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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 14 |
190God Obliterates Jamal’s Castle
Scarcely shall they be planted, scarcely shall they be sown, scarcely shall their stock take root in the earth, when He will also blow on them, and they will wither, and the whirlwind will take them away like stubble. (Isaiah 40:24)
God would have liked the van to have reached Saudi Arabia already but John and Vuga were held up by the scarcity of funds. Four regular supporters in the UK sacrificed what money they could get on credit and overdrafts. It left them short, but it kept the van moving. Commitment! The Struggle To Get ThereSaturday 30th June 2018. 9.22. To John: Just wonder how far you got. Fuel should be cheaper there. 30th June 2018. 10.05. From John: We have not yet crossed in to Saudi Arabia. Our fuel is over. If we can get about £350 then am sure we will be safe. We rested today to observe Sabbath. God bless. 30th June 2018. 11.27. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £435 TO REACH JOHN TO HELP THEM REACH RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA TONIGHT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 30th June 2018. 19.15. From Jamal Ismael: You are an idiot! I have got standing army in Saudia Arabia and much ready to come for your head in England. The journey will kick off anytime as from now. Son of a bitch! 19:26. Reply: Ha! Ha! Ha! Standing army in Saudi Arabia, huh?! What good is a standing army? They have to be mobilised with power, but they haven't got a power greater than our God's! So you should back off now, or be wiped off the earth! Comment: Bob, Eleanor and Tonya managed to get £450 together and sent at 16.30. All borrowed (as usual). 30th June 2018. 21:10. To Jamal Ismael: I’ll come to you. Would you like me to come to Saudi Arabia to face your army, to save you the journey coming here? 22:08. From Jamal Ismael: your time has come to an end so just wait for your death at the door step. Dog! 1st July 2018. 8.59. To John: Have you managed to get to Riyadh? 9.03. From John: We have arrived safely. The white mists leading us. 1st July 2018. 7.45. From Jamal Ismael: I will kill you in order, one after the other and wipe away all your satanic teachings. 9:01. Reply: Sorry, mate, but you have got things the wrong way round. It is you who have the satanic teachings. And I am on my way to you right now, so I will see you shortly, and we will have our duel in the next three days. 1st July 2018. 9.08. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA NEED £500 TO BUY FUEL TO GET THEM TO JAMAL'S CASTLE, AND BUY ENOUGH MILK AND WATER. JAMAL WILL WRITE LETTERS ABUSING MALCOLM. MALCOLM TO IGNORE. JAMAL WILL BE IN GOD'S HANDS AND HE WILL BE NO MORE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 9.09. From John: Our fuel is over and kitty is dry. We can't move on. 9:50. Reply: I don’t think we can do anything today, but we will see. 10:11. To John: We shelled out everything we could yesterday by borrowing. The only way I can see is to borrow on a credit card £250 today and £250 tomorrow, and send it on to you tomorrow. But I don’t know if anyone has that ability now because we have all borrowed so much. We’ll see what we can do. 1st July 2018. 14.22. To John: We’re still trying. I expect the oppressive desert heat there is blistering! 16:59. From John: Thanks Will. Jamal sent some people to spy on us. They were tapping our phones. The place is extremely hot. God bless. 18:10. To John: Money is coming this evening just as soon as Bob gets back home. I guess you were stuck in the van in that searing heat. Dreadful! Does it get cooler there at night? 18:11. From John: Thanks Will. At night it gets ice cold. God bless. 18:08. To the faithful few: The problem of the needed £500 has been sorted. Tonya has put that on her overdraft and we will pay her back on Wed and Thurs after Helena’s PIN arrives and we borrow it in cash on her credit card. John & Vuga Reach The Fortress2nd July 2018. 10.30. From John: Thanks Will. We safely reached our destination at night. This is a big training field with many people, it is surrounded with a stone wall. There are five heavily guarded gates. The thick white mists have led us all round the wall. I foresee a big battle here. God bless. 