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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 17 |
216Somalia Hears
In You, O Lord, I put my trust; let me never be put to shame. Deliver me in Your righteousness, and cause me to escape; incline Your ear to me and save me. Be my strong refuge, to which I may resort continually; You have given the commandment to save me, for You are my rock and my fortress (Psalm 71:1-4).
On 2nd June 2019, God’s angels commanded the van to go to Somalia to prevent war, though we didn’t have the needed money. The ferry crossing charge was £1700, but we only had £700. John paid that and promised the operators more the next day. Here is how God worked it out. 3rd June 2019. 12:59. From John: We are off to Somalia but they need a further £1000. We are told they won't release the MM van till we clear that bill. 3rd June 2019. 13:08. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM IS OFF TO SOMALIA. A FURTHER £1000 IS NEEDED. TOMORROW £500 FOR TUNISIA BROTHER TO REACH JOHN IN THE MORNING PLUS £1000 BALANCE TO REACH SOMALIA. THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO RAISE £1500 TO HELP IN THIS IMPORTANT MISSION. VERY VERY VERY URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels said that to me now. 3rd June 2019. 19:14. To John: £800 has miraculously come in! All being well that should be with you tomorrow. But Felix won’t get it until late morning for you, so I hope that will be early enough to get Khamira released. Then, we need a further £700 to meet the ferry’s charges, so we are hoping that will come in before you arrive in Somalia. Comment: Vivian stumped up £800 which was sent in the morning. Then John sent £500 of that to Haroon next day to get Khamira released from prison. 4th June 2019. 10:06. From John: [Ship’s name] MV Jambo. Very fast in water. Occupied by UN staff moving to Somalia. How far is Nigel [sending the money]? These people are in need of part of the money, at least £300. 4th June 2019. 10:13. From Rhoda: "THE MONEY FOR RELEASING THE TUNISIAN BROTHER FROM JAIL SHOULD REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW. HE IS BEING TORTURED. THE SHIP MANAGERS TOO NEED AT LEAST £300 FROM THE EVANGELISM TEAM NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 10:19. Reply: I can’t speed up Nigel. Things take time and are in God’s hands, not mine. 10:35. He is getting the money and sending. It should be done in half an hour. The delays are because we can’t send by the fast method on World Remit, when it went straight onto your Mpesa account. This is a fault of the legislation here which has allowed Britain to become a police state in which ill-informed people who hold power can deny others their rights on mere suspicion without any proof of wrongdoing, just accusations. [£800 was sent.] 4th June 2019. 19:02. From John: We will be in Somalia by tomorrow night... They [ferry operators] need their £700 tomorrow. [£700 sent next day.] John’s Home & Library Destroyed!4th June 2019. 19:19. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £4200 IS URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY NEEDED. £3500 TO BE DEPOSITED TO EVANGELISM ACCOUNT LATEST TOMORROW MORNING FOR THE START OF CONSTRUCTION OF JOHN'S HOME AND MM LIBRARY. THERE IS CONTINUOUS HEAVY DOWNPOUR. JOHN'S CHILDREN ARE IN A BIG PROBLEM. THE CONDITION THERE IS EXTREMELY BAD. GOD'S MM LITS ARE IN BAD CONDITION. A FURTHER £700 TO GO TO JOHN BY RIA LATEST TOMORROW MORNING. THEY WILL REACH SOMALIA TOMORROW NIGHT. AND THERE IS A PLAN TO HOLD ONTO THE MM VAN SO THAT THEY STEAL MM LITS AND WRITE COUNTERFEITS. GOD, THE GREAT IAM, CALLS UPON ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO COME TOGETHER AND RAISE THIS MONEY. GOD CALLS UPON ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO RAISE THIS MONEY TO HELP BROTHER JOHN'S FAMILY AND MM EVANGELISTS. GOD CALLS UPON ALL ALL ALL ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP OUT IN THIS. (MALCOLM MUST NOT PASS THIS INFORMATION TO JOHN). HIS FAMILY IS IN VERY BAD CONDITION." 7 Angels said that now. Comment: This call for £3,500 could not be met by our supporters. God meant others who knew about the outreach to help out but they refused. 