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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 6 |
83God Struck The Gunmen Dead Using MM Lit
The stouthearted were plundered; they have sunk into their sleep; and none of the mighty men have found the use of their hands... When God arose to judgment, to deliver all the oppressed of the earth. (Psalm 76:5,9) It ought to be clear why God is performing such remarkable feats of judgement and deliverance in our time. It’s for the same reason He acted so dramatically on Mount Carmel to vindicate Elijah (1 Kings 18) in his bid for the restoration of God’s Truth. God is demonstrating with miraculous signs that His Restoration Truth is contained in MM literature: Riek and Tomas Ambushed In Sudan8th October 2015. 13:03. From Rhoda: "THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT SHOULD HAVE MONEY FOR RESCUE, FOR RIEK AND TOMAS WILL BE AMBUSHED TONIGHT IN SUDAN AND MAY BE DIPPED INTO THE NILE RIVER. THE VANS ARE TO BE READY FOR THE GREAT MISSION. MALCOLM IS TO INSTRUCT JOHN ON WHAT TO DO NOW, NOW, NOW." 7 Angels have said to me now. God bless. 13:41. To John: [The above from Rhoda was sent, with this note to him:] About the angels' message to Rhoda today, obviously you need to get the vans ready for the trip, so when they say 'go' you can move in haste. Thanks. Comment: There was a blockage in the banking system on money getting to John for the rescue missions. 8th October 2015. 13:27. To John: Helena has been interceding AGAIN against this blockage. It's not just a simple matter. It could involve the whole demonic kingdom from Sudan coming against it. 7 Angels Guide The Rescue Mission10th October 2015. 4:46. From John: Already we are in Southern Sudan. We haven't reached where they are held. It is horrible here. Pray for us. The kitty has £4600 and we will have to buy all 4 wheels for the car because all the wheels are not on it, but lits are left intact. [The MM car which Tomas drove.] 10th October 2015. 14:32. From John: We are moving towards the river Nile being guided by the 7 Angels. Thanks for the encouragements and prayers. We are with opened Faith lits. God bless. 10th October 2015. 15:32. From Rhoda: "TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT VUGA WILL BE SHOT IN THE RIGHT HAND AFTER THE VANS HAVE REACHED WHERE TOMAS AND RIEK ARE. MALCOLM IS TO TELL JOHN TO TIE A FAITH LIT ON THAT HAND THEN OPEN ANOTHER ONE AND FACE THE 12 ARMED MEN. ALL WILL GET DROWNED IN THE WATER. THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT IS GETTING DRY." 17:24. Reply: Thanks Rhoda. Vivian has managed to send some money. There has been a problem with the bank. They refused to do the transfer, so money had to be switched to another bank, and it all takes time to arrange. But God is in charge, and He will make it all work out. Thanks. Comment: The bank refused to do the transfer, but gave no reasons. Clearly it is because of the jitteriness of the UK government to do with ‘money laundering’, illegal activity, and terrorism. It was police interference. They don’t believe that we are funding Christian mission work abroad, despite the bank being given copies of Mighty Miracles of God, providing the evidence. 11th October 2015. 9:45. From Rhoda: "FROM SOUTHERN SUDAN THE VANS SHOULD MOVE TO JORDAN TO RESCUE TWO MM POLICEMEN WHO GOT HELD UP WHILE TRAVELLING TO ATTEND THE FOT IN KENYA. THEY HAVE STAYED WITHOUT FOOD FOR TWO WEEKS. RIEK AND TOMAS WILL BE FREED TODAY AT MIDNIGHT." 7 Angels have said this to me now. Comment: I asked John whether he had received the money Vivian sent by WU: 12th October 2015. 15:32. From John: Yes we received it... We are on the road to Khartoum after the toughest midnight rescue. God bless. 12th October 2015. From John: God proved to our attackers that no one can stand before Him and the war is His. On our way to the river Nile, armed men blocked our way and immediately shot at Vuga injuring his right arm. The angels protected us for Vuga tightly held the steering wheel with the left hand till I moved in and controlled the van. We stopped and I tied a Faith lit to the injured hand with a thin thread, then took one MM Faith lit and opened it. Mark too did the same and we used them as human shields. Their guns jammed. Then they all became confused and ran down into the river. We followed them and saw them all drown. Then the 7 Angels guided us to where we saw Tomas and Riek were held [but were not released till the next night]. Vuga is okay. The bullet hit the Triceps muscles but now it is dry and he can drive well. God be praised. Monday 12th October 2015. Reply to John: OK, so that happened on Sat night 10th, early Sunday morning 11th Oct, during darkness hours. Can you also fill in the details, please, about the queries below. Thanks. 