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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 2 |
27 Death Threats
The time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service. And these things they will do to you because they have not known the Father or Me (John 16:2,3). In the African MM outreach, the opposition has been intense and fierce. MM workers’ lives are under constant threat. But God reigns supreme. Faith in Him overcomes all such obstacles. It is our shield. God fights for us as we fulfil His will. Using MM’s booklet Faith: Raising Our Level of Expectation, guns pointed at us are immobilised. They jam and become useless. (More of these incidents are included in later chapters. God is making a vital point.) You have read earlier of some of the attempts on John’s life (pp 30 and 43). On each and every occasion, God thwarted the attacks. One of those attempts was by Paul Orongo. God struck him dead. His father later confessed to John that he found documents showing the Ogada gang’s plans to assassinate other MM faithful ones, even including me in the UK: 22nd May 2014 This evening Malcolm, Paul Orongo’s father surrendered to me a list that he recovered from his son’s documents showing how Lukas’s gang planned their attack on MM. First they were to kill Fatimah, then me, after which they would sponsor one of them to come to the UK to blow up your home and kill you. It is clearly written how they planned to create various e-mail addresses to write to you saying all the negative things about Fatimah, me and… with the aim of destroying the MM outreach in Kenya. The last statement in their list showed how they obtain money from Royal Bank Of Scotland London through dubious means. His father came crying, but I told him to pay MM for the damage and loss his son has caused us in MM. He promised to bring a bull by the end of June. Let’s wait and see. [He didn’t keep his word.] From my findings this gang gets support from the Middle East and Boko Haram militias in Nigeria. God is in control. J John also had this dream: 29th April 2014. A vision of war. In a dream I had a picture of war. The country went to war with its neighbours, and all its citizens got captured and thrown into a very hot water spring; people died. But a small group, instead of dying, swam freely in the spring. When this group came out they were the only ones who were supportive of MM. J Reply and meaning: Obviously the dream depicts war. More likely spiritual warfare, to do with the truth that God is bringing to your country. (Although, there may be a physical fulfilment of that in part, because of radical Islamic factions which want to dominate the region.) The hot water spring could represent our work of bringing the spiritual Truths of God into the country. The result will be not what you might expect. We hope for true repentance and change for the better. But the majority will reject what God presents to them. The result of that rejection and rebellion will be their spiritual death. Only a small ratio of people will heed and respond in the right way, and their lives will be spiritually transformed by ‘swimming’ in the waters of God’s Life. Judgement Coming To 2 Miscreants21st May 2014 To: ‘lukasogada@gmail.com’; ‘paul thister’ Right. Now that God has decimated your gang(s), what way do YOU two want to go? Do you want to go like Paul Orongo, having his eyes burned with hot coals till he died? Or do you want to go like Bita Anjialo by the earth swallowing you alive? Or like the other four – Omundu Mlala, Paul Otuoma, Azibe Okebe and Rama Salim – smothered by mud, buried alive? Or do you want to go out in style like Adrian Jaoko and Abdul Kaliff Omar, with a massive clap of thunder and a lightning bolt from God? Or perhaps that’s too grand. Perhaps a slow, painful, frustrating, mosquito-bitten state of helplessness would more suit you – like it is for those mercenaries you have hired who lie in wait to kill Fatimah, Ann, Vivian and Shallet? (see Proverbs 6:16-19.) They will not be able to shoot them dead, because Fatimah, Ann, Vivian and Shallet are protected by God. You managed to shoot Shallet last week, but God removed the bullet and she is recovering now. What death does that evil deed deserve? God rewards, yes. He rewards evil with evil, if that’s what you choose. And you two have consistently chosen to do evil on a massive scale, even stuffing your murder victims with drugs and shipping them from South Africa back to Kenya to make yourselves a fortune. What judgement does that absolute perversity deserve? Answer: absolute punishment! And only God has that in His arsenal. And He is ready to administer it, when the time is right. But, if you had any heart in you, you would have some measure of remorse for the catalogue of depravity and destruction you have achieved. Though we have yet to see it. I don’t think you are capable of any goodness. You have stolen our money through fraud, through deception, through destroying property, through kidnap and theft, through falsification, through wounding ‘our’ helpers and incurring massive hospital bills, through all sorts of attacks against us. If there was one shilling’s worth of thoughtful introspection and remorse in you for all this wrongdoing, you would attempt to redress the damage you have caused to us. But will you? I give you that opportunity now to make amends for your vicious pogroms of violence and destruction: 1. Kidnapping Fatimah, 2. Burning John Ongoro’s house down to the ground, 3. Wounding Shallet nearly to death, 4. Stealing packets of MM literature, 