5th June 2019. 12:21 To John: Has anyone on the boat requested lit from you or shown interest or curiosity? 12:22. From John: Yes, we are evangelising to them as we move on. 5th June 2019. 19:41 From Rhoda: "THE TEAM IS ALMOST DOCKING IN SOMALIA. THEY WILL NEED MONEY FOR WATER, MILK AND FUEL. AT LEAST £540 TO REACH THEM TOMORROW MORNING." 7 Angels have said. Thursday 6th June 2019. 7:24 From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £540 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW NOW FOR FUEL, WATER AND MILK. IT IS URGENT URGENT URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Nigel was blocked from sending via Ria. 6th June 2019. 15:22. From John in Mogadishu: It is even worse here. Being threatened and promising to attack us tonight. We believe God is with us. 16:18. From Rhoda: "GOD IS OPENING UP A MEANS FOR MONEY TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT BY MPESA. HE MUST NOT SELL HIS PLOT OF LAND. THEY ARE SURELY IN A FIX IN HOSTILE MOGADISHU CITY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 6th June 2019. 16:33. From John: It is horrible here. God bless. 16:44. Reply: Hang in there. You have your weapons of Faith booklets, which God will honour and use to defeat the foes. God bless!!! 17:25. To John: I got stabbed in the gut by demons about 5 minutes ago, so they are very angry about what God is setting up there where you are! 6th June 2019. 19:43. From Rhoda: "A BIG GROUP IS HEADING TO WHERE THE MM VAN IS PARKED TO GRAB IT AND KILL THE EVANGELISM TEAM BUT THEY ARE IN FOR A RUDE SHOCK. HAS BOB TRIED TO SEND THE MONEY? THE VAN SHOULD MOVE ON." 7 Angels said that to me now. 6th June 2019. 19:50. From John: There is a group here out to wrestle with us and our van. They are advancing towards us chanting warlike songs. We are set with opened MM Faith lits. God bless. Badly Attacked & Injured In MogadishuFriday 7th June 2019. 5:54. From John: We were badly attacked. Video camera taken. Some boxes of lits taken. God killed only five of the attackers. We received injuries. We are completely stuck. I want Eunice to sell our piece of land to raise money to help us follow up the attackers and get the MM lits. 8:33. To John: Don’t sell your land. God is working something out. 8:50. To John: I don’t know what God is working out, but He’s working something out because He killed 5 attackers last night. He’s not going to let you down. He is our Saviour, and this is His Work. He’s not going to abandon His people. God successfully completed the Sri Lanka outreach, using up all money from the regular supporters. So He has fulfilled the first part of his promise in your dream. Now we await the second part of the promise to be fulfilled. We can’t do anything to speed it up. We have to STAND FIRM, which you have done, and just WAIT for God to act. You read in the psalms many times it is stated that we WAIT UPON THE LORD. We ask Him, as we have all done, and then we wait for His enactment. Remember the last time the Muslim thugs stole the lit boxes, and you couldn’t chase after them to rescue them right away. But God still rescued the situation. He worked it out and you salvaged them from the ship. We can have confidence in Him that He will do the same again. If you say you want to sell your land when God has said not to, isn’t that a denial of your trust in God? Isn’t that looking to a human solution rather than a divine one? And when we look to human solutions, it’s like the mistake Abraham and Sarah made in seeking a solution to fulfil God’s promise to them. It birthed Ishmael, whose progeny have attacked the Truth ever since (the Islamic Arabic peoples). We must continue to trust Him and follow implicitly His instructions. God bless. How badly injured are you? What injuries do each of you have? 7th June 2019. 9:19. From John: Thanks Will. My eyes are swollen. Vuga lost 2 incisor teeth. Moses was in a coma. But thank God we are okay. 10:28. John: We are very thirsty, but I believe God will open up a way. 7th June 2019. 