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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 21
270Massacre In NigeriaMy tears have been my food day and night, while they continually say to me, ‘Where is your God?’ (Ps 42:3) |
We had barely coped with the desperate situation in Comoros, when the angels announced another crisis taking place: 24th October 2020. 16:29. From Rhoda: "MM FOLKS ARE BEING BUTCHERED IN NIGERIA. IT IS PAINFUL. URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY £500 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT. THE VAN IS TO MOVE OUT OF COMOROS ISLAND TOMORROW MORNING. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: We didn’t have the needed money for the van to set off. Only £100 was available. Over the next two days the angels implored several times: 25th October 2020. 5:56. From Rhoda: ANGELIC MESSAGE/ DEATHS IN NIGERIA WILL STOP IMMEDIATELY THE VAN REACHES NIGERIA. "THIS IS A BIG PROBLEM. GOD WHO HAS APPEARED TO HIS SERVANT MALCOLM ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS WANTS TO USE THE MM LITS TO COMPLETELY STOP THE BLOODSHED. MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, A TOTAL OF £2700 IS STILL NEEDED FOR THE VAN TO MOVE VERY FAST FROM COMOROS ISLAND TO NIGERIA... £1500 WILL BE ENOUGH TO START THE JOURNEY. THIS MM BURDEN IS GIVEN BY GOD OF gods. IMPORTANT. IMPORTANT. IMPORTANT." 7 Angels said to me now. 25th October 2020. 5:59. From Rhoda: "...MY PEOPLE ARE BEING BUTCHERED IN NIGERIA. THE VAN MUST REACH THERE URGENTLY... STILL £2700 IS REQUIRED TO MOVE THE VAN FROM COMOROS ISLAND TO NIGERIA... MY PEOPLE, MY PEOPLE, MY PEOPLE ARE BEING BUTCHERED." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [God’s great anguish!] 26th Oct 2020. 9:28. From Rhoda: "THE DEATHS ARE INCREASING, OOH MY PEOPLE ARE BEING BUTCHERED BUTCHERED BUTCHERED! ROLF ROLF ROLF, ONLY £500 IS PREVENTING THE VAN STARTING THE JOURNEY TO NIGERIA. ROLF, THIS IS THE GREAT IAM, YOUR GOD'S VOICE, SACRIFICE ONCE AGAIN, SEND £500 TO JOHN NOW NOW NOW. IAM WILL NEVER FORSAKE YOU. GO AHEAD ROLF ROLF ROLF." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Rolf sacrificed the remainder of his salary which he received on Friday in order to fulfil that request. The van was finally able to set off. By first light on the 27th John and Vuga had reached Burundi, and in the afternoon they had entered DRC, the Democratic Republic of Congo. But that is as far as they could go. We simply had insufficient funds to support their journey. All the regular faithful supporters were, to put it in the vernacular, ‘skint’! So the killings in Nigeria continued. God had decreed that the van must get there for the killings to stop. Many people suffered there because of unwillingness over here. The church has consistently let God’s Work down, instead pursuing its own agenda. Later in the evening, thankfully a supporter was able to send £250 to John so they could move on. It arrived in the night, but they ran out of fuel by morning of the 28th. Supporters managed to send £150 so John and Vuga could continue. Then another setback held them up: an attack! 5 Armoured Vehicles Trail The Van28th October 2020. 8:00. From Rhoda: "MY PEOPLE ARE BEING BUTCHERED. MY MM CHILDREN ARE BEING BUTCHERED. MY CHOSEN CHILDREN ARE BEING BUTCHERED BY THE EARTHEN IN NIGERIA. IT IS PAINFUL. THE VAN SHOULD BE THERE URGENTLY TODAY." 7 Angels said. 11:33. From Rhoda: "IT IS VERY GOOD JOHN AND VUGA HAVE BOUGHT WATER AND MILK FOR £20 AND FUELLED VAN WITH £130. THEY ARE MOVING ON BUT THIS WON'T LAST THEM LONG, £1170 FOR FUEL IS STILL NEEDED. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £400 NOW TO REACH JOHN TO PUSH THEM UP TO THE CAMEROON BORDER. THIS IS BECAUSE TONIGHT, ISLAMIC WAR MEN ARE PLANNING TO HIT THE VAN INSIDE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC AND DAMAGE IT BADLY. IF THEY DO, THEN IT WILL BE A BIG BLOW. THEY HAVE KNOWN THAT MM IS GOING TO NIGERIA TO SAVE GOD'S CHILDREN. ROLF, ROLF ROLF SEND £400 TO JOHN NOW NOW NOW TO HELP THEM MOVE AND AVOID THE IMMINENT ATTACK TONIGHT. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now Comment: O that we had £1,170! Rolf sent £400 on a credit card, but the card blocked it as he was over his credit limit. 28th Oct 2020. 12:22. From John: We are being trailed by five armoured vehicles. They have shot at us twice with bullets. Our van is moving faster than them but this fuel can't get us far... These are Muslim attackers. They are covering their faces with masks. Will, we are in danger. 15:04. From John: The money is not yet in and our enemies have surrounded us. Pray for us. God bless. 16:08. To John: Yes. Intercession is constant. Are you near the border? May God blow them up!!!!!!! 28th October 2020. 