11:03. Reply: Yes, a big one! Where in Saudi Arabia is this fortress? Have the three Faith booklets been placed at the wall yet? 11:11. From John: It is in Badr. We have placed the lits. God bless. 2nd July 2018. 11.11. From Jamal Ismael: I have sent some men to kidnap one of your servants. 2nd July 2018. 18.57. From John: Thanks Will. We have gone around the wall three times as the white mists keep leading the way. We placed the three MM Faith lits around the wall and we await God's time of attack. God bless. 2nd July 2018. 19.12. From Rhoda: "THE VAN SHOULD GO AROUND THE WALL SEVEN TIMES AFTER THREE MM FAITH LITS HAVE BEEN PLACED AROUND THE WALL. IT IS GOING TO BE A VERY VERY FIERCE BATTLE BUT AT LAST GOD WILL BRING JAMAL DOWN. AT LEAST £599 TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR FUEL AND MORE MILK AND WATER." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Comment: Bob managed to send £360 to John last night. 3rd July 2018. 9.19. From John: Very many armed men, many and many are surrounding us. From midnight they have surrounded us. A thick white mist is forming a wall around us. God bless. 11:24. Reply: It looks like God is going to make a show of this episode to the community there. So, the standoff will be seen by a number of others, and what happens will be spread by word of mouth. Saudi Arabia is so tightly controlled... Everything has to conform to Islamic ideology or it is shunned or vilified. Christ is vilified. Christian ministries are vilified and treated as scum. So, any Christian ministry doing such an exploit like this, challenging an Islamic terrorist training centre, would be regarded with the utmost contempt, and ignored in any news outlet. But when people see it destroyed with their own eyes, the story can’t be hushed up; it spreads by gossip and discussion through controversy about what took place. (Like in Jesus’ time. After His death and resurrection, rumours spread about what had happened to His body. There was much controversy. And the Gospel spread similarly.) 3rd July 2018. 22.50. To John: As you know, Helena is connected to the Spirit for her intercession all day long. She senses that something has happened – maybe God has brought judgement upon those gunmen... How high and wide was the perimeter wall around the camp? Jamal’s Men Poured Petrol On John & Vuga ToBurn Them To Death, But God Protected Them4th July 2018. 11.25. From John: Thanks Will. The battle is still on. They forced their way into the van and drove us far to the north away from their camp, removed all our clothes, poured petroleum on us and tried to burn us but our God protected us through the MM Faith lits we had. When they realized that we couldn't burn, they left us and ran away today morning. Now as I write we are moving back to their camp. God bless. 4th July 2018. 11.29. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £450 TO REACH JOHN NOW, ALL THEIR CLOTHES, MILK AND WATER WERE FORCEFULLY TAKEN FROM THEM. THEY HAVE NO MONEY IN HAND. EVEN FUEL THAT THEY HAD BOUGHT WAS TAKEN. THOSE MAD MEN TRIED TO BURN THEM BUT GOD HONOURED MM FAITH LITS AND THEIR BODIES COULD NOT BURN." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [Somehow our few supporters scraped together the needed money.] 4th July 2018. 15.31. From Jamal Ismael: For your info these idiots you sent here, their dead bodies will be buried in the sand here in Saudi Arabia. 16:19. Reply: No they won’t. Your dead body will be buried there. God hasn’t finished with you yet. 4th July 2018. 18.40. From John: Thanks Will. We have moved back and the place is charged. I believe God is going to act tonight. God bless. 19:04. Reply: Yes indeed! How big is the wall around the place? Are you both OK or wounded? Thursday 5th July 2018. 8.32. To John: I was surprised that Bob was able to borrow a further £250 on a credit card and send to you. I hope you have managed to get some clothes. I don’t know how you can get what you want there, because their clothes in Saudi are entirely different. And the cost, too? The little we could send is not enough, I suspect. Anyway, how can you go into a shop naked to buy clothes? The whole scenario is ‘impossible’... How They Got Clothes In Saudi5th July 2018. 