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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 8 |
100In Zanzibar, God Heals All Cholera
“He cast out the spirits with a word, and healed ALL who were sick” (Matthew 8:16). God’s Mission To Heal All Zanzibar28th April 2016. 5:48. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, INSTRUCT THE EVANGELISM TEAM TO MOVE OUT OF EGYPT TONIGHT FOR ZANZIBAR TO CATCH SUJADI’S MEN UNAWARES. AT LEAST £750 IS TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW TO HELP THEM MOVE OUT, THEN ANOTHER £1000 TOMORROW, FRIDAY, TO ENABLE THEM TO REACH ZANZIBAR. TOMAS’S TEAM IS TO GO ON WITH EVANGELISM IN SOUTHERN SUDAN, PEACE IS REQUIRED THERE BUT ONLY GOD-CHOSEN MM WILL DO IT." 7 angels have said that to me now in one voice. 28th April 2016. 7:15. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM, GOD WANTS TO SHOW HIS POWER. THE DAY MM VANS WILL LAND IN ZANZIBAR IS THE VERY DAY THE CHOLERA OUTBREAK WILL STOP AND SCHOOLS WILL REOPEN. AT LEAST £750 IS TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW FOR THEIR MOVE OUT OF EGYPT TONIGHT." 7 angels have said that to me now. 8:45. Reply: I have no idea where the money can come from, but obviously God sees. When I have news on that, I will let you know... Thanks. 9:25. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, GOD IS IN CONTROL, NO FEAR. THE VANS SHOULD RESCUE THE ZANZIBAR NATION FROM CHOLERA THROUGH MM EVANGELISM." 7 angels have said that now. 9:34. From John: We shall be through by 6 pm. We shall then stay put and wait for God's directive on where to go to next. In our kitty we only have £130 which can't take us to Zanzibar but God has an answer to our problem. 1st May 2016. 18:05. From John: We have just arrived in Wadi-halifa town in Sudan and will rest for 15 minutes then move down to Khartoum through Atbara. From Atbara we pray to move to Juba then to Kampala, Mwanza, Dodoma, Dar-es-Salaam, and take the ferry to ZANZIBAR. God bless. 1st May 2016. 16:11. To Rhoda: Hello Rhoda. Hope all is going well. What the angels asked for was miraculously provided here by Bob K and sent by WU... 1st May 2016. 18:19. From Rhoda: "THE EVANGELISM TEAM REQUIRES AT LEAST £5760 TO FINISH THE TASK AHEAD BY THE END OF JUNE WHEN SUJADI WILL SURRENDER WITH ALL HIS MEN. IF POSSIBLE THIS CAN GO INTO JOHN'S EVANGELISM ACCOUNT... " 7 angels said. 1st May 2016. 18:24. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, THE MM ENEMIES ARE BUSY SCHEMING DAY AND NIGHT ON NEW MEANS TO FIGHT MM. STILL NEW LETTERS WILL REACH YOU FIGHTING MM EVANGELISM BECAUSE IT IS CONVERTING ISLAMS TO CHRISTIANITY. IGNORE ALL SUCH LETTERS..." 7 angels have said that to me now. 2nd May 2016. 15:05. From John: We have just arrived in Khartoum and after 10 minutes rest we shall make it to Elobeid town. God bless. 2nd May 2016. 16:59. From Tomas: We are going on with God's work in Juba South Sudan. The evangelism team will be passing here on their way to ZANZIBAR. God bless. 2nd May 2016. 16:55. From Sujadi: You agreed [a lie] not to take your people to ZANZIBAR and your vans are seen moving towards that route. Are you not my friend? Stop it please. 19:55. Reply: NO. 2nd May 2016. 20:11. From Bob: £2k has been sent. Comment: Constant heavy intercession taking place! 4th May 2016. 10:59. From John: Mwanza. We are taking a 20 minutes rest now. We pray to be in Dar-es-Salaam at night today. God bless. 4th May 2016. 11:06. From Rhoda: "THE VANS WILL BE IN ZANZIBAR BY TOMORROW MORNING. THIS ALONE WILL MAKE FIVE SUJADI MEN IN ZANZIBAR COMMIT SUICIDE AND GOD WILL NOT SPARE THEIR FAMILIES EITHER... AT LEAST £250 TO REACH TOMAS AND £100 TO REACH RIEK THROUGH JOHN TO HELP THEM." 7 angels have said that to me now. 5th May 2016. 18:00. From John: Zanzibar: We have arrived safely. We want to have a rest for 20 minutes then start God's work. We have £375 in the kitty. God bless. Thurs 5th May 2016. 18:08. From Rhoda: "THE MM VANS ARE IN ZANZIBAR. ON SATURDAY NIGHT GOD'S HAND AND HONOUR WILL BE FELT IN ZANZIBAR WHEN SUJADI MEN WILL BE WIPED OUT. AT LEAST £800 TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW TO HELP THEM MOVE ON IN ZANZIBAR." 7 angels have said that to me now. Sunday 8th May 2016. 13:39. From John: God protected us [at midnight] from a rowdy group that surrounded us to torch our vans. We were forced to remain alert with MM Faith lits around the vans till this morning. Two men who were leading the group then ran crying of being burnt with hot coal and drawn in to the ocean. We have moved to a safer place so that we can send the reports. 8th May 2016. 14:05. From Sujadi: Now why kill eleven in Zanzibar? Why? Why do it so? Two were thrown into deep waters by your people, now all members of their families are dead. Why? Why? Why? 8th May 2016. 14:09. From John: Reports we get now here are that members of the family of the two who drowned in the waters have died. 8th May 2016. 14:44. From Fatu: God has honoured His prophecy. People have died here bad style. God is great. 