23:29. To John: How did you get on tonight? I hope you are both OK and not too badly hurt. And likewise the van, not too badly damaged. But I am confident God dealt with the warmongers and made a way... There must be some Muslim authority monitoring our e-mails via your phone and sending gunmen to follow you in the hope that they can finish us off. We seem to be quite a thorn in their side – probably because of the number of Muslims that are turning away from Islam to Christianity because of your exploits. How God Rescued Them, Killing The Warlords29th October 2020. 8:31. From John: We stayed put inside the van with opened MM Faith lits. Their guns jammed. They kept on abusing us calling us kaffirs. They smashed the windscreen. At midnight they started a heated argument, quarrelling among themselves and a big fight began. God covered us in thick white mists. Our enemies were then engulfed by firebolts hitting all their vehicles as we watched. We then moved away. We are still stuck, Will. We have no fuel to move on. Bob sent us £200 that we used to move on till morning. 29th October 2020. 8:33. From Rhoda: "GOD DESTROYED THE ATTACKERS. JOHN AND VUGA ARE COMPLETELY STUCK..." 7 Angels said. 8:41. To John: Wow! God honoured His word and protected you both... I had a dream last night that a fingernail on my hand was split, not just at the end, but half way down the nail. It was very aggravating. I think it portrays the pain and aggro we face in our efforts to try to do what God commands in these missions. We are short of money, then there are holdups, on top of opposition that is violent and often costs us money we can’t afford. All in all, it’s very frustrating and a constant irritation. Are you near the border of CAR with Cameroon? 9:18. From John: Yes. We are at the border. God bless. 9:45. Reply: Where did that roadblock occur last night...? 9:58. From John: North of Carnot city in the forest. The windscreen was smashed with stones. We will fix it once in Cameroon. Here it is harsh to us. Will, we need at least £100 for water and milk. God bless. Comment: Rolf sent £200 on a credit card which is always up to its limit. It got to John this time and Bob sent £169. That’s all we could do. But that soon got used up and they were stuck in Cameroon, needing another £800 to get to Nigeria, the angels said. On 30th October further money reached them and they finally crossed the border to Nigeria on 31st October and fixed the windscreen. But what they found out when they arrived was shocking. God Strikes More Attackers Dead31st October 2020. 17:29. From John: It is hell here, Will. Our brothers have been killed like nobody's business. It is hell. Pray for us. We are in Abuja. 1st Nov 2020. 9:02. From John: Hell in Nigeria. Pray for us. This is a bad country. Full report coming. We are in the middle of a big battle. 9:12. Reply: Yes, you are under intercession. God is drawing enemies against you like a magnet draws iron. And God will wipe them out, as always. 1st November 2020. 19:55. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, MAY BOB, VIVIAN, ELEANOR, NIGEL, ROLF SEND £300 TO JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT. THEY ARE STUCK AND INJURED IN ABUJA NIGERIA. A BIG BATTLE IS GOING ON. MAY £300 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels said that to me now. [Only £160 was available.] 1st Nov 2020. 19:57. From John: ...Pray for us we are in the middle of a big battle. Our fuel, water and milk are over. God help us. We are being attacked. 2nd November 2020. 8:24. From John: Glory be to God. Seven attackers who were out to harm us met God's wrath at midnight, they are no more. For the whole day they kept on blocking the MM van and throwing stones at us calling us devil worshippers. God descended in firebolts and hit them to death. Emenike, Okoronko, Ifweme, Udaho, Kinjile, Okanu and Odijile died a painful death of being burnt to ashes. We placed 7 opened MM Faith lits where God killed them. We have lost many of our MM brothers but we believe God must raise some back to life. We are visiting more states now. We need more fuel Will. 2nd November 2020. 9:47. From John: We were wounded. Me on the right cheek and Vuga on the forehead. Swollen. The van rear glasses were smashed but we fixed them with £100 Bob sent. We are in a fix. We have no water nor milk. We are stuck. The kitty is completely dry. God bless. 2nd Nov 2020. 9:51. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, MAY ROLF, BOB, ELEANOR, NIGEL, VIVIAN SEND AT LEAST £500 TO JOHN NOW NOW NOW FOR FUEL, WATER AND MILK. THEY WERE BADLY WOUNDED BUT GOD WIPED OUT THE ATTACKERS. GOD WILL KILL MORE MUSLIM WARLORDS IN NIGERIA TONIGHT. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [We didn’t have £500; we could only do £200.] 15 Of God’s Children Killed By Muslim Gunmen3rd Nov 2020. 7:18. From John: 15 MM believers have been killed and their homes burnt down. Children and old women numbering 11 have been left wallowing in pain and loss. We had a big attack last night on the outskirts of Kano city but God killed 9 attackers... The attackers were Muslim terrorists, they were referring to us as kafirs. They had guns and other crude weapons. They surrounded us but thank God we removed the MM Faith lits and opened them immediately. This made their guns jam. And at midnight God descended in firebolts and burnt all the attackers to death... ...we don't have fuel to move on, the kitty is dry. Vuga is still in a coma. He was badly injured on the back. 3rd Nov 2020. 