1. Where did the shooting incident take place beside the Nile? Answer: It occurred in Juba. They were in the open. We got to about 50 m from them, when they saw us coming. 2. “...took one MM Faith lit, opened it, Mark too did the same and we used them as human shields. Their guns jammed and all became confused and ran down into the river.” Were they still shooting at you while you did all this? Answer: Yes. They kept on shooting but the guns would not work for God honoured the MM Faith lits. 3. How far had you driven on after Vuga got injured until you stopped the vans? Answer: We drove for 200m after Vuga was shot. 4. How many were there? Answer: The attackers were 6. 5. When you used the lit as human shields, did you get out of the van and point the lit at them? Answer: We got out of the vans to face them with the lits as human shields. After their guns jammed they started trembling and crying out, and one after another they jumped into the water. Comment: They must have seen a frightening angelic vision. One might expect that the ordeal for Riek and Tomas was over, now that the gunmen had drowned. But no. Somehow other men took over. I asked John: What happened last night? (Sunday night, 11th Oct.) 13th October 2015. 16:29. From John: The 7 Angels led us up to the shores of the crocodile infested river Nile where we found 2 pastors and 5 armed men dipping Riek and Tomas into the water at midnight Sunday. We took out Faith lits, opened them without uttering a word and pointed at them. All wailed in Malcolm's name of being burnt in hot coals then drowned in the Nile water. Although it was dark, around us was a circle of bright light from the seven Angels. We then carried Riek and Tomas into the vans for they were very weak. 16:56. From Tomas: We were beaten up. I am still weak, feeling a lot of pain. God bless. 13th October 2015. 14:28. From John: We have been travelling to Jordan from last night... 13th October 2015. 14:47. From Riek: Thanks. We shall not be cowed by the SDA pastors. We are going to serve God even more vigorously. We were saved from death by God through MM lits. We got ambushed because we serve God in MM. John left us £500 because by the time they left here he had only £3000 but their journey to Jordan is far. It is a sad encounter how we got arrested on our way from the FoT. All our tyres [wheels] were removed, our eyes tied, Tomas beaten up, our bags taken, all our clothes taken. They accused me of using demonic power in MM to bring SDA down. We were dipped into water. Thanks to John and his team who arrived in time under guidance of the 7 Angels. They used the MM Faith lits to push away our opponents who drowned in the river Nile as we watched. God bless. 16:10. Reply: Thanks Riek. Is Tomas OK now, or is he still suffering? Did he suffer any broken bones? What sort of injuries did he suffer? Did they beat you up, too? Is it possible for you to retrieve the wheels? I presume you mean they took the wheels off, not merely the tyres. Was the place where they dipped you into the river a cage or prison cell in the water? The angels said on 7th October that a pastor was killed because of his evil. Do you know who that was? The angels also said previously to Rhoda on 23rd Sept about 2 churches being blown down by God. Do you know where they were? 13th October 2015. 16:19. From Riek: Tomas is still weak. They literally beat us with rods, our backs and necks. No bone got broken. Two pastors Makwar Razida and Ndola Ngwa of Khartoum SDA, plus 5 hired gunmen got drowned. We were dipped into the river Nile for crocodiles to feast on us. Wheels were taken away but John and Mark bought new ones. God bless. To John: I have just had e-mails from Riek and Tomas. T is still in a lot of pain. I'll ask Helena to intercede, because demons can make injuries more painful. She can push them off. “The Task Ahead Is Very Great”13th October 2015. 