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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 6 |
78War In Bujumbura |
Like a roaring lion and a charging bear is a wicked ruler over poor people (Prov 28:15). A ruler who lacks understanding is a great oppressor... (Proverbs 28:16) Besides the Islamic enemies we had to confront, we faced continual harassment and skulduggery from apostates who were once ‘with us’ but who fell away like Judas. They continually tried to undermine our work through treachery, writing to us with false names and made-up stories. Their main aim was to try to extract money under false pretences. The seven angels often warned about them. God Again Says The Work Ahead Is Great4th August 2015. 20:02. From Rhoda: "MORE FAKE MAILS FROM MM OPPOSERS IN SOME PARTS OF KENYA PLOTTED BY NIMROD AND LUKAS ARE STILL BEING SENT TO MALCOLM TO TELL LIES ABOUT THE WAY I GOD OF GODS HAVE SHOWN MY POWER THROUGH MM LITS BEING DISTRIB- UTED BY MY DEDICATED SERVANTS. I AM GOING TO FINISH THEM ALL. "THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT MUST MUST MUST HAVE ENOUGH MONEY ALWAYS, FOR THE WORK AHEAD IS GREAT." 7 angels have said now. Accosted In Uganda5th August 2015. 20:21. From Rhoda: "THE VANS ARE TO ENTER BURUNDI THROUGH RWANDA. THERE IS WAR GOING ON IN BUJUMBURA BUT NO MM SUPPORTERS WILL DIE. "MORE MONEY FOR SOUTH AFRICA MISSION – £15000 – IS REQUIRED AFTER BURUNDI. A FEARED SOLDIER PUTTING MM SUPPORTERS IN CUSTODY WILL DIE IN SOUTH AFRICA DURING THE COMING MM OUTREACH. JOHN AND THE TEAM HAVE DONE A GOOD JOB. TONIGHT THEY WILL BE ARRESTED [accosted?] IN UGANDA FOR DISTRIBUTING MM LITS TO SDAS. MALCOLM IS TO INSTRUCT THEM TO BE READY WITH FAITH LITS FOR GOD'S GLORY TO BE SEEN." 7 Angels have said to me. 6th August 2015. 10:00. To John: What happened last night? Who arrested you and are you still being held in custody? From John: God saved us from a deadly attack yesternight in Uganda. We are 30 km from Rwanda. Full report and answers to the questions this evening. 6th August 2015. 17:09. From John: God honoured His Word in MM Faith Lit. It was at 8:07 pm while we were taking a rest in Kampala in Uganda, when a group of people came near the vans and we shared with them the Word of God through MM lit distribution. At exactly 9:11 pm 7 men, armed with guns, shot in the air making the people who joined us in lit study run away, leaving us alone. They ordered us to lie flat on the ground. They all shouted at once "Midnight Ministries is taking away our church members; 12 SDA churches are now almost empty...." We all removed the Faith lits and used them as human shields. They shot at us but all the guns jammed. This went on till 11 p.m. Then they started arguing among themselves till war broke out between them, each literally tearing at each other. At 12:07 – yes at midnight – two of them fell lifeless to the ground, so we left that place. But the others carried on fighting each other. We don't know how it ended. God be praised. God’s Spirit In MM Faith Booklet Helped In Burundi7th August 2015. 12:55. From John: We are crossing into Burundi right now. There are many armed men on the roads, but we are sure God is on our side. 8th August 2015. 19:59. From John: We were stopped by armed men in Bujumbura from sharing with a group of people fleeing war in Burundi. We met 6 MM supporters who will take us tomorrow to where some MM supporters are being held in custody. 20:37. Reply: Thanks for the news. How did you meet those MM supporters? Was there some input from the angels on that? 9th August 2015. John’s reply: As a group of people were fleeing the war in Bujumbura, 8 people just came straight to where we parked the vans. They had MM Faith lits which we gave them when we previously visited Burundi. Their story was a sad one. All their belongings including houses had been burnt down. They had used MM Faith lit as a human shield against guns. They opposed Nkurunziza, the SDA leader who has refused to leave power. It is God's Spirit in MM Faith lits that guided them to where the vans were. Reply: How are they managing to survive without their homes and belongings?!! What can be done to help them? 9th August 2015. 13:40. From Rhoda: "£17100 IS NEEDED TO PUT UP SIMPLE HOUSES FOR THE MM SUPPORTERS IN PROBLEM IN BURUNDI. THE NUMBER IS 10." 