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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 16 |
215To All Opponents Of MM In Somalia
[See chapter 216. God told me to write this warning to Somali opponents.]
The Purpose Of MMMidnight Ministries is a prophetic ministry, established by God to restore a proper understanding of the truth of His Word. This Restored Truth of God is contained in the raft of publications MM has produced. Why?There is widespread opposition against God. There is equally widespread opposition to His Truth of how people should live and behave. In this evil world, false gods have more acclaim and following than the true God who reveals Himself only to those who are willing to believe Him and obey Him. Far more people believe the lies of the devil than the truth of God. Why? Because people have been given freedom of choice. God lets people go their own way if they want. He doesn’t force His way on anyone. God’s way is based on genuine love. So we have a very misguided world! In this tragic world, false religion can be a powerful force for evil. When it is coercive and intolerant it wreaks destruction and havoc on poor defenceless people. The results of its evil ideology identify its evil source. It is NOT from God, who is good and who is love. Most people do not know God and His love. False religions have obscured him from view through deception and false ideology. What is good is often regarded as evil; and what is evil is often regarded as good. So, it is inevitable that MM (Midnight Ministries), which represents God, comes under fierce attack from these evil sources. MM Is Continually AttackedWe have been attacked by gunmen as well as religious leaders. MM has been opposed by staunch supporters of misguided churches and Muslim leaders. Where the opposition has been so great that it has threatened our existence, God has struck opponents dead by lightning and firebolts or other supernatural means. The WarningANYONE WHO STANDS IN THE WAY OF THIS WORK OF GOD WILL BE BLOTTED OUT FROM THE EARTH! I do not wish to see opponents dead, but if they do not heed this warning and continue trying to oppose MM, they will reap that fate. I get accused of killing people, but it is not me. I am merely a man, a pacifist in the physical. It is GOD who kills these people, because, by fighting us they are fighting God who is behind us. No one can fight against God and win. The RecordHere is what happened to some people who came against God by opposing MM. This is a summary of some of the incidents. More comprehensive accounts of what took place are contained in 16 booklets by the title Mighty Miracles of God (MMG). These volumes can be found on the web at midnightinamerica.net/docs. In December 2013, twenty nine people (mostly pastors) in the SDA church in Kenya were struck down by God and died (MMG1, pp 74-76). Two months earlier, a witchdoctor was attacked and killed by his hyena for trying to curse and kill MM workers in Kenya (MMG1, p 49). In November another powerful witchdoctor was wiped out (MMG1 pp 55-56). At midnight, in January 2014, God killed another witchdoctor who tried to put a death curse on John Ongoro in Kenya (MMG1, pp 50-51). Two opponents who slandered MM, spreading false information about us, lost their lives for their opposition. That was in December 2013 and January 2014 (MMG1, p 65). God blitzed with lightning the SDA’s Kadongo church building in Kenya in December 2011 for attacking MM supporters. After that church was rebuilt, it was again burnt down, because those people still did not cease from attacking or opposing MM. That was in September 2014 (MMG3, p 55). God also killed several of those evil opponents (same ref). In April 2014, God wiped out two evil judges in Kenya for injustice against MM in court cases (MMG2, p 12 and p 21). A wicked landlord who oppressed faithful MM supporters also lost his life. Then his widow was warned in a dream that her husband’s evils earned him a place in hellish torment where he is now suffering very much (MMG3, p 17). The area chief in Kenya who sided with that landlord was also struck dead by God as he sat in his armchair one evening (MMG3, p 49). When gunmen tried to kill our workers, God killed them all. In July 2014, three gunmen mounted an attack on our workers. Two of them were al-Shabaab terrorists from Somalia, wanted by Kenya police for attacks in Mombasa where they had gunned down more than 70 Christians. God gave those gunmen what they deserved (MMG3 p 35). On 10th November 2014, the Muslim Masjid Musa threatened me: I told you to warn your people to stop converting our people into Christianity but you seem not to understand. First I will finish Rhoda and destroy everything she has, followed by prophet Mark and set his home on fire then I will also set [alight] that van Vuga is using to distribute books... Idiot!! I replied: I don't take my orders from you. I take them from God Almighty. And it is HIM you are fighting against! ... You seem to have forgotten what happened to your nephew. God struck him dead. He was heard crying aloud: 'please don't burn me in hot coal.' Then he died. Hand grenades were found in his pockets. You sent him to kill John, but God's hand finished him... God will strike you dead, too, if you persist in coming against us. [That occurred (MMG4, p 18).] Because you are coming against God's outreach. It is HIS. You know, your religion is empty. Islam has no supernatural power, because it is the worship of a false god. Muslims don't realise that it is a religion of deception. It has no true and good ethos to live by. It has no true moral standard from God. It is a counterfeit religion foisted onto humanity by the one who is presently the god of this world (Satan the devil). So it is not surprising that many people follow it or go along with it, not realising its source. But it's not too difficult to see that its basis is evil, especially when thugs like you want to kill Christians who are living lives towards God, and who do not want to perpetrate evil against others, but only good. Why do you want to kill good people? Because you don't want to do good. You just want to do evil, like ISIS and the many militant Muslim organisations which espouse pure Islam from the Koran which tells you to kill 'infidels' who do not agree with you. If you think that approach is laudable, your mind is bent. But those who think like that are so deceived that they don't care. Satan has them hooked. He is revealed in Revelation 12:9 as the one who has deceived the whole world. And the supreme God, who revealed that truth, also reveals to us what we need to know about those who mount vicious attacks against us to kill or harm God's Work in Africa. Seven angels oversee this Work in Africa... So your henchmen don't stand a chance. When your evil hit men come against good people in this Work of God they will be struck dead, or blinded, or paralysed, or burned up, or struck by lightning and thunder, or swallowed up by the earth. There are all sorts of ways God's angels can deal with your wicked murderers to thwart their attacks. Like I said, true Christianity has POWER. It has the power of God behind it. You don't. So back off, if you have any wisdom... Masjid Musa didn’t back off, so God killed him. More recently in Somalia, this year 2019, God has struck dead gunmen who have come against the MM van to destroy it and MM workers. God killed the attackers. When they tried to bomb our van God made the bomb explode on them, killing them for their evil plan. God has performed thousands of miracles to defend His Truth held by MM workers. So I hope you get the point: WHEREVER MM IS OPPOSED, GOD WILL PUNISH THOSE WHO OPPOSE IT. HE WILL EVEN STRIKE DEAD ANYONE WHO TRIES TO PREVENT THIS WORK OF GOD ADVANCING. All who have tried to destroy the MM vans to stop the outreach have utterly failed. They lost their lives for trying. So, beware! TAKE HEED, ALL YOU WHO SUPPORT OPPONENTS OF MM! Your days are numbered. I urge you to repent of your folly, and begin to love God, not hate. Read the Bible. Surrender to God. Accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour. Obey Him and LIVE! & Malcolm B Heap, 10 June 2019
Midnight Ministries, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK
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