7:24. From Rhoda: "VUGA WAS BADLY HIT ON THE BACK WHEN 9 GUNMEN ATTACKED THEM IN KANO NIGERIA. JOHN FOUGHT THEM WITH OPENED MM FAITH LIT. THE TEAM IS STUCK, KITTY IS DRY. MAY BOB, ROLF SEND AT LEAST £400 TO JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [We could only manage to send £150.] 10:55. From John: Vuga was hit on the back with a metal rod. Myself I stood my ground with opened MM Faith lits. God killed them with firebolts... 15:24. From John: The believers who have been killed were in Abuja, Kano, Umuofia, Mbaino. We are still moving around in these states. 3rd November 2020. 19:20. From John: We are blocked by a big group of armed Muslim terrorists from reaching Ibadan city where our brothers are being butchered. Pray for us. We don't have enough fuel. God bless. 3rd November 2020. 19:18. From Rhoda: Ibadan and Enugu cities: "THE VAN MUST COVER THE TWO CITIES TONIGHT WHERE MM BROTHERS ARE KEPT IN DARK ROOMS AND BEING TORMENTED TO GIVE OUT MM LITS. IT IS SAD. MALCOLM, MAY BOB, NIGEL, ROLF, ELEANOR, FIONA, VIVIAN HELP RAISE £350 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT. IT IS A BIG BATTLE. RIGHT NOW THE VAN IS SURROUNDED BY ARMED PEOPLE AROUND IBADAN CITY. THEY HAVE VERY LITTLE FUEL. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [We only had £100 to send.] 4th Nov 2020. 6:34. From John: Many thanks. I received it. We are stuck. Last night God delivered us from a big gang by covering us with thick white mists. Will, we have no fuel, water or milk and the area to be visited is extremely big. Vuga is still weak but out of danger. [I then asked John to explain. He said:] The Power of Proclamation4th Nov 2020. 8:42. From John: We were attacked in Ibadan. The Angels guide us to the cities and in those cities we drop open MM Faith lits then declare [proclaim] that God has put Nigeria in the hands of His Angels, through MM lits, to save the poor being butchered. [He instructed John to do this. God then protects MM believers, to approve MM lit which He has inspired: the Last Restoration.] Fierce Gunmen Try To Kill John and Vuga4th Nov 2020. 9:08. From John: The situation is worse now! We can't allow them to destroy our van! We must move out of this place God! Fuel is over. Our kitty is dry. Oh God cover us! God come! 4th November 2020. 9:13. From Rhoda: "...ATTACKERS WANT TO BURN THE MM VAN TOGETHER WITH JOHN AND VUGA INSIDE. IT IS A BIG BATTLE BUT GOD IS MUCH BIGGER..." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 4th November 2020. 9:15. From Eunice: Dream: John and Vuga are blocked by mad killers in Nigeria. They have no fuel to move on. God help them. 9:17. To John: Yes, please Almighty God, protect Your van, or if you must allow the van to be damaged to warrant killing the attackers at midnight, then so be it, and provide the needs to repair so Your Work can go on. Amen. 9:16. From Trezaa in Saudi Arabia: Dream: God's MM van is almost being burnt with John and Vuga inside. £777 is God's number, urgently urgently urgently to reach John. A big battle. 4th Nov 2020. 9:17. From Kachapim in Kenya: Dream: A group in Nigeria is almost burning down MM van with John and Vuga inside. No fuel, no money. 4th Nov 2020. 9:19. From John: Oooh God come down. God cover us. 11:43. From John: We have stood up our ground with opened MM Faith lits. A thick white mist is forming a wall between the attackers and us. God bless. 11:59. From Rhoda: "IAM IS IN THIS BATTLE, DON'T FEAR. JOHN REMAIN FIRM. THOSE WHITE MISTS ARE GOD’S ANGELS. BOB, BOB, BOB SEND £450 TO JOHN NOW NOW NOW. ROLF ROLF ROLF TRY SEND £450 TO JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels said to me now. [We only had £100.] 13:49. From John: They are throwing stones at the van. Pray for us. 14:11. Reply: Yes. Helena has been interceding for 6 hours already. 17:02. To John: Have you been able to get away from those attackers? Is there any damage to the van or yourselves? I hope you are both OK. Wednesday 4th Nov 2020. 17:34. From John: We are moving away and the big team is following us. All the van’s window glasses are smashed. The glasses have cut us we are bleeding. We believe God must kill them. We need at least £350 to get enough fuel to enable us to clear this mission by Friday. The van alone needs £200 for repair. Pray for us we are in pain. God bless. 4th Nov 2020. 17:38. From Rhoda in Kenya: "JOHN AND VUGA HAVE STOOD THEIR GROUND WITH OPENED MM FAITH LITS. THEY ARE BLEEDING FROM CUTS OF BROKEN WINDOW GLASS. AT LEAST £350 IS URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY NEEDED TO FIX THE VAN OR ELSE TOMORROW MORNING POLICE WILL ARREST JOHN AND VUGA AND DEMAND £10000 BEFORE RELEASING THEM PLUS THE VAN. GOD WILL REVENGE TONIGHT..." