church and found MM lits placed on their pastor's desk. They sat down and organized groups to look for the author of those lits but before they could tear the lits the whole church collapsed killing all of them. Then the leaders in that region held a meeting and declared that all the churches in that region should look for the author of the MM lits and learn from him or her how to PLEASE GOD. The churches were mainstream churches and their leaders. 5th April 2016. 5:37. From Rhoda: 'MALCOLM, THE DREAM SHOWED WHAT WILL BE HAPPENING SOME TIME IN MUSLIM COUNTRIES. NOW THEY HATE THE MM TRUTH BUT AFTER A WHILE THEIR LEADERS WILL EMBRACE THE MM TRUTH. IT DOES NOT CALL FOR A WARNING TO PASTORS IN MAINSTREAM CHURCHES.' 7 angels have said that to me now. 6th April 2016. 10:21. From Sujadi: My team is in Egypt but your boys Mark and John don't want to give out the van... 10:25. From John: Five armed men have barricaded our route. They are demanding that we surrender the new van. We can't bow to the devil. 6th April 2016. 10:29. From Rhoda: 'ANOTHER GANG WILL TRY TO HIJACK THE VAN IN EGYPT, LET THE TEAM TAKE A DIFFERENT ROUTE.' 7 angels have said that to me now. 13:01. From John: Thanks Will. We are already in Giza and have visited 2 mosques. We changed direction and the gang didn't follow us. God bless. 11th April 2016. 12:28. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM... THE OLDER VAN ENGINE IS OVERHEATING BADLY. THE EVANGELISM TEAM SHOULD TAKE A REST THIS EVENING FOR IT TO COOL." 7 angels have said that to me now. Arrested In Sudan 9th April 2016. 18:11. From Tomas: Sudan, Khartoum. We are safe in Sudan and will start visiting mosques tomorrow. God bless. 12th April 2016. 12:22. From Rhoda: 'SUJADI IS PLANNING ANOTHER ATTACK ON THE VAN IN SUDAN. TOMAS AND HIS TEAM MUST BE ON THE ALERT. THEY ARE LEFT WITH ONLY £50 FROM WHAT J SENT TO THEM.' 7 angels have said that to me now. 12th April 2016. 12:25. From Sujadi: Yes I may die any time soon but I love my soldiers in Sudan. I have taken captive your people who are entering Mosques by force. Shame on you, get ready to meet us in the Hague. 12:39. Reply: What rubbish you talk. How did your left leg get broken? 13:31. From Sujadi: You severed my leg. You killed our people. Dog. 12th April 2016. 13:50. From Tomas: Two aged men pretended to be beggars. They came to ask for water and after we had shared our water with them, when Malik gave them his testimony and removed a FAITH LIT, they removed guns and pointed at us telling us that we are under arrest. At that point we all removed the Faith lits and when we pointed at them they died instantly. But before we could move, a group came and now we are being accused of murder using the guns. We have only £50 from the £100 that John sent us. 27 policemen have come to the point. God bless. 12th April 2016. 14:18. To John: We are trying to find some money to send. The angels have asked for £700 for you to the end of the week, so I guess they can see where it is and hopefully we can access it in the next day or so. Sudan Touched By God’s Mighty Hand 12th April 2016. 15:15. From Tomas: The police have given us order to quit the country in less than 15 minutes. They want to retain the van but release us. We can't leave the van. 12th April 2016. 15:22. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, IF POSSIBLE AT LEAST £370 IS TO REACH TOMAS. THE POLICE WILL DEMAND MONEY BEFORE RELEASING THEM. THAT'S HOW THE POLICE WILL SUFFER ON TOUCHING THE MONEY, WHICH THEY WILL RETURN TO TOMAS AND GIVE THE VAN BACK AND ALLOW THEM TO TAKE THE MM MESSAGE TO ALL MOSQUES WITHOUT ANY PROBLEM. TOMAS WILL PUT THE MONEY IN THE FAITH LIT BEFORE GIVING TO THE POLICE." 7 angels have said that to me now. 13th April 2016. 7:36. From Tomas: Thanks Will. John sent us £400 and I took £370 to the police and at once the one who touched the money dropped it and collapsed. Then another took it, dropped it and collapsed, and it went on like that till all laid down unconscious and observers ran away. We then touched them with the MM Faith lit till they recovered and gave us back the van. Now we are fueling it to embark on God's duty. God bless. 