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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 2 |
26 In Prisons
…I was in prison and you came to me (Matthew 25:36.) John explains how God commissioned him to go to Kenyan prisons, reaching out to the prisoners with God’s truths: Slain In The Spirit For 2 Hours24th April 2014 The Spirit of God came to me this evening till I completely lost sense and laid ‘dead’ for 2 hrs from 4 to 6 pm. In that state a door opened before me and from the room came out a white woman in shiny bright white linen. She told me with a soft voice to remain calm, for God has heard my prayer to support His work of producing copies of MM books and sharing with those in darkness. She went back into the room and brought out cartons of printing paper, photocopying paper, boxes of ink, boxes of staples and a jerrycan of fuel. Then she told me to photocopy MM books and take to all prisons in Kenya. She told me that while we waste time with people in happiness, God’s creation is languishing in prisons. I woke up to find my wife Eunice praying. Then the Spirit of God led me to IBS16 page 19, sub topic Good Works. 4th paragraph: “stay-at-home, do-little Christians will have equally little reward.” 2nd last paragraph states: “LOOK FOR OPPORTUNITIES TO HELP OTHERS, ESPECIALLY SPIRITUALLY. DON’T HOLD BACK FROM GIVING THEM A PIECE OF BASIC MM lit that could introduce them to God and begin the process of change in their life.” Malcolm, after reading that page the Spirit took me into a deep sleep in which I saw in a vision police officers, the inmates, and judges accepting MM truth and being baptised. I woke up sweating. The entire floor where I laid became wet. God wants to restore truth starting with 7 Kenyan prisons. The main prisons are in Nairobi, Kisumu, Mombasa, Nakuru, Eldoret, Naivasha, and Kisii. John Before John embarked on that outreach in April 2014, he had an unusual experience when he was temporarily imprisoned. He wrote to me about it on 17th April: At 6:30 a.m. our chief called me and told me that he received a signal from Kisii central police station that an ID of his constituent has been recovered at Kisii. [John had lost his ID somehow in the turmoil at Kisumu hospital – see page 21.] Malcolm, this is what I got in Kisii. The police traced a vehicle registration number KAC 2249 Toyota Premo from Kisumu after receiving a tipoff from the public in Kisumu that one of the people in it had got a shotgun. The police constructed road blocks at Ahero, Katito, Sondu, Oyugis and Kisii. This gang then escaped between Ahero and Kisumu dumping the vehicle in a rice farm near Ahero. When the police checked inside the car they got several destroyed ID cards, destroyed ATM cards, used and unused condoms, sticks of rolled bang and a Koran. The pieces of IDs were assembled and sent to respective police stations. The police sent a signal to Ndhiwa station from where a signal was sent to my area chief who delivered it to me. Immediately I stepped into Kisii station, I got handcuffed and thrown into a cell, reason known to God. Because do you know what? God has brought me here to shed His light in this part of Kenya. In the cell were 6 criminals, we shared our testimonies. Mokaya killed his wife. Ndolo stole a cow. Jerim impregnated a class four schoolgirl. Eugene killed his brother. Judy was arrested with illegal alcohol. Esther is a drug dealer. Ongoro is a minister of the God of gods with MM. We went into a deep study of God’s word in the cell. I carried with me MM publication Why Believe In God? On pages 13 and 14, Romans 1:19-28 opened their eyes, and the cell got opened supernaturally by God’s hand. All the criminals and the officers then got seated outside in the shade, including the OCPD. We fed them all from God’s word. God closed their eyes so that they couldn’t snatch my phone [God made his phone invisible to their sight] that I am using to inform you. This is God. After that the other criminals were taken back into the cell but I was told to get into the general command post office, where several pieces of torn IDs were brought to me and told to isolate my pieces which I did and got 3 pieces. I was then told to write a fresh report how it got lost. I explained all that happened at Kisumu hospital [the miracles], which confirmed to them that I serve God. …God is God. I have been released with three small pieces of part of my ID. Your prayers are vital. J Prison Ministry27th April 2014 “The Lord has called you in righteousness, and will hold your hand and will keep you. He will make you a light to the Gentiles, to open blind eyes, to bring out prisoners from the prison, those who sit in darkness in the prison house.” (Isaiah 42:6,7, with slight variation.) M 28th April 2014. Kisii prison report. I travelled by public means and arrived at 8 in the morning. They had just taken breakfast. We settled in a hall and I was introduced by Deputy Prison Commandant Col. Mboya Tom who welcomed me. I wasted no time, removed copies of Why Believe in God? distributed and asked them to choose two individuals to lead the discussion. God miraculously led from the word go. They chose two inmates Luke Owuor and Ombuori Chris. In the second session I took them through Why Pray? And as the meeting was going on, M started to weep and also other inmates. Later M narrated to me how he has persecuted innocent people, raped inmates, and killed. It was a sad story. I foresee most of them accepting this truth, and