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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 14 |
192Court Massacre
It is appointed for men to die... after this the judgment (Heb 9:27). John placed Vuga’s body in the room on seven Faith booklets as the angels instructed, and locked the door. The angels then spoke again about how God would resurrect Vuga. Meanwhile, we were struggling to find the needed money: Tuesday 24th July 2018. 21:42. To John: [£220 sent.] This was less than half the amount the angels asked for. We are having great difficulty finding money. I hope this lack doesn’t hold up the rescue. [Bob was able to send a further £280 to John early the next day 25th July.] 25th July 2018. 19:06. From John: I have done as the Angels said, placed the body on the seven MM Faith lits, locked the room and moved out to wait till midnight and see what God is going to do. I have little fuel to get me back to Makutano [Tanzania] near the border. If only I can get £150 I’ll be at Ndhiwa very early tomorrow morning. God bless. 25th July 2018. 19:57. From Ibrahim: Uhuru to pray for Vuga: Thanks for yours. At midnight Vuga will be raised from the dead. Our Almighty God has sent a prophet called Uhuru Otieno who will pray for Vuga for 77 mins, thereafter he will be brought back to life to show people His love and power thru MM and the great work Malcolm has done despite the strong opposition from other religious groups. Prophet Uhuru and Vuga MUST appear in court tomorrow to be a witness to all. The message was delivered by seven angels. God bless. 25th July 2018. 20:04. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £350 TO REACH JOHN NOW TO HELP HIM GET TO NDHIWA TO START OFF THE COURT PROCESS. GOD IS SENDING ANOTHER SERVANT TO PICK UP VUGA AND BRING HIM TO NDHIWA TOMORROW. VUGA TOO WILL GIVE WITNESS OVER JAMAL'S DEEDS IN COURT. VUGA HAS A BIG MESSAGE TO SHARE OUT IN THE FOT THIS YEAR. JESUS IS COMING SOON WITH HIS REWARDS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Thursday 26th July 2018. 9:29. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £150 TO REACH JOHN NOW BY WU THROUGH ERICK. WHAT BOB SENT THROUGH THE BANK IS NOT YET IN." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 26th July 2018. 10:09. From Jamal Ismael: it will force me to kill someone today if i lost the court case. 26th July 2018. 13:00. To John: Fiona is blocked on MG as well as WU. Can’t send to Erick, so trying someone else. There is a conspiracy against all associated with MM sending to you, set up by the cops over here, because of the lies Lukas wrote to Scotland Yard about MM, and evil people there want to believe it rather than the truth. It may be another hour before the next person can get it sent. We’re doing our best! It’s awful. I wonder why the £350 last night didn’t go through from Bob’s account... When is the court case? 13:02. From John: Court case was to start today. God bless. 13:49. To John: Finally!!! Nigel has been able to send you £150 by WU. Friday 27th July 2018. Comment at the time: Last night, John received the £350 Bob sent on Thursday evening 25th July. It was held up by the bank here, checking. What aggro regulations cause us! John lost a whole day, and couldn’t travel and finish the last leg of his journey back from Syria. He only had to get from Tanzania back into Kenya, but was prevented. It is because we are continually running on empty that such holdups cause us great problems. If there was an ample supply of money, we could dip into reserves to complete the task. But we have no reserves, just debts! Lovely, isn’t it?! It gets my goat! Judge Finds Jamal Guilty; Jamal Kills Himself27th July 2018. 