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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 5 |
70Promised Land
Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you (Joshua 1:3). After the Qatar attack against us failed, Satan’s next ploy was to try to grab the land next to where Mark lives, which belongs to God. Mark’s land is where God’s feasts are held in Kenya – by His divine instruction (see MMG3 pp 38, 42, 69, 72). But devious minds were concocting a scheme to sabotage and undermine God’s plan. These missives explain: God Assigns Protection Over The Land26th May 2015. 7:44. From Rhoda in Kenya: "ONE VAN NEEDS TYRES. THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT HAS LITTLE MONEY. THE CHIEF ATTACKER IN QATAR IS PLANNING TO BUY LAND NEXT TO MARK'S AND CONSTRUCT A MOSQUE. THE VANS SHOULD MOVE BACK TO KENYA CARRYING A LITTLE SAND FROM QATAR. THAT SAND IS TO BE PUT IN A PAPER BAG AND 7 FAITH LITS PUT INTO IT, THEN PLACED 100M FROM THAT PIECE OF LAND SO THAT AFTERWARDS ANY ATTACKER STEPPING ON THAT LAND WILL DIE. £8000 IS NEEDED IN THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT TO HELP MOVE THE VANS BACK. NO ONE WILL BLOCK MM EVANGELISM." 7 angels have said this to me now. God bless. Comment: This curious ceremony to make the land secure may be what is required for the angels and other spirits of the unseen world to know to whom the land belongs. It earmarks it as sacred and not to be touched by unauthorised beings. Thus, any human guided by demons to try and invade the land would die. 26th May 2015. From Mark: There is a group of Muslims who want to bribe the government [to regard that land next to Mark’s as] holy land so that they can build a mosque there. The message was delivered by seven angels at midnight. Comment: Islam has been largely spread by stealth. Rich Arab countries have funded the building of mosques in various nations as part of their programme of expansion. Foolishly, the West has allowed mosques to be built, not wanting to appear prejudiced against foreigners, perhaps thinking that such appeasement will win them favour. What they don’t realise is that Islam’s aim is world domination, and they will pursue that goal with whatever means is available. 27th May 2015. 13:55. To Malcolm: I am Vera O writing to you from Ndhiwa. I have been searching for your email address after I was informed that you are the man of God who purchased this land adjacent to mine, where some people who study God's word and teach with the Midnight Ministries publications live. I have been waiting to meet prophet Mark and John to see them over an issue regarding my land but not seen them for quite some time neither do I have their contacts. I received this your email address yesterday when I went to Oyugis to sell some of my property to a certain man. It was coincident to meet them but believe it was God’s plan too that I had to meet them so that they would join me to you. I have been searching for you, to share with you about my land that has given me much sleepless night for the past four months now after I was engaged by two Muslims and another man called Lukas Ogada who wanted to give me a huge sum of money to let them have this land from me. It was never my wish to sell this land off but when they told me about their intention of building a mosque on it to destroy the gathering of people at prophet Mark’s place I delayed to accept their request. I got a dream that some angels were speaking to me and told me not to let them have the land (Lukas and his friends) There has been war over this land and has caused my family much pain as I continue to cling on it and hold it over my name. On April 23rd, some people came and kidnapped my daughter, tortured her and called me to surrender the land in exchange for my daughter. I had no other choice. They threatened that if I involve the police they were going to kill my daughter after four days. They held her captive and the fifth day when I was to surrender to them the title deed, my daughter escaped their trap miraculously, and I always believe it was God’s work, as she explained to me how she managed. My daughter has been one of those who meet at Mark’s place to learn the gospel and was baptized too. I was also baptized after she and the other girls Fatmah and Ann came and gave me the good