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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 6 |
77When Wicked Ones Meet God
The Lord shall go forth like a mighty man... (Isaiah 42:13) After God’s massacre of 12 evil Muslim gunmen in Qatar (MMG5, pp 79-80), another deadly assignment lay ahead. God called it “the Great Mission” to Kismayu, Somalia (MMG5, p 79). He had previously used that term when MM went into Iraq (MMG5, p 74). If “My Great Mission” is God’s label for MM’s outreach which is highly confrontational, why do people argue against it? — For the reasons stated in Isaiah 55:8 and first Samuel 15:23. From Qatar the team of four were directed by the seven angels to Somalia. The angels had told Rhoda on 6th July 2015: "FARID IS GOING TO DIE, DIE, DIE. AFTER IRAQ MISSION THE VANS WILL TAKE MM TRUTH TO KISMAYU SOMALIA. THAT NIGHT FARID WILL COME OUT HIMSELF TO SHOOT AT THE VANS. FAITH LIT WILL DESTROY HIM, NOT TO BE SEEN AGAIN. HIS NEPHEW JEFTAH MOHA WILL TRY TO TAKE OVER THE FIGHT BUT GOD WILL MAKE HIM SURRENDER TO MM." These confrontations demonstrate a facet of God’s character that most Christians do not comprehend – His uncompromising holiness which exhibits itself in ‘ruthless’ justice against wickedness. They ought to know because the Bible is full of illustrations. There is this NT caveat, too: Therefore consider the goodness and severity of God: on those who fell, severity; but toward you, goodness, if you continue in His goodness. Otherwise you also will be cut off! (Romans 11:22.) The 7 Angels Prophesy About Farid27th July 2015. 9:40. From Mark: Y'day at midnight the 7 angels of the Lord passed a message to me. [They said] that Farid Abdul will soon plead with you for forgiveness for harming the innocent children of God, and would want to join [up with] MM but God will take his life because [his motive is evil]. There is a strong Muslim leader who will emerge soon to oppose MM but God will use him as an example that Muslims can change and serve Almighty God. Comment: In Rhoda’s e-mail above of 6th July 2015, at 18:45, the angels mentioned Jeftah Moha, the nephew of Abdul Farid, that he will try and oppose us but will surrender to MM. Chief Opponent of MM To Meet God At Midnight30th July 2015. 10:19 From Rhoda: "AT MIDNIGHT TOMORROW, FRIDAY, THE CHIEF MM OPPOSER WILL MEET ME, GOD, IN SOMALIA. IN WHITE SMOKE I GOD OF GODS BROUGHT DOWN THE PROUD IN QATAR. "FROM SOMALIA, MALCOLM, LET THE VANS VISIT BURUNDI PLEASE, MM SUPPORTERS ARE SUFFERING UNDER THE SDA PRESIDENT DICTATOR. ENOUGH MONEY SHOULD GO INTO THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT." 7 Angels have said to me now. God bless. Comment: The problem is we have no money! There is continual shortage! Farid’s Final Test30th July 2015. 9:54. From Abdul Farid: Malcolm please forgive me. I have done bad things you. I am ready to leave Islam and serve the only one True God. Comment: See Mark’s e-mail of 27th July which prophesied this. 11:40. Reply: Well, your opposition against God has cost us a huge amount of money. It is into tens of thousands of pounds. And we have had to borrow those tens of thousands of pounds on which we pay interest here, and we have no way of paying it back. True remorse and repentance is demonstrated in actions, not mere words. So, reimburse us for that huge loss of funds that you have caused us, and that will be the first sign of the validity of your intention. If you seriously mean it, write to me with that affirmation, stating how much you will be depositing into our account and I can then give you the coordinates for the bank transfer where you can deposit the money. Thank you. [He didn’t reply.] Comment: This guy is just faking it. It’s his final test. 31st July 2015. 14:56. From John: We are crossing into Somalia from Uganda now. More reports will follow. 1st August 2015. Are the two Jordanian policemen still with you, Yasmin and Guerre? Is Yasmin a man? Did you need them in Iraq for language reasons? Or, if not, how did you converse with Iraqis? Reply: They helped us in Iraq both in language translation and showing us short routes. We plan to link them with Tomas after the Burundi mission. Yasmin is a 36-year-old man. God bless. Much Work Ahead!31st July 2015. 14:43. From Rhoda: "THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT SHOULD NOT GO DRY FOR THE WORK AHEAD IS MUCH. "£10000 SHOULD BE ADDED TO THE ACCOUNT FOR NEXT WEEK'S MISSION IN BURUNDI." 7 Angels have said to me now. God bless. God Wipes Out Abdul FaridSunday 2nd August 2015. 9:34. From John: Farid is no more. Friday at midnight God descended in Farid’s stronghold killing him. God destroyed Farid in thunder and fire bolts. He cried out Malcolm's name 3 times then perished. Full report this evening. God bless. Reply: Please give more information about this incident. How did you know where to go, did the angels tell you where he was located? What was his stronghold? Was it a fortress? Or a mosque with high walls around it? Were gunmen defending it? I need a description of the situation and more detail about what happened, about what Farid said to you before God struck him dead. Thanks. 