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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 2 |
21 Judgement Book Being Written
Go, take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel who stands on the sea and on the earth (Rev 10:8). A God Approved Team3rd February 2014 This evening I received a phone call from Xxxx the Rongo Xxxxx Church evangelist. He wanted to hear from me about MM, about the deaths [judgements of God] of opposers of MM in my village like Ochieng Muga and Otieno Swinnerton Oyugi and about the resurrection of my grandmother Rusbella Adhiambo. After I explained that MM doctrines are based on the Bible, he told me that he saw in a dream God lift up a book. On the cover, clearly written in capital letters, was: “MIDNIGHT MINISTRIES, A GOD-LED EVANGELISTIC TEAM.” He therefore wanted to know where this ministry is located. I promised to send him MM books, the Kiswahili translations, because he said his English was not proficient. John A Book of Judgement Is Being Written13th February 2014 In this dream last night, a group was standing before a room [the throne room of God]. From the group I saw you, Malcolm, selected and put into a chariot of burning fire surrounded by angels [reminiscent of Elijah’s departure in 2 Kings 2:11], and a book was opened before you [compare with the little book of Rev 10:8-11]. This book had the names of opponents of MM in one column, and the names of supporters of MM in another column [a book of judgement]. I saw you lifted up in long glittering linen like a graduation gown [the prophet’s mantle of 2 Kings 2:8]. Angels, all in white robes, surrounding the ‘fire-breathing’ chariot, were singing praises to God. The door of the room suddenly opened and a voice from inside called you to come in and present the book to Jesus. While in the room, you sat next to Jesus talking and eating with Him. After doing so, Jesus called out the names. Two groups emerged. The first to appear were the opposers who pleaded with you to intervene in their cases. You pointed them to Jesus who sat above all, assessing the names. But only MM supporters were allowed in to eat with Him. The opposers were thrown into a lake of fire. Those people cried out for mercy but they were all thrown into the sea of fire. I woke up trembling with fear. John Ongoro Comment: This is an awesome revelation. What it implies is quite substantial. The little book of Revelation 10:8-11 is symbolic of a prophetic message from God calling people to repentance and obedience, or to punishment if they reject it. Likewise, MM carries a prophetic message from God in MM literature, calling people to repentance. It points out areas of truth which people need to accept in order to be in the will of God. What MM lit contains is revelation from God given to a prophet. Hence the references to precedents in Elijah’s ministry – the fiery chariot and angelic entourage, the pure white mantle which portrays God’s righteousness and prophetic appointment, etc.. Those who do not accept ‘my’ witness and who oppose MM will be condemned, because it is not merely my witness, it is God’s. Jesus holds all accountable who hear it. There will be no mercy for those who oppose MM’s message which is the Last Restoration in this Age. Surrounded By The Fire Of God27th January 2014 In a dream last night I saw a group entering a very narrow gate surrounded by a blast furnace. The heat was so strong that many people had to run away. That’s when I saw you and Helena come out of the furnace putting on very white linen. What surprised me the most was that the furnace was very hot but you didn’t get burnt nor your clothes burnt. Myself I passed through the narrow hot gate, then you closed the gate behind us. Inside a big room we found a lot of food, clothes, Bibles, MM lits. We ate, studied MM lit, the Bible, and sang to God day and night. Then I woke up. God bless. John Only The PURE IN HEART Will Stay With Us20th January 2014 In a dream yesterday I saw us in groups struggling for Malcolm’s e-mail address. Some people even wanted to kill all people so that they could own as personal your e-mail [people who write to my e-mail address out of selfish motivation; wanting to get money from us]. Then a loud voice from heaven sounded… “ONLY THE PURE IN HEART SHALL OWN THIS ADDRESS.” Just after that your address turned into a very narrow gate. That’s when most people who were struggling ran away leaving me alone. When I passed through that gate, Malcolm, I found all good things I had dreamed of, vehicles, aeroplanes, money, clothes [see Philippians 4:19; the meaning is spiritual, not physical]. Then you appeared and advised me to teach others to be patient while waiting for the Lord. [Patient trust in God while living faithfully to Him]. John Prophesying of the Great Promise9th December 2013 Praise be to the name of the Almighty Father for giving us His wonderful knowledge through MM! On Sabbath, Benter visited us to worship God with us. She testified of how the Lord has shown her the way through His infinite love and mercy. As she was relating her testimony, I saw like a trance [in a vision] someone coming from the door, go straight to her and touch her. Immediately the man touched her, she began speaking in tongues but the man disappeared. What she spoke was: “My Lord, be with us always because through your grace and perfect commandments, you have called us to serve you even in the tribulations which are ahead of us. The time for Jacob’s trouble is coming, the Gentiles are now getting to know you and your vast truth which you have revealed through your servant from your chosen Israel. We are to endure to the end for the Great Promise to come.” She turned towards me and said “you are to continue steadfastly in love as a bondservant of Christ. The Lord is going to bless the two servants in England [Malcolm and Helena] who have stood with you earnestly in love and obedience to spread His message. This swift obedience has pleased the Lord and therefore I treasure them. Much work is laid ahead. Therefore you should study MM literature as never before to be well equipped for the work ahead. All people must hear the gospel but salvation belongs to the meek [the teachable].” After this we all knelt down and each of us prayed to God for more revelations. Benter seemed to be surprised about all these she had said. [Yes, that’s understandable. Prophetic speech which the Holy Spirit inspires is remarkable to us as humans.] She also knelt down and I prayed for her to receive the Holy Spirit with gladness. Nimrod. [Sadly, Nimrod later betrayed us for money, like Judas.]
God Rewards Us If We Stay Faithful18th February 2014 In a dream Helena and Malcolm were being rewarded by a supernatural hand who gave them trophies and medals of gold. The presents were too many that they could not carry them all at once. I then offered to help them ferry them to a well furnished House containing very valuable things. It turned out that the building was also a gift from the same Hand. Finally Malcolm and Helena gave me a van to ferry the valuables into the building. I hadn’t learned how to drive but I made it through Malcolm’s instructions. You [Malcolm] held my hands, and your hands were held by the Supernatural Hand. I woke up singing “How Excellent Is God’s Name”. John 17th April 2014 MM is a new ministry here, and from that night when God killed false pastors who have been tormenting our village [see MMG1 p33], people accepted it as the only God accepted ministry where truth is told… MM has transformed this village that was filled with witches, killers, thieves, prostitutes, false pastors… that’s why even the chiefs give their support… A number of people join us, so nowadays only a handful of people go to SDA. John Copyright: Midnight Ministries, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK www.midnightministries.org.uk
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