14:35. From Rhoda: "MORE MONEY NEEDS TO REACH THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT BY FRIDAY THIS WEEK. THE TASK AHEAD IS VERY GREAT..." 7 Angels have said. 13th Oct 2015. 17:19. From Rhoda: "THE VANS ARE CROSSING INTO A DEADLY EGYPTIAN ROADBLOCK. MALCOLM IS TO ADVISE JOHN AND THE TEAM TO WAIT TILL MIDNIGHT FOR THE ANGELS TO CROSS BEFORE THEM. IT IS A DEADLY ROADBLOCK." 7 Angels have said this to me now. 14th October 2015. 10:58. From John: We had a smooth passage at midnight with MM Faith lits opened in front of the vans. We went past 3 fully manned roadblocks. We are taking rest now in Aswan. God bless. 14th October 2015. 11:05. From Tomas: Yesterday night I saw in a dream the MM vans struggle to go past tall mountains [in this context, a symbol of huge obstacles], with those in the vans carrying MM Faith lits. 14th October 2015. 13:13. To John: Did the angels appear to you or say anything to you before you advanced through the roadblocks? Reply: The 7 Angels appeared to us in very bright sharp light. It is the light that confused [scared] the road block men to run and clear out of our way. In Jordan18th October 2015. 10:16. From John: We are okay. We found one of the policemen had been killed [Yasmin]. Surveillance is too high here. God bless. Full report tonight. 18th October 2015. 13:28. From Rhoda: "MUAMAR AND HIS TEAM KILLED ONE POLICEMAN. THEY HAVE LAID AN AMBUSH FOR THE VANS TONIGHT. JEFTAH MOHA IS DOING EVANGELISM WORK WELL. £1500 IS ENOUGH FOR HIM EVERY WEEK SENT TO HIM THROUGH EVANGELISM ACCOUNT THEN JOHN TO SEND TO HIM. TONIGHT THE VANS MUST NOT MOVE, FOR AT MIDNIGHT I GOD WILL REVENGE AND KILL THE 5 PEOPLE WHO KILLED THE POLICEMAN WHO HAD ACCEPTED THE MM TRUTH. JOHN AND MARK ARE TO BE READY WITH MM FAITH LITS IN THE VANS." 7 Angels have said this to me now. God bless. 19th October 2015. 19:09. From John: Right now we are in the surviving policeman's home in Jordan. We have passed through the valley of death. God honoured His word through MM Faith lit to save our lives. Just after crossing into Jordan we got ambushed by 4 armed men. What happened next was amazing. The 7 angels closed those men’s eyes and, with them unable to see where they were being taken, led them to where our brothers were held captive. There were 12 masked men in that room, where the two MM brothers had been imprisoned. When the 4 came to that point, they became conscious and turned wild. They showed us the bloody clothes of one policeman they killed. They boasted before us, promising to burn the vans and all of us, but the angels formed a protective ring around us. We stayed there till yesterday midnight. We stayed without food or water. At midnight bright light from 7 points hit us, shining strongly on us but not on the gang of 16. They all suddenly became afraid. At that point we all directed the MM Faith lits at them and God descended on them striking them all dead. As they died they all cried of hot coal burning them and openly cursed Muammar for cheating them to fight God. We carried the weak brother into the van and left. When we took him to his home we found all his belongings taken, his house demolished, his family chased away. It is pathetic. Even neighbours don't want to come close. We found the place where they have buried his [Yasmin’s] body. We are okay, thanks. 20:17. Reply: That's really tough! Poor guy. But God will rectify the situation, I'm confident. Dead Policeman To Come Back To Life20th October 2015. 6:08. From Rhoda: "THE MM LIBRARY REQUIRES £21K. THE CONSTRUCTION WORK IS TO BEGIN IMMEDIATELY NEXT WEEK. MONEY TO REACH EVANGELISM ACCOUNT BY WEDNESDAY NEXT WEEK. JOHN IS TO INSTRUCT EUNICE TO BE ON SITE WITH THE WORKERS. "£4000 IS TO BE SENT FOR CONSTRUCTING THE POLICEMAN’S HOUSE IN JORDAN, AND SETTLING IN. ON SATURDAY AT MIDNIGHT THE DEAD ONE WILL COME BACK TO LIFE." 7 angels have said to me now. From John about the Jordanian policemen: Khan [full name protected]. He had served for over ten years. He has sworn to die in God's service. He was the younger. Dallas Yasmin Fedhah. He was a son to a sheikh called [names protected] a wealthy man of great style. Yasmin defied the Islamic teachings and accepted the MM truth. He got killed because he openly preached the MM truth even to his seniors in service. We are told that he died promising to meet with his God. God bless. Power Emanating From MM Books21st October 2015. 