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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 15
199God’s FoT In Syria And Saudi Arabia
Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. The beast of the field will honour Me... (Isaiah 43:18-20)
God set up the site for His first Feast of Tabernacles in Syria (in the modern era) by having John and Vuga ‘plant’ seven Faith booklets in the ground around the designated area. Now it was holy ground; protected. John and Vuga enacted the same ritual in Saudi Arabia, burying seven MM Faith booklets around the camp, to isolate and protect the new believers from demonic incursions. (See MMG15, chapter 202.) This is an astounding Move of God. He is doing a new thing, as Isaiah predicted long ago. The Church for the most part does not want His holy days; they are steeped in Babylonian traditions falsely labelled 'Christian'. But God is bypassing them and re-establishing His traditions as He originally gave them to Israel (minus the ritual sacrifices and physical washings, etc., which Paul explained in Hebrews 9 and 10 are now redundant in Christ). Imagine Him doing this in Syria and Saudi Arabia, of all places!? The Day of Atonement in 2018 fell on a Friday. The next day, after the weekly Sabbath, on Saturday evening John and Vuga set off to Saudi Arabia to fulfil God’s instruction. Driving virtually non-stop without sleep, and sustained by God’s power, they must have been supernaturally aided and speeded up, for they reached Saudi Arabia in astonishing time. I will let John and Rhoda relate the story: Sat evening. 22nd Sept 2018. 19:53. From John: We are off to Saudi. 22nd September 2018. 19:51. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £1100 TO REACH JOHN, £750 FOR FUEL TO SAUDI AND £350 TO TOP UP THE FOT BALANCE. THE SAD NEWS IS THAT THREE MM BROTHERS PERISHED IN THE MV NYERERE FERRY THAT KILLED PEOPLE IN LAKE VICTORIA IN TANZANIA. [The ferry overturned. Many drowned.] THEY WERE COMING TO ATTEND THE FOT IN NDHIWA. JOHN AND VUGA ARE OFF NOW TO SAUDI. MORE MM OPPOSERS ARE BUSY WRITING LETTERS AND SENDING TO MALCOLM WITH THE AIM TO STEAL MONEY FROM MM. MALCOLM TO IGNORE, IGNORE, IGNORE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 23rd September 2018. 19:43. From John: ...We are crossing in to Saudi. Monday 24th September 2018. 9:19. To John: Hopefully there will be some money coming to you today, but it won’t be the entire amount the angels asked for, because we simply don’t have more at present... 24th September 2018. 9:27. From John: Thanks Will. We are set for the FOT. Most people here are former Muslim people all the way from Iraq, Iran, Syria, Egypt and some from Israel. That money will really help us. God bless. 24th September 2018. 19:55. From John in Saudi: Over 76 people have come in. We have three big tents that we have hired for the FOT. I foresee many more people coming in. God is rescuing more and more people from Islamic bondage and false teachings from megachurches. God bless. 22:54. Reply: More money will be coming tomorrow to make up the shortfall for what you need there. However, the angels have asked for a further £500 on top of that to cover the repairs they needed, so we have to find even more! That probably won’t come till Thursday. God Promises To Heal All At The FoT24th September 2018. 20:05. From Rhoda: "GOD IS PLEASED WITH THIS YEAR'S FOT MEETS THOUGH MM OPPOSERS ARE BUSY WRITING FALSEHOOD TO DISCREDIT THE GREAT WORK OF MM IN SAVING GOD'S CHILDREN FROM THE BONDAGES OF SIN AND FALSE TEACHERS. AT LEAST £500 TO REACH JOHN. THIS SHOULD GO TO NDHIWA FOT CAMP BECAUSE SOME MONEY WAS USED TO MAKE THE REPAIRS AND FIXING OF ELECTRICITY. MANY MANY PEOPLE ARE STREAMING IN TO NDHIWA, SAUDI, COMOROS, AND TUNISIA TO RECEIVE FROM THE LORD. THE SICK WILL GET HEALED. THE BALANCE OF THE MONEY THAT WAS TO GO TO JOHN FOR SAUDI FOT ALSO SHOULD REACH HIM." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [The FoT venues were: Kenya, Comoros, Tunisia, Arabia and Syria.] 24th September 2018. 