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 18:13. From Vuga: ...Am in pain. John is driving. The van is badly damaged. A big team is still trailing us. We are bleeding. We have not taken milk and water since yesterday, we need more fuel to move and clear God's work. We will not surrender to these Muslim killers... Will, these people want to kill us. They call us kafirs. We will not surrender to these sinful men... Our fuel is almost over. We are bleeding bleeding. Let these Muslims not arrest us. Nooooo. 19:42. Reply: Hang in there! God lets it get bad before He delivers. HE WILL DELIVER! He is ALL POWERFUL and will crush these Muslim gunmen! 5th Nov 2020. 8:47. From John: It was worse [terrible]. At midnight God cleared the thick white mists and made our attackers fight among themselves before firebolts fell and burnt them to death. Captured And Held Hostage By The Gunmen5th Nov 2020. 6:12. From Vuga: We can't move. We got arrested this morning by police. We talked to them. They demand £10000 to release the van. The case is a bad one. Our van has got no glasses. They have beaten us properly and they don't want us to open the MM Faith lits. We are in pain. We are also very hungry. They call us devil worshippers. Vuga. 5th November 2020. 6:15. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA ARE ARRESTED. THE POLICE NEED £10000 [5,500,000 Naira]. MAY ROLF SEND £777 TO JOHN NOW NOW NOW. LET JOHN WRAP THE MONEY IN THE MM FAITH LIT AND GIVE TO THE POLICE. ALL THE SIX WILL DIE. THEN LET JOHN AND VUGA USE THE MONEY TO REPAIR THE VAN AND FOR FUEL, WATER AND MILK." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: The angels ask for the ideal for this godly Commission, even though they know we can’t do it. Bob sent £100 at 7 am. It’s all we could do. 8:21. To John: These are corrupt police, as you know, trying to extort us like all the others tried before... Rolf has some money coming in tomorrow but we need a miracle today. This situation is in God’s hands. We don’t get the human support we need, so these problems happen and we all have to pay a price in suffering for wickedness to be brought under God’s judgment. Hang in there. Remember the previous similar episodes in Rwanda and Burundi where they tried this on you. God delivered, but we had to endure first, then He came through with power and killed all the evildoers. 5th Nov 2020. 8:47. From John: ...These police want to kill us. We are being strangled. We have no £10000. It is hell. God bless. 9:32. Reply: May God protect you!!!!!!! He helps. Tell them the money is coming but they have to be patient till we can get it together. [A ploy to get them to ease off on J and V. These moneygrabbers have money as their first priority.] 14:56. John: It is worse here. [He means it is terrible! They torture people!] Vicious Killers Tried To Poison John and Vuga6th Nov 2020. 7:29. From John: At midnight these people wanted to poison us. They brought us water to drink but when I dropped the MM Faith lit into the water it turned to blood. So I discarded the water. We were then beaten up till morning. They now want £10,000 before releasing us. There is one police who became friendly to us and wanted us to produce £500 to be released but after midnight he was removed from here by his bosses. Will, we are in pain, thirsty and hungry. God bless. [We could only raise £100 that day.] 06th Nov 2020. 7:32. From Rhoda: "...GET IN TOUCH WITH JOHN AND VUGA. THEY ARE IN GREAT PAIN. THEY WERE BEATEN UP THE WHOLE NIGHT. IAM SAVED THEM FROM BEING POISONED WITH WATER..." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Eunice in Kenya, Trezaa in Saudi Arabia, and Kachapim in Ndhiwa Kenya all had dreams about John and Vuga being in great pain and need. Thanks to Fiona, Anna and Bob £150 was sent and Rolf was able to send £316 too. Great! But more was needed. 6th November 2020. 14:09. From Rhoda: "IAM SAYS THAT A FURTHER £777 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW MORNING. LET JOHN PUT THE £777 PLUS ALL THE MONEY IN THE KITTY INSIDE 3 MM FAITH LITS AND HAND OVER TO THEM. THEY WILL ALL DIE. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [We simply didn’t have the money; only £100!] 7th Nov 2020. 5:06. From John: We are still in pain but we must wait for God's deliverance... Pray for us. God bless. 7th November 2020. 5:09. From Rhoda: "...IT IS SABBATH TODAY, MY SERVANTS JOHN AND VUGA ARE IN PAIN IN CUSTODY. PUT TOGETHER £777 AND SEND TO JOHN THIS MORNING, LET THEM BE FREED. IAM IAM IAM WILL WIPE OUT THOSE MUSLIM JIHADIS. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [We only had £50, not £777!] 7th Nov 2020. 12:35. From Vuga: We are being strangled... Comment: God’s angels protected them from being strangled to death. Comment: 7th Nov 2020. 15:21. All three witnesses, to whom God spoke, echoed the prayer “God come down and help John and Vuga.” God “Comes Down”7th Nov 2020. 19:35. From John: ...We are still being held. 7th Nov 2020. 