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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 5 |
71GOD TV Retaliates
Be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted... not returning evil for evil... but on the contrary blessing... Let him seek peace (1 Pet 3:8,9,11). After the team in the two MM vans delivered God’s warning message to Israel GOD TV, the seven angels manifested and told several employees to leave. The angels blew up four computers and made their presence felt! God demonstrated His anger at the demonic masquerade that calls itself ‘GOD TV’! (Pp 46-47.) But the evil TV bosses hired private detectives to track Tomas down. They caught up with him at the border in Eilat. ‘GOD’ TV Sends Hit Men To Kill Tomas17th June 2015. 12:11. From John: We will be entering Egypt tonight. 17th June 2015. 12:23. From Rhoda: "AN ISRAELI CALLED TOMAS WHO ACCEPTED MM TRUTH IS BEING PURSUED BY GOD TV SYMPATHISERS. MALCOLM IS TO ADVISE HIM TO CROSS INTO EGYPT AND WAIT FOR THE VANS." 7 angels have said to me now. God bless. Comment: I forwarded this to Tomas at 13:39. 17th June 2015. 12:43. From Tomas: Two police officers from Jerusalem are here at Eilat border. They want to arrest me. John and Mark told me to use Faith lit as a shield. Pray for me. Thanks. Reply. 13:42. Yes, use it as a shield and point it at them like you would warn with a sword. Try not to be afraid. God will help you. M
Shortage of Funds Requires Sacrifice17th June 2015. 18:16. To John: As you know, Rhoda was told by the angels to instruct us to send 3.5k ASAP to you for the evangelism in Uganda by Nyasirwa. Bob will be sending that on to you shortly, together with another sum of 7.5k (explained below) for half of the cost of the remaining sum owing on Vera’s land. You will need to use a further 7.5k from your own funds to get that land deal sorted urgently... The angels’ message was insistent that it be finalised very soon! The 7.5k being sent is from Tonya here, who has allowed it to be borrowed again. It was allocated for her van which she is buying for her outreach, but since the van is not needed immediately and is still being renovated, she has allowed those funds to be used for this more urgent purpose (Vera’s land), anticipating that they will be replaced when the van is ready in a couple of months time. [As of writing, she still doesn’t have the funds because we have v little support.] I thought I should explain this, because all of these borrowed funds are like a rope around our necks. This is not income to us. We don’t presently have income to cover such huge expenses, but we trust in God to deliver us from this huge debt, because He has shown us to do this. We are now empty. I am hoping that there are no more demonic holdups on Bob’s pension that he has applied to withdraw, because that money is needed to replace what you will use up for Vera’s land, and which you will need for your return trip from Dubai. [Bob withdrew all his pension funds for the outreach expenses.] Also we suggest you send N only about 500 at a time and not the full 3.5k all at once, lest you be left short for what you all need. These funds are in very short supply now and we’ve got to take great care with these last pounds so that we can accomplish all that God has in mind. Thanks. God bless. Tomas Rescued From Death18:21. To John: Let us know when you manage to pick up Tomas. Thanks. Hope all goes well. 18th June 2015. 18:59. From John: T is with us. God fought for us through MM Faith lit. More is coming. God bless. 19th June 2015. To John: There was a lot of intercession over the last two days. Helena had 8 hours in the daytime and 8 hours evening and night up till 4 am on two consecutive nights. So, we knew something was taking place. What happened with T is part of that. Look forward to hearing the story later today, when you (or he) can relate it. Thanks. 21st June 2015. From John: God bless! God bless! God bless! God protected us from the fuming agents of Satan who planned to finish us. T joined us at Eilat in tatters, sweating profusely. It took only 10 minutes. 4 armed men came straight to us and ordered us to surrender. I, Mark and Vuga grabbed T and we all raised the lit Faith at once towards the armed men. It was Thursday (18th June) at midnight when thunder storms, lightning bolts, and fire sparks killed 2 and wounded one. The other one surrendered to us but we left him there and went on with our journey. God bless. Reply: Thanks for the update on T. How did you manage to locate him? Did he phone you and say where he was? Were the armed men Israeli policemen or soldiers, or other? What do you mean "it took only 10 minutes"? 10 minutes to find him in Eilat? Or 10 minutes to get him released from the armed men? I guess God left one alive to testify to his superiors what happened, so they are warned not to try and arrest someone whom GOD TV accuses. I still wonder about the others in Israel, like T, who left GOD TV, and whether they are being hounded in the same way? God bless. I guess the money is not yet in your account for the land, and will come in tomorrow. John’s reply: I guess he saw on the vans "MIDNIGHT MINISTRIES". After T had joined us it took only 10 minutes and those policemen arrived . Reply: What is also surprising is how the 2 policemen who wanted to arrest T were not able to do that before you arrived. Did T talk them out of arresting him? Or did he physically resist arrest? John’s reply: He barred them by using MM Faith lit. 22nd June 2015. 10:15. From Tomas: Thank you for rescuing my life. Thanks to God of MM. I could have died in the hands of men bought to finish me for rejecting God TV. On Friday 4 armed men came close to shooting me at Eilat but the MM Faith lit which I used as a human shield barred them from hitting me. When I was too weak, almost losing to them, then I saw two vans labelled MIDNIGHT MINISTRIES. God gave me energy and I reached the vans. The brave servants of God John, Mark and Vuga all came out of the vans and held me to their chests. After about 10 minutes the 4 armed men came and demanded that we all surrender. God descended with thunderstorms and [lightning] spikes following use of the Faith lits. Only one man survived, we left him there. Today at dawn the vans left me here in Eilat for Dubai. I am waiting for them here sharing with people here the word of truth from MM. John gave me £200. God is Great! 22nd June 2015. 10:20. Clarification from John: Tomas was physically tattered. They were a gang in police uniforms hired to kill T. We are off to Dubai. We left T behind. The Angels Announce Tomas’s Commission22nd June 2015. 10:40. From Rhoda: "TOMAS WILL EVANGELISE WITH THE TRUTH IN MM IN ISRAEL, EGYPT, IRAN, IRAQ. A CAR LABELLED MM WILL BE PROVIDED TO TOMAS FOR THE WORK. LITS WILL BE GOING TO TOMAS THROUGH JOHN IN KENYA WHO WILL TAKE THEM IN A VAN UP TO SUDAN WHERE TOMAS WILL COLLECT THEM. I GOD WILL GIVE TOMAS A WORK MATE. "TOMAS'S E-MAIL ADDRESS MUST ONLY BE KNOWN TO MALCOLM, MARK AND JOHN. THE LITS MUST NOT GO IN TO ISRAEL BY POST. £1500 SHOULD BE SENT TO X FOR X TO SEND £500 TO RODA, PAY ELECTRICITY BILL AND FOR MAINTENANCE. FROM DUBAI THE VANS MUST MOVE TO IRAQ WHERE 11 MOSLEMS WILL ACCEPT MM. THE CAR FOR TOMAS WILL COST ONLY £12000." 7 angels have said this to me now. God bless.
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