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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 15
198Satan Wants To Prevent The FoT
Therefore, let us keep the feast... (1 Corinthians 5:8).
Paul was referring to the Feast of Unleavened Bread which followed after Passover. The early Church was observing these festivals which Jesus kept, because they are God’s festivals, and Satan hates them. Most modern churches may accept (in name) Pentecost, but not the other six festivals of God of equal importance and validity. Yet the FoT (Feast of Tabernacles) is as appropriate today as Pentecost. You can’t pick and choose with God’s truths. Either you accept ALL God says or you are apostate. If you don’t want to move on with any truth of God you backslide, and God wants His people observing all His festivals listed in Leviticus 23. On the Feast of Trumpets (Lev 23:24), the 7 angels came to Rhoda: 12th September 2018. 10:49. From Rhoda: "MM IS BEING FOUGHT BY ALMOST ALL MEGACHURCHES AND MINISTRIES. BY WRITING TO THE BONNKE LED MINISTRY IT IS LIKE SURRENDERING TO SATAN AND THAT WE IN MM HAVE LOST THE STRUGGLE [see next page for explanation]. THEY MUST NOT. GOD'S TIME IS THE BEST. THE INFORMATION THAT MONEY FOR FOT CAN'T BE FOUND IS GOING TO HIT NEW MM CONVERTS NEGATIVELY, ESPECIALLY IN SYRIA, SAUDI ARABIA, COMOROS AND SOUTH SUDAN WHERE THE SDA PASTORS ARE FIGHTING MM BROTHERS DAILY. JOHN IS WORRIED ABOUT IT. HE IS CONTEMPLATING ON HOW TO SELL HIS LAND AND RAISE THE MOST NEEDED £6000 FOR FOT, £2000 FOR FOT IN NDHIWA, £1000 FOR FOT IN TUNISIA, £1000 FOR FOT IN COMOROS, £1000 FOR FOT IN SYRIA AND £1000 FOR FOT IN SAUDI ARABIA. YESTERNIGHT JOHN AND VUGA FACED 14 SDA PASTORS WHO QUESTIONED WHY MM IS WARNING THEM AND MM IS A SATANIC CULT. THEY ENDED UP BEATING JOHN AND VUGA BUT 7 OF THEM LOST EYESIGHT UP TO NOW. IN SUCH AREA FOT MUST NOT FAIL TO BE OBSERVED BY A GOOD NUMBER SO THAT THE SINNERS HIDING IN SDA WITH BIG TITLES ARE FREED [EXPOSED]. THE ANGELS OF GOD THE GREAT IAM BESEECH REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS TO RAISE £6000 FOR THE FOT IN AFRICA AND MIDDLE EAST. JOHN MUST MUST MUST NOT SELL HIS ONLY LAND." 7 Angels have said that to me now. To explain the angels’ message: We had no money for the FoT costs. So I suggested to the brothers in Tunisia to write to Reinhard Bonnke’s ministry, CfaN, and ask them to help them since the Tunisians were going without food because of poverty. Here were brothers in the faith suffering severe lack after having converted from Islam to Christianity. And since Reinhard was given a mandate by God to evangelise Africa and nurture those people, and Reinhard’s ministry is wealthy, it seemed reasonable to expect CfaN to respond positively in accord with biblical teaching. I was regarding CfaN folks as brothers in Christ, but the angels’ message is far from complimentary. It implies that we are dealing with people who are NOT brothers but who are actually agents of Satan now. This would be because they had already been asked to assist, according to the biblical requirements of 1 John 3:17, Matthew 5:42 and Romans 13:8, but denied Jesus’ request. I had written to them earlier, several times, and they ignored us. They denied Jesus and are no longer His servants, but agents of Satan. John And Vuga Beaten Up In S Sudan12th September 2018. 11:07. From John: We got captured by SDA pastors who were furious about the warning. They called us names, illuminati, devil worshippers, magicians. They beat us up. I lost a lower tooth but am okay. Vuga is okay too. Will, now with FOT around the corner and our kitty completely dry and having read your letter you have tried but the banks can't lend you the needed money. I don't know how the Syrian, Saudi Arabia, Comoros and new converts in Somalia, Nigeria, South Sudan, Burundi, Rwanda, Tunisia will feel. May God do it as per His will. You and regular supporters have done a great work, let's leave it to the GREAT IAM. He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above our expectations. I am only seeing the land I have at home. Will, let's leave it to God. God can't fail. God has never failed. MM is God's vessel of destroying Satan's work in the last days, God can't fail MM. God bless. 