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Mighty Miracles Of God Volume 14 |
189The Circle Of God’s Power
He brings the princes to nothing; He makes the judges of the earth useless (Isaiah 40:23).
Following God’s supernatural destruction of the madrassa in south Maradi in Niger, a horde of police arrested John and Vuga, along with the other five whom God had rescued from their sufferings in vile black oil. Obviously God had more corrupt and utterly evil people to punish! 20th June 2018. 10.33. From Rhoda: "GOD DESTROYED THEIR MADRASSA AND KILLED ALL THE OPPRESORS. THEY HAVE PUT JOHN PLUS ALL THE RESCUED MM BROTHERS IN JAIL FOR THE DEATHS. AT LEAST £1796 TO REACH JOHN, THEY WILL DEMAND £700,000 BEFORE RELEASING JOHN AND THE BROTHERS BUT GOD WILL KILL MORE POLICE OFFICERS OVER THE SAME. LET JOHN AND THE TEAM REMAIN FIRM WITH GOD'S MM FAITH LITS. GOD WILL ACT MIGHTILY." 7 Angels have said that to me now. Being Beaten Up In Prison21st June 2018. 9.07. From John: ...We are told in the charge sheet that 27 people died. We saw 9 armed men, but some were inside the houses. We are undergoing beatings. We don’t have water in here. Our van is parked outside and we cannot get the water from it. We thank God they did not take away our MM Faith lits. The judge is called Rigoberto Sambale Mbia. 9:32. Reply: Please tell the judge he won’t get any money unless they stop beating you and give you water. 10:46. Yes, give the judge, Rigoberto Sambale Mbia, my e-mail address to notify me of his requirement for your release. 21st June 2018. 18.53. From John: Yes I did gave him but he openly boasted that he cannot contact a devil worshipper. We are still in here under beatings and constant abuses. 21st June 2018. 19.02. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £1796 TO REACH JOHN. THE MONEY TO BE CHANGED INTO SMALLER DENOMINATIONS THEN WRAPPED IN MM FAITH LITS AND PRESENTED TO THE MAD ABUSIVE JUDGE. ON STARTING TO COUNT THE MONEY BELIEVING THAT IT IS £700,000 GOD WILL STRIKE HIM DEAD PLUS 11 POLICE AROUND HIM. JOHN TO PICK THE MONEY IMMEDIATELY SINCE GOD WILL DESTROY THE WHOLE COURT BUILDING. THIS MONEY WILL HELP THE TEAM IN EVANGELISM FOR ONE FULL WEEK IN NIGER BEFORE HEADING TO SAUDI ARABIA TO DESTROY ALL THE FALSE IDOLS JAMAL IS USING TO GET 'POWER' TO PERSECUTE GOD'S PEOPLE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 19:22. To John: ...We have nothing and God knows that. So we await His deliverance to provide that money. May God heal all your wounds! 22nd June 2018. 4.47. From John: [Thanked me for sending him some pdf files to read from his phone while they languish in prison.] 11:22. To John: As you know, Jeremiah was imprisoned for serving God. Those on the front line often are. All the prophets suffered who have gone before us. Jeremiah was so down by his experience(s) in prison that he thought he would die there (Jer 37:20). And he nearly did die in prison (38:10). He was there for ages, till Jerusalem fell to the Chaldeans (38:28). But while in prison, God spoke to Jeremiah (39:15). God always speaks when we need Him to. He is faithful to His faithful ones. 22nd June 2018. 17.13. To John: Are they still beating you up? And I presume they have hardened their hearts and not allowed you any water now for two days. They will pay. God is full of vengeance against the wickedness of man. No one gets away with anything! For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against ALL ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold down the truth in unrighteousness (Rom 1:18). Hang in there! God will rescue, but we are waiting for someone to pay up to show their worth. 22nd June 2018. 17.41. From John: Thanks Will. They are very ruthless but we trust God is powerful over them. God bless. Jamal Still Rattling His Sabre19th June 2018. 7.54. From Jamal Ismael: I am moving with a big troop towards Ndhiwa. 8:20. Reply: Oh yeah?! Got more men to sacrifice on the altar of our God! 22nd June 2018. 17.02. From Jamal Ismael: Buy Koran and read before your last breath and your entire followers. 17:06. Reply: This is what you don’t know about the Koran. [I attached a pdf file of Islam, The Koran, and God.] 22nd June 2018. 17.07. From Jamal Ismael: I am aware you sent some rats to Niger, they will not escape my target. [Comment: This reveals a network behind his activities and other opponents of MM in Africa. The gang in Kenya was probably the source of Jamal’s information.] 