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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 21
269Thrown To The Crocodiles!O God, to whom vengeance belongs, shine forth! Rise up, O Judge of the earth, render punishment to the proud... how long will the wicked triumph? ... They break in pieces Your people, O Lord, and afflict Your heritage. (Psalm 94:1-3, 5) |
As instructed by God, the van immediately headed to Burundi. On 8th September, no sooner had they reached Burundi than God then said they must go urgently to Comoros Island where true believers were being thrown alive to crocodiles! 8th September 2020. 12:19. From Rhoda: "LET JOHN AND VUGA ORGANISE THE WORK IN BURUNDI THEN LEAVE FOR COMOROS ISLAND TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT. MM FOLKS ARE BEING FED TO CROCODILES BY OPPRESSORS. ALREADY 17 HAVE BEEN FED TO CROCODILES. URGENT URGENT URGENT. LET THEM USE THE MONEY ROLF HAS SENT TO FUEL THE VAN TO START THEM OFF. URGENT URGENT URGENT. A FURTHER £400 SHOULD REACH JOHN URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Thankfully, Vivian was able to provide the needed £400. 8th September 2020. 18:36. From John in Burundi: Thanks. Our brothers here have kept the place good. The library work is almost complete. Many more people are coming and studying the MM lits here. We have fuelled the van with what Rolf sent and we will move out at midnight. God bless. God Declares His Will To Three ‘Witnesses’8th Sept 2020. 18:46. From Trezaa: Dream: MM folks are being killed in a certain Island and fed to crocodiles. MM van is needed there urgently. 8th Sept 2020. 18:48. From Kachapim: Dream: "Take my MM van to Comoros island, my people are being butchered." A tall man in white clothes appeared to me in a dream and cried out. 8th September 2020. 18:49. From Eunice: Dream: Comoros Island MM folks are in a big problem. 9th September 2020. 7:24. From Rhoda: "...MAY ROLF SEND £350 TO JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THEY ARE HEADING TO COMOROS. MORE FUEL IS NEEDED." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Rolf sent £350. Somehow he managed to rearrange things and do it despite having both his credit cards over the limit. 9:52. From John: We are in Dar es Salaam. We need more money to board the ferry to Comoros Island. 9th September 2020. 10:11. To John: Rolf has sent you £350, but it could take time to come. Vivian is doing similarly, so hopefully that will come soon. Comment: Vivian also sent £350 and it got there in time for the crossing. 11:10. From John: Great, thanks. I have received it. God bless. 17:55. From John: ...We are heading to Comoros. We are on the ocean. The Blood-Curdling Situation In Al Amal10th September 2020. 9:00. From John: We can't continue, our fuel is over and the kitty is completely dry. We are in a more hostile environment. Please pray for us. The opposition is worse. More blood chilling... 9:05. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA ARE IN A BIG PROBLEM. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £550 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Thanks to Rolf and Vivian, the £550 was met. 12:17. From John: Thanks. We are in Al Amal where our brothers are in a big test. Pray for us. We are still waiting for what Rolf sent. 10th September 2020. 20:08. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA ARE IN ONE OF THE FIERCEST BATTLES TRYING TO STOP MUSLIM JIHADIS FROM SLAUGHTERING MM FOLKS. LET THE VAN BE SERVICED AS FAST AS POSSIBLE. THOSE MUSLIMS DOING THIS HAVE THEIR BASE IN RAAS KAMBONI CITY IN SOMALIA. GOD IS OUT TO DESTROY THESE BASES. URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS PUT TOGETHER £477 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW NOON. GOD WILL DELIVER MM FOLKS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 11th September 2020. 6:56. From John: ...Cost of carrying the van plus us on the ferry from Dar es Salaam to Zanzibar, then from Zanzibar to Comoros Island... God enabled us to get here cheaply with only £285. We then had to move in five beaches in the island following the lead of the white mists distributing the MM lits to alert the MM folks that God has come to rescue them. We haven't taken any rest... 11th September 2020. 