13:06. Reply: OK. Well, John, you know NOT to sell your land. God will provide. I just told them in Tunisia that we can’t find the £3,000 for them in Tunisia to build their homes before the FoT. I didn’t say that we couldn’t find the money for the FoT. Obviously God will provide for that, otherwise He wouldn’t have said to plan for the FoT. It’s just that we can’t see where it can come from at present. But God has a way and He is working things out. He WILL provide somehow. 12th September 2018. 18:41. To John: That was an awful beating you took. It must have been very painful. But I trust that God has taken away any pain that the loss of that tooth caused. Such can be agony. We are looking to see what can be found and sent to you tomorrow. 12th September 2018. 19:10. From John: Thanks Will. Three pastors have so far died and fear has gripped the remaining ones. They have seen the great power of God. We did point at them with opened MM Faith lits. God bless. 23:19. Reply: Justice enacted. We have managed to find a bit of money which will be coming in the morning, all being well. I hope you are both well.
13th September 2018. 9:09. From John: Thanks Will. We are in Juba doing the work. Today we hoped to visit 10 mosques and 13 SDA churches here but we lack fuel and our kitty is dry. God bless. 13th Sept 2018. 10:44. To John: Yes. As I said yesterday, some money is coming today, but we don’t know where the next can come from after this. 12:29. Nigel has sent E £125 by 446 310 8252. 13th September 2018. 19:31. From John: Thanks Will. We are going on with God's work. There is massive opposition over here. We plan to move throughout the night to clear the work tomorrow so that on Saturday we visit a few SDA churches at the border with Uganda. God bless. God Kills Opponents By firebolt13th September 2018. 20:34. From John: The report we have now is that more SDA pastors have died. Some youths tried to block our way but thank God, it started raining and firebolt hit them to death. Though we meet constant opposition, our God is faithful and He has destroyed our enemies in our watch. 8th September 2018. 22:42. From Omar Ismael: Hahahaha! [In reply to mine of 3rd Sept. See p 71.] 10th September 2018. 10:03. From Omar Ismael: I warned you but it seems you don't take serious. With my intelligence, I have learned that about 50 people from across Africa have arrived in Ndhiwa for your dubious feast and I suspect more are on way coming to attend the event. They will all be dead. 14th September 2018. 17:15. From Omar Ismael: We are moving closer to Ndhiwa so be prepared for the battle Omar’s Gang Attacks John’s Home13th September 2018. 19:40. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA MUST MUST MUST MOVE BACK TO KENYA TOMORROW MORNING. MUSLIMS FROM NIGER NUMBERING 31 HAVE MOVED UP TO JOHN'S HOME, THEY WANT TO BURN DOWN THE MM LIBRARY. THEIR AIM IS TO BLOCK FOT PLANS. JOHN AND VUGA MUST MEET THEM BY TOMORROW MIDNIGHT. THE GREAT IAM IS SAYING THAT THIS WILL BE THE END OF ANY MORE ATTACK ON MM LIBRARY FOR GOD WILL DESTROY ALL OF THEM. EUNICE HAS TRIED TO STOP THEM WITH MM FAITH LIT FOR NOW THREE HOURS. THEY MADE THEIR WAY INTO JOHN'S COMPOUND AT LUNCH BREAK. IT IS A BAD SCHEME BUT GOD WILL NOT ALLOW THEM TO BURN THE LIBRARY. AT LEAST £400 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW. THIS IS VERY URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 13th September 2018. 20:09. Reply to John: I don’t know what we can do about this yet. I’ll contact the others and see if anyone has any money. 13th September 2018. 20:52. From John: Thanks Will. Or Eunice to sell our piece of land. The attackers are harassing them in my compound, they want to take away all MM lits then burn down the library. With the little fuel we have in the van in faith we want to move on and cross in to Uganda. God bless. MM lits stand for God's ark and sinners cannot destroy them. God to open ways so that we catch up with them. God will destroy them. 21:06. To John: I didn’t think this would be possible, but... some money will be available in the morning which Nigel can send. But it probably won’t reach you till about midday your time (which is what the angels intimated). No need to sell your land. NEVER consider that, because God said not to. 14th September 2018. 