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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 18 |
229The Struggle To Get Home
... a worker is worthy of his food (Matthew 10:10).
We were left penniless after borrowing more and more to provide for the revival in Syria, and unable to fund the return trip. Ones who could help failed to help us, so we languished in ‘limbo’. The angels urged John to start the return journey, and ‘blew the trumpet’ requesting money, but our regular supporters had none. Others were meant to help but didn’t. 23rd September 2019. 8:43. From Rhoda: "IN ALEPPO THE WELL WILL SOLVE THE MONEY ISSUE. AT LEAST £530 TO REACH JOHN NOW SO THAT THEY MOVE BACK HOME. £2777 TO BE DEPOSITED IN THE BANK ACCOUNT FOR THE WELL PROJECT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: We had no money at all to send. Others who did refused. 23rd Sept 2019. 11:23. From John: The place is already deserted. People have gone, we are left alone. 23rd September 2019. 12:17. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM SHOULD MOVE OUT OF ALEPPO. AT LEAST £530 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW FOR THEM TO MOVE OUT." 7 Angels said that to me now. [But we had no money.] 12:24. From John: ...We have no water nor milk. God bless. 14:29. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £530 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW TO GET THEM OUT OF ALEPPO. AN ANGRY ISLAMIC GROUP WHO ARE NOT HAPPY WITH THE GREAT FOT MEET THAT JUST CONCLUDED YESTERDAY ARE ON THEIR WAY TO BURN THE VAN. AT LEAST £530 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW TO GET THEM OUT." 7 Angels have said now. 15:27. To John: There’s £130 now... at least it should get you moving. 17:46. From John: We have received £130 we are fueling the van... 24th September 2019. 6:48. From Rhoda: "MAY AT LEAST £530 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW TO KEEP THEM GOING. THEY ARE COMPLETELY STUCK ON THE WAY WITH NO WATER, MILK AND FUEL." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Gunmen Attack Our Van24th September 2019. 13:47. From John: We are being attacked. A group is surrounding us here in the desert. We are stuck. 14:02. Reply: Yes, the angels warned about them yesterday... you can thwart them with the Faith booklets. We can’t get hold of any money just now. 14:04. From John: Can Eunice sell our land to help us out of here? We can't watch people destroy God's van and MM lits. It is worse. They are many. May God's will come to pass. We will face them with MM Faith lits. God bless. 14:06. From Rhoda: "JOHN'S LAND MUST NOT BE SOLD. THEY ARE IN THE WORST SITUATION." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 14:29. To John: They won’t be able to destroy the van. God is in charge and He won’t allow it. £100 has come in, but it’s gone to Bob who doesn’t get home from work till evening. So it may not reach you till about 9 pm your time. 14:35. To John: This is God’s way of drawing the enemy into a situation where God can destroy them. It is their judgement time and He will wipe them all out like all the other mobs who came against you. So, don’t fear. Just stand against them with your Faith booklets like previously. God bless. 15:21. From John: Thanks Will. It is a big big battle. 16:21. How many gunmen are there, roughly? Where are you in Syria? 17:06. From John: They are roughly 19. In Hama. 17:51. From John: We have put Faith lits around the van. They are throwing stones at us. 24th September 2019. 17:53. From Rhoda: "MAY THE REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £530 TO HELP THE TEAM MOVE OUT OF SYRIA TOWARDS EGYPT. MANY UNHAPPY MUSLIMS ARE OUT TO FIGHT THE MM EVANGELISTS. JOHN MUST NOT SELL HIS ONLY LAND." 7 Angels have said that now. [The angels say the ideal. We could only raise £100.] 24th September 2019. 18:31. From Rhoda: "£100 FOR FUEL HAS REACHED THE TEAM, THIS MAY TAKE THEM UP TO THE BORDER NEAR DAMASCUS STILL IN SYRIA. THE TEAM MUST GET OUT OF SYRIA TO CONFUSE THE TEAM GANGING UP TO ATTACK AND DESTROY THE VAN. LET THE £100 BE USED FOR FUEL ONLY ONLY ONLY THOUGH THE TEAM NEEDS WATER AND MILK. AT LEAST A FURTHER £530 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT TO HELP THEM GET TO EGYPT. JOHN MUST NOT SELL HIS LAND." 7 Angels said to me now. [We were completely empty!] 