9:50. From Muamar Kusi: BE READY THIS TIME ROUND Okay you use magic in form of literatures to kill our people. You have tried to kill me but now I'm going to burn Jeftah, burn the vehicle you bought him, block your vans from Jordan and kill all in them, we have a big team the likes of Ondigo NIMROD, OPITH Kennedy, NANDI, you will not understand how you fool will be in our hands. We will block the construction of your library in Kenya for it is a plan to finish SDA and Islam in Africa. All your books have got magic power. You cannot defeat of Allah. Idiot. 12:59. Reply: No, it's not magic power that emanates from MM publications. It's the SUPERNATURAL POWER OF GOD, and it is HIM you are opposing, not just us. So move out of the way, or you and your men will be blown out of the way by the power of God and killed. MBH MM Library To End Islam and SDA In Most of Africa21st October 2015. 10.00. From Rhoda: "THE LIBRARY WILL END SDA AND ISLAM IN MOST PARTS OF AFRICA. FAITH LITS WILL BE PUT AT THE ENTRANCE AND ALL WHO STEP INTO THE LIBRARY WILL COME OUT CHANGED, NOT TO GO BACK TO SDA AND ISLAM. IF NOT CONSTRUCTED, THE MM OPPOSERS WILL CELEBRATE LED BY THEIR LEADERS LIKE MUAMAR, LUKAS, NIMROD, OPITH, NANDI, DOROTHY." 7 angels have said to me now. Muamar’s Men Block The Road In Jordan21st October 2015. 13.01. From John: [Muamar’s men blocked the road.] They are chanting anti-MM song. They are Muamar's men. We want to face them with the Faith lits. Pray for us. 13:04. Their leader has just boasted before us saying that "MIDNIGHT MINISTRIES CANNOT KILL MUAMAR." This is a confirmation that this roadblock is a gang made by MUAMAR. God bless. 13:18. Reply: What language are they chanting in? Are they letting other vehicles pass, or is their roadblock stopping all traffic? Yes, you are under intercession. Helena is interceding virtually ALL day and half the night! 14:10. John’s reply: A mixture of English and a language we don't understand, it sounds like Somalian. These people only stopped the MM vans. Meaning they are after fighting us not other vehicles. God bless. 14:39. Reply: One wonders why people don't call the police to get them out of the way. Does their whole Islamic society support terrorism? It appears so, when it comes to opposing Christians! 18:30. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM IS TO WARN MUAMAR TO KEEP OFF THE VANS. OUR FIGHT IS AGAINST THE DEMON POSSESSED, AND POLICE CANNOT SOLVE IT. TONIGHT HIS MEN BLOCKING THE VANS WILL ALL DIE. THE VANS ARE TO MOVE FAST FAST FAST TO NIGER TO SAVE JEFTAH. IT IS IN NIGER WHERE THEY WILL COME FACE TO FACE WITH MUAMAR. HE WILL LOSE HIS LEFT EYESIGHT ON LOOKING STRAIGHT AT THE OPENED MM FAITH LIT. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM TO WARN MUAMAR." 7 angels have said that to me now. God bless. 18:46. From Muamar: Are you aware that I have got power to destroy all these vans and hang you for killing my father, brothers and now turned my nephew Moha Jeftah in to devil worship? You use powers from darkness to confuse people. I must kill all these your men including those in Uganda planning an outreach in my territory Congo. Warn Nyasirwa not to step in Congo. Your vans not to step in Niger, Nigeria and Seychelles. Why don't you just keep off from interfering with our Islamic ways of life? What do you want from us? Promise not to construct your library in Africa and I will spare your life you fool. I am the conqueror of all powers in the world, the Lord of impunity, base commander. Who are you before me? 18:57. To Muamar: I have told you already what power is behind Midnight Ministries. It's the power of God, the true God, who rules the universe, not your god who is merely Satan, the opponent of all goodness. This is your last warning if you want to spare the lives of your men who are blocking the way of our vans. Tell them to leave the vans alone, or they will all be struck dead by God tonight. Malcolm B Heap 19:22. From Muamar: You call Allah Satan? How foolish are you? Let's meet. Why prefer midnight? It is clear you serve devil that is why you love to fight at midnight. I don't fear you come over. 21st October 2015. 