20:25. From Ibrahim: ...Many thanks for your support towards FoT... Approximately 150 plus people already have arrived in Ndhiwa for the FoT. Janes with his family also arrived yesterday evening with two sacks of maize. And some brethren from Burundi, Rwanda and Niger have brought some foodstuffs to help us. We managed to reconnect the electricity and fixed the broken window glasses. For your info we lost so many lives in Tanzanian ferry tragedy which killed over 200 people... 27th September 2018. 16:05. To John in Saudi: Nigel has sent E £601... 17:23. To John: Do you have MM publications with you in the van? So that the brothers in Saudi and Syria can have enough lit... 27th September 2018. 19:33. From John: Yes we have some but may not be enough for this big number. More and more people are coming in. 27th Sept 2018. 21:33. To John: I guess they are pouring in because God is healing all who are sick or infirm. They’ve never seen anything like this in Islam. 28th September 2018. 11:25. From John: The number has grown big by today morning they are 107. Our budget is extremely reduced. And many more are coming and all are in need of MM Faith lits and baptism. God bless. 28th September 2018. 11:28. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £590 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. OVER 350 PEOPLE WILL BE IN THE FOT BY TODAY EVENING. MORE MM FAITH LITS MUST BE PRODUCED AND WHAT JOHN HAS IN HAND IS LITTLE. BAPTISM SHOULD BE DONE AT THE END OF FOT. THIS IS VERY URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 28th September 2018. 15:53. To John: Nigel has sent E £590. 29th September 2018. 12:37. From John: Thanks to God Will. We are in Sabbath meet attended by 345 people. More and more people are coming in. Since last evening we have been studying MM Faith lit. Uhuru in Comoros has called to give the same news. God is moving people in false denominations to accept MM truth. God bless. How are you doing over there? God Vindicates His Truth With Miracles29th September 2018. 17:33. From Rhoda: "11 PEOPLE SUFFERING FROM DIFFERENT AILMENTS GOT INSTANTLY HEALED WHEN UHURU TOUCHED THEIR HEADS WITH MM FAITH LITS. UHURU IS OVERWHELMED BY MANY PEOPLE COMING AS FAR AS ZIMBABWE. THEY NEED MM FAITH LITS. MORE COPIES MUST BE PRODUCED. VERY VERY VERY URGENT. £777 TO REACH UHURU BY MONDAY MORNING. MM OPPOSERS ARE BUSY WRITING FALSE LETTERS DURING THIS FOT WITH THE AIM OF STEALING MONEY FROM MM. MALCOLM TO IGNORE ALL THEIR LETTERS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 19:35. To John: I don’t know how we can manage this, but we will look and see what is possible. How do you contact Uhuru? Does he have a phone? 30th September 2018. 7:10. From Rhoda: "UHURU USED ONE OF THE FOT PEOPLE’S PHONES TO CONTACT JOHN. AT LEAST £777 TO REACH HIM THROUGH JOHN AT LEAST TODAY EVENING SO THAT TOMORROW HE CAN PRODUCE MORE MM FAITH COPIES." 7 Angels have said that now. 30th September 2018. 7:25. From John: Thanks Will. No, Uhuru does not have a phone he contacted me through phone of one of the people attending FOT in Comoros. He told me how many people from different denominations are moving in to hear the word of God in the FOT meet, how people suffering from different ailments got healed when he touched them with MM Faith lit. God bless. 2nd October 2018. 12:33. From John in Saudi Arabia: Thanks Will. We are doing well. Many more joined us including two imams. God bless. Dream Expresses God’s Pleasure29th September 2018. M. Dream of boxes of MM lit going out. There was a consignment of boxes of MM lit going out, and then another consignment of the same. I think the contents were Faith booklets. Then I saw a beautiful young woman and fell in love with her. Comment: The dream coincided with a request from the 7 angels for £777 for more Faith booklets to be photocopied, principally for Comoros. But the FoT is being held also in Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Kenya, where there are lovely believers who comprise the beautiful woman, as God views them. 2nd October 2018. M. Dream of my Commission. I was commissioned to compile a big volume containing all the spiritual information people on earth need for their spiritual wellbeing and growth. That was the commission I was given: it was a big book. There was another commission which seemed lesser, and which I could not see what it was. Meaning: The first commission is now done: the writing of MM literature to prepare the Bride of Christ. The secondary commission is something coming up, to do with the return from their graves of many believers witnessing to the Truth. Difficult FoT In Syria30th September 2018. 