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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 5 |
74 "My Great Mission" - Iraq
Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. (Psalm 34:19) Grenade Destroys Riek’s New HomeRiek’s home was burned down previously by opponents, and we had to find £6,000 to pay for another home to be built for him. 5th July 2015. 17:17. To Riek: How are you and your family? Are you still suffering typhoid, or has God already healed you from that? If you are still suffering, let us know, and I will ask Helena to intercede, because very often demons impose conditions upon people and they have targeted you because of your association with us. God bless. 6th July 2015. 13:05. From Riek in S Sudan: God of MM has healed me. Last night an SDA leader here crept near my house and almost burnt me and my household. He lobbed a grenade at my house burning all my belongings. God rescued my life and family plus steel cupboard of MM lits. I have used all that I had. That pastor died 200m from my house. I rushed out of the burning house and pointed at him with the Faith lit. He tried to run but thunder struck him dead. Reply: Oh Riek, this is so aggravating to suffer such loss all over again! We are so desperately short of funds, but we know God does provide. Is your house totally destroyed? What do you think it would cost to rebuild what has been damaged? 6th July 2015. 13:50. From Rhoda: "RIEK NEEDS £2500 FOR A NEW HOUSE AND FENCING. IF POSSIBLE BY WU THROUGH X. WE 7 angels SAVED HIS LIFE. 5 MORE ATTACKERS ARE PLANNING TO ATTACK HIM THIS WEEK ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT, YES SDA PASTORS. IF X CAN RECEIVE IT BY TOMORROW MORNING, PASS IT TO J WHO WILL SEND IT SO THAT COME WEDNESDAY NIGHT RIEK SHOULD HAVE A STRUCTURE TO STAY IN." 7 angels have said to me now. 6th July 2015. 15:36. From Riek: The house is destroyed completely. It requires about £3000. God bless. Reply: Riek, I'm sorry, but we are so short that I can't pay the printers here for work done 2 months ago. All we have has been borrowed, so we are all deeply in debt. The angels said 2.5k, so you'll have to do it for what they said, because we can't fund any more. Maybe you can find favour with the builders, and they will kindly do it for you for less. Just tell them that the figure the angels gave is all you can afford. Ask God to give you favour in their eyes, and a bargain price. Thanks. Attacks On God’s Sovereignty6th July 2015. 17:04. From Rhoda: "ANASTASIA??? A GROUP LED BY NIMROD, WRITING TO MALCOLM FROM MIGORI, ISIBANIA, SPEAKING LIES ABOUT THE EVANGELISMS OF MM INCLUDING THE JUST CONCLUDED DUBAI MISSION, EVEN TRYING TO SEE AS FALSE THE POWER, POWER, POWEEEEEER OF GOD IN MM FAITH LIT, FAITH LIT, YES THE GREAT GOD'S PASSPORT TO REALLY STRONG KINGDOMS. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM DON'T ACCEPT THOSE FALSE TRICKS MADE WITH AIM TO SOIL THE GREAT THINGS YOUR GOD IS DOING. YOU MALCOLM MUST NOT SHARE EVEN MM MIRACLE EVENTS WITH THOSE MASQUERADERS..." 7 angels have said this to me with one voice and fire producing eyes. 18:16. Reply: Mmmm. Unfortunately, N72 was sent out to Charles and the rest of our mailing list a few days BEFORE you notified us from the angels that Charles was conning us with his made up stories. And before that, they were sent some boxes of MM lit before I was informed of the tricks they were up to, otherwise I would have sent them NOTHING!! But they have not been sent anything since, and nor will they be sent anything further. I realise that they disbelieve the accounts of what God has been doing, despite all the miracles our glorious God did for them when they were true to Him, before they turned false. They are Satan's children. It sickens me. They are despicable. I wonder how they can find out about the Dubai mission. Presumably from the Egyptian Abdul Farid who occasionally taunts us. Thanks for keeping me informed. Comment: Clearly God meant them to receive the lit or He would have forewarned us not to send any. The lit brings them under His judgement. The name ANASTASIA means rising up, resurrection. The devil wants to discredit and deny God’s raising of people from the dead. Perhaps God is hinting that they will attack the accounts of resurrections next, when people are raised up. God Sentences Abdul Farid To Death6th July 2015. 