21:29. To Muamar: I don't have to come over. My God will fight you. He is omnipresent. Who was your father? Since you have ignored the last warning and not told your men to get out of the way, they will soon be finished. MBH 22nd October 2015. 6:46. From Muamar Kusi: You have killed my only son. Am ready to die now. Come over. You have left me like this. Eeeeeee. 22nd October 2015. 7:21. From John: We faced them with opened MM Faith lit at midnight. The first to shoot at us instead shot at one young boy of about 15 yrs killing him after which they shot at each other, till all died as we watched. We then left immediately to avoid any confrontation with authority here. We are in Egypt now heading to Niger. The young boy cried in MUAMAR's name, and died. God bless. 9:46. Reply: Glad to hear the news. Thanks. What was the signal for you to face them with the booklets? Did the angels appear to you, then? 10:31. From John: We saw seven bright rays of light hit us from heaven but they [the attackers] were left in darkness. At that time we knew God had descended to show His power. We believe in God honouring His word through MM Faith lit hence removed the Faith lits immediately. And God acted. God bless 10:32. From Muamar: You have killed my only son. You used guns to kill him. Am with you. 11:33. Reply: Your men killed your son. No, I haven't killed your son. I'm in the UK. You and your son and your men have been wanting to kill MM workers who serve God. People reap what they sow. You sowed murder and mayhem, so that is what you reap. It's no wonder your son was shot. He was trying to shoot God's servants. You shouldn't have taught him evil, because he has now reaped the results of evil. He got shot by one of your men. MM workers don't have guns. We have MM publications which contain the power of God to those who believe in the true God. Your men went mad under the power of demons and shot your son, and then shot each other. Look at the evidence. The bullets were fired from their guns. Muamar Bent on Revenge For The Death of His Son22nd Oct 2015. 17:40. From Muamar Kusi: I want to see your power. I have buried my son. You too get prepared you must suffer. You must suffer. 18:52. Reply: Stop trying to take revenge. It is your own fault that your son died. I warned you not to attack our vans. If you don't withdraw your attacks, YOU will suffer, not me, because you are fighting servants of the only true living God. 19:12. From Muamar Kusi: Stop insulting me and my only son is in the dust. Stop boasting for me. You must regret this week. Your people in southern Sudan will too lose the car and home. Niger and Congo will be the true battleground. If you survive then I will break up in to ten pieces. Bring on your magic and I too bring mine. Dog. 22:24. Reply: There's no contest. With God on our side, you've already lost because you refuse to learn from your mistakes. If you were humble and meek, willing to see what is so wrong about attacking others just because they have different beliefs or religion, you could be spared. But God isn't going to spare your life if you persist in coming against us. You don't want peace and harmony, do you? You just want war. Jeftah was struck dead by God for opposing us. When he was dead, 7 angels appeared to him, each holding a sharp sword. Their faces were shining so bright like the sun that he couldn't look directly at them. They spoke to him the message that God had given them to pass on to him, and then raised him back to physical life. And you say you want to see that power? God has already shown you some of His power. All your gunmen and your son died because you insulted God and His power. You'll see more of it. We'll meet you at midnight in Niger and then you will know that you are no match for the awesome power of God. MBH 23rd October 2015. 9:52. From Muamar: Why must you boast to me. You kill then boast to me. Let's see who will lose. Okay, life and death. Allah is on my side. 10:47. Reply: I'm not boasting. I'm just telling you like it is, but you refuse to believe me despite the evidence. Yes, like you say, we will see who has the greater power, whether my God or your 'Allah'. Muamar To Show Me Where I Belong25th October 2015. 