news and I believed in much of the publication over the teachings. If I continue to hold this land Malcolm, my family is at risk. If I give it to Lukas group too, their plans are evil over God’s work and I will die too for not heeding the voice of the angels. It troubles me and I just want to go and get another place. I still don't know if you people can manage for me some funds that can lead me to another destination. I’m so much confused and can't help make another choice better than to give it out to Midnight Ministries. If this will be of help to you as I was informed with the angels in my dreams, then I pray you take it and so that I can be free far away from here. Vera. Reply. 15:35. Dear Vera, Thank you for your letter. How interesting the way God has connected us. He is full of wonders! I will send this reply and yours below to Mark and John, so that they are aware of the situation. And they can contact you by e-mail when they are able to. At the moment they are in a far country on an assignment for God. About your land. We are very short of funds, so we would not be able to offer you a massive sum like Lukas promised you. He gets funds from Muslim sources, and as you know there are some very rich Arabs in the Middle East. However, God has blocked a recent large shipment of money (cash) to him and caused it to get lost in transit. So, his promise would probably not be fulfilled despite his wish to obtain the land so he can destroy God’s Work in the area. That’s why the angels encouraged you NOT to sell the land to him. Yes, God delivered your daughter, for the sake of His Work, so that it may continue in Kenya. Eventually God will take Lukas Ogada’s life, but at the moment God utilises Ogada’s attacks to demonstrate God’s supremacy in every situation, so we learn to put our complete trust in Him. He is pleased with us as we obey Him and trust Him in every way, especially through difficult circumstances. If you can let me know how much you require if we bought the land from you, I can look into it and see if it is possible for us to raise the money. Thank you so much for writing. God bless you and your family, Malcolm 28th May 2015. From Lukas Ogada: The Heap where have you reach with your duty of planting the Satan kingdom on earth. Have you seen yourself losing? we have now surrounded you and you will not work it out anymore. we know you are out of money and all the information we have, we know that you still cant accept defeat as the nature of Satan whom you work for. We have Paul in custody again and he can't make it this time round. we can only release him in exchange to the land at Ndhiwa were your people lives and if not so, we shall have to do what might surprise you. you won against us in Oyugis case and wanted me to end in jail but I'm always smart through Gods protection. so you cant challenge me Malcolm. Lukas your friend [what sick humour!] Comment: Paul was kidnapped! More on that later. 28th May 2015. From Benjamin: A woman met Ann, Fatmah and Emily and was in need of your contact. She said it was urgent. they gave her your contact. [Yes. Vera.] We hope you received the DNA result slip that we did sent. [No, it was stolen or ‘lost’ in the post!] We have been so down that even getting finance for the internet has not been easy. These 3 girls have been surviving from the little money I make at the garage... 2nd June 2015. 8:11. From Vera: ...Part of the land that was sold off to prophet Mark lies on my title deed and it was too by mistake that this happened. This is why Lukas has interested over my land so that he can get a way on to grab too that land that prophet Mark lives. My husband spent around 6,000,000 ksh building all the houses on this land after purchasing it at 3,200,000 kshs. Since then we have been continually developing this land little by little. The Muslims came to me yesterday again with a bag full of money and offered me 11,000,000 ksh this is around £80,000... but I could not fall for greed after hearing the message from the angels. I will go to the ground with all this when I die but good deed can count Malcolm. I don’t want to quote a money that you people can’t pay neither did the angels give a direction to me of what I should sell this land and all on it at, I rather wait and see anything they communicate to you or to me but God’s word is final since he gave this land to us and can’t stop his will be done. I will only wait to hear what God has chosen to do over this issue, since if it delays something can happen to me as these Muslims are all over my neck and follow me up day by day over this land. I have had fears now until I have to lock up my gates by 5.00 pm to stop people getting into this home after this hour because I don’t know their next move now that they have realized that I have hardened my heart over giving it to them. I just want to leave here as soon as I can. Vera. Reply. 