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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 5 |
73 Miracles in Dubai
Look among the nations and watch. Be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days which you would not believe, though it were told you (Habakkuk 1:5).
Though that prophecy of God is believed, the events it portends are often not! What irony. Using Faith Booklets As Human Shields26th June 2015. 15:05. From Rhoda: "THE VANS HAVE ARRIVED IN DUBAI. THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT SHOULD RECEIVE MORE MONEY, £7500, FOR IT IS DOWN. FROM DUBAI THE VANS ARE TO CROSS TO IRAQ." 7 angels have said this to me now. God bless. Reply: Thanks, Rhoda. Yes, we have anticipated that their money supply would be down. We have nothing. Our supporters have nothing except loans and debts to repay on those loans. But we trust in the ability of God to move someone else this time... We shall wait and see how things work out. God bless. 27th June 2015. 17:23. From John: Today in our Sabbath meet we were surrounded by 7 armed militia chanting Islamic words of Ramadan. God moved all of us to use Faith lit as human shields. Then they started aiming at each other with their guns. 2 got killed in the process. Many people came to the scene and took away the bodies. Word has gone around Dubai of our presence. God bless. 28th June 2015. 7:52. From Rhoda: "EVANGELISM ACCOUNT IS DOWN BUT I GOD WILL GIVE TO MALCOLM AND MM FINANCIERS MONEY TO SUPPORT THE OUTREACH." 7 angels have said this to me now. God bless. Comment: These messages from the 7 angels are very encouraging, helping us to look with the eyes of faith beyond the hopeless appearance of our financial situation. 28th June 2015. 12:37. From John: Following what transpired yesterday people here are amazed with God's power in MM lits. Now we are engaged in discussion after a mad boy was healed by touching Faith lit. But Moslems here complained why we are allowed to preach in Islamic lands. Comment: Promotion of Christian truth is forbidden by Islamic law in those Middle Eastern countries. But God is not bound by human law! He cannot be stopped. 29th June 2015. 11:02. From Abdul Farid: You have sent your men here again to kill our supporters and convert our brothers to Christianity, never. Reply. 11:35. No, I haven't sent them. God has. And you are objecting to GOD ALMIGHTY doing what He chooses to do. I suggest you stop fighting Him, because otherwise you are finished.
“Tonight, People In Dubai Will Know That MM Is My Chosen MinistryTo Show The Way To All Descendants Of The Earth”29th June 2015. From Rhoda: "TONIGHT PEOPLE IN DUBAI WILL KNOW THAT MM IS MY CHOSEN MINISTRY TO SHOW THE WAY TO ALL DESCENDANTS OF THE EARTH. 10 ISLAMIC RADICAL TEACHERS ARMED WITH DANGEROUS WEAPONS ARE HOLDING MM VANS, DEMANDING TO GET THE SECRET IN MY LITS AND MY PROPHET MALCOLM SO THAT THEY CAN DISCREDIT THE GREAT MIRACLES I HAVE PERFORMED THROUGH MALCOLM AND MM LITS, AND THROUGH STAUNCH BELIEVERS WHO HAVE DEDICATED ALL THEIR LIVES TO SERVE ME. "MALCOLM IS TO INSTRUCT JOHN, MARK, AND VUGA TO COME OUT WITH THE FAITH BOOKLET AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT AND WALK AWAY FROM THE VANS. I WILL CAUSE THE TEN MUSLIMS TO FOLLOW THEM BUT AT AROUND 200M FROM THE VANS I WILL DROP A SHARP BRIGHT LIGHT THAT WILL MAKE ALL THE TEN LOSE THEIR EYESIGHT BUT JOHN, MARK, AND VUGA WILL BE OK AND MOVE BACK TO THE VANS. THE TEN MEN WILL CRY ALOUD TILL A BIG CROWD WILL COME BEFORE I FINISH THEM WITH HOT COALS." 7 angels have said this to me now. 29th June 2015. 13:52. From John: Last night at midnight 10 Muslim leaders surrounded us. They are still preventing us moving, demanding that we give them 10 Faith lits and explain to them where specifically "the Malcolm" lives who is bringing the Islamic glory down. To our surprise all have got short guns. We are all alert and trusting God to descend tonight YES at midnight to destroy these opposers. They don't want even to see us drink water. But God is God; the Lord of Victory. God bless. Reply: If you want, you can tell those clerics that if they can find God, they will find where I live. But, it's up to you, whether you think it's sensible. God has His all-powerful answer to their query tonight at midnight. 