13th April 2016. 7:40. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM, SUDAN WAS TOUCHED BY GOD'S MIGHTY HANDS WHEN THE MEN IN POLICE UNIFORMS TRIED TO TAKE THE MM VAN. THEY GOT BURNED WITH HOT COAL AND RETURNED THE MM VAN PLUS THE MONEY. THE EVANGELISM TEAM IN EGYPT ARE DOWN FINANCIALLY." 7 angels have said that to me now. 8:58. Reply: We are struggling... for lack of money... It would appear that they were not police, but Sujadi's men, don't you think? By the inference the angels gave by saying "in police uniforms". 13th April 2016. 15:45. From Sujadi: Your plans to kill me are clear. You took your van in Sudan and killed my two men. Your name must be taken to the Hague. Fatu is leaking to you our plans, I must kill her with Charm. 16:51. Reply: Go on then, terrorist! Try and take me to the Hague. Don't be so silly! And as for Fatu, she is leaking nothing. God's Seven Angels tell us what we need to know, so get on your bicycle and ride to Mecca for support for your hostile and evil campaign. 13th April 2016. 15:51. From Riek: Thanks to God. We are okay with my family. People come to my house and we share God's word. I pray to God for a bicycle to enable me move to the villages around evangelising. God bless. 14th April 2016. 17:25. From Rhoda: 'NO ONE WILL STAND IN THE WAY OF THE MM TRUTH IN MUSLIM COUNTRIES. AT LEAST £275 TO REACH RIEK FOR THE BICYCLE [and other needs]. ON SATURDAY RIEK SHOULD TRAVEL 12KM TO AN SDA CHURCH IN THE OUTSKIRTS OF KHARTOUM. DON'T TALK BUT ONLY STAND AT THE GATE AND POINT THE FAITH LIT AT THE PASTOR. PASTOR MAJORIOK KWILING HAS BEEN THE LEADER OF THOSE WHO ATTACKED MM IN SOUTHERN SUDAN. RIEK SHOULD USE THE BICYCLE TO REACH THERE. THE PASTOR WILL DIE AND THAT'S HOW MANY HE HAS TAKEN HOSTAGE WILL BE FREED.' 7 angels with sharp glittering swords have said that. 18:12. From Riek: Kwiling is a former soldier believed to be from Uganda. He is very cruel and literally canes his congregation. No one has ever opposed him. Like the case of David and Goliath, if God chooses me to move with him to the battlefield then may God's will be done. Two SDA members joined me today for MM lit studies. When they went back home they received phone calls from Kwiling to report to his office. One of them, X, has fled to Kenya to escape Kwiling. 14th April 2016. 19:01. From Rhoda: "AS THE EVANGELISM IN MUSLIM COUNTRIES IS MOVING TOWARDS ITS END MORE ATTACKS WILL BE ON THE EVANGELISM TEAM. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM IGNORE ALL LETTERS COMING FROM ANY QUARTER SAYING ALL SORTS OF STUFF ABOUT MEMBERS OF THE EVANGELISM TEAM, BE IT JOHN, VUGA, MARK, FATU, IGNORE. THERE IS A BIG MISSION TO FIGHT THE TEAM, AND WHOEVER FIGHTS THE EVANGELISM TEAM IS NOT A GENUINE MM SUPPORTER." 7 angels have said that now. -288The Mission To Kill Sudan’s Kwiling 15th April 2016. 13:38. From Riek: Thanks to God, I have bought a brand new Reilly bicycle at £170. Very early tomorrow I will move out to do God's work. 17th April 2016. 12:56. From Riek: Thanks to God. I arrived at the church compound Wadi Sabbath School in the outskirts of Khartoum at 8.00 am when the Sabbath school programme was starting. It was pastor Kwiling giving a stern warning to the congregation, telling them to shun MM and not allow MM preachers to their homes. At that point I removed the Faith lit and pointed it at him from the door. He dropped like a log and the congregation ran to help him. I then moved and hid in the town. At midnight the seven Angels in bright lights surrounded me and ordered me to go back to the church and use the MM Faith lit to point at the unconscious pastor. When I went back the pastor was palpitating and when I pointed at him all the over 20 people in the church ran away leaving the pastor on the ground. He cried of being burnt with hot coal then he lay dead. I waited for the morning, then at 6 am I left for my home on my bicycle. God bless. 15:07. Reply: That was a good night's work. You must be quite tired now and glad to get some rest and sleep. Thanks for letting me know what happened. I wonder if by "palpitating" you mean having convulsions. God bless. 