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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 6 |
82At God’s FoT |
This shall be the punishment of Egypt and the punishment of all the nations that do not come up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. (Zechariah 14:19) The timescale of the text above is set in the Millennium when Jesus will rule for a thousand years at the end of this age. The Feast of Tabernacles was never abolished by Jesus, and it is still incumbent upon Christians to observe this festival of rejoicing and victory. But most Christians have been deceived by false teaching and don’t know that. God spoke about observing the FoT in 2015 in Kenya. The seven angels told Nyasirwa in Uganda that it would be “the greatest ever planned Feast of Tabernacles in Kenya.” And it certainly was. Attendees came from all over Africa and the Middle East. God’s presence was felt. To God, it is a very important celebration for all His people. The Angels Give Instructions For The FoT18th September 2015. 14:24. From Rhoda: "NOW THE FOT IS NEAR THE VANS SHOULD REST AND [later] MOVE OUT FOR RESCUE MISSIONS, FOR AFTER THE FOT MOST MM NEW SUPPORTERS WILL BE PUT UNDER ARREST AND PERSECUTED. GOD WILL DEMONSTRATE HIS POWER THROUGH HONOURING MM LITS. THE BUDGET FOR THE FOT SHOULD BE WITH MALCOLM BY THIS SUNDAY." 7 angels have said this to me now. 20th September 2015. 19:38. From Rhoda: "THE FOT BUDGET MUST NOT EXCEED £32,000... BESIDES THE FOT BUDGET, THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT MUST HAVE THE MONEY FOR RESCUE EVANGELISM JUST AFTER THE FOT." 7 angels have said now. God bless. 20th September 2015. 19:59. From Rhoda: "THE FOT BUDGET SHOULD BE OVER BY FRIDAY THIS WEEK SO THAT PREPARATIONS ARE READY, FOR SOME VISITORS WILL ARRIVE EARLIER. DURING THAT PERIOD ALL THE VANS SHOULD BE SERVICED FOR THE GREAT MISSION AHEAD. JOHN IS TO BUY A NEW METALLIC CUPBOARD COSTING 75000 KSHS FOR THE NEW BOOKS FOR NEXT YEAR. MANY WILL COME TO READ FROM HIS LIBRARY HENCE THE NEED TO CONSTRUCT AN MM LIT LIBRARY IN HIS COMPOUND BY NOVEMBER THIS YEAR, FOR POLITICAL UNREST WILL BE WITNESSED SOON IN KENYA AND MM LITS WILL SAVE MANY PEOPLE, HENCE THE NEED FOR AN MM LIT LIBRARY." 7 angels have said to me now. How God Honours MM Lit22nd September 2015. 13:09. From Rhoda: "AROUND THE GATES OF THE FOT SITE, MM FAITH LITS MUST BE OPEN EVERY NIGHT, FOR MM OPPOSERS ARE NOT HAPPY WITH HOW GOD HAS HONOURED MM LITS IN THE WORLD. NO ONE WILL STOP GOD'S MIRACLES THROUGH MM LITS." 7 Angels have said this to me. God bless. 21:10. Reply: Thanks, Rhoda. Did the angels ever mention what an opponent sees when he looks at an opened Faith booklet? Does he see a bright light, or does he see an angel manifesting power that is frightening to look at? 23rd September 2015. 17:42. From Rhoda: "AN OPPONENT LOSES EYESIGHT WHEN HE OR SHE LOOKS DIRECTLY AT AN OPENED MM FAITH LIT DUE TO VERY BRIGHT LIGHT THE LIT PRODUCES. DURING THE FOT A STRONG WIND WILL BRING DOWN TWO CHURCHES IN SOUTHERN SUDAN BELONGING TO THE MM OPPOSERS AND THIS WILL MAKE THEM HOLD RIEK CAPTIVE. MALCOLM IS TO KEEP THIS INFORMATION SECRET TILL IT HAPPENS. RIEK WILL BE RESCUED AND THE CHURCHES’ PASTORS WILL DIE FOR HOLDING RIEK." 7 Angels have said this to me now. God bless. 27th Sept 2015. From John: Yes. God honours the anointed truth in MM lits wherever we use all the lits in FAITH. This is a living testimony I have. On Sabbath a pregnant woman who went to deliver at Homa Bay Hospital was advised to go for operation because the baby was badly positioned. ...O N [name protected] informed that family to accept the MM truth and see God's miracle. D M [name protected] was brought to Marindi centre yesterday at night. God through MM Faith lit used by O placed on the woman's stomach made her deliver without any complication at midnight... 27th Sept 2015. 16:47. From Riek: Already in Kenya for FOT. It is raining strongly. In Southern Sudan four SDA leaders warned me not to set foot in Sudan after the FOT. It is clear they have a mission but I trust God to help me. Reply: 17:43. Yes, God will be with you on your return, despite their threats. You know how God has delivered you previously, and you can have equal confidence in Him doing so again. These evil people will be wiped out... Honouring God In His Festivals28th Sept. 2015. 