10:34. From Rhoda: "THE TEAM IS STUCK. THEY NEED WATER, MILK AND FUEL. THEY ARE IN PAIN. JOHN IS ENCOURAGING THEM TO HAVE FAITH FOR GOD IS OPENING UP MEANS FOR MONEY TO REACH THEM. THEY ARE COMPLETELY WORN OUT. THEY MUST MOVE OUT TO BRING BACK MM LITS. MONEY TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 10:36. From John: We need to move on and get back our MM lits. These people want to attack us again about the deaths of their kins. It’s a horrible place. 10:40. From John: We are being attacked... 10:43. Reply: TRUST IN GOD!!!!!! Attacked, Attacked, Attacked!10:49. From John: Thanks Will. Amen. We have faced them with opened MM Faith lits, three have lost their eyesights and can't see, the rest are running away for safety. Our God has defeated them. God bless. 11:09. To John: May God take away all your pain, from you all, and work out the money situation. And may we put our COMPLETE trust in Him... 15:42. John: I can't get money from Moneygram, I have been blocked. 7th June 2019. 16:59. From Rhoda: "THE MONEY IS SENT IN JOHN'S NAME BUT MONEYGRAM BLOCKED HIM. THE MONEY CAN'T BE COLLECTED. LET ANNA SEND IT BY RIA." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 17:30. To John: Bob has tried all day to find an online way of sending, but has drawn a blank. We are still trying. Comment: Anna sent £200 via Moneygram. They blocked it. 7th June 2019. 19:07. From John: Even now another group is here trying to attack us but we are ready with MM Faith lits. God will surely open up a way... 7th June 2019. 19:09. From John: God is with us, I believe He will quench all our thirsts. We won't lose focus but will hold high opened MM Faith lits till all plans of the devil will be no more. God bless. Comment: We were completely stuck! Then the angels spoke to send the money to John’s younger brother Collins. We managed to get £200 through to John through that route. But a day later Collins was blocked from receiving. That shows outside interference in the system. A conspiracy against us! 8th June 2019. 15:34. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £3500 TO BE DEPOSITED TO EVANGELISM BANK ACCOUNT TO HELP IN STARTING BUILDING THE MM LIBRARY AND JOHN'S HOME. ALL THE CHILDREN ARE SICK BECAUSE OF THE BAD CONDITION. IT IS RAINING NON STOP. MAY ALL ALL ALL ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS RAISE THIS MONEY TO REACH THE ACCOUNT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. JOHN'S FAMILY IS IN BIG PROBLEM." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [We were penniless!] 16:10. Reply: All here have no money, so we can’t do anything. Saturday 8th June 2019. 14:57. From John: Last night God covered us with thick white mists that our attackers could not get to us. The Angels are surrounding us all day and night. We have moved a small distance in Mogadishu sharing God's MM lits. The attackers were Muslims. God bless. 8th June 2019. 18:18. From Rhoda: "THE GREAT IAM CALLS ONE MORE TIME THAT JOHN'S CHILDREN ARE IN A VERY BAD CONDITION, AND HE MUST NOT SELL HIS ONLY LAND TO RAISE MONEY FOR BUILDING THE MM LITS LIBRARY AND HIS HOUSE. THE SITUATION IS PATHETIC. MAY ALL THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP RAISE £3500 TO BE DEPOSITED TO EVANGELISM BANK ACCOUNT LATEST TOMORROW NOON. GOD, THE GREAT IAM MAY TREAT THIS AS UNPARDONABLE SIN, UNPARDONABLE SIN, UNPARDONABLE SIN FOR YOUNG CHILDREN TO SUFFER AND SUFFER LIKE THIS. JOHN MUST NOT SELL HIS LAND. NO NO NO NO NO NO NOOOOO." 7 Angels said that now. Comment: Our regular 11 supporters just didn’t have such money.But still no money was forthcoming from other people who were asked to assist! 8th June 2019. 18:23. From John: Eunice called to pass on the message that rains are continuing to fall so the home is in a bad state and the children are all sick. The MM lits too [they were ruined!]. I have no solution... Our fuel is over, we have managed to visit three mosques today sharing God's message via MM lits. We met serious opposition but surely God is with us. My request is pray... Bombers Threaten The Van8th June 2019. 18:28. From Rhoda: "THE VAN WILL BE BOMBED PAST MIDNIGHT TONIGHT AND DESTROYED BEYOND REPAIR BY HEAVY BOMBS. IT MUST MUST MUST BE MOVED ON. AT LEAST £540 TO REACH JOHN TONIGHT FOR FUEL ONLY. AT LEAST £540 TO REACH JOHN FOR FUEL ONLY. AT LEAST £540 TO REACH JOHN FOR FUEL ONLY NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [We couldn’t get money to John. All the routes for sending were blocked.] 