20:09. From John: It is going to force us to face these people head on at midnight. We must fight our way out of here. We are being strangled... I believe God is watching over us. These people are satanic... They want to feed us on human flesh Will. No no. This is bad... 7th November 2020. 21:25. To John: ...I agree with you, GO FOR IT! Fight your way out of there with Faith booklets. They’re your weapons. God’s power through the Word of God is greater than their satanic power through witchcraft and occult or Islam. Your weapons at midnight will surely defeat those evil creatures. And even beforehand, surely now there is POWER in those booklets to blind them. Have you tried that to see whether the power is with you NOW, or whether you have to wait till midnight? 21:37. To John: If there is power in the Faith booklets now, then go for it now and fight your way out. The angels will help... They have been helping you already, preventing them being able to strangle you... The angels are limiting the enemies’ powers over you. If there isn’t power in the booklets now, then wait for midnight and go for it then with all your might. God has been strengthening you, so you don’t collapse. He will renew your strength at the crucial time. He is a warrior, and our Faith in Him will deliver us. 7th Nov 2020. 23:08. To John: Helena has just finished a session of Spirit-led intercession. It has lasted for several hours and then came to an end. So she feels that something has happened. Probably you are now out, having used Faith booklets to immobilise the captors and push your way out. Is that right? Or did something else happen? I feel the angels have helped you in some way. Thanks for standing firm. 8th Nov 2020. 6:32. From John: How God delivered: At midnight we wrapped the money [£716 was sent over 5th-7th Nov) in 3 MM Faith lits and handed over to General Obokona Mwalimesi Mohammadi who led our oppressors. On seeing the money he called the other 11 and they had a meeting for over 20 mins. To our surprise they started fighting over the money. In that confusion I and Vuga moved out of the room where we were held and went and got in to the van. Immediately firebolts engulfed the whole area and burnt all the 12 . We didn't rescue our money. It was all burnt. Thank God we are out. We have no fuel, water and milk. Nothing is in the kitty. The van must be repaired. All our oppressors burnt to ashes. We are here hungry and completely stuck. 8th Nov 2020. 6:35. From Rhoda: "IAM RESCUED JOHN AND VUGA AT MIDNIGHT. IAM BURNT UP ALL THE 12 OPPRESSORS. THE VAN SHOULD BE FIXED, WATER, MILK AND FUEL ARE URGENTLY NEEDED. BOB SEND £300 TO JOHN NOW NOW NOW. ROLF SEND £300 TO JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels said that to me now. [Only £350 was all we had.] God Proclaims His Judgement8th November 2020. 6:37. From Rhoda: "MM OPPOSERS WRITING FALSEHOOD ABOUT MM EVANGELISM WORK TO BLOCK MONEY FROM REACHING JOHN WILL MEET GOD'S WRATH AS FROM TOMORROW MIDNIGHT. GOD IS NOT HAPPY WITH THEM." 7 Angels said that to me now. 8th November 2020. 8:28. From Trezaa in Saudi Arabia: In a dream I saw a man in white clothes holding MM lits in his right hand, he shouted 7 times. "MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, MM IS MY TOOL OF FINISHING THE PLANS OF SATAN ON EARTH. NIGERIA IS IN MY HANDS. MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, INFORM ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO SEND £600 TO JOHN TODAY. MM EVANGELISM WORK MUST GO ON. MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM." Then I woke up. 8th November 2020. 8:29. From Kachapim in Kenya: In a dream a tall man in white clothes cried calling for support from regular anointed MM supporters to reach John and Vuga in Nigeria. 8:30. From Eunice: A dream: John and Vuga are in a great need, hunger, thirst. God come down. John Relates About That Dreadful Ordeal8th November 2020. 8:43. From John: It happened in Umuofia. Now we are in Kano. The van's windows were all destroyed. The van requires immediate repair since police may impound it again. But we trust God is in charge. 8:52. From John: We were put in tiny huts and beaten thoroughly in Umuofia village southwest of Enugu city. Here people practice magic work. They tried to force us to eat human flesh but we refused. Thank God we had MM Faith lits with us. Right now we are weak, very hungry and thirsty. The kitty is completely dry. No water, no milk and fuel. Comment: Rolf was able to put a further £300 on his credit card, so John could get a new windscreen and windows. But they needed fuel to move on. The angels said a further £300 was needed, and also this bad news: 9th Nov 2020. 4:33. From Rhoda: THEY NEED TO MOVE AROUND AND CLEAR THIS GREAT MISSION IN NIGERIA, COMPILE THE REPORT AND MOVE STRAIGHT TO MUSOMA TANZANIA WHERE FLOODS ARE KILLING MM FOLKS. 150 MM FOLKS HAVE BEEN DISPLACED. 7 Angels said. 9th Nov 2020. 