16:25. From Rhoda: "FOT, FOT, FOT OF THIS YEAR WILL MARK THE BEGINNING OF TRUE HONOUR TO GOD BY PEOPLE OF THE WORLD. MALCOLM IS TO WRITE A FOT PROGRAM AND SEND IT TO MARK, JOHN, AND NYASIRWA NOW AS THE FOT STARTS. EVEN THOUGH THEY HAVE THE CALENDAR, LET MALCOLM DO IT, FOR GOD WANTS TO USE IT AS A KEY TO USHER IN THE FOT." 7 Angels have said to me now. God bless. 19:41. “Programme”: Greetings to all true believers gathered together to celebrate the coming rule of Jesus Christ upon earth! This is to announce the beginning of the Feast of Tabernacles 2015, otherwise known as the Feast of Ingathering. For those of you gathered together in Kenya from all over Africa and the Middle East, this evening, Monday 28th September, marks the beginning of the next 7 days known as the Festival of Tabernacles. This week of celebration and worship towards God reminds us of the fact that we tabernacle in this world. To tabernacle is to live in a temporary dwelling. The temporary dwelling in which each of us lives is your body of flesh, which will soon be put off at the Second Coming of the Saviour. We also live in this temporary physical world on earth. When the time comes for our change into immortality, we will put off this body of flesh and God will give us a spiritual body without mortal limitations, as Paul describes in the last part of 1st Corinthians 15. These are some of the things this festival prefigures and reminds us of. From this evening until tomorrow (Tuesday) evening is a holy day. We are commanded in Scripture to gather together before God to give Him worship and praise. It is a holy meeting. God tells us to regard it as sacred, because it is time set aside to honour Him. His presence graces these holy occasions. Then, after the 7 days of the Feast of Tabernacles, on the eighth day known as the Last Great Day is another holy convocation. That day depicts the time at the end of the Millennium (the 1.000-year rule of Christ upon earth), when all who lived human lives in previous ages but who never had an opportunity to know Jesus and the Salvation He offers humanity can have their minds opened to His truths. All this is explained in more detail in the booklet The Festivals of God. May you all be greatly blessed as you dedicate your lives to God on this special occasion which honours Him. Malcolm B Heap God Seeks To Bless His People30th Sept 2015. 14:51. From Rhoda: "... MORE THAN 12 PEOPLE WILL GET HEALED TONIGHT IN THE FOT." 7 angels have said to me now. 30th Sept 2015. 20:55. From John: ...12 sick people have joined us tonight. They are from different churches. 2 are asthmatic, 1 is diabetic, 4 have typhoid, 5 have flu. We have given them the Faith lits through which God will act on them at midnight. God bless. 1st October 2015. 14:04. From John: Last Midnight God honoured His Word through the MM Faith lits, healing all the 12 who were sick. The order of events was as follows.... 1. Strong winds blew for about 7 minutes. 2. All the 12 went into a deep sleep for 23 minutes. 3. Their bodies produced sweat till all their clothes were wet. 4. They regained consciousness one at a time each describing how God met their needs. a) James Boit. He hails from Baringo. He saw 7 Angels surrounding him. They poured clean cold water on his head and the ‘flu left him. b) Milka Chemos, Bill William.. Both from Nairobi. In Milka's case, while in deep sleep, God brought to her a white man and woman both in praying kneeling position. The two handed her a book and told her to study it day and night, and that's how the typhoid left her. Bill had ulcers that made him feel hungry very often, hence he would eat every 10 minutes. He saw the 7 Angels touch his stomach and the problem left. 2nd October 2015. More from John: Milka said: The book was written by Heap Malcolm and the title was FAITH. The book was opened before me by a Supernatural Hand. The book contained God's power of healing and forgiveness. 5) The remaining 9: Tom, Gress, Badisa, Fanish, Capis, Daudi, Faudi, Swale and Tabith had a similar experience. 