8.41. From John: We sent a ‘good Samaritan’, Chadli I, a university student, who went and bought us two bed sheets which we have wrapped ourselves with. A very strong wind brought down the left wing of the wall. Now we can access the place but only at midnight. Now we have retreated back but come evening will move back and place three more MM Faith lits... 9:47. Reply: I bet when you had petrol poured over you that you thought it was the end! Isn’t it astonishing (and frightening!) how God takes us to the limit before He delivers? Jamal is moaning about his wall which has been demolished. Is it like the walls around those madrassas which God destroyed? ...The place there must be huge to house 21,000 soldiers (the number the angels said). [See p 19, June 27.] 5th July 2018. 9.30. From Jamal Ismael: Why are you destroying the wall of my camp? You will pay for it. 9:42. Reply: Why are you attacking us, God's servants? 5th July 2018. 10.14. From John: Thanks Will. The wall is unique, thicker and higher than those madrassas. Will, we passed through a horrible treatment. When petrol was poured on us, we thought that it was our end but God moved swiftly and rescued us. Praise be to His holy name. God bless. 5th July 2018. 10.44. To Jamal Ismael: Why should you be surprised that God has destroyed part of the wall of your terrorist training camp? You destroyed our wall in Ndhiwa, and smashed the windows, and cut off the electricity supply and damaged many other things there, destroying all the vegetables Ibrahim was growing. You caused incalculable loss and damage to us, and now you are aghast that our God should retaliate against you! You kidnapped and seriously harmed three of God's servants in Ndhiwa, violating them and their rights, for which God holds you accountable. Yesterday you got your men to beat us up, steal all our clothes, all our money, our supplies, and pour petrol on us to burn us to death, and left us with nothing. And you wonder why your wall is destroyed?! Come now, what mentality do you have? You need to realise that every evil deed will be requited. Every evil you perpetrate against us will be recompensed upon your own head, till your murderous camp is utterly destroyed and wiped of the face of the earth! You have not compensated us for the damage you caused in Kenya, nor for all your other attacks against us. So, if you won't pay us that compensation, God will take it from you in other ways. If you don't give up your murderous terrorism, God will continue to take from you the things you use to further your evil ambitions. The only language you understand is the language of destruction, so God has given you a bit of it. There will be more to come unless you compensate us, big time. And in case you are wondering how we survived your petrol, and why it didn't burn us to death, you should know by now that our defensive weapons are far more powerful than your offensive ones, because you are not merely fighting against mortals but against the Almighty God who is continually behind us. God Demolishes The Training Camp Walls5th July 2018. 11:09. To John: Those madrassas had walls that were 10 feet thick and 30 feet high. Is it like those but even higher? How big is the training camp? To house 21,000 soldiers it must be massive. How long, roughly, is the perimeter? You have you driven around it seven times. Did you see what the mileage was on your clock? Are you able to estimate roughly the area inside it? It must be in square miles – huge! 5th July 2018. 11.12. From John: It is 50ft thick and 50ft high, 3km sq. 5th July 2018. 11.26. From Jamal Ismael: I don't think you will do further damage because the thickness and the height of the wall, no weapon can destroy. 5th July 2018. 14.36. From John: The walls are still falling. God bless. 15:37. Reply: Falling right now? Even before night-time. Amazing! 15.38. From John: Cracks are developing now. God bless. 6th July 2018. 8.39. To John: Is the place still standing? Are you both OK? 6th July 2018. 8.45. From John: Half of the wall is down. His soldiers are running for safety. They can’t understand why. We will stay put till the place is flat. 9:09. Reply: How did the wall go down? Was it blown up? Or did it just collapse without any signs of why? Or was there a quake, or underground earth subsidence evident? Jamal was boasting to me yesterday that the wall was indestructible, that no weapon could destroy it. I didn’t reply. That’s good that you’re staying there till it’s all destroyed. Is the compound square, or some other shape? 