17th April 2016. 15:50. To Riek: I have a few queries: 1. Roughly how many people are there in that SDA church? 2. Why did you not go home immediately after the first incident of pointing the Faith booklet at him? 3. When you went back to the church building at midnight, was Kwiling still in the same place where he fell? Or had he been moved onto a bed or something? 4. I wonder why people were still there at midnight on Saturday? 17th April 2016. 18:08. From Riek: 1) Roughly 100. 2) I waited so that I could witness his death. 3) He was placed on a mat just inside the church. 4) I just guess that they were hopeful that he may gain consciousness so they remained in church praying for him. 17th April 2016. 19:27. From Tomas: Sudan. The story of how Angels of God took away the life of pastor Kwiling is being talked about by youths and old people here [people must have seen the angels]. He was bad and openly fought MM. He is no more. We covered 14 mosques today. We are left with only £50... 17th April 2016. 19:20. From Sujadi: You can not match my two trainers, they have more money than your god. If you prove strong more than me they two trainers will pick it with you from where I will leave it. You can not ruin my religion with your Charm. Dog. 17th April 2016. 18:46. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM, MALCOLM, TO INSTRUCT THE EVANGELISM TEAM TO USE £375 TO SERVICE THE OLDER VAN. ITS ENGINE IS OVERHEATING BADLY AND IF NOT CHECKED MAY KNOCK. MAY £170 BE SENT TO TOMAS TEAM IN SUDAN FOR THE WEEK. THE ENGINE OF THE OLDER VAN IS OVERHEATING BADLY. EUNICE IS HEALED BY GOD." 7 angels have said that to me now. 18th April 2016. 6:09. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, THE VAN SHOULD BE SERVICED AS FAST AS POSSIBLE SO THAT THE WORK CAN GO ON. ALI IS PLANNING TO USE SOME MUSLIM BOYS TO MOVE TO THE GARAGE AND POUR ACID INTO THE CAR ENGINE SO BY 12.30PM SHOULD FIND WHEN THE WORK ON THE VAN IS OVER. SUJADI HAS LINKED WITH TWO SAUDI MEN WITH MONEY TO FIGHT GOD BUT ALL WILL BE DEFEATED BADLY." 7 angels have said that to me now. 10:44. From John: Ali? Yes a group of youths yesterday yelled in the streets chanting 'money man Ali'. Another Revenge Attack On Riek 18th April 2016. 9:04. From Riek: Over 14 SDA members mourning. My house is surrounded by a group of people carrying machetes baying for my blood over their pastor's death. The situation is worse. God bless. 9:25. Reply: The same power of God that killed that evil pastor can kill these evil people, too. Just follow the lead of God's Spirit. 19th April 2016. 10:12. From Riek’s son: My father’s hand was cut. Hallo, this is Abil Riek. Yesternight a group came to our home, broke the door and when my father raised his hand holding an MM Faith lit, his left hand was cut at the wrist, he lost a lot of blood. This morning I wanted to take him for treatment but he told me not for our enemies can come and kill him in the hospital. Now our father is down with pain. We don't have food and water. Pray for us. I know the MM God can protect us and provide us with food now. God bless you for standing with us. I am 15yrs, the second born son to Riek Mojong. 11:18. Reply: Yes, we will pray. God will intervene. He always does. Thanks for writing. God bless. 19th April 2016. 10:29. From Rhoda: "RIEK IS INJURED BUT HE WILL NOT DIE. IF POSSIBLE, LET AT LEAST £300 REACH HIS FAMILY. HE IS DOWN AND A MM SUPPORTER CAN NOT SUFFER [it’s not right for him to suffer]. GOD WILL HEAL HIM." 7 angels have said that now. 11:21.To John: We don't have money at present. I won't know till later today whether any is possible. But if you can send a small amount to get them out of trouble, it would be good. [John sent Riek £100.] 19th April 2016. 17:45. From Sujadi: In Sudan your man killed a pastor and his hand got chopped off. The people who beat him are down with unknown illnesses, eyes blocked, stomachs swollen and headaches. What power do you people use? 19:27. Reply: Jesus Christ, God Almighty, has punished all those people. And He will punish you if you don't desist. 19th April 2016. 