14:23. From John: ...Nigel has sent £290... I have just received message from Fiona. In Syria there are two brothers [names protected] helping about 28 people assembling. Their challenge is that they only meet daytime for the FOT. They got a very small tent due to extremely high cost of setting up a tent. God willing if we can get money then a meeting room should be constructed in Syria. God bless. 14:28. Reply: ...I will keep it in mind and when I get funds we will help out. Saturday 30th September 2018. 14:26. From Rhoda: "IN SYRIA THE CHALLENGE IS A MEETING HOUSE. THEY HAVE A SMALL TENT BUT PEOPLE ARE ABOUT 35 MEETING. TWO FORMER SOLDIERS WHO ACCEPTED MM TRUTH ARE HELPING THEM OUT TO STUDY MM LITS DURING THE DAY. AT LEAST £480 FOR ONE MORE TENT SHOULD REACH THEM BY TOMORROW NOON." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 15:48. Reply: Well, we’ll see what we can do, but it looks highly unlikely on top of the other 487 still needed as part of the figure of 777 required. Mon 1st Oct 2018. Surprise! Nigel managed to send £970 today. Wed. Last Great Day. 3rd October 2018. 12:16. From Rhoda: "THE TWO BROTHERS WHO HAVE BEEN HELPING OTHERS IN SYRIA DURING FOT HAVE BEEN ARRESTED TODAY AND ACCUSED OF WORKING HARD TO CHANGE SYRIA INTO A CHRISTIAN NATION. JOHN AND VUGA MUST LEAVE SAUDI ARABIA TODAY NIGHT AND MOVE TO SYRIA TO RESCUE THE TWO BROTHERS. AT LEAST £797 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. IT IS EXTREMELY URGENT. JOHN SHOULD THEN COMPILE A REPORT OF THE FOT FOR SAUDI, SYRIA, AND COMOROS AND SEND TO MALCOLM." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 3rd October 2018. 16:57. From John: (About Syria.) That is why since yesterday night I tried to reach them on phone and I don't get them. It is sad but God is in control. God bless. Comment: The money the angels asked for was finally achieved. Rescue In Aleppo, Syria5th Oct 2018. 16:44. From Rhoda: "TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT JOHN AND VUGA WILL RESCUE THE MM BROTHERS [in Aleppo, Syria], AFTER WHICH JOHN AND VUGA MUST HEAD TO BURKINA FASO WHERE AN ISLAMIC GROUP BOMBED THE CAR CARRYING MM BROTHERS FROM THE FOT KILLING FOUR AND ARRESTING NINE. AT LEAST £850 TO BE SENT TO JOHN THROUGH BANK ACCOUNT TO HELP THEM MOVE OUT ON SUNDAY MORNING. THE MONEY SHOULD BE SENT NOW NOW NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 6th October 2018. 17:58. From John in Syria: We managed to rescue our brothers at midnight yesternight but we could not move out to Burkina Faso till now because the money hadn't reflected. The two brothers were being forced to explain the main plans of MM in the Middle East and other Muslim countries. They got beaten up. God brought a total blackout in the cells through thunder hitting all electric lines and generators. This occurred after we had placed three MM Faiths at the entrance of the cell some minutes to midnight. God bless. Comment: The Islamic authorities look worried about the inroads / impact MM is making in ‘their territory’. 10th October 2018. 19:33. John’s report of the FoT in Aleppo, Syria. God used two former soldiers in Syria to lead others in the FOT. At the beginning only 19 people came in but suddenly many more people joined till the number grew to 35. 