6th July 2018. 12.14. From John: The compound is square... The walls started cracking and falling the previous midnight. It started with strong winds and thunder. Now half the wall is down. We have fuel, milk and water to take us till today evening. We have gone around the wall five times today and we have seen more cracks, maybe tonight it won’t remain. God bless. 12:39. Reply: Do you know whether soldiers have died yet in this episode? Thanks. I wonder what the population around is saying about this. Word about it must be spreading. Is there a town nearby or is this place out in the middle of nowhere. I can’t find Badr on the map. 12:43. From John: The area is desert with a small population. I believe the message is spreading like a bush fire. God bless. 6th July 2018. 12.51. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £600 TO REACH JOHN NOW, THIS SHOULD TAKE THEM UP TO TUESDAY NEXT WEEK. THE WALL IS FALLING, AND ALL IN IT WILL GET DESTROYED. JOHN AND VUGA PLUS BROTHERS OVER THERE WILL OBSERVE FOT THERE AS IBRAHIM AND BROTHERS FROM BURUNDI, RWANDA, SOMALIA, TANZANIA, UGANDA AND SOUTH SUDAN WILL CONVERGE IN NDHIWA." 7 Angels have said now. Reply: By “over there”, do you mean Saudi Arabia? 6th July 2018. 14.13. From Rhoda: "MM BROTHERS FROM IRAN, IRAQ WILL CONVERGE IN SAUDI ARABIA TOGETHER WITH JOHN AND VUGA FOR FOT MEET." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 6th July 2018. 15.55. To John: Have you managed to buy any clothes, or are you still surviving with just bedsheets to cover yourselves? 15.57. From John: Thanks Will. We did buy some clothes. God bless. 16.13. To John: So do you look like a sheik or sultan or Muslim now? 17:16. From John: No we bought normal shirts and long trousers. Saturday 7th July 2018. 9.05. To John: Is anything left standing? 9.08. From John: We are holding our Sabbath meet next to 1/4 wall still standing. We trust God we shall have our FOT meet on this vast land. Jamal is reduced to nothing. God bless. 13:06. From John: ...We are 11 in total... 8th July 2018. 8.15. To John: Is the wall all completely demolished now? It was amazing that you had 11 interested people with you yesterday. Are they all local Arabs? And I presume they speak English, otherwise how could you communicate with them? 8:17. From John: The wall is almost over. Yes they speak English. 9:17. To John: So, there’s a bit more to come down yet. And what about all the fighters? Is anyone still alive in there? Clearly, after they couldn’t destroy you when they attacked you and tried to burn you alive with petrol, Jamal didn’t dare send any more gunmen to attack. 9:42. From John: Thanks Will. There is a small portion still standing. Most fighters died but some ran. I guess Jamal is unwell. God bless. 8th July 2018. 13.09. From Jamal Ismael: If you don't compensate the damages on my wall and killing my soldiers then forget about your people holding feast of tabernacle in Ndhiwa. I'll destroy them into ashes. Secondly, I have traced where you live in UK. I have sent my men they will eliminate you and that your bastard wife. 14:27. Reply: Look, mate. You are fighting God, not just us. You won't be able to do anything that you mention. Send your men here to try and kill me and my wife, and you will have more dead bodies to cart back to Saudi Arabia... I warned you not to fight us, but you didn't listen. Now your base in Badr is destroyed. Can't you see our power is greater than yours? And how many soldiers have you lost? Where are you going to recruit more suckers to work for you now that they know they'll only get killed by God if they try? Huh? 8th July 2018. 15.01. From Jamal Ismael: You are an imbecile. You won't stop me from doing what I want so watch your tongue. 8th July 2018. 20.22. From Rhoda: "GOD WILL SURELY DESTROY JAMAL AND ALL HIS DIRTY TRICKS... JOHN AND VUGA ARE GOING TO WITNESS A BIG AND MASSIVE FALLING OF THE REMAINING PART OF JAMAL'S WALL AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 9th July 2018. 8.23. To John: What did you witness last night? 9th July 2018. 