19:39. From Sujadi: But you can't kill Ali, just wait and see. You must regret why you started this war. What is good is that you are very poor with no money, your people suffering running day and night with no food. you too took away Fatu who was destined for great things in Islam. YOU ARE THE LORD OF POVERTY. DOG DOG DOG. 20th April 2016. 17:59. From Mark: We are in a fix right now, one tyre of the van burst. Good luck it was not at high speed so no accident occurred. We are all safe and we pray for His protection. We then managed to change the old spare wheel but... we put much trust in God so that we can get new tyres... Comment: The situation gets more dire as each day passes, for money is not in sight. We await the financial treasure box from heaven. 20th April 2016. 18:26. From Mark: I received a call today from a good friend of mine known as Mumo Msyoka, we used to work with him in the police force. He used to borrow MM lits from me to read and return. He informed me that he received a letter that stopped him from work and to evacuate the police quarters with immediate effect because he was found with MM lit at work and was sharing the word of God with colleagues... instead of Catholic teachings. So I told him to stay at my place with his family for the time being... 19:12. Reply: That was good thinking on your part! Maybe he can use some of the land to support his family. It's despicable how he was treated. About the tyre situation. I can't help, other than to say: God who is carrying you by His Spirit, without food and without sleep (other than 15 mins a day), can solve this situation since we are without any more money at present. The shoes on the Israelites feet did not wear out when they trekked through the desert for 40 years. I'm sure tyres are no more of a problem for Him! 21st April 2016. 12:15. From Rhoda: "RIEK IS STILL IN PAINS, AT LEAST £200 TO REACH THEM FOR SUBSISTENCE... THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT IS COMPLETELY DRY." 7 angels have said that to me now. 13:03. Reply: I'll see what can be done, but I can't do anything. I have no money to send. The bank refused to raise my overdraft limit... 21st April 2016. 12:29. From Riek: Thanks. I feel a lot of pain. I need a lot of fluids. We don't have food for tonight, what J sent is over. I thank God that now I can write. I was attacked by a group mourning the dead pastor. God bless. 21st April 2016. 13:16. From Riek: It is worse here with SDA members laughing at me and saying all sorts of things. Our God is able to hold our hands. 21st April 2016. 15:02. From Sujadi: Why don't you sell to us your ministry? We can give you all the money you need. Your people are suffering a great deal in Sudan, Egypt. All members of your ministry are very poor. Are you being haunted? Accept my offer if you to succeed. Your ministry is bankrupt, declare it to be a branch of Islam you poor dog. Hoof hoooof hooooooooooooof. 23rd April 2016. 9:44. To Riek, cc John: We are all concerned for you and wondering how you are doing. But I realise that God is working out a plan through your sufferings. Since I haven’t heard from you, I take that to mean that you haven’t yet been entirely delivered from your pains even though God will have been helping you through them. In this message to Rhoda below, God was implying more than the words stated. He wouldn’t normally have to mention that He will heal you, because we know that is a promise from God. But the implication is that you would still be suffering for a while. 19th April 2016. 10:29. From Rhoda: "...RIEK IS INJURED BUT HE WILL NOT DIE. IF POSSIBLE, LET AT LEAST £300 REACH HIS FAMILY. HE IS DOWN AND A MM SUPPORTER CAN NOT SUFFER [it’s not right for him to suffer]. GOD WILL HEAL HIM." 7 angels have said that now. The sufferings you have borne are part of the burden the prophets bear on behalf of the people who need to turn back to God. Helena and I bear burdens every day in this cause, but God has His own way of helping us through. They are not as serious as your pain, but they were at the outset in January 2011, and this burden bearing has been going on constantly ever since. Hang in there. God will come through for you in His time. God bless. 