11:54. To John: Nigel has sent £400 to E by WU 874 676 5972. May that see you all the way home! 11:58. From John: Thanks Will. We are moving very fast home. Eunice Kidnapped & Abducted To BurundiFriday 14th September 2018. 12:08. From Rhoda: "THIS MUST NOT GET TO JOHN. THE ATTACKERS TOOK EUNICE [John’s wife] AWAY TO BURUNDI THIS MORNING. THEY HAVE DONE THIS AS A BAIT TO CATCH JOHN AND KILL HIM. GOD HAS BLOCKED THEM FROM BEATING UP EUNICE. JOHN AND VUGA MUST MOVE STRAIGHT TO BURUNDI. ANGELS WILL LEAD THEM. A FURTHER £397 TO REACH JOHN LATEST TOMORROW MORNING. PRAYERS TO BE DONE FOR EUNICE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. MALCOLM TO WRITE AND TELL JOHN AND VUGA TO HEAD STRAIGHT TO BURUNDI NOW. ANGELS WILL GUIDE THEM. 12:57. To John: The angels have just spoken and said you must change course and head to BURUNDI straightaway! I’ll explain why later. 13:23. To John: The angels said they will lead the way for you, and they have asked for a further £397 to reach you tomorrow. So we’ll do what we can. God bless! 15th September 2018. 7:10. From John: Thanks Will. We are in Burundi, Eunice got captured. We are trying to rescue her. God bless. 8:54. Reply: Well done. Yes, the angels said that was the reason you were to head towards Burundi to rescue Eunice. But so that you didn’t worry, they spared you the emotional upset by telling me not to tell you why you were to go there. God also said that He would protect Eunice so that they didn’t beat her up, and the angels would lead you there. Where are they holding Eunice captive? How many gunmen are there? 15th September 2018. 9:01. From John: In Ngozi. God has dispersed them when they saw us face them with MM Faith lits. They were numbering 17. Two have died just now. We lack money to move back home. Our kitty is dry. 15th September 2018. 9:56. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £397 TO REACH JOHN NOW. EUNICE HAS BEEN RESCUED AND ALL THE ABDUCTORS WILL DIE. ALREADY 5 HAVE DIED." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [Comment: Nigel managed to send that amount.] 19:23. To John, cc Rhoda: Do you think the gang has all left your place to go to Burundi, or are there still some at your place? 15th September 2018. 21:46. To John: Bob has managed to borrow some money towards the FoT expenses and will be sending it shortly. The others are still trying to obtain more to meet the angels’ demand [of £6,000]. Sunday 16th September 2018. 9:02. From John: Thanks Will. We moved the whole night to get home but we couldn't. Our fuel got over after just crossing into Kenya. We need about £150 to get home. Erick Ouma called to alert us that some members of the gang tried to get in to my home last night but they stopped them at the gate with opened MM Faith lits. God bless. We are in Busia Kenya. God Kills The Attackers At Midnight16th September 2018. 9:68. From Rhoda: "THERE ARE 13 MORE WHO REMAINED BEHIND NEAR JOHN'S HOME TO BREAK INTO THE MM LIBRARY AFTER EUNICE HAD BEEN CAPTURED BUT ERICK AND BROTHERS IN JOHN'S COMPOUND BLOCKED THEM WITH OPENED MM FAITH LITS. GOD WILL KILL THEM AT MIDNIGHT. JOHN, EUNICE AND VUGA ARE STUCK IN BUSIA. AT LEAST £250 TO REACH THEM NOW TO SAFELY GET THEM HOME." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Bob was able to forward that. 16th September 2018. 11:38. To John: Wonder of wonders, the funds for the FoT requirements have been achieved by the brothers and sisters here borrowing! What a relief! This astonished me how it was achieved. Monday 17th Sept 2018. 11:45. To John: I hope you are all OK after the recent events, and that the home and library are all OK. God bless. 17th Sept 2018. 11:51. From John: There is still some tension here... 17:14. Reply: If the insurgents weren’t struck dead at midnight last night, then God probably means it will be tonight at midnight. Tuesday 18th September 2018. 