8:56. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA ARE DOING A GREAT WORK IN COMOROS, COMBING OUT [flushing out] THE ATTACKERS FROM THE BEACHES, BEING GUIDED BY GOD'S THICK WHITE MISTS. AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT GOD WILL KILL THOSE ATTACKERS. MAY £477 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. URGENT URGENT URGENT. FUEL IS OVER." 7 Angels have said. [The money was achieved.] 8:01. To John: Did God wipe out any of the gunmen last night...? 8:58. From John: Not yet. We are engaging them with open Faith lits. God Wipes Out The 51 Jihadis12th Sept 2020. 7:07. From Rhoda: "GOD KILLED 51 MUSLIM JIHADIS IN COMOROS LAST NIGHT. NOW MM FOLKS ARE SAFE. THE TEAM IS MOVING TO ZANZIBAR ISLAND. THEIR KITTY IS DRY. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £450 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THEY NEED WATER, MILK AND FUEL." 7 Angels have said. 12th September 2020. 8:53. From John: Al Amal mission: We settled here some minutes to midnight and we witnessed how three MM folks were being thrown into the crocodile swamp. We tried to engage the four people doing that but they raised the alarm. 47 armed people came out of a room armed with crude weapons and started throwing stones at the van and us. It forced us to move a bit away. At midnight we went back with opened MM Faith lits and engaged them in a running battle for one hour. Then it started raining and firebolts fell on the 51 killing them. As we celebrated, a strong wind came and swept their remains into the vast Indian Ocean to be eaten by crocodiles. Our MM folks arrested got freed. God is great. We left this morning for Somalia, Raas Kamboni, to finish their base. We are almost getting to Zanzibar. 8:55. From John: We are going to Somalia to destroy that base... We still don't have the correct number of people who were killed. 17 families lost spouses. Comment: Thanks to the supporters £550 was sent. 19:29. To John: What happened to the three believers you saw being thrown into the crocodile swamp? Were they alive when they were thrown in? 12th September 2020. 19:30. From John: It was a sorrowful sight. We have reached Dar es Salaam and will move on to Somalia. They were thrown alive and the crocodiles ate them as the oppressors celebrated. We cried aloud but we could do nothing. 12th September 2020. 19:49. From Rhoda: "GOD WILL BLESS ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS ABUNDANTLY. MAY ROLF SEND £500 TO JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT TO KEEP THEM MOVING NON STOP TO SOMALIA TO MOVE AND DESTROY THE BASES OF THE MUSLIM JIHADIS. URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Amazingly, Rolf was able to send £500 late Saturday. However, for some reason it was held up in the system and didn’t arrive until Tuesday. 13th Sept 2020. 9:43. From John: We are now stuck in Mombasa city. 14th September 2020. 6:36. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA ARE STUCK ON THE WAY TO SOMALIA. URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY, MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £450 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Thanks to Vivian, Fiona and Bob, £450 was sent. God Obliterates The Terrorist Training Camp15th September 2020. 7:53. From John: We arrived in Raas Kamboni one hour before midnight. To our utmost surprise we got attacked immediately. The white mists led us to an open field where over 50 youths were taking an oath to finish off MM. Here is where the jihadi graduates were being sent to Comoros. The attackers deflated [slashed with knives] the rear tyres of the van and ordered us out. We came out with opened MM Faith lits and God made their guns jam. At exactly midnight God descended in firebolts and burnt up all of them in our watch. We then replaced the tyres, dropped 7 MM Faith lits at the scene for a witness then left. Immediately after the incident, the money Rolf sent came in. Right now we are approaching Mombasa on our way back to Comoros Island... 15th September 2020. 