23rd April 2016. 10:29. From Riek: Thanks to our God, I am improving day and night. I couldn't write because my phone went off and we have to travel 1km to charge my phone... We were in a Sabbath meet in my house with 5 former SDA members. We have just finished. Thanks a lot John sent us £150 for food on Thursday night. God bless. Mosques Visited In Egypt And Sudan 24th April 2016. 9:44. From John: Egypt mission: So far we have visited 106 Mosques: Cairo 17; Port Said 16; Giza 11; Suez 10; Luxor 8; Alexandria 20; Shubra-El-Kheima 11; El-Mahalla El-Kubra 13. We are going on with God's work, aiming to finalize by Thursday... 26th April 2016. 19:49. From John: Today we have done 11 mosques since morning... 19:56. To John: ...What is the usual procedure when you visit a mosque in Egypt? What do you do? Thanks. 20:05. John’s reply: We all approach a mosque with opened MM Faith lits, then go straight to whoever we find there and hand them the written message and leave. We are messengers and that's exactly what we do. Mostly we find the Imams to whom we give God's message... 24th April 2016. From Tomas: Sudan evangelism: Glory be to our God. God has guided us in visiting 55 mosques: Wadi Haifa 7; Port Sudan 8; Atbara 5; Omdurman 6; Khartoum 13; Elobeid 7; Kusti 9. Tomorrow we shall move to South Sudan. Fatu’s Land Stolen By Sujadi 24th April 2016. 9:58. From Sujadi: Thanks a lot for taking Fatu away. Her land is now under our custody and I have donated it to Mfwata Mosque. Building work begins tomorrow. If she tries to access it then we shall cut her in to pieces... 24th April 2016. 10:04. From Fatu: A bad dream. I saw many Muslims gang up to finish me. First they gathered to take the piece of land my father left for me in Mombasa, then they started to construct a mosque on it but God gave me £7k and I went and constructed a house next to their mosque. Then I used Faith lit to point at the mosque which then fell and all those Muslims became Christians. Funds – A Perpetual Problem 24th April 2016. 19:07. From Rhoda: "TOMAS AND HIS TEAM HAVE NOTHING TO PUSH THEM ON FROM TOMORROW. JOHN TOO IS DOWN FINANCIALLY. THE WORK SHOULD GO ON UNINTERRUPTED. MALCOLM TO BE IN TOUCH WITH JOHN TO HELP THEM. AT LEAST £550 TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW TO KEEP THEM GOING." 7 angels have said that to me now. 19:17. From Tomas: We are moving to South Sudan now but we are completely down financially and put all to God. We don't have enough fuel for tomorrow but we have God through MM lits and strong faith in God meeting our needs at His appointed time and hour. God's love brother. 20:02. Reply: ...We are equally dry, so we just rely upon God. If any money comes through we will let you know. 26th April 2016. 12:16. From John: Thanks Will. We wait for Angelic guidance on where to go next after Egypt. What we have in the kitty can take us up to Thursday then we leave here on the following day Friday. God bless. 26th April 2016. 19:07. From Rhoda: "ON THURSDAY NIGHT THE VANS SHOULD BE MOVING OUT OF EGYPT TO ZANZIBAR TILL JUNE WHEN SUJADI WILL FOLLOW THEM AND OPENLY ACCEPT THE GOD OF MM. THE TEAM IS TO GET READY FOR THE LONG JOURNEY." 7 angels have said that to me now. Comment about funds: God is Provider, but He uses human instruments. It is up to humans to fund His projects on earth. If people don’t care about His projects, and if they are disobedient or negligent, we go without. A price is always paid for waywardness. The innocent suffer. The apostle Paul experienced this. He went without because of the negligence and waywardness of the Corinthians. He had to “rob” other churches to survive. A major reason that funds are limited to us is because of the prevalence of false ministers and false teachings which are more appealing to people. Most believers don’t want pure truth. It’s too painful to accept! They prefer ‘easy salvation’ with less commitments, so most support the false ministers or ministers with a more attractive ‘gospel’.
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