18:36. From John: We shall be crossing into Egypt past midnight. I have instructed X to move with speed tomorrow so that we help Riek. 18:45. From Rhoda: "FARID IS GOING TO DIE, DIE, DIE. AFTER IRAQ MISSION THE VANS WILL TAKE MM TRUTH TO KISMAYU SOMALIA. THAT NIGHT FARID WILL COME OUT HIMSELF TO SHOOT AT THE VANS. FAITH LIT WILL DESTROY HIM, NOT TO BE SEEN AGAIN. HIS NEPHEW JEFTAH MOHA WILL TRY TO TAKE OVER THE FIGHT BUT GOD WILL MAKE HIM SURRENDER TO MM." 7 angels have said this to me now. God bless. 7th July 2015. 10:42. We are in Egypt. John I had asked Rhoda: What language do the angels speak to you in? Is it your own native tongue? So you then have to put the meaning into English? 8th July 2015. 19:42. From Rhoda: They speak in one voice in plain English. I am not learned. I started hearing, speaking and writing in English language when the Great God of MM came into my life. God gave me the English language to be a vehicle for receiving the Angelic messages. Reply: Thanks for explaining. You do really well with the language, considering you haven't learned it like others. It's amazing how God can give such gifts. It's like a prophetic gift that God generates. Vuga was given the same ability to read and understand English when he died and was given physical life again. And so was Alice when she died and was brought back. Are the local people, where you live, curious about you and what you are doing? Do they interact with you much, or do they leave you alone? God bless. Her reply: The Maasais are lost in culture that is retrogressive. They fear my God of MM and the Faith lit. “MY GREAT MISSION”8th July 2015. 19:48. From Rhoda: "THE CAR TO T IS TO BE HANDED TO HIM FOR MY GREAT MISSION. JOHN DOESN'T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY. THE IRAQ MISSION AND KISMAYU MISSION ARE VERY IMPORTANT, IMPORTANT, IMPORTANT. MALCOLM IS TO CONTACT JOHN ON WHAT TO DO FOR T TO HAVE THE CAR TOMORROW FOR THE FIELD IS WIDE." 7 angels have said to me now. God bless. Reply: I really don't know what to suggest. How much do you have that you can use for the car? Because Riek's house was destroyed... it has left your kitty low... We are really hampered for lack of money. God knows. I wish there was an easier solution. 8th July 2015. 20.00. From Riek: My house is surrounded by SDA people. We have Faith lits. God bless. 9th July 2015. 00.09. To Riek: Helena interceded into your situation at about 10 pm to 10:15 pm our time, which is about midnight your time. She felt a lot of heavy / strong demons and pushed them away. Hope you get some sleep... 9th July 2015. 10:03. From Abdul Farid: You think you can find me in Egypt and kill me. I have fled to Somalia where you can't find me. 10:20. Reply: I am not trying to kill you. I have told you how you can be rescued IF you choose to be. But you have rejected that offer. God can find you in Somalia, if He wants to. He knows where you are. [Vol 6 contains the account.] 9th July 2015. 9:10. To John: I haven’t heard yet about the money situation. Meanwhile, I suggest you go to the garage and offer them what you think you can offer them (without leaving yourself short for travelling expenses) to get the car contract underway, telling them that £1.5k has got held up, but should be coming in the next few days. Hopefully, they will still be willing to release the car. Thanks. 7 People Attack Riek, But Are Struck Dead By God10th July 2015. 5:22. From Riek: On Wednesday at midnight a group came baying for our blood and chanting an anti-MM slogan calling out the name "MALCOLM, MALCOLM IS DESTROYING CHURCHES!" They fought to break down our gate. God through 7 angels visited us with one voice telling me and my family to get out with lit books as human shields. We did that immediately and God descended in thunder and lightning with moving [forceful] winds killing 7 people: Beferra, Quidesa, Mousa, Vitaf, Rouif, Faudi, and Malik. Yesterday I got arrested for the deaths. I am given room to pay a bond of £2,000 or stay in jail for one year waiting judgement the same date and month. They ransacked me and took away my Faith lit. God bless. 