13 got baptised on the last day. The challenge was the issue of the tent but some money came in and another tent was added. This FOT, being the first one ever in this Islamic nation, did not go down well with the Islam religion leadership who became annoyed when 13 former Muslims got baptised and accepted the MM message. They moved very fast and arrested the two former soldiers, MM brothers, and locked them up. They were beaten to explain the source of power in MM Faith lits, why the sick got healed when touched with the MM lit, why many Muslims accepted the MM gospel, and who is the leader of MM? They endured all the pressure until the midnight when God rescued them. John and Vuga, led by Angels through white mists, came and placed three MM Faith lits at the entrance of the jail and that midnight God descended in thunder and hot coal to rescue the two brothers. They went back home to spread the gospel of God through MM lits. God bless. 20:19. Reply: What brave guys to spread the Gospel in Saudi and Syria, facing death for doing so! Did the Muslims who arrested them get killed by God? 11th October 2018. 6:01. From John: ...All [those who arrested and beat up the MM brothers] died of hot coal [God’s severe punishment; see Rom 11:22]. 6th October 2018. 13:41. From John: Saudi Arabia FoT. Thanks to God. This was the first ever FOT meeting in one of the unsafe places in the world where Christianity is not tolerated. From day one to the last day there was fear among the attendees that Islamic groups could attack us but God covered us. By the last day we had 115 boarders and 409 total attendance. We made copies of MM lits Why Jesus? and Faith: Raising Our Level Of Expectation and gave to everyone who attended. It was very successful since we had five big tents to house everyone. We bought enough water, rice, vegetables, milk and beans which lasted for the whole time. We hired a generator and enough fuel that took us through. A total of 78 people got baptised. People came from as far as Egypt to attend including Islamic Imams. 14 people who were sick got healed. Now the challenge is for construction of prayer houses one in Egypt and two in Saudi for God is touching more people to accept MM teachings and if possible MM libraries be made in those places where MM lits are stocked for people to borrow, read and return. [This has not been accomplished yet because of lack of funds.] From John: Saudi Arabia FoT. A total of 409 attended. On the last day many attended especially the sick who came mainly from Islam to be touched with MM Faith lits to get healed. ...All the sick got healed and some got baptised. Many Gather For The FoT In Comoros Island12th October 2018. 10:11. From Uhuru: FoT Meeting in Comoros: Thanks to God for His mercies endure for ever. It was not easy to host 217 people for FOT in Comoros but God stood with us and it was a success. People came from as far as Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The big challenge was the space and food but God helped us. We produced enough MM Faith copies and gave to all who attended. 11 sick people were healed from Malaria, Typhoid, and Tuberculosis. Their bodies were touched with MM Faith lit and God helped them. They went to a nearby hospital and got tested immediately and the answer was negative, meaning God heals all the ailments if we believe. After baptising 24 people some opposition came from Muslim leaders and megachurches like SDA but they did not come to arrest me. The only sad news is that the white man from Germany who promised to support me got killed by MM opposers when he just stepped in Comoros as he was from Germany on Saturday morning. All his money plus documents were taken away [stolen]. I heard that God killed their leader in Ndhiwa called Omar, and so they wanted to kill me but instead killed the white man. God bless. 10:41. To John: What a tragedy that Sir Harry Charlotte, the white settler, was murdered and those criminals stole his money and documents. All this opposition is hard to bear. I wonder if God will raise him back to life? [He was going to provide more than £15,000 to help Uhuru’s work in Comoros. It’s a great loss. Enemies are constantly trying to cause us great difficulties.]
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