8th June 2019. 19:23. From John: Our fuel is over we can't move forward. There is a group surrounding us here. We are ready with opened MM Faith lits. 8th June 2019. 19:39. To John: Don’t worry about this situation. You know God is in charge. We are unable to send now. We are all blocked in all routes for sending such as WU, MG, Ria, WR, etc. Stand firm; God will be Victor. 8th June 2019. 22:22. To John: ...It seems all the routes are blocked so that we are unable to send now by these fast means... We are trusting God to open up a way somehow, hopefully through someone else. We haven’t given up hope. May God protect you from the blast tonight even if it destroys the vehicle. 9th June 2019. 6:58. From John: Thanks Will. God is great! We are okay and our van is in good shape though a bomb aimed at killing us blew up and only killed four of the attackers. The only challenge is that we can't move on. We have no fuel. God bless. 9th June 2019. 7:18. From Rhoda: "THE OPPOSERS ARE BUSY WRITING FALSE REPORTS ABOUT MM EVANGELISTS ESPECIALLY JOHN. GOD IS SOUNDING A VERY STRONG WARNING THAT VERY SOON ALL SUCH OPPOSERS WILL DIE VERY BAD DEATHS. AT LEAST £540 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW TO HELP THE VAN MOVE ON. THE BOMBERS WHO AIMED THEIR BOMB ALL DIED AT MIDNIGHT WHEN THEIR BOMB HIT THEM DEAD." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 9th June 2019. 8:59. From John: The bomb blew up exactly at midnight. It blew up at about 30m from the van. It made a big crater. To our surprise the blast avoided the van and hit four men who died a very painful death. They were reduced to ashes. The four people were the ones who laid the bomb to hit us. Others who stood a distance away then ran off after the explosion. God bless. 11:40. From John: We have realized that many attackers died, 10 more bodies have been found about 200m away. God bless. 12:39. Reply: That’s good. God killed them all presumably, or maybe left one alive to tell the story of what happened. No Funds Create Big Problems For Us9th June 2019. 13:13. From Rhoda: "THE EVANGELISM TEAM IS WORRIED EXCEPT JOHN WHO HAS STOOD HIS GROUND NO MATTER WHAT. MOSES AND VUGA WANT TO KILL THEMSELVES. THEY ARE LOSING HOPE THAT THEY WON'T MOVE ON. JOHN THINKS OF ALLOWING EUNICE TO SELL HIS ONLY PIECE OF LAND BUT GOD SAYS NO NO NO. THERE IS A GROUP WRITING FALSEHOOD ABOUT JOHN AND SENDING TO MALCOLM. GOD IS ANNOYED. VERY SOON MANY WILL DIE FOR THAT UNPARDONABLE SIN. AT LEAST £540 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 9th June 2019. 13:31. From John: Moses is dead: Moses has done a stupid thing. He has killed himself. God knows. God bless. 13:38. Reply: Re Moses is dead: Oh GHASTLY!!! He couldn’t stand the pressure because of being stuck without money! If God brings him back, he will have to learn steadfastness. It’s not easy to develop. 16:05. To John: You are quite right that it was stupid of Moses to kill himself. But I can understand. He’s a new believer, only a few weeks old, and hasn’t had time to grow in faith, and having been a Muslim all his life, they tend to have radical tendencies till conversion matures. How did he kill himself? Fiona tried sending money to you on a new system but couldn’t... 9th June 2019. 19:54. From John: Moses jumped in to the deep sea water and died. His body was removed through the help of professional swimmers. Will, can you try sending money to Eunice, I guess it can go through by Mpesa. God is able to get us out of all these demonic blockages. God bless. 9th June 2019. 19:50. From Rhoda: "GOD SAID THAT THE BANK ACCOUNT BE MADE ACTIVE BY DEPOSITING MONEY TO IT. AT LEAST £2000 BE SENT TO JOHN VIA BANK ACCOUNT NOW NOW NOW. A FURTHER £540 BE SENT TO JOHN THROUGH EUNICE BY M-PESA NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Finally, after days of trying to send the £540 to John, trying various systems, all blocking us or not working for some reason, we managed to get the funds to Eunice via Safaricom online, into her Mpesa account, so she could send it to John and get them out of their hole. But we didn’t have £2,000 to keep his bank account alive! Where is the human arm of help???!!! Detached, not caring enough about the things of God. 10th June 2019. 