9:16. Reply: Thanks for your news, Riek. We are working on the solution. I hope you will not have to be held for long, but it may take a few days to get resolved. If they are going to receive the money, they have to give you back all that they stole from you. That is a reasonable condition. (I believe God will strike the evil person who is demanding the money from you.) There is a lot of intercession taking place here – Helena is fighting off the demons for 18 hours each day! A Struggle Without Adequate Funds10th July 2015. 4:34. From John: There was not enough money to pay for the car and to fuel the vans to Iraq so I asked them to wait. God bless. 10th July 2015. 4:50. From Rhoda: "THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT IS DOWN ONCE JOHN WITHDRAWS £3000 FOR THE CAR. "IRAQ MISSION MUST BE ACCOMPLISHED. QATAR CAPTIVES SHOULD STAND FIRM IN THE LORD FOR FROM IRAQ THE VANS WILL TAKE FAITH LITS THERE AND ALL THEIR CAPTORS WILL PERISH. BESIDES THE £1500 FOR THE CAR, THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT REQUIRES £5700 FOR THE IRAQ MISSION." 7 angels have said to me now. God bless. Riek Beaten Up In Prison12th July 2015. 5:28. From John: Yes, X did send us the money and we made the initial payment of £6000 and the car was given to T. We had a blessed Sabbath; 8 people joined us. We could not move on to Iraq because the evangelism account is down. Riek called us yesterday evening to say that he is being beaten up to tell all he knows about MM. His Faith lit was also taken away. A bond of £2000 is the penalty. We are okay and had a good rest. 12th July 2015. From Rhoda: "IN A GROUP LED BY LUKAS, NIMROD TRIED TO CHEAT MALCOLM AND JOHN THAT NIMROD IS ASKING FOR FORGIVENESS. NEXT THEY SENT A MESSAGE TO MALCOLM REQUESTING FOR MM LITS. IT IS A PLAN [SCAM] TO DISTORT INFORMATION IN THE LITS AND DISTRIBUTE THEIR COUNTERFEITS. MALCOLM MUST NOT REPLY TO THEM, NO, NO, NO. IT IS A PLAN [SCAM]. "RIEK IS IN DANGER. £2000 SHOULD BE SENT TO HIM TO GET HIM OUT. TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT JOHN AND THE EVANGELISM TEAM ARE TO FACE THE DIRECTION OF SOUTHERN SUDAN FROM EGYPT, POINT TO IT 7 TIMES WITH FAITH LITS UTTERING NO WORD. I GOD WILL DESCEND AND SHAKE THE PRISON TILL A MEETING WILL BE CALLED AND IN THAT MEETING A DECISION WILL BE REACHED TO HAVE RIEK RELEASED ON PAYMENT OF £2000 AND HIS MM FAITH LIT RETURNED TO HIM." 7 angels have said this to me. 12th July 2015. 13:17. From Riek in prison: Thanks. These people are pressing me to give a detailed account of how MM works miracles using the Faith lit. My Faith lit taken from me was taken to a witchdoctor who died on the spot when he touched it. They made me responsible. It is hot here, no food and am being beaten. God bless. Reply. 14:32. Hang in there, Riek. God will rescue you – tonight, we believe, at midnight. Give them my e-mail address, and tell them to write to Malcolm. He will explain to them about the power in MM lit. Tell them that he will only explain it to them if they stop beating you. Tell them that if they continue to beat you, we will call down fire from God upon them to punish them similarly. Be strong in your spirit. They can't break you. God is with you, despite the horrible physical conditions. Thanks. From John: 15:31. We are left with only £1500. Reply. 15:41. Well, I suggest you use what you are able to let go of from that amount (maybe £1,000), and send it to Riek towards that £2,000 they are demanding for his release. God can make up the difference supernaturally. But the angels may speak into the situation with something else, or more to add to this. We can't send anything. We are stumped at the moment. Comment: God delivered us in the situation, guiding a faithful supporter to obtain more funds by borrowing. 13th July 2015. 