7:28. From John in Kaduna: The report reaching us now is that at midnight strong winds and thunderstorms destroyed the place where we were held and killed three more guards. MM Faith lits we left behind were found there and now some Muslim youths are chanting anti-MM songs here. We don't fear them. We will face them head on. Pray for us. We don’t have fuel. 9th Nov 2020. 13:02. From John in Kaduna: More than 25 killed! We have found out that over 25 MM follks were killed in Kaduna city alone. Their homes burnt and all their belongings taken. Those that remained are simply living in the open fields. It is a painful sight. We are going deep inside the village. 16:45. Reply: Tragic. I wish we had funds to help them! [We only had £115.] God Covers John and Vuga In A Cloud9th November 2020. 16:53. From John: Today God has proved His hand is over MM. Five mad imams confronted us, abusing us calling us kaffirs before a large group of people who were quietly listening to the MM Gospel of truth as we took them through page by page of the MM Faith lits. 12 people accepted the MM Gospel of truth here in Kaduna city and we will baptise them at midnight tonight. God descended in thick white mists and covered me and Vuga (but not the crowd) for seven minutes. Then the white mists went. Those imams ran off for their dear lives and the crowd charged after them baying for their blood. We bought fuel £100 and water £15. We will have the meeting here till midnight. 9th Nov 2020. 17:45. From Rhoda: CHOSEN AND ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS, MAY YOU ALL PUT TOGETHER £333 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TO HELP THE 100+ HOMELESS MM FOLKS IN NIGERIA PUT UP MAKESHIFT TENTS TO COVER THEM FROM RAINS... 7 Angels said that to me now.[The angels stated the need, but we had no money whatsoever!] 10th November 2020. 6:46. From John: Those imams have come back to attack us. We have no fuel, water and milk. It is hard on us. Comment: Bob sent £180, money he needed to pay dd’s at the bank some days later. But the three witnesses each had a dream in which God said those folks in Nigeria need £900 to build makeshift homes for them to survive. 10:54. From John: We need £2500 fuel to reach home from here Nigeria. 12:27. Reply: Yes. I’m well aware of the needs. We wait on God. 10th November 2020. 11:15. From Rhoda: "MM IS MY TOOL FOR DESTROYING DEMONIC PLANS. I DESIGNED IT AND HANDED IT OVER TO MY SERVANTS MALCOLM AND HELENA. I USE MM LITS TO STOP THE DIRTY PLANS OF SATAN IN THE WORLD. I THEN CALLED MY GREAT SERVANT JOHN OUT OF EMPLOYMENT AND CHARGED HIM WITH THE DUTY OF MM FULL TIME EVANGELISM. I CALLED AN ORPHAN VUGA TOO TO JOIN JOHN IN THIS NOBLE WORK. I SELECTED AND ANOINTED THE REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO PERMANENTLY STAND WITH THE MM EVANGELISM WORK. THIS WORK IS THE BACKBONE OF MM. MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, LET THE VAN NOT LEAVE NIGERIA IN A HURRY AND LEAVE THE POOREST OF THE POOR MM FOLKS BEING RAINED ON LIKE PEOPLE WITHOUT A GOD. MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, REACH OUT TO ALL ALL ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO RAISE £900 TO REACH JOHN BEFORE MIDNIGHT TONIGHT FOR THE MIGHTY WORK, THEN THE VAN CAN LEAVE FOR MUSOMA TANZANIA. IAM NEVER FAILS. IAM IAM IAM NEVER FAILS. [Even though the need was £900 and was not available, God infers by this declaration that He will work things out.] MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, THIS IS ME THE GREAT IAM." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Tonya still had space on her overdraft, so I borrowed £400 off her and determined to pay her back from our meagre pensions in coming weeks. That £400 was sent and it enabled them to get started on building shelters. 10th November 2020. 11:21. From John: Thanks a lot Will. It is worse and inhuman to see the condition our MM brothers are in here. I feel like telling God to kill me instead of seeing the suffering my brothers are undergoing here because Muslims don't want MM. God brought us here to save these our brothers. We won’t leave them with no hope. Rains are killing them. Will, it is pathetic. It is awful. It is horrible. We managed to give them copies of MM lits and baptised more to raise their hope in God but lack of shelter is a big impairment... 10th Nov 2020. 11:35. From Vuga: All the MM folks who lost everything when their homes were burnt down by Muslim community are here crying literally for John to help them get even a simple structure. John is overwhelmed but John has told them to trust God for houses for it is God only who can help... John and Vuga Help Them Build Some Shelters11th Nov 2020. 6:34. From John: We are going on with construction of the two makeshift houses in Kaduna city. We still require £500 to complete the work. These poorest of the poor MM folks are happy praising the God of MM. It rained throughout the night. Felix and Musa are in Saudi Arabia doing door to door evangelism work on foot. They parked the van since they don't have money for fuel. They are aware of the hard financial times MM is in now. They are praying for the Nigeria MM folks. They don't have good phones to send their report direct to you. God Blitzes Hostile Imams11th Nov 2020. 