7:59. From Rhoda: "AT MIDNIGHT GOD BURNT TO DEATH 57 JIHADI GRADUATES IN RAAS KAMBONI CAMP. THEY WERE TO GO TO COMOROS ISLAND TO WIPE OUT MM FAMILIES. GOD DESCENDED IN FIREBOLTS AND BURNT THEM TO ASHES. GOD IS LEADING THE MM VAN BACK TO COMOROS ISLAND FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE GREAT MM MISSION THERE. MAY THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £777 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. £477 IS FOR SETTING UP A MAKESHIFT MM LITS LIBRARY IN COMOROS ISLAND WHERE THE HOMELESS MM FOLKS SHOULD ASSEMBLE TO PROCLAIM GOD'S GLORY. URGENT URGENT URGENT. MAY ROLF SEND THE £777 NOW NOW NOW. GOD IS PLEASED WITH THE GREAT WORK GOING ON." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Thanks to Vivian £100 was sent. It’s all that was available. 15th Sept 2020. 8:31. To John: There was constant intercession yesterday from before 8 am till about 4 pm, then again from just after 6 pm until 2 am. I got attacked in various places on my body, mainly in my gut which felt like someone had their hands around it and was twisting it like wringing out a wet cloth. It subsided about midnight (2 am your time), when the demons were finally defeated. Comment: There were lesser demonic attacks on the 15th Sept. I felt a repeat of the ‘wringing’ of my intestines at various times in the day.Whoever was funding these Islamic terrorists probably found out that all 108 terrorists were killed “by MM”, hence the hostility directed towards us and the demonic attacks. The angels asked for money, but the supporters had none. 16th September 2020. 9:01. From John: We are completely stuck in Dar es Salaam. No fuel, no water nor milk and the kitty is completely dry Comment: Thanks to Vivian £200 was sent in the morning. No one else could do anything till the evening,when a further £100 was sent, but that was all. 16th September 2020. 17:48. From Rhoda: "THE GREAT IAM SAYS THIS, MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £477 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT. THE MM FOLKS IN COMOROS ISLAND ARE IN A BIG PROBLEM. THEY HAVE NOWHERE TO SLEEP. RAINS ARE BEATING THEM DAY AND NIGHT. THE COLDS ARE TOO MUCH ON THE CHILDREN. IAM SAYS NOW NOW NOW. £477. £477. £477. URGENT. THE TEAM HAS DONE MASSIVE EVANGELISM WORK IN DAR ES SALAAM EXPLAINING THE MIGHTY WORK GOD HAS DONE IN RAAS KAMBONI AND COMOROS. GOD HAS BIG BIG BIG BLESSINGS FOR THE REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 17th Sept 2020. 9:36. From John: We have left Zanzibar for Comoros Is. Comment: We could only raise £200 by borrowing cash on credit cards. 17th Sept 2020. 19:44. From John: We have arrived, the scene is awful. Our brothers being rained on with small children day and night. They are sleeping in the cold with no food. The situation is pathetic. We fell down weeping. 17th Sept 2020. 19:51. From Rhoda: MAY JOHN AND VUGA ALLOW FIVE VERY YOUNG CHILDREN IN THE CAMP TO SLEEP INSIDE THE MM VAN, IF NOT THE COLD WEATHER WILL KILL THEM BEFORE MORNING. JOHN JOHN JOHN DON'T CRY, GOD IS WORKING OUT A MIGHTY FINANCIAL MEANS FOR THE MAKESHIFT HOUSES TO BE PUT UP... GOD IS GOD. THE GREAT IAM CAN’T ALLOW HIS CHILDREN TO DIE IN THE OPEN AFTER SAVING THEIR LIVES FROM THE CROCODILES. ROLF TO SEND £450 TO JOHN TONIGHT FOR THIS MIGHTY WORK. BOB TO SEND £250 TO JOHN TONIGHT FOR THIS GREAT NEED. NIGEL, ELEANOR, FIONA TO CONTRIBUTE £300 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW MORNING FOR THIS MIGHTY MM NEED. URGENT URGENT URGENT. 7 angels have said this. God Works A Financial MiracleComment: God worked a mighty miracle indeed! Rolf was up to his credit limit on both cards, but after coaxing by the angels, he had a go at using a card nonetheless to try and send. By rational standards it wouldn’t have gone through. But, glory of glories!, the £450 went! Now he’s well over his credit limit and will need funds soon to repay some to those who have loaned him thousands. 18th Sept 2020. 7:35. To John: Has Rolf’s £450 come through yet? 8:43. From Rhoda: "MAY BOB SEND £250 TO JOHN NOW NOW NOW. WHAT ROLF SENT WILL REACH HIM LATER IN THE EVENING. THIS IS A MIGHTY MM MISSION." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Thanks to Bob and Eleanor £350 was also sent late morning. 19th Sep 2020. 