7 Angels have said to me now. Comment: A UK supporter loaned money to pay for this and other needs. Angels Helped Us Rescue 4 Captives10th August 2015. 12:08. From John: At midnight yesterday using the Faith lits, we rescued 4 MM supporters who were put in a tiny room with no windows. 7 angels in glittering white clothes visited us and ordered us to move to that isolated house and touch the door with a Faith lit which we did and the door opened. The weak MM brothers, J, K, M, and G praised the God of MM. We had only moved about 200m when 9 armed men blocked our way demanding that we leave the 4 with them. When we refused they opened fire on us, but we used MM Faith lits as human shields and their guns jammed. Then, they turned on each other and instantly they shot each other. All died as we looked on! God bless. “At Midnight I Will Strike 11 People”10th August 2015. 17:09. From Rhoda: "THERE IS A GROUP OF SDA'S, ALL ARMED, PLANNING TO ATTACK THE VANS TONIGHT IN BURUNDI. FAITH LITS ARE TO BE PUT IN FRONT OF ALL THE VANS. JOHN AND THE TEAM MUST NOT TALK TO THE ATTACKERS, NOR MOVE OUT OF THE VANS BUT REMAIN STILL WITH FAITH LITS AND WAIT. AT MIDNIGHT I WILL STRIKE 11 PEOPLE." 7 angels have said to me. 11th August 2015. 19:55. From John in Burundi: From last night we have been in a tight situation, gunmen numbering hundreds abusing us, and threatening to bomb us after God brought down the proud MM opposers at midnight yesterday. Even now I am writing to you from a toilet. We were visited by 7 angels who said that we are not to talk to them. Full report will reach you the soonest. 20:22. Reply: There has been all day and half the night intercession, as usual. Helena is still engaged now, battling off the demons in the area. 12th August 2015. 18:12. From John: The 11 attackers. We had just finished sharing MM lits with a group of SDAs in Bujumbura when 11 armed men joined us. At first they pretended to be protecting us by forming a wall around us. At 9:40 pm they sounded a threat; with one voice they ordered that we give them all the MM lits and surrender to them the vans. Because we had been forewarned by the angels not to utter a word nor move, but use the Faith lits as human shields, we all did that. When they realized that we would not follow their orders, they resorted to slapping and punching us. It was at 12:07 am when God responded in strong wind, thunder, lightning, firebolts, and earthquake. They started to run away and in that confusion thunder, lightning and firebolts killed them. About 15 minutes later, another armed gang came and surrounded us. They blamed us for the death of the 11. They tried to shoot at us but the Faith lits we used as human shields made their guns jam. Today at 4.04 pm they started leaving one by one till only 3 people were left. When Mark asked them why they did not kill us, which was their intention, they said that we were covered with a thick white cloud that no bullet could penetrate. The 3 that remained have lost their eyesight. God bless 18:34. Reply: Whereabouts in Bujumbura did this episode take place? Is there a road name? 19:31. Reply from John: The attack occurred near Best Outlook hotel, 3.7 km away from the city centre. 22:30. To Mark: Since I have loaded many other questions upon John, I thought I'd ask you this one. He said that the first 11 armed men resorted to hitting and slapping you all when you didn't do as they commanded. Did they mistreat you for over two hours? And were they able to actually hurt you, or did the angels prevent them actually landing any punches onto you? I wondered whether God frustrated their attempts to beat you up? Do you think the President was behind the attacks against you? Thanks. 13th August 2015. 