7 Angels in glittering white clothes shed bright light on them and they regained normal consciousness with no illness. This made many more people come to the FOT site last night to meet the healing God in MM lits. God bless. God Speaks About An MM Library2nd October 2015. 17:44. From Rhoda: "MM LIBRARY, MM LIBRARY, MM LIBRARY SHOULD BE CONSTRUCTED, FOR MM LIT STUDY BY AFRICANS WILL BE THE MAJOR UNDERTAKING FROM OCTOBER THIS YEAR." 7 Angels have said to me. 4th October 2015. 10:25. From Rhoda: "EVANGELISM ACCOUNT IS TO HAVE NOT LESS THAN £30,000 BY THE END OF THE FOT FOR RESCUE MISSIONS. JEFTAH IS TO CARRY LITS BACK TO NIGER AND AN MM CAR WORTH £11,000 BE BOUGHT FOR THAT WORK." 7 Angels have said this to me. Encouragements5th October 2015. 21:22. To Riek: Since it is near the end of the Festival, I thought it good that I should write to you to encourage you to stand firm despite the opposition and threats from evil men in S Sudan. God is more than capable of dealing with them, and He will. I am reminded of Acts 14:22 which reminds us that it is only through much tribulation (trial and trouble) that we can enter the kingdom of God. It’s not an easy road. It’s narrow and rocky. So, as you return home, try not to be too anxious about those evildoers’ threats. God will destroy all who try to do us serious harm, but we do have to bear a measure of hardship ourselves before God steps in to deliver. Daniel was thrown into the lions’ den. He wasn’t spared the trial. And the Three (Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego) were cast into the fiery furnace, and God delivered them later. So, He lets things get quite bad before He delivers. It’s worthwhile always remembering this. He tests our trust in Him, our steadfastness, our willingness to endure and not give up, nor give up believing in His love and help. That trust in Him pleases Him greatly... Final Message At The FoT5th October 2015. 22:16. To John and Mark: If you think it suitable, at the end of the Festival tomorrow (Tuesday evening) you may like to read this out to the people gathered. This year’s 8 day Festival is a milestone for the Work of God in Africa and the Middle East. I hope you have all benefited greatly from being together, feeding on the Word of God, and fellowshipping with God through His Spirit. What He does is glorious. It brings life and peace to all who submit to His righteous and loving rule. Sadly, all around us is a world full of troubles and woe, the result of not knowing God and of disobeying His commands. It is not easy living in this world but God helps us all as we remember Him and stay loyal to Him. As you return to your respective areas, God will be with you as you remain faithful to Him. He is always reliable and faithful. He wants each of us to be that way, too. Try not to be troubled by opposition or persecution. Acts 14:22 reminds us that it is only through much trial and difficulty that we can enter the kingdom of God. He allows troubles to confront us in order to test our faith in Him, our resolve, our determination to endure and not give up. It proves our spiritual worth, and it develops holy character as we do what is right when faced with hostile opposition. Here is an encouraging reminder from the booklet Witnessing For Christ, page 54: Those who are called into the Master’s service must be prepared to pay the price, even the ultimate price. You have found Jesus and, because of Him, you have lost your own (former) life. If you lose your life in His service, He has promised you a new, better life in the spirit with Him. So, you don’t need to be afraid of anything that comes against you in your bid to follow His lead. Many things will come against you. People will oppose you – spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, verbally, abusively, violently – in any way the devil can cause them to react against the truth you bring (Matt 10:17). But don’t be deterred. Press on and do God’s will. Be bold, fearless and strong in His will. As you go and fulfil your part in the great commission, teaching them to obey everything in the Word of God, Jesus will be with you continually (Matt 28:20). He will provide for you. That’s His promise. He backs up His servants. God bless and be with you all! Malcolm God Again Commends MM Lit7th October 2015. 