17:14. From Jamal Ismael: you know nothing about Holy Koran. John And The Team Face Execution23rd June 2018. 19.47. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND THE TEAM TO SIT IN A CIRCLE AND PUT AN MM FAITH LIT AT THE CENTER. GOD'S ANGELS WILL FORM A THICK WHITE MIST AROUND THEM. AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT THEY WILL TRY TO TAKE JOHN AND THE TEAM OUT TO BE BEHEADED BUT GOD WILL CLOSE ALL THEIR EYESIGHTS TILL MORNING. THE JUDGE IS NOW DEMANDING £770,000. AT LEAST £1796 TO REACH JOHN NOW." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 23rd June 2018. 19.51. From John: They are determined. The situation here is worse but I believe our God is keenly watching the unfolding of events. The beatings are still on, we can't be allowed to take water nor milk. Six hooded men have come and taken our roll call. We don't know their intent. God bless. 19:59. Reply: If they try to harm you this night, and no money has come through, then God has another method of dealing with them, I believe. So if they try to hang you or behead you, just use your Faith booklets to defend yourselves. As you know, none of our regulars have this money. We are all empty, but God is trying to persuade another person to help, but he keeps refusing... 23rd June 2018. 20.08. From Rhoda: "MAY THE ANOINTED REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS SEND TO JOHN AT LEAST A LITTLE MONEY NOW SO THAT BY TOMORROW AT LEAST £1200 TO BE IN. JOHN TO TAKE SMALLER DENOMINATIONS WRAPPED IN MM FAITH LIT TO THE JUDGE AND STAND STILL TO SEE GOD'S DELIVERANCE. GOD'S CHOSEN ANOINTED MM SUPPORTERS TO STAND WITH JOHN AND THE TEAM." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 23rd June 2018. 23.53. To John: As you can see we managed to scrape together this sum of £390. It’s a long way off the figure asked for by the angels. But in the second message from the angels they said God will make £1200 available to you by morning. So, either someone else will be sending tonight to make up the figure, or God will multiply the money so that £1200 is in your account. I am most curious to see how this works out. Do let us know. And, most importantly, GRAB the money just as soon as you can from the judge. Don’t let him shortchange us like other judges have done and left us without as a result. You NEED the money for the week’s outreach. God bless!!! Sunday 24th June 2018. 9.51. From Rhoda: "ALREADY £390 IS IN. AT LEAST A FURTHER £630 TO REACH JOHN SO THAT ON TUESDAY NOON WHEN THEY WILL BE GOING FOR THE JUDGEMENT IT FINDS HIM WITH AT LEAST £1200. MAY REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS STAND WITH JOHN AND THE TEAM." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 24th June 2018. 10.05. From Rhoda: "STRANGE NUMBERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY JOHN AND THE TEAM. THEY MUST IGNORE ALL. MANY FAKE LETTERS SPREADING FALSEHOOD WILL BE SENT TO MALCOLM TO SOIL THE NAMES OF MM VAN EVANGELISTS. MALCOLM TO IGNORE, IGNORE, IGNORE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 24th June 2018. 10.29. From John about the previous night: We sat in a circle and placed MM Faith lit in the middle then we prayed to God. The hooded men came closer to us but could not get at us. God surely surrounded us with thick white as snow mists. In the morning many police officers came to us and complained that we used a charm to kill the six Saudi hangmen last night. When we asked them to explain, one major, Majid Ngware Majita, said that fire came from the centre of our circle and burnt all the six Saudis in their watch. They claim that the MM lits are not books but bombs made in the image of lits. We are still here. Will, I pray for God to bless regular MM supporters to stand with us financially so that we can get out of here and go on with God's work. 10:55. Reply: When Bob’s wages come in tomorrow, we will try to send more, but the money situation is dire so we are very limited in what we can do. Are you all alright? Have the five managed to get cleaned up from that horrible oil experience? ...God is sustaining you despite the extreme difficulties. 11:18. From John: They have not been allowed to clean themselves up, it is worse inside here. God bless. 17:59. Reply: Thanks for the info about last night. Those brutes who think they are going to prosecute you are being judged by God. And the judge who thinks he’s going to condemn you all will find himself condemned by God. The sufferings and beatings they inflict on you will be inflicted upon them in the spirit realm after they die. God is not mocked. Evil is repaid in hell to the wicked. Do you want me to send you anything [lit by pdf] this evening? 