5. Concocting false stories to deceive us and hopefully extract money by appealing to our compassion, 6. Trying to deceive us with false information to disorientate us and cast suspicion on MM helpers, 7. Intercepting our e-mails and those of MM helpers, 8. Burning Beril’s mother’s house down, 9. Seeking to murder Beril, 10. Murdering the Internet cafe worker who, by mistake, sent me your scheming e-mail to Adrian, 11. Hacking down Rodah Ogalo’s field of corn, 12. Cutting through Fatimah’s perimeter fence and ruining her gate, 13. Bribing two judges to pervert the course of justice, 14. Bribing another official to get Obunga released from prison, and bribing others wherever you felt it was necessary to achieve your object – total domination, 15. Kidnapping John Ongoro at gunpoint to murder him, and leaving him hundreds of miles from home, 16. Kidnapping Mark Odhiambo, beating him nearly to death, and dumping him far away in a remote place, 17. Interfering with MM translation work in Kenya to ruin translations of MM lit, 18. Breaking a window at Fatimah’s, throwing in poison gas to kill all the girls, 19. Raping, 20. Murdering Emily, 21. Persecuting Antony when he received MM booklets, 22. Sending Antony, Benter and others to Qatar to work and send you back a sizable sum of their wages under duress or threat of death, 23. Operating as part of a wide network across Africa, with connections to the antichrist figure of Joseph Kony, the leader of the so-called Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda, and gun running from Somalia. The list could go on and on.... There are many more acts of violence and lawlessness which you have perpetrated with your gangs of evildoers and perverts. So, you can see that the Righteous and Just God, who oversees all human affairs (no matter how wicked and displeasing to Him), knows all that you have done in violation of His Word, and He holds you accountable for it just as He held the evildoers accountable whom you hired to do your nasty work. This is your time of decision. Are you going to make amends to us for having cheated MM, attacked and pillaged MM, tried to murder MM helpers and destroy our meagre assets? Or are you going to continue your violent rampage and reap even greater punishment from the Almighty God who repays all wrongdoing and does not forgive deliberate wrongdoers? The choice is yours. If you, from a pure heart, reimburse MM for the damage your personnel have caused us (£10,000 would be a reasonable starting figure), you could begin the process of reformation and restoration which God would ideally like to achieve. He is reforming and restoring some prison inmates, so why not you? The choice is yours. It starts with giving and making amends, as Zacchaeus’s example illustrates (Luke 19:8), which is according to the biblical principle of restoring what is not rightfully yours (Leviticus 6:4-5). Are you going to do that? Or are you going to continue your campaign of lawlessness and evildoing, to make a name for yourself alongside the most notorious and wicked criminals in history? If you choose the latter course, choose now your fate. Which way do you want to go? In a ball of fire suddenly? In a chasm in the earth by being swallowed up alive? By lightning bolt or thunder clap? By being gunned down by your own men? Or through a debilitating and nauseating disease that eats you alive? (as it was for the evil Herod, see Acts 12:23). THIS IS JUDGEMENT TIME! Malcolm B Heap They Want To Kill MM WorkersOne of the gang gave us more information after God took his wife’s life, and he began to fear for his own life: 22nd May 2014 Another group still set near the river as i got this information, they said they have to kill to avenge the deaths of their friends. [They were lying in wait to shoot the girls near Kisumu.] I have the information that Lukas will be going to Uganda for the giving hand celebration to the son of Ugandan warlord and the leader of the Lords Resistence Army (Joseph Kony). He plans more attacks after getting more weapons from Uganda. He has the information that some people are giving MM teachings in Uganda and plans to use this rebel group to attack those MM in Uganda. Charles Osutwa Mark added more, and what their objective was: 23rd May 2014 Oh Yes, Awidhi is a very dangerous person. He was the one who shot me and he is the one co-ordinating Lukas gang. There is also a meeting which was held in Rongo Lasjona Hotel today. Those who were present are as follows: Lukas Ogada, Vincent Awidhi, Richard Opiyo, Jerome Chembe, Charles Osutwa, Asanath Anyango, Emmah, Olum Mangondo, Mbuta Lukaso, Owino Misiani and Dorothy Akinyi Odhiambo widow to the late Alex Odhiambo Ogalo. Their main aim is to finish John Ongoro. So be very careful. May God be with you. Mark On 25th May 2014, when John went to take the truth to inmates at Eldoret prison, Awidhi followed John, tailing him by using Safaricom. In Awidhi’s vehicle were other thugs, including Opiyo even though paralysed. But they didn’t know that Mark (who was then still a police officer) was also tailing them. When their car pulled up, Mark also stopped. Soon, Awidhi realised they were cornered, so he opened fire on Mark. Mark returned fire (since he was still acting in his official capacity as a police officer to arrest these gangsters, but later he renounced use of physical weapons after his death experience and going into the spirit realm – see Volume 3). Mark’s gun ran out of bullets. That’s when he took out MM’s Faith booklet which he had in his jacket and pointed it at them. At that moment, their guns