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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 14 |
193On Comoros
You shall receive power... and you shall be My witnesses... to the end of the earth (Acts 1:8).
It was a close-run thing, getting to the ferry on time, and reaching Comoros Island before the settler left. But God timed everything perfectly: 2nd August 2018. 7:11. From John: Thanks to God Will. We arrived at midnight. Now we are negotiating with [name protected], the white man who is giving out his property to prophet Uhuru. After which we will travel 6km to meet Uhuru's family. Will, we need at least £100 for fuel to move to Uhuru's home and back to the pier. We will give you more details. God bless. 1st August 2018. 7:29. From Rhoda: "ALREADY JOHN, VUGA AND UHURU ARE IN COMOROS. THEY NEED AT LEAST £150 NOW TO MOVE TO UHURU'S HOME AND BACK TO THE FERRY PORT." 7 Angels have said now. 2nd August 2018. 10:59. To John: We are trying to find more for you and Ibrahim and Yvette. I am concerned that I haven’t received Uhuru’s testimony yet [on p 46]. I know you are busy, but I don’t want us to miss the opportunity. If you leave and he doesn’t have a phone to communicate, I’ll never get it. 11:13. Thanks Will. You will receive it today after this meeting. God bless. Comment: Thanks to Anna, who put another £100 on her credit card to enable things to move on. And Wilfred’s pension came in a bit later and he was able to send £150. Thanks to you both. Strong Winds Supernaturally Erupt2nd August 2018. 20:11. From John: After overseeing the agreement between the white settler and prophet Uhuru, we drove to Uhuru's family land. When Selina Misinga, Uhuru's wife, saw us she wailed, and within a minute the compound was filled to the brim with people including SDA church members. All denied us, claiming that we are from Satan's underworld. We explained all that we could but no one listened to us except the white settler who too explained how 7 Angels visited him in a vision on seven midnights. The angels explained to him that "Uhuru is alive, preaching the good news in Seychelles Islands". But all those explanations landed on deaf ears. Then it was my turn to explain what God has done through MM lits, including Vuga's death and how God raised him from the dead, but still they wouldn’t listen. Then I removed the MM Faith lit and read it out aloud. Strong winds blowing from all directions hit the place. I could see some people running away. We then placed three MM Faith lits there then drove back to the settler’s home. We then left Uhuru and the white settler and drove back to get the ferry back to Dar es Salaam. Now we are in Dar es Salaam. WHITE SETTLER AGREEMENT WITH UHURU: He gave Uhuru the land plus two permanent houses, a fishing boat, and the land title deed, though the boat he said needs some repair before it is used. He promised to send £15,000 to Uhuru by the end of this year to repair the boat. He also promised to construct a prayer room in that compound as from January next year where MM lits should be stocked for people around to borrow and read. God bless. 2nd August 2018. 20:22. From Rhoda: "UHURU'S FAMILY STILL DON'T WANT HIM AND CALL HIM A DEVIL BUT GOD HAS GIVEN HIM A PERMANENT HOME AND FISHING MOTOR BOAT. THAT COMPOUND IN FUTURE WILL HOST THE FOT FOR A PRAYER ROOM WILL BE CONSTRUCTED THERE. GOD DEMONSTRATED THAT HE IS IN MM WHEN MM FAITH LIT WAS OPENED AND STRONG WINDS THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE COMOROS ISLAND BLEW OVER ALL THE ISLAND AT ONCE. JOHN AND VUGA HAVE BEEN OFFERED A FREE LIFT BY FERRY TO DAR ES SALAAM AND GOD IS VERY PLEASED WITH THEIR WORK. NOW FROM DAR ES SALAAM TO NDHIWA KENYA THEY NEED £655 TO REACH THEM BETWEEN NOW AND TOMORROW MORNING SO THAT THEY MOVE BACK HOME AND PREPARE FOR THE FOT AND ANY OTHER GOD'S ASSIGNMENT. MAY THE REGULAR MM ANOINTED SUPPORTERS SEND TO JOHN £655 NOW. GOD NEVER FAILS. HE HAS GIVEN MM A VAST LAND IN COMOROS SIMILAR TO MARK'S LAND IN NDHIWA. GOD NEVER FAILS. BY EARLY NEXT YEAR THERE WILL BE MORE THAN THREE SOURCES OF INCOME TO SUPPORT MM EVANGELISM WORK. AT LEAST £655 TO REACH JOHN TO GET THEM BACK HOME." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: The £220 which Bob sent via bank didn’t arrive in John’s account. Anna borrowed £500 to send to Erick. It helped John to move on. 3rd August 2018. 11:11. From Omar Ismael: you are ignoramus person. by next week you will all be dead. Saturday 4th August 2018. 12:52. From John: This morning Uhuru told us that his brothers and some neighbours joined him for Sabbath meet. What he complained about was lack of MM lits for study. God bless. 4th August 2018. 12:48. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA USE THE £220 THAT BOB SENT TO TAKE MM LITS TO DAR ES SALAAM. GOD HAS STARTED TOUCHING PEOPLE IN COMOROS AND TWO BROTHERS OF UHURU ARE ALREADY JOINING HIM FOR MM LITS STUDY. TODAY SABBATH A TOTAL OF 6 PEOPLE MET IN UHURU'S NEW HOME FOR SABBATH MEET. THE CHALLENGE THEY HAVE IS NO MM LITS. JOHN TO GET THREE COPIES OF EACH MM LIT AND TAKE TO UHURU. JOHN TO INFORM UHURU SO THAT THEY MEET TOMORROW NIGHT IN DAR ES SALAAM. GOD IS WORKING OUT A BIG MIRACLE IN COMOROS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 4th August 2018. 12:50. From John: Thanks Will. We arrived home at midnight and we had a blessed Sabbath meet in my home with 16 people. Yes the money has reflected, it is in. God bless. 4th August 2018. 19:37. From John: We have put the lits ready and we shall move out at one a.m. after midnight. Uhuru will meet us in Dar es Salaam. The Return Trip To Take Needed MM Lit Sunday 5th August 2018. 7:52. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA ARE IN MWANZA. THEIR FUEL IS OVER. THE REGULAR MM SUPPORTER TO HELP OUT. THEY NEED AT LEAST £595 ENOUGH TO REACH DAR ES SALAAM AND GET THEM BACK." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 5th August 2018. 14:55. From John: Thanks Will. We are still stuck here. 19:05. To John: How much would you need to get to Dar? 19:12. From John: About £250 will get us to Dar es Salaam. God bless. 5th August 2018. 19:08. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA ARE STRANDED AND HAVE NO FUEL, NO WATER, NO MILK AND THE KITTY COMPLETELY DRY. PROPHET UHURU IS WAITING FOR THE LITS IN DAR ES SALAAM. GOD WILL OPEN WAYS IN COMOROS. AT LEAST SOME MONEY TO REACH THEM TO GET THE LITS TO REACH UHURU. MM OPPOSERS IN ARUSHA MUST NOT DETECT THAT THE VAN IS CARRYING MM LITS, THEY MAY TRY TO ATTACK JOHN AND VUGA. AT LEAST £595 IS ENOUGH TO GET THEM TO DAR ES SALAAM AND BACK HOME." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 5th August 2018. 20:03. From Rhoda: "GOD TO TOUCH REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP JOHN AND VUGA DELIVER MM LITS TO BROTHER PROPHET UHURU IN DAR ES SALAAM." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: The situation was that we managed to get £250 together which was sent late, after 9 pm our time (11 pm their time). Tonya was out all day, so we were stuck (she was the sender). Eleanor borrowed £150 off T, to pay her back later. That raised £150. Wilfred added £100, but needed it replacing by 24th, and sent a further £35 the next day, also needing it back by 24th. And others were able to scrape together the remaining £310 needed to meet the angel’s sum of £595. 6th August 2018. 9:00. To John: This was extremely difficult for us to get yesterday. And I suppose it came too late for you to get fuel and drink. I hope the angels came to Uhuru to reassure him about the delay. 6th August 2018. 9:04. From John: Thanks. We received it. We have just arrived in Dar es Salaam. We are heading to the pier to meet Uhuru. Uhuru will board the ferry at 12.00. We trust God to help us to move back home. God bless. 6th August 2018. 9:12. From Rhoda: "GLORY BE TO GOD. THE LITS HAVE REACHED BROTHER PROPHET UHURU IN DAR ES SALAAM. THEY NEED £345 TO GET BACK HOME. GOD WILL PROPEL THEM. GOD TO TOUCH REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP THEM GET BACK HOME. NOW LITS WILL BE IN COMOROS ENOUGH TO HELP THE BROTHERS THAT GOD IS CALLING INTO MM TRUTH DAY BY DAY THROUGH BROTHER UHURU." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Avoiding A Dangerous RoadblockMonday 6th August 2018. 16:43. From Rhoda: "MM OPPOSERS HAVE MOUNTED A VERY DANGEROUS ROADBLOCK WITH THE AIM TO KILL JOHN AND VUGA. THEY MUST CHANGE THE ROUTE TO MOMBASA. THEY MUST AVOID THE SIRARE ROUTE. THIS IS VERY VERY VERY URGENT, WILL. ALREADY GRENADES [land mines] HAVE BEEN SET. LET JOHN AND VUGA TAKE THE MOMBASA ROUTE. AT MIDNIGHT GOD WILL CAUSE THE GRENADES TO RUPTURE AND KILL ALL THE EIGHTEEN PLANNING THE ATTACK." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [Forwarded to John.] 17:17. From John: Thanks Will. We have turned back. We shall follow Kilimanjaro, Voi route. God bless. 6th August 2018. 17:21. From Rhoda: "GOD TO TOUCH THE REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS TO SEND £399 TO JOHN AND VUGA. THEY MUST TAKE THE LONGER MOMBASA, NAIROBI, KISII, HOMA BAY, NDHIWA ROUTE. GOD HAS SENT HIS ANGELS TO WHERE THE MM OPPOSERS HAVE MOUNTED THE ROADBLOCK. GOD WILL KILL ALL AT MIDNIGHT AND THIS TIME ROUND NO ONE WILL BLAME MM FOR THE DEATHS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 7th August 2018. 5:18. From John: Thanks Will. We had moved past Kilimanjaro and approaching Voi when your message came in. We have no money in the kitty, no water nor milk, we are stranded. We slept in the thicket. 7th August 2018. 5:22. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA ARE STILL STRANDED IN THE BUSH NEAR VOI. MAY GOD TOUCH REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS TO SEND £399 TO JOHN. THE MONEY TO GO THROUGH THE BANK BECAUSE ERICK WILL BE BLOCKED FROM COLLECTING IT. THIS IS VERY VERY VERY URGENT. JOHN AND VUGA HAVE NO WATER, MILK AND MONEY IN THE KITTY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Bob was able to send the only money we could scrape together, £200, to John very early this morning. 7th August 2018. 8:52. To John: You used the word “slept” for the first time in months! Does that mean you are now no longer on the regime of no sleep with just 10-15 minutes of rest each day? 9:19. From John: Thanks Will. You are right. God bless. Tuesday 7th August 2018. 9:20. To John: I hope the funds are not long in coming through to you via the bank. 11:46. Nigel has sent E £200 by WU 388-902-1751. Phew! That cleans us all out! 7th Aug 2018. 21:08. To John: Did you receive the £200 that N sent to E? God Warns Of A Corrupt ManagerWednesday 8th August 2018. 5:56. From Rhoda: "ERICK DID NOT COLLECT THE MONEY NIGEL SENT BY WU. HE WAS BLOCKED BY THE MANAGER. JOHN AND VUGA ARE STILL STRANDED BETWEEN KISII AND NAKURU. THAT'S WHY GOD THROUGH THE ANGELS INSISTED ON MONEY TO GO VIA THE BANK. JOHN RECEIVED WHAT BOB SENT THROUGH THE BANK." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 8th August 2018. 6:00. From John: We did not receive from Erick. Wednesday 8th August 2018. 8:24. To John: That £200 sent yesterday was from Nigel. At the time, Bob was at work and so he was unable to send till evening. The bank transfer hasn’t been speedy recently, and it costs more. So, all these factors put us off doing it through the bank. [Also, I wasn’t sure whether Rhoda’s wording was correct. I knew that there is a block our end, so I thought she might not have worded it correctly.] The money supply is dismal. I don’t know how we can get hold of another £200. Why can’t the angels get the man to release the money or strike him dead? 10:18. To John: Right. Now that I’ve got over the initial discouragement of the problem, I can see that this is of God. It’s not a problem. If it was necessary for us to be prevented from sending to Erick, there was an hour or more yesterday before Nigel sent during which the angels could have told Rhoda to tell us NOT to let it go the way Nigel was going to do it, but rather send it through Bob later. But the angels said nothing and let it happen. I was reminded this morning of God’s promise to strike dead all opponents of MM. The manager has probably been bribed by Lukas’s gang to hold onto the money, or is himself simply wanting to keep it for himself, or there’s some other devious plan in operation so they think they can get away with their scheme. But God is not mocked. So, I remind myself of the Warning To All Opponents Of MM which says that God will take vengeance. (Deut 32:35.) 