11:00. From John: 27 people have just arrived here from Seychelles Island for MM lits study as we prepare for the FOT. God bless. Comment: Thanks to Vivian and Bob £200 was sent. 20th Sept 2020. 9:40. From John: We need at least £100 for our water and milk. Over 75 people are here studying the MM lits. We have constructed makeshift houses with polythene. They are eagerly studying the MM lits. 20th September 2020. 9:43. From Rhoda: "83 PEOPLE ARE SETTLED IN COMOROS ISLAND STUDYING THE MM LITS IN PREPARATION FOR THE 2020 FOT MEETING. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £150 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW FOR WATER AND MILK. IT IS VERY VERY VERY URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Thanks to Vivian, £150 was sent. Hunger And Thirst For God’s Truth!20th Sept 2020. 20:42. From Rhoda: A GREAT WORK IS GOING ON IN COMOROS ISLAND. GOD HAS CALLED MOSTLY FORMER MUSLIMS TO COME AND LEARN THE MM GOSPEL OF TRUTH. GOD IS OUT TO FLUSH OUT THE JIHADIS FROM THESE ISLANDS. MAY ROLF SEND £500 TO JOHN TONIGHT AND BOB, ELEANOR, NIGEL, FIONA AND VIVIAN SEND ANOTHER £500 TOMORROW MORNING. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT AND URGENT FOR GOD'S WONDERFUL WORK TO GO ON NON-STOP. 7 Angels have said now. Comment: That would be nice yes IF we had money. We only had £150. 20th Sept 2020. 20:46. From John: This group is more eager to learn the MM truth. No sleeping here, it is studying God's MM lits day and night. We need to put up a tent and public address system plus put the needed food in store as early as tomorrow morning. This is a more eager lot. All were former Muslims... 21st Sept 2020. 18:17. From Rhoda: AFTER SETTING THE STAGE FOR THE MM MEET IN COMOROS ISLAND, JOHN AND VUGA MUST MOVE BACK TO NDHIWA KENYA AND ORGANISE FOR THE FOT MEETING WHERE PEOPLE WILL COME FROM BURUNDI, SOMALIA, UGANDA, SOUTH SUDAN TO ATTEND IT. MUSA AND FELIX TOO WILL ORGANISE FOR THE FOT IN SAUDI ARABIA. THE GREAT IAM SAYS... [And also stated the need of £1300, of which we had NOTHING!] 7 Angels have said that to me now. 22nd Sept 2020. 11:09. From John: It is worse here. The pressure is too much. We have no fuel and our kitty is completely dry. We are in a big problem. 12:09. In what way are you under pressure? From whom? 12:27. From John: More and more people have joined and we have not yet prepared the ground for FOT. We also lack water and milk for me and Vuga. Comment: The three witnesses each had a dream conveying the fact that John was stuck in Comoros without funds, but we could send nothing to help. 22nd September 2020. 15:45. From Trezaa: Dream: "John don't cry. The Comoros Island FOT will take place. Ndhiwa FOT will take place. God is moving the regular MM supporters to send money now for water, milk and fuel." I saw a Man holding 7 MM lits in his right hand walk in front of John, holding John’s hand. A very bright light covered them. Rolf to help send some money to John now. [Comment: Kachapim and Eunice also had similar confirming dreams, and thankfully, Rolf was able to help and sent £500 to John. What a struggle!] Comment: Over the next few days, the supporters shelled out everything they could, and funds were just enough to prepare for the FoT in Comoros. 23rd Sept 2020. 19:08. To John Do you know whether Lukas Ogada is still alive? The angels told me to write a booklet about his opposition, which I did. [Lukas Ogada: Satan’s Chief Agent in Africa.] The angels said it is to be reproduced and distributed. A good time to do that would be during the FoT. 19:25. From John: I believe he is still alive but very weak. We will reproduce more copies and distribute it... 23rd Sept 2020. 19:28. From John: "LET JOHN PRODUCE MORE COPIES OF THIS LIT AND GIVE TO ALL THE PEOPLE ATTENDING THE FOT MEETING IN COMOROS, NDHIWA AND SAUDI ARABIA... MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £400 FOR THIS GREAT MISSION. LUKAS IS AILING, VERY WEAK." 7 Angels have said now. 24th September 2020. 20:21. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA HAVE DONE A MASSIVE WORK IN COMOROS TODAY. ALREADY 200 COPIES OF THE MM LIT ON LUKAS HAVE BEEN PRODUCED AND DISTRIBUTED... TOMORROW MORNING MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £450 TO GET JOHN AND VUGA MOVING BACK TO KENYA. THEY NEED £1300 TO GET TO KENYA BUT THIS WILL START THEM OFF TO ZANZIBAR THEN TO DAR ES SALAAM." 