8:27. From John: Thanks Will... We bought fuel and moved on. Up to now we have visited 7 mosques. [Eunice also needed £460 to buy cement and partly pay someone to help them with the library. We had none.] Islamic Violence Being Countered By God10th June 2019. 8:37. From Rhoda: "I THE GREAT IAM SAYS THAT MY SERVANT MALCOLM SHOULD WRITE ANOTHER LIT TITLED WARNING TO MM OPPOSERS, SEND A COPY TO JOHN, JOHN TO PRODUCE MORE COPIES AND DISTRIBUTE TO ALL SOMALIA. THIS MUST BE DONE TODAY. GOD IS GOING TO DO MIGHTY THINGS IN SOMALIA VIA MM LITS EVANGELISM. GOD IS PLEASED WITH EUNICE, SHE HAS COLLECTED SAND, BALLAST AND BRICKS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE MM LIBRARY. NOW SHE NEEDS MONEY FOR CEMENT AND LABOUR CHARGE. FOR NOW, URGENTLY, £500 TO REACH EUNICE... GOD REMOVED THE BLOCKAGES LAST NIGHT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 10th June 2019. 8:47. From John: Mosques visited in Mogadishu. 1. Masjid Kaaslai. 2. Masjid Maussa. 3. Masjid Ahmed. 4. Masjid Rafgani. 5. Masjid Ruufai. 6. Masjid Mohammed. 7. Masjid Ramadhan. We were guided by the white mists. In these places madrassas train the youths in radicalism. We placed opened MM Faith lits at the entrances. God did a good thing since we only found imams in each mosque who feared seeing the MM van. There was no opposition whatsoever. We have fuel to take us till tomorrow morning. The Angels in white mists led our way. God bless. 10th June 2019. 10:20. From Rhoda: "MM LITS ARE GOD'S TOOLS GIVEN TO MALCOLM TO HELP STOP ALL PLANS OF THE DEVIL. THE MM OPPOSERS HATE MM LITS AND ARE TRYING DAY AND NIGHT TO DESTROY ALL MM LITS. GOD HAS KILLED OVER 13 PEOPLE WHO USED MAGIC TO BRING DOWN THE LIBRARY. GOD WILL CONTINUE PUNISHING THEM UP TO THEIR SEVENTH GENERATION. ONCE A NEW ONE [new library] IS PUT IN PLACE, THE REMAINING SDA/MUSLIM RADICALS WHO BROUGHT DOWN THE MM LIBRARY AND JOHN'S HOME WILL ALL DIE. GOD HAS GREAT PLANS WITH MM. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM DON'T CRY, DON'T LOSE HOPE, GOD ALLOWED IT TO MAKE HIM WIPE OUT ALL MM OPPOSERS AROUND JOHN'S HOME. NO SUCH BAD THING SHALL REPEAT ITSELF. MAY ALL ALL ALL ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS GIVE £500 TO REACH EUNICE OR JOHN... FOR THE REBUILDING OF THE NEW LIBRARY. ALL THE CORNERS MUST HAVE AN MM FAITH LIT PUT INSIDE THE WALL." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: The angels were trying to console me for the huge loss of lit that cost us a fortune to send in boxes 2 years previously. 10th June 2019. 11:14. From John: Yes, people have died around my home. God punished them. They did this to me. May God continue to cover MM. 10th June 2019. 11:32. From John: We are at the eighth mosque, denied access. The stolen MM lits are here. A group is seated in a circle studying them. I guess they are the counterfeiters. We are going to follow God's lead to get back our lits. The group is growing bigger as we watch from a distance. [At midnight the angels led them in to rescue all the boxes of lit and the video camera.] To All Opponents Of MM In SomaliaComment: I compiled the article, To All Opponents Of MM In Somalia, sent it to John in pdf at 12:43 on Monday 10th June, then the angels spoke again: 10th June 2019. 12:48. From Rhoda: "YES GOD WILL USE IT TO WIPE OUT ALL THE OPPOSERS. AT LEAST £500 TO REACH EUNICE NOW NOW. GOD WANTS THE WORK TO BEGIN SO THAT AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT GOD TO START HIS MIGHTY WORK ON OPPOSERS." 7 Angels said to me now. 13:38. From John: Thanks Will... I have produced 30 copies to start with. 10th June 2019. 13:46. From Rhoda: "TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT MANY OPPOSERS WILL BE WIPED OFF. AT LEAST £500 TO REACH EUNICE NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 14:05. Reply: We can’t get the money through. We are blocked. So I can’t see what means is feasible to send it. 10th June 2019. 