24th June 2018. 18.29. From John: Thanks a lot Will. We are studying inside here. The report reaching us from one Police officer is that more hangmen from Saudi are coming tonight. But we are not worried for who lives in us and MM lits is stronger than them. Amen, God bless. 24th June 2018. 18.32. From Rhoda: "MORE HIT MEN FROM SAUDI ARABIA ARE BEING BROUGHT IN TO NIGER TO FIGHT MM EVANGELISTS. GOD WILL WIPE THEM OFF." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 25th June 2018. 00.11. To John: ...The sooner we can get the money needed, the sooner we can get you out of that hell hole. If only there was more willingness regarding funds! It’s diabolical that you all have to be held in that slime pit just because we don’t have that bit of money, when there are so many rich folks who could solve our problem, if only they would! It makes me angry that willingness is so scarce! 8:26. To John: Intercession is ongoing. The battle is still raging. I hope you are all coping, despite the sufferings, as we wait for deliverance... 25th June 2018. 9.49. From John: Thanks Will. We are still being beaten up [and deprived of milk and water!] but I hope God will work ways out. God bless. 10:31. Reply: They are monsters! I don’t suppose you know what happened to those other hangmen sent from Saudi Arabia, who were coming through last night? I guess God killed them all before they reached you. 10:58. From John: You are right, news reaching us now is that their vehicle rolled several times and killed all of them at midnight. Thanks. God bless. 11:40. Reply: Ha! Let them send another lot to the slaughter. God is wiping out the enemies systematically. That’s the reason for your imprisonment, as ghastly as it is. They think they have got us trapped, and so they assume they can wipe us out. God uses that goad to draw the wicked ones out and then kills them. I wonder if more are to come before tomorrow’s court case. The judge and all the evil police there are getting a witness from God, not to meddle unfairly with MM. But they won’t listen, so that will be their condemnation and God will wipe them off the earth. You are all constantly in the intercessions, being covered for God’s purposes. 26th June 2018. 8.22. To John: You must feel exhausted, absolutely weak, from this ordeal! Like Jesus felt in the desert after fasting for 40 days. The battle is the same – against Satan and his hordes. We hope the money sent y’day is enough. It’s all we can muster, so we are now empty again. [We were able to gather £810 and send it for their rescue.] What time is the court case? Are all the brothers OK, or in pain? The Kangaroo Court Trial26th June. 11:40. From John: Thanks. The court session is starting now. 27th June 2018. 8.44. To John: Not having heard from you, we are wondering. Was the money enough to convince the judge? Was there some other complication? Or did God work it out another way? Or is it simply a network failure? Hope you are all OK and that the problem is resolved. 27th June 2018. 9.12. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND THE TEAM ARE STILL IN THE COURT. THE SESSION DID NOT END FOR MORE WITNESSES FROM SAUDI ARABIA ARE COMING IN TODAY TO TESTIFY AGAINST MM EVANGELISTS. THEY CUT OFF NETWORK SO THAT JOHN COULD NOT FEED MALCOLM WITH INFORMATION IN THE COURT. THE CASE WILL END TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT WHEN OVER 24 PEOPLE WILL DIE. THIS CASE IS BEING SUPPORTED BY SDA GROUPS FROM RWANDA, BURUNDI, UGANDA AND SOUTH SUDAN. GOD WILL SUPERNATURALLY RESTORE THE NETWORK IN THE COURT AND JOHN WILL GET TO MALCOLM. AT LEAST £499 TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW NOW NOW. AFTER MIDNIGHT JOHN AND VUGA WILL MOVE OUT STRAIGHT TO SAUDI ARABIA WHERE JAMAL'S 21,000 SOLDIERS ARE TRAINING. THEY WILL PLACE THREE MM FAITH LITS THERE AND WAIT FOR THREE DAYS. GOD WILL DESTROY JAMAL'S BASE COMPLETELY. JOHN WILL COLLECT THE MONEY TONIGHT AFTER THE JUDGE'S DEATH AND ADD IT TO THE £499 BUY ENOUGH FUEL, WATER AND MILK FOR SAUDI JOURNEY. JOHN AND THE TEAM MUST DISCARD ALL THE WATER AND MILK IN THE VAN, BECAUSE THEY HAVE BEEN POISONED WITH LEAD TO KILL JOHN AND THE TEAM. MALCOLM TO PASS THIS MESSAGE TO JOHN ASAP. THEY WANT TO FREE JOHN AND THE MM BROTHERS NOW TO GO DRINK WATER AND MILK WHICH THEY HAVE POISONED. THEY WILL BE COUNTING MONEY AS THEY RELEASE JOHN AND THE MM BROTHERS TO TAKE WATER AND MILK. THEY WILL FINISH COUNTING MONEY AT MIDNIGHT WHEN GOD WILL KILL THEM. THE SAUDI MEN HAVE JUST ARRIVED NOW, PLUS SDA MEN FROM BURUNDI, RWANDA, UGANDA AND SOUTH SUDAN." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 27th June 2018. 9.23. From John: We have been kept in court the whole of yesterday and night. There is no network in the court building so I could not send you the unfolding of events. Now as I write, we have been given 1 hour break to take water and milk. So we are heading to the van. Will, this case is big, for SDA men and women have come from South Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi to fix us, also there are people from Saudi Arabia. I have given the judge the money wrapped in MM Faith lits. They are counting the money now. After taking water and milk we will go back to the court. The SDA group testified the whole night, they said that we are devil worshippers, illuminati and we use MM charms in the form of lit to kill. They claim that Malcolm has got power to move everywhere in the world. We will defend our case at 2 p.m. Please Will, write me a letter to use for our defence. Remember to include how SDA pastors have fought us in Burundi, South Sudan and Uganda. Will, our kitty is completely dry. God bless. [In that heat, they were deprived of water and milk for EIGHT DAYS!] 10:11. To John: You can use the three papers I wrote previously entitled: Mission Rwanda Message To Burundi Mission Uganda Read them out in court. That will take an hour or two. I will write a short piece now which you can use prior to reading those papers to the court. God bless!!! 10:51. Via John: From Malcolm B Heap: To the Court in Niger (S Maradi), to judge Rigoberto Sambale Mbia: Opponents of Midnight Ministries accuse me (MBH) of travelling everywhere by supernatural power. I don’t. That is what your African witchdoctors do, in order to maim, destroy or kill. I don’t kill anyone. It is God Almighty who does that, when people are so wicked that they defy Him. I am in the UK and I don’t travel anywhere, except by communications and writings ordained by God. God sends the MM (Midnight Ministries) van on errands of HIS APPOINTING. God’s Seven Angels instruct where the van should go, to take GOD’S message of hope to the hurting, suffering peoples held down under human misrule and oppression. The message of hope MM brings is a message of peace. We do not attack anyone. It is opponents who attack us. And God defends us. So He strikes those people dead for attacking and opposing His servants whom He has sent to help those who will listen and heed the message of peace MM brings. This message is simple in its essence. It is that mankind everywhere should live by the Ten Commandments outlined in the Bible (Exodus 20, Deuteronomy 5), which are a basic outline of correct moral conduct. These commands were first given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai in the Arabian desert, on the mountain now called Jebel el Lawz – not the Sinai most mistakenly think. The penalty for violation of any of those commands is death. Because mankind has seriously sinned by violating those commandments, the death penalty is required by God to pay that price. But in God’s love for people, God sent His divine Son into the world to pay that price of death. Jesus Christ came to earth, lived a perfect sinless life, and died to satisfy that requirement of death for all humanity, so that those who repent of their wrongdoing can be forgiven and enter God’s family. God gives further instructions in His Word in the Bible about the right and good and proper life to live under His rule, so that God can accept you into His kingdom. This salvation is only offered through Jesus Christ. HE is the Saviour of the world, not Allah, and not any other god or ideology. It is for upholding Jesus and His righteousness that MM and MM workers are being persecuted, falsely accused, exploited, imprisoned and plundered. God is watching this court case, and He holds perpetrators of evil accountable before Him. HE is the Righteous Judge, and He exacts vengeance upon His adversaries. So, repent of wrongdoing, turn away from doing evil and do good, and God will accept you. That is the message of hope MM brings. Do you condemn us for that? If so, God condemns you. Malcolm B Heap, Midnight Ministries, UK. 10:50 am. 27th June 2018.