10:47. From John: Court case chaos. Thanks to God Will. I sent to Vuga and prophet Uhuru Otieno £200 which they used for fare to Ndhiwa. Vuga has just finished giving his story why Jamal should be jailed for life. Jamal's brother wants to fight the judge. The judgement is out, Jamal must pay MM for all the wrongs he has committed. There is tension here, Will. I’ll send a detailed report shortly. We must take cover for there is exchange of fire between police and Jamal's men. Jamal is being arrested and he is resisting. 27th July 2018. 10:58. From Rhoda: "THE COURT HAS FOUND JAMAL GUILTY OF INTERFERING WITH MM EVANGELICAL WORK, KILLING AND THREATENING MM MEMBERS. THE COURT WANTS HIM KEPT IN CUSTODY TILL HE PAYS MM £700,000 FOR THE DAMAGES HE HAS CAUSED MM. HIS BROTHER AND WIVES ARE CRYING AND CLAIMING THAT MALCOLM HEAP HAS BOUGHT THE COURT. JAMAL IS DOING A BAD THING IN THE COURT COMPOUND, HE IS COMMITTING SUICIDE. HE HAS JUST SWALLOWED A POISONOUS SUBSTANCE. JAMAL IS DEAD, JAMAL IS DEAD, JAMAL IS DEAD. HIS FOLLOWERS ARE GOING TO DAMAGE MM PROPERTIES LIKE MARK'S HOUSE, VANS, JOHN'S HOME. THERE IS FIERCE EXCHANGE OF FIREARMS BETWEEN POLICE AND JAMAL'S GANG. VERY URGENT, URGENT, URGENT. AT LEAST £300 TO REACH JOHN NOW NOW NOW TO HELP MOVE THE VAN PLUS MM LITS TO MUSOMA IN VUGA'S HOME. THIS IS URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 11:48. To John and Rhoda: ...As far as I know we haven’t got £300. 27th July 2018. 12:34. From Omar Ismael: You are an animal! You caused the death of my father Jamal because of your inhumane act. I swear you will pay dearly. Foolish man! 14:46. Reply: Thank you for your insult. I neither killed your father, nor any of your men. It was your father who wanted to kill me but God did not allow him. Your father committed suicide by swallowing poison outside the court. Be more circumspect with your words. If you try and take revenge on me and other innocent MM believers in God, you will also pay for it dearly. I suggest you call a truce and stop attacking us, or God will kill you all. 27th July 2018. 15:31. From Rhoda: [Re her 10:58 message.] IT IS GOD'S PLAN TO DISPERSE JAMAL'S MEN. THEY WILL CHASE AFTER THE VAN TO KILL JOHN THEN GOD WILL FINISH THEM ON THE NO MAN'S LAND. IT IS IMPORTANT. AT LEAST £300 TO REACH JOHN. 7 Angels have said that now. 15:36. Reply: OK. We have to sacrifice what we need. Don’t know how we are going to get out of the hole of our debts... Never mind. Comment at the time: Eleanor shelled out most of this and I made up the rest, but we need it back in due course to pay dd’s. We’ll be OK. God will provide. I Am Despondent28th July 2018. 12:51. To Rhoda: In a missive of 19th July the angels asked for £2890 to get the hostel started (“AT LEAST ONLY ONLY ONLY £2890 BE SENT TO THE EVANGELISM ACCOUNT TO COMPLETE THE HOSTEL PROJECT SO THAT MM EVANGELISM CAN GET SUPPORT...”). In a previous missive, they had asked for another £3,000 for two homes to be built in Tunisia. But those figures are right out of our ability. We have been bled and bled for three years going ever deeper into debt, all of us, all the regular supporters, that we can’t do any more. I’m not telling John this. It would discourage him too much. But there is no way we can do anything now except service our massive debts. We can’t even pay them off on the small incomes we have. I read Psalm 88 last night and wondered why it was included in the Bible when it is all negative and despondent. The psalmist asked why has he been forsaken; why isn’t God responding to him? We could feel the same way in our predicament. God promised over a year ago to fund the hostel work as from July. We thought he meant that July in 2017. When Ismail was murdered, who originally had arranged to fund the costs, that plan was dashed. A short while later God said He would complete the hostel, that it would be done despite the fact that all the options had been destroyed by the