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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 2 |
20 Greater Things Than These?!
Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father (John 14:12). This statement of Jesus is astonishing to most. “Doing greater works than what Jesus did?! How could we ever do such amazing things — performing miracles, healing, casting out demons, having mastery over natural forces, and over evil supernatural powers?! We are only mortals, with no supernatural power…” True. But notice the key – Jesus said: “he who believes in ME!” It’s not your power doing such feats. It’s Jesus’ power. And that power becomes active when you BELIEVE in Him, when you have living faith in Him. When you trust Him implicitly, and completely sell out to Him, He does His Work through you, using you as His instrument. Anything can happen! This volume is a compilation of the manifold manifestations of His power through those with MM who are going in His name, furthering the commission He has given to MM (Midnight Ministries). Why This Is HappeningThe significance of all these miracles is bound up in the purpose of God with MM. It is His Work. It’s not a work of man, but of God. God has restored, through MM writings, the faith once delivered to the saints. Seven angels oversee MM’s outreach in Africa, giving vital directions or commands, usually at midnight. The directives are needed, because our rational minds would find the suggestions hard to accept by words of knowledge or prophetic input. So, authoritative manifestations of angels help us know God’s will, raise our faith level, and move faster. The angels delivered the divine command to purchase a van for the outreach, selected the drivers, and instructed about which countries to visit and when. Sometimes they mentioned what route to take, the cost of the journey, and warned about enemy attacks that would occur. This was necessary, because ‘the odds’ are stacked against us! We didn’t plan these trips. God planned them in heaven. God worked the miracles, enabled the evangelists to endure prison hardships, protected them from gunmen who shot at them, led them to the new ones God is calling, and did uncountable wonders for His glory. Why? Because of His vital purpose in restoring His truths, in fulfilling the age-old prophecies about the Work of ‘Elijah’. This is the end time. Jesus is coming soon. ‘Elijah’ is preparing the Way (Is 40:3). And Jesus’ Bride is being made ready. John Ongoro in Kenya received this dream about it: Angels Commission Various People11th December 2013 Last night in a dream I saw angels in long white robes descend in large numbers holding glittering rings which they distributed to certain people of their choice. [God is going to call many people to receive His gospel truths, leading to eternal life; the rings are a symbol of being married to Christ, as each person whom God calls is meant to be part of the Bride of Christ.] To my surprise I saw the recipients of the rings develop wings like angels [I think this could depict these people being guided by and carried along by the Spirit, as you are being] and their names were printed on their backs [a new identity possibly, because of the new relationship they will have with Jesus, like you and I enjoy through the Spirit]. When our turn came one of the angels asked us, ‘Do you have laptops?’ and all of us answered No! Then the angel told us to work hard to obtain laptops for they were going to send us a lot of work to type and share with all the inhabitants of the world. Then the angels plus all those who had developed wings ascended to Heaven, and immediately one of them dropped us a laptop and two typed books to translate into local languages and told us to teach only those people who are willing because time is up. When he turned his back, I saw his name written clearly as ‘Malcolm’. John Raising People Who Have Been Dead For YearsThe greatest miraculous sign is resurrecting the dead. When Jesus performed His sign miracles (see article in Inspired By The Spirit Vol 24), those signs pointed to His Messiahship. But people still did not believe. The only sign He gave to detractors that He was the Christ was the sign of His death – and, by implied inference, of His resurrection that would follow (Matt 12:40). Jesus WAS the Truth; He ESTABLISHED Biblical Truth. And His resurrection was a sign of God’s RESTORATION that had begun. So, today, the greatest sign attesting to the Sovereign purpose of God with this ministry is that of resurrecting people long dead. It is unique. While many men of God have ministered in the power of God, performing signs and wonders, and even raising the dead, God has left the best wine till last. He has had us prophesy of dead people, gone for YEARS, being raised back to mortal life, as a sign of the RESTORATION taking place. True Biblical understanding and practice are being restored. The Final Restoration of Biblical Truth is being presented to the world before His coming, as part of the Work of ‘Elijah’. Elijah’s task was threefold. He was sent to confront and expose all the false prophets. His duty was to RESTORE God’s Truth and true worship. And he raised the dead as a sign of His divine commission. Many years ago we recorded the names of people whom God told us He would raise from the dead as part of this end-time witness. (In Waking The Dead.) In the previous volume of Mighty Miracles of God we mentioned one individual in Kenya who had been murdered by the ever- present satanic opposition, and who would be brought back (page 80). 22 months later, on 17th December 2014, Emily’s grave was opened up by a supernatural wind, and she was restored to physical life. (More on this miracle will be in Vol 3.) She testified of her heavenly experience and confirmed God’s appointment of MM (for the benefit of people in Africa, so they may learn of God’s truths He has given us to convey). There is one precedent of this mentioned in the Bible. After Jesus’ death and resurrection, graves of some saints opened up and those righteous people testified (Matt 27:52-53). We think the number was 35. God was making a very special point through such miracles. At that time, it was to draw attention to the fact that Jesus was the Prophet sent by God, though the world and even His own people had rejected Him! In our day, Jesus is performing another unique Work on earth in restoring what the devil has destroyed in the Church. True Bible teachings, lost since the first century, are being restored in MM publications. God is performing equal miracles to verify this restoration. There are many more, even ‘greater’ miracles to come, restoring life to corpses that have been DEAD FOR YEARS! This is part of the prophesied great outpouring of the Spirit, the end-time miracle explosion that God predicted. It is taking place. Greater things “than these” (which Jesus performed) are being done, because Jesus is at the helm, directing the ship, restoring His Truth, bringing more glory to God’s name. For this cause everyone who is godly shall pray to You in a time when You may be found… (Ps 32:6). This is now a time for many more to find God. It is a time of revival for you to share and bring glory to God. Greater things are in store – in unprecedented drama, in scope, and in purpose – to prepare the Way for Jesus’ imminent return. Copyright: Midnight Ministries, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK www.midnightministries.org.uk
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