18:32. From John: Thanks Will. We have received £100 through Collins. We are very thirsty we need water and milk then buy fuel with the balance... Comment: Though Muslims threw stones at the van, the stones hit some impenetrable, invisible barrier that the angels erected to prevent serious damage. Wednesday 25th September 2019. 8:20. From John: We managed to cross the border but still very far from from Egypt. 8:26. Reply: Which country are you in now? .... How did God deal with those 19 gunmen last night? 25th Sept 2019. 8:34. From Rhoda: "MAY THE REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £530 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW, TO HELP THEM REACH EGYPT CAIRO. THEY ARE STILL IN DANGER. JOHN JOHN JOHN MUST NOT SELL HIS LAND TO HELP RAISE MONEY FOR FUEL TO MOVE THEM BACK HOME." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 25th September 2019. 8:38. From John: They managed to destroy the side mirrors by hitting with stones. Their guns jammed when we pointed at them with opened MM Faith lits. And up to now we are still surrounded by 8 armed ones. They want to burn the van. The 19 ran back and we feel these 8 are part of them. We are in Jordan. God bless. 25th September 2019. 9:32. From Rhoda: "MAY THE REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £530 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THE TEAM SHOULD BE IN EGYPT BY TODAY. ALREADY THE VAN SIDE MIRRORS HAVE BEEN DESTROYED. URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY." 7 Angels have said. [The angels’ insistence expressed the ideal.] 12:09. From Rhoda: "A BIG TROOP IS NEARING WHERE THE VAN IS AND MAY CAUSE BIG DAMAGE THAT WILL REQUIRE A LOT OF MONEY TO REPAIR. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £530 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW FOR THE TEAM TO MOVE ON. DAMAGE OF THE MM VAN PLUS MM LITS AMOUNTS [equates] TO UNPARDONABLE SIN. LET JOHN NOT SELL HIS LAND TO HELP RAISE MONEY FOR FUEL." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 12:19. To John: Fend them off with Faith booklets... until money comes in for you to move on. Like you, I wish money would come promptly... The reason the angels say it amounts to an unpardonable sin if the van is damaged because of someone refusing to send money when they can, is for that reason: they refused to send money when they could. That is wilful sin... 12:16. From John: ...a big big team is closing in on us. We need at most £450 fuel to cross in to Egypt. I don't know what we can do. Already the van side mirrors have been damaged. It is too sad that these people are fighting us and it is God who performed all the miracles of collecting many people in Aleppo. I want to advise Eunice to sell our plot of land to help us... 12:57. To John: NO NO NO!!! DO NOT SELL YOUR LAND! God has stated that time and time again. Have faith in God, not in the apparent physical way out, which is no way out. God is teaching you how to exercise more faith. He is deepening it. Just rest in Him. The situation is in His hands. Trust Him... Hang in there and STAND FIRM, don’t fear those louts. Just ENDURE! Comment: Anna borrowed £500 on a credit card, so £550 was sent. Rhoda’s Life In Danger25th September 2019. 19:29. From Rhoda: "RHODA MUST MOVE OUT OF KISMAYO VERY EARLY TOMORROW MORNING. THERE IS A TEAM OF MUSLIMS PLANNING TO CAPTURE HER, RAPE AND KILL HER. THEN TAKE THE MM LITS SHE HAS AND REWRITE COUNTERFEITS AND USE TO ACCUSE MM. AT LEAST £450 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT TO HELP RHODA MOVE TO LAMU IN KENYA EARLY TOMORROW. THE VAN IS MOVING VERY FAST TOWARDS CAIRO EGYPT. AT LEAST £550 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW MORNING TO HELP THEM MOVE TOWARDS SUDAN SO THAT BY FRIDAY THEY ARE IN UGANDA HEADING TO KENYA." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 25th September 2019. 