8:22. Reply: What happened to those imams who came to attack you yesterday? Did they damage the van or hurt you? 11th Nov 2020. 9:13. From John: At midnight it started raining heavily. Those attackers then started abusing us at the tops of their voices and throwing stones at us. At that juncture, firebolts started hitting them. They tried to run away but God burnt them to ashes. None of us was hurt and the van was spared. 9:39. Reply: Good. I praise God for delivering us from those monsters. I don’t suppose you know the names of any of those imams, do you? I wonder whether they were well known to the people in the area. Did others witness what God did by firebolting them? I hope they ran far enough away from where you are and the MM folks that their ash remains don’t cause any problem from police who might want to blame and incriminate you. 10:23. From John: They were known by people around. Yes God pushed them very far from us. God bless. 11th Nov 2020. 13:03. From Rhoda: "MAY BOB SEND £300 TO JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THE WORK IS GOING ON WELL. TONIGHT MORE ATTACKERS WILL COME TO ATTACK THE TEAM BUT LET THEM NOT FEAR. GOD IS IN IT. £300 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said. 13:07. From John: Thanks Will. We are left with roofing work and fixing of the two doors and four windows. The kitty is completely dry. God bless. 19:06. From John: A group of armed people are here chanting anti-MM songs. We are ready with opened MM Faith lits. It is raining here heavily. Pray for us. 19:44. Reply: Yes. Intercession is on now, and will go on for several hours yet. There’s only £25 available. I hope something more comes tomorrow. Comment: Thanks to Wilfred and Fiona £145 was sent late that night, so they could continue with the build in the morning. Lack of funds was hindering us. 12th Nov 2020. 12:15. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £150 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. MAY ROLF SEND £100 AND BOB £50. LET ONE OF THE SHELTERS BE ROOFED NOW NOW NOW, THERE IS A BAD ATTACK COMING TONIGHT AND THE CHILDREN MUST BE UNDER A ROOF. IF THEY ARE KILLED IT MAY GIVE MM A VERY BAD NAME. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: We all just managed to scrape those funds together and send. Thursday 12th November 2020. 15:22. Reply: What happened to those gunmen last night who wanted to attack you? Friday 13th Nov 2020. 4:36. From John: Wednesday night attack: The 12 gunmen tried to intimidate us by aimlessly shooting in the air to make us run away. All the time they were calling Malcolm to come out and fight them. When they started aiming at the van with their guns at midnight we faced them with opened MM Faith lits and all their guns jammed. Will, they then literally ran away and disappeared in the dark night and God killed them with firebolts. 8:30. Reply: I hope their ashen remains are not near the van. 8:42. From John: God moved them by strong winds over 1km away from where we are and burnt them to ashes. God bless. Thursday night Two imams Bin Ting Ting and Olusefan Mwatii led attackers to kill us. They had two powerful guns. They too were calling out Malcolm to come out and fight them. At midnight they hit all the rear glasses of the MM van. We then went out of our ways and faced them with opened MM Faith lits. First their guns jammed then to our utmost surprise, God descended in firebolts and only killed the two imams and burnt them to ashes as their team ran away for safety. Building of the shelters: We need urgently £350 to clear this building work. It will really help these our brothers. 1. Fixing of doors and windows. £200. 2. Roofing of the second roof. £150. God bless. 13th Nov 2020. 7:10. From Rhoda: "MAY BOB SEND £150 TO JOHN NOW NOW NOW AND ROLF £150 TO JOHN NOW NOW NOW. LET THE WORK END TODAY. MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, GOD WILL DO A MASSIVE THING TONIGHT IN NIGERIA. IT SHOULD BE WHEN THE BUILDING WORK IS OVER. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said. Comment: Thanks to Eleanor and Vivian £400 was sent. God Announces A Great Need In Tanzania13th November 2020. 18:47. From Rhoda: About Tanzania: "MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, THE SITUATION IS WORSE. CONSTANT RAIN HAS CAUSED MORE DAMAGE INCLUDING MOST PARTS OF KENYA. THE VAN MUST MOVE OUT OF NIGERIA TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT FOR MUSOMA REGION. YES THERE IS A BIG FINANCIAL LACK BUT MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE AT LEAST £500 TO START THE VAN OFF. TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT GOD WILL KILL MORE MUSLIM WARLORDS IN NIGERIA AND THIS SHOULD BE WHEN THE MM VAN HAS MOVED OUT. LET JOHN AND VUGA MOVE OUT MALCOLM. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: No money was available, so the van was stuck till morning. Earlier that day I had written to a wealthy US ministry, inviting their help. No reply! 