19:09. From Riek: I got released at 12.07 a.m. At midnight the sound of wind, thunder and earth tremor filled the prison leaving 3 guards and 1 policeman dead. The shaking only stopped when I got released, but my Faith lit was not handed over to me. I paid £2000 from J. I have refused to go without the Faith lit because it is the Lord's. God bless. 14th July 2015. 8:11. From Riek: At midnight last night God visited the prison in thunder and bolts of fire bringing down 1 permanent house. It only stopped when my Faith lit was handed to me. God bless. Paul & Maxwell Abducted To Qatar13th July 2015. 13:18. From Paul: We are in a fix here in Qatar. We were transported in a cargo truck after being kidnapped in Uganda and taken here to work in a stone mine. It has been very hard labour without food and even sleep. They raided our home and kidnapped me and Maxwell. They took Christine, Arabella and Lencer too. We don't know where they ended up. We have been helped by one guard to escape but now we don't have any way to get back. He gave us Muslim veils (clothes) too and has been helping us hide our identity. The government of this country is so strict with intruders that we could end up in prison again. We don't know how to move from this place back to Uganda. The guard who helped us escape told us that the angels visited him and directed him to free us. He was also told that a caravan that ferries the Lord’s Word will meet with us to take us back to Uganda. Is it that J, V are in Qatar? We don't know what next but we have faith that we will be safe. Reply. 14:12. Yes, God has spoken through His seven angels to Rhoda about your abduction, and is organising to send the vans to your rescue. However, they are still in Egypt at the moment because of lack of money to get moving. But we are hopeful that things can come together today so they can get going soon, if they haven’t already started. I’m sure the angels will be giving directions to Mark and John how to find you. I am surprised that you still have your phone. I thought they would have confiscated it when they raided your home. Keep in touch, as you are able. We will do whatever we can. I’m sure you’ll be rescued, but you will have to be patient till J and M can get to you. This was the message to Rhoda: IRAQ MISSION MUST BE ACCOMPLISHED. QATAR CAPTIVES SHOULD STAND FIRM IN THE LORD FOR FROM IRAQ VANS WILL TAKE FAITH LITS THERE AND ALL THEIR CAPTORS WILL PERISH. Mission To Iraq14th July 2015. 5:53. From Rhoda: "THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT IS DOWN BUT THE VANS SHOULD MOVE ON TO IRAQ, THEN TO SAVE THE CAPTIVES. £5000 IS REQUIRED." 7 angels have said this to me now. God bless. -22814th July 2015. 6:13. From John: We want to move on and see where we can reach. The evangelism account is down but time is pushing us to just move on. Reply: Vivian has managed to borrow more money... since the angels are saying to move on, God is able to make the vans go further on the fuel than they normally would be able to... God be with you all. 14th July 2015. 16:54. From John: We are off to Iraq. We trust God to lead us through it. God bless. 18th July 2015. 19:17. From John: We are in Iraq after a tough journey. 19th July 2015. From John: Iraq is the most hostile place so far among all places we have visited. We have been under watch of armed men in Kansus. Here almost everybody is Muslim. 19th July 2015. 15:29. From Rhoda: "THE VANS SHOULD MOVE OUT OF IRAQ ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT FOR A LONG JOURNEY TO QATAR TO RESCUE THE CAPTIVES WHO ARE IN POLICE CUSTODY." 7 angels have said. 20th July 2015. 12:42. From John: We arrived here on Friday night together with Yasmine and Guerre two policemen from Jordan who stopped in our way to block us from reaching Iraq. But when we all faced them with the Faith lits they lost their eyesight. When we wanted to leave them behind they cried in the name of God whom we serve. We touched their heads with the Faith lits, and they both regained their sight, then refused to leave us. God bless. Reply: I hope you are coping in the heat. It must be a very hot place! 