19:31. From John: Thanks Will. We received the money at the right time. Godwilling we will be in Cairo tomorrow morning. Comment: Thanks to Bob, £300 went the next day, Thursday 26th Sept. John forwarded it to Rhoda who managed to get away. But John was still stuck on the way to Cairo for lack of funds. Then, thanks to Anna who borrowed a further £500 on her credit card, John was able to move on in Egypt. Demonic Attacks On UsComment: At that time, for several days, demons were attacking my right leg. There were numerous attacks on it, sometimes crippling, agonising. They know how to inflict pain! Each time I was incapacitated with this burden Helena interceded and pushed them off. On Thursday 26th, instead of finishing her day’s intercession at 4 pm, she had to carry on for over an hour clearing them off my leg! This reflects the massive attacks from Muslims and the gang against us after the successes in Somalia, Syria and other places where God has done so much. The evil spirit world is furious and continually tries to take revenge. Saturday 28th Sept: I had a rough night last night. Demons being cleared away from the many people who attended the Aleppo FoT were attacking me. New converts are released from the demons of deception as they read MM lit given at the FoT. In revenge, demons have been targeting my right leg. Right is symbolic of faithfulness, obedience, etc. God lets them attack my leg; He limits the harm they can cause. But in the night there were a number of attacks which were very painful. These kept happening every hour or so. I awoke at about 1 am, 2, 3, 4, pleading with God to remove these evil things from me. I slept then for two hours and awoke at 5:55 after a dream. God was saying in the dream that everything will be OK; that He will resolve the problems we are facing, and sort things out. I managed to get another 2 hours sleep, and have a measure of peace of mind despite the still regular attacks on my leg. These are burdens. Burden bearing works like this. The Spirit of God ousts demons from their human hosts as Truth takes root in their minds. Those demons are allowed to attack me or Helena or others who are closely engaged with MM. As Helena then engages her intercession against them, she feels them go as they are pushed away. She feels this through the Spirit in her head, and can feel the intensity of the evil powers she is pushing against. Her Spirit-guided intercession sends sharp darts (or “arrows”) of the Spirit against the demons, and they are ousted. (N.B. God’s supernatural “arrows” are mentioned in several psalms, such as Ps 7:13; 18:14; 38:2; 45:5; 120:4.) Kassahun described this in his heavenly experience: “I saw sharp and burning swords come flying towards me. The bright light coming from those burning swords helped me to see where I was. I was thinking how I can protect myself from those burning swords... Then I heard screams everywhere. Several demons were rushing towards me with screams. Some of them were hit by those burning swords and fell down before me. Others were trying to save themselves from the swords. At that time, I knew that those swords were striking those demons. The burning swords were the results of prayer and intercession. “I sensed that the MM family was fighting against those demons through prayer and intercession on behalf of me.” Whether you describe these Spirit weapons as darts or swords is immaterial; they achieve the object: the expelling of the nasty spirits attacking us. And as wicked spirits are got rid of, the pain and suffering we have to bear then eases, and we have the victory. This process is not to be confused with those who suffer from demons as a result of their own disobedience and unwillingness to submit to the will of God. Sin opens the door for demons to oppress you, and many Christians are oppressed throughout their lives because they do not want to deal with the issues which allow demons to stay. Usually that is through pride or fear. In those situations the demons will stay; God uses them to try to humble you, and if you allow yourself to be humbled, His Spirit then comes in and ousts those malign spirits automatically. But if you resist and rebel, they stay, for you have made them welcome by your pride, your stubbornness, etc. Short Of Funds, The Journey Took Twice As LongComment: Thanks to Wilfred, £300 went Friday morning, 27th Sept. John ‘limped’ on, but got held up again in Khartoum, Sudan, for lack of fuel. 27th September 2019. 7:33. From Rhoda: "RHODA IS STILL STUCK IN RASKAMBONI, THE VAN TEAM IS STUCK IN KHARTOUM. MAY AT LEAST £550 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW TO HELP THEM MOVE ON, AND ADDITIONAL £480 TO GET RHODA TO HER HOME." 7 Angels have said. Comment: Anna borrowed a further £500 on her credit card, and Wilfred added £100, so the max permissible by Skrill of £570 was sent that afternoon. 