27th June 2018. 17.30. From John: Thanks Will. I have defended our case and read out all the letters to them. The judge is mad with us. The whole court is in turmoil. Pray for us, God is helping us win this battle. God bless. God Blitzes The Court!27th June 2018. 17.49. From John: Strong winds! The whole court is in turmoil, strong winds and thunder spikes [thunder accompanied by bolts of lightning]. Will, the judge plus five police officers are trying to grab and divide our money. I am engaging them to take our money. Vuga and the MM brothers have moved to get the van out of this compound. 27th June 2018. 17.55. From Rhoda: "GOD IS HONORING MM LITS MESSAGE IN NIGER NOW. ALREADY STRONG WINDS AND THUNDER ARE ROCKING THE COURT BUILDING NOW. JOHN IS FIGHTING IT OUT WITH THE JUDGE TO COLLECT THE MONEY. THE MAIN CONFUSION WILL BE AT MIDNIGHT. AT LEAST £499 TO REACH JOHN NOW FOR THEY MUST MOVE OUT OF NIGER AFTER THE DEATHS. IT IS GOING TO BE MASSIVE." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 27th June 2018. 17.57. From John: The judge is swallowing our money. I don't know why and we have no money in the kitty. I am struggling with them... 18:13. Reply: Keep at it to try and get what money you can! 27th June 2018. 18.06. From Rhoda: "MORE LETTERS ARE BEING WRITTEN AND SENT TO MALCOLM BY OPPOSERS TO PRETEND TO BE GENUINELY IN NEED OF MM LITS AND YET THEIR AIM IS TO SPREAD FALSEHOOD ABOUT MM EVANGELISTS. MALCOLM MUST IGNORE ALL THOSE LETTERS." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 18:18. To John: He’s swallowing the money because he’s used by Satan, trying to thwart the outreach. 27th June 2018. 18.25. From John: [I had asked John for an accounting] ...£97 we bought fuel to move us out once we are free. £390 plus £810 totals £1200 which I changed into smaller denominations wrapped with MM Faith lits and presented to the judge. It is the money I am fighting to grab from the judge. Will, our kitty is dry. I’ll fight it out to get the money though they are many. 27th June 2018. 18.29. From Rhoda: "£1200 WAS WRAPPED IN MM FAITH LITS AND GIVEN TO THE JUDGE, JOHN IS STRUGGLING TO GET IT BACK... THEY HAVE NO MONEY IN HAND." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 28th June 2018. 7.15. From John: God destroyed everything and killed all the people in the court. The judge swallowed our money, we only collected £450. We are on our way to Saudi. We are now crossing in to South Sudan. 28th June 2018. 8.00. From John: How God delivered. At midnight the walls of the building started cracking as strong winds and firebolts hit the place. I salvaged £450 At that point and ran out. The judge and all in the room died while pleading Malcolm's name. Before that they started complaining of pain in their eyes and lost eyesights. We had to move out that night following the Angelic message. Thick white mists led us out and are still leading us now. 8:57. Reply: Amazing! What a blasted nuisance that the judge was able to swallow so much money! It’s just not normally physically possible, but Satan made him. So, out of £1200 we could only salvage £450! That’s gutting, when we are so low and can’t even pay our own bills here. May God multiply the little we have or make it go further and propel you to Saudi Arabia, for this assignment is colossal! Jamal’s 21,000 soldiers and terrorist army base to be destroyed! God bless. Comment: Bob was able to send them £500 to fund some of the trip. 9:53. Reply: Thanks. Did Rhoda’s message about your poisoned milk and water reach you in time to prevent any being drunk? (I realise that if you had drunk any, God would have protected you according to the promise in Mark 16.) 28th June 2018. 9.56. From John: We placed MM Faith lits on the water and milk then we drank all the milk and water. We were hungry. God protected us from the poison. Angelic message helped us a lot. God bless. 28th June 2018. 10.03. From Rhoda: "AT LEAST £397 TO REACH JOHN BY WU NOW NOW NOW. THEY CAN BE IN SAUDI BY TOMORROW NOON." 7 Angels have said that to me now. 28th June 2018. 13.14. From John: Thanks Will. We are at the border to cross in to Egypt. Our fuel is over and the kitty completely dry. Glory be to God. 28th June 2018. 13.18. From Rhoda: "JOHN AND VUGA CAN'T MOVE ON. THEIR FUEL IS OVER AND KITTY IS DRY. MAY REGULAR MM SUPPORTERS HELP OUT WITH £397 TO HELP THEM CROSS IN TO EGYPT AND MOVE ON." 7 Angels have said that to me now. [We could only find £160.]
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