5:58. From Muamar Kusi: Young man my plan to show you where you belong is today. I will hit your vans at exactly 4 p.m. When they cross in to Southern Sudan on their way to Niger. They will not reach Niger. I am ready to go any distance to see you dead whether you live in the moon. Idiot. 9:30. Reply: I am not a young man. I am 65, nearly 66. You are the young upstart, spiritually immature. No, you will not be able to stop our vans. God Almighty is behind this excursion. He will blind you in one eye so you know we speak for the ALMIGHTY GOD who can do anything. And all your gunmen will shoot one another, not us. Goodbye. Stop wasting our time and money. Get lost! Malcolm B Heap 10:49. From Muamar Kusi: It is true you don't have money. That is what I wanted to hear from you. Yes there is no way you can have a library here in Africa. No no way. You have no money. Comment: How would he know these details, except that our e-mails to John are intercepted, the information fed to Lukas and then through their network to these Muslims? 11.00. My reply: God's Work does not depend upon money. Money is purely secondary. What is primary is God's Spirit, which you know nothing about. He who seeks to strike God will be struck by Him. You will find out again, like you did a few days ago. Pity you keep ignoring the warning signs. The Importance Of MM Library6:07. From Rhoda: "THE LIBRARY BEING CONSTRUCTED IN KENYA IS WHAT IS DISTURBING MUAMAR THE MOST. HE PLANS TO SHOOT AT THE VANS IN SOUTHERN SUDAN TODAY BUT I GOD WILL INSTEAD MAKE HIS FOUR MEN SHOOT AT EACH OTHER AND DIE INSTANTLY. THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT MUST HAVE MORE MONEY FOR THIS IS THE TIME TO WIPE OUT ALL ANTI-MM-TRUTH PEOPLE. FROM NIGER THE VANS MUST HEAD TO COMOROS ISLAND TO BRING DOWN MUAMAR'S TRAINING CAMPS FOR RADICALISM. £17000 WILL DO THE WORK." 7 angels have said. 25th October 2015. 8:59. From Riek: What the 7 angels said. We have had a very difficult time with problems. Tomas was instructed by the 7 angels to move out of Southern Sudan for somebody called Muamar was planning to attack and burn. He left here on Wednesday last week. I have been awake not even taking sleep according to the angels’ instruction till today at midnight when God will bring down four of my enemies. The angels stressed on the need for MM LIBRARY in John 's home for many people including Government officials will go to study the good word. Comoros Island MM believers are in agony being held captive for MM faith by Muamar's men in his training camp. The vans are to move there. This needs £17k. The angels have said that Muamar will lose one eye in Niger when the vans reach there. £1.5k should be sent through evangelism account for Jeftah. The angels spoke to me in one voice. God bless. 10:56. Reply: Thanks Riek. Muamar will be under judgement from God today. He is trying to kill the team going to Niger in the 2 vans, but God will kill his 4 gunmen. Keep me informed about your situation. Thanks. And I hope to hear from Tomas, too, likewise. God bless. 9:22. From John: We are in Sudan moving to Niger. I hope you are okay. God Kills More Muslim Gunmen26th October 2015. 12:01. From Muamar Kusi: You killed them! You have killed my fierce and strong men in Southern Sudan. No mercy for you now. No mercy you fool. No rest till I see you dead. 12:06. Reply: Ha! Don't you have ears to hear and eyes to read? I warned you NOT to attack our vans, because your gunmen would shoot each other, which they did. And you still foolishly blame me. It is not me who kills these infidels of yours. It's ALMIGHTY GOD! Get the message, chum. I repeat: He who seeks to strike God will be struck by Him. By fighting God's Work, you fight Him. Do you see now how your so-called Allah is weak and powerless compared with God Almighty? Malcolm B Heap 13:31. His reply: Stop it. Don't abuse Allah. You are in for a big shock rubbish. Niger will form the Grand finale. I have many more soldiers somewhere you can't reach. I am training more just wait and see. 13:48. Reply: Give up your stupid murderous, destructive ideas. Yes I know where some of your soldiers are. But more importantly, GOD ALMIGHTY knows where they are, and your Allah will not be able to defend them against