19:06. From Rhoda: "THIS IS TO CONFIRM TO THE WHOLE WORLD THAT MY SERVANT MALCOLM IS CHOSEN TO TAKE SINNERS BACK TO GOD THROUGH MM LITS. THE FINAL MESSAGE FOR THE FOT ATTENDEES FROM MALCOLM WHEN IT WAS READ OUT, PUSHED DEMONS OUT OF THE SDA CHURCH IN SOUTHERN SUDAN, KILLING ONE PASTOR. RIEK MUST BE ENCOURAGED TO JUST GO EVEN THOUGH HE WILL BE PUT IN PRISON FOR THAT. "MALCOLM TO ENCOURAGE HIM, AND THE VANS TO BE READY FOR NEXT WEEK'S MISSION IN SOUTH SUDAN." 7 Angels have said to me now. God bless. 20:09. To Riek: Don't be too alarmed, Riek, by this message. God will deliver you like He did before. Just keep trusting in Him. God will come to your rescue. You are always in God's sights. He sees you all the time and knows what we all have to go through. Often, we have to bear something we don't want to bear (that's sacrifice, as you know) in order for others to be released from the evil spiritual dominion of false ministers and their demons. Good will come out of this episode for many SDAs. God strengthen you! Notable Events At The FoT8th October 2015. 12:35. From John: DAY ONE: Monday evening marked the start of the FoT with prophet Mark reading out the FoT opening message from Malcolm. Then it was time for testimonies from outside Kenya. (I have gathered them and will send them). At midnight the Lord spoke to us through 7 Angels telling us to expect 12 new believers who will get healed. DAY TWO up to DAY FOUR... The order of events included studying Bible and MM lits. 12 sick got healed. On Saturday in the Sabbath meet God healed the area Chief Ojwando's son from demonic torments. LAST DAY message from Malcolm was read to the people and they left for their homes happy for meeting God. 10th October 2015. 14:39. From John: We had 600 visitors. 25 from Somalia, 150 from Uganda, 50 from South Africa, 250 from Rwanda, 30 from Iraq and Iran, 20 from Qatar, 100 from Tanzania, 25 from Southern Sudan, 1 from Niger, 19 from Burundi, and 30 from Israel. Over 1000 people were locals who came daily to hear from God. God bless. 18:50. Reply: Thanks for that info. So there were between 1600 and 1700 people each day attending. That's amazing! We were eight meeting here, with a few others scattered in the rest of the UK. What a contrast! [The revival in Africa has preceded the revival which is coming to the UK and the rest of the world.] Did ALL the people who came to the FoT needing healing get healed? John’s reply: Yes, including the area Chief Owuor. 17 people got healed. Comment: That’s the biblical number representing healing, salvation and deliverance. 12th October 2015. 11:54. From John: I have instructed various believers to each write an FOT report and send it to you. This will help us understand how God through MM lits helped them during the FOT. Angels in a unique dream said "let each one share out what God did to him or her in the FOT." Testimonies20th October 2015. 5:11. From John: Testimonies given at the FoT: 1). Ndlovu Mwiza. I am a native of South Africa. I was brought up in an SDA family. When I first ‘joined’ MM the church wrote to the authorities that I am a devil worshipper. I got arrested, my wife ran away, and my father signed that I be hanged. On 13th Dec. 2014 when I got led to the hanging rope in Johannesburg it was found that I had the MM Faith lit in my pants. The rope broke into seven pieces. So I was freed and instead my key accuser pastor Mkambo Ngotu of Whiteland SDA church in Johannesburg died from a heart attack the same day I got freed at midnight. I had left everything to God to do His part. I have no place to call home for all I had was destroyed. Amen. 2). Rhoda Tonga. On my way to the FOT when we reached Sirare our vehicle was stopped by police manning the border. We were only 5 in the vehicle: a driver, a conductor, myself and a couple from Dar es Salaam. We were told to come out. The police inspected the vehicle and to my surprise a bag full of bhang [a drug] was found in the vehicle. The couple were in the business of smuggling bhang from Malawi to Kenya. At that point I just removed the Faith lit and not even one police came to me. I heard them say as I moved into another vehicle "THAT WOMAN HAS FIRE IN HER HANDS." 