14:46. Reply from Mark: Good to read from you. The situation here in Bujumbura Burundi is very bad due to the political crisis that rocked the country. People are living in fear and it even forced us sometimes to switch our phones off. Yes, they did mistreat us for about two and a half hours, throwing punches and jabs at us and caning us with rods. We did not sustain serious injuries, just minor ones. No, the President is not behind the attack. It is a Muslim leader known as Baba Rahman that God revealed to me some time back. He is connected and will try to destroy God's Work but he won't succeed. After S. Africa outreach the Lord requires us to settle for His coming Feasts. The message was delivered by seven angels at midnight. “I Swear To You I’ll Kill These People”From: Baba Rahman [mailto:babarahma68@gmail.com] Sent: 13 August 2015 09:21 I am behind the Burundi attack. I swear to you I'll kill these people and I have been informed they want to escape to south Africa. They will not come back alive. They can't destroy our religion 12:00. Reply: Hello Baba. You are quite right, they can't destroy your religion. That is not our intent or theirs. You have freedom of choice, and so do all free men and women – they have the same freedom of choice. It is their choice which plays a large part in whether a religion survives. Could you please explain: 1) who you are, 2) what religion are you referring to, and 3) where you got my e-mail address from. Thank you. Malcolm B Heap 13th August 2015. 15:32. To Baba Rahman: Were those 11 gunmen yours, who got struck dead by God? I trust that you realise we did not kill them. We don't carry weapons, except spiritual weapons. Our weapons can pull down evil spiritual powers and neutralise them through the power of God. That's why, when your men came against us, their guns failed to operate properly, and they could do only minor harm to God's servants. You see, we serve the true God. The god whom you serve is an evil god who promotes hatred and discord. He is not the True God who is love and who promotes peace and harmony. That's why you breathe out hatred against us. But we don't hate you. In fact, we could be friends if you are willing to reason with me. If you want to serve the True God who holds this power that is Supreme, I can tell you more about Him and introduce you to Him. Like I said, those gunmen of yours were struck dead by God's supernatural power. He killed them by His thunder, lightning, firebolts and earthquake. You can ask eyewitnesses, and they will tell you those phenomena happened when the 11 gunmen were struck dead by God. May God bless you (He can if you respond positively; we can talk), Malcolm 16th August 2015. You are proud over this issue. Am Baba Abdul Rahman, Muslim leader and getting your address is not a problem. You maybe right somehow. You can kill 11 armed men's but that doesn't shake me so watch out I can destroy those vans in no time. Comment: I presume he got my e-mail address from Lukas Ogada. 16th August 2015. 21:05. My reply: Dear Baba, Thanks for your reply. You wrote: << You can kill 11 armed men >> No, I can't, but the Almighty God whom we serve can take life, because He is the Giver of life. And He killed those 11 gunmen. He made all things in this universe. Do you really honestly think that you can kill His servants, while He holds all power, and His invisible angels protect His servants?! He has already demonstrated to you His supreme power and ability to strike dead anyone who opposes Him. But He doesn't want to kill you. He wants to save you from the penalty of your sins which is death. He has already spoken to us about you, so we know the outcome of this episode already, because He tells the future before it happens. But, you probably won't believe me, so go ahead and try and kill MM workers. And see those whom you hire to kill end up being killed themselves. You need to realise that it's not right to murder people. It's a sin. Human beings do not have the right to take the lives of other human beings. Only God has that right. Likewise it is a sin to wish evil upon others, as you are doing by wanting to blow up our vans. Many Muslims have tried to do that already. Dozens of them have been struck dead by God for trying. They have all failed. If you try, God will forewarn us of your plans, if we need to know, and He will protect us from any evil you try and perpetrate against us. I wish you well. May God bring you to repentance and bless you so that you can truly know Him and His love for you. Malcolm [I also sent him later, the text of Why Is Jesus Lord?] 17th August 2015. From John: We are through with building houses for our brothers in Burundi. We plan to leave for South Africa early tomorrow. Last time we used £30,000 for to and fro. |
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