30th June 2015. 13:10. From John about last night: Midnight fire bolts. We arrived on Thursday 25th June, at night. Many people became eager [curious] and frequently passed near the vans. We parked the vans in an open place where all could see them and read the MM labels on the vans. Last night we walked away from the vans at midnight and they all followed us as if to take us hostage. We went about 300m from the vans and stopped then faced the heavens and we lifted the Faith booklets. At once God responded by sending a sharp bright light that made them all lose their eyesight. We walked back to the vans leaving them behind us wailing for help as fire bolts landed on them. Cries filled the air attracting a big crowd. The 10 clerics were crying out mentioning hot coal from Malcolm [as they died]. They cried out to Allah. We moved back to the vans and come morning the bodies were taken away, maybe for burial by their Moslem friends... 7 angels had given Mark forewarning of the attack and he warned us to be alert with the Faith lits as human shields. Also to John: Vivian has managed to borrow the 7.5k that the angels stipulated. It should be in your account tomorrow or the next day. This is quite amazing how these funds have been accessed, because we are all completely dry and there are no new supporters yet. 1st July 2015. 18:28. From Abdul Farid: They've killed them. You are now happy. We will see who is greater than Alah. 19:22. Reply: Yes, now you see who is greater than Alah. It is the Almighty God whom Christians worship, who had the Bible written to preserve His Truth about how we should live. Muslims need to recognise Him, recognise Jesus who was the Son of God sent from heaven to pay the price of human sin, and recognise the prophets, one of whom was Moses who wrote the first five books of the Bible containing the Ten Commandments. If you recognised all these, you would have more peace of mind and be able to come to know our God who is just. You have seen now some of His justice against wickedness. Are you going to worship Him now, instead of Alah, and renounce your empty religion of Islam? 18:30. From Abdul Farid: You can't continue killing us this way please. 19:37. Reply: Well, if you continue opposing us, God will continue killing the opposers. But IF YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THE TRUE GOD WHO IS JESUS CHRIST, AND TURN AWAY FROM DOING EVIL, THEN GOD WILL SPARE YOU AND HE WILL SHOW YOU HIS LOVE. Do you want me to send you more information about what you need to do to receive God's forgiveness, love and mercy? Comment: He didn’t reply to that. Wicked people don’t want truth. 3rd July 2015. From John: We got stopped from engaging Muslims here by their clerics. God moved us to go on with evangelizing with MM truth explaining to them the great work God has done through MM lits. This was on Wednesday evening. Soon the clerics got mad and demanded that we explain to them why we had killed their followers. They drew guns to shoot at us. We removed Faith lits used as human shields and they all lost their eyesight. Further reply from John: Their leader was the first to lose his eyesight, then He cried... "Malcolm, why pour hot coal on my eyes? Yesterday you killed 10 of us. Malcolm, Allah must destroy you." After that the remaining 6 also lost eyesight. 7 clerics lost the power of sight. God bless. Reply: Thanks for yours. There has been a terrific amount of spiritual warfare happening here. Helena was engaged in a block of intercession yesterday from 8 in the morning till 4 pm. There was no natural break in the 'airwaves' until 4 pm! Then she had to continue again for a couple more hours, had a break for dinner, and then got back to fighting demons continually until 4.30 in the morning. She's back in the fight again now after only 3½ hours sleep. This sort of demonic battle has been going on relentlessly now for years. It's what it takes to clear the minds of people whom God is reaching, so they can make their decisions concerning the truth. God Speaks About Going To Iraq3rd July 2015. 