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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 17
223Pursuing A Counterfeiter To Israel
The stouthearted were plundered; they have sunk into their sleep, and none of the mighty men have found the use of their hands (Ps 76:5).
The team had £398 in hand, so I encouraged them to get moving to Israel since God was so insistent. Obviously it wasn’t enough money to get them to their destination, but clearly time was of the essence. There was no time to waste in pursuing their quarry! 14th August 2019. 10:17. From Rhoda: "LET THE TEAM MOVE OUT NOW NOW NOW TO ISRAEL. THE DAMAGE WILL BE VERY BIG IF THAT THUG IS NOT MANAGED TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT. MAY THE REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS DO ALL THEY CAN TO RAISE £450 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 10:42. To John: ... get moving to Israel. God can replenish your fuel or your money. He is not dependent upon the arm of flesh. I suggest you leave immediately to Israel. [They were in Tehran at the time.] 10:43. From John: Thanks Will. Yes yes we are moving out. God bless. 13:37. From Rhoda: "IF £450 REACHES JOHN NOW NOW NOW THEN AT MIDNIGHT THEY WILL BE IN TEL AVIV. GOD IS MOVING THEM ON AT A STEADY SPEED. THEY WILL BE IN BAGHDAD IN THE NEXT HOUR. THEY SHOULD BUY MORE FUEL IN BAGHDAD CITY. MAY £450 REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 14:07. From John: We are approaching Baghdad city. Our fuel will not get us to Israel. We will move on up to where it will get us. Comment: God repeated His demand for £450 though He knew we didn’t have it, because He wanted others to help who knew of our plight but they didn’t! 14:58. Reply: The simple fact is WE DON’T HAVE ANY MONEY! So I am asking God to provide some solution to this problem. 16:15. From John: Thanks Will. We are off to Tel Aviv from Baghdad. But our fuel won't get us there. We trust in God to help. God bless. 17:00. To John: I am hopeful that some money will be available tomorrow. 14th August 2019. 19:39. From John: Our fuel is over and our kitty is dry. We are at the Iraq-Jordan border crossing of Karameh. We are stuck. 22:00. Reply: Too bad that money is in such short supply, but nothing we can do about that. I heard just now that £175 is coming in the morning. Comment: More than £175 came in. Vivian was able to send the full £450. They reached Israel very fast. The angels must have sped them up! They Get To IsraelThursday 15th August 2019. 10:42. From John: Thanks Will. Yes, it is true. In the next hour we will be in Israel. God is faithful. 15th August 2019. 12:16. From Rhoda: Israel. "THE TEAM HAS REACHED SAFELY. GOD IS GOING TO DO MIGHTY THINGS THERE. WHITE MISTS ARE LEADING THEIR WAY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 15th August 2019. 18:30. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM IS SET IN TEL AVIV CITY AND AT MIDNIGHT WILL GET HOLD OF THE CHIEF CULPRIT THEN MOVE WITH HIM BACK TO IRAN WHERE HE MUST HAND OVER ALL THE COUNTERFEITS OF THE MM LITS THEY WROTE AFTER WHICH GOD WILL KILL HIM, A PAINFUL DEATH THAT NO ONE WILL EVER ATTEMPT TO JOKE WITH GOD'S MM ANOINTED LITS. THE TEAM HAVE GOT FUEL TO START MOVING BACK AFTER CAPTURING THE MAD CULPRIT. NOW NOW NOW, MAY THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP OUT TO RAISE £570 TO REACH JOHN BY M-PESA TOMORROW MORNING TO KEEP THEM GOING TO IRAN. LET THIS BE DONE URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY. ALL COPIES OF COUNTERFEITS RECOVERED SHOULD REACH MALCOLM URGENTLY AFTER THE IRAN MISSION." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 15th August 2019. 18:35. From John: Thanks to God, the white mists have led us to Tel Aviv where the chief culprit is busy enjoying himself... We have located him. He is in a drinking spree with prostitutes. This man is a pervert. We are waiting for God's time to point at him with God's MM Faith lits... [God got them to set off back to Iran.] 16th Aug 2019. 5:06. From John: We are stuck in Jordan. God handed over this mad thug in to our hands. Our fuel is over. We are left with very little milk and water. 16th August 2019. 5:08. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £570 TO REACH JOHN. THEY ARE STUCK IN JORDAN. THEY NEED ENOUGH FUEL TO GET THEM BACK TO IRAN. ALSO THEY NEED MORE WATER AND MILK." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 16th August 2019. 8:23. To John: Have you received now the £570 we all managed to scrape together? [They did, and were moving fast back to Iran, but 16th August 2019. 10:35. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM IS IN IRAQ AND WILL BE IN IRAN BY MIDNIGHT... THERE IS AN ISRAELI ARMY TEAM TRAILING THE MM VAN BY TRACKING JOHN'S PHONE. JOHN IS WORRIED WHY HIS PHONE CANNOT WORK. IT IS GOD WHO HAS SWITCHED IT OFF TILL THEY GET INTO IRAN TONIGHT. SO MALCOLM MUST NOT BE WORRIED WHY THE REPLY REACHED HIM FROM RHODA. THE ANGELS DID IT. THIS BATTLE IS BIG BUT GOD IS IN CHARGE. THE ISRAELI ARMY TRAILING THE MM TEAM WILL ALL DIE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 16th August 2019. 15:53. From Rhoda: "GOD IS GREAT. THE TEAM HAS ARRIVED IN IRAN AND ARE HEADING TO WHERE THE COUNTERFEITS WERE HIDDEN IN TEHRAN CITY. IT IS GOING TO BE A BIG STRUGGLE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 16:42. To John, cc Rhoda: A big struggle it may be, but God will be the Victor as always. May you persevere till victory comes tonight! That was an incredibly fast journey! The angels must have been pushing. How The Culprit Was Caught16th August 2019. 17:07. From John: God has done marvellous deeds. He enabled us to get hold of Naftali Mahrez Abdulrahman. He is an African from Ukerewe Island. He is bitter with MM following the killings of notorious witchdoctors who tried to block MM in Tanzania. He uses magic to make money by stealing from people and banks. He explains that he swore with the underworld powers to finish MM by the end of 2019. He boasts of having used his magic powers to block money getting to MM and money supporting all devoted MM evangelists. He boasts to be responsible for the destruction of John Ongoro's home using magic winds. His plan was to kill all John Ongoro's family members but he explains that he saw very thick white mists cover John Ongoro's family members. He boasts that no more FOT by MM will again occur since he has blocked money for the FOT from reaching the MM evangelism bank account. He wonders how MM lits work. He is tongue-tied how MM lits destroyed his camp and killed his 'prophets' who helped him write MM counterfeit lits. He is pleading with us not to hand him over to the angry people of Ukerewe Island whom he has deceived that he has got power to destroy MM completely. How we captured him: We arrived in the restaurant where he was enjoying himself with a prostitute and immediately pointed at him with MM Faith lits. God gave us a sign that helped us locate him. When we pointed at people in the restaurant with MM Faith lits they fell down into a deep sleep but with him a deep red light came from his forehead and he dared us to challenge his powers. That's when we cursed him in the name of Jesus while pointing at him with opened MM Faith lits. He started trembling and we got hold of him and pushed him into the van then left immediately. He is leading us to where they used to produce the MM lits counterfeits. I'll feed you with the details.
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