27th Sept 2019. 17:16. From Rhoda: God bless, I have received £480 from John. Am moving to Mombasa hopefully I'll be at home tomorrow afternoon. 27th September 2019. 17:18. From John in S Sudan: Thanks Will. We are in Juba heading to the Border with Uganda. 27th September 2019. 19:20. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM IS CURRENTLY STUCK NEAR THE JUBA UGANDA BORDER. THEIR FUEL IS OVER, THE KITTY IS DRY. THEY NEED TO MOVE ON TO KENYA. AT LEAST £550 TO REACH JOHN BY TOMORROW MORNING TO KEEP THEM GOING. ALSO THE ALEPPO WELL NEEDS £2777 TO BE DEPOSITED INTO THE EVANGELISM BANK ACCOUNT URGENTLY. GOD IS FIRM THAT A WELL BE DONE IN ALEPPO TO HELP IN THE FUTURE SUPPORT OF EVANGELISM." 7 Angels have said that. [Ideally, yes, but our supporters have no funds for this!] Friday 27th September 2019. 19:23. From John: We are stuck at the border to Uganda. Our fuel is over and we have no money in hand. Comment: On Saturday £180 was sent, though the angels asked for 550. 29th September 2019. 18:25. From Rhoda: "BIG MISTREATMENT IS GOING ON IN SAUDI ARABIA WHERE MM FOLKS ARE BEING PERSECUTED FOR BEING WITH MM. THEY SOLD THEIR LANDS TO RAISE MONEY TO CONSTRUCT MM MEETING ROOM CUM LIBRARY. THE LIBRARY WAS BURNT DOWN. ONLY MM LITS WERE SAVED. THEY HAVE LITS BUT NO ROOM CALLED A LIBRARY. MAY MM SUPPORTERS HELP OUT, ONLY £6500 IS ENOUGH TO HELP THEM HAVE AN MM HALL CUM LIBRARY. MAY THE REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS BORROW MONEY TO HELP THE HARD WORKING POOR SAUDI ARABIANS. ALSO THERE ARE 3 SISTERS IN ISRAEL WHO ARE WORKING VERY HARD. THEY HAVE CONSTRUCTED A SMALL LIBRARY WHICH NEEDS EXPANSION, REQUIRING ONLY £1700. THEY NEED IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE. THE VAN TEAM HAVE DONE A GOOD JOB TODAY, PREACHING VIA MM LITS AT THE BORDER WHERE ONE POLICE MAN CALLED VICTOR ACCEPTED MM TRUTH AND RECEIVED MM LITS. THEY NEED AT LEAST £550 TO GET HOME." 7 Angels have said. Comment: Anna again drew cash on her credit card. £300 was sent, but they needed more, because of the vandalised mirrors which had to be replaced: 30th September 2019. 19:14. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM NEEDS EXTRA £450 TO SAFELY REACH HOME IN KABUOCH BY TOMORROW NOON. £120 WILL FIX ALL THE VAN SIDE MIRRORS DESTROYED. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO MOVE IN A CAR WITH NO SIDE MIRRORS IN KENYA. POLICE WILL ARREST THEM. THIS IS URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: They got the mirrors replaced, but we could only raise a further £200, so the van was stuck in Kisumu for two days and police arrested them. The police wanted them to move on, but the van needed fuel. When they saw John get his Faith booklet out to point at them, all the police fled! (Word has spread far and wide about the power in it!) Finally, they managed to get moving. On 1st October Eleanor managed to borrow £350 from a friend to send to John but it was blocked – police interference. So that caused another long delay trying to find another way to get the money to John! Eventually on 4th October, they got back home! But there was no home for John! John’s family were living in a tent because their home had been destroyed by a storm months earlier as a result of witchcraft attacks. And a team of hit men hired by witchdoctors were waiting for John and Vuga to kill them. The chief witchdoctor called himself Mabele Ping-pong. His son tried to kill John in Aleppo with a magic charm, but instead God killed him. Mabele wanted revenge! God declared how He would protect them all: 4th October 2019. 10:20. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £450 SHOULD REACH JOHN TODAY TO HELP THEM SET UP A FOUNDATION FOR THEIR HOUSE. SEVEN MM FAITH LITS SHOULD BE PLACED IN THE FOUNDATION TO END ANY ATTACK IN JOHN'S HOME. VERY URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 10:21. From John: ...Lukas has gone back to his home... [Lukas, the former enemy who fought against us, but whom God ‘tamed’ and took in the van through many countries to redress some of the damage he had caused.]
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