the Almighty God who reigns supreme. You would be well advised to deprogramme your soldiers by telling them that the God whom we serve is far, far greater than your 'Allah', and that He loves righteousness which your 'Allah' hates. You should give up your ideas of superiority and domination by force at the end of a gun barrel, because it has no power over true Christian ideology. There is no one greater than our God!!! MBH 14:00. His reply: Whether you boast or say a lot of things I am challenging you this time round to be very careful when you call the name Allah in vain. You must know that no one is greater than Allah whom I serve. I have passed through death many times. You can not bring me down. 15:20. Reply: It is quite clear already to the open-minded that your Allah is not greater than our God, because all your men so far have failed to kill us. And none of us has been killed by your men, except for Yasmin in Jordan whom God allowed you to kill to DEMONstrate how evil you are. But our God has now raised Yasmin from the dead, so you didn't succeed, did you? And you still insist that your Allah is invincible?! What rubbish! You are so deceived. I challenge you that no matter what number of gunmen you try to hire to stop the MM message of Truth going out around the world, they will not succeed. Jesus promised that the gates of hell would not prevail. And they won't. Jesus will prevail. He is behind this Work. So, be careful with your words and withdraw from fighting against us. Turn to Him for His forgiveness, because there is no other sane option. MBH 27th Oct 2015. 10:22. From Muamar Kusi: I know your vans have crossed into Chad. Let them step in to Niger then you will find out that Allah is more powerful than you and your gods. You can't beat us in this war. Look up you cannot. 11:47. Reply: Thank you. Yes, they will go into Niger, and that is when you will know that our God is FAR, FAR greater than your Allah who is Satan. In Chad27th October 2015. 11:12. From John: We are in Chad. Moving very fast to accomplish God's mission in Niger. God bless. 27th October 2015. 10:32. From Rhoda: "WHEN THE VANS REACH NDJAMENA LET THEM TAKE A REST TILL MIDNIGHT. THAT IS WHEN THEY MOVE. GOD WILL MAKE MUAMAR’S MEN SLEEP TILL THE VANS CROSS TO NIGER. MORE FUNDS ARE NEEDED IN THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT FOR COMOROS MISSION AFTER NIGER. MALCOLM IS TO INSTRUCT JOHN AND THE TEAM NOT TO TAKE MORE THAN TWO DAYS IN NIGER. MUAMAR MUST SURRENDER." Riek and Tomas ‘Pass Through Death’27th October 2015. 11:20. From Riek [in S Sudan]: I have just come out of my hiding place. The seven Angels visited me at midnight and said that after Muamar has lost one eye, the vans are to move straight to Comoros Island. The angels confirmed that Tomas reached Iraq safely and should start communicating tonight. Now the SDA around are supporting Muamar to clear me but I know our God is great. I was instructed by the angels to wait, for God will send some money through X to John for my upkeep, yes 1k. God bless. 27th October 2015. 11:34. From Tomas: God bless you. It has taken His hands to see me leave. I passed through death in Southern Sudan with my brother Riek whom I left in pathetic condition. His family scattered and him being sought after by the rogue SDA’s who almost dumped us in the river Nile. Am in Iraq now after going past man-made roadblocks. It is not easy here but God has got power over Islamic radicalism. In our last evangelism mission here through MM lits God remained God by bringing down the Islamic plans to portray MM as an outfit worshipping gods. Through MM lits God paved me ways through the rogue Muslims. I hope you are okay. I'm not going to fear these people but do what God has called me to do. 11:54. Reply: Thanks. Good to hear from you. Riek has been in touch. The angels appeared to him last night at midnight and gave him further news and instructions, so he is okay. God brings each of us through our trials. In Niger27th October 2015. 15:30. From Muamar Kusi: Okay. My strong army is set ready and alert to meet those your dogs in your vans. Come on. 17:26. Reply: Why don’t you give up fighting God? Your strong army is not strong enough to resist our God. They'll fall asleep on the job, they're so weak compared with Him! 17:29. How many men have you got there? Is it 100? It won't be enough. He can deal with hundreds and thousands, so your few won't make a dent. 28th October 2015. 