7 Angels have said. Over 3,000 To Denounce The Evil Lukas Ogada25th September 2020. 16:49. From Rhoda: Re: FoT/ANGELIC MESSAGE. IAM IAM IAM. MY BLESSINGS TO THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS... COME AND REAP MY BLESSINGS. AM GATHERING OVER THREE THOUSAND PEOPLE IN NDHIWA TO DENOUNCE LUKAS’ DEMONIC ACTIONS. IAM IAM IAM... 7 angels announced. Thousands Turn Up In Ndhiwa30th September 2020. 6:12. From Rhoda: "MAY REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS GO ON WITH GIVING THE MONEY FOR BLESSINGS. LET THE MONIES GO TO JOHN AND FELIX. ALREADY 2000 PEOPLE HAVE SETTLED IN NDHIWA..." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 30th September 2020. 6:14. From John: There is a massive work here. Now 2000 people are here. The Kenya power company had disconnected the electricity supply to this site. To reconnect it we need £380. It is an urgent need because we study the MM lits till morning. People are eager to learn the truth. [Comment: With great difficulty, the amount was raised... just!] 11:22. From John: The number is even increasing. It is amazing. Reply: Where do they all sleep? 11:44. From John: They take rest in the hall. God bless. Insane Man Delivered At Midnight1st October 2020. 10:42. From John: A man, Mwana, who has been insane since birth and is now 27 years old, got his mind back last night at midnight when he got touched with opened MM Faith lits seven times on the head. He came in to beat up people assembling here, but God cured him. The Number of Attendees Increases To 5,300!5th October 2020. 8:31. From John: Up to today 5300 people are here studying the MM gospel of truth through the MM lits. Yesterday, we baptised 1023 people who accepted Jesus. Our kitty is completely dry. The meeting is going on peacefully. [Many hundreds also turned up to the site in Saudi Arabia.] God Descends In White Mist And Bright Light8th Oct 2020. 14:33. From John: Something unique has happened here. At midnight a strong wind started blowing for about 30 mins. Then a thick white mist covered the whole congregation and a strong white light struck every person. Everyone started praying all at once. 20 people who had a headache instantly got healed. ...We produced more copies of the MM lit on Lukas. 19:35. From John: We study till morning. God has touched many lives. 19:47. Reply: How can you do that? Does God enable people to study and not need sleep? Do all the people stay up all night long and don’t sleep at all? 9th October 2020. 5:38. From John: We only take a 15 minutes rest. The Number Increases To 10,000!9th Oct 2020. 6:41. From Rhoda: "MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £450 WHICH BOB SHOULD SEND TO JOHN NOW NOW NOW. 10,000 PEOPLE ARE IN NDHIWA FOT MEETING. THEY DON'T SLEEP, ONLY TAKE 15 MINUTES REST AFTER MIDNIGHT EVERY NIGHT. GOD REQUIRED EVERY ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTER TO GIVE A BLESSING OPENING AMOUNT OF £777 EACH BECAUSE GOD KNEW THE WAY THIS FOT WILL GO. URGENT URGENT URGENT. £450 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: The angels had previously asked for the supporters to each give that symbolic amount of £777 to cover the big FoT expenses. We were really struggling to find the needed monies! After the feast ended on 10th Oct, the next day God asked for the van to visit again Zanzibar, Comoros and Seychelles. But funds were non-existent, so departure was delayed. 12th October 2020. 10:38. To John, Rhoda and Kachapim: The FoT in Ndhiwa this year was quite an astonishing episode. How on earth 10,000 plus people could be accommodated is astounding. The place must have been jam packed with hardly any room to move! And as for coping with the necessary facilities one would need for such a large crowd, that would have been impossible if God didn’t make it feasible. I presume He changed their metabolism so they didn’t need to eat much, and didn’t need toilets as normally. They could stay awake all night, just on 15 minutes rest, like He has been doing with you and Vuga on missions. Obviously, time is so short, He maximised their use of the time to study and imbibe the truth... It was a condensed session, so they had what they need to face the future. It was certainly a witness to all the neighbourhood. And as for Covid, God covered the crowd so that no one got sick, and God healed all who needed healing. His presence was manifest in the white mist, and the bright light shining on everyone parallels the shining of the light of His Truth to all present. What an occasion! 