10.05. From John: The whole wall collapsed. There is still tension hence we moved a bit away but left three Faith lits at the site as a witness. The Mob Wants Our BloodTuesday 10th July 2018. 7.46. From John: There are many deaths in Jamal's place. Many families have lost their sons. A group of people have surrounded us now demanding that we give back the dead. We have got no fuel in the van and our kitty is completely dry. We cannot move on. God bless. 10th July 2018. 8.24. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £690 TO REACH JOHN NOW, THEIR KITTY IS DRY. THEY HAVE NO FUEL, NO MILK OR WATER. A GROUP OF PEOPLE MOURNING THEIR DEAD AT JAMAL'S CAMP WANT TO ATTACK THEM." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 10th July 2018. 16.41. From Jamal Ismael: We are just 10kms away from Ndhiwa so lets meet tonight and I want to bewitched all your servants. 10th July 2018. 18.34. From John: Over here Will there is cries all over and they are baying for our blood. God bless. 19.15. To John: Just point your Faith booklets at them to get rid of them. 11th July 2018. 7:41. From John: At midnight a group threw a hand grenade at us which rolled the van. Only side mirrors got broken. No one got hurt. We then moved northwards far away from Jamal's camp. Now we are stranded. No fuel, kitty dry, no water nor milk. We placed MM Faith lit at every place we saw a mosque, this is a witness to all that God is more powerful than Mohammed. 11th July 2018. 7.51. From Rhoda: "A GRENADE WAS THROWN AT THE VAN WHICH ROLLED TWO TIMES BUT ONLY MIRRORS GOT BROKEN. GOD'S ANGELS PROTECTED JOHN AND VUGA. ALL THE SIX MUSLIM MEN WHO AIMED AT THE VAN WITH A HAND GRENADE DIED BY HOT COAL. ANGELS IN THICK WHITE MISTS THEN LED JOHN AND VUGA FURTHER ON IN THE NOTHERN PART. THERE MUSLIMS WILL GANG UP TO ATTACK THEM BUT GOD WILL TRIUMPH. THEY HAVE NO MONEY IN HAND, THE KITTY IS DRY. THEY HAVE NO WATER OR MILK. IT IS HOT, VERY HOT THERE. THE VAN SIDE MIRRORS MUST GET FIXED IMMEDIATELY TO AVOID POLICE AVERSION. AT LEAST £550 TO REACH JOHN URGENTLY NOW. GOD TO BLESS THE REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO HELP IN THIS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 8:43. To John: What a blasted nuisance! But how amazing that no windows got broken. We are completely empty and have no money coming until Friday, and that is meant to pay off debts rather than go out, so we are all in God’s hands.... May God help us!!! 11th July 2018. 9.04. John: The situation is hostile, but yes God is able. The most pressing issue is fixing of car mirrors to be on the safe side with police. 11th July 2018. 9.08. From Rhoda: "THE CAR SIDE MIRRORS TO BE FIXED. AND A LITTLE FUEL BE PUT IN THE VAN. AT LEAST £200 TO REACH JOHN FOR THAT." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 9:29. To John: Vivian has managed to find £150, despite his massive debts! Don’t know whether another £50 can be added to it. 11th July 2018. 9.38. From Rhoda: "THE SITUATION JOHN AND VUGA ARE IN IS HOSTILE. MAY THE MONEY REACH THEM NOW SO THAT THEY MOVE INTO NO MAN'S LAND TILL MIDNIGHT WHEN GOD WILL KILL MORE OPPOSERS. JAMAL CANNOT DEFEAT GOD. GOD IS GOD." 7 Angels have have said that to me now. 11th July 2018. 20.08. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA HAVE DONE A GOOD WORK. AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT MORE JAMAL MEN NUMBERING 47 WILL DIE THROUGH HOT COAL. TOMORROW MORE THAN 5000 PEOPLE WILL DEMAND BURNING OF THE MM VAN AND BEHEADING OF JOHN AND VUGA. TOMORROW MUST MUST MUST NOT FIND THE VAN IN SAUDI ARABIA BUT ONLY THE MM FAITH LITS WHICH WILL BE A WITNESS TO SUPPORT THAT GOD IS WITH MM EVANGELISM AND GOD USES MM LITS AS AN END TIME MESSAGE TO THE WHOLE WORLD THAT GOD IS NOT HAPPY WITH SIN. THEREFORE JOHN AND VUGA TO MOVE VERY FAST BACK TO NDHIWA. A BIG CONTEST WITH JAMAL WILL TAKE PLACE ON FRIDAY NIGHT. JAMAL IS RECRUITING MORE SYRIANS INTO HIS ARMY BUT GOD IS MORE POWERFUL. AT LEAST £499 TO REACH JOHN NOW SO THAT THEY CROSS INTO EGYPT. A FURTHER £400 TO REACH THEM TOMORROW TO GET THEM TO SOUTH SUDAN AND LASTLY £499 ON FRIDAY TO GET THEM TO NDHIWA BY FRIDAY NIGHT. GOD WILL SPEED UP THEIR JOURNEY. TO REACH NDHIWA THEY NEED £1398. GOD TO BLESS REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS TO STAND WITH JOHN AND VUGA." 7 Angels have said that to me now.
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