jammed. Then Mark challenged them with his fists, but got beaten. They stole his things – his phone, wallet, shoes and leather jacket. Awidhi and five others dashed into the bush – they must have seen a frightening apparition – leaving the paralysed Opiyo in the abandoned vehicle. Mark then prayed to God and threw the same book onto Opiyo who cried aloud saying: MALCOLM, FORGIVE ME, DON’T BURN ME WITH HOT COAL!!! That is how God took Opiyo’s life. John wrote: …Mark lost his wallet with all that he had. He convinced a private car driver who helped him with ksh 200 for lunch. He is still stuck in Nyeri. His car has no fuel. He used a good Samaritan’s phone to call, and when I called him, he celebrated with me the God of MM. We have talked with him 10 minutes ago and he has told me all this. I am planning to send him some money as fare back home… J Muslim Death Threats Also27th May 2014. Muslim Threats. Regarding what you [Paul] said earlier: << Sheikh Hassan has placed a warning to us over the recent baptism of three Muslims. He threatens to destroy us, saying that we mislead Muslims. He has informed their organization, the Muslim Brotherhood, to attack us if we again influence more Muslims with the MM teachings. >> You will need to use wisdom to handle these situations. It is not wise for new believers from Islam to broadcast their new found faith. There is no need for them to tell others that they have become Christians. It is unwise to do so, because it incites violence from the Muslim community. Radical Muslims consider it their right and duty to murder those who defect from Islam to another religion. So, that is often the result if new converts make a big public issue of their conversion to Christianity. Conduct baptisms of such people in private, and instruct them to be very discreet in whom they tell. They will have to learn to listen to the Spirit about how to share their faith. (Sometimes it’s best not to share their new belief until they are more mature spiritually, and can handle persecution and even martyrdom.) Jesus tells us to be wise as serpents but harmless as doves, in sharing truth with others (Matt 10:16). A serpent (snake) slithers away out of sight when it senses danger against itself. It hides. So must Christians in a Muslim environment. They may need to think about moving away to a safer area, or away from family members who are hostile. God bless, M John Escapes The Gang’s Hail of Bullets2nd June 2014. Kakamega prison outreach. We started our meeting at 9.00 a.m. I distributed MM publication copies I had and 27 inmates and 7 police officers accepted the MM truths especially after studying Mighty Miracles Of God. I left at mid-day for home. I boarded a public vehicle at 12:22 p.m. After 2 hours drive we reached a small town called Lwanda. Here we found a roadblock with six armed people in police uniforms. When the driver stopped I heard one of them whisper to the armed member, “his name is John Ongoro.” At that point I shouted to the driver to MOVE!, and everyone in the vehicle started to cry for help. Malcolm, they sprayed the vehicle with bullets. The vehicle rolled over and threw me miraculously outside unhurt with my bag and books safe. It was God who strategically removed me to show Awidhi that He is the God of gods. They shot at me before I could remove Faith: Raising Our Level Of Expectation. I hurriedly got the book from my bag and opened it at them as a shield.. [That jammed their guns.] Uwi, uwi, uwi… they all cried and got into a vehicle and dashed towards Kisumu… I hired a taxi to Homabay as fast as possible. Awidhi is useless, powerless and has no direction. He is hell bent to frustrate us but he cannot defeat our God. I don’t fear him. From tonight I want to prepare for Homabay prison next week. I don’t fear Awidhi. Yes, the God of MM who destroyed Opiyo, Paul Orongo, Ochieng Muga… the list is long.... THIS GOD IS ALIVE!!… Who can fight and defeat Him??? No one!! In the process of being thrown out of the bus my head was pushed downwards. I feel some pain in my neck and back but I am OK. God bless. J 3rd June 2014 N prayed for me over the phone, after which I applied the oil you advised me to use then fell into a deep sleep. I woke up 5 mins ago and all the pain is gone. God healed me. The tragic accident yesterday claimed 14 lives it was even aired on Television K24 channel. Thanks to God for healing me. I am still tired but OK. J 2nd June 2014. You are still throwing back words at me. I don’t think John will servive the bullets but if he does I don’t think he will escape again. Mark will be sacked as soon as possible. Awidhi Reply: Awidhi, you jerk, you didn’t stop our outreach to Kakamega. And I am equally confident that you won’t block it or stop it next Monday… Guns jammed again, huh? Or was it the Awesome Presence that made you flee in terror?! Cowards! Afraid of a MM booklet on faith, are you? How many people did you kill or maim before your guns jammed? You demented jerks! What misery you have wrought on innocent people!! You don’t have an iota of compassion for anyone, do you? You have no love or concern, except for yourselves. You are quite prepared to ruin the lives of poor, innocent people on a bus, for the sake of your satanic power-crazed frenzy against God’s Work in Kenya. Son of Satan, your time is coming! Awidhi, you WILL meet me at midnight! Your doom is fast approaching, and you will remember these words for the rest of your life – in hell! Then you will know that they were not mere words! (Ezekiel 33:33.) 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