enemy. So we looked to this July for the funding to start the work on it. And God spoke again through the angels a couple of weeks ago reassuring us that it would be accomplished. There are only four days of July left. So, if it is meant to be started in July, and we can’t do anything to help fund the work, God must be arranging something at the last minute that we know nothing about. Or is it that another July will pass without any positive action? We can’t wait another year, for our finances are at an end, which means that MM is at an end, too. So my sentiments are those expressed in Psalm 88. Clearly that psalm is meant to be in there to portray situations like this which all God’s people go through at some time in life. Hope you are coping in the difficult situation... 28th July 2018. 14:23. From Rhoda: "GOD DESIGNED MM AND PLACED IT IN MALCOLM HEAP'S HANDS TO USE IT THROUGH MM PUBLICATIONS WITH THE MAIN PURPOSE OF DESTROYING ALL FALSE TEACHINGS OF MEGACHURCHES AND TELE-EVANGELISTS AND TO PREPARE GOD'S CHOSEN FEW FOR THE SECOND COMING OF JESUS, TO CORRECT FALSE TEACHINGS IN SDA, GOD TV, CATHOLIC AND ISLAM. GOD THEN BROUGHT FORTH A FEW NOT RICH BUT ANOINTED REGULAR SUPPORTERS TO SUPPORT MM ACTIVITIES FINANCIALLY. GOD CALLED A FEW EVANGELISTS ESPECIALLY JOHN ONGORO WHO HE REMOVED OUT OF THE CLASSROOM TO DO HIS WORK. GOD CALLED DREAM WRITERS AND INTERPRETERS LIKE KASSAHUN, ALL TO PREPARE THE WAY FOR THE SECOND COMING OF JESUS. GOD CANNOT LEAVE MM TO STOP OPERATING BECAUSE OF LACK OF MONEY AND IT IS NOT YET END TIME. THE VERY LITTLE THE REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS WILL GIVE WILL PROPEL MM WORK. AT LEAST THE HOSTEL SHOULD BE COMPLETE FOR THE MONEY COLLECTED FROM IT WILL SUPPORT JOHN AND VUGA TO GO ON WITH VAN EVANGELISM. MALCOLM, MALCOLM, MALCOLM, AT LEAST THE MONEY FOR HOSTEL TO REACH JOHN BY MONDAY NOON FROM REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS. FOR NOW, WHICH IS MORE URGENT, £450 TO REACH JOHN TO HELP THEM MOVE BACK TO NDHIWA KENYA FOR GOD HAS KILLED 79 JAMAL MEN IN NO MAN'S LAND BETWEEN KENYA AND TANZANIA. THIS IS VERY URGENT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: We couldn’t raise any of the £2890 needed for the hostel. That night I mused on the situation and decided that the only thing we could do is to sell our home. However, because we need to stay here till the work is complete, borrowing against it is the only option on an expensive Equity Release scheme, which is what is now being arranged (written August 2018). 79 Gunmen Wiped Out By God28th July 2018. 15:26. From John: Thanks to God, Will. We got chased by five vehicles carrying gunmen. At midnight they caught up with us, surrounded our van and told us to surrender but God made their guns jam. Then they started to fight each other. They killed each other, and in the process burnt all their vehicles. We were left thanking God as they burnt till morning in no man's land. We are here with no fuel to get back home. No milk nor water. But we are grateful to our God for finishing Jamal. If we can get £530 then we can safely get to Ndhiwa, then to my home. God bless you abundantly. 30th July 2018. 5:44. From John: All the gunmen burnt and died. They had lorries which carried many people. The lorries rolled while burning, killing all. 28th July 2018. 16:51. From Omar Ismael: I will not be intimidated by your threats. It is not yet over, I have to revenge on my fathers death. 29th July 2018. 