3). Mary Jane. I come from Nairobi. I lost my family in a tragic road accident in the year 2014 after ‘joining’ MM. Their death was used as a weapon to finish me, saying that I have joined a devil worship church and that I had donated my family. I just prayed to God holding the Faith lit for 3 days. One midnight in March this year the person behind all that propaganda, Njuguna Mwaura, died of heart disease. 4). Kungu Matika. I accepted MM truth at Rodi stage when John briefly shared with me this truth in December 2014. That was the day my family, SD church, ran away from me and a gang was hired to kill me. On 4 occasions they tried to shoot me in Homabay but their guns jammed, for I never walk alone without MM Faith lit. Comment: When people say they have joined MM, that is a misunderstanding. MM is not a church. We don’t have members, because MM is a name that identifies the literature ministry. When you accept those beliefs taught in MM publications, and become imbued with God’s Spirit, you are accepted into the Body of Christ, the Church Universal. 20th October 2015. 5:55. From John: FoT Dreams: 1). I saw that we were all lifted up to the sky and when we came down the whole world got covered with water and many people were being drowned. [People drowning in sins.] It was our work to get them out of the water. (Vuga). 2). In a dream I saw many people lining up to read MM lits in a library in Kenya. (Moha). [People seeking truth.] 3). In a dream I saw pastors, bishops and many people sitting in a room with many MM lits, studying daily. (Rhoda). [MM’s lit library will enlighten many hungry people.] 4). A train with many people fell [derailed?] and Malcolm was requested to rescue them. (Tomas). [People in this world have ‘run off the rails’, spiritually, because of wrong church teachings. MM can help get them back ‘on track’.] 5). The whole world had non-ending rains, no food, insecurity, no money, sicknesses and I saw a supernatural hand hold Malcolm and Helena instructing them to do His work for this is the hour. (Eunice). [Terrible weather. Famine. Economic instability. Disease. The troubles listed in Matthew 24 and Revelation 6 will cover the earth soon. So we must Prepare the Way for Jesus’ coming to rescue the world.] 6). War broke out in the world after elections and a genocide started. Malcolm is given the mandate to bring an everlasting peace through MM lits. [MM lit contains the solutions to the world’s ills. But worldwide conflict will lead to massive loss of life because people ignore God’s way.] Satan Was Not Pleased By The FoT13th October 2015. 7:23. From Satan himself in Lukas Ogada: Subject: End Time Has Come. We have seen how your people took up and held your feast. We are not astonished over it because we now know that the satan has taken control over the world. We saw how people flocked feast at Ndhiwa from all parts of Africa. We have lost control over doing what God chose us to do. We are still not going to surrender, we have got another sponsor to take me, Opith, Isaya, Nimrod and other people in our camp. We wont allow it happen to see you sweep the world more so Africa as you have started with your devolic teaching and your satanic miracles. Me 20th October 2015. 18:15. From Musama and Nyasirwa: ... the Angels have informed us. Lukas has changed tactics... to destroy MM in Africa... Lukas is going to die tomorrow at Midnight but he shall again resurrect as the Angels have spoken. God is going to give him another chance that he may come back to this world and confess his sins, which if he doesn't, he shall see the Lord's wrath. A big plan has been made to destroy all God's work in Africa... 23rd October 2015. 6:43. From Lukas Ogada: Malcolm, ...You did sent us your seven evil [slandering the 7 angels] to kill me at night and they forced me to repent or else I will die, I will never do such thing rather I will wait for my death. We are working on a new plan and watch as we succeed this time round. Me. |
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