14:11. From Rhoda: "GOD IS OPENING UP THE BLOCKAGES LIKE HE DID LAST NIGHT. EUNICE MUST NOT SELL THEIR ONLY LAND. IT IS GOD PUSHING THIS. IT IS GOD'S WILL. EUNICE MUST NOT SELL THEIR LAND. GOD'S SPIRIT PUSHED THE POOR LADY EUNICE TO COLLECT SAND AND BALLAST FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE LIBRARY. EUNICE, EUNICE, EUNICE MUST NOT SELL THEIR LAND. BY ALL MEANS LET AT LEAST £500 REACH EUNICE NOW NOW NOW FOR THE GLORY OF GOD ALMIGHTY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Tuesday 11th June 2019. 8:36. To John: Yesterday evening, Helena spent extra time on intercession specifically over this issue, and she believes God took judgement upon whoever was trying to hold up that money or block it. In her head she sensed a block / opposition and she had to push and push to clear the stuff preventing it going through. Finally whatever was blocking the transfer was pushed out and the money was allowed to go through. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone gets killed if they keep trying to block these legal and necessary money transfers! God is not mocked! (Gal 6:7.) 11th June 2019. 9:27. From John: God killed the witchdoctor: Thanks. I sent £400 to Eunice and the work is on. Agwethe Muma died immediately the work started. He was a feared witchdoctor in our village. We added fuel of £100 and are distributing the MM warning lit. We have visited five more mosques. 9:59. Reply: Now we are waiting for whoever is meant to provide the £2,000 God asked for days ago to go into your bank account to go towards this urgent need of rebuilding the library. I hope the person gets on with it right away, otherwise God is going to get angry again at being snubbed. 11th June 2019. 10:10. From Rhoda: "THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE MM LIBRARY IS ONGOING NOW. GOD IS PLEASED WITH EUNICE'S DETERMINATION. JUST NOW GOD HAS KILLED ONE WITCHDOCTOR WHO PLAYED A ROLE IN DAMAGING [destroying!] GOD'S MM LIBRARY. MORE WILL DIE. GOD IS STILL PLEADING WITH THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO CONTRIBUTE £2000 TO BE DEPOSITED TO EVANGELISM BANK ACCOUNT IMMEDIATELY. ON THE SAME NOTE AT LEAST £490 TO REACH JOHN FOR WATER, MILK, FUEL AND PRODUCTION OF MORE COPIES OF THE WARNING MM LITS IN SOMALIA NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 11th June 2019. 11:07. From John: Thanks... We have covered ten mosques and three churches now. We are being led by God's Angels in form of thick white mists. God will surely open ways... May God uplift sister Helena and give her more power to stand with us in intercession. God is all powerful. Moses’ Body Decomposing11th June 2019. 13:08. From John: Moses’ body decomposing: Moses body is decomposing. We are left with one option, burying it. Pray for us... 13:38. Reply: I suggest put three Faith booklets on his body, and ask God to preserve it. But if God doesn’t mean to preserve his body and wants it buried, I’m confident the angels will give directions as to what to do. 11th June 2019. 13:45. From Rhoda: "GOD PUNISHED MOSES FOR BEING A COWARD [he committed suicide earlier, troubled by money lacks]. LET JOHN PUT THREE OPENED MM FAITH LITS ON THE BODY THEN WAIT TILL MIDNIGHT TONIGHT. GOD WILL RAISE HIM UP. THE VAN MUST MOVE NON STOP TILL PAST MIDNIGHT. AT LEAST £490 TO REACH JOHN FOR FUEL, WATER, MILK AND PRODUCTION OF MORE COPIES OF THE MM WARNING TO OPPOSERS IN SOMALIA." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 13:53. Reply: We may not be able to find any money until this evening. We are very short at present. It is unlikely we can find the whole amount asked for. We’ll see what we can do. [£200 was all we could scrape together.] 11th June 2019. 19:50. From John: We are in Kismayo City. This city is known for constant Alshabaab terrorist attacks. Immediately we arrived they surrounded our van and ordered all to come out, but on realising that we carried a dead body they sent out an alarm and about 100 people have come to attack us calling us devil worshippers. We will not relent but face them with opened MM Faith lits. At midnight when God will raise Moses we want them to witness it. Our fuel is completely over. God bless.
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