10:22. From Rhoda: "ALL MM OPPOSERS DON'T LIKE JOHN FOR HIS FIRM AND UNWAVERING FAITH IN GOD THROUGH MM LITS. THAT IS WHY THEY WRITE ALL SORTS OF FALSE REPORTS ABOUT HIM, WRITE TO WU, MONEYGRAM, SCOTLAND [YARD] POLICE AND SEND FALSE LETTERS TO MALCOLM AND MM SUPPORTERS. THEY KNOW THAT IF JOHN IS BLOCKED COMPLETELY FROM GOING ON WITH MM LITS EVANGELISM THEN MM WORK ESPECIALLY IN AFRICA AND MIDDLE EAST WILL BE WEAKENED. GOD HAS SAID NO! NO! NO! AND MALCOLM TO IGNORE ALL SUCH FALSEHOOD. MM WORK MUST NOT STOP BECAUSE OF LACK OF MONEY. JOHN IS WILLING TO GIVE ALL, HIS LIFE, LAND, AND FAMILY SO THAT GOD'S WORK CANNOT STOP. GOD IS WATCHING AND GOD WILL ACT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Uhuru Was Murdered, Thrown Into The Ocean30th July 2018. 5:41. From John: About Uhuru Otieno. He is one of the SDA members we met in Comoros. After accepting MM truth he got rejected by his family. The whole village ganged up, killed him and threw his body into the Indian Ocean terming him a devil worshipper. He says God raised him up and took him to Seychelles Islands last year in October. He has been in Seychelles spreading the MM gospel of truth. God called him to come and accompany Vuga to the court in Ndhiwa. He is to come with me and Vuga to Comoros to meet his family and villagers and share the MM lits and demonstrate further that MM is God's last time vessel to get sinners out of demonic cocoon and get ready for Jesus’ second coming. God bless. The judge at Ndhiwa got killed immedately after giving out the verdict. The judge was a Muslim. Vuga, Raised From Death, Testifies In Court30th July 2018. 6:27. From John with Vuga’s testimony given in court: I Vuga Rianga, my brother Evangelist John Ouma Ongoro and brother Prophet Uhuru Otieno stand before this court today [this was 27th July] to shed light on a number of misinformation that the devil through his agents who fight and soil the name of MM have propagated day and night. First Jamal is being used by a group of MM opposers. These are people who were once in MM but betrayed MM by stealing from MM then started spreading propaganda about MM. Jamal wants to grab a piece of land belonging to the late brother Mark. Jamal has killed many trying to make us fear him but God has used us through MM Faith lits to destroy his army training camps in Saudi Arabia and in Syria. In Syria, Jamal's men hit me very hard till they thought that they had killed brother John. I heard them celebrate saying that John Ongoro is dead, now let's move to Ndhiwa and help our leader Jamal take up the land. [They mistook Vuga for John.] God raised me from death to come and shed light on Jamal's deeds. Jamal wants to kill Malcolm Heap whom God chose and anointed to write MM lits which together with the Holy Bible we encourage the whole world to use for they lead us to the right path to meeting Jesus in his second coming. God sent Brother Prophet Uhuru Otieno to be our co-witness how MM opposers, which Jamal is a member, have fought MM now for about six years. Prophet Uhuru was branded a devil worshipper in Comoros, the way most people here call me and John Ongoro. He got killed and his body dumped into the Indian Ocean but God raised him and took him to Seychelles Islands to go on with MM evangelism. In MM we have brothers in Africa, Middle East and in Europe. MM is a God-given tool to destroy false teachings the devil has placed on earth through megachurches and tele-evangelists. MM prepares people for the second coming of Jesus. It is a ministry that welcomes all Muslims and non Muslims to study the lits and understand God's plan. Jamal has caused MM a big damage. We request the court to ask Jamal to table the list of his team, the people they are united with to fight MM. Thank God, we know a few though they are not present in this honorable court now, let Jamal deny here and now if he is not together with Lukas Ogada, Nimrod Ondigo, Nyasirwa, Antony Otete, Elija Ogutu, Isaiah Owak, ...it is a big number. These people fight MM for no reason. Jamal should also explain to this court his source of finances and financial supporters because he built two magnificient camps