16:24. From Rhoda: "FROM DUBAI THE VANS ARE TO MOVE TO IRAQ TO STOP THE NON-ENDING GAZA SQUABBLES. "TOMAS NEEDS A CAR WORTH £12000 TO CONTINUE WITH MM WORK IN EGYPT, ISRAEL AND OTHER MIDDLE EAST STATES. I GOD MUST HONOUR MALCOLM AND HELENA'S INTERCESSION." 7 angels have said this to me now God bless. Comment: Finding this sort of money is a headache and difficult. It's easier climbing Ben Nevis in Scotland! 3rd July 2015. 16:35. From Tomas in Israel: R is the head of operations, GOD TV. Since the vans left here Faith lit has been my daily study book and human shield. I walk on foot for miles daily to evangelise to these Muslims. I pray for God to provide me with even a bicycle for His works. God is good. Tomas 16:47. Reply: Thanks for your news and the replies to my queries. That puts my mind at rest. I'm forwarding this of yours to J. Perhaps he would be able to provide some funds for your bike, etc? God has spoken through the angels to Rhoda that you are meant to have a car in due course, but the funds needed are colossal and we just don't have that sort of money at the moment (£12,000). I have a printing bill outstanding of over £3,000 and nothing with which to pay it. When someone donates the amount needed, then you will have what God has promised... 17:01. From Rhoda: "THE CAR TO T IS TO BE PAID IN 3 INSTALMENTS OF £3000, £5000, £4000. IF THE VANS REACH EGYPT NEXT WEEK TUESDAY NIGHT T IS TO TAKE JOHN, MARK, VUGA AND KARIM TO A CAR SHOP. JOHN WILL SIGN THE DOCUMENT FOR THAT AGREEMENT. A BICYCLE CANNOT MOVE OVER THE MIDDLE EAST MOUNTAINS." 7 angels have said. Comment: The 3 figures God gave at that time about the car payments showed us that the money was meant to come from more than one source. We needed to know that at the time. God was reading our minds and knowing what we needed to know, and giving us an answer indirectly. Later the 2nd and 3rd payment amounts were altered to fit donor ability. 5th July 2015. From John: We are leaving Dubai to Iraq tonight through Egypt to sign the car agreement deal. In our Sabbath yesterday 4 Moslem women joined us in our meeting. They went against their leaders’ rules and swore to follow the MM truth no matter the consequence. H, Z, C and M are their names. 5th July 2015. Reply to John. That's wonderful. God bless them. It's a difficult journey in an Islamic country! But God gives help to those who are willing and obedient. I wonder if T needs a bit of money? I also wonder where he is living, whether a wellwisher gives him accommodation, or whether he lives out in the open at the moment. When you know about the car agreement deal, please let me know about the basic terms. I would want to know when the next payment is due. How long the first payment of 3k gives him use of the car? And what the make and model is, and year of manufacture (it's probably new). Thanks. [I asked John about the car. The angels answered:] 6th July 2015. 9:44. From Rhoda: "MITSUBISHI MAKE 2011. JOHN IS TO RECEIVE £3000 THIS WEEK ON THURSDAY, ADD £3000 FROM EVANGELISM ACCOUNT, TO PAY £6000 FOR T TO HAVE THE CAR. 2ND PAYMENT WHICH WILL NOW BE £2000 IS TO BE PAID ON 16TH, WEDNESDAY NEXT WEEK. THE LAST PAYMENT BE DONE ON 23RD THIS MONTH. THE VANS ARE IN SAUDI ARABIA NOW AND TOMORROW. T HAS TRULY GIVEN HIS LIFE TO GOD SLEEPING ON THE STREETS SHARING MM TRUTH. JOHN SENT HIM £100 FOR FOOD." 7 angels have said this to me now. 6th July 2015. 9:51. From Tomas: John has promised to be here tomorrow for the car deal. He sent me £100. I sleep on the streets under the cover of God’s 7 Angels. The car – if half the money is paid then I can take it. Within a month the remaining amount should be cleared. God's Name be praised. 9:57. John wrote: We are in Saudi Arabia on our way to Egypt. 6th July 2015. 11:56. From Rhoda: "THE CAR PRICE MUST NOT EXCEED £12000. FIRST PAY ON THURSDAY THIS WEEK BE £6000, NEXT PAY £2000 AND THE LAST PAY BE £4000. THE CAR WILL MOVE OUT FROM THURSDAY NIGHT TO SPREAD THE MM TRUTH. THIS SHOULD START BEFORE THE END OF THIS RAMADAN." 7 angels have said to me now.
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