10:45. Thank you for your reply. It is very unlikely that we could raise the sort of money that is a fair price for your land and home. ...To protect yourself from intruders, from attacks, from people with evil motives, fix one or two MM publications to your gate and to the door of your home. MM booklets carry the Spirit of God, and the angels of God protect God’s truths. So, they act as a defensive shield against people who want to harm us. Also, to protect yourself if you have to travel outside your home, have a MM publication on you, in your clothing. It doesn’t have to be seen. The angels will protect you... 2nd June 2015. From Abdul Farid: Do you think you have enough money that you can compete with us? We have a lot of it my father left me Billions of them. I'll make sure we have that land and build a very big mosque there. Reply: Do I think we have enough money to compete with you? Yes, of course, I do. We have enough, because it's not about money. It's about the power of the Spirit of the living God, who has ways to accomplish His purposes that you know nothing about. Worse still, you don't want to know about Him, which is a tragedy. It is pathetic not to want to know about the God who created the universe and mankind, and who sustains the cosmic system by His power. It's like saying to the man who owns the biggest bank in the world, and who is offering freely to give you a share in his uncountable riches: "I don't care. I don't want to know you. Go away!" And He will. He won't waste His time on time wasters like you. He didn't let you come into this world to just try and kill people who want what He is offering them. He let you come into this situation to learn from it, to learn from us that HE holds ALL POWER. You have seen some of it demonstrated. Your 7 guys got killed by Him for shooting at our van. And you want to erect a mosque next to land that belongs to our God. You're an idiot to think that you could ever succeed in doing such a thing. If He were to let that happen, your mosque would be destroyed by the power of God that you keep on ignoring. The power of God killed your father. It killed your 7 attackers. And that Power will destroy all that comes against us in this Divine Mission. So, if you value your money so much, I suggest you hold onto it and don't throw it all away in a futile attempt to try to thwart the Work of the Almighty God. His reply: You are just an idiot! 3rd June 2015. 8:23. From Rhoda: "THE LAND PRICE SHOULD BE HALF WHATEVER SHE WILL REQUEST FOR. PAID IN TWO INSTALMENTS." 8:32. "£15k FIRST INSTALMENT THEN £15k SECOND." 7 angels have said this now. God bless. Reply. 9:05. Thanks. I have no idea where this money is going to come from (as usual!). God continually surprises us with how He has things worked out, but He gets us to walk on blindly in faith, not knowing how it can be accomplished. And, as we keep trusting Him, He works it out somehow. And what seemed utterly impossible becomes a reality. It's quite amazing. God bless your day. Further reply to Vera. 9:17. ... the angels of God spoke to Rhoda (who lives in another region in Kenya) about this issue and said that we will be able to raise £30,000 to buy your land, paid in two instalments of £15,000 each. I do not know yet where this money will be coming from, so I have to make inquiries immediately so that you are not held up in your plans. God has spoken, so it will be, even though we can’t see how it will be accomplished yet. God bless you all. Comment: After Lukas met Vera’s son, Lukas thought that they would sell him their land on the 8th June. 4th June 2015. 