8th May. 16:27. Saturday Midnight in Stone city. Trouble started when we settled to study MM lits during the Sabbath rest when a group of Moslem youths came and mocked us calling us kaffir, this was in the morning. Late in the evening they came back and ordered us to leave the town with immediate effect. We took out our Faith lits and remained calm inside the vans. At midnight the group doubled. The first two men to step forward to hold the vans started crying aloud of being burnt with hot coal and took off into the ocean. The remaining group then ran away in different directions. Today we visited the mosques with a lot of difficulties because the Imams took off when they saw us face their mosque. We covered 11 mosques. We plan to do all in Zanzibar city... 8th May 2016. 17:04. From Sujadi: BE PREPARED FOR A BIG STRIKE. You are too stupid. I thought that you have changed but I have come to realize that you are a fool. Now I must show you my might.. Fool. 19:14. Reply: Why did we kill them? We didn't. God did. You're very foolish and slow to learn. God has killed all your people who have come against us to try and harm us or prevent this evangelism going forward. So, don't bother attacking them again with another big strike, because you'll only end up with more dead bodies to bury. God won't tolerate your attacks. Don't you understand? OUR GOD IS SUPREME! 8th May 2016. 17:11. From Riek: Now there is some peace in southern Sudan because of MM EVANGELISM... From The Angels About Zanzibar9th May 2016. 10:17. From Rhoda: ... "THE VANS MUST BE THROUGH WITH EVANGELISM MISSION IN ZANZIBAR ON THURSDAY NIGHT THIS WEEK, THEN MOVE TO MUSOMA TANZANIA MAINLAND THE FOLLOWING DAY IN VUGA'S HOME TOWN WHERE SUJADI WILL REQUEST FOR A MEETING WITH THE EVANGELISM TEAM AFTER HIS ONLY REMAINING MAD MAN ALI WILL DIE IN MUSOMA. THE VANS WILL MOVE BACK TO NIGER TO PICK UP JEFTAH. NOW NOW NOW AT LEAST £1000 TO REACH JOHN BY WU, FROM WHICH £200 TO GO TO TOMAS, £100 TO RIEK AND £200 TO JEFTAH. ZANZIBAR IS RESCUED FROM CHOLERA THROUGH MM LITS." 7 angels have said that to me now. Comment: Bob sent through what he could, and it was just enough to cover this demand. Thanks, Bob. And thanks to all of you who have sacrificed more or less everything to fund the Work! 9th May 2016. 10:24. From John: ... Many people now see us positively here because the same day we stepped here the cholera epidemic stopped. It is only the Muslims who hate us. They run away from us when we visit their mosques. We are in the 17th mosque in Zanzibar city now. We are left with £375 in the kitty. We have crisscrossed ZANZIBAR both day and night with no rest since we stepped here. God of MM has energized all of us. God bless. 9th May 2016. 14:38. To John: About the cholera outbreak, that's quite an amazing sign. Do most people realise that God stopped it? How is it evident? 9th May 2016. 17:43. From John: People stopped us on the way to narrate to us. Some whose [family] members were sick came to us to testify to us wherever we briefly stopped. I had jotted down some testimonies here... 9th May 2016. 18:40. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, THE HOUR FOR THE GLORY [of God to be manifest to the world] IS ALMOST [here] WHEN PEOPLE FROM ALL WALKS OF LIFE AND MM ENEMIES WILL NOT BE HAPPY TO WITNESS GOD’S POWER DISPLAYED. THE HOUR FOR THE WORLD TO KNOW THAT MM IS GOD'S VESSEL OF CLEANING UP THE WORLD IS HERE." 7 angels have said that to me now. 10th May 2016. 18:18. From John: We hope to move out on Thursday... Today we have covered 16 mosques... 10th May 2016. 17:59. From Rhoda: "THE VANS MUST MOVE OUT OF ZANZIBAR ON THURSDAY NIGHT TO MUSOMA TO DO GOD'S WORK. ALREADY ALI AND OTHER SUJADI MEN HAVE SETTLED THERE. FOR THE TEAM TO BE SAFE WHILE MOVING OUT AT LEAST £750 TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW. TOMORROW WEDNESDAY SUJADI WILL PLEAD WITH MALCOLM BUT LET HIS PLEA BE IGNORED." 7 angels have said that to me now. 10th May 2016. 19:40. Cholera testimonies. [Name protected]: My son [name protected] was very sick and we were on our way to ZANZIBAR city hospital when we met the MM vans. Instantly the diarrhoea stopped and my son became well. [Name protected]: I myself was admitted in AgaKhan Hospital in Zanzibar city diarrhoearing non-stop but when the MM vans just passed by, the illness stopped. Thanks to God. 15:27. From John: These people came and shared with us their testimonies and we gave them the MM lits. Since the Cholera outbreak was one of the reasons why God sent us here, we have been very keen to see how our God delivers. The MM Faith lit is ever opened wherever we go because through it we are sure God heals all the villages we pass in. Why Jesus? and Faith: Raising Our Level Of Expectation are the lits we gave to them and encouraged them to study believing in God's healing. 16:07. From John: Only six people came and witnessed to us. I still have other testimonies to send. I believe many more got healed. 10th May 2016. 17:50. From Sujadi: YOU HAVE TAKEN ZANZIBAR. You are a fool. My team is out already moving closer to TANZANIA wait and see, idiot. 17:56. Reply: Ha! Ha! Ha! I'm an idiot!!! Perhaps you're looking in a mirror.
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