8th August 2018. 13:59. From John: Thanks to God. Erick has been told to go and collect the money on Friday morning by assistant manager. The manager who denied him to collect the money is very sick. God bless. 8th August 2018. 15:26. To John: Friday morning?! So, that guy doesn’t care that you are stuck till Friday morning?!!! Erick should show the booklet to him and tell him to release the money NOW or he will be sick, too. 8th August 2018. 15:55. From John: We are stuck. God bless. 16:01. Reply: I know that. Tell Erick to show a Faith booklet to the face of the assistant manager. He should release that money NOW!!! That is their duty as money handlers for WU. If he doesn’t do it, tell him he’ll be struck next by God like the manager. 8th August 2018. 16:46. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £250 TO REACH JOHN VIA BANK. A GROUP OF ATTACKERS ARE SENT TO GO FINISH THEM. AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT 17 PEOPLE WILL ENGAGE JOHN AND VUGA. THE BANK MANAGER WHO DENIED ERICK THE MONEY IS DEAD. ERICK IS TOLD TO GO ON FRIDAY TO GET THE MONEY. JOHN AND VUGA MUST BE URGENTLY HELPED." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 8th August 2018. 17:48. From Omar Ismael: Inform those living on my late fathers land to evacuate with immediate effect or else they will face the law. 18:14. Reply: No one is living on such land belonging to your father. You’re a liar and a thief so get lost. Comment: Bob was able to send £250 to John just after 7 pm our time. New Believers In Syria & Arabia SlaughteredThursday 9th August 2018. 6:32. From Rhoda: "THE MM OPPOSERS ARE KILLING MM BROTHERS IN SYRIA AND SAUDI ARABIA. THEIR AIM IS TO CAUSE FEAR SO THAT THE FOT MEET WILL NOT BE HELD IN THOSE PLACES. JOHN AND VUGA MUST MUST MUST MOVE VERY VERY VERY FAST TO SAUDI ARABIA ON FRIDAY TO GO BURY SEVEN MM FAITH LITS ON THE SITE WHERE THE FOT WILL BE HELD. MM BROTHERS WILL MOVE AND STAY THERE TILL THE FOT REACHES, THEY MUST MOVE THERE WITH ALL THEIR BELONGINGS AND FOOD. NO RAIN WILL FALL TILL THE FOT IS OVER. WHEN MM OPPOSERS TRY TO ATTACK THEM ON THAT SITE, GOD WILL KILL ALL OF THEM. JOHN AND VUGA MUST DO THE SAME IN SYRIA. AT LEAST £799 TO REACH JOHN VIA THE BANK. THEY SHOULD ADD THE £200 THAT ERICK WILL GIVE THEM TOMORROW FRIDAY. GOD WILL PROPEL THEM TO REACH SAUDI ON SATURDAY MIDNIGHT. AFTER THE SAUDI WORK, MOVE TO SYRIA ON MONDAY AND DO THE SAME THERE. VERY VERY VERY URGENT AND NECESSARY. GOD TO TOUCH ALL REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS TO SUPPORT THIS VERY VERY VERY NECESSARY GOD'S ASSIGNMENT. URGENT, URGENT, URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 8:24. From John: Thanks Will. We are on the road now moving to home. The money reflected today morning. God bless. 9th August 2018. 8:49. From John: 17 killed at midnight. We got surrounded by around 20 people with crude weapons like pangas, machetes and arrows. They ordered us to come out of the van. They called us devil worshippers sent by Satan to ruin the earth. They demanded to know why we were fighting SDA, Catholic and other megachurches. Their spokesperson told us that he is pastor Keringe of SDA. He read us some text from a book called The Great Controversy by Ellen G. White. When I also asked them to allow me to explain ourselves and also read a portion from the MM Faith lit, they refused and started to shout at us, abusing us badly. It was midnight then. We moved swiftly and pointed at them with opened MM Faith lits. They dispersed in different directions each crying of being burnt by hot coal. This morning we passed 17 bodies by the roadside in different places burnt beyond recognition. God bless. 9th August 2018. 12:33. From John: Thanks Will. We are approaching my home now, we are 6 km away. God bless.
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