we are going to organise for baptism at a later date. I shared with them your word of encouragement. It was a very good encounter and God really worked miraculously forcing all the prison duties to a standstill until the time the programme was over. I gave out your box number for their requests… J 4th May 2014. Nakuru report. Now I am in Nakuru bus park explaining to a group of street children the goodness of God of MM. These street children live in the cold. Some are mothers with very young children. They number 17. I want to take them through the book Why Believe in God? I really thank God for your concern. I will spend the night with them here to save for tomorrow’s work. I will have to produce copies of MM publications I have here to share with these street children. It is God who has joined us. God bless. J 5th May 2014. 7:06. Nakuru street children. God of gods be praised. It is a goodmorning here in Nakuru and I am okay in the Lord. Last night we shared together with the street children till five in the morning today. They were amazed when I narrated to them great miracles God has done in MM, they gave their lives to Jesus. I placed Faith: Raising Our Level Of Expectation on those who were sick and they were made well. For instance there is a South Sudanese young man of 13 who narrated how his parents were killed in the ongoing war. Deng Malik had a deep wound in his left thigh and could not walk. Just when I placed the book on that thigh, he stood instantly and not only walked but ran around thanking God. I am with him now at the prison and he will give a testimony before I distribute the MM publications to the inmates. J 10th May 2014. Nakuru prison report. We were seated in a hall by 9 in the morning. Prison Commandant Omondi Ocholla welcomed me and gave me a chance to share MM truths with the inmates. I shared with them some great miracles God has done in MM as recorded in MM book Mighty Miracles of God, which I had produced some 10 copies and gave to them. I then gave out your box number and encouraged them to write and request for MM lit. Then I gave the Southern Sudanese boy Deng Malik the chance to give his testimony how the God of MM solved his worries and healed him. Some inmates also requested for the chance to share their experience when they touched MM books. One inmate Njuguna Wamwere described that he saw the books producing fire and after touching the books all his worries were cleared. I challenged them to read and practice what is recorded in the MM books. I left for home at 12 noon. Expect their request letters for MM books. God bless. J 12th May 2014. Nairobi prison report. This prison is rated as the most corrupt. I started the distribution of MM publications at exactly 8:00 in the morning. Today God’s Spirit led me not to even discuss with the inmates the books. I only told them to read some few pages from Mighty Miracles Vol 1 . As the police officers and the inmates were reading through, two policemen collapsed and died instantly. To my utmost surprise the inmates celebrated and thanked God. When I asked, I was told that they were the most corrupt. I left in a hurry after giving out your box contact. J 19th May 2014. 10:54. At Mombasa prison. I have just left Shimo la Tewa prison in Mombasa after distributing the MM publications. Here is where many need MM truth. Most inmates are terrorists from Somali, Yemen, Iran and Libya. Some cannot read English but some Swahili. It was a good meeting. I distributed books and gave out your box number. I was then escorted to the airport by 3 Muslim policemen who accepted the MM truths. I am making it back home now. J From Uganda God Speaks Of Revival30th April 2014 (To add to Christine’s 23rd April dream on page 25). I informed you about my dream where I saw a white man who spoke to me. He told me to look behind me and I saw that a sea had formed from the place I was from. He came to me in a dream and the sea appeared again [the massive number who will be reached?]. He said, “if you will follow the teachings of my Master that He sent me to deliver to you, I tell you that your blessings are more than the waters of this sea.” He departed. This time he was not in combat gear but was in a very fine white robe with a crown of gold on his head and an ornament of gold on his chest. Christine Dream Of Many Falling Away21st April 2014. In a dream last night we were walking home from the garden, tired after weeding. We were a very big group. [That speaks of the future.] Suddenly the ground opened and swallowed many of us. Only about seven of us remained. We were alone in a bare land, dry, without water or any vegetation. One of us suggested that we pray to God. Then the heavens opened and a sound roared down to us stating “My wisdom is sufficient to give all that you need. Only look to Me. Use My wisdom! Use My wisdom!” I woke up feeling a very strong fever [feeling very hot]. John Comment: Weeds represent false believers in our midst. The allusion to what happened in Numbers 16, the ground opening up, speaks of rebellion against God – why those false ones will not be saved. They are not obedient to God, not submissive to His Spirit. It is a sad fact that many in Africa will not be saved. Only a relative few will be saved. There will be a big falling away. 2 Thessalonians 2:3-10 explains why. Copyright: Midnight Ministries, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK www.midnightministries.org.uk
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