8:47. From Rhoda: "THE POLICEMAN’S HOUSE IN JORDAN IS COMPLETE. £2K IS TO BE SENT TO HIM FOR UPKEEP. VANS ARE ALREADY IN NIGER. SURVEILLANCE IS HIGH BUT MUAMAR MUST SURRENDER. THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT IS GETTING DRY." 7 angels have said to me now. Muamar Refuses Our Clemency28th October 2015. 11:27. To Muamar: Dear Muamar, Now that you see the supremacy of God whom we worship, you should be able to understand why. He is not only supremely powerful and can do anything, He is also very loving and forgiving. If we are truly sorry for harming and hurting Him by resisting Him, and we repent of our wrongdoing, and want to live according to His righteousness from now on, He forgives us and welcomes us into His arms of love. This is the choice that is set before you now. If you will accept Him, and accept Jesus as your Saviour who paid the price of all your sins by dying in your place on the cross, He will accept you and show you His love. You can then be a brother with us and with Jeftah in this true faith of God Almighty, the Holy One. God bless, Malcolm 11:45. Reply from Muamar: Stop boasting for me. Your vans crossed in to Niger yes but must meet my wrath. You cannot boast to Allah. You are nothing. JEFTAH is now mad with your books. He too must meet my wrath. 13:04. Reply: Your son was killed because you attacked God. Your gunmen were all killed when they tried to kill 'our' people. Last night, all your gunmen were put to sleep by God because of their evil designs against us. And you are still not seeing clearly, only improperly seeing out of one eye – and yet you still stubbornly cling to your misguided notion that your 'Allah' can subdue our God and God's servants whom you fight against. Can't you see your folly? Or are you too stubborn to accept the truth and reality? God has offered you an olive branch. This is probably your last opportunity to take hold of it. If you continue to breathe out slaughter against us with your foolish wrath, don't be surprised if God says "Enough!" and takes your life in reprisal for those of His servants whom you are attacking. You must surrender to God and accept His love instead of fighting against it. We don't fight you, so learn from this. For peace on earth can come no other way than by surrender to the Almighty God. MBH 28th October 2015. 18:47. From Rhoda: "TIME IS UP FOR MUAMAR TO FACE THE FULL WRATH OF GOD. ONE OF HIS EYES WILL GO AT MIDNIGHT TOMORROW." 7 Angels have said to me now. 18:51. From Muamar: Okay I am burning your vans. And I am killing all the people in them. We have surrounded them. Where is your god? Idiot. 20:21. Reply: Where is our God?!!! You'll find out soon enough. He doesn't tolerate your evildoings. MBH 30th October 2015. 17:42. From John: We are moving out of Niger. We had to switch off our phones following ANGELIC instructions after more than 13 Muamar men had died and Muamar cried aloud complaining of hot coal burning his eyes. We had to hide in a thicket to avoid police because it attracted a large group. We are safe. We are not sure whether Muamar is still alive. We left him crying like a little child. God is great. 30th October 2015. 19:07. From John: Yes, full report on them will reach you tomorrow night. We plan to have a rest tomorrow in Chad. God bless. 20:40. Reply: How did those gunmen die? 1st November 2015. 11:26. From John: What happened at Midnight on 29th October: Muamar, a tall heavily built dark-skinned man surrounded us with 15 armed men. He immediately ordered them to shoot at us. We stayed in the vans with all the Faith lits opened. Instead, they shot at each other leaving Muamar and one assistant. Then immediately Muamar started crying of his eye paining him, being burnt by hot coal. It attracted many people. We left immediately. Up to now we can't tell whether he survived. Comment: The inspired words of Psalm 11:6 prophesied of this judgment of hot coals upon the extremely wicked: Upon the wicked He will rain coals; fire and brimstone and a burning wind shall be the portion of their cup.
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