5th August 2015. From John about Farid’s death: We had been told by the Angels to go up to Kismayu. On arrival Farid came out of a small building pleading Malcolm's name: "MALCOLM, MALCOLM! YOU HAVE COME TO KILL ME. I HAD ASKED FOR FORGIVENESS, MALCOLM, PLEASE!" When we realized that he was moving nearer to the vans we all came out and holding Faith lits like human shields, pointed them at him and God acted. He was struck dead. The place was surrounded with tall palm trees. Inside the compound were women, children and 6 men armed with guns. After he died they cried for a while but would not come near us. God bless. Comment: Some will ask “Why did God expect the team of 4 in the two vans to drive that huge distance from Qatar to Somalia in order for God to strike Abdul Farid dead? Why couldn’t He just kill the man without us having to go there for God to act?” Well, God COULD kill him without us having to be present, but if He had done that, the locals would not have known why he died, would have had no witness of God, Malcolm, and MM, and may have thought Farid died of natural causes. These may be other reasons why God instructed the MM team to go to the scene: 1) God always involves people in His Work on earth. It teaches everyone involved about Him; about His justice, about His severity towards the wicked who deliberately do evil, and about the importance of righteousness. 2) The Muslims who saw Farid struck dead, and heard what he cried out, now know a bit about Malcolm. Farid had wanted to kill Malcolm, but M is one of God’s servants, so Farid was coming against God by his motivation. Farid wanted to wipe out all Malcolm’s efforts to spread the Truth of God in the area, so God took vengeance on Farid in answer to Malcolm’s prayer to kill him to protect God’s Work. The episode will forever be etched into the minds of those Muslims. Later they can understand why Farid was struck dead: he was fighting against a servant of God, so God killed him. It will help them have more respect for what Malcolm represents and teaches in ‘his’ lit. God acted like that as a witness to the truth of God which MM brings. A precedent to this is in 2 Kings 1 where Elijah stated: “If I am a man of God, let fire come down from heaven and consume you [army commander] and your 50 men.” There have been many other prophets of God, but no other prophet except Moses has had this prerogative that was given to Elijah. They are the only two who were given such power, because their deliverance missions were to establish or restore God’s Truth. In Elijah’s time, Truth was crushed under the weight of falsity that charlatans had promoted. And Elijah was commissioned to contest all the falsity and get it ousted. God’s power was ‘given to him’ to counter the enemies to his commission. Thunder and bolts of fire hit Farid similarly, validating the prophet who is being used in an Elijah-like capacity. To Muslims, who revere Mohammed as the only prophet, it should make them think more deeply about their empty religion and vacuous beliefs. 3) It got people’s attention, and can generate more curiosity and spread the news of what took place, because of MM in the area. Unusual happenings like this are talked about. The 12 new converts (former soldiers) in that area of Somalia will undoubtedly be able to use it as a platform for what they have to say about God’s Truth that is restored. Their lives were under threat from Abdul Farid and his militant Islamic gunmen for having ‘apostatised’ from Islam and becoming Christians. God used the MM team in the area to be part of saving their lives. The Journey From Qatar To SomaliaWe were curious why the vans didn’t travel through Ethiopia to Somalia, the more direct route. John explained: 2nd August 2015. 12:28. From John: We avoided Ethiopia due to tight security by the soldiers following the president Obama visit. We crossed into Kenya at Busia border [Busia is on the Kenya / Uganda border] headed to Eldoret then to Kabarnet all the way to Marsabit. From Marsabit we moved to Dadaab from where we crossed to Kismayu. Three Days and Three Nights Miracle of Travel3rd August 2015. To John: Do you know the distance you travelled from Qatar to Somalia? I'm astonished at the time you did it in. N.B. Most of these assignments are physically impossible to accomplish without special supernatural enablement. Reply: It is 8029.4km. We travelled both day and night for 3 days and 3 nights. When we reached Kismayu our great enemy [Farid] came pretending to be requesting for forgiveness, and after God had destroyed him, the 12 [former soldiers – new believers] just came to where the vans were parked and introduced themselves to us. They shared with us how 7 angels had appeared to them at midnight the previous night and told them how to identify the vans with MM labels. That’s how they were able to find us. They got baptized in the Indian Ocean. Kismayu is a town on the ocean shore. John I always say that God is the Great Enabler. He enables you to do whatever He needs you to do to accomplish His plan. It’s miraculous!
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