11:45. From Lukas Ogada: we have all the ways now to build a mosque at Ndhiwa and be promised that from 8th this month, the land near Marks place will be at our hand and you will have no other choice. I shall drag the boundaries of the land and take part of Vera's land which lies on Marks and his fence and buildings on it that was built will be mine, I am back in Kenya and at Ndhiwa and nobody can lock me anywhere. If you wish to follow up the court proceedings then you will be wasting your time because you can't succeed. 4th June 2015. 12:26. To Vera: I have received this e-mail from Lukas Ogada just now. Clearly, he is imagining that he will receive the rights to your land on the 8th of this month. There is no way we can raise this sort of money in such a short space of time. I don’t know how long it will take for the money to be arranged. It could take weeks. So, you will have to be patient and give us time to get things arranged here. The money may have to be borrowed. I have next to nothing personally to pay this, and the MM bank account only has a few hundred pounds which we need for postage. There is a great misconception amongst people in Kenya, that because we are operating a ministry, that we must have loads of money. Not so. We have insufficient to do the task, and the handful of supporters have gone heavily into debt to do what has been done already. If this was my decision I would have turned you down flat, and said “we are not going to buy the land. We will let God resolve it (the problem of Lukas Ogada and his mosque) another way.” But God sent seven angels to Rhoda to tell her that the land should be bought and that we can only offer £30,000 for it in two instalments. That’s not because we have that money. We don’t. It may be that someone over here has to arrange to borrow the money via a bank loan in order to fund it. And that may be difficult to persuade the bank to loan it for such a purpose in a foreign country... As soon as I have news that we are able to arrange for the first £15,000, I will let you know... Thank you for your patience. God bless, Malcolm The 7 Angels Speak Again5th June 2015. 4:59. "THE MONEY IS TO BE SENT TO JOHN AND PAID BEFORE A LAND BOARD. THEN THEY VACATE IT AND ONLY COME BACK FOR 2ND PAYMENT. MALCOLM LET ONLY JOHN AND MARK KNOW THAT." 7 angels have said to me now. Rhoda 7th June 2015. 11:34. From Rhoda: "...AT LEAST THE 1ST PAYMENT OF £15K IS TO BE DONE THIS WEEK." 7 angels have said this to me now. 7th June 2015. 12:14. To Vera: Hello Vera. Are you OK? ...I have been informed by Rhoda that the 7 angels have told her that the first £15,000 should be coming some time this week. That is probably at the end of the week, if my guess is correct, because we have no sight of it yet. We are just heeding their message from God about it. ...Don’t worry about this situation. God will work it out IF you do your part as instructed by the angels... M To John: I don't know that there will be enough money for you to make that trip to Dubai this week... What will the cost of that trip be, do you think? ... There just isn't enough money at the moment. But, then, God knows. From John: 19:55. We shall need £13000 for the whole exercise. 7th June 2015. 20:03. From Rhoda: "DUBAI, DUBAI, DUBAI. £14000 IS ENOUGH. £14000 IS ENOUGH. £14000 IS ENOUGH. NEXT WEEK SUNDAY THE 14TH THE VANS ARE TO LEAVE TO DUBAI. MALCOLM, AFTER 1ST PAYMENT OF THE LAND LET VANS GO TO DUBAI: ARABS THERE NEED MY TRUTH." 7 angels have said to me now. God bless. Comment: I must confess that I laughed, perhaps like Sarah laughed, and said out loud “yeah, £14,000 is enough!” But then, God has it all worked out. It looks utterly hopeless to be able to afford that trip, but what we can’t see, God can. So I stopped chuckling. 8th June 2015. 4:17. From Abdul Farid: Have sent Lukas, Nimrod and Charles Egesa whom you ignore a lot of money and they will deal with you according to the will of Alah 8th June 2015. 8:04. From Lukas Ogada: You have made them to harden their heart and refused to take the money. I have another way to eliminate them so that I will own this land freely and sooner than you think. I have always used weak people to handle you but now I have the best ever and they are going to deliver to my desire. watch it as it happen because you won't steal from us this time around. 8th June 2015. 