11:02. From Kachapim: True, it was wonderful. God bless. 11:02. From John: Yes, God worked out a mighty miracle. Keeping all the people safe out of Covid 19. God bless. The FoT In Saudi Arabia Was Equally Momentous15th October 2020. 7:43. From Felix in Saudi Arabia:God did something unique over here. He pulled over 5000 former Muslims to join us in the MM FOT meeting. We mainly studied the MM lits such as Faith: Raising Our Level Of Expectation, Why Jesus and MM lit on Lukas. Many of them wanted to meet Malcolm Heap and ask for forgiveness since their religion had seen MM as a cult out to sacrifice humans. On the Sabbath, 1150 former Muslims got baptised. They came from as far as Syria, Egypt, Iran and Iraq. We had a big challenge in providing for them a place to sleep, water and a little food. We thank all the regular MM supporters who stood firm and sent us finances. People are still coming and borrowing MM lits from us and studying. MIRACLE DURING THE FOT. Mwalisaa Diubia. This man was born mad. Eating human wastes and other waste he came across. He is 23 yrs old. He lives in the caves in the desert here in Saudi Arabia. On the third day of the FOT, he came with the intention of causing mayhem. When we pointed at him with opened MM Faith lits, thick white mists covered him and he fell to the ground unconscious [slain in the Spirit]. He vomited for three hours from 9 p.m. to midnight. At midnight, he woke up and requested drinking water, after which he calmly sat down. We assigned to him a translator who guided him through the meeting. On the Sabbath, he was among the people we baptised. He is now one of the evangelists here. His story made more and more people come to see who Malcolm Heap is. Will, we lack a good phone, it is why the report has delayed. [Trezaa sent his report on her phone.] We hope God will open financial means. God bless. Felix The Angels Insist On Going Again To Comoros11th October 2020. 9:48. From Rhoda: "THE VAN MUST VISIT SEYCHELLES, COMOROS AND ZANZIBAR ISLANDS TO COLLECT INFORMATION ON THE JUST CONCLUDED FOT. IT IS IMPORTANT AND VERY URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: The trouble was, we had no money for the trip. 13th October 2020. 9:16. From Rhoda: "AFTER THE SUCCESSFUL FOT MEET, THE MM OPPOSERS IN COMOROS ISLAND WHO ARE MAINLY MUSLIMS ARE UNHAPPY. THEY HAVE STARTED A MASSIVE ATTACK ON MM FOLKS. ALREADY THREE HAVE BEEN FED TO MAN EATING CROCODILES IN THE OCEAN. GOD WANTS THE MM VAN TO REACH COMOROS URGENTLY. ROLF, SEND £300 TO JOHN NOW NOW NOW. BOB SEND £250 TO JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THIS IS A VERY URGENT URGENT URGENT MISSION." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 13th October 2020. 18:29. From Rhoda: "JOHN BUY FUEL WITH THE £50 IN HAND, MOVE UP TO RONGO WITH THAT FUEL. GOD IS WORKING OUT WAYS FOR THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO SEND MONEY. DONT PANIC, GOD IS IN CHARGE. ALL THE MM OPPOSERS WHO ARE BUSY WRITING FALSEHOOD ABOUT GOD'S MM WORK WILL DIE ONE BY ONE STARTING TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT." 7 Angels said that to me now. Comment: Shortage of funds hindered everything. The van travelled to Comoros in fits and starts as and when funds permitted. They finally arrived on Sunday 18th October, but ran out of fuel before they could get to the FoT site. Then this happened: 18th Oct 2020. 14:34. From Rhoda: "THERE IS A BIG GROUP MOVING TOWARDS WHERE THE MM VAN IS STUCK WITH JOHN AND VUGA INSIDE. THEY ARE CARRYING HAND GRENADES AND THEIR INTENTION IS TO BURN THE MM VAN AND KILL JOHN AND VUGA. THIS IS THE TEAM WHO HAVE BEEN FEEDING MM FOLKS TO CROCODILES. MAY ROLF SEND £250 TO JOHN NOW NOW NOW TO LET THEM MOVE ON." 7 Angels have said now. Comment: Miraculously, Rolf managed to send £250, despite his credit card being £500 over the limit! God is the Great Enabler! 