18:51. From Rhoda: "THE LONG RAINS HAVE AFFECTED THE ENTIRE EAST AFRICA, KENYA, UGANDA, TANZANIA AND SOUTH SUDAN. MUSOMA AREA IS WORST AFFECTED. MALCOLM, AVOID CONTACTING NON MM MEMBERS AND ORGANISATIONS, THEY DON'T SUPPORT THE MIGHTY GOSPEL OF TRUTH MM STANDS FOR. THE LORD'S ANGELS WILL GIVE THE ACCURATE INFORMATION AT ALL TIMES. MAY JOHN AND VUGA LEAVE NIGERIA TONIGHT. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said. 18:55. From John: Thanks. We have cleared the construction work. Now we can get back home. God has surely stood with us through the toughest times here. God bless you abundantly. We lack water, milk, and fuel. The kitty is dry... God Reveals The Hearts Of Men13th Nov 2020. 18:58. From Rhoda: "MALCOLM MALCOLM MALCOLM, AVOID CONTACTING NON MM MINISTRIES. GOD'S ANGELS ARE HERE TO FORESEE ALL MM WORK. THOSE MINISTRIES ARE UNHAPPY WITH GOD'S MIGHTY WORK THROUGH MM EVANGELISM. ANGELS DIRECTIVES ARE PERFECT TO GUIDE ALL MM WORK. DON’T." 7 Angels said that to me now. Comment: I was shocked by this revelation from the angels! 13th Nov 2020. 19:05. From Trezaa: Never ever write to other ministries inquiring about MM issues. God has appointed His Angels to lead and give correct information on what is to be done as pertains MM evangelism work. No ministry is happy with God's mighty work through MM evangelism. Says IAM. 13th November 2020. 19:13. From Eunice: "Will, don't give dogs what is clean," a man in clean white robes shouted seven times to Malcolm and He sent seven Angels and instructed them to inform Malcolm to avoid consulting non MM ministries because they are MM enemies. 13th November 2020. 19:15. From Kachapim: "Don't. Don't. Don't get information from them, they are not with us Malcolm. My Angels are with you," A tall man in white robes cried. 13th November 2020. 19:26. From Rhoda: "AVOID THEM. THEY DON'T MEAN WELL TO MM. STICK TO GOD VIA HIS ANGELS. GOD IS IN MM. GOD IS WITH YOU. MM IS GOD'S VESSEL." 7 Angels have said that to me now. God’s Inroads In Muslim Countries14th Nov 2020. 5:53. From John: The night that we will never forget: Thanks to God we are alive. Will, at exactly midnight we got surrounded by a big team who insisted that we produce Malcolm. They had very powerful weapons. To our surprise their leader carried an MM Faith lit. He was a bearded Muslim man with white skin. He complained how MM have taken their people in Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, South Sudan, Tanzania, Nigeria, Kenya, Somalia. He said that they have arrested Felix and Musa and taken all the MM lits. He promised to kill Felix and Musa. He was not happy that Malcolm is destroying his base in Nigeria. His name is Lima bin Karaffuuu, a Syrian Arab. Will, we were all forced to lie down as they aimed their guns at our skulls. God shut all their guns which completely jammed. About one hour after midnight, Bin Karaffuuu fainted but his army took his body fast to their vehicles and they left for Saudi Arabia with the MM lits in their hands. We are alive. God is great! 14th Nov 2020. 6:32. From Rhoda: "FELIX AND MUSA ARE BEING HELD BY MUSLIM WARLORDS. THIS TEAM THOUGHT THAT IT IS MALCOLM DOING MIGHTY EVANGELISM WORK IN NIGERIA. THEY WENT TO NIGERIA TO KILL MALCOLM AND BURN THE MM VAN. GOD MADE THEIR GUNS JAM AND SUFFOCATED THEIR LEADER BIN KARAFFUUU, A SYRIAN JIHADIST. HE DIED AFTER REALISING HE COULDN'T SHOOT MALCOLM. MAY BOB SEND AT LEAST £350 TO JOHN NOW NOW NOW SO THAT THE VAN CAN LEAVE NIGERIA. GOD IS INSISTING THAT THE VAN LEAVES IMMEDIATELY." 7 Angels said that now. [Money was found and sent.] 14th Nov 2020. 16:13. From John: God is propelling us at a good speed. If we could get a further £150 then we will cross the Nigerian border. We can clearly see 11 vehicles madly trailing us. We pray to get to no man's land and face them at midnight. God bless. [Thankfully money was found and sent.] 14th Nov 2020. 16:26. From Rhoda: "...THE KILLERS FROM SYRIA ARE STILL TRAILING THE MM VAN BELIEVING THAT THEY ARE TRAILING MALCOLM. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £140 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT SO THAT THEY CROSS INTO CAMEROON WHERE GOD HAS PUT A BLOCK TO THE ATTACKERS AND WHERE GOD WILL BURN THEM TO ASHES..." 7 Angels said. 15th Nov 2020. 8:22. From John: We are deep inside Cameroon. God defeated 37 enemies who were hell bent to kill us. We crossed into the no man's land between Nigeria and Cameroon at midnight. Our enemies caught up with us and ordered us out. They pointed their guns at me calling me Malcolm. As they were about to shoot I pointed the opened MM Faith lit at them. Their guns jammed and they fell down. We then got into their vehicles and rescued all our MM lits and put them in the MM van. God descended in firebolts and burnt all 37 of them and their vehicles. We left behind one Faith lit as a witness. Our fuel is over. And so God's end-time Work of ‘Elijah’ advances!
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