7:32. From Nyasirwa in Uganda: Planned attack. I had a dream last night that Lukas is back in Ndhiwa and that they had offered the land woman a big sum of money but she refused to accept the money. Then I again had another dream that Lukas and the other two Muslims from Egypt gave the money to two assassins from Israel who are on duty to kill the woman and all her family so that they can take the land. I was so disturbed by the dream and woke up. The angels appeared to me and said that all that I saw in my dream was true. They told me too that the people live in a hotel in Homabay called Hippo Back [Hippo’s Back?]. Also the angels informed me that Nimrod who stole much from MM has again opened another new e-mail address and writes to you hiding his identity. If you can reach the woman tell her to use the MM literature for her protection or else these wicked men will drag her down with her entire family. 8th June 2015. 09:25. To Vera: Are you doing as I asked – having on you an MM booklet? Have you fixed one to your gate and one to your door? God’s power flows through the booklets to protect you whenever there is an attack of the enemy. It is VITAL that you use MM lit as a SHIELD. It is the shield of faith in God which protects from the enemy. Because you have said the right thing to Lukas, and refused to sell him the land, he is now planning to attack you. But don’t fear. God has spoken about how to defend yourselves, and it is as I have said, to always keep on each of you (every one in your family) an MM booklet. You can hide it under your clothing, if you don’t want it seen. And if an attacker appears to try and attack you, pull the booklet out and point it at him. He will be struck down by the power of God that is in the literature, as if a supernatural sword struck him. God bless. He is with you, as you submit to Him. He protects those who do His will. M 8th June 2015. 11:05. From Rhoda: "AS SOON AS THE REPORT THAT THE 1ST LAND PAYMENT IS READY WILL REACH LUKAS'S TEAM, TWO OF HIS FINANCIAL SUPPORTERS WILL COMMIT SUICIDE TO DEATH." 7 angels have said to me now. "MALCOLM IS TO BE KEEN [careful] ON HANDLING EGESA AND HIS GROUP FOR IT IS A GROUP FORMED BY NIMROD, OWAK, OPITH, TO STEAL WHAT IS GOD'S.... NO MONEY.... NO MONEY.... NO MONEY... SHOULD BE SENT FROM MM TO THE EGESA GROUP. IT IS A VERY BIG GROUP WHERE NIMROD IS THE PATRON. JOHN MUST BE STOPPED FROM SENDING ANY MM MONEY TO THEM OR ELSE A LOT WILL BE LOST." 7 angels have said to me this morning. GOD bless. Mine: Should J change his phone number? Her reply: "NO. BUT EGESA AND HIS COMPANY MUST NOT KNOW J'S, MARK'S, RHODA'S, NYASIRWA'S E-MAIL ADDRESSES. NO MORE MM LITS SHOULD GO TO THEM. MALCOLM SHOULD STOP COMMUNICATING TO THEM. THEY ARE OUT TO BRING DOWN MM EVANGELISM AND USE THE LITS TO DISCREDIT ALL THAT MM HAS DONE." 7 angels have said this. Comment: John sent them £100. He was moved to do that. 12:41. From Rhoda: "THE £100 SENT TO THEM WILL FINISH THEM. IT IS GOOD JOHN HAD SENT IT. THEY WILL MEET TRIBULATIONS FOR TRYING TO CHEAT MY PROPHET. MALCOLM SHOULD NOT EVEN COMMENT WHEN THEY WRITE BACK TO THANK HIM FOR KSHS. 14600 JOHN HAD SENT THEM. IT WILL GIVE THEM CONSTANT PROBLEMS. JOHN WAS GUIDED BY THE ANGELS OF TRUTH TO DO THAT." 7 angels have said. 9th June 2015. From Vera: Thanks once again for your reply, I have managed to handle everything well through Gods help... I have used the MM lits for protection and have not seen any attack on us but I yesterday saw Lukas at the shopping centre, he was with the two Muslims who came with the money and now another two who seem to be of light skin but not whites. The two look evil and wild and strongly built. Lukas pointed at me for them but he never talked to me. I don’t know why. We accepted to sell the land at 30,000£ as you said and now just wait for your feedback. Be blessed. Vera Comment: Rhoda was later told by the angels that those two evil men were blinded by God to prevent them harming Vera. 9th June 2015. From Mark: ...Vera was at my place yesterday evening and she told me that her life is in danger. She has been receiving threatening messages that if she refuses to sell that land to them then they have no option but to kill her with her entire family. The land is roughly 18 hectares very fertile... 9th June 2015. 