18th Oct 2020. 14:36. From John: We are being attacked. We are ready with opened MM Faith lits. Hand grenades are being thrown at us. Pray for us. John And Vuga Are Injured18th Oct 2020. 14:40. From Trezaa in Saudi: Dream: The MM van is surrounded by armed men ready to burn it. John and Vuga are fighting back with opened MM Faith lits. A big battle. Money for fuel, £377, to reach john urgently. 18th Oct 2020. 18:58. From John: Thanks a lot Rolf. The money is in. God bless you. I am badly injured on the forehead. Am bleeding. Vuga's left cheek is swollen. We have been hit with stones. All the window glasses for the MM van have been smashed. We are in the middle of a big struggle but we must reach our destination. This is a battle God must help us win. Pray for us. They are blocking our way from reaching our MM brothers. God bless. Sunday 18th Oct 2020. 19:04. From Rhoda: "GOD HAS HELPED ROLF TO SEND £250 TO JOHN NOW. AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT GOD WILL KILL 23 PEOPLE WHO HAVE BADLY ATTACKED JOHN AND VUGA. ALL WINDOW PANES HAVE BEEN DESTROYED. JOHN AND VUGA INJURED BUT GOD WILL GIVE THEM VICTORY OVER THOSE KILLERS. MAY BOB AND OTHER REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS RAISE AT LEAST £477 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW MORNING. THE KITTY MUST NOT BE DRY AT ANY TIME. FROM TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT TILL WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT, GOD WANTS TO WIPE OUT ALL THE EVIL MINDED MM ATTACKERS IN COMOROS ISLAND. £477, £477, £477." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 19th October 2020. 8:33. From John in Comoros: ...We are in great pain but okay. At midnight God wiped out the gang of 23 men who terrorised us the whole day. Full report coming. We have reached the site where FOT meeting was organised and we are gathering information from the MM folks here. 20th October 2020. 20:12. From John: Fomboni beach battle: It was here in Fomboni city where we got badly attacked and all the windows of the van destroyed. The attackers claimed that we were sent by the chief devil worshipper Malcolm to come here and convert all Muslims to MM. They used hand grenades to aim at the van, and hit the van with stones. The broken pieces of window glass cut us. Before midnight, it forced us to come out of the van and face them with opened MM Faith lits. At midnight, strong winds started blowing heavily and then firebolts fell, hitting and killing them. They cried aloud for Malcolm to forgive them but God destroyed them. Strong winds carried their remains away into the deep ocean. At that juncture we came out and placed 7 MM Faith lits as a witness to the place. We then remained there till money came in for repairing the van. At the garage, 28 armed men came to revenge. They abused us and wanted to kill and burn us. To our utmost surprise, when they saw us take out MM Faith lits and open them, they ran away till night when they came back to attack us. God of gods descended in firebolts and burnt them to death. Strong winds also swept their remains into the ocean. People who witnessed the mighty hands of God wiping out the attackers joined us this evening when we moved from door to door confronting the witchmen here who rear the crocodiles which they used to feed on the MM folks. So far we have captured three, Maliari, Nduala, Mnamwata and Akulasire. We are under the guidance of the thick white mists. Already those who opposed us are now seeing that the MM van is God sent. We need more fuel to move around this Island and get rid of all the witchmen rearing crocodiles for killing MM folks. God sent us here to set His people free from persecution. Tonight, we are moving on following the thick white angelic mists. Tuesday 20th October 2020. 