with stone walls, one in Saudi and another in Syria. We are ready to answer any question if there is part of our defence that is not clear. Our own judgement tells us that Jamal is fronted by a team of MM opposers to destabilise MM but God will not allow that. I rest my case. Thanks. All Hell Breaks Out In CourtFrom John: When Jamal stood up, he started abusing me and Vuga, and threatening the judge that today is the best day the judge give them room to kill all devil worshippers. Will, he pointed at me three times. Jamal was stopped three times during his defence when he wanted us to surrender all MM Faith lits to the judge because he claimed that the MM Faith lits were charms that we MM people use to confuse people. He claimed that MM is a very poor ministry with no money that only get money when they offer human sacrifice. He refused [refuted] that Vuga had died and whoever was giving testimony was a demon in Vuga's image. He wanted the judge to allow his team to burn up the 'demon' in Vuga's image before he could proceed. At that point the court took a break of 15 minutes. When we went in again it was the judgement time. The judge was Islaimi Mwari Mohammad, a Muslim from Mombasa. He took ten minutes to give the judgement. Jamal was guilty and was to pay MM a paltry £700,000 for the damages he has caused. No sooner had the judge finished reading the judgement than Jamal's men shot the judge dead and all hell broke loose. It was bloody and blood chilling. But we thank God we came out stronger. Glory be to God. God bless. 30th July 2018. 8:53. To John: What a dreadful scenario. I was surprised the judge didn’t have security and make sure no guns were in court before proceedings. I guess all the other people and police in court were gunned down, while the angels protected you three to escape the massacre. About the lorries in no man’s land. They surrounded you. You mentioned that the lorries rolled. So God must have made them explode into flames and turn over killing and burning alive all the gunmen. What a dreadful way to die! 31st July 2018. 10:50. From John: You are right the lorries rolled and exploded killing all the gunmen on board. God bless. 30th July 2018. 9:21. To John: God has an amazing plan! How did Uhuru survive in the Seychelles; I mean physical support, with food and other provisions and needs? How did he get from the Seychelles to Tz? 30th July 2018. 9:26. From John: Prophet Uhuru Otieno: Uhuru is a fisherman. He got food from little wages he got after fishing. He got a free lift from Seychelles to TZ mainland on a motorboat belonging to Seychelles Fisheries Industry. One of the officers in the motor boat paid his bus fare to Vuga's home. I feel that God organised all this. 30th July 2018. Comment: Bob managed to send John £295. Uhuru’s Story2nd August 2018. 20:38. From John: About prophet Uhuru: He first heard about MM early last year in Ukerewe when John and Vuga went for MM evangelism work. By then Uhuru went to do fishing which was his source of income. He got baptised and moved back to Comoros. Uhuru's grandfather and grandmother were the founders of the SDA church in Comoros so his family was deeply rooted in SDA. But God touched his life and he accepted MM’s gospel of truth. When his parents and wife saw him come back home with MM lits and he wouldn’t go to the SDA church, they branded him a devil worshipper and reported him to the Chief who took no action but said that there was freedom of worship. Uhuru was by then visiting a white settler with MM lits. They used to study the lits every evening and prayed together. One midnight, Uhuru's wife plus his brothers tied his hands and legs then covered his face with a black cloth and threw him into the deepest part of the Indian Ocean. This occurred on 21st May 2017. They knew that