13:47. To Vera: Thank you for yours. That’s good that you are handling it all. Lukas is still scheming, but try not to be too concerned about him. We are always under attack from the enemy. Helena constantly intercedes against demonic powers, and knows that there is a lot going on unseen. With your trust in God, your faithfulness to Him, and the booklets as protection (on you, as well as on your gates), God’s angels will prevail over the wicked ones. 16:45. To Vera: Thanks for your reply. Don’t be alarmed by the threats on your life. I know it’s not easy bearing up under such pressure, but God is testing us all. By keeping an MM booklet on you at all times, and having them on your gates, and putting your trust in God, those thugs won’t be able to succeed in their evil schemes. Yesterday Rhoda was told this by the angels: "AS SOON AS THE REPORT THAT 1ST LAND PAYMENT IS READY WILL REACH LUKAS'S TEAM, TWO OF HIS FINANCIAL SUPPORTERS WILL COMMIT SUICIDE TO DEATH." We are still trying to arrange for the first payment. Things are difficult, but God knows it will be possible, so we persevere. God bless, M God Says: “The Land Is Mine”10th June 2015. 6:01. From Rhoda: "THE LAND IS MINE, GOD ALMIGHTY. NO ONE WILL STAND IN MY WAY OVER IT. MALCOLM TO SEND JOHN TO GO TO MARK'S PLACE SO THAT THE TWO CAN TAKE A WALK THROUGH THE LAND AND PROMISE THE OWNER TO BE FIRM AND WAIT FOR PAYMENT." 7 angels have said to me now. GOD bless. 10th June 2015. 6:09. From Riek in South Sudan. Malcolm at midnight 7 angels appeared to me and told me to tell you to inform J and M to take a walk in the land and have a talk with the owner to be patient and wait for payment. SDA pastors here are out to frustrate me. While away on Israel / Qatar Midnight Mission they came to my home and grabbed my land title deed from my wife. I am waiting to see what they are up to. God bless. 9:26. To John and Mark: Please tell Vera that we are still trying to find the funds (by borrowing). I hope that by tomorrow we will have positive news on that. These things take time. If we were not short of funds we would have paid her already. We’re doing our best. 10th June 2015. 17:26. Helena has managed to take out a loan so we can meet Vera’s need at this time, for the first payment... 11th June 2015. A loan of 25k has funded the first land payment and the trip to Dubai. Praise God. The only problem is that it’s at 7.3% so we won’t want that for long! (A 5-year term.) [As of editing, end of 2015, we are still burdened with that loan, as are others who have borrowed money to support this outreach.] 14th June 2015. From John: ... We shall leave for Dubai today Sunday at night through Uganda, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt. God bless. 16th June 2015. 17:30. From John: We are crossing into Sudan now. It has been a safe journey. God bless. 7 Angels Speak At Midnight Again This Time Holding Sharp Swords16th June 2015. 6:25. From Abdul Farid: You think I don't know your men paid half the money for that land. I'll double the remaining amount and we table to that lady before they clear the balance so that she can refund them that money. watch out!! Reply: Don't tell me. Tell God. See what He says about your evil scheme. 16th June 2015. 19:26. From Mark: Y'day at midnight seven angels in long white robes, with sharp swords in their hands, spoke with one voice saying, "My servant Vera should receive the remaining money as soon as possible and leave that land to where the Lord will direct her. Failure to do so the Muslim group will kill her or they will lock her in prison for life and lose that land to the Muslim community. They will try by all means to bribe top government officials so she must do as the Lord requires. These are the words from the Lord Our God. 16th June 2015. 18:21. From Rhoda: "TWO FINANCIAL SUPPORTERS OF LUKAS WHO PLAN TO FIGHT MM OVER THE LAND NEXT TO MARK'S WILL DIE AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT." 7 angels have said this to me now. Two Opponents Die At Midnight17th June 2015. 11:53. From Rhoda: "TWO FINANCIAL SUPPORTERS OF LUKAS COMMITTED SUICIDE IN QATAR LAST MIDNIGHT AFTER REALIZING THAT THEIR PLAN TO GRAB THE LAND NEXT TO MARK COULD NOT WORK. MALCOLM WILL RECEIVE THREATS FROM THEIR LEADER BUT HE SHOULD NOT WORRY, THE LAND IS GOD'S." 7 angels have said this now. 17th June 2015. 13:47. From Abdul Farid: Our two supporters died but this war will not end!! You are just a despicable person. |
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