20:22. From Rhoda: "GOD IS WEEDING OUT ALL WITCHDOCTORS IN COMOROS ISLAND WHO REAR THE MAN EATING CROCODILES. THICK WHITE MISTS ARE LEADING THE VAN. IT IS A MIGHTY WORK THAT WILL END ON FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. GOD IS KILLING THEM. THEY KNEW THIS AND SENT ATTACKERS WHO TRIED TO BLOCK THE VAN FROM ENTERING THE ISLAND. GOD KILLED ALL THOSE ATTACKERS AT MIDNIGHT. BOB, ELEANOR, ROLF, NIGEL, VIVIAN, GOD IS PLEASED WITH THE MIGHTY WORK YOU ARE DOING. THERE IS A GREAT FINANCIAL NEED URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY NOW AT LEAST £777 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT FOR THIS NOBLE WORK... GOD IS DOING A MIGHTY RESCUE IN COMOROS. GOD IS PROVING THAT HE CHOSE MALCOLM AND MM TO SET THE WORLD FREE FROM SATANIC TORMENT..." 7 Angels said that now. [But people don’t believe it nor support it.] Comment: Over the next few days, the angelic white mists led John and Vuga to the evil culprits. In all, they rounded up 12 wizards, and God killed them. How God Killed The Wizards23rd October 2020. 6:34. From John: We take them to the open field near the sea immobilising them using the opened MM Faith lits. God burns them to ashes and their remains are blown into the deep sea by strong winds. Since last evening God enabled us capture 4 more. They are notorious ones who fought us using crude weapons but we managed to immobilise them. We have been moving non stop since Wednesday morning. We are off to another destination now led by white mists. We need more fuel. [We only just managed to provide enough funds for these necessary exercises.] Comment: In Domoney, they rounded up 6 witchdoctors. God killed them by fiery firebolts, and then blew their ash remains into the Indian Ocean. John lists the places where a further six were captured, whom God destroyed: 23rd October 2020. 20:05. From John: 6 witches. Nzwani. Mundu Mbalitsu, a witchdoctor with three long crocodiles. Ngazidja. Aman Njoro and wife Terrea with 2 male and female crocodiles. Hamahamet. This is a city of sin resembling the biblical Sodom and Gomorrah, with Torra Bulli, a tall black witchdoctor with four white crocodiles. Moroni. Batika was captured with a very long python and one crocodile. Mutsamudu. Jarawila, a witchdoctor with three crocodiles. Mirontsi. This is where the white mists guided us to put them and wait for midnight when God will descend and destroy all of them. We have constantly moved since morning. Our fuel is over. We have milk and water to take us till tomorrow morning. Pray for us Will. We are in a big test. 24th Oct 2020. 16:21. From John: Last night in Mirontsi at midnight: God descended mightily like never before with firebolts and burnt all the six witchdoctors to ashes in our watch. Then a strong wind carried their remains into the vast ocean. Tonight we are trusting God to kill all those man eating crocodiles [which He did]. God Resurrects Six of The More Than 20 Martyrs20th Oct 2020. 22:13. From Rhoda: About the believers on Comoros who were fed to crocodiles: "THIS SATURDAY AT EXACTLY MIDNIGHT, GOD WILL RAISE THREE BACK TO LIFE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 24th October 2020. 16:17. From John: Moroni city: Batika was the fiercest witchdoctor. God burnt him to death at midnight last night. He killed three men by strangling, but he cried aloud when his crocodiles would not eat them. At midnight on Friday (23rd Oct), the three, Baso, Kiradu and Zwila started breathing very fast and sweating, as they came alive. The witchdoctor ran away. They each removed an MM Faith lit and started reading aloud. God raised them up just like that. God bless. 24th October 2020. 16:11. From John: A family of three in Nzwani city, father, mother and son of 12 yrs got fed to the man eating crocodiles because of their strong conviction in MM gospel of truth. To our surprise, Buki, Ruth and Jesse had a copy of the MM Faith lits in their chest pockets. The crocodiles killed them by suffocating [drowning] them but did not eat even a portion of their bodies. For three weeks their bodies have remained fresh. We reached there today morning. We are here with the bodies waiting for God's time at midnight. We will keep you informed. 25th October 2020. 8:45. From John: God raised Buki, Ruth and Jesse at midnight. It started raining steadily at midnight with strong winds. The three bodies started sweating profusely and panting, God raised the three. God bless.
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