20th July 2015. 13:19. From John in Iraq: Extremely hot. People here are very cruel, commodities very expensive. Now we are engaged in discussion with Imam Akihabara who is trying to know about the power we use to change Muslims to Christianity; power in the MM lits, and whether Malcolm is alive or a spirit. 20th July 2015. 13:55. From John: This engagement with the Imam degenerated into a gun battle. We are off to a safe place. The Imam drew a gun when I challenged him to accept the MM truth. Reply: That explains the extra intercession today. Helena was awoken at 3 in the morning by a dream that instructed her to intercede. She did, even though exhausted from the previous day's intercession which only finished an hour earlier! She has been solidly pushing away demons today from about 8 until just now (2 pm). Six hours solid! It would be to clear the powers away, I guess, making victory in this incident possible, and in what is to follow. One of the things Jesus said to people in His day was that you will know it is the truth when you live it (Jn 8:31,32). Wicked people, especially religious leaders who want power for themselves (a facet of satanic pride), are not going to live the truth, so they will never come to understand or know what Jesus meant. But the humble can know and understand. Did the Imam actually fire any shots? Or did he merely threaten? 20th July 2015. 19:46. From John: Yes when we refused to answer his bad questions he pulled out a gun and shot at us aiming to kill us, but Faith lit was used as human shields. When he realised that we were under God's protection he called for more people who came holding guns. That is when we got into the vans and moved to a safer place. We have stopped buying food here for he told us in the face to prepare for poisoning. God bless. Reply: ...you could tell people, who ask about Malcolm and this power in MM lit, that it’s not Malcolm; it’s ‘Elijah’, as prophesied in Malachi 4:4-6. What had you been doing before the Imam confronted you? Meeting people, spreading the Word, or giving them some lit? I wonder if he is local, or whether he followed you from somewhere else, because he seemed to know quite a bit – for example, that MM lit carries supernatural power. 21st July 2015. 9:13. From John: We were meeting people, and sharing with them the lits. What we thought was that the Muslim leaders have clear information about MM. 23rd July 2015. 20:02. From John: The route to Iraq: From Cairo Egypt we moved for 8 hrs to Nueiba, 1 hr to Al Aqabah ferry terminal in Jordan then 5 hrs to Amman Abdali terminal in Jordan where we met the two police officers who tried to give us a hard time but God kept them off. It took us 10 hrs drive to reach Ar Rutbah in Iraq. On our way to Baghdad we met the Imam of the Great Mosque of Kufa who threatened to shoot us for converting Muslims to Christianity. This occurred at Ar Ramadi town. We then travelled to Baghdad and terminated our mission in Samarra town from where we departed to Qatar. God bless. 22nd July 2015. 19:10. From Rhoda: "THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT MAY NEED MORE MONEY, £7000, FOR THE RESCUE MISSION WILL TAKE TIME. FROM RESCUE THE VANS ARE TO MOVE TO KISMAYU SOMALIA TO BAPTISE OVER 12 MUSLIM SOLDIERS WHO HAVE ACCEPTED MM. THIS SHOULD OCCUR BEFORE FRIDAY NEXT WEEK FOR THERE IS A PLAN BY MM OPPOSERS TO KILL THOSE MM CONVERTS." 7 angels have said now. 22nd July 2015. 18:55. From John: We are off to Qatar now to do the rescue. Tomorrow 23rd, T is required to make the final payment for the car. In the evangelism account we only have 6500. T requires 4000... We had the worst encounter with Muslim radicals today who shot Vuga in the left hand with the aim of taking us captive. We all came out and faced a group of 11 armed men and 4 girls also armed... 23rd July 2015. 13:27. Reply from John: We touched his [Vuga’s] injured hand with Faith lit after we were visited by 7 angels who promised to lead us safely to rescue our brothers. He is well now. I did send to T £2000 and explained to him to wait for the final payment next week. God bless. 