9:14. From John: The battle is still on. Yesternight at midnight four people died near my gate... 18th Sept 2018. 19:29. From Rhoda: "THE VAN SHOULD BE SERVICED FOR JOHN AND VUGA SHOULD BE MOVING TO SAUDI ARABIA FOR FOT PREPARATIONS. AT LEAST £350 TO REACH JOHN THROUGH ERICK NOW FOR SERVICING THE VAN AND A FURTHER £750 FOR FUEL TO GET THEM TO SAUDI ARABIA. VERY URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Wednesday 19th September 2018. 8:56. To John: Is there still trouble / tension, or have the attackers now all been dealt with by God? N will try and send you £350 today, but Scotland is battered by a big storm so it will be difficult for him. I hope the other money from Bob has begun to come through now so you can get the van serviced. 8:59. From John: Thanks Will. We are doing okay, am feeling some headache. There is no tension. What Bob sent has not started reflecting yet. 10:11. To Rhoda: Rhoda, have you sent me an e-mail this morning? I ask because it looked like one was coming in from you, but it didn’t appear in my in-box. It seemed to go missing. If you sent me something today, can you send it again, please? Thanks. [Demons caused it to disappear!] 19th September 2018. 10:17. From Rhoda: "THE VAN SHOULD BE SERVICED TODAY THEN JOHN AND VUGA TO MOVE OUT TO SAUDI. WHAT BOB SENT WILL REFLECT AS FROM FRIDAY." 7 Angels have said that to me. 10:11. To John: The devil is somehow holding up the money coming through. It looks like you won’t be able to leave for the FoT till Saturday night. It is impossible for N to get to the place to send money by WU today as there is a fierce storm there with torrential rain and very strong winds... About those thugs who came to burn your home and library. How many attackers were killed at your place over the past few days? 10:18. From John: There were seven attackers killed. 11:05. Reply: Your headache is caused by demons attacking you. They have probably come from those dead guys. Helena has been interceding, and will do, so hopefully the pain will ease soon. The angels are asking for the van to be serviced today, but I guess the garage won’t service it without payment up front. And Nigel is not able to get out to send the money yet, so there is a hold-up on that front. We need the angels to still the storm in Scotland so God’s will can occur. Interference Has Cost Us DearlyComment: Shortly afterwards the rain eased off and though it was still windy, Nigel was able to venture out. The bus was held up due to a fallen tree blocking the road. After that was cleared he was able to get to the bank and send the money. The blocks on us sending online are quite infuriating because if we were not blocked Bob could have sent the money the previous evening online for £2 instead of £13.90, and it would have been ready for John to get the van serviced without delay. Instead, it had to wait till Thursday. A whole day was wasted because of this police (and other) interference, besides the extra time and effort and cost in travelling to an outlet. For the years they have hampered us, it has cost us a monumental amount in extra fees and expenses! Helena and I have now got our lifetime mortgage (equity release) approval, although we couldn’t obtain the amount we sought. It is only about two thirds of what we asked for. It will help pay off the debts that we can’t service now. Last year alone the interest charged on our borrowings was £2200! It’s a horrendous amount. And it’s due to the failure of others whom God asked to help but who refused. Helena said the other day about this lifetime mortgage “I hope we are doing the right thing.” Well, we haven’t got any other option to get solvent again. We can’t pay off our debts, nor the supporters’, any other way except by selling the house. And that’s not really an option yet. We will do that in two years’ time, but not now. So the only option we have is to borrow against its value. If we had to sell the house now, I would, and throw all the money at Jesus’ feet for the Cause for which He has called us. He gave His all for us, so it is only right that we should give our all to do His will.
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