he was dead. But strong waves pushed him to the shore of Seychelles Island after sleeping for Seven days and Seven nights. In Seychelles, two fishermen took his body and placed it on the sand of the shore. When those fishermen left his lifeless body at the shore to go and call other people, seven Angels appeared to him and led him to one home near the seashore where he got accepted. He assisted them with fishing work as he preached the MM gospel of truth till the day the seven Angels called him to go and pray for Vuga. God bless. The Angels Say To Visit ComorosMonday 30th July 2018. 19:48. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA SHOULD GO WITH PROPHET UHURU OTIENO TO COMOROS AND USING MM LITS SHARE THE MM GOSPEL WITH HIS IMMEDIATE FAMILY MEMBERS AND VILLAGE SO THAT HE CAN BE ACCEPTED BACK. IF HE GOES ALONE, HE WILL BE REJECTED AS A DEVIL BECAUSE HE GOT KILLED AND HIS BODY THROWN INTO THE INDIAN OCEAN FOR ACCEPTING MM. HE WAS BRANDED A DEVIL WORSHIPPER. GOD BROUGHT HIM BACK TO LIFE AND TOOK HIM TO SEYCHELLES. JOHN, VUGA AND UHURU ARE NOW MOVING TO NDHIWA. [They were returning from no man’s land, where God destroyed all Jamal’s gunmen.] GOD THROUGH SEVEN ANGELS ARE SAYING NOW THAT JOHN AND VUGA SHOULD MOVE OUT TOMORROW AT DAWN AND TAKE PROPHET UHURU BACK TO COMOROS. THEY NEED ONLY £690 FOR AFTER REACHING DAR ES SALAAM GOD HAS PLACED A FERRY DRIVEN BY AN MM BROTHER [name protected] WHO WILL TAKE THEM TO COMOROS FREE OF CHARGE AND HE WILL DO THE SAME WHEN JOHN AND VUGA MOVE BACK FROM COMOROS. WHY MUST UHURU GO OUT TOMORROW AND NOT ANY OTHER DAY? THERE IS A WHITE SETTLER WHO HAS BEEN IN COMOROS FOR THIRTY YEARS AND GOD HAS TOUCHED HIM TO DONATE HIS LAND AND FISHING BOAT TO UHURU AFTER HE HEARS UHURU'S TESTIMONY. HE WAS THE ONLY PERSON WHO SUPPORTED UHURU WHEN HE WAS BEING KILLED FOR ACCEPTING MM TRUTH. THE WHITE MAN IS LEAVING FOR GERMANY ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT. GOD TO TOUCH REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS TO GIVE TOWARDS THIS. IF UHURU GETS THE FISHING BOAT IT WILL BOOST MM EVANGELISM GREATLY FOR SOME MONEY WILL COME IN THROUGH THAT ACTIVITY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 31st July 2018. 16:23. From Rhoda: "GOD SENT UHURU FOR A PURPOSE. HE WANTS TO USE HIM TO GET THE HOSTEL WORK DONE. IT IS AN OPPORTUNITY GOD MADE TO MM. JOHN, VUGA AND UHURU SHOULD GO TO COMOROS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 16:52. Reply: Yes, but when? There is no money for it now. Or is God promising to take them there on what they have in hand (which is very little now)? 31st July 2018. 17:43. From Rhoda: "LET THEM GET OFF, AND ONLY ONLY ONLY £225 TO REACH JOHN TOMORROW MORNING. GOD IS IN THE TRIP. GOD IS IN THE MISSION. GOD NEVER FAILS. REGULAR ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS TO AID THIS TRIP. GOD NEVER FAILS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 31st July 2018. 19:22. From John: To Comoros. Thanks Will. Yes we are off. God bless. Wednesday 1st August 2018. 8:10. From John: We are in Arusha on our way to Dar es Salaam. Our fuel is over and the kitty is dry. Comment: Anna was able to send them £250. Thanks v much Anna! 1st August 2018. 9:36. From John: The money is in. We are moving on. 1st August 2018. 11:29. From Rhoda: Re Ibrahim and Yvette: "THEY ARE STILL WEAK FOLLOWING THEIR ARRESTS. THEY LACK FOOD NOW. AT LEAST £100 TO REACH JOHN THROUGH ERICK NOW TO HELP THEM." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 12:51. To John: Anna tried sending by WU, but they blocked her... 1st August 2018. 14:42. From John: Thanks Will. We will board ferry at 6pm. Now we are approaching Dar es Salaam. God bless. 1st August 2018. 14:54. From John: We are almost reaching [the ferry]. |
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