24th July 2015. 4:49. From John: The 7 angels give us instructions on where to visit and when to use the Faith lit of the mighty God of MM. The 7 angels constantly visit Mark and me giving instructions. Last night the angels said that from Qatar the vans should take the Great Mission to Kismayu Somalia. In Qatar, God Guides With A Smoke Sign26th July 2015. From Nyasirwa (in Uganda): ...J and V we believe are moving towards Qatar at the moment, but don’t know how to meet Paul and the other captives. The angels have shown us that the moment they get there, the Lord will lead the van by a smoke sign. As they follow it they will reach where P and M are locked up. 28th July 2015. 14:08. From Rhoda: "IT IS A WELL CALCULATED PLAN TO BOMB ALL OUR VANS IN QATAR. LET JOHN GIVE OUT THE £3000 THEY ARE DEMANDING, FOR IT WILL FINISH ALL OF THEM. THE VANS MUST MUST MUST LEAVE NOW TO SOMALIA! MALCOLM IS TO INSTRUCT JOHN TO DO THAT, SO THAT THE BOMB IN THE TRAILER ACROSS THE ROAD EXPLODES IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE VANS LEAVE AND KILLS ALL THE 12 PEOPLE THERE. NOW, NOW, NOW! MALCOLM IS TO DO IT NOW." 7 angels have said. 28th July 2015. 16.00. From Rhoda: "IT IS TONIGHT THAT I GOD OF GODS WILL BRING DOWN A GROUP OUT TO FIGHT MM. 12 WILL DIE." 7 angels have said this to me now. God bless. 29th July 2015. 17:59. From John: The Doha Rescue. We reached Doha, capital of Qatar, at dawn on Monday, 27th July. At about 8 am, since Paul's phone was off, we stopped for 15 minutes waiting for God's guidance through the angels. Some hours later, thick white smoke appeared. It covered us for about five minutes. Then just before noon the smoke dispersed and settled on top of a building about 400 metres from where we were. The smoke then returned to us. This was repeated 3 times. Realising this was a supernatural manifestation, we then held a short prayer together, picked up Faith lits and followed the smoke trail to the prison. On reaching the gate the three watchmen ran away, for we were covered in thick white smoke. They probably also saw a frightening vision from the angels which made them run for cover. We found our brothers tied up in a small room; they were very dirty and hungry. We untied them, and as we all left, the smoke again covered us. When we reached the road where we had parked the vans, a lorry trailer was now blocking the road. A tall light-skinned man appeared, armed with a hand gun. He was followed by 11 youths all carrying small hand guns. They came out of the trailer and ordered us to lie down, but instead we all raised the Faith lits. We could see them struggle to shoot at us. Their guns all jammed. This was on Monday about 2 pm. They couldn’t shoot us or harm us while we held high the lits. All Monday night and most of Tuesday they waited for us to meet their demand for money. They insisted we pay them £4,000 to let us get past the trailer. The angels warned Rhoda that the Muslim gang was planning to blow up the vans and kill all of us with explosives, but they wanted money also, first. We refused to give in to their ransom demand. Later on Tuesday they reduced their demand to £3,000. Rhoda was told by the 7 angels that we should pay their demand for £3,000 this time. So, I went to draw out the amount from our evangelism account. We obtained the cash from the Doha Zwabra Forex Exchange shop, a unit offering 24 hr banking. They refused to serve us at first. It only worked out when I made my request pointing the Faith lit at them. Seven minutes after I had given the gunmen the money they cleared the way for us so we could pass. After we had driven about 200 metres their bomb went off. There was a huge explosion. The trailer blew up! We saw it go up in pieces. We knew we had to leave as fast as we could! Our God had done His part. He rescued us, and instead of them blowing us up, they got blown apart by their own explosives. Now we are on the way to Somalia. The amazing story of God’s exploits continues in Volume 6.
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